Essential Oils for Heart Health & Remedy Guide
by Dr. Eric Zielinski
Copyright © 2024 by NaturalLivingFamily.com
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from the author.
The products and statements in this book have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided in this book is for informational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information in this book for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem.
Learn more information at: NaturalLivingFamily.com.

The Healing Power of Essential Oils
More than 150,000 copies sold, Dr. Z’s national bestseller is the #1 rated essential oils book in the world. This soup-to-nuts guide to mastering essential oils features 150+ recipes and expert formulations, equipping you with the knowledge to build daily rituals that fit your unique needs— and lead to amazing results!

Essential Oils Recipes: A 52-Card Deck for Healing and Home: 50 Recipes
Harness the healing power of essential oils with this deck of 52 cards with simple recipes for natural remedies and household use, from the bestselling authors of the Healing Power of Essential Oils.
Healing Power of Essential Oils & Transform
Health, Save Money, and Avoid Costly Mistakes!
Join Dr. Z for an exclusive LIVE event and discover the clinically-proven power of essential oils for natural healing, easy DIY remedies, and expert tips to save over $2,500 annually on doctor’s bills and home products you use everyday—take control of your health today!

BONUS: Sign up today & get Dr. Z’s eBook about Lavender and discover why it’s the most healing oil in the world!
Can One Single Drop of Essential Oil Offer 100+ Health Benefits?
30,500+ Studies Say, “Yes!”
…and this is exactly what Dr. Z is going to teach you during this LIVE event!

Great up-to-date information for healing
My heartfelt gratitude for your commitment to bringing us up to date information for healing, non-toxic DIY items, delicious recipes, spiritual encouragement and EO benefits. I am pretty new to EO’s (about a year ago I began to learn from you) and was recently able to buy a super starter kit. It has been amazing and I can’t wait to use your DIY formulas!!!!
Spiritual Disclaimer
Please note that I am a Christian and it is from this perspective that I present the information that is in this book. Amongst other things, this means that I will refer to “God,” not the “Universe.” This also means that I may reference Biblical teaching and ancient proverbs that I have found to be helpful and applicable today.
Sometimes people get offended by the words that I use, or the spiritual references that I make. Please don’t fall into this trap.
As a trained public health researcher and world-renowned essential oils educator, you can trust that the information presented in these pages is solid, evidencebased and that it will help you.
I do not judge people that don’t share my faith and I am committed to helping everyone (regardless of who they are or what they believe) benefit from my experiences. In fact, I whole-heartedly believe this is my mission in life and why God put me on this planet.
You see, there I go referencing “God” again. ;)
A Note About Faith
Personally, I have found that my faith has been vital to helping me overcome sickness and disease - as it has for the thousands of people that we have helped get well.
Being a Christian, it’s impossible for me to separate my personal beliefs from my actions and lifestyle habits. As a researcher, I am intrigued to see how clinical trials and science continues to uncover the role that prayer, positive thinking and faith play in the healing journey.
My dear friend and Integrative Oncologist, Dr. Tony Jimenez often says that “cancer is an emotional disorder.” The same can be said of all chronic, long-standing disease like gut disorders, autoimmunity, arthritis, fatigue and insomnia.
It is with this in mind that I present to you the information in the Introduction and scattered throughout this book where you will discover eternal truths that will provide you with hope, inspiration and may even shed some light on things if you are willing to take a dive into the spiritual side of healing with me.
Table of Contents
Click on Title to go to Chapter
Introduction 7
Section One Natural Living Strategies for Heart Health
Chapter 1 Eating Bioactive Foods 10
Chapter 2 Using Olive Oil 21
Chapter 3 Black Seed Oil for Heart-Friendly Carrier Oil 29
Chapter 4 Proven, Effective Weight Loss Tips 38
Chapter 5 Exercising Smarter, Not Harder 50
Chapter 6 Using Essential Oils for Weight Loss 62
Chapter 7 Using Essential Oils for Metabolic Syndrome 66
Chapter 8 Top Essential Oils for Heart Health 71
Section Two More on Essential Oils for Heart Heart
Chapter 9 Bergamot 80
Chapter 10 Black Pepper 86
Chapter 11 Cinnamon Bark 93
Chapter 12 Lavender 97
Chapter 13 Lime 103
Chapter 14 Marjoram 113
Chapter 15 Oregano 117
Chapter 16 Peppermint 123
Chapter 17 Rosemary 127
Chapter 18 Ylang Ylang 132
Section Three
Healthy Heart Recipes & Remedies
Blood Sugar Balancing Blend 138
Blood Pressure Inhaler 139
Craving Diffuser Blend 140
Essential Oil Detox Water 141
Heart Healthy Diffuser Blend 142
Matcha Green Tea Latte 143
Cleansing Beet Juice 144
Matcha Iced Tea 145
Salads, Sides Homemade Vinaigrette 146 & Snacks
Cucumber Spinach Salad w/ ACV 149
Fill-the-Gap Nut Snack 151
Kale & Lentil Soup 152
Sweet & Sour Chicken 154
Chocolate Avocado Mousse 156
Coconut Whipped Cream 157
References 156
About the Author 168
Its death threat is currently bigger than that of cancer, and it’s the world’s no. 1 killer: cardiovascular disease. A catchall term for the group of disorders that affect the heart and blood vessels, cardiovascular disease (CVD) includes:
⚫ Cardiomyopathies (heart muscle disease)
⚫ Cerebrovascular disease (stroke)
⚫ Congenital heart disease (birth defects)
⚫ Coronary heart disease (heart attack)
⚫ Heart failure
⚫ Hypertension (high blood pressure)
⚫ Peripheral vascular disease
⚫ Rheumatic heart disease (caused by rheumatic fever)
In the U.S., more than 18 million adults suffer from CVD, which so happens to be the number of deaths worldwide due to the same cluster of diseases. In fact, 30 percent of all global deaths are caused by CVD. Unless something changes, it is expected that number will jump to 24 million by 2030, with heart disease and stroke topping the list.
Highlighting the interconnectedness of the chronic diseases discussed in my book, The Essential Oils Apothecary, the primary reason why these numbers are expected to rise is because of metabolic syndrome, a serious health condition that affects about 23 percent of adults and places them at higher risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke and diseases related to fatty buildups in artery walls. Metabolic syndrome occurs when someone has three or more of the following:
1. Abdominal obesity
2. Elevated triglyceride levels
3. Low HDL cholesterol levels
4. Elevated blood pressure
5. Elevated blood glucose
But the good news is that CVD and its risk factors (including metabolic syndrome) is treatable and preventable, because its causes – namely obesity, high blood pressure, stress, and other factors – are largely under our control.
As more research continues to be done, we are seeing validation from the scientific community that essential oils can play a pivotal role in CVD prevention and management. Specifically, a literature review published a few years highlights that,
“Research on EO has the potential to identify new bioactive compounds and formulate new functional products for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases such as arterial hypertension, angina pectoris, heart failure, and myocardial infarction.”
The review indicated a few of the reasons why:
“Some EO, and their active ingredients, have been reported to improve the cardiovascular system significantly by affecting vaso-relaxation (and thus lowering blood pressure, and decreasing the heart rate and exert a hypotension activity.”
But, before you start implementing these essential oils for CVD, don’t forget that using essential oils, but living a “fast food” lifestyle is like taking one step forward, but two steps back! In other words, for essential oils to help you enjoy abundant health and wellness – free from chronic disease – it is vital to use them within the context of a healthy lifestyle, which is why I included the chapters in Section 1.
Then, in Section 2, we take a deeper look into how essential oils can help from a heart health perspective. And, finally in Section 3, we take our understanding to the next level and start to DIY (do-it-yourself) with backed-by-science remedies and recipes!
It is my hope & prayer that this book not only educates, but empowers you with the natural living strategies to live a heart healthy life!
~ Dr. Z
SECTION ONE Natural Living Strategies for Heart Health
CHAPTER 1 Eating Bioactive Foods
Several years ago, we upgraded our diet and focused on eating more bioactive foods, and we have found them to be one of the biggest keys to unlocking abundant health for our family. But, if you’re like most people, you’ve never heard of bioactive compounds, so let’s start there…
What Are Bioactive Foods?
Today, as a society, we are more unhealthy and overweight than ever. In pursuit of both weight loss and better health, many people turn to fad diets and multivitamin supplementation, which often fails to address either of these issues. People discover that their weight-loss is short-lived and true health gains are not apparent.
What if there were a better way? I believe there is. Rather than turning to these quick fixes, adding foods rich in bioactive compounds to your diet along with adding essential oils to your routine can help ensure that you are getting the nourishment your body needs. It may even help you achieve your body’s ideal weight.
When I was conducting research for our new book, The Essential Oils Diet, the term “bioactive” repeatedly caught my attention.
Assuming you’re like me and you haven’t heard of them before, bioactive compounds, are phytochemicals (plant-based chemicals) that help boost metabolism, prevent disease and make you feel great! Examples you may be familiar with include:
⚫ Carotenoids – tetraterpenoids that gives your carrots, corn, tomatoes and pumpkins their distinct orange, yellow and red pigments.
⚫ Polyphenols – a group of more than 8,000 antioxidant-rich phytochemicals such as flavonoids, lignans phenolic acid, which boost the immune system.
⚫ Fiber – Dietary “roughage” (such as cellulose, lignin, and pectin) that are resistant to the action of digestive enzymes and help gastric motility (i.e. aids in moving food through your system and makes you “regular”).
⚫ Essential oils – volatile organic compounds that are extracted from plants containing powerful antioxidant and healing properties
While you may not have heard of bioactive before, you are most likely familiar with the term “antioxidant.” Antioxidants are the main reasons why more people should be talking about bioactives. In addition to fiber – yes, that stuff we all need for regular bowel movements – bioactive compounds are mainly comprised of polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids and essential oils, which are all plantderived chemicals that contain outstanding antioxidant properties. Science has identified thousands of bioactive compounds including over 8000 polyphenols alone to date.
⚫ One definition states that bioactive compounds are “components of food that influence physiological or cellular activities in the animals or humans that consume them.”
⚫ Or, in more practical terms, they are “phytochemicals found in certain foods “are capable of modulating metabolic processes, resulting in the promotion of better health.”
⚫ With these definitions in mind, “bioactive foods,” therefore, would be those foods that are rich in plant-based chemicals that help boost immune function and promote robust health.
“So, why haven’t I heard about bioactive foods before?” you may be asking.
Good question!
Truth be told I don’t really know the reason. Maybe it’s because a diet in bioactive compounds won’t make anybody rich because the best way to get them in your system is through good ol’ fashioned plant-based foods; not supplements, pills or expensive manufactured powders.
In fact, I’m somewhat befuddled by the fact that our diet program is the FIRST book ever to usher into the mainstream health and wellness community what researchers have been talking about for years.
Where Bioactive Compounds Fit in Nutrition
To put bioactive compounds into perspective, it’s important to remember that our body requires two kinds of nutrients:
1. Essential Nutrition- nutrients that are necessary for life that your body cannot make: carbs, fats, proteins, water, certain vitamins & minerals.
2. Non-Essential Nutrition – can be made by the body or obtained from sources other than foods and beverages: vitamin D, cholesterol & amino acids.
Bioactive compounds, on the other hand, are considered “extra-nutritional,” meaning they contain no calories (as protein, fat, and carbohydrates do), and they are not vitamins or minerals. They are not required for life, but they make you truly healthy.
Think of it like this: You can live on essential nutrients with a feeding tube but it doesn’t mean you are truly alive. Bioactive compounds add spice to your life!
The European Journal of Nutrition published an article in 2013 that put it this way: “Whereas the absence of essential nutrients from the diet results in overt deficiency often times with moderate to severe physiological decrements, the absence of bioactive substances from the diet results in suboptimal health.”
Unfortunately, today’s trendy low-carb diets focus on “essential nutrition” and ignore bioactive compounds, which are necessary for truly robust health. Interest in these carbohydrate-starvation fad diets means that heavy consumption of meat and animal fat is highly promoted. We should be cautious about the “benefits” of these diets. Research strongly suggests that someone’s chance of enjoying optimal health is greatly diminished if his or her diet consists primarily of animal fat and protein.
If you want to improve your health, skip the fad diets and add more bioactive compounds to your plate!
The Benefits of Bioactive Compounds
These compounds do more than just help us live vibrantly. Antioxidant bioactives like flavonoids, carotenoids, and polyphenols are plant chemicals that protect your body’s cells from damage caused by unstable atoms known as free radicals, which cause disease and illness. If your diet is lacking in foods that contain these compounds, you’re going to be sick and gain weight.
Research shows that they also protect us from numerous health problems. Studies have shown that bioactive compounds may help:
⚫ Improve vision
⚫ Prevent diabetes and obesity
⚫ Manage blood pressure
⚫ Protect against cardiovascular disease
⚫ Lower cholesterol
⚫ Possibly fight cancer and slow tumor growth
In fact, a study from the American Association for Cancer Research says, “A variety of bioactive food components have been shown to modulate inflammatory responses and to attenuate carcinogenesis,” that is, weaken the process of cancer growth.”
While researchers are just starting to dive into this topic, the bottom line is that plant foods and herbal remedies, including essential oils, contain bioactive compounds. Some are more robust than others but we can choose to bolster our so-called “nonessential” nutrition by incorporating more of these into our lives.
Why You Need Bioactive Foods In Your Diet
Every day, we are bombarded by toxins in our food, soil, water, air – in short, all around us. These toxins include:
⚫ Organophosphates and other pesticides used in homes and schools that accumulate in the body.
⚫ Chlorine, pesticides, and preservatives added to or sprayed on foods. These chemicals can cause multiple health problems.
⚫ Overuse of antibiotics, leading to antibiotic resistance. These medications destroy healthy gut bacteria, an important contributor to a healthy immune system. Many are fed to the animals we eat as well.
Currently, scientists are researching the impact of bioactive compounds on the body’s detoxification systems, since many studies show that “exposure to an accumulation of toxins play a significant role in cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.” It’s great to see science moving in this direction, however, you can start today with steps to improve your health by adding more bioactive foods to your diet.
The Essential Eight Bioactive Foods
As mentioned, not all bioactive foods are equal. We have picked out the “Essential Eight” foods that you should be putting into your diet to maximize your health. These are all rich in bioactive compounds that promote overall health or support fat-burning by addressing issues such as inflammation, stress, insulin resistance, and hyperglycemia, all contributors to the most common diseases in American today.
The Essential Eight are: SEEDS
These embryonic plants contain many life-enhancing properties. Some great examples that you can easily incorporate into smoothies and other dishes include:
⚫ Hemp seed: Full of omega-3 and omega-6, hemp seeds contain as much protein as an ounce of beef or lamb. They also provide all the essential amino acids your body requires that it cannot produce on its own and are a good source of Vitamin E and many minerals. They can also reduce inflammation.
⚫ Cacao seeds: Cacao is a powerful antioxidant and can help regulate the immune system, protecting against oxidative stress. It can also offset hyperglycemia, improve cellular response, and modulate obesity-related inflammation caused by high-fat diets. Use 72% or more cacao nibs or sugar-free bars.
⚫ Chia seeds may help lower total cholesterol and increase “good” cholesterol, reducing your risk of cardiac events.
⚫ Flaxseed helps to manage your weight, lowers cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and improves insulin resistance which can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Healthy fats and oils are an important part of a balanced diet, however, not all of them are created equal. Some, such as vegetable oils and margarine, are unhealthy foods even though they are often labeled as healthy choices. Here are some excellent choices:
⚫ Extra-virgin olive oil is one of the best overall sources of fat and adding it to a nutritious diet promotes weight loss. It contains oleic acid, which has been shown to reduce inflammation, aiding in diseases such as cancer, autoimmunity, and dementia. It is also rich in antioxidants and may even reduce the risk of a cardiovascular event or stroke. We get ours freshpressed here.
⚫ Avocado oil can lower cholesterol, banish hunger pangs, and spot-reduce fat around the middle. Like olive oil, it’s high in monounsaturated fats, which help bioactive compounds get into your bloodstream and to the mitochondria of your cells to fight free radicals.
⚫ Butter is an important dietary fat that must be consumed in moderation if you can tolerate it. Conventional butter, however, often comes from cows that are fed hormone-filled feed and administered antibiotics. Always choose non-GMO and organic butter, preferably from grass-fed cows.
Some fad diets, like Atkins or the ketogenic diet, restrict the consumption of fruit. However, many are rich in antioxidants and appealing to eat.
⚫ Berries of all varieties are packed with bioactive compounds and their seeds are a great source of fiber, which can help suppress your appetite.
⚫ Eating avocados – not just the oil – can help you absorb bioactive compounds better and can reduce your desire to eat more. They’re also a good source of fiber and vitamin K, which helps with weight control.
⚫ Grapefruit has been well-researched as a weight loss tool and beneficial in managing diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Be sure to eat the whole fruit, not just the juice, for the most benefit. However, this fruit can interact with certain pharmaceuticals so ask your doctor before adding to your diet.
This is one of the healthiest food groups we consume. Cruciferous vegetables are potent anti-inflammatories, cancer fighters, and natural detoxifers. They are rich in bioactive compounds, vitamins C, E, and K, folate, and minerals. In fact, the National Cancer Institute is studying the impact of cruciferous vegetables because they are known to:
⚫ Protect cells from DNA damage
⚫ Inactivate carcinogens
⚫ Produce antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects
⚫ Induce cell death (apoptosis)
⚫ Inhibit angiogenesis (tumor blood vessel formation) and tumor cell migration (which is needed for metastasis)
Best choices include:
⚫ Broccoli, which has been shown to counteract nonalcoholic fatty liver disease that can progress to a deadly cancer. Buy it fresh as the prepackaged type may have reduce levels of bioactive compounds.
⚫ Bok choy contains sulforaphane, which improves blood pressure and kidney function. It also has lutein and other anti-inflammatory cancerprotective compounds, vitamins A, B, and C. It’s very low in calories and high in fiber!
While they are calorie-dense, nuts are nutritional powerhouses full of protein, unsaturated fat, and fiber. A handful of nuts a day can help prevent obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. See our Fill-in-the-Gap Nut Snack Recipe for a delicious way of using nuts.
⚫ Almonds: Research shows that daily consumption of small or large amounts of almonds does not result in weight gain! Even small amounts can improve health, including improving fat metabolism and moderating the rise in blood sugar after meals as well as increasing a pleasant feeling of fullness.
⚫ Walnuts offer much of the same benefits as almonds but they contain higher amounts of both omega-3 and omega-6. This makes them particularly effective in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Legumes contain bioactive components that may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. They are also packed with fiber and antioxidants that together combat high blood sugar and excessive lipids in the blood, common for people who follow a typical American diet. (Note: we do not recommend soybeans or unfermented soy products as a legume choice as they are almost invariably GMO.)
⚫ Black beans contain bioactive compounds known as anthocyanidins that give a fruit or vegetable its color. These help to lower blood sugar after a meal, which is particularly important in preventing the onset of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
⚫ Lentils may be green, black, red or yellow, and all varieties of lentils contain numerous bioactive components as well as prebiotic carbohydrates that help your healthy gut bacteria to survive. Prebiotic carbohydrates and dietary fiber have the potential or reduce the risks of becoming obese or developing cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Fish is an important protein food to include in your diet if you are not a vegetarian or vegan. Avoid farmed fish, which are fed grains and other unnatural ingredients that change their fat makeup. Cold-water fish are rich in omega-3 fats, making their consumption conducive to cardiovascular health. Avoid fish species that are endangered from overfishing. (Check SeafoodWatch.org to find a list.)
Cold-water salmon is harvested in the waters of Alaska, the Pacific Northwest or Northern Europe among other sources. Avoid Atlantic salmon. Omega-3 fatty acids provided by consuming these fish can help moderate inflammation. Along with caloric restriction, eating wild salmon has shown the best results in effecting weight loss and decreasing concentrations of some inflammation markers.
Purified or distilled water is a necessary drink but when you need flavor, tea is your go-to solution.
⚫ Matcha green tea is one of the best sources of catechins, bioactive compounds that act as antioxidants. The National Cancer Institute acknowledges that matcha could even help with cancer, partially by protecting DNA. It’s also effective at burning body fat.
⚫ Rooibos and holy basil tea: This blend combines rooibos, which can help you lose weight and achieve your body’s ideal weight with holy basil (tulsi), an herb that increases energy and relieves stress. Combined, they form a tea that revs you up when you’re feeling sluggish. One of our metabolismboosting favorites is the Republic of Tea’s Get Burning blend.
⚫ Senna tea stimulates the intestines, aiding in the natural process of elimination. Traditional Medicinal’s Smooth Move tea is a natural, gentle bowel cleanser best taken at bedtime.
Essential Oils are Also Bioactive Compounds
Foods are not the only way to access important bioactive compounds. Essential oils are also inherently bioactive but, unlike bioactive-rich foods, they are not a source of nutrition. For example, both the fruit of a lemon and lemon essential oil, which is extracted from the rind, contain bioactive compounds, but the latter doesn’t provide any energy in the form of calories, vitamins, or minerals. However, together they become far more than the sum of their parts.
Essential oils offer a more concentrated form of bioactivity than food does. These minute but highly concentrated compounds are able to heal the body (and soul) with metabolic effects that can assist in weight loss – or weight gain, if that is your concern. Certain oils can also boost your energy so you can be more active and burn more body fat.
However, you need to use caution when using essential oils. The scientific term for essential oils is volatile organic compound. The volatile components of a plant are the parts that are quickly released into the air. Essential oils are why you smell lavender when you lean down to sniff the blooms.
When using essential oils, proper dilution is always recommended. The 3 basic ways to use them include: inhaling them, applying them to your skin, or consuming them. Inhalation from a diffuser is the safest and most popular way to use them. There are few risks to diffusing 4-5 drops of essentials oils in water as directed. Be sure that your room is well-ventilated especially if you have children or pets. Run it for a few minutes only at first, to gauge your reaction.
When applying topically, make sure that you use a carrier oil and dilute properly. Read more about the benefits of different carrier oils and proper dilution rates, or learn how to consume essential oils safely.
How can essential oils help you reach your ideal weight? Essential oils have a host of healthy applications, supported by research. Grapefruit, lime, peppermint, and cinnamon oils support appetite reduction, fat-burning, and other processes key to weight loss. Orange oil is one of the most versatile and affordable essential oils and is an effective mood booster. Bergamot, another citrus oil, enhances weight loss, provides stress relief, and reduces anxiety. Topical applications of both peppermint and lavender oils are proven pain relievers and peppermint can help you get moving when you start a fitness routine as well as improving performance, endurance, and respiration rate.
Several oils are known for the blood-sugar balancing prowess, including clove, lavender, melissa (lemon balm), and lemongrass. They can help relieve stress, tame inflammation, and help heal your gut. This is just a small sampling of how the bioactive compounds in essential oils can help you achieve greater health. Learn more do’s and don’ts on using essential oils safely with our free Essential Oils for Abundant Living Masterclass Video Series.
What to Expect with Bioactive Foods
Your health is either robust or poor, depending on your diet’s proportion of bioactive foods. Many of these compounds are present in foods that you are probably already eating, but taking the time and effort to include more of them into your diet can have a real impact on your life. These benefits include:
⚫ You will burn calories more efficiently, helping you lose weight and attain your ideal weight.
⚫ Your cells will be better protected against free radicals, reducing illness and slowing down aging.
⚫ A diet filled with bioactive compounds fine-tunes your metabolism so that your energy level remains high throughout the day.
⚫ This also enables peak mental and physical performance.
⚫ Since you are not tied to any “fad diet,” you will have more food freedom as you integrate the many colors and flavors of bioactive-rich foods into your diet.
As you can see, bioactive compounds provide a wealth of health benefits. Adding them to your diet and your diffuser can help with many goals including achieving
your body’s ideal weight. With so many varieties and options, you have the freedom to create a healthy diet that you will enjoy while losing weight.
It’s not that difficult to get started but here’s a good place to start: with our fatburning matcha latte recipe. This is just one example of the many life-changing recipes you can use to reach your ideal weight with The Essential Oils Diet program. After you’ve grabbed a copy of the book for yourself, be sure you sign up for the bonuses and join the private group coaching community.
CHAPTER 2 Using Olive Oil
Olive oil benefits have enjoyed an enormous resurgence of popularity in recent years as people go back to nature and adopt a more natural (Biblical) lifestyle. Olives and olive oil are repeatedly mentioned throughout the Bible as a tangible representation of wealth, health, royalty, wholesomeness, and even good grooming.
Rich in polyphenols – a type of antioxidant that fights oxidative stress and can help people in their battle against aging-related diseases like heart disease, hypertension and more – pure olive oil should be in everyone’s pantry!
What Are “Good Fats” And “Bad Fats”?
What did they know then about olive oil health benefits that we don’t know today? Probably not much—prior to modern oil extraction methods, olive oil was among the easiest fats to mechanically press with primitive equipment. And both wild and cultivated olive trees were extremely prolific in the holy land.
On the other hand, with the benefit of hindsight, we can easily point out God’s provision for his people’s health in the form of fresh, pressed olive oil.
Wait, isn’t fat bad for me?
Most adults today grew up knowing that aerobic exercise is good for us, and that fat is bad for us. It was the basic prescription for weight loss, except it didn’t always work. So how can olive oil be beneficial?
The truth is, there are good fats! Essential fats are actually necessary for proper metabolic function, and keeping a balanced total amount of fat in your diet is necessary for brain development and hormonal balance. Clearly, a diet that is excessive in any type of fat is unbalanced and brings negative health consequences, but enjoy reasonable portions of healthy fats like olive oil every day!
Labeling some fats as “good fats” implies that there are also “bad fats”. Unfortunately, it is not so simple to describe the entire nutritional profile of any food as simply good or bad. It is more accurate to think of fats (and most other foods) as if they are on a scale of more nutrient dense to less nutrient dense. Olive oil is very close to the top of the health scale of edible fats.
What Are The Different Types Of Oils?
What makes some oils and fats better than others? One factor is what type of fat you are eating. Are your oils mono unsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) or poly unsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs)? What’s the difference? PUFAs are less likely to oxidize into harmful free radicals than MUFAs, especially at high heats although both provide important nutrients.
⚫ MUFAs are high in most fruit oils including olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and even canola oil. MUFAs are always good for lower heat cooking, dressing, and marinating. Some are also ok for higher heat cooking, just check the smoke point—the higher the better.
⚫ PUFAs are high in oils that also have a higher omega 6 to omega 3 ratio (not great) such as grain oils like corn oil and vegetable/ soy oil. These oils oxidize fast unless they are highly refined. This is why manufacturers choose to refine them, removing most nutrients. This refining process also gives them a very high smoke point, making them favorites for deep frying.
Saturated fats, such as lard and butter present an entirely different nutrient profile that is not without its benefits such as probiotics and beta carotene, nor without its risks such as arterial harm. If some oils are better and some worse, nutritionally, what justifies the label, “ugly”?
5 Olive Oil Health Benefits
Amazing olive oil health benefits have been studied, but may be even more important for what it doesn’t do—clog your arteries and raise your cholesterol— which is problematic for many cooking fats. Olive oil is actively healing to many systems of your body, including your heart, pancreas, endocrine system, and gut biome! It adds luxurious richness to your diet without the health problems most commonly associated with indulging in rich foods.
One of olive oil’s best niches is the healthy and effective Mediterranean Diet. Olive oil as part of the Mediterranean Diet has been shown to prevent colo-rectal cancer.
This diet, which is nearly identical to the Maker’s Diet, has been shown to reduce the signs of aging when it includes olive oil. In addition, olive oil as a part of the Mediterranean Diet, reduces the incidence of type 2 diabetes compared to a lowfat diet, even with no calorie restriction.
Other dishes that highlight olive oil include salad dressings such as vinaigrettes, toppings or dipping oil for bread like garlic oil, homemade mayonnaise, and oil- rich cakes. Olive oil can replace cooking oil for all but the highest heat applications (like deep frying).
Olive oil health benefits are seemingly endless. No wonder it has achieve superfood status.
⚫ Bone Health – Studies show olive oil helps prevent osteoporosis, but without causing estrogenic issues like many other treatments. Olive oil has also been found to be analgesic (helps stop pain), and to fight cancer and inflammation.
⚫ Heart Health – People have chosen olive oil for years to improve heart health, but a recent study shows it can make a difference whether the subject’s diet is healthy or obesity-causing. Regular consumption of olive oil may also improve endothelial function and inflammation, and reduce inflammation in the prevention and treatment of coronary artery disease.
⚫ Pregnancy & Infants – Extra virgin olive oil can even help birth outcomes and child development. When the mother’s diet contains extra virgin olive oil, the birth weight of newborns is improved, and both weight and specific biochemical indicators are still improved in offspring at adolescence compared with mothers who consumed no olive oil.
⚫ Immune Boosting – Olive oil is great for a number of health concerns, including improving immunity by working on the gut biome, and increasing insulin sensitivity in subjects with metabolic syndrome.
⚫ Cancer – Many studies demonstrate olive oil’s significant cancer-fighting properties. It is antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer. Another study confirms olive oil is both anti- cancer and anti- diabetic. And it significantly lowers the overall incidence of cancer.
Overall, swapping out less healthy oils and fats for olive oil is one of the healthiest moves you can make.
Olive oil health benefits extend beyond the kitchen table. It has long been a part of beauty treatments. Even scripture mentions it as a hair and skin treatment. A lovely way to protect, soften, and improve texture of skin is to apply olive oil with your favorite essential oil blend to wet skin in the shower before towel drying. Use it in this DIY lotion bar for a skin soothing benefit.
Olive oil creates a protective barrier, but also penetrates better than coconut oil, which in turn, penetrates better than grape seed oil and avocado oil. This makes olive oil an important carrier oil for both medicinal and cosmetic use. Further, it is synergistic with other ingredients in addition to its nutritional value when applied alone.
Olive oil, like both avocado oil and coconut oil demonstrates slight ultra violet protection; however, none of them are suitable for use as a sun block when used alone. Additional ingredients are better in homemade sunscreens if you are wanting to DIY.
A clinical study shows that olive oil, used topically or cosmetically is antiinflammatory, antioxidant, wound healing, prevents skin cancer and may be antibiotic. That is an impressive array of benefits for a beauty product!
Olive oil health benefits aren’t limited just to humans! It is as good for most pets as it is for you. Always consult your veterinarian first if you have any questions, of course. Olive oil is used as a carrier for pet-safe essential oils or topical medications that need to be diluted—with fur to contend with, a good penetrating oil is even more important than it is for human use.
Olive oil can be used alone for relief of hair balls, ear mites, or even mange. Internally it lubricates the gastro intestinal tract, allowing hairballs to pass. Externally it helps to smothers mites and soothe irritation. The most popular use of olive oil for pet care is adding a drizzle over food once a week to keep coats shiny and healthy.
Olive oil is great for natural wood—just be sure not to apply to floors or other surfaces where a slippery surface could be dangerous. To restore real wood cabinet fronts, mix a tablespoon or two of olive oil with lemon essential oil into vinegar water and buff until wood is softly shiny. Wipe away any excess. Use it in our Homemade Dusting Spray also!
Olive oil works great in a pinch to replace hardware lubricants such as fixing squeaky door hinges and freeing sticky zippers, but never use it in engines or machinery. It also loosens semi- dry latex paint for easy cleanup. It even doubles as a subtle shoe polish for real leather.
Kitchen Tip! If you measure the oil first in our naturally healthy recipes, olive oil coats the measuring cups or spoons, keeping other ingredients from sticking. If you have a recipe with honey or syrup, you will get truer measurements by doing your oil first.
Comparison To The Other Common Oils
Coconut oil vs olive oil. Both coconut oil and olive oil demonstrate significant health benefits. Coconut is even believed to improve the experience of Alzheimer’s patients. Both oils contain MUFAs and PUFAs as they are both expressed from fruit; however, olive oil contains far more of the heart healthy fats—around ten times as much!
In addition, coconut oil has around ten times as much saturated fat. In fact, while virgin coconut oil decreases both bad and total cholesterol, the effects aren’t as marked as what olive oil can do. However, coconut oil helps weight loss via improved calorie burning. Both oils are rich in antioxidants.
Canola oil can be a sensitive subject—it offers great health benefits, but it is almost always genetically modified. Canola has been considered an endemic weed in many areas, so pollen spreads from field to field easily on the wind. This means that even strictly organic canola fields are frequently tainted with GMO pollen, and for this reason, many health- conscious people avoid all canola oil. Learn more about the pros and cons of canola oil here.
That is unfortunate because canola is more prolific and renewable than olive oil, producing a generous harvest from the first growing season, whereas olive trees take years to mature. Canola oil is significantly better than olive oil for high heat cooking as well.
Olive oil does have a health edge compared to canola oil, as it is higher in oleoyl serine which prevents cardiovascular disease. Canola is also no match for olive at improving memory, synapse firing, and neuropathology in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
The first thing to understand about vegetable oil is that nearly all products labeled “vegetable oil” are actually genetically modified SOY oil.
Olive oil is superior to soy oil at reducing chronic inflammation. It also reduces or protects against oxidative stress to the heart. Olive oil is significantly better than soy oil, nutritionally. Compared to soy oil, olive oil significantly reduces the risk of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular death, general cardiovascular diseases, and stroke.
One study comparing extra virgin olive oil to genetically modified soy oil found that the olive oil blocked damage from oxidative stress, protected subjects from chronic diseases including liver fibrosis, hyperlipidemia, diabetes, and even cancer. No benefit was found from consuming the soy oil.
In fact, soy oil is so reliably, actively harmful that it is used experimentally to damage fertility and induce obesity, so that other substances’ healing abilities can be tested on the soy-damaged subjects. In short, olive oil helps while genetically modified soy harms.
Corn oil, like soy oil, is almost always genetically modified, and thus, it may be difficult to assess the value of non-GMO corn products. Even before the proliferation of GMO corn, olive oil demonstrated significant health advantages.
In one study, a high- corn oil diet caused breast cancer progression while the diet high in olive oil demonstrated protective factors.
The significantly better nutritional profile, especially the higher percentage of MUFAs and antioxidants, make olive oil a clear winner.
We’ve touted the health benefits of avocado on this site before. So it’s no surprise that avocado oil may be olive oil’s most serious rival for health-giving culinary oils. They are both excellent for cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment. They also demonstrate a similar protective factor on the liver in the presence of excessively sugary diets (i.e. the typical American diet).
Extra virgin olive oil and avocado oil share a nearly identical lineup of healthy fats and antioxidants, so the nutritional benefits are also very similar.
Due to the novelty of avocado oil, fewer studies have documented its health benefits. Avocado oil seems to have an edge due to its higher smoke point, but olive oil has a superior flavor in low heat applications.
Comparing olive oil to butter may seem like an unfair fight despite the fact that they may be used interchangeably in many recipes. It’s true that comparing an animal product such as butter to a plant oil, like olive oil is like apples to oranges. Still butter, especially from organic, pastured, and grass- fed mammals, offers amazing health benefits.
Famous nutrition-minded doctors actually recommend such high- quality butter as a supplement for dental and brain health. However, one cannot expect similar results from cheap, factory-farm animals’ butter. The studies below are conducted with conventional butter, not high- quality organic butter.
Olive oil demonstrates better cancer outcomes than butter. It also has better cardiovascular health markers.
Butter—even conventionally farmed butter, can help prevent prediabetic markers including hyperinsulinemia and may improve the cholesterol profile. In fact, butter may lower diabetes long term when replacing other fats. Still, olive oil is better at improving diabetes markers and cardiovascular markers than butter.
Most researchers agree that butter itself is not unhealthy. Still, replacing a significant percentage of your dietary butter and high-cholesterol foods with olive oil may improve many health conditions, including male infertility.
Olive oil is really one of the most healing, beneficial oils you can use, whether in topical or culinary applications. If you aren’t using it yet, find a trusted source and enjoy some delicious, healthy recipes with it today!
Olive Oil Adulteration
Fake, adulterated oils that are not at all what they claim to be are very ugly. Authorities estimate that up to 80% of olive oil sold in the United States is adulterated or mislabeled chiefly by the Italian agri mafia. Diluting olive oil with other, cheaper, and less nutritious oils is so widespread that researchers have developed and trialed complex new detection methods.
Sorry to burst any bubbles, but the refrigerator test (i.e. olive oil solidifying when placed in the fridge) we read so much about online is not an accurate evaluation of whether or not your olive oil is fake. I contacted my local supplier of olive oil to ask him about “tests” that we can do at home to determine if the olive oil we’re buying is the real deal and he told me there’s nothing we can do. Similar to the home tests people try to use to determine if their essential oils are pure, you need a chemical analysis to see if your olive oil has been adulterated.
There are stamps of approval and label promises, but I don’t trust them. Like choosing essential oils, you need to vet your company out and find a supplier that you can trust.
Black Seed Oil for Heart-Friendly Carrier Oil
In this article, we’ll explore black seed oil benefits, its role as a carrier oil, and ways to integrate it into your health routine for maximum effect. Clinical trials and medical research are proving “black caraway” or “black cumin’s” many benefits for health.
Black seed oil, also known as Nigella sativa, has a rich history in traditional medicine and continues to gain popularity for its wide range of therapeutic effects. Unlike essential oils, this is a fatty oil extracted from the seeds of the Nigella sativa plant, often referred to as black cumin seed. It falls into the category of “carrier oil”, but has profound benefits to enhance your quality of life. This potent oil contains thymoquinone, a bioactive compound with powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and immune-boosting properties, making it an effective support for various health conditions.
What is Black Seed Oil?
Black seed oil (BSO), also called black cumin seed oil, is a thick, nutrient-rich oil with a slightly bitter taste and a dark color. This oil differs from essential oils, as it can be applied directly to the skin or taken internally as a dietary supplement to improve the quality of life for those at risk for cardiovascular and other chronic diseases.
Known for therapeutic properties, sativa oil extract, the cold-pressed oils, and black seed powder, all have a history of use as a medicinal herb in Middle Eastern and Indian natural healing practices. Nigella sativa Linn or Nigella sativa L plants were popular for remedies for conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, blood sugar levels, digestive health, skin care, and immune support. All without the same adverse effects of many prescription medications. What’s amazing to see now is the number of clinical trials and amount of medical research coming out to highlight the therapeutic potential of this ancient oil.
You might also hear about sativa seed extract. This is slightly different than the oil we would use a carrier oil, however. Nigella sativa seed extract typically has more concentrated levels of the major constituents. It may also contain
specific, isolated compounds from the sativa seeds, such as thymoquinone in higher potency, without the full spectrum of fatty acids present in the oil. (9) This extract is often prepared using an alcohol-based or water-based solvent and is used in dietary supplements or as an ingredient in targeted health formulations. Sativa seed extracts are generally more potent and can be tailored for specific medicinal purposes due to their concentrated nature.
Alternatively, black seed powder was made by grinding the seeds of Nigella sativa. Used to brew an herbal teas and infusions, or added to smoothies or other dishes black seed powder was often used for pain relief to soothe inflammation, or for skin health and hair loss. It was also historically used for heart health, which brings us to one of the biggest benefits of the oil.
When cold-pressed, the seeds of Nigella sativa L. yield a rich, fatty oil used as a carrier oil or base oil. This can be used in our Natural Remedies or Natural Beauty DIYs similar to how you might use jojoba oil or evening primrose oil. The beneficial effects of black seed oil are profound so next time you need to dilute essential oils, this may be the carrier oil to reach for!
Key Compounds in Black Seed Oil
The effects of thymoquinone, the main active compound in black seed oil, demonstrate a range of pharmacological activities that make it highly beneficial for health. Known for its anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antioxidant, and painrelieving effects, the health activity of thymoquinone is especially valuable in relieving cardiovascular risk factors. It not only reduces inflammation in blood vessels but also enhances endothelial function and vascular relaxation, which collectively support heart health and protect against cardiovascular disease. That’s why black seed oil is a unique and effective option for those seeking natural heart disease support.
BSO’s fatty acid profile and bioactive compounds make it a particularly effective carrier oil for enhancing the therapeutic effects of essential oils. Rich in omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, it deeply nourishes the skin, supporting its elasticity, hydration, and repair processes. Unlike lighter carrier oils like sweet almond oil, which primarily provides moisturization, BSO also contains thymoquinone and antioxidants that work to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, amplifying the benefits of essential oils for skin health and anti-inflammatory blends.
This nutrient-rich composition makes it ideal for formulations targeting issues like eczema, joint pain, and anti-inflammatory blends, offering more than just hydration—it adds therapeutic depth and potency that few carrier oils can match. It also highlights why the use of black seed oil supplements are on the rise.
Health Benefits of Black Seed Oil
Black seed oil health benefits are wide and varied, thanks to its potent bioactive compounds and nutrient-rich profile. From supporting benefits for health to the cardiovascular system, nourishing skin, or balancing metabolic conditions, it can be a powerful addition to your wellness routine.
Research highlights black seed oil as a beneficial supplement for cardiovascular issues such as high blood pressure, cardiometabolic risk factors, and more. Studies suggest that this herbal medicine has potential benefits for endothelial function, which is essential for flexible, healthy blood vessels and normal blood clotting action. Conditions such as diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), and inactivity can impair endothelial health, but sativa oil’s unique properties help counteract these effects.
Its role as a carrier oil for essential oils like cinnamon bark and lavender further enhances its benefits, supporting both blood pressure regulation and overall heart health. However, the potential to support heart health goes beyond blood pressure regulation; it may also help reduce the risk of blood clotting. Studies suggest that thymoquinone in black seed oil can inhibit platelet aggregation, which plays a key role in clot formation and reduces thrombosis risk, further supporting cardiovascular health.
Both human and animal studies have demonstrated that regular use of black seed oil may aid in blood pressure management, with its antioxidant and antiinflammatory effects reducing oxidative stress, a key factor in hypertension and heart disease. The potential side effects are much lower than prescription medications which may be why BSO is gaining in popularity.
Black seed oil’s anti-inflammatory effects are well-documented, especially for joint health and conditions involving chronic inflammation, such as arthritis. Thymoquinone helps reduce inflammatory markers in the body, offering relief from joint pain and stiffness. This makes it an ideal carrier for anti-inflammatory essential oils like frankincense, copaiba, or lavender when used in a natural massage blend.
The antioxidant properties of black seed oil further protect cells from oxidative stress, a condition that accelerates aging and can lead to skin damage and various
diseases. The antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, supporting both wellness and skin health. This is why it is becoming popular in skincare routines, where it helps with acne, eczema, and other inflammatory skin issues.
Black seed oil has shown promising effects on blood sugar regulation, making it a valuable supplement for individuals managing diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Research suggests that it can help lower blood glucose levels and improve insulin sensitivity, which are both essential for maintaining balanced blood sugar.
This aligns well with essential oils like peppermint and grapefruit, which support healthy metabolism. Using them in conjunction with BSO may further enhance blood sugar control. The benefits for blood sugar management are well-supported in clinical studies, with regular supplementation demonstrating measurable improvements in fasting blood glucose and HbA1c levels (a key marker of longterm blood sugar control).
By promoting healthy blood sugar levels and supporting insulin function, black seed oil serves as a holistic aid for those looking to improve their metabolic health naturally.
Used for centuries to strengthen the immune system, black seed oil is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. Its active compound, thymoquinone, has also shown antimicrobial benefits for the skin, making it a versatile aid for immune support.
Research also suggests that it can benefit those managing allergic reactions, reduce respiratory inflammation, and even aid in the treatment of asthmatic patients. It aids healing and healthy immune response by helping open airways, ease breathing, and alleviate respiratory discomfort. When combined with eucalyptus, peppermint, or other essential oils for respiratory health, you can see the potential benefits.
Emerging research suggests that black seed oil may be beneficial in managing non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and metabolic-regulating properties make it an effective natural option for supporting liver health, especially for those with liver complications due to metabolic issues. More than one clinical trial has shown profound benefits.
BSO has been shown to reduce hepatic steatosis (liver fat accumulation), a key marker of NAFLD. Studies have found that regular black seed supplementation significantly improves the grade of fatty liver and positively impacts liver enzymes like AST and ALT, indicators of liver stress. This is crucial for NAFLD management, as reduced enzyme levels indicate improved liver health.
Thymoquinone also provides potent antioxidant support, protecting the liver from oxidative damage and inflammation associated with NAFLD, and helping to prevent disease progression. These protective effects can really help maximize your liver health!
Research has shown that the effects of thymoquinone even include antitumor properties, offering potential protection against certain types of cancer.
Thymoquinone’s ability to inhibit tumor growth by reducing oxidative stress and promoting healthy cellular function makes black seed oil a valuable component in a holistic wellness routine. It also supports the immune system’s defenses against abnormal cell growth, which can contribute to long-term health.
Though not a replacement for treatment of patients, black seed supplements may be a gentle, supportive addition for those looking to reduce cancer risk naturally, thanks to its strong antioxidant and immune-boosting properties.
Endothelial dysfunction, where the blood vessel lining loses its ability to regulate blood flow, is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases. Triggered by conditions like diabetes, hypertension, and smoking, endothelial dysfunction can lead to arterial stiffness and increased plaque formation. Studies suggest that thymoquinone in black seed oil supports endothelial function, helping vessels maintain flexibility and proper blood flow.
By improving endothelial health, black seed carrier oil may reduce risks associated with arterial stiffness and high blood pressure. It also supports proper blood flow and may reduce the risk of abnormal clot formation. This makes it beneficial for those managing cardiovascular health concerns, as endothelial function plays a critical role in regulating blood clotting.
You can see why BSO supports a well-rounded cardiovascular health plan, especially when combined with heart-supportive essential oils like lavender and cinnamon bark.
Black seed oil is emerging as a powerful ally for those looking to support healthy weight loss naturally. Research has shown that the oil’s active compound, thymoquinone, can aid metabolic health by helping to regulate lipid levels and improve body composition. In one notable study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, researchers followed 90 obese women over an 8-week period.
Participants who took black seed oil alongside a low-calorie diet experienced significant reductions in body weight, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference compared to those on a placebo. These findings of course extend beyond just obese women. They indicate that, when combined with mindful eating habits, this oil may help us achieve weight loss goals safely and effectively.
What makes black seed oil so valuable in this context is its ability to support healthy blood sugar levels and insulin sensitivity—two crucial factors in weight management. When our insulin levels are stable, it becomes easier for the body to burn fat and prevent the storage of excess calories. It works synergistically as a carrier oil with essential oils like grapefruit and peppermint to enhance metabolism and encourage the body’s natural fat-burning processes for a healthier weight in adults.
Additionally, black seed oil may support heart health by improving cholesterol profiles, with studies showing reductions in LDL cholesterol and triglycerides and an increase in HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol). This is a benefit that goes beyond weight loss, as it also supports overall cardiovascular health, making this oil an ideal addition for anyone seeking both heart and metabolic wellness.
For those who struggle with sugar cravings or energy dips, adding black seed oil to your routine could make a noticeable difference in maintaining balanced energy and managing hunger. Combined with a healthy lifestyle, this is a safe, natural carrier oil option for anyone looking to feel their best and achieve sustainable, healthy weight loss.
Why Black Seed Oil is an Ideal Carrier Oil for Essential Oils
Black seed oil is not only effective as a carrier oil for diluting essential oils, but it also enhances their therapeutic effects. The fatty acid profile and bioactive compounds in the oil improve essential oil absorption, making it suitable for internal capsules, skin applications, and massage blends. Whether you’re aiming to support heart health, regulate blood sugar, or reduce inflammation, this serves as a versatile carrier oil option to amplify the wellness benefits of essential oils.
Here are some simple and effective ways to combine black seed oil with essential oils to enhance benefits for health.
Support your heart health naturally with these easy-to-make capsules that combine the benefits of black seed oil capsules with heart-supportive essential oils. This recipe is a simple way to incorporate the cardiovascular benefits into your daily wellness routine.
⚫ 2 drops of essential oil (choose from lavender, cinnamon bark, clove bud, or fennel seed)
⚫ Black seed oil to fill the rest of a vegan gel capsule
1. Place 2 drops of your chosen essential oil into a vegan gel capsule.
2. Fill the remainder of the capsule with black seed oil.
3. Close the capsule securely and take once or twice daily after meals.
Note: Always consult with a holistic healthcare provider before using black seed oil supplements internally, especially for medical conditions like cardiovascular diseases.
This soothing massage oil blend harnesses the anti-inflammatory power of black seed oil alongside essential oils known for calming joint and muscle discomfort. Perfect for post-workout recovery or everyday aches, this DIY massage oil is a natural option for easing inflammation and promoting relaxation.
⚫ 1 tablespoon black seed oil
⚫ 5 drops of lavender, copaiba, or frankincense essential oil
1. Mix the essential oil with black seed oil in a small glass bottle.
2. Shake well to combine.
3. Use this blend to massage areas of muscle tension or joint pain to reduce inflammation and soothe discomfort.
This blend is excellent for soothing inflammatory conditions and reducing discomfort.
Calm and rejuvenate your skin with this gentle serum, ideal for sensitive or irritated skin. Black seed oil combines with essential oils like tea tree and chamomile to provide nourishing moisture while targeting inflammation, making it a versatile solution for various skin concerns.
⚫ Black seed oil
⚫ 3-5 drops of tea tree or chamomile essential oil
1. Add 3-5 drops of tea tree or chamomile essential oil to black seed oil.
2. Apply to inflamed or irritated skin to calm redness and moisturize.
This soothing serum is ideal for sensitive skin types and can be used on areas affected by eczema, psoriasis, or minor skin irritations.
Use this serum for acne-prone or irritated skin, as this oil’s health benefits include anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects that can help balance and heal.
Precautions and Considerations
While black seed oil is generally safe for most people, it is potent and should be used in moderate amounts. Here are some safety tips:
Consult with a Holistic Healthcare Professional: If you are pregnant, nursing, or taking medications, consult a healthcare provider for medical advice before using black seed supplements.
Blood Thinner Use: Due to its mild anti-coagulant properties, black seed oil may amplify the effects of blood-thinning medications in preventing blood clotting, potentially increasing bleeding risks. If you are on blood thinners, consult your holistic healthcare provider before incorporating BSO into your routine.
Store Properly: BSO should be stored in a cool, dark place to maintain its freshness and effectiveness. Opt for high-quality, cold-pressed oil whenever possible.
Patch Test: If using black seed oil topically for the first time, perform a patch test on a small area of skin to check for any sensitivity or irritation. Apply a small amount to your inner forearm and wait 24 hours, watching for signs of redness, itching, or swelling, which may indicate a sensitivity.
Quality and Sourcing: When choosing black seed oil, it’s crucial to select a reputable source, as studies have shown a significant amount of the Nigella sativa L. oil on the market is adulterated with lower-quality oils or additives. Look for coldpressed, organic options from trusted brands to ensure you’re receiving the full therapeutic benefits of pure Nigella sativa oil. The Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program (BAPP) has issued a bulletin highlighting common adulteration issues with black seed oil, underscoring the importance of sourcing high-quality oil.
Black seed oil is a versatile and potent carrier oil with numerous benefits for heart health, inflammation, and immune support. By incorporating it into your natural health routine, you can enhance the effects of essential oils and support your wellbeing in a natural, holistic way.
For more information on essential oils for related conditions, see our essential oils for metabolic syndrome guide and our top essential oils for heart health report to learn more about addressing these metabolic conditions naturally and effectively.
And remember, while black seed oil has many potential health benefits, it’s essential to use it appropriately. Quality matters, so opt for cold-pressed, organic oil when possible. Additionally, dosage and individual responses can vary, so professional guidance is recommended.
Proven, Effective Weight Loss Tips
The most important weight loss tips are probably not what you think they should be, and you may be surprised to learn that weight gain isn’t about food!
As God said “My people perish for lack of knowledge,” and nowhere is this truer than with obesity and weight gain. Fortunately, we can change things. There’s no reason to lose hope!
Why You Should Lose Weight
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. ~ 1 Corinthians 10:31
First, it’s important to know your why – i.e. the reason why that motivates your behavior to lose weight or shed body fat. Once we do this, we’ll be prepared to set up some actionable steps that can help you overcome some struggles you may be having
The effects of being overweight and obese are endless. Weight loss is one of the biggest challenges Americans face. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says, “Obesity-related conditions, including heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, are some of the leading causes of preventable death.” Obesity is the leading cause of preventable death, second only to smoking.
Being overweight can cause economic and psychological pressure. Sadly, obese people are discriminated against on a regular basis. The airline industry requires obese passengers to purchase two seats, and the Boy Scouts of America recently banned obese children from attending Jamboree summer camps. Plus, there is an increasing amount of “fat” jokes on TV and movies, which make it socially acceptable.
Here are three good reasons to lose weight:
1. For God – Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and the Bible says that we are to present them as living sacrifices to God. We should be healthy, happy, and strong to overcome life’s challenges. Have you ever wondered about the Golden Rule? How can you love others if you do not love yourself? To be a Christian and treat others well, you need to love yourself so that you can love others.
2. For Yourself – It is your God-given inheritance to live an abundant life and feel confident in who you are and what you look like. You must love yourself without reservations.
3. For Your Family – You want to always be present with your loved ones with clarity of mind and energy. You can share more memories with them when you live a longer life.
3 Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Weight
Next we need to discuss some reasons why you’re not losing weight.
Contrary popular advice, according to the NHS, calorie restricting diets should be avoided. Instead, it is suggested that you take a balanced eating approach when attempting or struggling to lose weight. Furthermore, exercise like burst training can help tremendously.
Calorie restricted diets, on the other hand, make your body break down its own muscle so that you have enough energy to live day to day. Naturally, when this happens, your BMR is lowered because your muscle mass decreases, and this only slows down your metabolism. This is why many people will gain weight immediately after stopping a calorie restricted diet.
Everyone aims for an abundant life, and this is all about balance. Balance is something that most Americans need to work on. Just look at how most people spend their days and what they allow to enter their bodies by way of food and drink and you’ll see reasons why they are not losing weight.
Here are three of the primary reasons people cannot lose weight and/or cannot keep it off.
Hormone imbalance and toxins from the environment are intricately intertwined. This is one of the reasons that chronic disease (like diabetes and obesity) has been linked with toxic overload. One of the most alarming examples of this was observed and discovered by the American Diabetes Association.
Researchers looked at the connection between insulin resistance and organic pollutants. Adult volunteers were tested in the 2016 study, and it was found that 80 percent or more of the volunteers had low levels of six POPs (persistent organic pollutants) in their blood streams.
Oxychlordane was one of the six POPs found in the bloodstream. This is actually an insecticide that is used for citrus crops and corn crops. It is used on domestic gardens and lawns as well. All six POPs also had diabetes strongly associated with them.
It was found that POP exposure puts people at risk for a higher body mass index and waist circumference. This perpetuates the idea that diabetes and the obesity cycle is definitely occurring in America today and has been at its worst for the last 20 years.
The Lancet, a world-renowned journal, recently published results from this study. The results were “a surprise for many people working in diabetes research, because most studies to date have focused on the effects of genetics and the westernization of dietary habits and lifestyle, while ignoring the potential effect of xenobiotics.”
The article also suggested that, “more than 90 percent of POPs comes from animal foods in the general population without occupational or accidental exposures.”
This is why it is so important to choose your meats wisely. Ultimately, you are eating what the animal did. That’s why you should choose grass-fed beef that is organic and has cancer-fighting properties when you can. If you don’t, you’ll be eating POP-ridden trash feed that has been genetically modified and used to fill up the animals that you eat for dinner.
In addition, watch out for where your kids play. Often, parks and schoolyards have pesticides and POPs sprayed on them. These organophosphates, say the Greater Boston Physicians for Social Responsibility, disturb growth hormones and the neurotransmitter balance in the body. They have been linked to ADHD and autism and many other neurodevelopmental disorders.
Here’s a good rule to follow: if the grass that your kids are going to play on looks lush, green, and perfect, it’s probably been sprayed with pesticides and toxins, so don’t allow them to play there.
In order to properly keep off the pounds, you must have an optimal functioning digestive system. The digestive system is responsible for the nutrients being absorbed into your body and for waste removal. Of course, poor digestion has also been linked to numerous problems, including toxic overload, diarrhea, not losing weight, and constipation. Here are some specific diseases that have been linked to excess BMI and poor health:
● Yeast overgrowth, especially Candida
● Food allergies/sensitivities
● Celiac disease/gluten intolerance
● Leaky gut
Certain causes of bad digestion include eating lots of processed and unhealthy fats, living a stressful life, and living a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, there’s another common marker for poor digestion: antibiotic use. This has been linked to dysbiosis, yeast infections, and constipation.
Antibiotic use is on the rise. In fact, four out of five U.S. citizens have been prescribed antibiotics. This means that antibiotic prescriptions make up 17 percent of all prescriptions on the market today.
The so-called benefits that antibiotics offer do not mean that they are worth it when you look at the countless risks that have been associated with them. It is much better to take a natural approach to healthcare before resorting to antibiotic use.
Nearly every chronic disease is linked with inflammation, which means that it is essentially America’s number one silent killer. It’s the main reason why reducing inflammation is one of the five primary targets of the Healing Foods Diet.
As far back as the 1990s, it was found that inflammatory peptides like TNF-alpha and leptin (both hormones) are secreted from adipose cells. Since that time, there has been substantial research looking at the connection between lowgrade systematic inflammation and obesity.
“Meta-information” is the phenomenon that represents this connection. University of Ulster, UK researchers have been examining this phenomenon and have found that inflammation goes down when obese people and overweight people lose weight.
They published an article in Nutrition Research Reviews which showed that those people who lost 10 percent of their body weight had the best improvements in inflammation. The researchers also found that lowering inflammation itself has great positive effects on weight loss. Consider making healthy switches like coconut oil for inflammation control and weight loss.
Is There Such a Thing as a Slow Metabolism?
The NHS (National Health Service) of the United Kingdom says that your metabolism is: “All the chemical processes that go on continuously inside the body to keep you alive and your organs functioning normally, such as breathing, repairing cells and digesting food.”
Your BMR or basal metabolic rate is the minimal amount of energy that your body needs to maintain and carry out all of its chemical processes. Therefore, a low BMR represents an example of someone who has a slow metabolism.
Actually, however, it doesn’t seem that having a lower BMR means gaining weight. According to the NHS:
“People who struggle to lose weight often blame a slow metabolism. But there’s little evidence to support this claim.”
Interestingly, research shows that overweight people have faster metabolisms than thinner people because larger bodies require more energy to carry out basic bodily functions.
This is rather interesting. It shows that a common scapegoat for those who are horribly obese and overweight is a low metabolic rate. According to Mayo Clinic doctor Donald Hensrud, M.D., “There is such a thing as a slow metabolism. But slow metabolism is rare, and it’s usually not what’s behind being overweight or obese — that’s usually a matter of diet and exercise.” Instead, Hensrud says that these are the biggest reasons for not losing weight:
● Medications
● A family history and genetics
● Too little exercise and a sedentary lifestyle
● Eating too many calories
● Bad habits that are unhealthy, like not getting enough sleep or skipping breakfast (Instead of skipping, try a healthy breakfast like homemade granola.)
The NHS agrees:
“Research has also shown that people tend to eat more than they think they do. When asked to write down everything they’ve consumed in a day, many people tend to report eating far less than they actually do. More often than not, the reason you’re putting on weight is not because of a slow metabolism, it’s because you’re eating and drinking more calories than you’re burning. It may be hard to accept, but staying on top of the number of calories you eat is key to losing weight and keeping it off.”
5 Weight Loss Tips to Achieve Your Life Vision
Losing weight is more than just having an exercise program. It is a lifestyle. When you view it as a lifestyle, you can achieve your true potential. If you want to lose weight, you need to have a regular exercise regimen and put healthy food on your plate. Follow these weight loss tips to lose weight and keep it off forever.
Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision, the people will perish.” This is true for people who die early from diabetes, obesity, and other chronic diseases. We can achieve great power by using positive words and visualization.
It’s great if you can get away from work and go on a “natural health retreat” to focus on your goals. Use this experience to prayerfully plan your future health. Do not be consumed with work deadlines and stress. Make sure you spend a few hours over a few days to fall in love with the new you.
Make big goals and make you sure set a time frame. This is important so that your goals are realistic and challenging. It’s helpful to look at short and long-term goals. This makes your vision manageable and achievable. Create a vision board to look at every day that highlights weight loss, health, and life goals. Make it large and colorful so it catches your attention each day.
“In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight.” –Proverbs 3:6. With prayer and spending time with God, you can develop a plan and schedule to reach your success in the way the Lord is providing for you. Seek His advice as your mentor and counselor, and be sure to use a calendar to track your success so you can to see your results over time. Plan healthy options.
Write down your results in a diary or notebook, or track them on your phone. Pick a day that you can track your goals (example- sleep per night, waist circumference, total weight, BMI, body fat, etc). Keep a food journal to monitor your consumption for 30+ days. This way you can evaluate your progress and see what areas need improvement. Your notes will not lie to you. If you eat at McDonald’s three times a week, you will see it in your journal and you will see it on your body.
Ecclesiastes says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” It is vital that you have a partner who can support you. Your healthy lifestyle is so much easier when you share it with a friend. If you are on your own, consider hiring a health coach or life coach to encourage you and to help you make healthy lifestyle choices.
Take some time to think through these weight loss tips and tell us in the comments below which of these weight loss tips work best for you.
The Importance of Listening to Your Body
There is a Navajo proverb that says, “If you want to see what your body will look like tomorrow, look at your thoughts today.”
There’s an important reason why you cannot let your body become numb and why it is dangerous to continually put toxins into your body. God designed us so that fevers, stomachaches, rashes, and headaches would be red flags. These would be clues and warning signs that tell us that the balance of our bodies has been challenged.
Today, however, these natural red flags are masked with makeup, prescription medications, and other “Band-Aids.” People want to avoid being bothered by unsightly acne, pesky acid reflux, skin rashes, or leaky gut. This is true even though these are the results of making poor health decisions.
Judith Orloff, MD said, “Your body is a richly nuanced intuitive receiver.” Therefore, the importance of you being aware of your “body’s signals” cannot be emphasized enough as you continue your path toward optimal health and wellness. According to Orloff, it is critical to keep watch for what she refers to as the “5 Warning Signs That Your Body Sends.”
1. Feeling out of focus, oddly numb, off-center, or detached
2. Feeling toxic: as if you’re about to get sick or come down with the flu
3. Experiencing symptoms that you can’t explain that last for years at a time. Some people might have a knot in their stomach, an empty feeling in their core, an achy heart, or a lump in their throat
4. Feeling exposed without a defense
5. Feeling tired all the time
Essentially, as Americans continue to ignore these warnings signs, they lose connection with their bodies, and they lose the ability to sense the warning signs. They become literal toxic waste dumps.
They suffer from imbalanced hormones and have excess inflammation all the time. This puts them at serious risk for many chronic diseases like heart disease. In the end, these are the symptoms that contribute to struggling to lose weight, continuing the cycle even more.
An Olympian Mindset for Weight Loss
One of the primary reasons people hate themselves is because of how they look. It can be extremely challenging to overcome the mental roadblocks related to being overweight, and it takes an Olympian effort to overcome them.
What do I need to do to be the best I can be?
Have an Olympic-level mindset. Ask yourself what you need to do to be the BEST!
What do I need to do to have an Olympic-level mindset?
It takes years of training, a drive of passion, and a willingness to never give up, to reach greatness. Here are some inspiring Olympic medalists:
“The only victory that counts is the one over yourself.”
~ Jesse Owens, American sprinter and long jumper
You need to believe in yourself to reach your goals. Jesus said that “anything is possible if you believe.” It is important to surround yourself with positive people who are seeing their dreams become realities and glean off their confidence. Choose your friends wisely, because success is contagious.
“I didn’t set out to beat the World; I just set out to do my absolute best.”
~ Al Oerter, four-time gold medal winner in the discus throw
It can be challenging to keep up with a culture that lives in vanity and hedonism. It’s important to remember that it is about you and not the person working next to you. Men and women are both impacted by societal competition. You should do your best with what God has given you.
Scientifically speaking, we each have our own “biochemical individuality.” Not every woman can be skinny like Taylor Swift, and not every man can become strong like Chris Hemsworth. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. We can set realistic goals for our body types so we can be successful.
“The first thing is to love your sport. Never do it to please someone else. It has to be yours.”
~ Florence Griffith-Joyner, three-time gold medalist in 1988
This is why you should surround yourself with positive people. You may not be able to close the mouth of your critics. You need to focus on the prize of the future to reach your goals.
“I’m trying to do the best I can. I’m not concerned with tomorrow, but with what goes on today.”
~ Mark Spitz, gold medalist in swimming in 1972 and 1968
We need to remember to focus on today rather than the troubles of the future. We discourage people from weighing themselves every day. Your body will fluctuate and can be discouraging.
“It’s all about the journey, not the outcome.”
~ Carl Lewis, gold medalist in 1996, 1992, 1988
We need to enjoy the process to have a rewarding and exciting life. We need to embrace the rough times too. If we don’t have low moments, we cannot fully appreciate the great moments.
“Hard days are the best because that’s where champions are made. So if you push through the hard days you can get through anything.”
~ Gabby Douglas, two-time gold medal winner in the 2012 London Olympic Games
In the book of Romans, Paul says, “Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”
When we have challenging days, God will strengthen us with faith and we will see His glory. When we commit to weight loss and health, the Lord is in control and will show his eternal goodness.
“I am building a fire, and every day I train, I add more fuel. At just the right moment, I light the match.”
~ Mia Hamm, gold medalist in women’s football in 2004 and 1996
Mia Hamm is defining her breakthrough moment. God has perfect timing for you to control your health and destiny. This is an important moment for athletes because they put everything on the line to “go for the gold.” Once they set this goal, they never look back.
“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.”
~ Wilma Rudolph, gold medalist in athletics in 1960 and bronze medalist in 1956
You are only limited by your drive and creativity to make goals happen. Remember to keep pushing your limits and dreaming. If you say, “I am destined for greatness. I will reach my goals,” then your positive attitude will be reflected in your results.
“Nothing can substitute for just plain hard work.”
~ Andre Agassi, gold medalist in tennis in 1996
“Never put an age limit on your dreams.”
~Dara Torres, gold medalist in swimming in 2000, 1992 and 1984, silver medalist in 2008 and 1988 and bronze medalist in 2000 and 1988
You are never too old to become a better version of yourself. Dara Torres was 41 years old in the 2008 Olympics. She was the oldest swimmer to place on a U.S. Olympic team and won silver medals in each of the events she did. You need to overcome your insecurities about your age if you want to look and feel younger.
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” ~ Muhammad Ali, gold medalist in boxing in 1960
When you take the first steps toward a new healthy life, you will need to be courageous. It is terrifying to change. We applaud you for reading and researching all things natural, and we encourage you to make your dreams a reality.
The founder of the modern Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin, said, “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.” You will experience high and low points during your health journey. Remember to focus on why you are becoming healthy.
Weight Loss Guidelines that Work
Enjoying your ideal weight is more than just having an exercise program. It is a lifestyle. When you view it as a lifestyle, you can achieve your true potential. If you want to lose weight, you need to have a regular exercise program and put healthy food on your plate. Follow these additional weight loss tips to lose weight and keep it off forever.
Proverbs 29:18 says “Where there is no vision, the people will perish.” This is true for people who die early from diabetes, diabesity, obesity, and other chronic diseases. We can achieve great power by using positive words and visualization.
It would be wonderful if you can get away from work and go on a “natural health retreat” to focus on your goals. Use this experience to prayerfully plan your future health. Do not be consumed with work deadlines and stress. Make sure you spend a few hours over a few days to fall in love with the new you.
“In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and he will make your paths straight.” –Proverbs 3:6. With prayer and spending time with God, you can develop a plan
and schedule to reach your success in the way the Lord is providing for you. Seek His advice as your mentor and counselor, and be sure to use a calendar to track your success so you can to see your results over time. Plan healthy options.
Write down your results in a health diary or notebook, or track them on your phone. Pick a day that you can track your goals (example- sleep per night, waist circumference, total weight, body fat, and so forth). Keep a food journal to monitor your consumption for 30+ days. This way you can evaluate your progress and see what areas need improvement. Your notes will not lie to you. If you eat at fast food three times a week, you will see it in your journal and you will see it on your body.
Ecclesiastes says, “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor. If either of them falls down, one can help the other up.” It is vital that you have a partner who can support you. Your healthy lifestyle is so much easier when you share it with a friend. It is important to surround yourself with positive people who are seeing their dreams become realities and glean off their confidence. Choose your friends wisely, because success is contagious.
If you are on your own, consider hiring a health coach or life coach to encourage you and to help you make healthy lifestyle choices.
There is a Navajo proverb that says, “If you want to see what your body will look like tomorrow, look at your thoughts today.”
There’s an important reason why you cannot let your body become numb and why it is dangerous to continually put toxins into your body. God designed us so that fevers, stomach aches, rashes, and headaches would be red flags. These would be clues and warning signs that tell us that the balance of our bodies has been challenged.
Today, however, these natural red flags are masked with makeup, prescription medications, and other “Band-Aids.” People want to avoid being bothered by unsightly acne, pesky acid reflux, skin rashes, or leaky gut. This is true even though these are the results of making poor health decisions.
Exercising Smarter, Not Harder
Work smarter (not harder) should be your motto when exercising, which is why high intensity internal training workouts have become so popular.
Everyone has heard the recommendation that you should exercise for one hour every single day. However, many people do not realize that exercising too much can be more harmful than not working out at all. More is not better in this case, which is why Mama Z’s Fit40 & Beyond home exercise class focuses on the benefits of high intensity interval training.
Overexertion Is Dangerous
Long distance running is a great example in which overexertion can take place. Pheidippides was an Athenian messenger who ran across the land of Marathon to announce the Greek victory over the Persian army.
Since that time, marathon running has caused a great debate. When Pheidippides arrived, he said “Rejoice, we conquer,” and then he immediately dropped dead.
While some contend this story is untrue, many understand that marathon running (and overexertion) can be very harmful to the human body. Dr. James O’Keefe of Preventive Cardiology at the Mid America Heart Institute of Saint Luke’s Health System said,
“The heart pumps about 5 quarts per minute when we’re sitting. When we’re running, it goes up to 25 to 30 quarts. The heart wasn’t meant to do that for hours, day in and day out. You end up overstretching the heart and tearing muscle fibers. Up to 30 percent of those who finish marathons have elevated troponin levels, which is a marker for heart damage. That’s the marker we look for to see if someone’s having a heart attack- it’s irrefutable evidence of heart damage,”
There is a correlation between running and shortened life expectancy. A recent study shows that long distance runners have the same life span as couch potatoes.
3 Important Health Benefits
Fortunately, global health authorities have discovered a new effective way to train and exercise, which is high intensity interval training (HIIT). The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends:
“Adults aged 18-64 should do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity through the week or do at least 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity through the week or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous intensity activity.”
Although the WHO still recommends an hour of cardio five times a week, it is reassuring to know that the benefits of high intensity interval training workouts are getting more attention around the world.
According to a 2012 presentation at the >European Society of Cardiology:
⚫ HIIT activates telomerase, an anti-aging enzyme, and reduces p53 expression, reduces p53 expression – the most commonly mutated gene in people with cancer.
⚫ One workout can increase telomerase by circulating the cells.
⚫ Physical activity and life expectancy have a positive correlation.
Not only can HIIT workouts benefit our DNA, but they help the following:
⚫ Decreased body fat
⚫ Improved libido
⚫ Better muscle tone
⚫ Fewer wrinkles, firm skin
⚫ Increased energy
⚫ Boosted metabolism
The overall most important benefit of high intensity training is the management of hormones responsible for weight gain and unhealthy eating.
Ghrelin is a hormone related to long-term weight gain and short term eating habits, such as the “munchies.” This hunger hormone is produced in the stomach and can stimulate appetite. Ghrelin mainly contributes to sweet, salty, and fried food cravings. It has a unique way of slowing down fat usage. Some other important facts are:
⚫ Ghrelin “primes the brain” for post-traumatic stress disorder.”
⚫ Ghrelin continues the stress-cycle, which contributes to weight gain.
⚫ Ghrelin is released directly in response to stressful situations, which clarifies why people eat when they are stressed.
Associate Professor Jeffrey Zigman, MD, PhD, of UT Southwestern Medical Center states that ghrelin is related to stress and it helps explain certain complex eating behaviors and may be one of the mechanisms by which obesity develops in people exposed to psychosocial stress.
Leptin is considered the “starvation hormone” because it makes your body feel like it is full. By telling your brain you have eaten enough, leptin ensures that your energy levels are adequate. Typically, your fat cells create enough leptin so your internal energy level manages your weight and helps your cells to function.
When people gain weight, their blood leptin levels can rise and weight loss will result because the body feels full faster when eating food. However, many individuals ignore these warning signs and they eat too much. This makes them “leptin resistant” which causes more weight gain and obesity.
Three important pointers:
⚫ High intensity training is a natural way to control these hormones and more.
⚫ Leptin manages long-term energy balance and suppresses food consumption, which helps weight loss.
⚫ Ghrelin is a vital and fast-acting hormone that contributes to weight gain.
The past decade has had substantial research that shows ghrelin increases and leptin decreases after burst training workouts. High Intensity Interval Training is one of the best ways to manage your hunger cues and to maximize your hormones to lose weight.
Researchers have been confused for years due to these four hormone facts:
⚫ Both of these hormones increase after high intensity training workouts.
⚫ Increases in testosterone encourage weight loss.
⚫ Reduced levels of leptin are responsible for weight gain.
⚫ Testosterone impedes the discharge of leptin in the body.
Ultimately, high intensity interval training creates an effect on testosterone and leptin in the body. These hormones offset each other, but promote the same weight loss effect. This poses many questions, “Would the level of leptin created as a result of HIIT be sufficient to offset testosterone’s capacity to slow down leptin release?”
The journal Endocrine published a study that says, YES! High intensity workouts cause leptin to not be impacted by the harmful effects of high testosterone. No relation could be found between the two hormones during the study. By doingHigh Intensity Interval Training workouts, you receive the hormonal benefit of weight loss.
Additionally, health and exercise science researchers in the UK have shown the various hormone levels for individuals who do burst training:
⚫ Growth hormone (accredited to weight loss) increases, which shows that burst training impacts other hormones besides ghrelin and leptin.
⚫ Ghrelin declines after 30 minutes of recovery.
These two pieces of research show that burst training is effective in curbing appetite and controlling weight gain.
High intensity interval training is super effective when you are working out to help increase weight loss. As you are getting a good cardio workout while focusing on major muscle groups, your workout will give you plenty of bang for your buck!
The hormones that affect your mood and metabolism begin to regulate and your body will learn to burn stored fat for energy during rest periods. Of course, it is important to ensure that you’re fueling your body with high quality food to get the maximum benefits of both health and weight loss.
Strengthening the major muscle groups of the body, like those in the legs, glutes, and abs also works to improve your posture, strengthen joints, and relieve aches and pains in the lower back. The benefits of HIIT are so far reaching!
The Basic Principles Behind HIIT
HIIT is a combination of short but high intensity bursts of exercise with slow recovery times repeated during a short session, such as 15-20 minutes. The workout is completed at 85-100 percent of your maximum heart rate, rather than 50-70 percent in a moderate endurance activity. This burst training workout can be done anywhere with any type of movement, as long as it is performed like a sprint rather than a marathon.
It is best to exercise first thing in the morning to control your leptin and ghrelin throughout the day. According to the Journal of Physiology, exercising on an empty stomach has been shown to improve glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity. This helps to prevent type II diabetes, improve weight loss, and curb any cravings to eat unhealthy food.
One of the advantages of high intensity workouts is that they can be done at home with little to no equipment. For example, you could go to a track and walk the curves and sprint the straight lines. If you enjoy biking, you can spin at maximum speed for 20 seconds, and then go easy for 20 seconds, repeating the bursts for 10-20 minutes.
Elite athletes have been using burst training for years. While this method of exercise isn’t new, it proves that anybody can train this way, whether they are an Olympian or not.
How To Start Exercising
When you have made the decision to create a healthier lifestyle, there are a couple of different components that you need to put into place. It’s important to make sure that you are eating right to give yourself the energy you need and support your total body health, first and foremost. Once you have that plan in hand, adding in a great exercise program, like Mama Z’s HIIT workout, is crucial for your success.
The first step to getting started with a HIIT exercise program is understanding exactly what HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, means. With HIIT exercise plans, workouts consist of short bursts of high intensity exercise, followed by slow recovery periods. Also known as burst training, one of the most common examples is alternating a short sprint with a walk to bring your heartrate down. This allows your heart to work in the wonderfully efficient way that it was designed, while giving you the physical activity that you need to tone muscles, boost metabolism, and increase your overall physical and mental well-being.
There are a lot of amazing benefits to HIIT, but there are also a few precautions and safety considerations, as well. Exercise is best done in the morning, on an empty stomach, to help control insulin and hormone levels throughout the day. If you have pain, dizziness, vertigo, or nausea, you might be pushing too hard, so dial down the workout. Soreness is normal as you tone and build muscle, but you should never have real pain when exercising.
There are HIIT workouts for every part of the body, which we cover extensively in our Essential Oils Diet book. With HIIT training, you will focus on one muscle group with each working, making sure that the entire body gets the attention it needs. There will be days that you work upper body, days for lower body, and days where your focus will be on your abs and core. One thing that won’t change from day to day is the need for a warmup and cool down to begin and end each workout.
As a beginner, we suggest that you start with a ten-minute warmup, 10 second “burst” intervals with a maximum level 5 out of ten for effort, 50 second “recovery” intervals at a level 2 out of 10, for a total of 10 intervals. This will help you begin to acclimate to the physical activity that you are adding into your daily routine and build up your energy levels and stamina. After a couple of weeks, you can begin to increase the length and intensity of your intervals, making for an even more effective workout.
Anyone can do HIIT workouts! Even if an exercise seems to hard, performing a modified version that meets your personal limitations is perfectly alright. The key to success is keeping your heart rate up and performing in sprint-style bursts to maximize the effectiveness of the workout.
Warmup & Cool Down Routines
The purpose of warming up and cooling down are very much the same. It’s all about preparing your body. Even if you are pressed for time, be sure to start every workout with a warmup, as it can prevent injuries to your muscles and tendons. You want to be sure that your muscles are limber and ready and your heart is engaged and prepared for the challenges ahead!
In order to find your target heart rate, you must first calculate your maximum heart rate by subtracting your age from 220. With HIIT, your target heart rate will be 85-100 percent of your maximum heart rate for the short period of time of your workout – typically around 15-20 minutes.
Simple warmups that will increase your heart rate and prepare your body for the more intense intervals to come include walking up and down stairs, brisk walks, or a low impact series of kicks, arm circles, and similar exercises that will help to increase your heart rate safely. Our Essential Eight Warm-up, which you can find in the Essential Oils Diet Book, is a perfect, martial arts style warmup that is a lot of fun and quite effective.
While you want to begin increasing your heart rate during your warmup, it’s important not to overdo it and burn out in the first few minutes of exercising. Instead, start slow and build momentum to the high intensity intervals in the workout. As your body begins to get into better shape, you can begin to increase the intensity of your workouts and challenge yourself even more to achieve even better results!
Just as important to your workout as warming up is cooling down. You want to bring your heart rate back down and signal to your muscles that it’s time to rest and recover. A brisk walk for a few minutes is a perfect way to end your workout, as it will allow your heart rate to decrease slowly and your muscles to continue a slow stretch as you finish your routine.
Upper Body HIIT Workout Tips
When many people think upper body, their minds instantly go to workouts that include a large amount of weight work. With Mama Z’s HIIT workout plan, nothing could be further from the truth. While you could add hand weights to increase the intensity of your workout and gain strength, everything within the Essential Exercise plan upper body HIIT Workout is done simply with your own body weight and resistance.
Your Upper Body HIIT Workout at home will consist of exercises specifically designed to strengthen the muscles of your arms, shoulders, and back. If you haven’t been exercising regularly, you can begin with just a few reps or a shorter time period, modifying the moves to meet your own abilities. As time goes on, you can start to increase your reps or move to the unmodified version as you begin to increase your physical fitness.
Though Mama Z’s arm circles and grip workout might seem simple, these seemingly easy moves can really pack a punch! Check out the video and see just how simple but effective these upper body HIIT exercise can be for your shoulders and arms.

Lower Body HIIT Workout Tips
Working out your lower body is so important to fitness and total body health. When you are carrying extra weight, it takes a serious toll on the joints in your legs, so by strengthening those muscles, they will better protect those joints as you work toward reaching your weight loss goals. Plus, the added weight loss will help to relieve some of the strain on your knees, hips, and ankles, as well.
The exercises in the HIIT leg workout will work your calves and thighs, without the need for excessive equipment. You may wish to use a yoga mat or folded blanket or towel to protect your knees when doing exercises that require kneeling on a hard surface. The HIIT Hips and Glute Workout gives your hips and backside a solid workout that will help to improve posture and increase joint stability and flexibility.
Keep in mind as you are coming up with your personalized workout that you can alternate leg days and arm days to give your muscles a chance to rest and recover between interval sessions. Working out the entire body will help you to maximize weight loss and enhance your body’s overall health.
Check out the video below to see Mama Z demonstrate one of the most effective leg exercises, Mountain Climbers, as well as some modifications that you can do as you are working your way toward a higher fitness level. This exercise is so versatile! Anyone can find a way to do it, no matter their fitness level.

HIIT Ab Workout Tips
There are two ways that you can approach your HIIT ab workout as a beginner. You can rotate your ab days with your upper and lower body workouts, or you can do abs each day alongside another muscle group. As your fitness level and stamina begins to increase, you can work toward completing all the groups in one extensive workout session.
When doing your HIIT ab workout, you’ll need a little bit of equipment. A towel, blanket, or mat for the floor is helpful. You also will need an exercise ball, some hand weights, and an ab wheel to get the most effective workout. Medicine balls in lower weights are also a great addition to your home workout equipment. All of these can be found at a relatively inexpensive price at your favorite big box store or on Amazon, allowing you to work out at home without expensive equipment.
Working out your core muscles is one of the most important parts of your total body health. When you have weak core muscles, it affects your posture, can cause back pain, and can also leave you open to injuries. Be sure that you include this interval set regularly in your HIIT workout plan.
Best High Intensity Interval Training Ab Exercises – Some of the best high intensity interval training ab exercises include:
⚫ various crunches
⚫ ab wheel rolls
⚫ ab twists
⚫ simple floor work like the “superman” and “ninja turtle” exercises
In the video below, see a great demonstration of Exercise Ball Crunches, with and without a medicine ball. Pay close attention to the advice given about form and learn how to modify the exercise if you aren’t quite physically ready to go all-in.

Pressed for time? You can still fit in a quick ab workout to make sure that you don’t miss a day in your new workout routine.
Start with a brisk 5 minute walk to get your body warmed up. Alternately, you can spend 5 minutes doing low impact exercises that will raise your heart rate. Choose 3 favorite exercises that work your core muscles and do a few sets of each in 10 second bursts with a 50 second cool-down exercise between each, for a total of 10 intervals.
Some of our favorite core exercises include:
⚫ Exercise Ball Crunches
⚫ Ab Wheel Roll Outs
⚫ Fire Hydrants
It really is just that easy to fit a quick ab workout into your day! No more excuses about not having enough time to exercise!
Of course you need to cool down. But exercise alone isn’t going to make you healthy. One vitally important aspect of healthy living is to stay well-hydrated. Try our essential oil water concentrate to ensure proper hydration.
Make sure that you are eating plenty of bioactive foods that will fuel your body well. And if you find yourself a little stiff and sore after your workout, we have some great essential oil remedies for athletes that will help ease any aches and pains.
As you can see, making the move to HIIT workout plans is one that has far-reaching benefits and can help you to live the healthiest, most abundant life possible, as God intended. Want to learn more about HIIT and how you can get started on a path to weight loss and total body health? Pick up a copy of the Essential Oils Diet book and unlock the rest of the bonuses including more workout videos to help you maximize your fitness routine!
Using Essential Oils for Weight Loss
From shedding some extra pounds to seriously shaking off weight, getting fit and getting healthy top most resolution lists and using essential oils for weight loss should be part of your journey!
Getting Serious About Weight Loss
Before we go any further, it’s important to call out the elephant in the room here: there is no magic easy button. There’s very little research on essential oils and weight loss, and when it comes down to it, nothing beats good old fashioned food choices and body movement for effective weight loss. With that out of the way, we can more clearly see the role essential oils have to play when weight loss is the goal.
You already know that there’s no shortcut. If you think there is, you’re bound to be disappointed. Instead of looking for a magic oil to melt away the pounds, let’s look at what we know about a handful of essential oils and their parent plants to see how essential oils can support our efforts for weight loss. With all of the tools God left at our disposal, we are without excuse for a healthy and Abundant Life!
7 Essential Oils For Weight Loss
Essential oils play a supportive role in so many ways. From relieving side effects of treatments to ameliorating effects of illnesses, it’s often the indirect benefits that are felt the strongest. For weight loss, this list is just a starting point – get creative with your oil “stash” to see what might help you achieve your weight loss goals.
Maintaining a natural, holistic lifestyle is absolutely crucial to being healthy and the key to preventing weight gain. One of my favorite ways is to drink matcha green tea and make my favorite fat-burning matcha green tea latte!
Like I always say, “Eating at McDonald’s and using essential oils is like taking one step forward and two steps back!” so be sure to focus on abundant life giving eating and exercise habits when incorporating essential oil therapy into your life!
Of the well-researched citrus oils, lime in particular has had very promising results regarding weight loss. One study, published in 2010, observed lime essential oil both assisting weight loss and preventing weight gain. The study concluded: The data obtained in this study suggested that lime essential oil plays an important role in weight loss and could be useful in the treatment of drug-induced obesity and related diseases. For anyone who has packed on weight after a procedure or prescription, this comes as welcome news!
Application: Include lime in culinary recipes, topical formulas, and diffusion blends to maximize a wide range of actions.
Another much-loved citrus oil, grapefruit, shatters our expectations of what a weight loss tool should be. Instead of yet another thing to drink, eat, or take, grapefruit seems to be just as effective in other ways. In evaluating the effects that grapefruit and lavender essential oils have after simply being smelled, researchers found that nerve impulses were affected extensively, leading to fat-burning and appetite-reducing benefits. Topically, grapefruit is a cosmetic boost during weight loss efforts. As part of a topical blend massaged onto the abdomen, grapefruit essential oil weight loss contributed to reduced waist-circumferences and composition changes, boosting self-image for the women who participated.
Application: Include grapefruit essential oil weight loss in lotion and massage oil blends; diffuse before and during meals.
The primary evaluation for cinnamon in various forms centers around diabetes itself, and cinnamon oil has been able to modify glycemic control in those cases. Additionally, in one recent study, researchers were able to observe some pancreatic protection – the pancreas being our center for insulin regulation. For diabetics, reaching and maintaining a healthy weight is paramount, and glycemic control is part of the process. For everyone else, protecting the pancreas and helping the body better deal with glucose can be beneficial for weight loss, as well.
Application: Enjoy a drop or two diffused in stimulating weight loss blends or diluted into culinary or internal preparations.
Considered a mild stimulant, peppermint has been studied for its ability to improve athletic performance and endurance. Baby steps and good choices will get you to your goals, though, and that’s where peppermint comes into play for weight loss. As a digestive herb, the peppermint plant has been enjoyed with meals in many cultures and for countless generations. As an inhaled essential oil, it has another suggested digestive purpose: affecting appetite and caloric intake for weight loss.
Application: Diffuse with grapefruit for a bright scent that may also brighten up your daily calorie count!
Indicated in traditional and folk uses for weight loss and control, one suspected reason behind this may be cardamom’s gastroprotective effects. As a digestive oil, cardamom has been known to protect the stomach against ulcers and damage. Weight loss and control begins and ends in the stomach, not only what you eat but the way your body uses it. Damage in the stomach and the gut can put a damper on even the best diet. Take care of your gut and it will take care of you!
Application: Culinary preparations, or dilution into a capsule. As with all oils indicated for internal use, one or two drops at a time is more than sufficient.
We don’t know a lot about cumin essential oil yet, but what we do know is promising. The whole herb, for example, is often used to combat inflammation and diabetes. It’s this direction that researchers followed in 2005. In evaluating the chemical composition of cumin seeds, the study was able to pinpoint specific ways in which cumin – notably, some of the compounds found in the essential oil – affects the body’s blood sugar response. Cumin is considered a digestive herb and essential oil, and it’s certainly worth trying out in your weight loss blends.
Application: Try cumin in culinary preparations or simply diffused as part of a blend.
To really demonstrate thinking outside of the box for weight loss support, let’s turn to black pepper. In the 1990s, black pepper essential oil was used via inhalation to help reduce the symptoms of withdrawal for people as they quit smoking.
How might this benefit weight loss? The spiral of food addiction is often part of weight management problems, especially related to sugar. Taking care of your body as you make changes is important – going “cold turkey” on anything can create problems. Perhaps black pepper will help you take these steps for weight loss as it did for smokers. You never know until you try!
Application: Diffusion in an ultrasonic diffuser and personal inhalers.
Try this stimulating, appetite-curbing combination for use around workout times, when cravings hit, or during mealtimes. Add 2 drops of the following oil blend in a gel cap for occasional support. Be sure to discontinue use immediately if acid reflux develops (can sometimes happen with peppermint).
Essential Oils for Weight Loss Blend – equal parts of:
1. Grapefruit
2. Peppermint
3. Lime
4. Cinnamon
For instant hunger curbing relief, add 5 drops of the Essential Oils for Weight Loss Blend into your favorite diffuser and take slow, deep breaths for 3-5 minutes. Keep the diffuser running as you go about your daily routine.
You can also use this blend to make a body oil or body wrap. I explain how to do all of this and more in my bestselling book, The Healing Power of Essential Oils.
CHAPTER 7 Using Essential Oils for Metabolic Syndrome
With all the talk about how to use natural solutions for obesity, diabetes, and heart disease, it’s interesting to note that most people haven’t heard about using essential oils for metabolic syndrome.
When I wrote this article, there was literally just one blog post about essential oils and metabolic syndrome online! My hope and prayer is that you find this report helpful, and that you share it with your loved ones because the information that I share below can spare someone a lot of pain and needless suffering.
Why Metabolic Syndrome is Important
Metabolic syndrome is a combination of various risk factors that together create the perfect storm for increased risk of type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and death. Not clearly defined in the literature, I’ve narrowed the main contributing risks down to these four:
1. Excessive weight gain (abdominal obesity)
2. Elevated blood sugar (insulin resistance)
3. High blood pressure (hypertension)
4. Imbalanced blood cholesterol (dyslipidemia)
Truth be told, we really don’t even know how far-reaching metabolic syndrome can be. It wasn’t too long ago, for example, that science uncovered that these four associated factors are linked to autoimmune disease. What we do know, however, is that metabolic syndrome is quite pervasive.
Who has metabolic syndrome?
⚫ Nearly 35% of all U.S. adults.
⚫ 50% of those are 60 years of age or older.
⚫ Gender: women are affected more.
⚫ Race: Hispanics, followed by non-Hispanic whites and then blacks.
What are the risks from developing metabolic syndrome?
⚫ Increases the risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus 5x.
⚫ Increases the risk of cardiovascular disease 3x.
⚫ Associated with a number of cancers including breast, colon, liver and pancreatic.
Not to mention that obesity, heart disease and diabetes are among the leading causes of deaths worldwide!
Maintaining a natural, holistic lifestyle is absolutely crucial to being healthy, and the key to preventing and treating metabolic syndrome is to approach each of the contributing risk factors individually. Meaning that you need to target weight loss differently than how you will balance your blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
Please keep this in mind as you dive into the ways you can use essential oils for metabolic syndrome below…
Losing Weight
Nearly 1.5 billion are affected by obesity around the globe and this number is rising year after year. Affecting all races and genders indiscriminately, abdominal obesity is the primary prerequisite for metabolic syndrome.
The bottom line is that, to beat metabolic syndrome, you need to lose weight. It’s as simple as that. And I’m not talking about short-term diet solutions. I’m referring to sustainable, life-transformation!
When using essential oils for weight loss, you’ll want to keep these on hand: lime, grapefruit, cinnamon, peppermint, cardamom, cumin and black pepper.
Take grapefruit, for example. You’ve likely seen it recommended in popular diets, because virtually every part of the fruit benefits your body composition –especially the essential oil!
One reason is that the scent basically tells your body that it’s time to burn fat. According to one study, “Olfactory stimulation with scent of grapefruit oil (SGFO)
excites the sympathetic nerve innervating the white adipose tissue…” It can also reduce appetite and body weight. Pretty cool, huh?
Before you dive in, though, remember that eating at McDonald’s every day and using essential oils is like taking one step forward and two steps back! Be sure to focus on abundant life-giving eating and exercise habits when incorporating essential oil therapy into your life.
One of my favorite tricks is to drink matcha green tea and make my favorite fatburning matcha green tea latte! It tastes great and has been proven to help people lose weight and burn fat.
The Weight Loss Essential Oil Blend – equal parts of:
⚫ Grapefruit
⚫ Peppermint
⚫ Lime
⚫ Cinnamon bark
Application: Try this stimulating, appetite-curbing combination around workout times, when cravings hit, or during mealtimes. Add 2 drops of the following oil blend in a gel cap for occasional support. Be sure to discontinue use immediately if acid reflux develops (this can sometimes happen with peppermint).
For the inhalation benefit, add 5 drops of the blend into your favorite room diffuser and enjoy!
Balancing Blood Sugar
One of the most intriguing things about essential oils is their ability to synergize –the phenomenon in which combinations of oils work together to create even more potent healing properties than they contain individually. This is a fundamental concept behind creating blends.
In 2005, Georgetown researchers took note of the benefits of synergy when they studied essential oils for lowering elevated blood sugar. Instead of isolating a single oil for their research, they experimented with blends of multiple oils that have been suggested as beneficial for diabetes. Oils named in the summary were:
⚫ Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)
⚫ Cumin (Cuminum cyminum)
⚫ Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum)
⚫ Oregano (Origanum vulgare)
The blends were able to improve insulin sensitivity when taken internally, which can be replicated by including oil blends diluted into a carrier and consumed in capsules, drinks, and recipes. Alternatively, you can create a body oil and apply for similar results!
Application: Make my Blood Sugar Balancing Body Oil and use twice a day!
Blood Pressure Control
In 2012, Korean researchers evaluated how inhaling essential oils could benefit 83 pre-hypertensive and hypertensive patients. They created a blend of lavender, ylang-ylang, marjoram, and neroli (20 : 15 : 10 : 2). They chose these oils because they suspected they would do the following:
⚫ Lavender – alleviate cardiac excitation, lowers BP, and is effective in hypertension and palpitations.
⚫ Ylang-ylang – lowers BP, alleviates palpitations and nervous system excitation, and promotes emotional relaxation.
⚫ Marjoram Essential Oil – lowers sympathetic nervous system activity and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, resulting in vasodilatation to reduce cardiac strain and decrease BP.
⚫ Neroli – brings forth emotional soothing and comfort and is effective in cardiac palpitations secondary to shock or fear.
As the method of intervention, the study group was provided with an aromatherapy necklace containing an essential oil-soaked stone, while the placebo group was given a necklace with artificial fragrance. Instructed to wear the necklace during the day, they were told to place an aroma stone with two oil drops by their bedside to ensure 24-hour inhalation.
Researchers discovered that by inhaling this special essential oil blend, patients were able to enjoy immediate and sustained blood pressure reduction – as well as lower stress levels!
Application: Try my Essential Oil Inhaler for High Blood Pressure and enjoy reduced blood pressure throughout the day!
Lower Blood Cholesterol
Since the groundbreaking 1975 paper that evaluated how onion and garlic essential oils could lower blood cholesterol levels in rabbits, people have been trying to find ways to use oils to prevent heart attacks.
Much more recently, the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology published an article showing how lemongrass oil can not only reduce elevated cholesterol levels but is quite safe to use!
According to the study:
“No significant changes in gross pathology, body weight, absolute or relative organ weights, histology (brain, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, stomach, spleen and urinary bladder), urinalysis or clinical biochemistry were observed in EO-treated mice relative to the control groups.”
“Additionally, blood cholesterol was reduced after EO-treatment at the highest dose tested [~2 drops].”
“Similarly, data from the comet assay in peripheral blood cells showed no genotoxic effect from the EO.”
“In conclusion, our findings verified the safety of lemongrass intake at the doses used in folk medicine and indicated the beneficial effect of reducing the blood cholesterol level.”
At roughly 2 drops per day, taking lemongrass essential oil is a superbly effective and simple approach to balance your cholesterol levels!
Application: Consume 2 drops of lemongrass in a gel capsule filled with olive oil twice a day for one month between blood work evaluations.
Top Essential Oils for Heart Health
When we’re studying the top essential oils for heart health, it’s important to realize that cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the US. Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a catchall term for conditions like coronary artery disease, heart failure, hypertension (high blood pressure), and strokes. Cardiovascular health refers to the proper functioning of the heart and blood vessels, which are responsible for circulating blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the body.
In the United States alone, more than 18 million adults suffer from cardiovascular disease. Globally, it claims over 18 million lives annually, accounting for 30% of all deaths. The risk factors for CVD include poor diet, lack of exercise and physical activity, chronic raised stress levels, and unhealthy cholesterol levels. As a result, maintaining a healthy heart requires a multifaceted approach, including lifestyle changes and natural remedies such as essential oils.
How Essential Oils Support Heart Health
There are many essential oils offer a range of benefits that can help support cardiovascular health and encourage healthy heart function. (2) Here are the key ways they work:
⚫ Anti-inflammatory Effects: Inflammation is a significant contributor to heart disease. Essential oils with anti-inflammatory properties, such as rosemary and pine, can reduce arterial inflammation and help prevent heart disease.
⚫ Stress Reduction: Chronic stress significantly raises the risk of heart disease by increasing cortisol stress levels and raising blood pressure. Essential oils like lavender and ylang-ylang are well-known for their ability to reduce stress, lower heart rate, and improve emotional well-being.
⚫ Blood Pressure Management: Hypertension, systolic blood pressure, and overall blood pressure, is a leading causes of heart disease. Essential oils such as ylang-ylang and bergamot are known for their hypotensive effects, helping to lower blood pressure naturally.
⚫ Improved Circulation: Good circulation is crucial for heart health. Oils like peppermint and rosemary help stimulate blood flow and can reduce arterial stiffness, ensuring a healthy cardiovascular system.
Top 10 Essential Oils for Heart Health
Essential oils provide a natural, effective means to support heart health and overall cardiovascular wellness. Below are seven essential oils that are particularly beneficial for promoting healthy heart function, reducing stress levels, managing blood pressure, and improving circulation.
Coriander essential oil is rich in linalool and terpenes, which provide both antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. These effects are highly beneficial for cardiovascular health, as they help protect the heart by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation—two major contributors to heart disease. Coriander essential oil is noted for its ability to regulate lipid levels, which is essential for maintaining healthy cholesterol and preventing plaque buildup in the arteries.
Coriander oil has also been traditionally used for improving circulation, which can help lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension, a major factor in cardiovascular issues such as strokes and heart attacks. It may also contribute to the reduction of stress and anxiety, both of which are critical for maintaining heart health.
Application: This is one of the primary essential oils in our Healthy Heart Blend so join it with the rest in a diffuser or body oil!
Lavender essential oil is well-known for its soothing and stress-relieving properties, making it one of the most effective oils for heart health. This versatile oil is rich in linalool and linalyl acetate, compounds known to reduce anxiety, calm the nervous system, and lower cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol can raise blood pressure and heart rate, so reducing this hormone’s presence is crucial for maintaining heart health.
Several studies have shown that lavender oil can significantly reduce both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, making it an excellent natural remedy for hypertension. By promoting relaxation and reducing emotional stress, lavender directly supports the cardiovascular system. In fact, emotional stress is a major risk factor for heart disease, and managing this aspect of wellness can reduce long-term cardiovascular risk.
Key components and benefits of lavender essential oil include linalool and linalyl acetate which are compounds that help calm the nervous system and reduce stress-induced heart rate elevation. This is key for blood pressure management.
Lavender essential oil has been shown to reduce blood pressure in clinical settings, supporting overall heart health. Its calming properties can also help prevent stress-induced cardiovascular strain.
Application: Add 4-5 drops of lavender essential oil to a diffuser before bed to promote relaxation and reduce stress. Alternatively, mix 2-3 drops with a carrier oil and apply to your temples or wrists for a calming effect throughout the day.
Pine essential oil offers remarkable anti-inflammatory and circulatory benefits, thanks to its high concentration of monoterpenes, particularly α-pinene. These compounds reduce inflammation, a significant risk factor for heart disease and coronary artery disease.
Inflammation is a key contributor to cardiovascular diseases like atherosclerosis, where arteries become clogged with plaque. By reducing inflammation in the arterial walls, pine oil can help promote smoother blood flow and prevent the formation of blockages that lead to heart attacks or strokes.
Additionally, pine oil helps improve overall blood circulation, making it an excellent choice for those looking to boost heart health naturally. The enhanced blood flow promoted by pine oil may also reduce strain on the heart by ensuring that oxygen and nutrients are more efficiently distributed throughout the body.
Application: For a blood circulation-boosting massage, blend 5 drops of pine oil with 10 mL of a carrier oil (such as coconut oil or Mama Z’s oil base) and massage it onto the chest or over pulse points to stimulate blood flow and reduce inflammation.
Ylang-ylang essential oil is revered for its ability to lower blood pressure and heart rate, making it an excellent natural remedy for hypertension. Ylang-ylang contains linalool and β-caryophyllene, both of which are known for their calming, sedative effects. The linalool effects are similar to the effects of lavender, which is why they blend so well together.
These compounds not only reduce stress but also help lower blood systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure. This has proven beneficial effects on heart health.
Stress is one of the most significant contributors to heart disease, and by calming the nervous system, ylang-ylang helps mitigate this risk. This essential oil’s hypotensive properties also make it a valuable addition to a heart-health routine for those seeking to naturally manage their blood pressure levels.
Application: Add drops of ylang-ylang essential oil to the detox bath before you go to bed at night or diffuse it in a blend with lavender, neroli, and marjoram for hypertension relief. The beneficial effects may extend to improving libido as well, for enhanced quality of life if heart disease has impacted that area.
Rosemary essential oil is widely recognized for its stimulating effects, particularly in terms of circulation. This essential oil contains rosmarinic acid, an antioxidant with beneficial effects that help protect the cardiovascular system from oxidative stress. Oxidative stress contributes to the development of heart disease by damaging blood vessels and raising cholesterol levels, so managing this is key to preventing cardiovascular problems.
Rosemary essential oil has been traditionally used to help manage hypotension (low blood pressure). It has been shown to increase blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate when inhaled. A study conducted over a 72-week period on 32 patients with primary hypotension found that rosemary oil helped raise blood pressure to normal levels in most of the volunteers.
It also looks like rosemary essential oil could be your new best friend when it comes to keeping your cholesterol in check. Some studies have shown that this awesome oil and its key components can help manage cholesterol levels. This is super important because keeping cholesterol in line helps lower the chances of plaque buildup in your arteries and reduce the risk of heart disease.
Application: Mix 3 drops of rosemary oil with 5 mL of carrier oil and massage onto the chest area or pulse points to improve circulation. You can also diffuse rosemary oil during the day for mental clarity and heart support.
Peppermint oil is highly energizing and boosts circulation, which is crucial for heart health. Its menthol content provides a cooling, beneficial effect that relaxes the muscles around the heart, allowing for smoother blood flow. Peppermint also helps alleviate fatigue levels, a common symptom in those with heart conditions such as coronary artery disease, low blood pressure, atrial fibrillation, and more.
By increasing oxygen flow to the brain and heart, peppermint helps combat this level of fatigue, promoting overall cardiovascular health. It’s one of our go-to oils for the beneficial effects for athletes. If you’re trying to increase your physical activity level, you’ll want to add peppermint essential oil to your gym bag for sure!
Application: For an energy boost, diffuse peppermint essential oil along with rosemary and lavender to keep you motivated to move!
Bergamot essential oil has been studied for its potential benefits in reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. This citrus oil contains bergamottin, a compound shown to have antianginal and antiarrhythmic properties, which means it can help stabilize heart rhythm and improve heart function. In studies involving guinea pigs with induced arrhythmia, bergamot showed significant potential in protecting the heart.
Bergamot essential oil also offers the added beneficial effect of lowering LDL cholesterol, often referred to as “bad” cholesterol. High LDL cholesterol is a major risk factor for heart disease, and by reducing these levels, bergamot helps protect the cardiovascular system from plaque buildup and blockages.
Application: Make a blend with equal parts bergamot, ylang ylang, and lavender essential oil for a diffuser or dilute into a carrier oil to relieve stress and promote healthy heart function and relaxation. Managing stress will help improve your quality of life too!
Black pepper essential oil contains beta-caryophyllene, a compound known for its interaction with the body’s endocannabinoid system. Beta-caryophyllene binds to CB2 receptors, which are known to help reduce inflammation—a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease. This interaction creates a beneficial effect that helps reduce the arterial inflammation that contributes to hypertension and heart disease.
In addition to its anti-inflammatory properties, black pepper essential oil also boasts potent antioxidative effects. Studies show that it can inhibit key enzymes involved in the development of hypertension. By reducing oxidative stress, black pepper essential oil may play a vital role in managing blood pressure levels and promoting overall cardiovascular health.
To create a calming environment during stressful times or before bedtime, consider diffusing black pepper essential oil to enhance the effects of lavender or vetiver oils. This combination not only promotes relaxation but can also enhance the overall effectiveness of the oils in supporting heart health.
Geranium essential oil is highly regarded for its ability to reduce stress and balance emotions, both of which play a crucial role in supporting heart health. Rich in compounds like citronellol and geraniol, geranium oil offers significant anti-anxiety and anti-inflammatory effects. Since stress and inflammation are two leading contributors to heart disease, effectively managing these factors can help reduce cardiovascular risk.
A clinical trial study involving patients who inhaled geranium oil for 20 minutes showed a notable reduction in anxiety levels, which is directly linked to improved heart health. Additionally, geranium’s anti-inflammatory properties help reduce arterial inflammation, supporting circulation and decreasing the risk of arterial blockages, which can lead to heart attacks or strokes.
Application: Diffuse 4-5 drops of geranium essential oil at home or work to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. Alternatively, add a couple drops to a personal inhaler or cotton ball for on-the-go aromatherapy.
Neroli essential oil, extracted from the blossoms of the bitter orange tree, is known for its heart-supporting properties, particularly for those dealing with hypertension. Containing key compounds like linalool and nerolidol, neroli has been shown to lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure while improving pulse regulation.
In clinical trials, inhaling neroli essential oil significantly reduced blood pressure, making it a potent natural remedy for hypertension. Beyond its effects on blood pressure, neroli’s anxiolytic properties are well-documented. Its ability to relieve stress and anxiety—both significant contributors to cardiovascular problems— helps protect the heart by calming the nervous system and reducing stressinduced strain on the cardiovascular system.
Application: Add 3-4 drops of neroli essential oil to a diffuser to create a calming environment and support heart health. You can also dilute it with a carrier oil and apply to your chest or pulse points to help reduce blood pressure and alleviate stress.
Black seed oil (Nigella sativa L.) is a potent carrier oil known for its antiinflammatory and cardioprotective properties. Rich in thymoquinone, it helps reduce oxidative stress, improves endothelial function, and supports vascular health. Black seed oil enhances the overall heart health benefits, making it a valuable addition to your cardiovascular wellness routine. For those using capsules internally, this makes an excellent carrier oil choice to support the action of heart healthy essential oils like those below.
How to Use Essential Oils for Heart Health
One of the most effective ways to use essential oils for heart health is through aromatherapy. Diffusing oils such as lavender, ylang-ylang, or bergamot helps to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and support relaxation. Simply add 3-5 drops of your preferred oil to a diffuser and inhale the calming scent.
Essential oils can be applied topically when mixed with a carrier oil. For cardiovascular benefits, apply the oil to pulse points, the chest, or soles of your feet. Oils like peppermint and rosemary are especially beneficial for improving circulation when applied this way.
Consider one of our stress relief blends to enhance the benefits of physical activity, minimize stress level impacts on your body and circulatory system, and more. Use Mama Z’s oil base of carrier oils to properly dilute the essential oils before applying topically.
Safety and Precautions
While essential oils offer significant benefits, they must be used safely. Always dilute essential oils with a carrier oil before applying them to the skin. Those with pre-existing heart conditions or high blood pressure should consult a healthcare provider before using essential oils. Some oils may interact with medications, particularly blood thinners, so it’s essential to seek medical advice.
Essential oils for heart health can be a powerful tool in supporting cardiovascular wellness. Whether you’re looking to reduce stress, improve circulation, or manage blood pressure, essential oils like lavender, ylang-ylang, and rosemary offer natural, effective solutions. By incorporating these oils into your daily routine, you can take proactive steps toward better heart health and help you enjoy the abundant life.
If you’re looking to take control of your heart health and prevent cardiovascular disease, managing metabolic syndrome is a critical step. By addressing factors like abdominal obesity, high triglycerides, and elevated blood pressure, you can protect your heart and overall well-being. Integrating essential oils into your daily routine is a natural and effective way to support this journey. Here are the oils you’ll want to keep on hand for each aspect of metabolic syndrome:
⚫ Abdominal obesity – Lime, grapefruit, peppermint
⚫ Elevated triglyceride levels – Bergamot, lemon, lemongrass
⚫ Low HDL cholesterol levels – Limonene-containing citrus oils
⚫ Elevated blood pressure – Cinnamon bark, bergamot, lavender, ylang ylang
⚫ Elevated blood glucose – Cinnamon bark, fenugreek, oregano
See our essential oils for metabolic syndrome guide for more tips about breaking this vicious cycle.
More on Essential Oils for Heart Heart
CHAPTER 9 Bergamot
Bergamot essential oil benefits go far beyond its uplifting fragrance and include stress relief, mood boosting, pain relief and more. In fact, some claim that the anxiety-relieving benefits parallel that of conventional drugs!
History & Chemical Components of Bergamot
Bergamot essential oil belongs to the citrus family of oils. Derived from the plants of the Citrus bergamia Risso tree, this plant’s origins are a mystery. Like many other citrus plants, bergamot is very likely a hybrid, that is, a cross between two plants. However, there is no consensus among botanists on which two plants were its parents. Bergamot is not to be confused with bergamot mint, a completely different essential oil derived from the mint family of plants.
The bergamot tree produces a fruit that is suitable for fragrance but is rarely used for eating as it has a “perfumey” flavor. However, you might recognize the scent of bergamot if you drink Earl Grey tea, which often is made by mixing black tea with bergamot essential oil or other bergamot extractions.
The name bergamot most likely comes from the Berga region of Spain. Bergamia Risso trees were grown there then shipped to the southern coast of Italy where they are now primarily grown. Most bergamot oil available today is cultivated from trees in this region, however, it does grow in other areas of the Mediterranean.
Bergamot oil is most commonly obtained through the cold expression of the peel. The major constituents of bergamot essential oil include the following:
⚫ limonene
⚫ linalyl acetate
⚫ linalool
⚫ β-pinene
⚫ γ-terpinene
⚫ bergapten
⚫ bergamottin
Bergamot is popular for its stress-reducing qualities and is also commonly used in commercial products that have a “citrusy” scent. In recent years, it has garnered a lot of interest from the research community because its extract is rich in polyphenols, making it advantageous for health and medicinal applications.
Let’s see what health benefits this unique oil has for you.
9 Benefits of Bergamot Essential Oil
Due to its long reputation as a stress reliever, several studies have been done on bergamot essential oil and its impact on cortisol, the stress hormone. Bergamot oil was found to reduce cortisol levels among 41 healthy females who inhaled it. AIn experiments done on lab rats, it also reduced stress responses in the body.
This pleasing scent blends well with a variety of other oils and is a must-have in your toolbox if you suffer anxiety or have high-stress responsibilities.
Application: Add bergamot, orange, sandalwood and ylang ylang oils to your personal inhaler for panic attacks or times of high anxiety.
Like many of the citrus oils, bergamot oil is known for its ability to boost your mood. It was shown to lift the mood of patients in the waiting room of a mental health treatment center.
In another study, bergamot, lavender, and frankincense oils were blended and used as a massage oil in a hospice care facility in Korea. Treated patients had reduced pain, anxiety, and depression. (8) We recommend using these oils to help during times of illness and or difficult health issues.
Application: Bergamot oil has a light citrusy flavor. Use 1-2 drops when cooking mild bakery items like scones, tea bread, or pound cake.
Like many other citrus oils, bergamot has powerful antimicrobial properties, making it useful for cleaning and disinfecting. Several citrus oils were tested and compared for their effect on foodborne pathogens, such as E. coli and other bacteria for use in the food industry. Bergamot oil was determined to be the most effective of all in combating these pathogens.
This effect may be due to the presence of linalool, which has demonstrated strong antimicrobial properties in the lab including antifungal properties. Bergamot is a refreshing scent to add to your homemade bath and hand cleansers.
Bergamot oil was also one of several oils that reduced the spread of influenza after 10 minutes of diffusion, making it a superior choice to promote health and wellness in your home.
Application: Add several drops of bergamot oil to your favorite DIY cleaning recipes.
Can bergamot oil help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease? Several studies have explored the impact of bergamot essential oil on heart disease, blood pressure, and cholesterol with interesting results. For example, one of its constituents, bergamottin, was tested on guinea pigs induced with arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and demonstrated “significant antianginal and antiarrhythmic properties.”
Research also suggests that bergamot may lower overall cholesterol, including LDL, the so-called “bad” cholesterol, reducing overall risk for cardiovascular disease. This is an excellent oil to keep on hand to protect you from cardiovascular disease.
Application: Diffuse a blend of ylang ylang and bergamot oil to support good heart health.
Bergamot essential oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties thanks to its major components of linalool, limonene, and linalyl acetate, making it an excellent choice for pain relief! Data shows that bergamot oil also may reduce sensitivity to pain and reduce pain caused by events or conditions that do not normally cause pain, something commonly experienced by fibromyalgia patients.
Application: To a roller bottle, add 2 drops each of bergamot, camphor, lemon, peppermint, and rosemary to 3 ounces of Mama Z’s oil base and blend well. Use as needed.
According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, 54 million Americans suffer from osteoporosis and low bone mass. This bone disease occurs when bones are weakened and become more susceptible to breaks and fractures. Osteoporosis has many causes including diabetes.
In 2016, researchers in China discovered that mice with diabetes-related osteoporosis who were treated with bergapten had improved collagen levels and the effects of the disease were reduced. When you consider its pain-relieving properties, bergamot is a must-have tool in your medicine box if you suffer from osteoporosis.
Application: Add 2 drops each of bergamot, lavender, and frankincense oil diluted at 1.5% with sweet almond carrier oil and massage into affected areas.
Bergamot oil is not only great for reducing stress, but it can also help alleviate the symptoms of regular or chronic fatigue. In a small 2015 study, healthy women were exposed to bergamot essential oil vaporized in water. These subjects quickly experienced reduced levels of cortisol, the stress hormone and also demonstrated improved scores for both negative emotions and fatigue.
Another small experiment showed that hospice subjects who received a massage with bergamot and lavender oil mixture had better sleep compared to those who did not. This lovely scent is an ideal addition to your medicine cabinet!
Application: Create Mama Z’s Homemade Hand Cream recipe with bergamot and lavender oils and massage into your hands before sleep.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a serious illness that can be caused by metabolic syndrome or a diet filled with unhealthy fatty or sugary foods combined with a sedentary lifestyle. When left untreated, it can escalate into more serious diseases or conditions. The effects of bergamot were researched in a 2014 study on subjects who had NAFLD and metabolic syndrome. Treated patients had improved lipid and blood sugar levels, as well as reduced LDL cholesterol and enhancement of HDL, the “good” cholesterol.
While we recommend a healthy diet and an appropriate fitness regimen to combat metabolic syndrome, bergamot essential oil can support you as you develop more healthy habits.
Application: Use bergamot oil in our essential oil gel capsule recipe.
In recent years, some fascinating research has come out about the neuroprotective benefits of bergamot oil. An animal study suggested that it may protect neurons from damage caused by excitotoxins.
What’s even more interesting is research from 2017 where 20 schizophrenia patients were treated with bergamot juice in addition to their regular treatment. Improved cognitive scores were seen across the group, indicating that bergamot may be a helpful supplement for people with neurological disorders.
Application: Blend bergamot with ylang ylang, sweet marjoram, Roman chamomile, and valerian oils before sleep.
Bergamot Essential Oil & Safety
According to the NAHA, bergamot essential oil has a moderate risk of phototoxicity, meaning that it can burn the skin when exposed to sunlight. They recommend avoiding exposure to sunlight or tanning beds after using bergamot oil on your skin.
You can also find versions of bergamot oil that are free of bergapten, which is the constituent that causes phototoxicity, but they are not as commonly available and will have a very different composition, therefore impacting its benefits.
Bergamot oil can oxidize more quickly than some other oils so we recommend you store it in a dark, cool area or in your refrigerator for the longest life. Bergamot oil has a maximum dermal use of 0.4%, so be sure to dilute it properly.
Use these common-sense tips when working with bergamot essential oil:
⚫ At present, there is no clinically safe level of dosage for children, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot give it to them. You should start off small with “culinary doses,” that is, no more than drop per dish. Bergamot essential oil is safe to use in your diffuser and topical applications if you keep it to 1% or less for children.
⚫ Don’t consume straight out of the bottle, and don’t drink with water (remember that oil and water do not mix).
⚫ Do not use around cats as they are sensitive to d-limonene. Always make sure your pets can leave any room where you diffuse oils for their safety.
⚫ You can consume safely by adding 2-3 drops of bergamot essential oil into a veggie gel capsule and fill it with olive oil. Consume with food.
⚫ Do not stay on bergamot oil for an extended length of time. Ideally, you should rotate your oils every few weeks.
⚫ Stop using it immediately if you experience any side effects.
⚫ Use with caution if you take medications. Check with your healthcare provider first.
Bergamot essential oil blends well with floral oils, and naturally, other citrus oil, as well as resins like frankincense. Its delicate scent is pleasantly uplifting and appealing.
With a host of amazing health benefits, particularly the ability to reduce stress and boost mood, bergamot oil is a useful, affordable addition to your essential oil cabinet. The mild scent makes it a flexible addition to many of your favorite blends!
CHAPTER 10 Black Pepper
Learning about the wide variety of black pepper essential oil benefits will most certainly cause you to see the common pairing to table salt in an entirely new light. We are starting to see more research being done on this increasingly popular natural remedy and for good reason!
Source And Chemical Components
Derived from Piper nigrum, a flowering vine that produces peppercorns as its fruit, black pepper is known as the “king of spices” and was originally cultivated in India. It is one of the most frequently used spices in the world and its history dates back as far as the ancient Greeks and Romans thousands of years ago.
Black pepper essential oil is steam distilled from peppercorns and while it does have plenty of health uses, you can still enjoy it in your culinary preparations. Robust in a wide array of phytochemical properties, the major constituents responsible for black pepper essential oil benefits include:
⚫ beta-caryophyllene
⚫ limonene
⚫ sabinene
⚫ beta-pinene
⚫ 3-carene
⚫ alpha-pinene
Of interest, beta-caryophyllene, the first known “dietary cannabinoid” that has been approved by the FDA as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) to be used in food for its flavor. It so also happens to be the primary sesquiterpene in cloves, hops, rosemary, copaiba, and cannabis, which binds with CB2 receptors.
Meaning, when you use black pepper, copaiba or any essential oil that contain beta-caryophyllene, you activate the ECS without any psychotrophic effects (i.e. you won’t get “high”). Kinda of like having your gluten-free, naturally-sweetened cake and eating it, too, huh?
Endocannabinoid System
One of the reasons black pepper essential oil benefits have received a resurgence of popularity in the aromatherapy world is because of its ability to interact with the endocannabinoid system.
Discovered in the 1990s when researchers were studying tetrahydrocannabinol (THC – a known cannabinoid), the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is crucial for our survival as it plays a critical role in maintaining homeostasis of the human body: pain, memory, mood, appetite, stress, sleep, metabolism, immune and reproductive function.
For the ECS to work properly, it requires cannabinoids, compounds made by the body and in nature (i.e. cannabis), which bind with and trigger cannabinoid receptors that, in turn, produce a variety of physiological responses such as pain relief, insomnia relief, increased appetite, reduced stress, euphoria and the feeling of being “high.”
The two receptors of interest to us include:
⚫ CB1 receptors – found in the central nervous system (i.e. brain and spinal cord). It can trigger the sensation of being “high.”
⚫ CB2 receptors – found in the peripheral nervous system, immune cells, muscles, skin, and vital organs. When triggered, it will not get you “high.”
THC is the famous cannabinoid in cannabis that gets people high and it can bind with both CB1 and CB2 receptors.
So, to confirm, will enjoying black pepper essential oil benefits get you high like cannabis can? Of course not!
Can it help you in ways that CBD can? Yep!
8 Black Pepper Essential Oil Benefits
Here are 8 ways you can incorporate black pepper essential oil into your life for better health.
According to the CDC, smoking cigarettes is one of the top causes of preventable illness and mortality in the United States – and almost 40 million adults smoke! This devastating habit adds up to $170 billion worth of treatment for diseases related to smoking.
The Office of the Surgeon General has reported that two-thirds of smokers try to quit but nicotine is so addictive that it often takes at least several attempts to permanently kick the habit. The good news is that quitting at any age helps the healing start.
And that’s where black pepper essential oil can help. A study from 2013 showed that inhaling this oil reduced nicotine craving. It also “allowed a longer delay before the next use of tobacco.”
Black pepper essential oil benefits can also include relieving food cravings and other types of addictive cravings, so try this any time you feel the urge to make an unhealthy food or drink choice.
Application: Add 2 drops of black pepper oil to an organic cotton cloth in a personal inhaler. Inhale when cravings arise.
Type 2 diabetes is another preventable disease that is on the rise. The CDC reports that 90-95% of the 34 million Americans with diabetes suffer from type 2. To reduce your chance of getting this disease, we recommend a healthy diet and talk to your doctor about developing a fitness regimen.
In addition, black pepper essential oil can support you on your journey to good health. Research from Nigeria shows that its antioxidant abilities along with its impact on enzyme activity may help you to manage or even prevent type 2 diabetes. If you struggle to keep your blood sugar in line, you may want to add this oil to your routine.
Application: Add 1 drop of black pepper essential oil to your savory recipes.
Nearly half of all American adults also suffer from high blood pressure. This condition can lead to heart disease or stroke and it contributed to half a million deaths in the U.S. in 2018. Fortunately, because of its antioxidant abilities, (8) black pepper oil may be able to prevent or manage hypertension, when added to other healthy habits such as managing stress, eating right, and proper exercise.
Application: Diffuse with lavender and vetiver oils to create a relaxing atmosphere during stressful times or before sleep.
As discussed above, black pepper is one of several essential oils that interacts with your endocannabinoid system (ECS). You may have heard of this thanks to the popularity of CBD oil and medical uses for THC found in cannabis. ECS was discovered in the 1990s when scientists researched the effects of THC. This system is responsible for maintaining homeostasis in many of our body’s processes such as sleep, metabolism, immune function, and memory, just to name a few.
ECS requires cannabinoids, which trigger receptors inside the system. These then produce responses such as pain relief, reduced stress, improved appetite, and the feeling of getting “high” that people experience with cannabis.
Beta-caryophyllene (BCP), one of the major constituents of black pepper oil, binds with receptors that are found in the peripheral nervous system, immune cells, muscles, skin, and vital organs. When you use oils that are rich in BCP, you activate the benefits of ECS without getting high, making black pepper oil an excellent choice if you are leery about using THC.
Application: Add 2-3 drops each of marjoram, black pepper, lavender, and peppermint oils to your homemade body lotion recipes.
Thanks to that interaction with ECS, black pepper oil also has analgesic and antiinflammatory properties. Lab experiments on mice showed that BCP is ideal for treating chronic pain, without developing a tolerance that leads to reduced effectiveness, as many pain medications do. In fact, “the researchers concluded that the effect of BCP became stronger during the treatment period,” making this an effective and safe choice for dealing with pain and inflammation
Application: Add your favorite carrier oil to a roller bottle and add 2 drops of black pepper oil, 2 drops of lavender oil, and 1 drop of clove oil. Roll over painful areas.
Numerous research articles have been written on the antimicrobial benefits of black pepper essential oil. For example, it’s been shown to be effective against Staphylococcus aureus, a bacteria that is strongly resistant to antibiotics. Several essential oils were tested in this experiment and black pepper was one of the most effective in eliminating Staph biofilm. It also hindered its ability to damage and infect the host.
Black pepper oil also inhibited the growth and proliferation of bacteria in in vitro studies. In this particular study, researchers compared the effectiveness of essential oils commercially available compared to ones that they distilled in their lab and found samples to be more effective. This underscores the importance of finding a trustworthy brand that sells unadulterated oils.
Application: Add a few drops of black pepper oil to your homemade all-purpose or bathroom cleaner recipes.
Babesiosis is an infection caused by the parasite Babesia microti and is spread by black-legged (or deer) ticks, mostly in the Northeast and upper Midwest United States. In this region, the number of cases of this infection has nearly doubled from 2011 to 2018. This disease can be life-threatening for at-risk populations, such as those with compromised immune systems, serious health conditions, or people of advanced age.
In 2020, researchers sought alternatives to the standard medical treatments of babesiosis. These medications can have serious side effects and do not always prevent the infection from repeatedly returning. Ninety-seven essential oils were tested and black pepper and garlic oils were discovered to be the most effective at fighting these infections.
Application: Use a pipette to add 2-3 drops of black pepper oil to a gel capsule and fill the rest with coconut or olive oil, then seal snugly. Take with water twice daily for no more than 2 weeks.
Minor cuts and abrasions don’t generally need a trip to the doctor but they can become infected and lead to more serious issues if not treated properly. It’s important to clean and dress your wound well but most over-the-counter solutions are laden with antibiotics that can be harmful if used too frequently.
Essential oils can help here. Scientists in India and Poland tested the properties of black pepper and ginger essential oil on films and discovered that both significantly inhibit the growth of various bacteria. They suggested that a blend of these oils can be a potential alternative wound dressing option.
Application: Add one to two drops each of ginger and black pepper essential oils to your healing salve recipes.
A Note About Safety
Black pepper essential oil is relatively safe and poses only a slight risk of skin sensitization. According to Tisserand Institute, one of the foremost leading authorities on essential oil safety, there are no known contraindications, or maximum adult oral or dermal dose limits.
Black pepper essential oil is somewhat mild. It has warming properties but it is not a “hot” oil, the term for essential oils that can be irritants or allergens.
Use these common-sense tips when working with black pepper essential oil:
⚫ At present, there is no clinically safe level of dosage for children, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot give it to them. You should start off small with “culinary doses,” that is, no more than one drop per dish. Black pepper essential oil is safe to use in your diffuser and topical applications if you keep it to 1% or less for children.
⚫ Don’t consume it straight out of the bottle, and don’t add it to water for drinking (remember that oil and water do not mix).
⚫ You can consume safely by adding 2-3 drops of black pepper essential oil into a veggie gel capsule and fill it with olive oil. Consume with food.
⚫ Do not stay on black pepper oil for an extended length of time. Ideally, you should rotate your oils every few weeks.
⚫ Stop using it immediately if you experience any side effects.
⚫ Use with caution if you take medications. Check with your healthcare provider first.
Black pepper has a long and rich history, especially in traditional cooking, and its essential oil has many uses as well. Its aroma is energizing and peppery, and it blends well with other spice oils.
CHAPTER 11 Cinnamon Bark
Cinnamon essential oil benefits the body in so many ways that you may be surprised that the warm, spicy, fragrant, and powerful remedy can even be dangerous. Even as a potentially sensitizing and irritating oil, we shouldn’t make the mistake of avoiding cinnamon altogether. There are many benefits of this classic spice and essential oil.
Cinnamon Essential Oil Uses and Sources
While we know cinnamon as simply sticks, powder, or oil, there is much more to it than a simple cinnamon source. The flavorful “sticks” we know are derived from the inner bark of a Cinnamomum tree, of which there are many different varieties. In fact, cassia essential oil comes from a cinnamon tree – Cinnamomum cassia. This is a different essential oil though with it’s own therapeutic benefits. This chapter is going to discuss cinnamon essential oil uses though and we’ll save cassia for a different book.
As always, variety effects composition, and cinnamon essential oil most commonly comes from the Cinnamomum zeylanicum tree. From there, either the inner bark or the leaves can be harvested for distillation. This should be indicated as either “cinnamon bark” or “cinnamon leaf” on your bottle of essential oils.
And yep, you guessed it: the bark and leaf oils have their own composition, as well.
● Cinnamon bark essential oil, on the other hand is steam distilled from cinnamon bark, is reddish/ brown in color and contains mostly cinnamaldehyde (63.1-75.7%) and much less eugenol (2.0-13.3%). It’s a known sensitizer and irritant.
● Cinnamon leaf essential oil, for example is steam distilled from cinnamon leaves, is yellowish in color and contains high amounts of eugenol (68.6–87.0%) and some cinnamaldehyde (0.6-1.1%). It’s not as common a sensitizer as cinnamon bark is, though it’s still a known irritant.
Cinnamon leaf is typically more heavily filled with eugenol – used to relieve pain and inflammation and fight bacteria – while the bark is comprised more of cinnamaldehyde – potent as an antioxidant and antidiabetic.
History of Cinnamon Essential Oil Uses
One of the oldest and most beloved spices, cinnamon was prized in ancient times as a costly and decadent substance, usually burned for its aroma. Biblical mentions include cinnamon as a “choice spice” and part of the holy anointing oil of Exodus.
Further east, cinnamon was used in medicinal preparations in the Ayurvedic model of medicine. It was thought to be “warming” and was used as an antimicrobial treatment or protective substance.
Over time, the spice trade waned and culinary preparations became standard, at least in the Western world. The ability to distill essential oils specifically has opened up another avenue of use for us, and extensive research on this ancient spice has confirmed both aromatherapy uses and medicinal whole-spice uses.
Top 5 Cinnamon Essential Oil Uses
Because the leaf and bark oils work differently, I’ll note where one is preferred over the other. The safest use for essential oil is aromatic, via sprays and diffusion or inhalation methods. Some internal and topical use can be utilized as well, though, as long as you carefully dilute and use appropriate amounts. With that in mind, here are the top 5 uses for your cinnamon essential oil.
Cinnamon oil is well known as antibacterial, and that is translating to varied uses as researchers begin to think outside of the box. In 2015, a couple of interesting studies were released for uses of cinnamon’s antibacterial strength.
The first combined antibiotic doxycycline with isolated components of 3 essential oils, one of which being cinnamon – with all three components (carvacrol, eugenol, cinnamaldehyde) found in both cinnamon leaf and bark oils. The combination had a synergistic effect, which could imply some answers to the problem of antibiotic resistance!
The second addressed an issue on our minds for awhile now, that of oral health with natural products. Cinnamon oil on its own was protective against an array of oral bacterial colonies. The oils didn’t contain prominent levels of cinnamaldehyde, indicating a potential preference toward leaf oil.
A much earlier study had confirmed more traditional uses for this antibacterial oil – relieving bacterial respiratory conditions. Of the essential oils tested in 2007, cinnamon and thyme rose to the top as most effective against respiratory infections.
Indications: Diluted into alcohol for mouthrinse blends, cleaners, hand sanitizers, room diffusion, respiratory blends for inhalation.
We know that cinnamon as a whole spice can be used for anti-diabetic purposes, helping to lower fasting blood sugar levels. Further research is diving into the way this works, and some studies have found specific compounds of cinnamon are responsible for the effect – compounds also found in the essential oil.
For example, cinnamaldehyde in animal models has been observed reducing glucose levels and normalizing responses in circulating blood. In 2015, researchers found cinnamic acid to improve glucose tolerance and potentially stimulate insulin production.
These results are promising, and it will be interesting to see how it ultimately plays out. Diabetes affects a large swath of the population, and natural remedies are needed now more than ever.
Indications: One or two drops diluted in a lipid and included in recipes; inhalation or diffusion; whole-spice culinary inclusion.
Especially with such a strong and potentially irritating essential oil like cinnamon, blending and dilution are important. Fortunately, the oils seem to work even better that way. A 2013 study demonstrated the effects of synergy on fungal infections, with the lavender and cinnamon blend performing the best.
Incidentally, lavender soothes what cinnamon may irritate! When creating your blends, use small amounts of cinnamon to enhance the other oils in the combination for an overall effective result.
Indications: Topical fungal infections, diffusion and sprays for in-home fungal growth.
Traditional medicinal uses of cinnamon essential oil include protecting the digestive system. The whole spice is still indicated for this purpose, but aspects of the essential oil are finding their way into studies on this topic, as well.
Eugenol, for example, found in the cinnamon leaf oil, was the subject of a study in 2000. It was found to have a protective effect on the mucosal lining against ulcers and lesions. More recently, in 2015, both eugenol and cinnamaldehyde were explored as additives in animal feed for intestinal protection.
Both cinnamon leaf and bark oils could be utilized here, though the leaf is much milder in taste and should contain the eugenol content that is recurring in studies.
Indications: One or two drops diluted into a lipid and added to recipes; whole-spice use in culinary preparations.
Last, but certainly not least, is cinnamon essential oil’s ability to fight cancer. Eighty studies to date have investigated cinnamaldehyde’s ability to inhibit tumor cell proliferation via trigger cancer cell apoptosis (“programmed cell death”) and other mechanisms and the research is clear: cancer patients should be encouraged that natural solutions truly do exist!
Cinnamon Essential Oil Blends and Applications
For all of its known benefits, cinnamon oil is also known as a sensitizer. And keep to 1% max dilution and no more than 2 drops per culinary dish. Remember that oil and water don’t mix, so dilution should happen first in a lipid like coconut oil or another carrier oil.
Use cinnamon oil in:
● Cleaners and sprays with clove and citrus
● Respiratory diffusions with eucalyptus and frankincense
● Culinary preparations with sweet orange
● Highly diluted topical treatments with ginger and lavender
Dilution is the key to unlock the many benefits of cinnamon oil!
CHAPTER 12 Lavender
Lavender essential oil benefits are some of the safest and most versatile natural remedies on the planet. While the millennia have used lavender based on tradition and ancient wisdom, modern science is only just now discovering the mechanisms of lavender’s benefits and its rich health benefits.
5 Lavender Essential Oil Benefits
Since antiquity, the precious herb has been documented in medicinal and religious uses, from ancient texts through modern movements.
Beginning with Egyptian mummification, it moved to Roman bathhouses, fragrance, and cooking. In modern times, lavender essential oil has been credited as the healing solution that Gattefosse instinctively covered his burned arm with, igniting a renewed interest in essential oils and inspiring the term aromatherapy. That lavender has stood the test of time, inspiring interest in so many eras, cultures, and generations, is a testament to the varied and effective capabilities it carries.
To scratch the surface of its capabilities, let’s look at the top 5 properties that lavender essential oil benefits brings to the table – a table riddled with health concerns.
A recurring theme in any natural health discussion, antioxidants are, in effect, the super healers that our culture needs. The free radicals created by toxins, pollutants, chemicals, and even stress are the culprits for a cascade of cellular damage, immune inhibition, and limitless health risks – including chronic illness and cancer.
If free radicals are the villain, antioxidants are the hero.
The body itself creates antioxidants in the form of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), among others. But we expose our bodies to an onslaught of free radicals and drain our bodies in sedentary lifestyles, so our natural production is not always sufficient.
We’ve already seen some super antioxidants, like clove essential oil, and lavender joins the ranks as a powerful natural antioxidant support. Not long ago, Chinese researchers observed that lavender essential oil would attenuate all three major antioxidant enzyme levels in mice within the first day of treatment.
In Romania, researchers noted similar activity using inhaled lavender for an hour each day and, according to the study, “Taken together, our results suggest that antioxidant and antiapoptotic activities of the lavender essential oils are the major mechanisms for their potent neuroprotective effects against scopolamineinduced oxidative stress in the rat brain.” Tap into this power by including lavender essential oil into your diffuser blends on a regular basis.
Tunisian traditional medicine utilizes lavender, grown in their region, as a remedy and health support. In 2014, local scientists released the results of a study they had conducted to determine how this traditional remedy actually works. Their findings were fascinating.
The researchers established a 15-day study of diabetic rats, during which lavender essential oil was used as a treatment. The lavender treatment protected against all of the following, each one a hallmark of the diabetic illness:
⚫ Blood glucose increases
⚫ Metabolic illness
⚫ Weight gain
⚫ Depletion of antioxidants
⚫ Liver and kidney dysfunction and lipoperoxidation
The presence of unmitigated free radicals, the depletion of antioxidants and liver and kidney function, the descent into metabolic illness and weight gain – all are components of diabetes as an illness. Potent antioxidants like lavender essential oil are allies in the pursuit of long term health, and this study underscored its abilities.
There are other essential oils for diabetes if you are struggling with this in your life. With more research and concrete answers, perhaps one day lavender essential oil and other natural treatments will be the standard for diabetic prevention and relief!
While Tunisian researchers were analyzing metabolic health, lavender was taking center stage in published neurological research, and for similar reasons – to confirm longstanding traditional use. Lavender essential oil has long been used for stress, headaches, depression and anxiety, which all fall under the umbrella of neurological conditions.
Just as confirmation of diabetic and metabolic support was uncovered in 2014, lavender’s neuroprotective abilities were confirmed time and again in 2012 – the year of the lavender! In other words, science and history are slowly but surely meeting on common ground.
A full literature review made its way to the International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice in 2010, confirming lavender oil’s efficacy over the breadth of seven separate trials. A lavender essential oil capsule under the name Silexan was shown to consistently relieve symptoms such as sleep disturbance, anxiety, and improve the quality of life of those with these conditions. What’s more, no one reported side effects, interactions, or withdrawal symptoms. If you’ve ever encountered pharmaceutical use for these conditions, you know how incredible that statement is!
Lavender’s neuro-heroics don’t stop with sleep. Research confirms time and again its incredible properties.
⚫ A 2012 study conducted in Germany demonstrated the restorative benefits of inhaled lavender essential oil vapor. With 60 minutes a day inhaled by patients with dementia, lavender was shown to prevent scopolamine-induced oxidative stress.
⚫ The same study took Post Traumatic Stress Disorder into consideration, as well, finding significantly improved sleep, moods and health, as well as reduced depression in individuals who were plagued with PTSD.
⚫ In the same year, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practices published a control study that highlighted the benefits of lavender for postpartum women. Twenty-eight women at high risk for postpartum depression found lessened anxiety and depression symptoms under a four week lavender aromatherapy treatment plan.
⚫ Finally, in 2012, Molecules took a different neurological route when they published the theory that lavender may be a treatment worth considering for stroke. Yes, you read that right! According to the murine study, “In comparison with the model group, treatment with lavender oil significantly decreased neurological deficit scores, infarct size, the levels of [free radical], and attenuated neuronal damage [and antioxidants].”
As much as lavender has been inhaled for neurological health, it has been utilized as an antimicrobial protectant against infections and disorders. Nearly one hundred studies have been conducted and published on this topic, confirming repeatedly what history has known to be true.
Generational wisdom has rarely used oils singly when treating infectious illness. The combination of oils creates a synergistic reaction, maximizing each oil’s potential. This has been validated with science.
Scientists from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa found that 75.6% of the forty-five blends they attempted produced favorable results. Of the blends used for this in vitro trial, the lavender-cinnamon and lavenderorange mixtures were the most powerful. Candida albicans and Staph aureus were susceptible to a 1:1 ratio of these oils, both frequent causes of topical and respiratory illness.
Those antimicrobial and antioxidant components come full circle in this last –and certainly not least – major benefit of lavender essential oil.
Particularly when mixed with a soothing carrier oil like aloe or coconut – 10 drops per 1 ounce – lavender essential oil is highly effective against sunburns, dry skin, minor scrapes and cuts, and canker sores. Even some immediate-type allergic reactions may be mitigated with lavender according to this rat study!
As part of a calming, soothing skin salve for daily use, lavender oil blends well with sandalwood essential oil. Try incorporating lavender into relaxing bath bombs you make yourself!
Lavender & Working Memory
As we’ve already seen, lavender essential oil can possibly help protect people with dementia from oxidative stress. However, we need to remember that lavender is so calming, that it can affect “working memory.” This doesn’t mean that lavender will make people stupid, it’s just that you don’t want to be diffusing lavender while taking an important test or doing work at the office when you need to focus; especially if you have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease!
Over 140 participants were gathered for the study conducted by University of Northumbria, Newcastle. Aromatherapy including rosemary and lavender, as well as a control group were utilized to affect cognitive performance.
⚫ Regarding lavender and it’s calming abilities, “lavender produced a significant decrement in performance of working memory, and impaired reaction times for both memory and attention based tasks.”
⚫ On the other hand, as a memory stimulant, “rosemary produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors.”
In other words, lavender made participants feel relaxed and complacent, while rosemary increased alertness and provoked memory retention.
A Note About Estrogen & Lavender
The only reason why we’re even having this discussion is because of a poorly researched 2007 New England Journal of Medicine article titled, “Prepubertal Gynecomastia Linked to Lavender and Tea Tree Oils.” The long and the short of it is that three boys obscurely developed idiopathic cases of prepubertal gynecomastia (when boys experience enlarged, tender breast buds) for a short period of time (1 – 5 months).
It was determined that all three patients were using either a shampoo, lotion, soap or balm that included lavender oil and Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil as ingredients. The researchers extrapolated that these essential oils were “estrogenic” based off of a preliminary in vitro evaluation. In their words, “On the basis of the three case reports and the in vitro studies, we suspect that repeated topical application of over-the-counter products containing lavender oil or tea tree oil was the cause of gynecomastia in the three patients.” It is likely that the plastic used with the essential oils leeched estrogenic materials, making the results of this study flawed. See more about how we evaluate studies about essential oils.
There are several epidemiological reasons why this conclusion is false and is out of the scope of this article to cover each one, but I’ll leave you with this thought: just because lavender and tea tree oils were two common ingredients in the products that these three boys were using, it does not prove that they were the cause. This is a classic statistics blunder that many make. “Correlation does not imply causation,” because there are countless other variables that not being considered (diet, environmental triggers, medicines, and etc.).
Suffice it to say that essential oils safety expert Robert Tisserand emphatically states that, “Lavender oil does not mimic estrogen nor does it enhance the body’s own estrogens. It is therefore not a ‘hormone disruptor’, cannot cause breast growth in young boys (or girls of any age), and is safe to use by anyone at risk for estrogen-dependent cancer.” And Tisserand’s conclusion has been supported by more recent research.
In 2013, for instance, the International Journal of Toxicology published a study confirming that lavender is not estrogenic, at least in female rats. Whether it is for humans remains to be seen, but there is literally no research to prove otherwise.
Like many citrus oils, lime essential oil benefits your body in a myriad of ways. From reducing belly fat and preventing dental cavities to helping your anxious child get a good night’s sleep there’s a lot to know about its therapeutic efficacy!
Maybe you’re like me, and you love the bright, sweet scent of lime essential oil. It’s wonder it’s a popular addition to many aromatherapy blends and air freshening sprays. But, most people don’t know the benefits of using it far excel your sense of smell!
Historical Uses of Lime
Lime oil can only be found in its rind, so many of the traditional uses for lime fruit and juice are not applicable when we discuss how to use the essential oil. Nonetheless, it’s interesting to look back and see how the benefits of lime essential oil were hinted at throughout historic uses.
The original vitamin C supplement? British explorers frequently carried limes aboard ship to prevent scurvy. All citrus fruits are well known to protect against this unpleasant, but completely preventable disease. Some captains are said to have felt so strongly about the necessity of preventing scurvy that they ordered every crew member to eat a lime, including a bite of the peel on a fixed schedule. Most of a lime’s volatile oils and vitamin C are in the peel, so this was a wise practice.
People in semi-tropical climates have long relied upon this food preservative and flavoring to help prevent food borne pathogens long before refrigeration was available. Whole limes were kiln- or oven- dried, then broken and crumbled onto meat as needed.
Dried lime has also been simmered in oil warmers for house blessing— this may have been the ancient precursor to modern essential oil diffusers. Lime is still used effectively to preserve food and to brighten the energy in our homes.
Crushed in a jar with salt and left to naturally ferment, or pickle itself, lactic acid preserved limes and lemons were probably the first foods ever cultured specifically for their probiotic benefits. When traditionally prepared by this method, limes (and lemons) and their peels lose their sharp bitter bite.
The flavors meld with the fruit into a slightly salty, mellow, sweet-tart condiment that is still popular worldwide today. Who knew citrus fruit could provide your daily dose of good bacteria?
Lime essence makes a note-worthy insecticide —it successfully kills the vermin responsible for grain damage among others, such as mosquitoes. When properly diluted and applied, steam distilled lime essential oil may be a good tool in your insect repellent arsenal.
Properties of Lime Oil
Referred to in the scientific community as Citrus aurantifolia, lime oil is technically not an essential oil, but a “cold-pressed” oil similar to olive oil.
Primarily reserved for citrus peels, mechanical pressing (aka cold pressing) literally squeezes the volatile and non-volatile organic compounds out of the rind of the fruit. At one point in history, this was done by hand using a sponge to collect the oil, but those days are long gone. Citrus oils can also be steam distilled, but because of the extreme heat required to vaporize water and the plant matter, the aroma and chemical structures changes considerably and the therapeutic properties are much different than.
Lime oil is also becoming more popular as a CO2 extract. CO2 extracts are still experimental as few clinical trials have been conducted evaluating their safety and efficacy. That said, they are quite popular now in the aromatherapy community because, unlike with steam distillation, many more (medicinal) plant compounds are extracted during the process, no potentially harmful solvents are required, the oils are sometimes gentler to use on the skin, and their aromas are truer to the original plant than those of steam-distilled essential oils.
So, depending on the type lime oil you get, the chemical compounds will include a mixture of: alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, borneol, citral, cineole, d-limonene, geranyl acetate, linalool, myrcene, neral acetate and terpinolene.
6 Lime Essential Oil Benefits
Lime oil is safe to be use via inhalation, topically and ingestion if dosed and diluted properly. Try some of the recommendations below and be sure to consult with your physician if you’re being treated for a medical condition or are currently taking pharmaceuticals.
Unless you live in a sequestered non-technological community, you have probably heard again and again about the importance of putting away all the electronics. Not only to avoid constant EMF exposure, but to learn to be present in the moment with your family, friends, and co-workers… and you probably read that apt reminder on a social media app while gazing at your electronic device!
We all know we desire more downtime; we want our children’s lives to be at least a little more like our own internet-free childhood years. The screen-drain is real—we may feel frequently fatigued, even exhausted. But ironically, we may also feel too stressed or anxious to sleep well.
Lime essential oil can help! It has the amazing ability to reduce feelings of distress, and promote better sleep. Even better, it’s an appropriate essential oil for use with children.
Lime essential oil is known to be high in the d-limonene compounds that rat studies show can help with stress. It is difficult to be in the moment when the cares of the day will not leave your mind and body. We hold onto concerns and tensions, unfortunately, ending up with less connection and more stress- related health concerns.
Lime essential oil eases stressful transitions. Studies show pressed oil reduces muscle spasms so it’s worth asking what benefits the essential oil may show in future studies on this topic.
All citrus oils are beneficial for mood and stress relief because of the d-limonene. While orange essential oil usually has the highest levels, lime essential oil
should not be overlooked as a d-limonene rich option. This compound seems to protects us from stress at a cellular level, helping relieve the harm of stress on us physically.
Application: Try putting 10 drops of lime, 5 drops of ylang ylang, and 5 drops of frankincense into an aromatherapy inhaler for instant, stress-reduction.
These affects and benefits of lime essential oil extend into mental health and mood support as well!
Lime Essential Oil is Extremely Energizing
Lime essential oil is an energizing essential oil, like many of the citrus family. In fact, you could combine lime and peppermint essential oils into a room spray to boost mood, energy, and concentration. Try mixing 10 drops of each in a 2 oz. spray bottle and top off the rest with 190-proof alcohol. The perfect afternoon pick-me-up spray!
This study shows the benefits of lime juice in energizing you, and we look forward to more studies on the benefits of lime essential oil. It may also improve energy and focus without the jittery feelings caused by drinking too much caffeinated coffee, tea, or soda. In fact, some people like to add a drop of highquality essential oils (safe to take internally) like lime or key lime solubilized in a refreshing drink to replace caffeinated drinks while driving.
Lime Supports Mental Health During Depression
Depression effects many lives in ways that can be devastating, and not everyone finds relief in pharmaceuticals. Some people do find relief but suffer greatly from the dangerous side effects of prescription antidepressants. To support your self care efforts at home, try lime essential oil.
All citrus oils are great at combating depression, and lime is no exception. Lime and other citrus essential oils provide relief from acute feelings of anxiety, dread, and hopelessness. Obviously, if you have thoughts of self harm, contact your medical professional immediately, but for day to day dealing with depressive feelings, essential oil therapy is very effective. It is shown to work on brain chemistry directly to help address the cause, and not only the symptoms of depression.
Other Citrus Oils Also Boost Mood
Have you ever returned from work in a funk, only to find a sulky teen or grouchy grade schooler—maybe even an irritable spouse? This study shows how citrus oils can have a positive impact on mood overall. Diffuse some lime essential oil, and bring the family together for some revitalizing family time.
If your family practices “good morning do over”, this is a perfect oil to diffuse in the family room to set the cheerful tone while everyone goes back to their rooms and comes out again to restart the day with a new perspective.
Application: Try 3 drops of each of lime and bergamot into your diffuser to change the environment in the air and enhance your mood!
Lime essential oil kills the big three types of pathogens- bacterial, fungal, and viral, and it is an antiparasitic as well.
Dental caries or cavities are caused by a specific group of oral bacteria that are difficult to control—even with great dental hygiene practices. Researchers found that the best anti-cavity preparation they tested, including several fluoride products and even chlorhexidine (which is too toxic for daily use) was a garlic and lime juice solution. You know how much we love garlic here!
Lime essential oil is extremely effective at fighting bacteria in general and oral bacteria, specifically. We recommend it in our essential oil oral health mouthwash for this reason!
Immune protection is another benefit of using lime essential oil. Lemon is not the only citrus fruit that helps boost your immune system during cold and flu season. Add lime to your homemade hand soaps, gels, or lotions, and add it to your spray cleaners whenever the latest bug is going around. Lime essential oil is one of the best to add to your bathroom cleaner as it protects your immune system and fights so many pathogens.
Much mainstream research shows that lime and other citrus essential oils are highly antibacterial. Lime is proven to kill many gram-positive organisms (staph and enterococcus), gram-negative organisms (e. coli, salmonella, citrobacter, serratia, shigella, klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa), fungi (candida, aspergilus), and anaerobic bacteria (bacteroides, clostridium, porphyromonas).
Research show citrus preparations such as lime essential oil to be especially powerful against fungal infections. Many parents use lime as a safe treatment for fungal skin overgrowths such as ringworm or athlete’s foot for the entire family— always dilute for use on skin, especially for children. You may wish to consult an aromatherapist when using essential oils with an infant.
Because of lime’s reliability as an antimicrobial, combined with its safety for human consumption, lime is considered to be one of the best food-safe antibacterial preparations available. In addition, it imparts great flavor when used as a marinade or added to salsa. Yum!
Application: trying mixing 6 drops of lime oil & 6 drops of geranium with 1 ounce of shea butter to make a body butter and apply on infected areas.
Weight loss is an ongoing battle for an ever-growing number of American men and women. It is distressing that even our children are increasingly struggling to control their weight in a healthy, nurturing way. In addition to healthy eating habits, using essential oils can help.
You’ve probably seen the recommendations to drink fresh lemon or lime beverages to help lose weight. But lime essential oil is an even more concentrated, and, though it has a different chemical profile than the juice, may contribute to weight-loss efforts as well. It’s one of my seven top essential oils for weight loss support!
Lime essential oil has been proven to help prevent weight gain in this murine study. In another study, subjects were given capsules with lime essential oil before lunch and dinner, and capsules of coriander seed after lunch and dinner. Even with no additional lifestyle changes, they showed significant weight loss in just a few weeks. Those who were given higher doses lost the most weight on average.
D-limonene was shown in this study to help prevent and treat high triglyceride (fat) levels, high cholesterol levels and in this murine study, helped balance high blood sugar levels. This was true even in subjects consuming a terrible diet and who already carried excessive weight.
This information obviously is not meant to encourage poor food choices, but rather to offer hope that essential oil therapy for weight loss can offer great results. Starting from where you are, even if you feel you haven’t completely fixed your diet yet, is important. Make simple switches in your sweeteners, your meat, and look for healthy recipes your family will enjoy.
Application: from The Essential Oils Diet, make our fat-burning roll-on…
● Add 4 drops lime, 3 drops peppermint,3 drops grapefruit, 2 drops cypress, 1 drop eucalyptus, 1 drop cinnamon bark into a 10 ml roller bottle. Fill with fractionated coconut oil and apply on your abdomen or problem areas twice daily for one month.
Inflammation is a necessary part of healing, in fact, your body cannot heal without a degree of inflammation. However, chronic or excessive inflammation can cause numerous very serious inflammatory conditions, including:
● asthma
● atherosclerosis
● certain cancers
● Crohn’s disease
● hay fever
● active hepatitis
● rheumatoid arthritis
● chronic peptic ulcer
● periodontitis
● sinusitis
● tuberculosis
● ulcerative colitis
Citrus oils such as lime essential oil are proven by peer- reviewed studies in mice to be active, safe, and effective anti-inflammatory agents. They seem to specifically address inflammation at its cellular source.
If you or a loved one suffers from an inflammatory condition, add lime essential oil to your daily diffuser blend, uplifting room spray, or pillow sachet to support healing.
Application: trying mixing 2 drops of lime oil, 2 drops orange, 2 drops lemon, 2 drops grapefruit, 2 drops petitgrain and 2 drops of vanilla absolute with 1 ounce of a carrier oil and apply over your body after getting out of the shower for total body inflammation-soothing properties.
Lime essential oil prevents and treats signs of aging such as dark skin spots, deep wrinkles, fine skin lines, skin dryness, and lack of elasticity. The high levels of antioxidants even help with brain fog and memory lapses. While no essential oil can turn back the clock two decades overnight, specific components in lime essential oil (such as limonene) are among the best sources of antioxidants safe for regular use.
This means, one of our our favorite essential oil roll-ons not only treats visible signs of aging, but some of the physical deterioration as well if it is caused by oxidative stress. And of course the antimicrobial benefits makes it great for healthy homemade deodorants and other body-care recipes!
Application: Make Mama Z’s anti-aging, skin healing serum and add 5 drops of lime oil!
Other Health Benefits (Including Cancer)
Lime essential oil doesn’t just benefit sleep concerns and mild anxiety. Studies are showing health benefits and healing support for major medical issues too! Isn’t God amazing?
Cancer fighting. Lime essential oil has been shown to fight cancer cells in general. Lime juice has also been shown in vitro to specifically target pancreatic cancer cells — among the most painful and difficult cancers to treat. Breast cancer cells are also destroyed by components present in lime essential oil.
Fatty liver disease (even the type caused by stress) is greatly improved by taking limonene found in lime essential oil and other citrus oils. Research confirms that limonene helps insulin resistance and liver injury that is caused by stress and an unhealthy diet.
Alzheimer’s Disease. This is a devastating diagnosis as the personality of the patient slowly fades away. It’s something that has touched our family personally.
Essential oils for Alzheimer’s patients provide promising treatment options. Lime essential oil may help by inhibiting cholinesterase, an enzyme responsible for damaging neurotransmitters in the brain and with it’s high antioxidant levels.
Heart Disease. Citrus consumption, including lime, may also have a direct impact on the incidence of heart disease. How much of this benefit translates to lime essential oil is something future studies will need to show, but lime essential oil shouldn’t be ruled out. When dietary and lifestyle changes can protect your heart, why take chances—try to add some citrus, whether from diffused oil, fresh fruit, or refreshing citrus water, every day.
Gallstones. The limonene present in lime essential oil is responsible for an impressive 48% success rate when used to dissolve gallstones in this trial. Others found partial dissolution. While gallstones may not seem as life threatening as heart disease or cancer, they are reportedly among the most painful of medical disorders, and if they cause a rupture, are just as dangerous.
Some European countries report similar success with peppermint essential oil, and European doctors rarely remove a gallbladder from an otherwise healthy patient. The trial above injected the oil directly so it’s not the same as topical application but the results are interesting.
Risks & Contraindications
With all the remarkable and almost unbelievable applications for lime essential oil to improve your health, home, and life, you may rightly wonder whether there is any downside to using lime oil.
There is a lot of buzz in the essential oil world regarding photosensitivity of skin after using citrus oils. It is true that expressed citrus oils can cause you to be very susceptible to sunburn for hours after application, and they are really only appropriate for products that are well diluted, used in the evening, and washed off in the morning (or that are used on completely unexposed skin).
However, steam distilled citrus oils do not cause ultraviolet light sensitivity. Even pressed oils are typically safe if they are used in appropriate concentrations and diluted with care and common sense. See more about citrus essential oils and photosensity here!
So, there is no downside at all? Actually, there is one caveat. Here, kitty, kitty.
Some cats may be extremely sensitive to essential oils—especially citrus essential oils such as lime or key lime. See more about our recommendations for using essential oils for animals in this post with Dr Janet Roark.
The GRAS is always greener… the GRAS designation means that upon inspection for safety, a product or ingredient is Generally Recognized As Safe. Steam distilled, fresh lime essential oil received the GRAS designation. Remember, we recommend diluting essential oils appropriately for maximum safety.
Additionally, most carrier oils help the essential oil penetrate and stick to skin for more effective use. Citrus oils like lime may deteriorate with time, ultra violet light exposure, and oxygen exposure. It’s best to buy smaller quantities you will use up fairly quickly. Lime essential oil makes a great gift, especially if you include a card with fun and healthy ideas for how to use it!
CHAPTER 14 Marjoram
Warming & sweet, marjoram essential oil benefits pack a wonderful, curative punch. We think of it as a culinary herb, but there are powerful health benefits as well.
The History of Marjoram Essential Oil Uses
If you recall, oregano essential oil is derived from the Origanum vulgaris culinary herb. Sweet marjoram – Origanum majorana – is a close cousin. Also a culinary herb, marjoram shares similarities with oregano, but also has some marked differences.
Both plants are native to the Mediterranean, and marjoram quickly stood out for its restorative benefits. In Greek history, marjoram was a symbol of happiness, called “the joy of the mountains.” It was used in momentous ceremonies during life, such as weddings, as well as during death, such as a sign of post-life happiness when found growing on a grave.
The whole herb was used extensively for healing, body pain and headache relief, and digestive relief. If each plant and oil has a theme – citrus for energy and revitalization, tea tree for microbes, peppermint for healing the gut – marjoram’s is that of relief.
Because marjoram essential oil benefits can include being used as an emmenagogue, stimulating blood flow in the pelvic area, historic cautions say it should be used when pregnant with caution. In various other stages of life, however, marjoram essential oil uses make it a must-have for its soothing and curative effects.
4 Marjoram Essential Oil Benefits
There are actually two oils referred to as marjoram – sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana) and Spanish marjoram (Thymus mastichina). It’s sweet marjoram essential oil uses that we’ll focus on today. Here are four ways marjoram oil has surprised me.
Long known to be a pain reliever, marjoram has traditionally been a go to for muscle aches and pains or other generalized soreness. The essential oil makes this especially accessible, easily added to massages or baths, improving their already-soothing effects.
To test the oil on a more specific kind of pain, marjoram oil was added to a small blend of oils and diluted into a cream to be tested via randomized, double blind, clinical trial. The control group used a synthetic scent. When massaged onto the abdomen during a painful bout of dysmenorrhea, the analgesic effects of the oils combined together to help the test group find relief.
The oils used for the trial were simply lavender, clary sage, and marjoram.
Application: Dilute into a carrier or DIY cream blend with other soothing oils, or simply dilute and use as a single. Massage onto areas experiencing pain.
The internal effects of essential oils are of great interest for researchers, wondering just how they work and what they do after we inhale, apply, or ingest an oil. Because the research process exists in steps – from exploring the validity of an idea before even bringing it to the lab to testing in vitro in petri dishes and mice and rats to finally observing controlled groups of people.
It was an in vitro study on marjoram essential oil that found a potential for the protective benefits of the oil.
The study in question observed the effects of diluted, internal marjoram against outwardly-unseen damage inflicted by a strong medication. After 28 days, the internal system showed a great deal of improvement both restorative and protective.
While marjoram isn’t used extensively as an internal oil beyond culinary use, its potential protective effects can certainly be maximized when used in times of need.
Application: Use in culinary preparations and sparingly in diluted internal preparations. Work with an aromatherapist and your doctor to use marjoram oil and potentially other essential oils as a protective measure when taking potentially toxic medications, working around toxic fumes and chemicals, or other cases that put an extra load of work on the liver.
This may sound like a repeat of the previous benefit, but there is a significant difference between protection from medicinal damage and protection or prevention against a specific illness. The chemopreventive potential that marjoram displays fits nicely with our understanding of other protective culinary herbs.
It makes you think – God must have made all of these herbs to taste and smell so good that we would use them to guard our bodies against harsh meals!
Marjoram joins a long line of essential oils stepping forward in the literature with promising anti-cancer results. As with all cases of cancer prevention, we must realize that the research is still in development and that we can’t know what hard and fast rule there is to making sure we don’t get cancer.
Still, we can include them as part of our daily routines and know that we’re doing all we can to make our bodies uninhabitable for cancer!
Application: A drop or two diluted and mixed into recipes for a flavorful and restorative meal.
When searching for a curative or healing essential oil, the action antioxidant is one to prioritize. The way that an antioxidant literally seeks out damaged cells for restoration is endlessly fascinating and can be incredibly curative.
Marjoram essential oil’s antioxidant abilities have been studied with very promising results. In a 2011 publication, the researchers said that we can “conclude that the marjoram EO has a significant potential to be used as a natural antioxidant and anti-AChE.”
That last term refers to neurotransmission linked with Alzheimer’s disease –much like the benefits we see with lemon balm essential oil – and opens another group of exciting questions about marjoram for further study.
Application: Aside from the benefits of diffusion and inhalation, antioxidants are excellent skin healers. Include in DIY body care products to battle the effects of time and sun damage.
Marjoram Blends & Companion Oils
As a fresh, herbaceous scent, marjoram essential oil uses include pairing it with citrus, mints, and just about anything you can think of. Experiment with blends like these to enjoy complementary benefits – not to mention create one of a kind aromas!
• Topical: Dilute into a rich carrier oil and blend with oils like bergamot, lavender, rosemary, peppermint, and chamomile.
• Diffusion: Add a drop of marjoram with a drop each of orange, lemon, and cypress.
• Culinary: Cook with a drop of essential oil to flavor a full recipe – try with other culinary flavors like oregano, thyme, and basil.
CHAPTER 15 Oregano
In addition to a wide range of medicinal uses, oregano oil benefits can be used as a natural antibiotic, but without the side effects. However, don’t just go out and buy oregano oil and slather it on your skin willy-nilly. The key is to always dilute and use it properly because it is a potent plant-based medicine!
Oregano’s Plant Profile
There’s no mystery surrounding oregano essential oil’s plant profile. The potent essential oil that we will discuss momentarily comes from the same oregano that you likely have in your kitchen herb garden or sitting, dried and crumbled, in a jar in your herb and spice pantry.
Who knew that the oregano in our favorite recipes was harboring such a potent essential oil?
Like many of our herbal gems, oregano hails from the Mediterranean. As such, its popularity began in Greece and Rome, then spread to Europe and eventually the rest of the Western world. The essential oil is distilled from the leaves and flowers of the plant, similar to the parts used for culinary purposes.
Oregano (Origanum vulgare and Origanum majorana) is grown in the Mediterranean, and the benefits abound in the compounds that are extracted via distillation. Each pound of oil is a product of over 1,000 pounds of wild oregano, forming a potent and valuable medicine that has been valued for thousands of years and countless cultures.
Oregano essential oil is rich in the chemical components carvacrol and thymol, which are shared with thyme essential oil as well. This should give you a head start on the best applications for oregano if you are familiar with thyme- and it doesn’t disappoint!
Use oregano essential oil for its antimicrobial strength, which we’ll look at more closely at the end of the article. Remember that it is a strong oil that often causes sensitization if used neat (undiluted, or without a carrier oil). Make sure you dilute it well for anything topical or internal.
5 Benefits of Oregano Essential Oil
Of the wide range of antibacterial essential oils available to us, oregano oil stands out among the fold. From a 2012 study in Poland, of a group of essential oils tested, “The highest and broadest activity was shown by O. vulgare oil. Carvacrol had the highest antibacterial activity among the tested components.”
With antibiotic resistance on the rise, having natural alternatives available are more important than ever. Use oregano oil as part of a first response to sickness to help beat bacterial illness to the punch!
Application: Inhalation, culinary use, and diluted topical treatments can all introduce oregano’s antibacterial effects as needed.
Viruses are such a struggle because there isn’t really a way to “cure” them. Think about common flu and cold medicines. They promise a shorter duration or lessened symptoms, but they aren’t just going to be cured. A strong antiviral works by disabling viral cells, which slows the spread and lets the body take over without being overwhelmed.
Antivirals hold the virus down so the immune system can kick it!
Oregano essential oil’s main component, carvacrol, stands out as a potent antiviral, as well. With so many viral illnesses circulating – yes, including the flu and the common cold – having an antiviral tool at the ready can help keep your family well.
Application: Use oregano essential oil and thyme essential oil together for increased antiviral and antibacterial potency in cleaner sprays and wellness preparations.
As a source of thymol and carvacrol, oregano essential oil is an effective addition to mosquito sprays. The trick with DIY bug repellents is to have a variety of actions working together. Oregano is yet another oil – joining citronella, clove, and even ylang ylang – that can be used to ward off those pesky summer pests.
Application: Include oregano among a blend of 3-5 essential oils diluted into 190 proof alcohol or light carrier oil in a spritz bottle. Spray on clothes and ankles.
After showing itself to be a strong antimicrobial, oregano oil pulls out all the stops and reveals itself as antifungal, as well!
Athlete’s foot and other fungal infections are often stigmatized, but they are often no worse than any other incidental infection. It’s a part of life and something that many of us will have to deal with at some point in our lives.
Tackle nasty fungal infections with oregano essential oil, knocking it back before the discomfort really sets in. One study set out to do so and found promising results with a foot bath – a simple and soothing treatment for an uncomfortable and unsightly infection.
Application: Mix into a 1% carrier oil and use in a warm foot bath to enjoy the antifungal benefits of the oregano essential oil.
Finally, as a strong antioxidant, oregano oil has been studied for a new and unfortunately greatly-needed kind of healing: cancer-related. In 2013, researchers evaluated the ways in which oregano essential oil could help to mitigate the damage inflicted from a chemotherapy drug.
Cavracol, as well as super-antioxidant pomegranates, demonstrated protective and restorative effects neurologically after the chemotherapy drug MTX was taken.
Application: Speak with your oncologist about mitigating the incidental damage done by harsh treatments with antioxidant oils like oregano oil.
Note About Natural Antibiotics
The problem with automatic prescription of antibiotics, due to patient demand or physician ignorance, is that they are only effective against bacterial infections. If our illness is viral and we take an antibiotic, we’re risking the loss of beneficial bacteria in our bodies and aiding the creation of bacteria-resistant superbugs, all with no healing benefit. Even when we are facing a bacterial illness, finding the right antibiotic is much more effective than prescribing a broad-spectrum antibiotic.
The Wall Street Journal brought this significant public health concern to light in a 2013 article about antibiotic overuse and misuse, stating:
“Overuse of antibiotics, and prescribing broad-spectrum drugs when they aren’t needed, can cause a range of problems. It can make the drugs less effective against the bacteria they are intended to treat by fostering the growth of antibiotic-resistant infections. And it can wipe out the body’s good bacteria, which help digest food, produce vitamins and protect from infections, among other functions.
⚫ In a July study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, researchers from the University of Utah and the CDC found that 60% of the time physicians prescribe antibiotics, they choose broad-spectrum ones….
⚫ A similar study of children, published in the journal Pediatrics in 2011, found that when antibiotics were prescribed they were broad-spectrum 50% of the time, mainly for respiratory conditions….
Both studies also found that about 25% of the time antibiotics were being prescribed for conditions in which they have no use, such as viral infections.”
Essentially, our current approach to prescribe broad spectrum antibiotics out of reflex is like sending the atomic bomb where the A-Team would have sufficed.
Antibiotic Prowess of Oregano Oil
Most consumers have no idea that antibiotics come in multiple forms. Beyond the indication of broad-spectrum antibiotics, there are more qualifications that determine how an antibiotic is most effectively used – Gram-negative and Grampositive bacteria are affected in their own ways, and certain antibiotics will be more effective against one than the other.
The Journal of Medicinal Food published an analysis of oregano oil’s efficacy against three Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Salmonella typhimurium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa) and two Gram-positive (Staphylococus aureus , Bacillus subtilis) bacteria. True oregano (Origanum vulgare) harvested at various growth stages were tested, and all three were effective in vitro against all five bacterial strains.
Similar findings were published two years prior, when researchers in Pakistan found oregano oil to be effective against parasites and even cancer cells!
With clear results against these common bacteria – especially the food safetyrelated E. coli and Salmonella – including oregano essential oil in meals seems wise for gastrointestinal protection and disease prevention.
Beyond Bacteria
We could go on for pages about the antibiotic effects of oregano oil, but there’s more to it than that. Unlike pharmaceutical antibiotics that are essentially one trick ponies, oregano oil carries with it so many more benefits. It is truly an essential oil that should be considered to battle infection and other microbes.
Within oregano oil, a phenol component called carvacol is arguably the reason that it is so strong. When you search the PubMed database of peer-reviewed literature, carvacol is referenced in more than 800 separate returns. Researchers are intrigued by this component, to say the least.
Some of the conditions carvacol and oregano oil have been indicated for, aside from bacterial infections, include fungi, parasites, viruses, inflammation, cell death, tumors, pain, histamine reactions, and oxidative stress.
Carvacol stepped out among the crowd of medicinal components when the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences highlighted that carvacrol was shown to have an antioxidant effect. Methotrexate (MTX) is well known as dangerous but used anyway for its treatment capability in severe illness such as cancer and rheumatoid arthritis.
In order to measure the interaction between MTX and carvacol, MTX-treated rats were observed with and without carvacol. The antioxidant effects were able to inhibit the negative effects of MTX. Similarly, carvacol has also been shown in vitro to potentially, “prevent pathogenic overgrowth and colonization in the large intestine during oral iron therapy” – a therapy for anemia associated with severe gastrointestinal complaints.
The research about oregano oil benefits that follows will be exciting to watch, because the implications of a natural remedy able to limit the effects of necessary prescriptions are vast. Beyond fascination, someone taking harsh treatments such as iron therapy or chemotherapy could face a very different future with the side effects controlled.
Easy DIY Applications
Although the scientific literature is very quiet regarding specific essential oil protocols, many people have found the following to be helpful:
1. Apply diluted oregano oil on your abdomen. Proper dilution depends on individual sensitivity: Try 2-3 drops each of oregano and tea tree oil to 1 Tablespoon carrier oil as a good start for adults. For children use extra caution and be sure to use even more carrier oil.
2. Put 1 drop of oregano + 1 drop of tea tree in a gel capsule with carrier oil and consume. For people battling a bacterial infection, consider taking up two capsules a day.
Keeping a Proper Perspective
After lambasting unnecessary use of antibiotics, then singing the praises of a powerful one, you are no doubt wondering what limits we should place on oregano oil uses and how it should be used properly.
At this point, we can’t be sure, really.
Because of its potency and capabilities, oregano oil should be used carefully alongside the guidance of a natural health expert or naturally-minded health care provider. Always dilute it, and be sure to take orally in a gel capsule with carrier oil instead of straight with water.
If it’s strong enough to tackle MTX, it’s strong enough to be taken seriously. Seek out a natural health provider today and see how oregano oil might fit within your lifestyle and regimen.
Safety Note: Oregano does have potential cautions and contraindications for various methods of use. If you have any diagnosed medical conditions or are on any medications, work with the appropriate health care provider to determine if oregano oil is appropriate for you.
CHAPTER 16 Peppermint
When we talk about peppermint essential oil benefits, we aren’t talking about mints, gum, or candy canes. Really, it’s quite fascinating – in a somewhat sad way – that peppermint is so commonly associated with sweet treats rather than profound medicinal benefits. Aside from lavender, peppermint may be the most varied of all our essential oils.
And yet we’ve limited it to Santa Claus and toothpaste! Is there any reason that we wouldn’t stock our cabinets with peppermint essential oil? Our culture is seriously missing out. Learn how the vital essence of the peppermint plant can transform our health and wellness.
History & Composition of Peppermint
Peppermint (Mentha x peperita) is a sweet-smelling herb that is a hybrid of water mint and spearmint. It grows prolifically – in fact, it can take over like a weed. The aerial parts – flowers and leaves – are harvested for essential oil production, which is conducted via steam distillation. At this point, active ingredients typically include menthone at around 20% of the composition and menthol at roughly 40%, though these amounts may naturally vary. To get the most out of your preferred peppermint essential oil uses, choose a quality brand.
Typically, peppermint essential oil is used as an antiemetic (helps to prevent nausea) and antispasmodic (helps to prevent vomiting and abdominal pain from harsh gastrointestinal contractions). It’s a soothing digestive aid and beneficial during times of illness.
Historically, peppermint dates back as one of the oldest medicinal herbs used in Europe, an ancient remedy for both Chinese and Japanese cultures, and an Egyptian medicine in at least 1,000 B.C. When, in Greek mythology, Pluto pursued the nymph Mentha, he transformed her into an herb (guess which?) so that the generations to come would enjoy her just as well as he. Such a colorful legacy is contained well in this cool, accessible, and effective substance. To this day, peppermint leaves are harvested for a delicious, homemade tea.
Top 3 Peppermint Oil Benefits
Stepping away from Greek literature and into the scientific realm, the benefits of peppermint oil are found throughout databases of studies and reviews – even more so when we look at its specific component menthol. With hundreds and literally thousands of mentions, scientists are all over this remarkable herb. I don’t make promises and guarantees often, but peppermint is almost a sure thing: add its potential health benefits to your daily regimen and your life will never be the same.
For example, while we all hope to avoid surgery, sometimes it is a necessary part of life – and a common part of surgery is unpleasant post-operative nausea, to the tune of ⅓ of surgical patients. In 2012, Clayton State University facilitated tests on peppermint essential oil’s effects on this nasty phenomenon. Moms who are in recovery from a Caesarean especially do not want to deal with vomiting and nausea on top of the mixed emotions of the joy of birth and pain of surgery, not to mention the time that could be spent bonding with their babies. So, moms were chosen for this study, with 35 respondents discovering “significantly lower” nausea levels when they inhaled its minty scent compared with standard treatments.
The use of essential oils is sometimes underestimated when limited to the connotations of “aromatherapy.” Topical and occasionally internal applications are relevant, as well. One drop mixed with one teaspoon of coconut oil, rubbed on the stomach, or ingested in a spoon of honey, can calm an upset stomach or indigestion in a snap. This remarkable ability is being broached by researchers, marked by a systematic review of the literature that covers irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and peppermint, though this treatment typically requires the use of peppermint encapsulated in enteric-coated capsules.
Nine studies were reviewed, spanning more than seven hundred patients, and the conclusion was clear – taking enteric-coated peppermint oil capsules performs much better than a placebo for stomach pain and symptom management. In their conclusion, University of Western Ontario researchers stated that,
“Peppermint essential oil is a safe and effective short-term treatment for IBS. Future studies should assess the long-term efficacy and safety of peppermint essential oil and its efficacy relative to other IBS treatments including antidepressants and antispasmodic drugs.”
One of my personal favorite benefits of peppermint essential oil is bug repellant – especially since I live in mosquito country!
In a comparison of seven commercial bug repellants, Terminix® ALLCLEAR® Sidekick Mosquito Repeller nearly topped the charts. If you aren’t aware, this is an “all-natural” blend that lists cinnamon, eugenol, geranium, peppermint, and lemongrass essential oils. It was very close to a tie with OFF!®, the chemicalladen, DEET-filled commercial brand.
Although I don’t recommend Terminix® ALLCLEAR® because I have little faith in a big-name company to use true, pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils, the lesson is the same. It underscores the efficiency of essential oils, no matter their quality. And an effective essential oil blend most definitely is preferred to harmful, toxic chemicals or nasty ‘skeeter bites!
10 More Uses
1. Ease Pain Naturally – For a natural muscle pain reliever, peppermint essential oil is one of the best. Try using it on an aching back or sore muscles to tap into its anti-inflammatory properties. It can also ease other pains as well, such as a toothache or tension headache.
2. Clear Sinuses – Diffused or inhaled peppermint essential oil usually clears stubbornly congested nasal passages or sinuses. As an antitussive, the results may be long-lasting and beneficial when you’re down with respiratory issues such as a cold, cough, or struggling with bronchitis, asthma, or sinusitis.
3. Relieve Joint Pain – Peppermint essential oil and lavender essential oil work well together with cooling, soothing anti-inflammatory properties for painful joints.
4. Cut Cravings – Slow an out-of-control appetite by diffusing peppermint before meal times, helping you feel full faster. Alternatively, apply a drop or two on your sinuses or chest to keep the benefits to yourself.
5. Energize Naturally – Road trips, long nights studying, or any time you feel that low energy slump, peppermint essential oil is a refreshing, non-toxic pick-me-up to help you wake up and keep going without the toxins loaded into energy drinks. The invigorating aroma gives you the wake-up call you need, which is why it’s part of our Lemon-Mint Energy Boost Roll-On recipe.
6. Freshen Shampoo – A couple of drops of peppermint oil included in your shampoo and conditioner bottles will tingle your scalp and wake your senses. As a bonus, peppermint’s antimicrobial activities can also help prevent or remove both lice and dandruff. It’s also one of the ingredients in our favorite natural hair loss treat, TruVarin.
7. Ease Cough – The antitussive effect of peppermint can help ease a persistent cough. Try using it in a diffuser or as part of this homemade cough drop recipe. The soothing properties will really shine when you’re feeling under the weather.
8. Relieve ADHD – A spritz of peppermint on clothing or a touch on the back of your neck can help to improve concentration and alertness when focus is needed. See how to properly dilute (helps avoid skin irritation) in our room spray DIY and you can just substitute the essential oils to replace one with peppermint.
9. Soothe an Itch – Cooling peppermint and soothing lavender combine again to soothe itchy skin from bug bites or healing sunburns. You can mix 3 drops of peppermint and 4 drops of lavender essential oils into a 10-15 ml roller bottle, dilute it with your favorite carrier oil, and viola! Ready to go. This is one of our favorite essential oil remedies for kids.
10. Block Ticks – Stop ticks from burrowing with a touch of peppermint essential oil. Make sure you remove them by their head to lessen your chances of contracting Lyme disease!
A Quick Word of Caution
Be sure to follow professional recommendations, healthcare provider advice, and common sense when using peppermint essential oil. While it is incredibly versatile and relatively gentle, it is still a medicinal-quality substance and should be treated with care. As with all oils, make sure to always dilute with a carrier oil and, as always, listen to your body and the wisdom of those who have used aromatherapy before us: essential oils are best in small doses!
Also, don’t consume neat. The University of Maryland Medical Center warns that peppermint essential oil can relax the esophageal sphincter and pose risks for those with reflux. Don’t consume neat. Taking one or two drops of peppermint in a gel capsule can remedy this risk relatively easily.
Known as the “herb of remembrance,” many of the uses for this ancient plant transfer to rosemary essential oil benefits like memory and hair growth. Yes, we love rosemary on potatoes and chicken, but it’s so much more than a culinary treat and should be used wisely.
Top 5 Rosemary Essential Oil Benefits
Rosmarinus officinalis was a sacred substance for nearly all ancient peoples, including Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans. As an evergreen Mediterranean native, rosemary would have been readily available, so its presence in folk medicine over the centuries is unsurprising.
Ancient peoples used rosemary for many purposes, including:
⚫ Mental clarity
⚫ Digestive soothing
⚫ Muscle pain relief
In recent uses, rosemary is frequently used in skincare and hair products thanks to known antiseptic ability. As with many ancient remedies, rosemary is the subject of modern research as we begin to unlock the medicinal wisdom of generations past.
As for Rosmarine, I lett it runne all over my garden walls, not onlie because my bees love it, but because it is the herb sacred to remembrance, and, therefore, to friendship; whence a sprig of it hath a dumb language that maketh it the chosen emblem of our funeral wakes and in our burial grounds.”
~ Sir Thomas More (1478-1535)
Alongside the exciting prospect of slowed cancer growth and inflammation spread, rosemary has effects that are useful for our more common needs as well. Here are four of the ways rosemary essential oil exhibits its strengths in our everyday lives.
Although we only have in vitro (cells in a petri dish) studies, researchers suggest that rosemary essential oil can help prevent and treat a variety of cancer cells lines. Of the 30 compounds in the essential oil, there are a few main players: α-pinene, borneol, (−) camphene, camphor, verbenone, and bornyl-acetate. Interestingly, it doesn’t seem that any one of these chemicals is responsible for rosemary’s anti-tumor prowess. The research actually suggests that it’s the synergy of them interacting together, which gives rosemary essential oil the true medicinal effect.
The study suggesting this was published in the journal Molecules after evaluating in vitro antibacterial activities and toxicology properties. of R. officinalis L. essential oil compared to α-pinene, β-pinene, and 1,8-cineole. According to the study,
“R. officinalis L. essential oil possessed similar antibacterial activities to α-pinene, and a little bit better than β-pinene, while 1,8-cineole possessed the lowest antibacterial activities. R. officinalis L. essential oil exhibited the strongest cytotoxicity towards three human cancer cells. Its inhibition concentration 50% (IC50) values on SK-OV-3, HO-8910 and Bel-7402 were 0.025‰, 0.076‰ and 0.13‰ (v/v), respectively. The cytotoxicity of all the test samples on SK-OV-3 was significantly stronger than on HO-8910 and Bel-7402. In general, R. officinalis L. essential oil showed greater activity than its components in both antibacterial and anticancer test systems, and the activities were mostly related to their concentrations.”
Stimulating for the scalp, rosemary essential oil uses include helping with dandruff and dry scalp treatment that may facilitate hair growth. Some even go as far as to say that it can prevent hair loss and graying.
Years ago, Francesc Casadó Galcerá patented a lotion for scalp and hair (US 6447762 B1), including a mixture of rosemary, hops, and swertia. He found that his blend was able to stimulate:
⚫ New hair growth, by as much as 22%
⚫ Stimulated “rapid” hair growth
⚫ Improved scalp health via microcirculation
⚫ Smoother hair
⚫ Retained hair, with fewer incidences of loss after shampooing
Application: Include rosemary essential oil uses in DIY shampoo and conditioner formulas for improved scalp health and hair growth.
“There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance, pray you love, remember.
~ Ophelia (Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”)
Rosemary has been known as the “herb of remembrance” for centuries. Greek scholars used it when taking exams to help recall important information, and allusions to its memory improvement have been peppered into poetry throughout the ages. The International Journal of Neuroscience published one study that confirmed these effects in recent science.
Over 140 participants were gathered for the study conducted by University of Northumbria, Newcastle. Aromatherapy including healing rosemary essential oil uses and lavender, as well as a control group were utilized to affect cognitive performance.
⚫ Regarding lavender and it’s calming abilities, “lavender produced a significant decrement in performance of working memory, and impaired reaction times for both memory and attention based tasks.”
⚫ On the other hand, as a memory stimulant, “rosemary produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors.”
In other words, lavender made participants feel relaxed and complacent, while rosemary increased alertness and provoked memory retention.
Test-taking and alert feelings pale in comparison to the studies conducted on rosemary essential oil uses in relation to Alzheimer’s disease. One such study, published in Psychogeriatrics, evaluated the effects of aromatherapy on 28 elderly people suffering from dementia, with the majority also diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. They were given rosemary and lemon inhalations in the morning, then lavender and orange in the evening. Through multiple tests and forms of analysis, the “patients showed significant improvement in personal orientation” without any deleterious side effects.
Application: Add rosemary to a diffuser while studying, taking a test, or working.
The primary function of the liver is to detoxify the body, and with such heavy levels of toxins exposed to us on a daily basis, sometimes it can use a little help.
Traditional rosemary essential oil uses includes digestive and gastrointestinal relief. Coupled with liver support, rosemary becomes a fantastic detoxifier. This hepatoprotective ability (liver protecting) has been confirmed in studies where it was observed helping the body increase its bile production and improve healthy liver enzyme levels. When these processes are inhibited, fat metabolism and detoxification are inhibited, and risks for type II diabetes increase.
With a properly functioning liver, gallbladder, and gastrointestinal system, nutrients are more readily absorbed and toxins released, bringing balance and wellness to the whole body.
Application: Try adding a drop of rosemary to your favorite bath bomb recipe or in a detox diffuser blend.
The Meikai University School of Dentistry in Japan conducted a study that monitored cortisol levels in saliva after just five minutes of rosemary essential oil uses and lavender inhalation. Twenty-two volunteers participated, and both essential oils had excellent results. Not only was the “stress hormone” cortisol reduced significantly, but free radical scavenging activities (6) were increased as well. So the oils help to prevent added stress, then go a step further to help erase effects of previous stressful exertion.
Application: Use rosemary with other stress-relief essential oils like lavender in a personal inhaler for on-the-go stress management!
Easy DIY Uses
Clearly a safe and effective oil, rosemary’s benefits can be implemented in many ways. Here are just some of my favorite DIY recipes for application:
⚫ Inhalation – Add 5 drops to your favorite diffuser.
⚫ Dietary Supplementation – Dilute 1 drop in a teaspoon of honey or coconut oil.
⚫ Culinary Use – Next time your recipe calls for rosemary, add a drop or two and experience a Heavenly burst of flavor!
⚫ Topical Application – Enjoy its antioxidant and antiseptic properties on the skin, but be sure to heavily dilute with coconut, almond, or jojoba oil before applying to skin.
A Note on Seizures & Hypertension
This is tough one for me to figure out because there’s virtually no research on that rosemary essential oil uses are contraindicated because of seizures in the last 20 years and the only couple articles that I can find are case studies.
Nonetheless virtually every blog that I see on the topic state that rosemary is contraindicated for epileptics and people prone to seizures. This is most likely due to the rich camphor levels in the oil, which can trigger seizures in some. You’ll want to use caution is this is something you or a loved one may be prone to.
“Long story short, a lot of the seizure lists floating around the internet are not accurate nor real pictures of the risks and threats. None of them seemingly account for species or chemotype, which makes a difference in this matter. As far as a list of oils with convulsant properties, I would check essential oils safety expert Robert Tisserand’s work, but with the understanding that this list can no way give a complete risk profile because of the nature of epilepsy an other seizure disorders.”
Same message applies to hypertension. According to Tisserand “I believe that there is no case for contraindicating any essential oil in someone with high blood pressure. As well as closely examining the evidence above, I also refer to more recent research, which confirms that the four “Valnet oils” present no risk. The lack of compelling evidence is reason enough to let go of this chimera.”
If these are areas of concern for you, please contact your physician before utilizing rosemary essential oil uses.
Ylang Ylang
If frankincense is the King of Essential Oils, then ylang ylang essential oil benefits make this his Queen! Simply put, the healing efficacy of this potent remedy is absolutely remarkable and the research supporting therapeutic claims is impressive. Ylang ylang oil is widely known and you will commonly find it in food, body care and cleaning products.
Grades of Ylang Ylang Essential Oil
Scientifically referred to as Cananga odorata, this evergreen produces the wonderfully fragrant blossoms that we distill to get the essential oil. Also known as the “perfume tree,” it is native to tropical Asia – Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia, and islands of Indian Ocean.
Although steam distilled, the process required to extract ylang ylang oil is interestingly similar to pressing olives for oil in that the essential oil is collected at various stages of the process and graded. Through a method known as fractional distillation (the separation of volatile components of different boiling points in a mixture by the gradual increase of temperature and the separate collection of each component) each successive collection of oil produces varying grades containing a wide array of chemical constituents. This is something of an anomaly in essential oil manufacturing, therefore, ylang ylang essential oil is sold in various grades: Extra, 1, 2, 3, Complete.
⚫ Extra Grade: Regarded by many as containing the finest notes from the distillation process, the first collection after an hour or two of steam distillation. Contains roughly 30 different chemical constituents, it is usually the most expensive.
⚫ Grade I – III: As the steam distillation process continues, essential oil collections are taken every few hours, which make up less potent (and expensive) oils in descending order: Grade I, then II and finally III.
⚫ Complete: Represents the whole distillate encompassing all the collections from the entire distillation process. This synergy oil offers maximum fragrance potency.
7 Ylang Ylang Essential Oil Benefits
Ylang ylang has had many uses in traditional medicine ranging from a skin tonic to help relieve insect bite irritation to treating more serious health concerns like malaria, asthma, gout, and digestive issues. Here are 7 that stand out:
This is a big one.
Inflammation is arguably one of the most destructive processes that can destroy your health known today, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) have been introduced as the answer. Unfortunately, prolonged use has been linked to, “Renal problems, gastrointestinal irritation, and even myocardial infarction and strokes have been reported due to the prolonged use!”
Is there a solution?
⚫ Eating an anti-inflammatory diet
⚫ Practicing anti-inflammatory activities like deep breathing and meditation
⚫ Exercising regularly
⚫ Getting sound sleep
⚫ And using natural remedies like essential oils!
In a study evaluating the antioxidant properties of essential oils, ylang ylang interestingly stood out as containing substantial anti-inflammatory properties. Most likely due to its ability to calm the senses and stop anxiety in its tracks, regular topical use is key to enjoying the anti-inflammatory therapeutic benefits as is inhaling the volatile organic compounds via diffusion.
In a comprehensive study that appeared in the Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation researchers evaluated whether inhaling ylang ylang essential oil in a closed room for 20 minutes is an effective tool to lower blood pressure in healthy men. The results were not only tested using the traditional blood pressure cuff but also tested using a 12-lead EKG. The results show that there was a marked difference between the control group and the test group.
More specifically, the ylang ylang oil group had significant decreases to both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Further, the results of the 12-lead EKG showed that the test subjects who inhaled ylang ylang oil experienced a slower heart rate following the application.
If you’d like to take advantage of the heart healthy properties of ylang ylang, but do not enjoy the aroma, don’t worry!
Research suggests that you’d be well served by blending ylang ylang oil with others like lavender and lemon. Evidently, mixing with key oils help produce a synergistic effect that produces reduced systolic blood pressure and sympathetic nerve system activity via heart rate variability.
Application: To enjoy heart healthy benefits, add 3 drops ylang ylang, with 2 drops of lavender and lemon into your diffuser and enjoy for at least 30 minutes!
In addition to the sedative properties mentioned above via inhalation, studies also suggest that topical application is exceptionally calming as well. The results of one 2006 study uncovered that simply massaging a 20% solution of ylang ylang oil in sweet almond oil over the abdomen for 5 minutes resulted in a “significant decrease of blood pressure and a significant increase of skin temperature.” A rise in skin temperature, by the way, is an indication of muscle relaxation and, therefore, a decrease in sympathetic nervous system function.
It is interesting to note that the study participants had their abdomen wrapped with plastic film to prevent evaporation. In addition to these physical measures, ylang ylang oil had a direct effect on their feelings and emotions: participants reported more “calm,” “relaxed,”
Application: To enjoy the calming effects and to start your day on a stress-free note, mix 2 drops of ylang ylang essential oils with 1 tablespoon of sweet almond oil and massage over abdomen first thing in the morning. Use just enough to cover the skin and store until used completely. Note that while the study above used a higher concentration, we recommend observing the dermal limit of 0.8%.
It has been well-established that terpenoid derivatives and flavonoids isolated from the flower buds of C. odorata can reduce the effects of aldose reductase; an enzyme that changes glucose to sorbitol. This is important because the accumulation of intracellular sorbitol can lead to diabetes complications such as:
⚫ Cataracts
⚫ Diabetic neuropathy
⚫ Retinopathy
⚫ Nephropathy
Application: Try applying a 0.8% dilution over the abdomen twice a day for 2 weeks and monitor results with physician.
Traditionally, ylang ylang has been used to treat bites, repel biting insects (like mosquitos) and can also kill their eggs. One study revealed that a 10% dilution serves as a potent egg control agent against these types of mosquitos: Aedes aegypti, Anopheles dirus, and Culex quinquefasciatus.
That is significant as Aedes aegypti is a known carrier for the Zika virus. Hopefully, essential oils will one day be on the forefront of the public health eye as humanity faces emerging diseases spread by insects such as the Zika virus where the best course of action is prevention. Note, the study did not mention that ylang ylang oil could treat the Zika virus, simply that it kills the mosquito eggs that spreads it.
Application: Apply ylang ylang oil to your homemade insect repellant and into your DIY floor cleaner to proactively kill mosquito eggs.
Along with oregano, eucalyptus, tea tree oil, cinnamon oil and lemongrass, ylang ylang essential oils has been shown to exhibit potent anti-biofilm activities. Biofilm, the slimy film of bacteria that adheres to slick surfaces is becoming more of a public health concern because of its role in infectious disease and importance in a variety of device-related infections.
Biofilm formation of Staphylococcus aureus is also a mechanism of drug resistance. Of 83 essential oils that were evaluated in a 2014 study published in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, ylang ylang oil was a Top 3 performer, destroying upwards of 80 % of the biofilm produced by S. aureus. The implication is that ylang ylang may make a good home-based topical oil for protecting against certain types of bacteria and potentially virus and other microbial organisms.
Application: Add ylang ylang to your favorite homemade dusting spray and allpurpose cleaners!
Ending on a passionate note, you most likely know of ylang ylang as an aphrodiasiac. But is this true?
Actually not really. Traditionally used to enhance sexual function, inhaling ylang ylang oil is actually proven to reduce the anxiety related to sex. This is not to say that our ancestors were misled in using it for sexual enhancement, but just that there is little modern research to substantiate it.
Either way, using ylang ylang oil can help enhance your sexual experience, so I give it a thumbs up!
Side Effects of Ylang Ylang
When 140 people were evaluated after smelling peppermint and ylang ylang aroma, something interesting was discovered.
⚫ Peppermint was found to enhance memory
⚫ Ylang ylang impaired memory and lengthened processing speed.
⚫ Peppermint increased alertness
⚫ Ylang ylang decreased alertness
⚫ Additionally ylang ylang significantly increased calmness
What does this mean?
Well, the effects are not long-lasting so ylang ylang essential oil uses aren’t going to make you stupid. However, I wouldn’t want it around me before taking an important exam or when I’m about to speak in public!
Healthy Heart Recipes & Remedies
Cut-Out Recipe Card
M 2 oz. carrier oil (we use Mama
Z’s Base)
M 3 drops cumin essential oil
M 2 drops cinnamon bark essential oil
M 2 drops fennel essential oil
M 2 drops melissa essential oil
M 2 drops myrtle essential oil
M 2 drops oregano essential oil
M Glass bottle
g Drop essential oils into a medium glass bowl.
g Add in carrier oil and mix.
g Between blood sugar tests, massage over abdomen and lower back twice a day for one month.
g Store in glass jar or in a lotion dispenser.
M 2 oz. carrier oil (we use Mama
Z’s Base)
M 3 drops cumin essential oil
M 2 drops cinnamon bark essential oil
M 2 drops fennel essential oil
M 2 drops melissa essential oil
M 2 drops myrtle essential oil
M 2 drops oregano essential oil
M Glass bottle
g Drop essential oils into a medium glass bowl.
g Add in carrier oil and mix.
g Between blood sugar tests, massage over abdomen and lower back twice a day for one month.
g Store in glass jar or in a lotion dispenser.
M Aromatherapy inhaler
M Pre-cut organic cotton pads
M 10 drops lavender essential oil
M 7 drops ylang ylang essential oil
M 5 drops marjoram essential oil
M 1 drop neroli essential oil
I nstructions
g Place cotton pad in inhaler tube.
g Add drops of essential oils directly in the tube on the cotton pad.
g Alternatively, you can drop the essential oils into a glass bowl, roll the cotton pad into the oils to absorb them, and then insert into the inhaler tube using tweezers.
g Remove cap and breathe in for 5 minutes twice a day while resting, meditating or even watching TV.
g Store in purse and be sure to have one handy at work.
Notes: * Alternatively, this blend could be added to your diffuser to use at night to support balanced blood pressure.
Cut-Out Recipe Card
Equal parts of:
M Grapefruit
M Peppermint
M Lime
M Cinnamon
g For aromatherapy, add 5 drops of the blend into your diffuser.
g Enjoy!
Equal parts of:
M Grapefruit
M Peppermint
M Lime
M Cinnamon
g For aromatherapy, add 5 drops of the blend into your diffuser.
g Enjoy!
Cut-Out Recipe Card

M 1 dropperful plain or flavored liquid stevia
M 10 drops lemon or lime essential oil
M 10 drops grapefruit or orange essential oil
M 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
M 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon or lime juice
M Purified or distilled water
M 1 scoop or packet electrolyte powder*
M Gallon-sized water jug**
M Glass jars for serving
Ingredients Instructions
g Put the liquid stevia, essential oils, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice into a 1-gallon glass water jug. Fill to the top with purified water. This is your concentrate.
g To make one serving, add 16 ounces (about one-fourth) of the concentrate into a 32-ounce glass container and fill it with purified water. I distribute the concentrate among four 32-ounce glass containers, filling each halfway so it’s prepared ahead of time and ready to go.
g Add 1 scoop or packet of electrolyte powder and shake vigorously for an added nutrition boost.
g Enjoy!
*I use Ultimate electrolyte powder.
**You can find giant glass water jugs at many health food stores and Whole Foods.
This recipe makes a four-day supply. Drink no more than 64 ounces each day because otherwise, you’ll exceed the maximum oral dose of essential oils as outlined in aromatherapy safety texts.
M 2 drops coriander seed essential oil
M 1 drop lavender essential oil
M 1 drop neroli essential oil
M 1 drop bergamot essential oil
M 1 drop clary sage essential oil
M 1 drop geranium essential oil
M Diffuser
g Fill your diffuser with purified water as directed in the manufacturer’s instructions.
g Add the essential oils.
g Turn on the diffuser and use throughout the day or at night to promote hearthealth. This recipe works well in an aromatherapy necklace.
Notes: You can then use this healthy heart blend of essential oils in a diffuser or mixed into a carrier oil base so its diluted into a healing body oil.
Cut-Out Recipe Card
M 2 tsps. matcha green tea
M 1 tsp. maca powder (we like this maca / cacao blend)
M 1 tsp. cacao powder
M 1 dropper full of liquid stevia (vanilla flavored)
M 1 Tbl. unrefined coconut oil
M ½ cup coconut milk
M 16 oz. hot water
M 1 drop peppermint essential oil (optional)
M 1 drop cinnamon essential oil (optional)
g Put ingredients in blender (Vitamix) and voila!

g Serve immediately and can be refrigerated for a cool drink during summer months.
Cut-Out Recipe Card
M 3 carrots (regular size)
M 3 sprigs of Italian parsley
M 1 Granny Smith apple
M 1 Empire apple
M 1 beet (leaf greens included)
M 1-inch piece of ginger
M Cayenne pepper, sprinkled on top (optional)
g Add all ingredients to vegetable juicer.
g Gently mix juice and consume immediately.
M 3 carrots (regular size)
M 3 sprigs of Italian parsley
M 1 Granny Smith apple
M 1 Empire apple
M 1 beet (leaf greens included)
M 1-inch piece of ginger
M Cayenne pepper, sprinkled on top (optional)
g Add all ingredients to vegetable juicer.
g Gently mix juice and consume immediately.

Cut-Out Recipe Card
M 1 tablespoon organic matcha green tea powder

M 2 cups unsweetened vanilla-flavored almond or coconut milk beverage, chilled, or unsweetened almond or coconut “creamer”
M 4 dropperfuls vanilla-or coconut-flavored liquid stevia
M Ice cubes
M 32-ounce glass bottle
g Pour the matcha powder, almond milk beverage, and stevia into a blender. Blend for 30 seconds until frothy.
g Pour the mixture into a 32-ounce glass bottle. Fill to the top with ice. Serve immediately or refrigerate.
NOTES: Fat Burning Iced Matcha: Add 2 drops each of cinnamon bark and peppermint essential oils.
If you like making a lot of hot drinks, I recommend purchasing an electric kettle. I love having hot water ready when I want to make a quick cup of tea or a latte. I use an electric glass kettle similar to this one.
When purchasing an almond milk beverage, be sure to buy the unsweetened variety.
Cut-Out Recipe Card
M ¼ cup Herbal or Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
M 1 cup olive oil
M 1 raw egg or ½ Tbl. Egg Replacer + ¼ cup water

M 1 tsp. favorite herb blend (Italian or Herbes de Provence is great)
M Salt and pepper to taste
g Put vinegar in blender.
g As blender is running, slowly add oil in a steady stream. Blend well
g Add egg.
g Mix until well blended.
g Add salt and pepper and more or less vinegar depending on flavor preference.
Cut-Out Recipe Card
M ¼ cup Herbal or Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
M 1 cup olive oil

M 1 raw egg or ½ Tbl. Egg Replacer + ¼ cup water + 3 Tbls. coconut
milk yogurt
M 1 tsp. Herbes de Provence
M Salt and pepper to taste
g Put vinegar in blender.
g As blender is running, slowly add oil in a steady stream. Blend well.
g Add egg.
g Mix until well blended.
g Add yogurt, salt and pepper and more or less vinegar depending on flavor preference.
M ¼ cup Herbal or Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
M 1 cup olive oil

M 1 raw egg or ½ Tbl. Egg Replacer + ¼ cup water + 3 Tbls. coconut
milk yogurt
M 1 tsp. Herbes de Provence
M Salt and pepper to taste
g Put vinegar in blender.
g As blender is running, slowly add oil in a steady stream. Blend well.
g Add egg.
g Mix until well blended.
g Add yogurt, salt and pepper and more or less vinegar depending on flavor preference.

Cut-Out Recipe Card
M 3 oz. fresh fruit
M ¼ cup Herbal or Bragg Apple Cider
M 1 cup olive oil
g Put fruit and vinegar in blender. Puree.

M ½ Tbl. egg replacer + ¼ cup water + 2 Tbls. honey
M Salt and pepper to taste
M Add poppy seeds or mint if desired
g While blender is running, slowly add oil in a steady stream. Blend well.
g Add Egg Beaters and mix until well blended.
g Add honey, salt, pepper and more or less vinegar depending on flavor preference.
g Serve over fruit salad or mixed green with fresh fruit and flowers.
M 3 oz. fresh fruit
M ¼ cup Herbal or Bragg Apple Cider
M 1 cup olive oil
g Put fruit and vinegar in blender. Puree.

M ½ Tbl. egg replacer + ¼ cup water + 2 Tbls. honey
M Salt and pepper to taste
M Add poppy seeds or mint if desired
g While blender is running, slowly add oil in a steady stream. Blend well.
g Add Egg Beaters and mix until well blended.
g Add honey, salt, pepper and more or less vinegar depending on flavor preference.
g Serve over fruit salad or mixed green with fresh fruit and flowers.

Cut-Out Recipe Card
M 6 cups baby spinach
M 2 large cucumbers, sliced thin
M Chia sprouts or your favorite sprouts/microgreens

g Combine in a bowl or on your plate, and drizzle with a homemade vinaigrette dressing!
M 6 cups baby spinach
M 2 large cucumbers, sliced thin
M Chia sprouts or your favorite sprouts/microgreens

g Combine in a bowl or on your plate, and drizzle with a homemade vinaigrette dressing!
Cut-Out Recipe Card
M ¼ cup Herbal or Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
M 1 cup olive oil
M 1 raw egg or ½ Tbl. Egg Replacer + ¼ cup water

M 1 tsp. favorite herb blend (Italian or Herbes de Provence is great)
M Salt and pepper to taste
g Place vinegar in the blender.
g While blending, pour in olive oil in a slow stream to emulsify.
g Add in egg and blend thoroughly.
g Season with herb blend and salt and pepper.
g Set dressing aside as you prepare the salad.
g Place spinach and cucumbers in a large bowl and toss to combine.
M ¼ cup Herbal or Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar
M 1 cup olive oil
M 1 raw egg or ½ Tbl. Egg Replacer + ¼ cup water

M 1 tsp. favorite herb blend (Italian or Herbes de Provence is great)
M Salt and pepper to taste
g Place vinegar in the blender.
g While blending, pour in olive oil in a slow stream to emulsify.
g Add in egg and blend thoroughly.
g Season with herb blend and salt and pepper.
g Set dressing aside as you prepare the salad.
g Place spinach and cucumbers in a large bowl and toss to combine.
Cut-Out Recipe Card

M 1 cup organic or organic & sprouted sliced or slivered almonds
M 1 cup organic or organic & sprouted pecans, halved
M 1 cup organic or organic & sprouted walnuts, halved
M 1 cup organic or organic & sprouted cashews
M 1 cup organic or organic & sprouted pistachios
M 1 cup organic or organic & sprouted macadamias
M ¼ tsp. pink Himalayan salt
M ¼ to ⅛ tsp. cayenne pepper, ground
M 1 to 2 Tbls. raw & organic Manuka honey
g Place all the nuts in a large bowl.
g Add the salt and cayenne pepper ingredients and stir well.
g Cover with the honey and toss just so the honey is mixed throughout.
g Continue stirring longer so that it is well incorporated and the honey just barely binds them.
g Place them into small containers to have ½ cup portions.
Cut-Out Recipe Card
M ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil

M 1 medium sweet Vidalia onion, finely chopped or 2 Tbls. dried onion
M 4 medium garlic cloves, freshly pressed
M 2 medium organic carrots, peeled and sliced
M 1 tsp. cumin, ground
M 1 tsp. curry powder
M ¼ tsp. thyme, dried
M 1 large can (28 ounces) organic diced tomatoes, drained or organic tomato sauce
M 3 drops lemon essential oil
M 2-3 drops cumin essential oil
M 1 drop thyme essential oil
M 1 cup combination red, green & brown lentils, rinsed (you can use any combination)
M 4 cups organic vegetable broth (1 box)
M 2 cups purified, distilled or ionized water, boiling
M 1 Tbl. fresh lemon or lime juice
M 1 tsp. pink Himalayan salt or sea salt
M ½ tsp. white pepper, ground
M ¼ tsp. cayenne pepper
M 2 small bunches of organic baby kale, chopped or 10 oz. bag of frozen organic kale
Cut-Out Recipe Card
g Add olive oil to a large pot on medium heat.

g Add chopped onion, garlic, and carrot pieces. Cook until the onion and garlic are very tender and starting to brown.
g Next, add cumin, curry, and thyme and cook for about 30 seconds to one minute, then add the diced tomatoes or tomato sauce.
g Then add in all of the essential oils.
g Pour in the lentils, broth, 1 cup of water, and lemon juice.
g Add salt, cayenne pepper, and white pepper.
g On medium heat, bring your mixture to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 20-30 minutes so that lentils are cooked through.
g If desired, you can puree this entire mixture with an immersion blender then add the greens afterward. Cook 5-10 more minutes until greens are cooked through.
g Use within 5 days when stored in the refrigerator or freeze in smaller portions.
Cut-Out Recipe Card

M 2 to 4 organic free-range chicken breasts, cut into 1-1 ½ inch pieces
M A variety of organic vegetables (carrots, celery, red or green pepper, water chestnuts, new potatoes, etc.) and pineapple chunks
M ½ tsp. pink Himalayan salt
M 1 Tbl. Bragg aminos OR ½ Tbls. gluten-free soy sauce
M 1 Tbl. organic non-GMO corn starch
M 1 Tbl. organic white wine (Frey – sulfite free) OR cooking sherry
M 2 Tbls. Bragg apple cider vinegar
M 2 Tbls. coconut crystals OR maple sugar
M 4 Tbls. ketchup (OrganicVille Organic ketchup OR homemade ketchup)
M 1 tsp. pink Himalayan salt
M 4 Tbls. cold purified/distilled water or pineapple juice
M 1 Tbl. organic non-GMO corn starch (add last)
g Place chicken in a glass dish (we use 4-cup glass measuring cup) and pour in marinade to cover. Stir the chicken in the marinade to coat. Marinate overnight or at least 4 hours.
g Mix together sauce ingredients and set aside.
g Preheat a deep skillet over medium heat. Add sesame oil, coconut oil, and chicken. Cook chicken, and then place in a bowl. Set aside.
g Add more coconut and sesame oil to the pan. Add vegetables, starting with the ones that take the longest to cook (like carrots and celery) then peppers, water chestnuts, new potatoes and lastly pineapple.
g Make sure your sauce has the corn starch fully incorporated and homogenous. As vegetables near al dente, add the sauce and stir.
g Cook until the sauce looks like a glaze. Fold the chicken back in with the vegetables and serve over organic brown basmati rice or organic jasmine rice. Or you can serve this alongside a fresh salad.
Cut-Out Recipe Card

If the marinade fits all the way around the meat, then it’s enough. This marinade will coat 2 to 4 single breasts, depending on their size. If you are using larger size chicken breasts, then you may need to double your marinade. If you need to double your marinade, then you will also need to double your sauce.
When cutting your veggies for this recipe, try to cut them in pieces that are the same size so that each vegetable will cook evenly. Cut the carrots and celery at an angle to get flat, bigger pieces.
Try varying this recipe by using your favorite vegetables. Explore the flavor combinations of carrots, celery, new potatoes, red or green peppers, onions, or mushrooms. For ingredients like onions and mushrooms that not everyone likes, you can sauté them in oil and use any leftover marinade in the pan following cooking & removing the chicken. Once sautéed then remove from pan and place in serving dish.
I like to use canned new potatoes in this recipe. I get the organic ones in BPA-free cans and just cut the big ones in half.
For the pineapple juice, I typically find that when grocery stores have fresh pineapple cut into chunks, it has its own juice in the bottom. So the juice from fresh cut pineapple slices are perfect for this recipe. If you run out of pineapple juice, you can also use water. Either is fine for this recipe.
If you have any leftover rice, use it to make a delicious rice pudding.

Cut-Out Recipe Card
M 4 medium-sized avocados, peeled and pitted
M 1 small ripe banana
M ¼ cup Chocolate Gold (optional)
M ¼ cup raw cacao powder
M Handful raw organic spinach leaves
M 1 tsp. pure vanilla extract
M 1 tsp. Himalayan pink salt
M 3 dropperfuls vanilla-flavored liquid stevia
M 3 dropperfuls chocolate-flavored liquid stevia
M Unsweetened vanilla almond or coconut milk

g Place all ingredients but the milk in a high-powered blender (we use a VitaMix) or food processor.
g Add enough milk to cover ingredients.
g If omitting Chocolate Gold, use more cacao powder to taste.
g Blend until smooth, making sure to scrape down the sides of the processor several times with a silicone spatula.
g Add additional coconut milk as needed to create the desired consistency.
g Serve immediately; keep any leftovers, covered, in the fridge for up to three days.
g “High Octane”: Add ½ cup organic, fair trade coffee and use a bit less milk.
g “Red Velvet”: Add 1 small organic beet root, chopped.
g For desert, top with coconut whipped cream.
Coconut Whipped Cream
Cut-Out Recipe Card
M 1 can full of fat coconut milk

M 1 Tbl. vanilla extract or ¼ tsp. of organic vanilla beans ground
M 1-3 tsps. maple syrup *
g Place can of coconut milk in the refrigerator overnight.
g Turn can upside-down and open it.
g Drain off liquid and use later in a smoothie.
g Put all the coconut cream left in the can in a stand mixer (I use Kitchen Aid), add vanilla & maple syrup to taste.
g Mix together with regular or whipping blade. Place in refrigerator 3-4 hours and serve over dessert.
Notes: *Use liquid stevia for Fast Track
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Chapter 1 - Eating Bioactive Foods
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Chapter 2 - Using Olive Oil
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Chapter 3 - Black Seed Oil for Heart-Friendly Carrier Oil
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Chapter 4 - Proven, Effective Weight Loss Tips
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Chapter 5 - Exercising Smarter, Not Harder
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Chapter 6 - Using Essential Oils for Weight Loss
Chapter 7 - Using Essential Oils for Metabolic Syndrome
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Chapter 8 - Top Essential Oils for Heart Health
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Chapter 9 - Bergamot
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Chapter 10 - Black Pepper
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Chapter 11 - Cinnamon Bark
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Chapter 12 - Lavender
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Chapter 13 - Lime
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Chapter 14 - Marjoram
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Chapter 15 - Oregano
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Chapter 16 - Peppermint
Chapter 17 - Rosemary
Chapter 18 - Ylang Ylang
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About the Author

The Essential Oils Apothecary
The follow-up to the national bestseller, The Healing Power of Essential Oils, get the confidence that you need to treat and manage the symptoms of 25 chronic illnesses, including insomnia, low libido, fibromyalgia, COPD, cancer, anxiety, depression, diabetes, dementia and more!
ERIC ZIELINSKI, D.C. has pioneered natural living and biblical health education since 2003. Trained as an aromatherapist, public health researcher, and chiropractor, Dr. Z started NaturalLivingFamily.com alongside his wife Sabrina Ann in 2014 to help people learn how to use natural remedies like essential oils safely and effectively. Now visited by more than six million natural health seekers every year, it has rapidly become the #1 source for Biblical Health and non-branded essential oils education online.
Dr. Z is an accomplished researcher with several publications, conference proceedings, and is committed to sharing the healing power of natural therapies at churches and events across the globe.

The Essential Oils Diet
The first diet program that harnesses essential oils and bioactive foods for weight loss and disease prevention, from the nation’s trusted authority in essential oils and natural remedies. Discover how essential oil plant compounds can aid in weight loss, boost energy levels, balance blood sugar and beat autoimmunity.