BY SINCLAIR KENNALLY BY SINCLAIR KENNALLY CNHP, CNC CNHP, CNCAs someone who used to have chronic digestive conditions, fibromyalgia, Lyme, and severe food sensitivities, this topic is near and dear to my heart! It took years of research, trial, and error to discover how to be able to eat more than just three "safe" foods and heal my own recurring gut conditions. Today these support strategies are a central part of our practice, where we specialize in helping people with chronic illness and digestive issues to recover their health
In this era of daily chemical exposure, we all have to take care of our bodies and account for the environmental stressors that add pressure to our gut health and all of its axes I hope these tips help you navigate your own health journey!
Xo, Sinclair Sinclair Kennally, CNHP, CNC Expert on Chronic Digestive Disorders CEO, Detox RejuveNation Host of Your Health Reset PodcastThe health of our gut and liver are intricately interconnected. When one layer becomes congested, other organs and body systems can experience pressure, stagnation, and chronic symptoms.
A main question we should ask ourselves in relation to chronic gut conditions is: What has changed in the last few decades? Why are we so sick?
In 1960 only 4% of the population had a chronic illness as compared to now, we have over 54% of the population with one. If you dive deeper into the statistics on the liver, there are 25% of Americans that have fatty liver disease.
Something worth noting is that 61% of Americans have had serious chronic digestive issues within the last 7 days. And surprisingly, these can come from liver and gallbladder congestion.
Gut and liver problems lead to lymph distress. When the body becomes burned by trauma, pathogens, environmental toxins, or other root causes, lymph flow can slow down and become stagnant. The gut microbiome can be disrupted.
Lymph is responsible for flushing out pathogens, microbes, and toxins from our tissues bodywide When that becomes congested, our entire body suffers.
Lymph drains back into the blood, which must get cleaned by the liver.
Stagnation in the liver causes toxins to build up, creating inflammation and deterioration throughout the body. A gut flush can help restore the body to the vibrancy you deserve!
T O G E T F U L L - B O D Y V I T A L I T Y
Want all-day energy that you can count on?
In today's toxic world, that means drainage and detox support.
Restore a state of flow
Reduce inflammation to ease digestion
Increase nutrient absorption
Support drainage
Stimulate lymph flow (and bonus: fascia)
Give your body a gut "oil change"
Proper drainage support can release persistent stagnation, inflammation, and prevent herxing.
Restore a state of flow, get your liver and lymph moving.
Drainage organs/systems:
Liver and kidneys
Lymphatic system
Glymphatic system
Cellular (and mitochondrial support)
Does your gut and liver need support? If you can recognize yourself in any of these, it's time to help your them out.
feelingsluggish stubbornweightgain
nausea heartburn burping,gas
bloating,orotherdigestivesymptoms difficultydigestingfattyfoods sibo
feelingfullforhoursaftereating irritability,quicktoanger painandinflammation
lightcoloredstool constipation
diarrhea autoimmunedisease-Hashimoto’s,rheumatoidarthritis,colitis,MS,Fibromyalgia problemsdetoxing metabolismhasslowedinthelastseveralyears type2diabetes,insulinresistance hungryoften,and/orirritablebetweenmeals historyofgallstonesorgallbladdersurgery pms,menstrualissues
headaches,migraines darkcirclesundertheeyes skinissues,rashes,andconditions:rosacea,psoriasis,eczema hairloss
chemicalsensitivity-don’tlikechemicalsmells,rashyifyouwearnewclothes,etc difficultysleeping,wakinginthemiddleofthenight fatigueevenaftersleep
Does your lymph need help releasing stagnant fluid? Pay attention to these signs...
Water Retention
Stiffness, especially in the morning
Brain fog
Itchy skin
Night sweats
Chronic sinusitis, colds, ear issues, and frequent infections
Sore throat, tonsillitis
Breast swelling with the menstrual cycle
Swollen lymph nodes(most common in the groin, armpit, and neck)
Cold hands and feet
Stubborn weight gain
Does your fascia need support? Does your lymph need help releasing stagnant fluid? Pay attention to these signs...
Scars and scar tissue
Impaired flow and mobility
Inflammation and autoimmune inflammation
Hyper extension and mobility
Lack of sulphur
Shock absorption issues
Muscle, fascia, and referral pain
The interstitium, lymph nodes, fluid, and fascia are all interconnected. When healing your gut, it's important to consider potential connections between the gut and fascia and how they might impact one another.
Physical Connection: The fascia surrounding the intestines and other abdominal organs can influence the function of the gut. Tightness or restrictions in this fascia may affect gut motility or cause discomfort
Gut-Brain Axis: This is the bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain. Since fascia is sensitive and contains many nerve endings, disruptions in the fascial system might influence the signals sent through the gut-brain axis, potentially affecting gut health.
Visceral Manipulation: This is a manual therapy that focuses on the mobility and function of the internal organs and their fascial surroundings Some practitioners believe that by addressing fascial restrictions around the organs (visceral fascia), they can improve organ function, potentially aiding in digestion and other gut processes
Stress and Tension: Chronic stress or emotional tension can lead to tightness in the fascial system. Since stress also impacts gut health directly, there's a potential indirect relationship between fascial tension and gut health through the shared influence of stress.
Block therapy, foam rolling, and physical manipulation are a key component to optimizing fascia health Fascia needs compression to stimulate blood flow
Layer strategic support for lasting results.
IMPORTANT: Systemic healing is best applied when you have elements in place to support your other health concerns. For example, in order to work on your liver, your bowels need to move with regularity at least once a day. If they're not, use Bowel Mover for gentle support and Oxy Powder for a deeper cleanout.
When you want to make sure your organs and ready to start the healing process, focus on drainage
Thesethreeelementscomplementeachotherperfectlytorebuildandregenerate tissue,andloweroxidativestress.
KLSupportprovidesgentledrainagesupport,MAPAminossupportrepairwith essentialbuildingblocks,andOxyPowderreducesstagnationinthecolon,and combatsinflammation.
When you want gentle but comprehensive lymph release.
Thesethreeelementscomplementeachothertoencouragelymphflow,relieve stagnation,andgentlysupportyourbody'sinnateabilitytodetoxiify. BellyFatFreedomisatopicalsalvethatsupportslymphflow,andcambeusedtodraw toxinsoutdirectlythroughtheskin.LymphActivprovidessystemicsupportandaidsin removalofbiofilmManjisthaisananti-inflammatorythatpromoteslymph detoxification.
When you want simple but comprehensive liver and gut support.
TUDCApromotesbileflowandnewbileproduction,NACsupportsglutathione productionanddetoxification,andBitterXsupportsdigestion.
Thesethreeelementscomplementeachothertoboostbileflow,increasebile production,andgentlyincreaseglutathioneproductionforantioxidantsupport anddetoxification.
Your body is on your side, it wants to feel good, and it never forgets how to heal.
It just needs some targeted support to remove these poisons and stressors
You can do this! It's never too late.
Addressing the root causes of your symptoms can give you the rapid results that you desire. Click the links below to take our root cause assessments and see which ones could be making up your current personal health pictures:
Parasites Assessment
Heavy Metals Assessment
Mold Assessment
Warmly, Sinclair and Michael (and the whole DRN team)
You can find us at: Your Health Podcast