Essentials Oils For Alzheimer's Dementia & Remedy Guide

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Essential Oils for Alzheimer’s, Dementia & Remedy Guide

Copyright © 2025 by

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means – electronic, mechanical, photographic (photocopying), recording, or otherwise – without prior permission in writing from the author.

The products and statements in this book have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. All information provided in this book is for informational purposes only, and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional. You should not use the information in this book for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem.

Learn more information at:

The Healing Power of Essential Oils

More than 150,000 copies sold, Dr. Z’s national bestseller is the #1 rated essential oils book in the world. This soup-to-nuts guide to mastering essential oils features 150+ recipes and expert formulations, equipping you with the knowledge to build daily rituals that fit your unique needs— and lead to amazing results!

Essential Oils Recipes: A 52-Card Deck for Healing and Home: 50 Recipes

Harness the healing power of essential oils with this deck of 52 cards with simple recipes for natural remedies and household use, from the bestselling authors of the Healing Power of Essential Oils


Unlock the Healing Power of Essential Oils & Transform Your Health, Save Money, and Avoid Costly Mistakes!

Join Dr. Z for an exclusive LIVE event and discover the clinically-proven power of essential oils for natural healing, easy DIY remedies, and expert tips to save over $2,500 annually on doctor’s bills and home products you use everyday—take control of your health today!

BONUS: Sign up today & get Dr. Z’s eBook about Lavender and discover why it’s the most healing oil in the world!

Can One Single Drop of Essential Oil Offer 100+ Health Benefits?

30,500+ Studies Say, “Yes!”

…and this is exactly what Dr. Z is going to teach you during this LIVE event!


Great up-to-date information for healing

My heartfelt gratitude for your commitment to bringing us up to date information for healing, non-toxic DIY items, delicious recipes, spiritual encouragement and EO benefits. I am pretty new to EO’s (about a year ago I began to learn from you) and was recently able to buy a super starter kit. It has been amazing and I can’t wait to use your DIY formulas!!!!


Spiritual Disclaimer

Please note that I am a Christian and it is from this perspective that I present the information that is in this book. Amongst other things, this means that I will refer to “God,” not the “Universe.” This also means that I may reference Biblical teaching and ancient proverbs that I have found to be helpful and applicable today.

Sometimes people get offended by the words that I use, or the spiritual references that I make. Please don’t fall into this trap.

As a trained public health researcher and world-renowned essential oils educator, you can trust that the information presented in these pages is solid, evidencebased and that it will help you.

I do not judge people that don’t share my faith and I am committed to helping everyone (regardless of who they are or what they believe) benefit from my experiences. In fact, I whole-heartedly believe this is my mission in life and why God put me on this planet.

You see, there I go referencing “God” again. ;)

A Note About Faith

Personally, I have found that my faith has been vital to helping me overcome sickness and disease - as it has for the thousands of people that we have helped get well.

Being a Christian, it’s impossible for me to separate my personal beliefs from my actions and lifestyle habits. As a researcher, I am intrigued to see how clinical trials and science continues to uncover the role that prayer, positive thinking and faith play in the healing journey.

My dear friend and Integrative Oncologist, Dr. Tony Jimenez often says that “cancer is an emotional disorder.” The same can be said of all chronic, long-standing disease like gut disorders, autoimmunity, arthritis, fatigue and insomnia.

It is with this in mind that I present to you the information in the Introduction and scattered throughout this book where you will discover eternal truths that will provide you with hope, inspiration and may even shed some light on things if you are willing to take a dive into the spiritual side of healing with me.

Table of Contents

Click on Title to go to Chapter

Part One Essential Oils for Brain Health

Chapter 1 Essential Oils for Alzheimer’s 8

Chapter 2 Copaiba 27

Chapter 3 Grapefruit 33

Chapter 4 Lavender 42

Chapter 5 Lime 48

Chapter 6 Patchouli 58

Chapter 7 Rosemary 64

Chapter 8 Turmeric 69

Part Two Additional Natural Living Strategies for Brain Health

Chapter 9 Avoid EMF Brain Fog 81

Chapter 10 Avoid Synthetic Fragrances 99

Chapter 11 Eating Bioactive Foods 109

Chapter 12 Taking Omega 3 Fatty Acids 120

Chapter 13 Eating Grapefruit 126

Part Three Healthy Brain Remedies

Aluminum-Free Deodorants 132

Homamade Roll On Deodorant 132

Natural Homemade Deodorant 133

Natural Homemade Deodorant (Double Boiler) 134

Natural Homemade Deodorant (Stove) 135

Detox Water Concentrate 136

Detox Bath 137

Diffuser Blend Recipes 138

By the Fire 138

Carol in the Woods 139

Christmas Blend 140

Clean, Clean, Clean 141

Clothesline Fresh 142

Deep Breathing Blend 143

Focus Blend 144

Good Bye Allergy Blend 145

Good Morning, Sunshine! 146

Grandma’s Cookies 147

Happy Gardener 148

Healthy Digestion Blend 149

Holy Anointing Blend 150

Immune Boosting Blend 151

Joyful Blend 152

Kingly Gifts 153

Let it Snow! 154

Oh, Christmas Tree! 155

Raindrop Lullaby 156

Sleepy Time Blend 157

Tutti Frutti Candy 158

Focus and Clarity Inhaler 159

References 160

About the Author 171

SECTION ONE Essential Oils for Brain Health


Essential Oils for Alzheimer’s

The science is clear, using essential oils for Alzheimer’s, dementia and brain health can provide profound support, and researchers strongly suggest that people can use regularly them with very promising results!

Case in point, one literature review went so far to claim that, “EOs are effective on almost all currently known pathological targets of AD.”

Read on to get more insights from that study and others to help you use essential oils for Alzheimer’s, dementia and brain disease…

Serious Public Health Considerations

Dementia occurs when brain nerve cells become damaged. Being that this affects several areas of the brain, people experience dementia quite differently. There are various types of dementias, and they are often categorized by the part of the brain damaged and whether the condition worsens. Alzheimer’s disease, the most common cause of dementia in seniors over 65 years old is, has been researched extensively and essential oils can be of great help.

The most recent data tells us that Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia, is the #6 leading cause of death in the United States. By the time you read this sentence 2 people will have already been diagnosed with dementia. Globally, more than 10 million will be diagnosed each year, and this is expected to double by 2025! Nearly 50 million worldwide are affected and a majority of people are classified as “low to middle income.” However, don’t think that the “rich” are immune as nearly 40% of all cases affect middle to high-income earners.

Some other facts you may not know about Alzheimer’s include:

⚫ Approximately 5.3 million Americans of all ages are affected.

⚫ Of this amount, an estimated 5.1 million people are older than 65.

⚫ Approximately 700,000 people in the United States age 65 and older died because of Alzheimer’s.

⚫ Within the last decade, deaths attributed to Alzheimer’s disease increased 71%.

⚫ Nearly two-thirds of American Alzheimer’s patients are women.

⚫ African-Americans and Hispanics are more likely than whites to be affected.

⚫ By 2025 the number of people with Alzheimer’s is estimated to increase 40% – reaching 7.1 million.

⚫ By 2050, that number is expected to triple.

⚫ Up to 25% of people diagnosed with dementia are prescribed antipsychotics, which are not proven to help.

⚫ According to one study, “The potential risks of such treatment are becoming clearer, but the benefits remain uncertain.”

No Known Medical Cure?

It is widely claimed that Alzheimer’s is the only disease among the top 10 causes of death in America that cannot be prevented, cured, or even slowed. Yet, nothing could be further from the truth! New York Times bestselling author Dale Bredesen, MD has proven that Alzheimer’s can be reversed has two books outlining his findings.

Nonetheless, according to researcher & Harvard Medical School fellow Dr. Rebecca Erwin Wells,

⚫ “We know that approximately 50% of people diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment – the intermediate stage between the expected declines of normal aging and the more serious cognitive deterioration associated with dementia –may develop dementia within five years. And unfortunately, we know there are currently no FDA approved medications that can stop that progression.”

Note that Dr. Wells is NOT saying that there are no known cures or ways to slow down Alzheimer’s progression. He is simply saying that there are no FDAapproved medications that can stop the mental progression once it starts, which is correct. It is important to recognize that medicine is not the end-all solution to our healthcare problems and that there are proven Alzheimer’s natural treatment options like essential oils!

More on that below… It seems that the medical community is confused on how to prevent and treat dementia, seeing that so many people are prescribed antipsychotics.

The problem is that approximately 80% of people who have dementia will exhibit non-cognitive symptoms and what’s known as behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD): agitation, aggression, psychosis, sleep disturbance, and wandering. These side effects, especially the prevalence of agitation and aggression in those living in nursing homes, become significant issues for caregivers who all too often choose to “drug” their patient instead of trying to find Alzheimer’s natural treatment options.

The consideration must be made that the person with dementia may be exhibiting these behaviors as a way of communicating distress or frustration at not being able to properly communicate.

Please keep this in mind if you are a home caregiver before too many people are prescribed drugs or transferred to institutional care prematurely. Remember this: antipsychotics are not the answer. Alzheimer’s natural treatment options like essential oils frankincense, lavender, chamomile, vetiver, and especially citrus oils can help!

Top 4 Causes of Alzheimer’s Disease

Admittedly, scientists and researchers don’t quite fully understand what causes dementias like Alzheimer’s. However, there are 3 triggers that seem to put people most at risk.


Research published in the Oxford Journal has found a strong link between wealthy, “sanitized” countries and higher rates of Alzheimer’s. This research, led by Dr. Molly Fox across 192 countries, suggests that the lack of exposure to bacteria creates a poorly developed immune system, leaving your brain at risk for inflammation. It all boils down to the human microbiome and this is how it works:

⚫ Countries with a greater degree of sanitation have a lower degree of bacteria prevalence.

⚫ Alzheimer’s disease shares certain characteristics with autoimmunity.

⚫ Like autoimmunity, microbial diversity plays a key part in the development and function of the immune system.

⚫ Exposure to bacteria and other microorganisms improves immune function in ways that protect against autoimmunity, and the same has been seen with Alzheimer’s.

So, what’s the solution? Eat dirt once in a while and watch out for what you put on your skin. Especially hand sanitizer! Because all essentials oils are antimicrobial, the natural response from all of us would be to DIY and make our hand sanitizer and body care products that don’t kill our skin microbiome!


Did you know that sitting down too much has been shown to reduce life expectancy, and you can easily add 2 years back to your life by simply limiting your seat time to less than 3 hours a day?


The journal BMJ Open has explained this in this great deal, and imagine what the ramifications of excessive sitting are on the brain! We are designed to move, which is why regular exercise is so important. According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, regular physical exercise (especially later in life) can prevent chronic conditions like cognitive impairment, diabetes, and heart disease.

In the words of lead investigator Mark Hamer, Ph.D., “The take-home message really is to keep moving when you are elderly. It’s [a] cliche, but it’s a case of use it or lose it. You do lose the benefits [of exercise] if you don’t remain active.” And this is the key: moderate exercise is enough to reap the benefits.

You don’t have to be a marathon runner or do crazy stuff like cross-fit in your 60s! Just be sure to make some of these activities part of your daily regimen.

⚫ Walking

⚫ Gardening

⚫ Supervised weightlifting

⚫ Swimming

⚫ Water Aerobics


Our society woefully lacks peace and calm. Like never before, we need to get away, find our quiet place, and let our mind (and emotions) take a break. Taking a mental break is so powerful that a study from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center has shown that meditation plays an important role in slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s and dementia! Researchers found that when people meditate or go to yoga at least two hours per week, they literally had less atrophy in parts of the brain and better brain connectivity than those who didn’t!


Last, but not least is aluminum exposure. Don’t believe what the media wants to tell you: the link between aluminum intake and Alzheimer’s and cognitive decline is proven.

⚫ According to a 2011 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, “The hypothesis that [aluminum] significantly contributes to [Alzheimer’s disease] is built upon very solid experimental evidence and should not be dismissed.”

⚫ And in 2014, “[Alzheimer’s disease] is a human form of chronic aluminum neurotoxicity. The causality analysis demonstrates that chronic aluminum intake causes [Alzheimer’s disease].”

⚫ And, in 2016, a meta-analysis evaluating eight cohort and case-control studies (with a total of 10,567 individuals), uncovered that “Individuals chronically exposed to [aluminum] were 71% more likely to develop [Alzheimer’s disease]”.

The key is to avoid “chronic” aluminum exposure in your body care products (especially deodorant) and cookware, which are the most cost-effective and easier things to do.

Digging Deeper into Aluminum

First off, it’s critical to note that aluminum is a known neurotoxin. According to Dr. Douglas Scharre, a neurologist at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, it is “pretty well established that if you have too much aluminum in your brain, that’s not healthy. Aluminum can be a neurotoxin, and if you ingest it or get it into your brain, it can cause a dementia-like condition.”

The debate, however, is at what level does aluminum become toxic and put you at risk of brain damage?

If you’ve done any research online about natural solutions for Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, no doubt you’ve seen reports that aluminum exposure is a risk factor. This is actually one of the most publicized and controversial theories concerning Alzheimer’s because the data in the medical literature is conflicting.

Nonetheless, an entire industry of aluminum-free products has surfaced offering “natural” solutions for deodorant, antiperspirants, antacids, pots, pans, canned food, and beverages.

The backstory behind this originated from research done 55 years ago on “tau tangles,” one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.

Tau is a protein that helps form microtubules in the brain, which are essential for nutrient transport between nerve cells. In a healthy brain, tau proteins help maintain the structural integrity of the microtubules to ensure that the brain is properly “fed.” With Alzheimer’s patients, tau proteins collapse into clumps known as “tangles,” which will eventually starve brain cells.

In 1965, researchers discovered that rabbits injected with extremely high doses of aluminum developed tau tangles in their brains. This led many people to conclude that aluminum from cans, cookware, processed foods, and even our water supply could be a contributing factor to the development of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Dangers of Aluminum Exposure

In addition to being the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust (comprising roughly eight percent) aluminum naturally occurs in minute, trace amounts in our food.

From a consumer standpoint, you’ll find aluminum pretty much everywhere today.

⚫ Tap water.

⚫ Soy-based infant formula and many other processed food products.

⚫ Baking supplies such as flour, baking powder, coloring, and anticaking agents.

⚫ Pots, pans, and foil.

⚫ Siding and.

⚫ Body care items such as cosmetics, sunscreens, and antiperspirants.

⚫ Pharmaceuticals such as antacids, astringents, aspirin, and vaccines.

There is the obvious concern that micro-doses may be accumulating over time (i.e. “bioaccumulation”), and it’s well documented that aluminum exposure has been linked to a variety of health concerns such as:

⚫ Brain and bone disease found in children with kidney disorders.

⚫ Calcium imbalance and oxidative damage in the brain.

⚫ DNA and epithelial skin cell damage.

⚫ Neurological damage via occupational exposure.

This last point was confirmed in 2014 when a study was published that presented the first case with comprehensive and unequivocal data demonstrating significantly elevated brain aluminum content in a man who was occupationally exposed to aluminum dust for several years.

Even the United States Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry concedes that “Some studies show that people exposed to high levels of aluminum may develop Alzheimer’s disease.”

The question remains. At what levels?

Essentially, we should all be asking whether or not there are health risks associated with aluminum that would prevent us from using aluminum-based products.

We wholeheartedly believe that there are, which is why we kicked out aluminumbased products from our home years ago.

Natural Treatment & DIY Tips

First off, as we’ve seen above, anyone looking to prevent slow down or reverse the onset of Alzheimer’s and dementia should focus on movement, exercise, calming the brain, and maintaining a proper microfloral balance in their body. Various studies researchers have found that:

⚫ Those who practice meditation and yoga have less brain atrophy in the hippocampus, which shrinks in people with Alzheimer’s.

⚫ Meditation helps protects our brain by increasing protective tissues.

⚫ Meditation increases grey matter and cortical thickness, both of which slow the brain’s aging rate. Also, cortical thickness has been connected with decision-making and memory.

⚫ Meditation helps seniors feel less isolated and lonely, both of which increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s.

⚫ Meditation reduces cortisol (the stress hormone), which has been known to increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s and other dementias.

A 2019 study published in the Neural Regeneration Research journal stresses the importance of functional food and says this about herbs, primarily Mediterranean herbs like mint:

⚫ Consumption of fresh herbs can help boost memory and reduce sugar levels in the body.

⚫ The use of herbs as a functional food could lead to significant improvements in health.

⚫ Cognitive stimulation with medical food and medical herbs could delay the development of cognitive decline, and improve the quality of life of Alzheimer’s disease patients.

And, yes, essential oils can add an extra boost to this approach.

⚫ “This effect can be enhanced if combined with aromatherapy, topically or by inhalation, and/or by ingestion. Terpenes and terpenoids, the primary constituents of these essential oils are small, lipid-soluble organic molecules that can be absorbed through the skin or across nasal mucosa into the systemic blood circulation. Many terpenes can also cross the blood-brain barrier. Therefore, topical application or inhalation of essential oils will also produce a systemic effect.”

These are some very encouraging words from the University of Palermo:

⚫ “Probably the interest in the essential oils and volatile compounds will be fueled from the new available scientific data about receptor on olfactory mucosa of the nasal cavity. It can receive and distinguish different odor molecules, which produce nerve impulses and transmit into the olfactory bulb via olfactory nerves. The nerve cells in the olfactory bulb transmit the signals into the hippocampus. Because the hippocampus is closely related with learning and memory functions, the volatile compounds can be potential drugs in [Alzheimer’s] therapies.”

Catch that? Essential oils can be potential “drugs” to help with learning and memory function. More on that below.

Essential Oils Research & Mechanism

When it comes to using essential oils to promote brain health and manage Alzheimer’s disease, a recent literature review sums it up best. Taken from the study:

⚫ EOs are effective on almost all currently known pathological targets of AD.

⚫ EOs also possess neuroprotective, anti-aging potentials and are effective in dementia, epilepsy, anxiety, and other neurological disorders.

⚫ It is important that EOs which are effective on multiple targets (multi-potent agents) must be screed to find more effective drugs in comparison to the currently available drugs which have limited efficacy and are useful for symptomatic relief only.

⚫ Anti-aging EOs will be more effective in the prevention of these neurological disorders.

⚫ Special focus must be on the edible EOs which are either part of the diet or used as spices will be more useful.

⚫ Special concerns regarding the kinetic profile, route of administration, and dose are important tasks in the development of EOs as new drugs.

Hence, essential oils can be referred to as nootropics (“smart drugs”) or cognitive enhancers: drugs, supplements, and other substances that improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation.

The mechanism behind this is explained by the science of smell.


As Yale Scientific so candidly points out, “There is something to be said for the consistent mood improvement across studies.” This aromatherapy stuff is not hocus pocus, it’s science! This is how Yale describes it:

1. When you smell lemon oil, [for example] some molecules dissolve in the mucus lining of the olfactory epithelium on the roof of the nasal cavity.

2. There, the molecules stimulate olfactory receptors. Olfactory sensory neurons carry the signals from the receptors to the olfactory bulb, which filters and begins processing the input signals of the lemon scent.

3. Mitral cells then carry the output signals from the olfactory bulb to the olfactory cortex, which allows you to perceive and recognize the tangy scent of lemon.

4. Interestingly, the mitral cells do not only lead to the olfactory cortex, they also carry the signals from the lemon scent to other areas in the brain’s limbic system.

5. Some mitral cells connect directly to the amygdala, the brain structure involved in emotional learning and memory. Indeed, the olfactory system is the only sensory system that involves the amygdala and the limbic system in its primary processing pathway.

6. This link explains why smells are often linked to specific memories. For example, if you have had a positive experience with lemon meringue pie, the scent of lemon may induce positive thoughts.

No wonder essential oils are becoming a popular non-pharmaceutical intervention for Alzheimer’s patients!


However, the effects of aromatherapy is debated in the context of dementia and Alzheimer’s patients because of anosmia.

Unfortunately, many patients with advanced dementia have lost their sense of smell (“anosmia”). This may be why research has shown that lavender aromatherapy via diffusion has had no effect on agitation in people with dementia, while application as a skin lotion and lavender hand massages worked wonderfully to reduce aggression.

This leads us to believe transdermal application is necessary, yet, we still don’t really know until more research is completed.

A common question we get is what about dementia and Alzheimer’s patients who have lost their sense of smell? Coming directly from a Facebook Q & A, essential oil safely expert Robert Tisserand states this:

⚫ Q: If one has lost their smell does aromatherapy still work with the emotions like uplifting or physical like relaxing?

⚫ A: As far as we know, psychological effects do not take place for someone who has completely lost their sense of smell, but the physiological effects still do [which is what I was talking about regarding lavender oil, agitation, and dementia research above].

In other words, the body will react to essential oil constituents in the usual ways, but the mind does not. When we inhale an essential oil there is a twofold reaction – a physiological one, which is hard-wired, and a psychological one which is not, and which varies from person to person. For those of us with an intact sense of smell, it may be interesting to note that an essential oil (or blend) cannot have one effect on the mind and the opposite effect on the body. Also bear in mind that psychological effects partly depend on our state of mind and may be different at different times.

Top 5 Essential Oils for Alzheimer’s & Brain Health

Although essential oils have multiple uses, certain oils can ramp up mental focus and clarity and these oils top the list for Alzheimer’s, dementia & brain health.


As we quoted in our new book, The Essential Oils Apothecary:

⚫ “There is growing interest in aromatherapy as a natural alternative because of the unique quality of essential oils to achieve the same outcome as the gold standard in AD medication: acetylcholinesterase inhibitors. The primary medical approach for AD is to prescribe these drugs. More commonly referred to as cholinesterase inhibitors, they block the activity of an enzyme in the brain known as cholinesterase, which is responsible for breaking down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.”

Cholinesterase inhibitors (such as donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine) are used to reduce the action of cholinesterase, thereby making more acetylcholine available to nerve cells in the brain, because low levels of acetylcholine are devastating for nerve impulse function and cause mental impairment, which are both hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease. As you’d expect, side effects of these drugs are devastating, including vomiting, falling, dizziness, nausea, confusion, pneumonia, diarrhea, hallucinations, malaise, convulsions, rapid heart rate, loss of consciousness, decreased appetite, unhealthy weight loss, and even death.

On the other hand, essential oils have been observed to inhibit acetylcholinesterase with no reported side effects! For instance, cinnamaldehyde and cinnamyl acetate, two primary components in cinnamon bark essential oil, have shown nearly an 80% inhibitory activity on cholinesterase.

Pro Tip: There are several essential oils known for their anticholinesterase activity including, bergamot, lavender, and rosemary. For the complete list, and to uncover how to use ingest them safely, pick up a copy of our new book, The Essential Oils Apothecary.


No discussion about brain health and cognitive function would be complete without first discussing rosemary, the “herb of remembrance.” Touted for centuries to help improve memory, the cognitive enhancing power of 1,8-cineole (a component of rosemary oil), has been well documented in the medical literature.

Only recently, however, has the scientific community begun to examine rosemary essential oil and its chemical constituents (specifically the terpenes) as a natural therapy for Alzheimer’s disease as it has been observed to inhibit neuronal cell death, significantly reduce inflammation, and strengthens attention span.

Pro Tip: Make our Focus and Clarity Inhaler for on-the-go mental alertness when you need it most!

Focus And Clarity Inhaler

(From The Essential Oils Apothecary)


M 10 drops rosemary essential oil

M 5 drops pine essential oil

M 5 drops Litsea cubeba (also known as may chang) essential oil


b Precut organic cotton pad Aromatherapy inhaler


1. Place a cotton pad in the inhaler tube.

2. Drop the essential oils directly onto the cotton pad in the tube. Alternatively, you can drop the essential oils into a glass bowl, roll the cotton pad in the oils to absorb them, and then insert it into the inhaler tube using tweezers.

3. Open the inhaler and take a few deep breaths through your nose with your eyes closed. Repeat as often as needed whenever you need a quick boost of mental clarity.


There is a lot to be said of how lavender can help Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, and The Women’s Brain Health Initiative published a study conducted by The Alzheimer’s Society that highlights a few practical uses.

⚫ In folklore linen bags were filled with lavender flowers and placed under pillows in order to facilitate sleep: one trial showed that the use of lavender increased sleep patterns of dementia patients who were in residential care.

⚫ In a trial involving 122 non-demented patients in intensive care, massage aromatherapy using lavender oil was well received, the greatest improvements being in mood and reduction in anxiety.

⚫ In another trial, lavender, geranium, and mandarin essential oils in an almond oil base were applied to the skin of 39 patients over an unspecified period. This resulted in increased alertness, contentment, and sleeping at night; and reduced levels of agitation, withdrawal, and wandering.

⚫ In a recent open-labeled trial on people with dementia, the use of a range of essential oils, including ylang-ylang, patchouli, rosemary, peppermint, and others, produced a marked decrease in disturbed behavior in the majority of participants. This led to a reduction in prescribed conventional medicines, thereby delivering cost savings.

Pro Tip: Make lavender part of your nighttime routine by adding 4-6 drops in your diffuser 10 minutes before going to bed, and having an aromatherapy inhaler handy for when you need a quick “cool down” during stressful moments throughout the day.


Results of placebo-controlled clinical trials using lavender and Melissa (lemon balm) for Alzheimer’s natural treatment of residential care residents with advanced dementia have shown that “All treatments resulted in significant benefits, including (in most instances) reductions in agitation, sleeplessness, wandering and unsociable behavior!”

Here are some of the ways lemon balm and other essential oils were used.

⚫ Lemon balm and lavender aroma were introduced to 6 patients and compared to a control group using sunflower oil for one week increased functional abilities and communication and decreased difficult behavior.

⚫ Lavender aroma and massage with 21 patients were compared to aroma or massage alone for one week. Aromatherapy with massage significantly reduced the frequency of excessive motor behavior.

⚫ Lavender aroma oil was given to 15 patients and placebo (water) on alternate days for ten days. The aromatherapy significantly reduced agitated behavior.

⚫ Lemon balm (Melissa) lotion was applied to the face and arms of 36 patients, whilst another 36 patients had sunflower oil applied. Melissa was associated with highly significant reductions measured on an agitation inventory and social withdrawal, together with an increase in constructive activities (dementia care mapping).

⚫ Lavender, marjoram, patchouli, and vetiver were applied as a cream to the body and limbs of 36 patients and compared with inert oil. The essential oil combination significantly increased the mental state examination – yet also increased resistance to care (considered to be due to the increase in alertness), compared to inert oil.

Pro Tip: Make a lemon balm ointment by mixing 12 drops of Melissa essential oil with 1 ounce of your favorite carrier oil and apply it after you get out of the shower as a body moisturizer.

5. GINGER (C02)

Beta-amyloid deposit buildup in the brain causes the formation of senile plaques (an important pathological marker of AD), which cause apoptosis (“programmed cell death”) in neurons through oxidative stress. It has been found that 6-gingerol, a pungent phytochemical-rich in antioxidants found in CO2 ginger extract, can actually protect against this oxidative cell death in the brain.

Ginger blends well with fennel and bitter orange, both oils that I discuss in length in my new book because of their ability to promote mental and emotional wellbeing – particularly in patients with AD, according to the research.

Pro Tip: Like cinnamon bark, ginger CO2 is consumable. To learn how to ingest it properly & other ginger use tips, pick up a copy of my book, The Essential Oils Apothecary. You can also make this delightful Sweet Chill-Out Differ Blend to help calm your nerves when stress hits.

Sweet Chill-Out Diffuser Blend

(From The Essential Oils Apothecary)


M 2 drops fennel essential oil

M 2 drops ginger CO2 extract

M 2 drops bitter orange essential oil


b Diffuser


1. Fill your diffuser with purified water as directed in the manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Add the essential oils.

3. Turn on the diffuser when you are ready to relax and release stress or anxiety.

4. Turn off the diffuser when done.


In addition to being more at risk of developing Alzheimer’s and dementia, the elderly often suffer from a wide variety of symptoms that aromatherapy can help with. There is significant overlap here with many common issues that AD patients struggle with and we include an extensive chart in The Essential Oils Apothecary outlining which oils to use for everything from poor appetite and grief to circulatory issues and depression.

Pro Tip: When you order The Essential Oils Apothecary, we have put together a special book bonus gift, which includes a full-color printable download of this chart & more than 6 hours of masterclass instructional videos to help you get the most out of the book!

CHAPTER 2 Copaiba

Best known for its sweet aroma and often used as a lacquer or varnish, the many copaiba essential oil uses make it a must-have. It’s renowned for healing, which has made it a great natural solution for pain relief, infection, and even skin care. You may be surprised to learn how far-reaching its health benefits can take you!

The key is to use the pure essential oil, making sure that you’re not putting synthetic ingredients on your skin, inhaling them into your lungs, or ingesting them. Finding out Where to Buy Essential Oils (Choosing the Best Brand for You!) takes a little effort, but is worth the time!

Copaiba Essential Oil Properties

Copaiba essential oil is steam distilled from the gum resin that is tapped from Brazil’s copaiba tree. This tree grows upwards to 100 feet and produces yellow flowers and a reddish fruit. Interestingly, a single tree may offer up to twelve gallons of oil each season! Burned in ceremonies for physical and spiritual healing, the resin is used in a variety of ways and can be found in virtually every market in South America.

Like frankincense, there are a variety of species including Copaifera officinalis, Copaifera langsdorffii, and Copaifera reticulata. There are subtle differences in the chemical makeup of each and the research discusses most of them.

Which one do you use?

Practically-speaking, your favorite supplier will only sell one or two species and this will largely determine which one(s) you purchase. Personally, I have found the differences between species is minimal and I use them interchangeably. Ideally, like I do with frankincense, mix all the species you can find together to create a synergistic blend!

Endocannabinoid System

One of the reasons copaiba has received a resurgence of popularity in the essential oil world is because of its ability to interact with the endocannabinoid system.

Discovered in the 1990s when researchers were studying tetrahydrocannabinol (THC – a known cannabinoid), the endocannabinoid system (ECS) is crucial for our survival as it plays a critical role in maintaining homeostasis of the human body:pain, memory, mood, appetite, stress, sleep, metabolism, immune and reproductive function.

For the ECS to work properly, it requires cannabinoids, compounds made by the body and in nature (i.e. cannabis), which bind with and trigger cannabinoid receptors that, in turn, produce a variety of physiological responses such as pain relief, insomnia relief, increased appetite, reduced stress, euphoria and the feeling of being “high.”

The two receptors of interest to us include:

⚫ CB1 receptors – found in the central nervous system (i.e. brain and spinal cord). Can trigger the sensation of being “high.”

⚫ CB2 receptors – found in the peripheral nervous system, immune cells, muscles, skin, and vital organs. When triggered, will not get you “high.”

THC is the famous cannabinoid in cannabis that gets people high and it can bind with both CB1 and CB2 receptors.

What does this have anything to do with aromatherapy?

Well, because of beta-caryophyllene, the first known “dietary cannabinoid” that has been approved by the FDA as GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) to be used in food for its flavor.

It so also happens to be the primary sesquiterpene in black pepper, cloves, hops, rosemary, copaiba, and cannabis, which binds with CB2 receptors.

Meaning, when you use copaiba, black pepper or any essential oil that contain beta-caryophyllene, you activate the ECS without any psychotrophic effects (i.e. you won’t get “high”). Kinda of like having your gluten-free, naturally-sweetened cake and eating it, too, huh?

So, to confirm, will using copaiba get you high like cannabis can? Of course not!

Can it help you in ways that CBD can? Yep!

7 Copaiba Essential Oil Benefits

This essential oil appears pale yellow in color and has a slightly bitter taste. The resin that makes the oil is extracted from has been used as a native folk remedy dating back to the 16th century. Although they seem almost limitless, I have found that these 7 copaiba essential oil uses top the charts.


A go-to natural pain solution for hundreds of years, the fact that copaiba oil heals has drawn a lot of attention to it in the American essential oil community. Copaiba essential oil uses in Brazil include both an anti-inflammatory and an anti-septic. In fact, Amazonian traditional medical practitioners often prescribed the oil for its anti-inflammatory properties. One study published in The Journal of Ethnopharmacology revealed that the main compound found in this oil was betacaryophyllene. Beta-caryophyllene is an anti-inflammatory agent that also has analgesic, or pain killing properties.

Another study looked at the influence of copaiba essential oil uses on rats in the repair of abdominal defects that were corrected mesh. Researchers found that those treated with copaiba oil showed an improvement in the inflammatory response. While another study found that copaiba oils have a peripheral and central antinociceptive effect, meaning that the oil blocks the detection of painful or injurious stimulus. These studies suggest that the oil is not only useful as an anti-inflammatory, but can also be used as a natural pain reliever.


Not only does copaiba act as a pain killer itself, but it can also help reduce liver tissue damage that is caused by acetaminophens like Tylenol. One study measured the effect of copaiba oil in liver damage that was induced by acetaminophen in rats. In the study, researchers administered copaiba oil to the rats for 7 days. The study found that the oil reduced liver damage caused by paracetamol, or acetaminophen.

It is important to note, that if you are interested in copaiba essential oil uses for pain relief or to protect your liver due to routine acetaminophen use, it is vital

that you follow safety guidelines. Taking too much of the oil can actually cause harm. In fact, in the rat study, large oral doses were shown to increase bilirubin, which is a sign of liver disease. Be sure to limit to 1-2 drops each dose and spread doses out to every 4 hours. The safest way to consume is in a gel capsule filled with olive oil, or you can dilute with some coconut oil and sweetened it up with a little honey. Like any essential oil that you take orally, it is vital that you consult with your physician and never take more than the recommended dose.


In addition to the oil itself, copaiba oil-resin has also been shown to work as a natural healing solution. Oleoresins are naturally occurring mixtures of oil and resin that are extracted from plants like the copaiba tree. These mixtures have been used in traditional healing and Brazilian folk medicine for years. However, recent studies have also shown that oleoresin treatment works as a neuroprotective (protects the brain).

A research study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine looked at how copaiba oil-resin (COR) could possibly be used as an antiinflammatory and neuroprotective after neural disorders. The study used adult rats to investigate the anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects of COR after acute damage to the motor cortex. The results of the study suggested that “COR treatment induces neuroprotection by modulating inflammatory response following an acute damage to the central nervous system.”


Many essential oils can be used to reduce the appearance of appearance of acne or help clear up other skin irritations. Copaiba oil is no exception. It’s antiinflammatory and antiseptic properties make it an ideal natural solution for those who suffer from acne. When extracted from the oil resin, copaiba essential oil can be used to effectively treat surface acne.

After distilling the essential oil through steam distillation and purifying it through freezing to remove remnant water, researchers then incorporated the essential oil into a gel to use for testing. The gel was applied to the areas affected by acne. The results showed that there was a highly significant decrease in the surface affected with acne in the areas that were treated with 1.0% copaiba essential oil preparation.


The research on the use of copaiba oil for autoimmune conditions is still very new and experimental. However, it is interesting to note that research is being done to see how this essential oil might provide a natural treatment option for those who suffer from autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis.

In a recent study, researchers investigated how copaiba oil effected the immune system response in cultured cells from mice with experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). EAE is an autoimmune disease found in rodents that is used to study multiple sclerosis. The results of this study suggest that copaiba oil acts on the mechanism of development of EAE by modulating the immune response.

Again, this research is still very experimental, and more studies will need to be conducted to determine how the oil might impact immune system response in humans with autoimmune conditions. However, it is promising to see these results, which suggest the oil might also help those suffering from diseases like multiple sclerosis.


Copaiba essential oil uses have also shown to be effective in oral health care. Though most essential oils can often be used safely on the skin when mixed with a carrier oil, many of these oils are not safe for use orally. However, copaiba oil is safe if used properly. A study that aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic effect of a Copaiba oil-based root canal sealer determined that the oil is not cytotoxic, meaning it is safe and useful as a root canal sealer.

Furthermore, another study showed that copaiba oil was a bacteriostatic agent when used against Streptococcus mutans, a bacteria commonly found in the human mouth that is a significant contributor to tooth decay. This means that it was able to stop bacteria from reproducing, suggesting that copaiba oil may be useful in preventing cavities. Consider adding a drop to your oil pulling mixture to improve the health of your mouth.


We have already looked at how copaiba essential oil uses can be used to treat different kinds of infections such as skin issues like acne and oral health problems like tooth decay. However, there is even more research out there

regarding other types of infection that suggests copaiba oil may also be helpful in acting as a natural healing agent.

One such study looked at copaiba essential oil uses as a prophylactic or preventative approach for those with fecal peritonitis leading to severe sepsis. This study tested rats and measured their survival rates, comparing animals who were injected with copaiba before being infected with those who were infected afterwards. Interestingly, those animals that were treated with copaiba before getting sick, survived considerably than those who were treated afterwards. Of course, more research needs to be conducted to make a hard conclusion, but this suggests that people prone to infection – for example, pre-surgery, prechemo and etc – could benefit from safe, internal use of copaiba oil.

CHAPTER 3 Grapefruit

Grapefruit essential oil benefits are definitely some of the most profound in the aromatherapy industry. Rich in d-limonene, we all should have it in our medicine cabinets, pantries and pretty much everywhere we use essential oils! This highly versatile remedy is a wonderful addition to your natural health regimen and you may be surprised at the healing properties that it contains.

Interesting Grapefruit Facts

Grapefruits are usually thought of as a “diet food” because they are a common staple on weight loss meal plans because they are rich in phytochemicals and nutrients, including vitamin C, fiber, and many antioxidants and grapefruit essential oil has similar benefits. Grown on large, evergreen trees called Citrus paradisi, they are one of the few citrus fruits that contain both soluble and insoluble fiber.

The name “grapefruit” also has a fascinating history that’s cloaked in mystery. Grapefruits are hybrids and may be a cross between Chinese grapefruits (or pomelos) and sweet oranges – but no one is certain.

This fruit was “discovered” in 1750 on the island of Barbados. They were originally called “shaddock” in English, possibly named for Captain Shaddock, a British navigator believed to have brought the first seeds from China to the Caribbean Islands. Later, they were known as the forbidden fruit, but in 1814 botanist John Lunan coined the word “grapefruit” since he thought they resembled grape clusters when the fruit was immature. Ever since, the name has stuck!

Essential Oil vs. Seed Extract

So, there is a HUGE difference between grapefruit seed extract and grapefruit essential oil that often confuses people.

⚫ GSE (Grapefruit Seed Extract) is extracted from the seeds and pulp of the grapefruit and is considered a “fixed oil” – meaning, it is contains fatty acids (triglycerides), derived from non-volatile organic compounds, and cannot be distilled,

⚫ Grapefruit essential oil, on the other hand, is expressed from the peel of the fruit and contain highly potent plant-based chemicals used for healing. It dissolves in lipids, is not “oily” like grapeseed oil and can also be distilled.

Chemical Components

The major constituents of grapefruit essential oil include the following:

⚫ d-limonene

⚫ β-myrcene

⚫ α-pinene

⚫ sabinene

Of these, the primary constituent is d-limonene, a terpene that makes up between 84% to over 95% of the oil. This is much a higher concentration of the compound than what’s found in many other citrus oils including lemon, tangerine, mandarin, and lime, making grapefruit oil one of the most powerful in the family!

Because limonene is such a potent antioxidant with the ability to fight disease, damage, bacteria, fungus, and more, grapefruit essential oil is an excellent choice if you want to stay healthy and fit.

10 Grapefruit Essential Oil Benefits

Grapefruit oil is safe to be used via inhalation, topically and ingestion if dosed and diluted properly. Try some of the recommendations below and be sure to consult with your physician if you are being treated for a medical condition or currently taking pharmaceuticals.


Grapefruit essential oil stands head and shoulders above other essential oils to help you not only curb unhealthy food cravings, but can stimulate lipolysis (fat breakdown) and can help you lose weight.

⚫ Research shows that mice who inhaled grapefruit and lemon essential oil lessened their food intake. After inhalation, lipolysis was stimulated as well as thermogenesis (the use of calories to produce heat). Fat breakdown plus this use of calories mean that both oils have incredible potential to stimulate weight loss!

⚫ One small human experiment tested aromatherapy massage on postmenopausal women. Each received one hour of massage per week for six weeks, one group with a blend of grapefruit, cypress, and three other oils, and the control group with grapeseed oil. Subjects also had to massage their own abdomens twice a day for six weeks. Belly fat and waist circumference decreased significantly for the aromatherapy group compared to the control group. Additionally, body image in this group also improved.

⚫ Certain medications act as “AChE inhibitors,” that is, they inhibit a chemical in the brain called choline. The side effects of these drugs include loss of appetite and weight loss. Grapefruit essential oil produces those same results but without the harmful side effects of traditional pharmaceuticals.

In other words, grapefruit essential oil can help you lose weight, kick those unwanted food cravings, and help you to feel good about yourself!

You should also maintain a healthy diet and get the exercise your body needs but grapefruit essential can provide a bit of extra support for attaining your fitness goals.

Application: Use a personal aromatherapy inhaler with 5 drops grapefruit, 4 drops lemon, and 3 drops peppermint essential oil.


Those medications that act as AChE inhibitors that I mentioned above? They are used for patients with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s disease, and dementia. That means that grapefruit oil can be a powerful way to protect your brain from neurological diseases!

One study shows that grapefruit essential oil inhibits (or slows) AChE activity in the brain up to 24%, impacting brain function. This effect improves the operation of your brain’s neurotransmitter activity making it stronger and thus, protecting your brain against degeneration.

Application: Add 1 drop of grapefruit oil and some liquid stevia extract into a 32-ounce glass bottle and fill with sparkling water, or make our Essential Oil Detox Water Recipe.


While many essential oils are can support your journey with cancer, grapefruit essential oil has a growing body of support to back it up its ability as a powerful antioxidant and because it’s rich in limonene:

⚫ In at least one lab study, grapefruit oil has been shown to kill certain kinds of leukemia cells.

⚫ In 2013, researchers tested the effect of capsules filled with limonene on 43 women who were newly diagnosed with breast cancer and concluded that it reduced tumor expression. This is a small study but it suggests that oils rich in limonene like grapefruit oil can be helpful in your healing journey.

Naturally, we are not suggesting that grapefruit essential oil can prevent or eliminate cancer but may be useful for support. Talk to your doctor about adding essential oils for cancer into your treatment plan.

Application: To a roller bottle, add 2 drops each of grapefruit, orange, tangerine, oregano, and thyme oils plus 1 drop winter savory essential oil to your carrier of choice. Apply 1-2 times per day for no more than 1 month.


Cellulite is a common problem for women. In fact, one study claims that 80-90% of women encounter it. It is made up of fat deposits under the skin that can become visible. While many factors can contribute to this issue, grapefruit oil may be able to help.

Research has demonstrated grapefruit oil’s ability to inhibit the formation of fat cells under the skin in lab studies. While this is only a petri dish study, the International Journal of Cosmetic Science also reports that inhaling grapefruit extract may reduce cellulite by stimulating the nervous system.

Traditionally, grapefruit oil has also been used to treat stretch marks. All these benefits make oil a great addition to your body care routines.

Application: Mix 10 drops of grapefruit essential oil with 1 ounce of pure almond or coconut oil and rub it directly onto the skin where needed.


Citrus essential oils are famous for their uplifting aromas. A study from Japan published by the Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences tested the impact of inhaling several essential oils and one control substance on mood among volunteer test subjects. Of the four oils tested, grapefruit essential oil had the greatest impact in reducing a stress marker, with lavender a close second.

While this is a very small human study, grapefruit oil’s effect on inhibiting AChE also improves a person’s mood. This makes it an excellent choice to diffuse when you need a mood lifter.

Application: Diffuse equal parts of the following oils to make our “Joyful Blend”: grapefruit, orange, lemon, bergamot, and vanilla absolute essential oils.


When teenagers struggle with acne, the cause is often hormones and puberty. But as an adult, acne can be caused by problems in the gut, unhealthy diet, and stress, creating an environment where Propionibacterium acnes, the bacteria responsible for breakouts, thrives. Healthy lifestyle changes are important to fight acne, but grapefruit oil can be a welcome addition for treating it as well.

Researchers in China tested the efficacy of 10 different essential oils in combating Propionibacterium acnes. Grapefruit oil was not the leader in addressing this bacteria, but it is a pleasing and refreshing substitute for the overall winner, thyme essential oil. Learn what else you can do to treat acne.

Grapefruit oil has traditionally been used as a cleanser for oily, combination and problematic skin and as a toner, making it a great addition to your skincare regimen.

Application: Choose grapefruit essential oil to add to our easy-to-make DIY Facial Cleanser Recipe.


Bacteria is a common cause of illness that can be made worse by things that are often recommended, such as using hand sanitizer. And, one of the best ways to prevent microbial threats while safeguarding your immune system is by using an anti-bacterial essential oil solution to clean your home.

Grapefruit essential oil has proven its effectiveness in fighting bacteria in several lab studies:

⚫ A 2019 study demonstrated that grapefruit essential oil (and not just limonene) combated the common bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can cause infections in people. This suggests that the synergistic properties of the compounds found in grapefruit oil have potent microbial effects. It may be even more effective than lemon oil for your cleaning solutions!

⚫ The Journal of Food Safety states that grapefruit oil, as well as lemon, mandarin, and orange, are all safe and useful for inhibiting the growth of common food industry bacterium and preventing food spoilage so be sure to use these to sanitize your kitchen counters.

⚫ Research also suggests that grapefruit oil may be effective to combat MRSA and MSSA, two types of Staphylococcus aureus (or staph) bacteria that are very harmful and difficult to eradicate.

With so many harmful bacterial infections at large around our families, this potent microbial is a good bet to keep your home clean and your family healthy safe from illness.

Application: Add 10 drops of some organic grain alcohol, 10 drops of witch hazel, 10 drops of Vitamin E and 10 drops of grapefruit oil to a 1 ounce glass spritzer bottle for

an effective, disinfecting room spritzer. Mix together to incorporate the essential oils and then top off with distilled water for a quick and simple spray.


Because of its antibacterial effects, many people add grapefruit oil to their shampoos and conditioners, claiming that it adds shine to your hair. It’s been traditionally used to reduce greasy hair as well and may even be gentle enough to use on colored or treated hair.

Application: Add grapefruit oil to Mama Z’s DIY Shampoo recipe if you have greasy hair. Grapefruit oil is also featured in Mama Z’s Salt Spray Natural Curl Booster Recipe!


If you’ve ever had athlete’s foot fungus, you know that it can be difficult and timeconsuming to heal. It can put a real damper on your workout, especially if you like to run. Here’s grapefruit oil to the rescue!

The journal Molecules published research that tested numerous essential oils on fungi, including several that cause athlete’s foot, ringworm, and nail infections. Grapefruit, rosemary, and cinnamon had the biggest impact on two of the four fungi tested and on all four when blended.

Grapefruit oil has also been shown to be effective in dealing with Penicillium digitatum, a green mold that grows on citrus fruit. It may even have future potential for industrial or pharmacological uses.

Application: Properly dilute 1-2 drops each of grapefruit, rosemary, and cinnamon essential oils into a carrier base oil. Apply to the infected area with a cotton ball, then dispose. Use coconut, jojoba, argan, or castor oils – which all have antifungal potential – to create a synergistic blend.


It should come as no surprise that this citrus oil, with its refreshing and lively scent, is another great defense against bugs. Consider the science:

⚫ Grapefruit oil increased the attractiveness of traps to Japanese beetles, even without any bait.

⚫ Research from Iran, where malaria has been endemic, demonstrates its effectiveness in reducing mosquito larvae.

⚫ One of the compounds in grapefruit oil was tested on tick populations and acted as a safe, environmentally-friendly tick control substance.

Application: Add a drop of grapefruit oil, properly diluted, to DIY mosquito or tick repellent recipes. Add 2 drops each of grapefruit and citronella to your diffuser for your porch or deck in the summertime.

Grapefruit Oil & Safety

Grapefruit essential oil is safe to consume, though there has been some speculation that it is not safe for heart disease patients because it is widely known that grapefruit can cause adverse drug interactions.

However, according to the Tisserand Institute, one of the world’s leading authorities on essential oil safety, the chemical dihydroxybergamottin that is known to inhibit the metabolism of many medications, including statins, is not present in the oil. It has no known drug interactions and is a much safer choice for people taking medication than eating grapefruits!

One concern with grapefruit oil, however, is its phototoxicity. Certain essential oils contain compounds that become more active with sun exposure – that is, they are triggered by UV rays. They can irritate or discolor the skin upon exposure. Many citrus oils fall into this category, including cold-pressed grapefruit essential oil.

It’s wise to take caution when using these oils on the skin. With proper dilution, you should be safe. According to Essential Oil Safety by Robert Tisserand and Rodney Young, always use 4% dilution to avoid the risk of phototoxic reaction.

Remember these common-sense tips for using grapefruit essential oil:

⚫ Avoid grapefruit oil that has oxidized because it can pose a greater risk of skin sensitization. You’ll know it has oxidized if the smell changes or if it is less bright or fresh in color (you might need to compare it to a new bottle of oi). Grapefruit oil tends to last no more than 1-2 years.

⚫ At present, there is no clinically safe level of dosage for children, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot give it to them. You should start off small with “culinary doses,” that is, no more than 1 drop per dish. Grapefruit essential oil is safe to use in your diffuser and topical applications if you keep it to 1% or less for children.

⚫ If you have pets, the ASPCA warns that grapefruit oil is toxic to dogs and cats. Do not use it on these pets and be sure to leave a way out of the room if you are diffusing. If you are worried that your pet has been exposed, symptoms to look for include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, and dermatitis. Learn more about using essential oil for pets.

⚫ Don’t consume straight out of the bottle, and don’t drink with water (remember oil and water do not mix).

⚫ You can consume safely by adding 2-3 drops of grapefruit essential oil into a veggie gel capsule and fill it with olive oil. Consume with food.

⚫ Do not stay on grapefruit oil for an extended length of time. Ideally, you should rotate your oils every few weeks.

⚫ Stop using it immediately if you experience any side effects.

⚫ Use with caution if you take medications. Check with your healthcare provider first.

Grapefruit essential oil blends well with other citrus oils but it can also be blended with patchouli, vanilla, frankincense, melissa, sandalwood, and ylang ylang.

Weight reducer, brain protector, powerful anti-fungal…with so many healthinducing uses, it’s hard to imagine any reason not to use grapefruit essential oil as part of your daily regimen!

CHAPTER 4 Lavender

Lavender essential oil benefits are some of the safest and most versatile natural remedies on the planet. While the millennia have used lavender based on tradition and ancient wisdom, modern science is only just now discovering the mechanisms of lavender’s benefits and its rich health benefits.

5 Lavender Essential Oil Benefits

Since antiquity, the precious herb has been documented in medicinal and religious uses, from ancient texts through modern movements.

Beginning with Egyptian mummification, it moved to Roman bathhouses, fragrance, and cooking. In modern times, lavender essential oil has been credited as the healing solution that Gattefosse instinctively covered his burned arm with, igniting a renewed interest in essential oils and inspiring the term aromatherapy. That lavender has stood the test of time, inspiring interest in so many eras, cultures, and generations, is a testament to the varied and effective capabilities it carries.

To scratch the surface of its capabilities, let’s look at the top 5 properties that lavender essential oil benefits brings to the table – a table riddled with health concerns.


A recurring theme in any natural health discussion, antioxidants are, in effect, the super healers that our culture needs. The free radicals created by toxins, pollutants, chemicals, and even stress are the culprits for a cascade of cellular damage, immune inhibition, and limitless health risks – including chronic illness and cancer.

If free radicals are the villain, antioxidants are the hero.

The body itself creates antioxidants in the form of the enzymes glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT), among

others. But we expose our bodies to an onslaught of free radicals and drain our bodies in sedentary lifestyles, so our natural production is not always sufficient.

We’ve already seen some super antioxidants, like clove essential oil, and lavender joins the ranks as a powerful natural antioxidant support. Not long ago, Chinese researchers observed that lavender essential oil would attenuate all three major antioxidant enzyme levels in mice within the first day of treatment.

In Romania, researchers noted similar activity using inhaled lavender for an hour each day and, according to the study, “Taken together, our results suggest that antioxidant and antiapoptotic activities of the lavender essential oils are the major mechanisms for their potent neuroprotective effects against scopolamineinduced oxidative stress in the rat brain.” Tap into this power by including lavender essential oil into your diffuser blends on a regular basis.


Tunisian traditional medicine utilizes lavender, grown in their region, as a remedy and health support. In 2014, local scientists released the results of a study they had conducted to determine how this traditional remedy actually works. Their findings were fascinating.

The researchers established a 15-day study of diabetic rats, during which lavender essential oil was used as a treatment. The lavender treatment protected against all of the following, each one a hallmark of the diabetic illness:

⚫ Blood glucose increases

⚫ Metabolic illness

⚫ Weight gain

⚫ Depletion of antioxidants

⚫ Liver and kidney dysfunction and lipoperoxidation

The presence of unmitigated free radicals, the depletion of antioxidants and liver and kidney function, the descent into metabolic illness and weight gain – all are components of diabetes as an illness. Potent antioxidants like lavender essential oil are allies in the pursuit of long term health, and this study underscored its abilities.

There are other essential oils for diabetes if you are struggling with this in your life. With more research and concrete answers, perhaps one day lavender

essential oil and other natural treatments will be the standard for diabetic prevention and relief!


While Tunisian researchers were analyzing metabolic health, lavender was taking center stage in published neurological research, and for similar reasons – to confirm longstanding traditional use. Lavender essential oil has long been used for stress, headaches, depression and anxiety, which all fall under the umbrella of neurological conditions.

Just as confirmation of diabetic and metabolic support was uncovered in 2014, lavender’s neuroprotective abilities were confirmed time and again in 2012 – the year of the lavender! In other words, science and history are slowly but surely meeting on common ground.

A full literature review made its way to the International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice in 2010, confirming lavender oil’s efficacy over the breadth of seven separate trials. A lavender essential oil capsule under the name Silexan was shown to consistently relieve symptoms such as sleep disturbance, anxiety, and improve the quality of life of those with these conditions. What’s more, no one reported side effects, interactions, or withdrawal symptoms. If you’ve ever encountered pharmaceutical use for these conditions, you know how incredible that statement is!

Lavender’s neuro-heroics don’t stop with sleep. Research confirms time and again its incredible properties.

⚫ A 2012 study conducted in Germany demonstrated the restorative benefits of inhaled lavender essential oil vapor. With 60 minutes a day inhaled by patients with dementia, lavender was shown to prevent scopolamine-induced oxidative stress.

⚫ The same study took Post Traumatic Stress Disorder into consideration, as well, finding significantly improved sleep, moods and health, as well as reduced depression in individuals who were plagued with PTSD.

⚫ In the same year, Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practices published a control study that highlighted the benefits of lavender for postpartum women. Twenty-eight women at high risk for postpartum depression found lessened anxiety and depression symptoms under a four week lavender aromatherapy treatment plan.

⚫ Finally, in 2012, Molecules took a different neurological route when they published the theory that lavender may be a treatment worth considering for stroke. Yes, you read that right! According to the murine study, “In comparison with the model group, treatment with lavender oil significantly decreased neurological deficit scores, infarct size, the levels of [free radical], and attenuated neuronal damage [and antioxidants].”


As much as lavender has been inhaled for neurological health, it has been utilized as an antimicrobial protectant against infections and disorders. Nearly one hundred studies have been conducted and published on this topic, confirming repeatedly what history has known to be true.

Generational wisdom has rarely used oils singly when treating infectious illness. The combination of oils creates a synergistic reaction, maximizing each oil’s potential. This has been validated with science.

Scientists from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa found that 75.6% of the forty-five blends they attempted produced favorable results. Of the blends used for this in vitro trial, the lavender-cinnamon and lavenderorange mixtures were the most powerful. Candida albicans and Staph aureus were susceptible to a 1:1 ratio of these oils, both frequent causes of topical and respiratory illness.


Those antimicrobial and antioxidant components come full circle in this last –and certainly not least – major benefit of lavender essential oil.

Particularly when mixed with a soothing carrier oil like aloe or coconut – 10 drops per 1 ounce – lavender essential oil is highly effective against sunburns, dry skin, minor scrapes and cuts, and canker sores. Even some immediate-type allergic reactions may be mitigated with lavender according to this rat study!

As part of a calming, soothing skin salve for daily use, lavender oil blends well with sandalwood essential oil. Try incorporating lavender into relaxing bath bombs you make yourself!

Lavender & Working Memory

As we’ve already seen, lavender essential oil can possibly help protect people with dementia from oxidative stress. However, we need to remember that lavender is so calming, that it can affect “working memory.” This doesn’t mean that lavender will make people stupid, it’s just that you don’t want to be diffusing lavender while taking an important test or doing work at the office when you need to focus; especially if you have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease!

Over 140 participants were gathered for the study conducted by University of Northumbria, Newcastle. Aromatherapy including rosemary and lavender, as well as a control group were utilized to affect cognitive performance.

⚫ Regarding lavender and it’s calming abilities, “lavender produced a significant decrement in performance of working memory, and impaired reaction times for both memory and attention based tasks.”

⚫ On the other hand, as a memory stimulant, “rosemary produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors.”

In other words, lavender made participants feel relaxed and complacent, while rosemary increased alertness and provoked memory retention.

A Note About Estrogen & Lavender

The only reason why we’re even having this discussion is because of a poorly researched 2007 New England Journal of Medicine article titled, “Prepubertal Gynecomastia Linked to Lavender and Tea Tree Oils.” The long and the short of it is that three boys obscurely developed idiopathic cases of prepubertal gynecomastia (when boys experience enlarged, tender breast buds) for a short period of time (1 – 5 months).

It was determined that all three patients were using either a shampoo, lotion, soap or balm that included lavender oil and Melaleuca alternifolia (tea tree) oil as ingredients. The researchers extrapolated that these essential oils were “estrogenic” based off of a preliminary in vitro evaluation. In their words, “On the basis of the three case reports and the in vitro studies, we suspect that repeated topical application of over-the-counter products containing lavender oil or tea tree oil was the cause of gynecomastia in the three patients.” It is likely that the plastic used with the essential oils leeched estrogenic materials, making the

results of this study flawed. See more about how we evaluate studies about essential oils.

There are several epidemiological reasons why this conclusion is false and is out of the scope of this article to cover each one, but I’ll leave you with this thought: just because lavender and tea tree oils were two common ingredients in the products that these three boys were using, it does not prove that they were the cause. This is a classic statistics blunder that many make. “Correlation does not imply causation,” because there are countless other variables that not being considered (diet, environmental triggers, medicines, and etc.).

Suffice it to say that essential oils safety expert Robert Tisserand emphatically states that, “Lavender oil does not mimic estrogen nor does it enhance the body’s own estrogens. It is therefore not a ‘hormone disruptor’, cannot cause breast growth in young boys (or girls of any age), and is safe to use by anyone at risk for estrogen-dependent cancer.” And Tisserand’s conclusion has been supported by more recent research.

In 2013, for instance, the International Journal of Toxicology published a study confirming that lavender is not estrogenic, at least in female rats. Whether it is for humans remains to be seen, but there is literally no research to prove otherwise.


Like many citrus oils, lime essential oil benefits your body in a myriad of ways. From reducing belly fat and preventing dental cavities to helping your anxious child get a good night’s sleep there’s a lot to know about its therapeutic efficacy!

Maybe you’re like me, and you love the bright, sweet scent of lime essential oil. It’s wonder it’s a popular addition to many aromatherapy blends and air freshening sprays. But, most people don’t know the benefits of using it far excel your sense of smell!

Historical Uses of Lime

Lime oil can only be found in its rind, so many of the traditional uses for lime fruit and juice are not applicable when we discuss how to use the essential oil. Nonetheless, it’s interesting to look back and see how the benefits of lime essential oil were hinted at throughout historic uses.

The original vitamin C supplement? British explorers frequently carried limes aboard ship to prevent scurvy. All citrus fruits are well known to protect against this unpleasant, but completely preventable disease. Some captains are said to have felt so strongly about the necessity of preventing scurvy that they ordered every crew member to eat a lime, including a bite of the peel on a fixed schedule. Most of a lime’s volatile oils and vitamin C are in the peel, so this was a wise practice.


People in semi-tropical climates have long relied upon this food preservative and flavoring to help prevent food borne pathogens long before refrigeration was available. Whole limes were kiln- or oven- dried, then broken and crumbled onto meat as needed.

Dried lime has also been simmered in oil warmers for house blessing— this may have been the ancient precursor to modern essential oil diffusers. Lime is still used effectively to preserve food and to brighten the energy in our homes.


Crushed in a jar with salt and left to naturally ferment, or pickle itself, lactic acid preserved limes and lemons were probably the first foods ever cultured specifically for their probiotic benefits. When traditionally prepared by this method, limes (and lemons) and their peels lose their sharp bitter bite.

The flavors meld with the fruit into a slightly salty, mellow, sweet-tart condiment that is still popular worldwide today. Who knew citrus fruit could provide your daily dose of good bacteria?


Lime essence makes a note-worthy insecticide —it successfully kills the vermin responsible for grain damage among others, such as mosquitoes. When properly diluted and applied, steam distilled lime essential oil may be a good tool in your insect repellent arsenal.

Properties of Lime Oil

Referred to in the scientific community as Citrus aurantifolia, lime oil is technically not an essential oil, but a “cold-pressed” oil similar to olive oil.

Primarily reserved for citrus peels, mechanical pressing (aka cold pressing) literally squeezes the volatile and non-volatile organic compounds out of the rind of the fruit. At one point in history, this was done by hand using a sponge to collect the oil, but those days are long gone. Citrus oils can also be steam distilled, but because of the extreme heat required to vaporize water and the plant matter, the aroma and chemical structures changes considerably and the therapeutic properties are much different than.

Lime oil is also becoming more popular as a CO2 extract. CO2 extracts are still experimental as few clinical trials have been conducted evaluating their safety and efficacy. That said, they are quite popular now in the aromatherapy community because, unlike with steam distillation, many more (medicinal) plant compounds are extracted during the process, no potentially harmful solvents are required, the oils are sometimes gentler to use on the skin, and their aromas are truer to the original plant than those of steam-distilled essential oils.

So, depending on the type lime oil you get, the chemical compounds will include a mixture of: alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, borneol, citral, cineole, d-limonene, geranyl acetate, linalool, myrcene, neral acetate and terpinolene.

6 Lime Essential Oil Benefits

Lime oil is safe to be use via inhalation, topically and ingestion if dosed and diluted properly. Try some of the recommendations below and be sure to consult with your physician if you’re being treated for a medical condition or are currently taking pharmaceuticals.


Unless you live in a sequestered non-technological community, you have probably heard again and again about the importance of putting away all the electronics. Not only to avoid constant EMF exposure, but to learn to be present in the moment with your family, friends, and co-workers… and you probably read that apt reminder on a social media app while gazing at your electronic device!

We all know we desire more downtime; we want our children’s lives to be at least a little more like our own internet-free childhood years. The screen-drain is real— we may feel frequently fatigued, even exhausted. But ironically, we may also feel too stressed or anxious to sleep well.

Lime essential oil can help! It has the amazing ability to reduce feelings of distress, and promote better sleep. Even better, it’s an appropriate essential oil for use with children.

Lime essential oil is known to be high in the d-limonene compounds that rat studies show can help with stress. It is difficult to be in the moment when the cares of the day will not leave your mind and body. We hold onto concerns and tensions, unfortunately, ending up with less connection and more stress- related health concerns.

Lime essential oil eases stressful transitions. Studies show pressed oil reduces muscle spasms so it’s worth asking what benefits the essential oil may show in future studies on this topic.

All citrus oils are beneficial for mood and stress relief because of the d-limonene. While orange essential oil usually has the highest levels, lime essential oil should

not be overlooked as a d-limonene rich option. This compound seems to protects us from stress at a cellular level, helping relieve the harm of stress on us physically.

Application: Try putting 10 drops of lime, 5 drops of ylang ylang, and 5 drops of frankincense into an aromatherapy inhaler for instant, stress-reduction.


These affects and benefits of lime essential oil extend into mental health and mood support as well!

Lime Essential Oil is Extremely Energizing

Lime essential oil is an energizing essential oil, like many of the citrus family. In fact, you could combine lime and peppermint essential oils into a room spray to boost mood, energy, and concentration. Try mixing 10 drops of each in a 2 oz. spray bottle and top off the rest with 190-proof alcohol. The perfect afternoon pick-me-up spray!

This study shows the benefits of lime juice in energizing you, and we look forward to more studies on the benefits of lime essential oil. It may also improve energy and focus without the jittery feelings caused by drinking too much caffeinated coffee, tea, or soda. In fact, some people like to add a drop of high-quality essential oils (safe to take internally) like lime or key lime solubilized in a refreshing drink to replace caffeinated drinks while driving.

Lime Supports Mental Health During Depression

Depression effects many lives in ways that can be devastating, and not everyone finds relief in pharmaceuticals. Some people do find relief but suffer greatly from the dangerous side effects of prescription antidepressants. To support your self care efforts at home, try lime essential oil.

All citrus oils are great at combating depression, and lime is no exception. Lime and other citrus essential oils provide relief from acute feelings of anxiety, dread, and hopelessness. Obviously, if you have thoughts of self harm, contact your medical professional immediately, but for day to day dealing with depressive feelings, essential oil therapy is very effective. It is shown to work on brain chemistry directly to help address the cause, and not only the symptoms of depression.

Other Citrus Oils Also Boost Mood

Have you ever returned from work in a funk, only to find a sulky teen or grouchy grade schooler—maybe even an irritable spouse? This study shows how citrus oils can have a positive impact on mood overall. Diffuse some lime essential oil, and bring the family together for some revitalizing family time.

If your family practices “good morning do over”, this is a perfect oil to diffuse in the family room to set the cheerful tone while everyone goes back to their rooms and comes out again to restart the day with a new perspective.

Application: Try 3 drops of each of lime and bergamot into your diffuser to change the environment in the air and enhance your mood!


Lime essential oil kills the big three types of pathogens- bacterial, fungal, and viral, and it is an antiparasitic as well.

Dental caries or cavities are caused by a specific group of oral bacteria that are difficult to control—even with great dental hygiene practices. Researchers found that the best anti-cavity preparation they tested, including several fluoride products and even chlorhexidine (which is too toxic for daily use) was a garlic and lime juice solution. You know how much we love garlic here!

Lime essential oil is extremely effective at fighting bacteria in general and oral bacteria, specifically. We recommend it in our essential oil oral health mouthwash for this reason!

Immune protection is another benefit of using lime essential oil. Lemon is not the only citrus fruit that helps boost your immune system during cold and flu season. Add lime to your homemade hand soaps, gels, or lotions, and add it to your spray cleaners whenever the latest bug is going around. Lime essential oil is one of the best to add to your bathroom cleaner as it protects your immune system and fights so many pathogens.

Much mainstream research shows that lime and other citrus essential oils are highly antibacterial. Lime is proven to kill many gram-positive organisms (staph and enterococcus), gram-negative organisms (e. coli, salmonella, citrobacter, serratia, shigella, klebsiella pneumoniae, pseudomonas aeruginosa), fungi (candida, aspergilus), and anaerobic bacteria (bacteroides, clostridium, porphyromonas).

Research show citrus preparations such as lime essential oil to be especially powerful against fungal infections. Many parents use lime as a safe treatment for fungal skin overgrowths such as ringworm or athlete’s foot for the entire family— always dilute for use on skin, especially for children. You may wish to consult an aromatherapist when using essential oils with an infant.

Because of lime’s reliability as an antimicrobial, combined with its safety for human consumption, lime is considered to be one of the best food-safe antibacterial preparations available. In addition, it imparts great flavor when used as a marinade or added to salsa. Yum!

Application: trying mixing 6 drops of lime oil & 6 drops of geranium with 1 ounce of shea butter to make a body butter and apply on infected areas.


Weight loss is an ongoing battle for an ever-growing number of American men and women. It is distressing that even our children are increasingly struggling to control their weight in a healthy, nurturing way. In addition to healthy eating habits, using essential oils can help.

You’ve probably seen the recommendations to drink fresh lemon or lime beverages to help lose weight. But lime essential oil is an even more concentrated, and, though it has a different chemical profile than the juice, may contribute to weightloss efforts as well. It’s one of my seven top essential oils for weight loss support!

Lime essential oil has been proven to help prevent weight gain in this murine study. In another study, subjects were given capsules with lime essential oil before lunch and dinner, and capsules of coriander seed after lunch and dinner. Even with no additional lifestyle changes, they showed significant weight loss in just a few weeks. Those who were given higher doses lost the most weight on average.

D-limonene was shown in this study to help prevent and treat high triglyceride (fat) levels, high cholesterol levels and in this murine study, helped balance high blood sugar levels. This was true even in subjects consuming a terrible diet and who already carried excessive weight.

This information obviously is not meant to encourage poor food choices, but rather to offer hope that essential oil therapy for weight loss can offer great results. Starting from where you are, even if you feel you haven’t completely fixed your diet yet, is important. Make simple switches in your sweeteners, your meat, and look for healthy recipes your family will enjoy.

Application: from The Essential Oils Diet, make our fat-burning roll-on…

● Add 4 drops lime, 3 drops peppermint,3 drops grapefruit, 2 drops cypress, 1 drop eucalyptus, 1 drop cinnamon bark into a 10 ml roller bottle. Fill with fractionated coconut oil and apply on your abdomen or problem areas twice daily for one month.


Inflammation is a necessary part of healing, in fact, your body cannot heal without a degree of inflammation. However, chronic or excessive inflammation can cause numerous very serious inflammatory conditions, including:

● asthma

● atherosclerosis

● certain cancers

● Crohn’s disease

● hay fever

● active hepatitis

● rheumatoid arthritis

● chronic peptic ulcer

● periodontitis

● sinusitis

● tuberculosis

● ulcerative colitis

Citrus oils such as lime essential oil are proven by peer- reviewed studies in mice to be active, safe, and effective anti-inflammatory agents. They seem to specifically address inflammation at its cellular source.

If you or a loved one suffers from an inflammatory condition, add lime essential oil to your daily diffuser blend, uplifting room spray, or pillow sachet to support healing.

Application: trying mixing 2 drops of lime oil, 2 drops orange, 2 drops lemon, 2 drops grapefruit, 2 drops petitgrain and 2 drops of vanilla absolute with 1 ounce of a carrier oil and apply over your body after getting out of the shower for total body inflammation-soothing properties.


Lime essential oil prevents and treats signs of aging such as dark skin spots, deep wrinkles, fine skin lines, skin dryness, and lack of elasticity. The high levels of antioxidants even help with brain fog and memory lapses. While no essential oil can turn back the clock two decades overnight, specific components in lime essential oil (such as limonene) are among the best sources of antioxidants safe for regular use.

This means, one of our our favorite essential oil roll-ons not only treats visible signs of aging, but some of the physical deterioration as well if it is caused by oxidative stress. And of course the antimicrobial benefits makes it great for healthy homemade deodorants and other body-care recipes!

Application: Make Mama Z’s anti-aging, skin healing serum and add 5 drops of lime oil!

Other Health Benefits (Including Cancer)

Lime essential oil doesn’t just benefit sleep concerns and mild anxiety. Studies are showing health benefits and healing support for major medical issues too! Isn’t God amazing?

Cancer fighting. Lime essential oil has been shown to fight cancer cells in general. Lime juice has also been shown in vitro to specifically target pancreatic cancer cells — among the most painful and difficult cancers to treat. Breast cancer cells are also destroyed by components present in lime essential oil.

Fatty liver disease (even the type caused by stress) is greatly improved by taking limonene found in lime essential oil and other citrus oils. Research confirms that limonene helps insulin resistance and liver injury that is caused by stress and an unhealthy diet.

Alzheimer’s Disease. This is a devastating diagnosis as the personality of the patient slowly fades away. It’s something that has touched our family personally. Essential oils for Alzheimer’s patients provide promising treatment options. Lime essential oil may help by inhibiting cholinesterase, an enzyme responsible for damaging neurotransmitters in the brain and with it’s high antioxidant levels.

Heart Disease. Citrus consumption, including lime, may also have a direct impact on the incidence of heart disease. How much of this benefit translates to lime

essential oil is something future studies will need to show, but lime essential oil shouldn’t be ruled out. When dietary and lifestyle changes can protect your heart, why take chances—try to add some citrus, whether from diffused oil, fresh fruit, or refreshing citrus water, every day.

Gallstones. The limonene present in lime essential oil is responsible for an impressive 48% success rate when used to dissolve gallstones in this trial. Others found partial dissolution. While gallstones may not seem as life threatening as heart disease or cancer, they are reportedly among the most painful of medical disorders, and if they cause a rupture, are just as dangerous.

Some European countries report similar success with peppermint essential oil, and European doctors rarely remove a gallbladder from an otherwise healthy patient. The trial above injected the oil directly so it’s not the same as topical application but the results are interesting.

Risks & Contraindications

With all the remarkable and almost unbelievable applications for lime essential oil to improve your health, home, and life, you may rightly wonder whether there is any downside to using lime oil.

There is a lot of buzz in the essential oil world regarding photosensitivity of skin after using citrus oils. It is true that expressed citrus oils can cause you to be very susceptible to sunburn for hours after application, and they are really only appropriate for products that are well diluted, used in the evening, and washed off in the morning (or that are used on completely unexposed skin).

However, steam distilled citrus oils do not cause ultraviolet light sensitivity. Even pressed oils are typically safe if they are used in appropriate concentrations and diluted with care and common sense. See more about citrus essential oils and photosensity here!

So, there is no downside at all? Actually, there is one caveat. Here, kitty, kitty.

Some cats may be extremely sensitive to essential oils—especially citrus essential oils such as lime or key lime. See more about our recommendations for using essential oils for animals in this post with Dr Janet Roark.

The GRAS is always greener… the GRAS designation means that upon inspection for safety, a product or ingredient is Generally Recognized As Safe. Steam distilled,

fresh lime essential oil received the GRAS designation. Remember, we recommend diluting essential oils appropriately for maximum safety.

Additionally, most carrier oils help the essential oil penetrate and stick to skin for more effective use. Citrus oils like lime may deteriorate with time, ultra violet light exposure, and oxygen exposure. It’s best to buy smaller quantities you will use up fairly quickly. Lime essential oil makes a great gift, especially if you include a card with fun and healthy ideas for how to use it!

CHAPTER 6 Patchouli

The many patchouli essential oil benefits have been heralded by millions of people across the globe for centuries. Although part of the mint family, the deep musky aroma makes for a complex addition to some of the provocative blends.

History & Chemical Components

Patchouli essential oil has a rich aroma that has been associated with the socalled hippie culture here in the U.S. since the 1960s. Its roots run deep in the culture and traditional medicinal practices of the people of India. In the early 1800s, patchouli-scented fabrics made their way to Europe from there, sparking great interest.

Women of high society during that period wore imported shawls made of cashmere that was packed with the leaves of the patchouli plant to protect against damage by moths. Soon, inhaling patchouli became a popular trend and was considered an elegant indulgence in Victorian high society.

Today, the distinctive scent of patchouli has been called “indispensable” to the fragrance industry as the basis of many perfumes and cosmetics. Most patchouli oil available today comes from Indonesia. It is commonly derived through either steam distillation or hydrodistillation of the leaves of the Pogostemo cablin plant that hails from the mint family.

In the 60s, patchouli became associated with the “hippie trail.” American and European college-aged tourists would hitchhike or bike this route from Western Europe through the middle east into India, Nepal, and Southeast Asia. Many hikers brought patchouli incense back home. Although the trail was abandoned largely in the 1970s, the connection between patchouli and so-called “hippie culture” remains to this day.

The major constituents of patchouli essential oil include the following:

⚫ patchouli alcohol

⚫ α-guaiene

⚫ β-guaiene

⚫ caryophyllene

⚫ eicosene

Of these, the primary constituent is patchouli alcohol, a sesquiterpene that makes up about 30% of the oil only found in patchouli. That could be why this scent is so highly desired in the perfume industry!

Now that we know some of the history and traditions of this sought-after scent, let’s learn some practical benefits and uses for patchouli essential oil in your home.

9 Benefits Of Patchouli Essential Oil


Influenza can be a harmful and even devastating virus, especially if you have a compromised immune system. While we recommend taking steps with your doctor to improve your health and immunity, you can still catch viruses like influenza A.

Fortunately, research has been done on the power of patchouli oil on this particular virus. A review of the effect of essential oils in stemming the spread of influenza A from the Tisserand Institute shows that:

⚫ Patchouli oil prevented “influenza A virus-induced lung inflammation and damage” in mice who ingested it, and

⚫ It also “blocks the spread of influenza.”

We are not suggesting that patchouli oil cures or prevents the flu but it can provide much-needed support while fighting infection.

Application: Diffuse 2-3 drops of patchouli oil with lavender oil while sleeping when you are sick with the flu or other respiratory issues.


Obesity is a dangerous condition that has been on the rise in the U.S. for years, contributing to health challenges like high blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. While it’s important to eat right and exercise, essential oils can support your weight loss journey.

A just-published research study shows that patchouli oil may help. Rats who were fed a high-fat diet and doses of patchouli oil had less fat accumulation and lower triglycerides than those on the same diet who did not consume the oil.

Application: Add patchouli essential oil to our essential oil gel capsule recipe to support your weight loss efforts!


Modern research supports patchouli oil’s traditional uses for anxiety, stress, mental clarity, and more. A 2015 review of the literature available showed that it had soothing powers on the body and was found to boost mood and mental clarity in dementia patients. It’s also calming and uplifting especially when blended with other oils.

Application: When you need to focus, diffuse a blend of equal amounts of patchouli, jasmine, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, rose, and vetiver oils.


While not all bacteria are unhealthy, those that are can cause infections. Patchouli essential oil might be just the ticket for fighting those harmful strains. A 2010 study from India showed that extracts of patchouli were effective at inhibiting several infectious strains, including two from the Staph family and one from the Salmonella family.

Patchouli oil has also been shown to be effective against several other microbes including harmful fungi. This uplifting scent can be a powerful tool in your cleaning regimen to protect from dangerous microbes!

Application: Add 5 drops of patchouli oil to your DIY surface cleaning recipes.


Patchouli oil may also help relieve pain, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that it relieved swelling and reduced pain in mice. Its main constituent, patchouli alcohol, has also been evaluated for its anti-inflammatory effects as well, leading researchers to suggest that it may “be a potential chemical agent for the treatment of inflammatory diseases.”

While more research needs to be done, this potent oil can go a long way to helping ease your pain.

Application: Add 5-10 drops to our natural pain relief massage oil recipe.


Can patchouli oil help relieve the symptoms of inflammatory bowel disease? We’ve already seen that it may ease pain caused by inflammation and also has antimicrobial properties. In a 2017 study, rats that were given patchouli oil had some symptoms of colitis mitigated compared to those who did not receive the oil.

While this is a relatively limited amount of data, people suffering from inflammatory diseases can benefit from applying patchouli oil.

Application: Create a capsule as shown in our essential oil gel capsule recipe above for the symptoms of IBD.


It should be no surprise that patchouli oil’s antioxidant abilities can help protect you against oxidative stress and outside attacks on your health, such as exposure to the sun’s rays. Its power to protect the skin from UV radiation was tested by scientists in China. They exposed rats to UV radiation and then treated some with patchouli oil. The group that received the oil treatments had increased collagen and smoother skin than the control group.

This makes patchouli oil an ideal addition for your skincare and sun care regimens!

Application: Dilute at a 1% solution with a carrier oil that is best suited for your skin type. Test on your arm before applying to your face.


Research has proven that patchouli is effective on different common pests depending on how it is applied, including:

⚫ Insecticide for house flies

⚫ Repellent for urban ants and mosquitoes

⚫ Both a repellent and insecticide for termites

The sharp scent of this oil is either deadly or unattractive for pests, making it a safer alternative to chemical-laden pesticides.

Application: Add 2-3 drops of patchouli oil to your bug repellent recipes.


When scientists at Contech Enterprises in Canada studied the effect of 17 different essential oils in eliminating plant-eating moths, patchouli oil was a clear top winner in targeting two common pests. Integrating essential oil into your gardening practices is a wise choice.

Learn more at our new class, Organic Gardening Made Easy With Mama Z today!

Application: Add 3 drops of patchouli oil to your favorite homemade weed killer recipes.

Patchouli Essential Oil & Safety

Patchouli essential oil is safe to consume according to the FDA, “in conjunction with flavors.”

According to the Tisserand Institute, “Heavier essential oils, such as Vetiver, Sandalwood and Patchouli, are the slowest to oxidize and may not need refrigeration,” meaning it will have a longer shelf life than those that oxidize easily like citrus oils.

They also state that there is no known risk of skin sensitization, or adult oral or dermal dose limits, however, it may inhibit blood clotting. If you take bloodthinning medication, or recently had major surgery or suffer from bleeding disorders or peptic ulcers, avoid internal ingestion and use with care, consulting with your physician first.

It’s wise to take caution when using these oils on the skin. With proper dilution, you should be safe.

Use these common-sense tips when working with patchouli essential oil:

⚫ At present, there is no clinically safe level of dosage for children, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot use it around them. Water diffusion should be perfectly fine and topical application under 1% dilution for children under 10.

⚫ Don’t consume straight out of the bottle, and don’t drink with water (remember oil and water do not mix).

⚫ You can consume safely by adding 2-3 drops of patchouli essential oil into a veggie gel capsule and fill it with olive oil. Consume with food.

⚫ Do not stay on patchouli oil for an extended length of time. Ideally, you should rotate your oils every few weeks.

⚫ Stop using it immediately if you experience any side effects.

⚫ Use with caution if you take medications. Check with your healthcare provider first.

Patchouli essential oil blends well with other resins such as frankincense, but it also works well with floral oils such as jasmine and rose.

From its traditional origins in India to its modern association with health and wellness, this aromatic fragrance brings to mind peace and a calming effect.

Patchouli oil is a perfect addition to your essential oil collection!



Known as the “herb of remembrance,” many of the uses for this ancient plant transfer to rosemary essential oil benefits like memory and hair growth. Yes, we love rosemary on potatoes and chicken, but it’s so much more than a culinary treat and should be used wisely.

Top 5 Rosemary Oil Benefits

Rosmarinus officinalis was a sacred substance for nearly all ancient peoples, including Egyptians, Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans. As an evergreen Mediterranean native, rosemary would have been readily available, so its presence in folk medicine over the centuries is unsurprising.

Ancient peoples used rosemary for many purposes, including:

⚫ Mental clarity

⚫ Digestive soothing

⚫ Muscle pain relief

In recent uses, rosemary is frequently used in skincare and hair products thanks to known antiseptic ability. As with many ancient remedies, rosemary is the subject of modern research as we begin to unlock the medicinal wisdom of generations past.

As for Rosmarine, I lett it runne all over my garden walls, not onlie because my bees love it, but because it is the herb sacred to remembrance, and, therefore, to friendship; whence a sprig of it hath a dumb language that maketh it the chosen emblem of our funeral wakes and in our burial grounds.”


Alongside the exciting prospect of slowed cancer growth and inflammation spread, rosemary has effects that are useful for our more common needs as well. Here are four of the ways rosemary essential oil exhibits its strengths in our everyday lives.


Although we only have in vitro (cells in a petri dish) studies, researchers suggest that rosemary essential oil can help prevent and treat a variety of cancer cells lines. Of the 30 compounds in the essential oil, there are a few main players: α-pinene, borneol, (−) camphene, camphor, verbenone, and bornyl-acetate. Interestingly, it doesn’t seem that any one of these chemicals is responsible for rosemary’s anti-tumor prowess. The research actually suggests that it’s the synergy of them interacting together, which gives rosemary essential oil the true medicinal effect.

The study suggesting this was published in the journal Molecules after evaluating in vitro antibacterial activities and toxicology properties. of R. officinalis L. essential oil compared to α-pinene, β-pinene, and 1,8-cineole. According to the study,

“R. officinalis L. essential oil possessed similar antibacterial activities to α-pinene, and a little bit better than β-pinene, while 1,8-cineole possessed the lowest antibacterial activities. R. officinalis L. essential oil exhibited the strongest cytotoxicity towards three human cancer cells. Its inhibition concentration 50% (IC50) values on SK-OV-3, HO-8910 and Bel-7402 were 0.025‰, 0.076‰ and 0.13‰ (v/v), respectively. The cytotoxicity of all the test samples on SK-OV-3 was significantly stronger than on HO-8910 and Bel-7402. In general, R. officinalis L. essential oil showed greater activity than its components in both antibacterial and anticancer test systems, and the activities were mostly related to their concentrations.”


Stimulating for the scalp, rosemary essential oil uses include helping with dandruff and dry scalp treatment that may facilitate hair growth. Some even go as far as to say that it can prevent hair loss and graying.

Years ago, Francesc Casadó Galcerá patented a lotion for scalp and hair (US 6447762 B1), including a mixture of rosemary, hops, and swertia. He found that his blend was able to stimulate:

⚫ New hair growth, by as much as 22%

⚫ Stimulated “rapid” hair growth

⚫ Improved scalp health via microcirculation

⚫ Smoother hair

⚫ Retained hair, with fewer incidences of loss after shampooing

Application: Include rosemary essential oil uses in DIY shampoo and conditioner formulas for improved scalp health and hair growth.


“There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance, pray you love, remember.

~ Ophelia (Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”)

Rosemary has been known as the “herb of remembrance” for centuries. Greek scholars used it when taking exams to help recall important information, and allusions to its memory improvement have been peppered into poetry throughout the ages. The International Journal of Neuroscience published one study that confirmed these effects in recent science.

Over 140 participants were gathered for the study conducted by University of Northumbria, Newcastle. Aromatherapy including healing rosemary essential oil uses and lavender, as well as a control group were utilized to affect cognitive performance.

⚫ Regarding lavender and it’s calming abilities, “lavender produced a significant decrement in performance of working memory, and impaired reaction times for both memory and attention based tasks.”

⚫ On the other hand, as a memory stimulant, “rosemary produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors.”

In other words, lavender made participants feel relaxed and complacent, while rosemary increased alertness and provoked memory retention.

Test taking and alert feelings pale in comparison to the studies conducted on rosemary essential oil uses in relation to Alzheimer’s disease. One such study, published in Psychogeriatrics, evaluated the effects of aromatherapy on 28 elderly people suffering from dementia, with the majority also diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. They were given rosemary and lemon inhalations in the morning, then lavender and orange in the evening. Through multiple tests and forms of analysis, the “patients showed significant improvement in personal orientation” without any deleterious side effects.

Application: Add rosemary to a diffuser while studying, taking a test, or working.


The primary function of the liver is to detoxify the body, and with such heavy levels of toxins exposed to us on a daily basis, sometimes it can use a little help.

Traditional rosemary essential oil uses includes digestive and gastrointestinal relief. Coupled with liver support, rosemary becomes a fantastic detoxifier. This hepatoprotective ability (liver protecting) has been confirmed in studies where it was observed helping the body increase its bile production and improve healthy liver enzyme levels. When these processes are inhibited, fat metabolism and detoxification are inhibited, and risks for type II diabetes increase.

With a properly functioning liver, gallbladder, and gastrointestinal system, nutrients are more readily absorbed and toxins released, bringing balance and wellness to the whole body.

Application: Try adding a drop of rosemary to your favorite bath bomb recipe or in a detox diffuser blend.


The Meikai University School of Dentistry in Japan conducted a study that monitored cortisol levels in saliva after just five minutes of rosemary essential oil uses and lavender inhalation. Twenty-two volunteers participated, and both essential oils had excellent results. Not only was the “stress hormone” cortisol reduced significantly, but free radical scavenging activities were increased as well. So the oils help to prevent added stress, then go a step further to help erase effects of previous stressful exertion.

Application: Use rosemary with other stress-relief essential oils like lavender in a personal inhaler for on-the-go stress management!

Easy DIY Uses

Clearly a safe and effective oil, rosemary’s benefits can be implemented in many ways. Here are just some of my favorite DIY recipes for application:

⚫ Inhalation – Add 5 drops to your favorite diffuser.

⚫ Dietary Supplementation – Dilute 1 drop in a teaspoon of honey or coconut oil.

⚫ Culinary Use – Next time your recipe calls for rosemary, add a drop or two and experience a Heavenly burst of flavor!

⚫ Topical Application – Enjoy its antioxidant and antiseptic properties on the skin, but be sure to heavily dilute with coconut, almond, or jojoba oil before applying to skin.

A Note on Seizures & Hypertension

This is tough one for me to figure out because there’s virtually no research on that rosemary essential oil uses are contraindicated because of seizures in the last 20 years and the only couple articles that I can find are case studies.

Nonetheless virtually every blog that I see on the topic state that rosemary is contraindicated for epileptics and people prone to seizures. This is most likely due to the rich camphor levels in the oil, which can trigger seizures in some. You’ll want to use caution is this is something you or a loved one may be prone to.

“Long story short, a lot of the seizure lists floating around the internet are not accurate nor real pictures of the risks and threats. None of them seemingly account for species or chemotype, which makes a difference in this matter. As far as a list of oils with convulsant properties, I would check essential oils safety expert Robert Tisserand’s work, but with the understanding that this list can no way give a complete risk profile because of the nature of epilepsy an other seizure disorders.”

Same message applies to hypertension. According to Tisserand “I believe that there is no case for contraindicating any essential oil in someone with high blood pressure. As well as closely examining the evidence above, I also refer to more recent research, which confirms that the four “Valnet oils” present no risk. The lack of compelling evidence is reason enough to let go of this chimera.”

If these are areas of concern for you, please contact your physician before utilizing rosemary essential oil uses.

CHAPTER 8 Turmeric

Turmeric essential oil benefits are profound. This ancient spice has been used for thousands of years for healing and we are literally just now discovering the wide spectrum of health benefits of this amazing oil.

One Plant, Two Extraction Methods

Turmeric spice has long been used in Eastern cooking and has historically played a prominent role in Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, and traditional home treatments. As millions of consumers use it for everything from pain to mental health (it is being touted as the most versatile natural remedy in the world next to CBD oil), the demand for stronger, more medicinal grades of turmeric has reached the marketplace. Enter turmeric essential oil and CO2 extract.

The most potent and bioavailable (i.e. ability of the body to absorb and assimilate chemicals and nutrients) forms of turmeric available in the world, as the demand for turmeric CO2 extract and essential oil increases, the need for researchers to substantiate their potential therapeutic efficacy has reached an all-time high.

The proven benefits turmeric can have on your body have been heralded by experts across the globe as “the most effective nutritional supplement in existence.” Thousands upon thousands of research studies exist evaluating the therapeutic efficacy of turmeric (and its primary healing component curcumin – the orange/yellow compound that colors mustard and curry) showing it has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, and immune-stimulating properties to name a few. It benefits your brain, heart, immune system and everything in between!

Though, not all of the research on turmeric and curcumin is applicable to the essential oil, and it all starts with how the plant has been extracted There are several processes used to extract essential oils from plants, and turmeric is one of a many plants that will derive very different products, depending on the process chosen.


Derived from the Curcuma longa plant, which comes from the Zingiberaceae family – the same as ginger, turmeric essential oil can be extracted is through traditional steam distillation, which loosens up the essential oils from the plant along with plant components. This is commonly done with the turmeric plant’s rhizome, the underground stem of the plant that sends out roots and shoots.

It is important to note the curcumin has not been reported in turmeric essential as it has with oleoresin & CO2 extracts.


Another extraction method requires a solvent to “dissolve” the different compounds and components of the plant. CO2 extraction uses carbon dioxide as a nontoxic solvent to extract the oil. The CO2 completely returns to a gaseous state, leaving no traces behind, unlike other, less eco-friendly solvents.

The end result? Two very different products! The CO2 extraction contains curcumin as one of its major components, a widely researched compound with a long list of health benefits and also contains turmerones. The steam distilled essential oil, on the other hand, does not contain curcumin. Instead, turmerones are its major components and are the cause of the distinctive spicy aroma of many turmeric products.

It’s important to know which version you are purchasing, however, the CO2 extract is what most companies sell under the generic term “turmeric essential oil.” If you are ever in doubt, turmeric oil that is yellow in color comes from the CO2 extract – curcumin gives both the spice and the oil its bright pigmentation!

Turmeric Essential Oil Compounds

As mentioned above, turmeric essential oil is predominantly derived from the rhizome and roots of the turmeric plant, although sometimes its leaves flowers are used as well.

The major constituents of this essential oil include the following:

⚫ Turmerone

⚫ ar-Turmerone

⚫ Zingiberene

⚫ Alpha-Phellandrene

⚫ Beta-Sesquiphellandrene

⚫ ar-Curcumene

ar-Turmerone, has been shown to have powerful cardiovascular effects (antiplatelet aggregation and hypoglycemic activity), as well as antimutagenic properties and anti-carcinogenic properties.

Some derivations also contain cineole, a compound found in ginger, helichrysum, rosemary, tea tree, and peppermint oils.

However, it’s important to note that these are just a handful of the constituents in turmeric essential oil. Turmeric oils and extractions have been found to contain up to over 50 different components!

There is no doubt that the synergy between all these compounds contributes to its awesome healing potential.

10 Turmeric Essential Oil Uses

Turmeric oil is safe to be used via inhalation, topically and ingestion if dosed and diluted properly. Try some of the recommendations below and be sure to consult with your physician if you’re being treated for a medical condition or are currently taking pharmaceuticals.


One of the most promising areas of research for turmeric oil is in the field of cancer prevention and management. Traditional treatments for cancer can have very damaging side effects to your overall health that make the process difficult and exhausting.

However, adding a holistic component, such as essential oils, to your treatment plan may ease or reduce symptoms, and can alleviate the stress of your healing journey.

Compounds in turmeric oil have been shown to impact cancer. Current laboratory research performed on cells or on animals demonstrate the following benefits of turmeric oil for cancer:

⚫ Curcumin and turmerones inhibited the spread of breast cancer cells.

⚫ Additionally, the turmerones in this study were shown to have “immunostimulating effects,” that is, they kickstarted the immune system into action.

⚫ Turmeric oil killed pancreatic cancer cells.

⚫ Ar-turmeric, one of the turmerone compounds, induced cell death in two separate human leukemia cell lines. Turmeric oil has been tested on other leukemia cell lines as well with similar results.

⚫ Turmeric essential oil demonstrated anticarcinogenic effects in a 2014 study. It also displayed antimutagenic effects, meaning it might help prevent cells from mutating into a more serious problem.

These demonstrate the ancient healing potential of this turmeric essential oil for treating cancer and relieving treatment symptoms.

Application: Add 1-2 drops of turmeric essential oil to your curries, soups, stir-frys, stews, and other entrees to enjoy a safe,culinary dose. Be sure to discuss different methods of adding this oil to your treatment plan with your doctor.


Neurological diseases impact over 100 million Americans every year and costs are expected to skyrocket to $600 million by 2030 for dementia and stroke. The potent medications that are used to treat these diseases are difficult to manage if a patient has multiple conditions and some have devastating side effects. And for some conditions, like Alzheimer’s, there is currently no cure available at all.

Fortunately, research is looking to turmeric essential oil for its promise in healing and preventing neurological disorders. In the lab, one study of turmerone suggested that inhaling it could help regenerate stem cells in the brain. This is exciting news! And scientists from China and the U.S. also demonstrated that this compound may reduce neuroinflammation and the memory impairment it can cause.

Researchers have also been examining the impact of turmeric extracts on Alzheimer’s disease. Current science suggests that plaque buildup on the brain caused by amino acids likely contributes to this disease. Turmeric oil extracts were shown to inhibit the buildup of these amino acids.

More research is needed, but the neuroprotective qualities of turmeric essential oil on the brain make it an important tool that may be able to help you stave off brain deterioration and damage caused by neurodegenerative diseases – or even prevent them!

Application: Use a personal aromatherapy inhaler with 10 drops turmeric, 5 drops frankincense and 5 drops lime essential oil.


A little pain is not always a bad thing. Inflammation causes pain but it’s part of your body’s normal, healing response to injury and other harmful agents. That said, prolonged inflammation can lead to chronic pain, disorders, and even serious diseases. When inflammation doesn’t heal, turmeric essential oil can be a powerful ally to alleviate your pain.

Arthritis is one such disease. It has numerous causes and encompasses over a hundred diseases but they all have one thing in common: inflammation that causes pain. This occurs in joints and bones as well as the tissues that surround them. The most common forms are:

⚫ Osteoarthritis, which is caused by aging or physical wear and tear on the bones over time, and

⚫ Rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune disease.

While the root cause of your inflammation should be addressed with your healthcare provider, turmeric essential oil may be able to ease your symptoms.

Research from 2011 shows that turmerones are more effective in reducing certain types of inflammation in cells while curcumin inhibits other types of inflammation. Another study from 2006 demonstrated that curcumin from turmeric extract prevented experiential rheumatoid arthritis in mice.

It’s also been demonstrated that high doses of turmeric essential oil had an antiinflammatory effect on joints when tested on rats. This suggests that this oil may be helpful for arthritis, however, more research is needed.

However, for continued pain, it can’t hurt to add turmeric essential oil to your routine to get some much-needed relief!

Application: Make a homemade pain relief cream by adding 12 drops of turmeric to 1 ounce of Mama Z’s DIY Salve Base & Lotion Bar Recipe.


Over time, our bodies are exposed to a host of natural – and unnatural –compounds, chemicals, and toxins. These are called free radicals, and they increase oxidative stress. This can damage different cells that are overexposed to it, leading to disease and the ravages of aging.

Antioxidants, on the other hand, are chemicals that help prevent free radicals from causing too much damage. These compounds, found in many essential oils, serve many functions and are necessary for your body’s optimal well-being.

Turmeric is an oil that is widely known for its antioxidant abilities. In lab studies, turmeric oil appeared to remove free radicals that cause oxidative stress. It was also shown to reduce certain types of oxidative stress that are responsible for causing high cholesterol. A healthy diet and regimen full of antioxidants is a recipe for anti-aging and good health!

Application: Take advantage of the antioxidants in turmeric oil by consuming 2-3 drops of turmeric in a gel capsule filled with olive oil once daily during cold/flu season. Be sure to discuss adding this oil to your treatment plan if you’re currently being treated for a disease by a doctor.


Turmeric essential oil is also useful for killing fungal and bacterial pathogens. Candida albicans is a type of fungal yeast infection that is very difficult to fight –ask anyone who’s dealt with it!

Candida overgrowth wreaks havoc in the gastrointestinal tract, causing an imbalance in bacteria in the gut. It’s been linked to chronic fatigue, sinus allergies, bloating, constipation, eczema, and more! It is particularly harmful to people who are immunocompromised and is a common infection for those in treatment for cancer or HIV.

Researchers tested the impact of turmeric essential oil on candida cells and found that it was twice as powerful as the commonly prescribed antifungal medication, Nystatin, to combat this fungus. Other studies have shown that it can combat other forms of bacteria, making this an effective and useful oil for both clearing the gut and adding to your homemade cleaning formulas!

Turmeric essential oil was also one of four oils tested for its efficacy in combating the P. Gingivalis bacteria, which primarily lives in the oral cavity and may cause

certain periodontal diseases. All the oils tested were effective in combating this bacteria, including turmeric.

If you are battling candida overgrowth, a clean eating regimen along with adding turmeric oil to your culinary dishes can help. Check out our book, The Essential Oil Diet Book, to discover a sustainable way to enjoy food while living your healthiest life ever!

Application: Try adding a drop of turmeric to your oil pulling routine if you are fighting gingivitis or to promote oral health.


Diabetes requires a change in eating habits, however, using essential oils for diabetes can be a healthy part of combating – or preventing – this disease. In the lab, food scientists studied turmeric essential oil and found that it inhibited important enzymes that are linked to the development of type 2 diabetes.

Animal research from 2006 also showed that the compounds in both turmeric essential oil and the CO2 extract may be able to reduce blood sugars in rats, particularly curcumin. Additionally, turmeric oil without curcumin and turmeric oleoresin inhibited abdominal fat in the subjects. This does not replace the benefits of a healthy diet low in sugar along with regular exercise but it can assist you in healing your body.

Application: Add 1-2 drops of turmeric essential oil to your favorite dishes to enjoy a safe, culinary dose. Be sure to discuss different methods of adding this oil to your treatment plan with your doctor.


According to the CDC, epilepsy is common and it’s more frequently seen in children than adults. All seizure disorders are life-threatening and are usually treated with medication. Unfortunately, finding the right medication and dosage is tricky, and side effects can have a heavy impact on patients.

In fact, some 30% of epilepsy patients don’t respond to treatment. That is why in 2013, scientists researched one of the components of turmeric oil, ar-turmerone, as a potential future drug candidate to treat epilepsy by testing it on zebrafish and mice embryos. Their results indicate that ar-turmerone is a safe candidate as a drug for some forms of epilepsy.

Hopefully, research will develop proven solutions for epilepsy with turmeric oil but for now, you can use this amazing elixir in your home to discover its benefits.

Application: Enjoy a diffuser blend with 2 drops each of turmeric, lavender and Roman chamomile Be sure to consult with your physican and discontinue use immediately if any adverse reactions occur.


Turmeric essential oil might also have protective benefits for digestive health. A 2014 study compared turmeric and ginger essential oils for inhibiting ulcers in rats. The animals were given different doses of each oil in different groups. Both oils appeared to inhibit ulcers by over 80%! They also reduced lesions and stomach injuries.

Turmeric root extract has been shown to improve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Scientists randomly tested 207 otherwise healthy adults before and after treatment with the extract and surveyed the subjects. About two-thirds of the subjects reported improvements in symptoms after the treatment, including pain and discomfort demonstrating that turmeric oil may be beneficial in addressing IBS.

Application: Consume 2-3 drops of turmeric in a gel capsule filled with olive oil once daily for 3-4 weeks and monitor symptoms. Be sure to discuss adding this oil to your treatment plan if you’re currently being treated for a disease by a doctor.


Is turmeric essential oil a safe tool to use in your backyard garden? Research shows that you can! Food scientists in China studied the benefits of turmeric essential oil in combating Aspergillus flavus, a fungus known for harming maize, grains, and legumes, and found it to be both effective and eco-friendly.

Turmeric essential oil, along with ginger oil, was also found to be to useful as an herbicide on maize plants. Turmeric was most effective after the weeds started to emerge and caused no damage to the crops. Learn more about organic backyard gardening from Mama Z!

Application: Add 20-30 drops of turmeric oil to 16 oz of your natural weed killer recipes.


Many essential oils have been studied for their effectiveness as a bug repellant. Turmeric essential oil and CO2 extract are both safer choices for bug repellent than most brand name pesticides, which commonly contain malathion, DEET, and permethrin. All these chemicals are linked to a variety of health concerns and you’d be wise to avoid them.

In fact, essential oils can work even better than these harmful products, including turmeric! Research showed that it was more effective than DEET for reducing mosquito bites and killing mosquito larvae. Essential oils are an excellent choice to keep your family safe from warm-weather outdoor pests.

Application: Add 10 drops of turmeric oil per 1 ounce of your favorite DIY bug repellent recipes.

Turmeric Oil and Safety

Yes, as seen in the recommendations above, turmeric oil is safe to consume.

One of the peer-reviewed studies done on inflammation and arthritis raised concerns about the toxicity of ingesting turmeric essential oil because it proved fatal to mice that were given very high doses. However, this conflicts with another animal study performed in 2013 that showed no toxicity from the oil.

In earlier research from India, nine healthy volunteers were given 0.6ml of turmeric essential oil three times a day for one month and 1ml/day divided into 3 doses for the following two months. While two subjects had a mild reaction, this dose of turmeric oil had no effect on weight, blood pressure, or symptoms of the subjects for up to 12 weeks, and no additional toxicity at three months. This size of the study, however, is far too small to be conclusive.

Turmeric essential oil has powerful benefits but there are some common-sense precautions you should take when using this essential oil, including:

⚫ At present, there is no clinically safe level of dosage for children, but this doesn’t mean that you cannot give it to them. Start off small and in “culinary doses” – no more than 1 drop per dish. Also safe to use in your diffuser and topical applications (1% or less for children).

⚫ Don’t consume straight out of the bottle, and don’t drink with water (remember oil and water do not mix).

⚫ Try adding in some turmeric essential oil in your food (culinary doses), replace 1 teaspoon turmeric spice with 1-2 drops of essential oils in your curries and favorite recipes.

⚫ Consume safely by adding 2-3 drops of turmeric essential oil into a veggie gel capsule, and fill capsule with olive oil. Consume with food.

⚫ Do not stay on turmeric oil for an extended length of time. Ideally, you should rotate your oils every few weeks.

⚫ Stop using it immediately if you experience any side effects.

⚫ Use with caution if you take medications, especially aspirin, warfarin, or other blood thinners. Turmeric oil can also interact with anti-inflammatory drugs. Check with your healthcare provider first.

Turmeric essential oil abounds in health and wellness applications, and in keeping your home and body fungus-free. It blends well with citrus oils, as well as ginger essential oil – not surprising since they share the same family!

With such a great number of wonderful healing properties, don’t miss out on this lesser-known oil. It’s a great addition to your home, even if you regularly cook with turmeric spice!


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Great up-to-date information for healing

My heartfelt gratitude for your commitment to bringing us up to date information for healing, non-toxic DIY items, delicious recipes, spiritual encouragement and EO benefits. I am pretty new to EO’s (about a year ago I began to learn from you) and was recently able to buy a super starter kit. It has been amazing and I can’t wait to use your DIY formulas!!!!


SECTION TWO Additional Natural Living Strategies for Brain Health

CHAPTER 9 Avoid EMF Brain Fog

There are a lot of questions about what is EMF radiation and how it affects our bodies. From Wi-Fi dangers, to microwave radiation, there is ElectroMagnetic Field (EMF) radiation all around us.

The heated debate of whether or not EMFs cause cancer is championed by the countless of people that claim that their families have been harmed on the one side, and governing institutions on the other hand, which claim there is no risk.

What does the research really say?

Read on to find out…

What is EMF Radiation?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) occur when electric current flows in one direction, and magnetic waves flow at a right angle to the current—the EMF is perpendicular to both. Think of the corner of a cube; each edge represents one of these energy directions. The wider energy field created where these forces collide is where EMFs occur.

EMF fields are invisible waves that generate radiation and exist all around us. To understand the threat of EMFs, we need to understand how the waves work and frequency, or how often the waves appear in a given space. These waves form a spectrum, from low to high frequency and are classed into two groups: ionizing and non-ionizing.

⚫ Ionizing waves have a higher frequency and thus, a shorter distance between peaks of the waves, also known as wavelengths. We all recognize these as being harmful to our bodies: ultraviolet rays from the sun, X-rays, and radioactive elements. It’s indisputable today that overexposure to ionizing EMF waves can cause cancer, radiation sickness, and other deadly diseases.

⚫ Non-ionizing, or low frequency, EMF has a longer wavelength and lower frequency. These include power lines, cell phones, laptops, TVs,

microwave ovens, and other tech devices you have around your home. Radiofrequency (RF) waves are non-ionizing waves that are closer to the center of the spectrum while extremely low frequency (ELF) waves are at the far-left side.

EMFs are known to have a powerful influence in many ways. All wireless signals are EMFs of some kind. This is the technology that brings us remote controls, radio, walkie talkies, cell phone reception, and even Wi-Fi access. EMFs are not an exclusive result of cutting-edge technology—household electric wiring, high voltage wires, X-rays, and even visible light all have EMFs as well.

According to Maxwell’s Law, EMFs can even occur near an electric current, not just in direct contact with the current. To further complicate matters, additional EMFs can be created or an existing EMF can be magnified when in contact with other forms of energy, such as heat or light.

How Do We Measure the Impact of EMF Radiation?

The full impact of EMFs on human health is largely a question mark; however, many studies conclusively verify harm to humans including an increased risk of several forms of cancer. Numerous other studies have attempted to demonstrate any kind of positive impact from low-level man-made EMF exposure via various methods with uncertain results.

EMFs are considered to be low-level if their frequency does not exceed that of visible light and if their radiation is non-ionizing; some examples of low-level radiation include visible light, cell phones, Bluetooth devices, microwave ovens, computers, laptops, tablets, and power lines. Microwaves are among the highest frequency EMFs that can still be considered low-level.

EMF DANGERS - Because the reported symptoms of EMF overexposure vary so much, it can be a difficult field of study. Further, no reliable threshold has been established regarding how much exposure at what strength is too much.

The safety limit now in place was established in 1953—long before the explosion of modern EMF-emitters—by Herman Schwan. This limit was based on the amount of heat the EMF emits, and we now know that heat is the least of our worries; Schwan later went on record to say he had learned more and changed his mind and that this limit was inadequate due to the non-heat effects of EMFs.

Further, no test of the EMFs in the atmosphere has been conducted by the US since 1979! A distinction has been made between ionizing and non-ionizing EMFs as well, but this field is still wide open to study.

According to the World Health Organization, the difference between nonionizing electromagnetic fields and ionizing radiation depends on the ability of electromagnetic waves to break molecular bonds. Non-ionizing radiation supposedly cannot break molecular bonds, whereas ionizing radiation can:

⚫ “Wavelength and frequency determine another important characteristic of electromagnetic fields: Electromagnetic waves are carried by particles called quanta. Quanta of higher frequency (shorter wavelength) waves carry more energy than lower frequency (longer wavelength) fields.

⚫ Some electromagnetic waves carry so much energy per quantum that they have the ability to break bonds between molecules. In the electromagnetic spectrum, gamma rays given off by radioactive materials, cosmic rays and X-rays carry this property and are called ‘ionizing radiation’.

⚫ Fields whose quanta are insufficient to break molecular bonds are called ‘nonionizing radiation’.

⚫ Man-made sources of electromagnetic fields that form a major part of industrialized life - electricity, microwaves and radiofrequency fields –are found at the relatively long wavelength and low frequency end of the electromagnetic spectrum and their quanta are unable to break chemical bonds.”

Understanding EMFs is vitally important because of the unprecedented level of exposure in our technologically advancing world. Since we and our vulnerable, developing children are so constantly barraged with EMFs, and because there is a valid risk of long-term damage, we must continue to investigate the influence and health repercussions of EMFs to ensure basic safety.

What Causes EMFs?

Man-made electromagnetic fields are caused by electronic devices, particularly those that emit certain types of communication waves with an electric current perpendicular to a magnetic field. Microwave ovens emit EMFs as do radio towers, Wi-Fi towers and routers, cell phones, and more common devices like laptops, tablets, and cell phones.

Naturally occurring EMFs exist in the created universe with no human interference. The sun, the earth, the moon and other bodies have their own EMF frequency.

The frequency of the Earth is known as Schumann’s number or Schumann’s resonance and is believed to have a healing and grounding effect on people exposed to manmade EMFs.

Even the human body runs on electrical and magnetic energy as evidenced by the effectiveness of defibrillators that can shock the heart back into its normal rhythm.

Are EMFs Dangerous?

Governing agencies like the NIH claim that, “No consistent evidence for an association between any source of non-ionizing EMF and cancer has been found.” However, according to a ground-breaking Scientific American report.

● 240+ scientists, who have published peer-reviewed research on the dangers of non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF), signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal, which calls for stronger exposure limits.

● The appeal makes the following assertions: “Numerous recent scientific publications have shown that EMF affects living organisms at levels well below most international and national guidelines. Effects include increased cancer risk, cellular stress, increase in harmful free radicals, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being in humans. Damage goes well beyond the human race, as there is growing evidence of harmful effects to both plant and animal life.”

● These scientists constitute the majority of experts on the effects of non-ionizing radiation and have published 2,000+ papers on EMF in professional journals.

● In 2018, a $30 million study conducted by the U.S. National Toxicology Program discovered “clear evidence” that two years of exposure to cell phone radio frequency radiation increased cancer in male rats and damaged DNA in rats and mice of both sexes.

● More than 500 studies, have found harmful biologic or health effects from exposure to radio frequency radiation (RFR) at intensities too low to cause significant heating.

● Even the World Health Organization admits the risk! Lyon, France, May 31, 2011 -- The WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans” based on an increased risk for glioma – a malignant type of brain cancer associated with wireless phone use.

One way EMFs cause damage throughout the human body is through reactive oxygen species (or ROS), a compound that is a by-product made by our cells. ELF can disrupt this process or cause too much ROS to be created and that can lead to oxidative damage, that is, damage caused by adding oxygen, in our cells. This effect is not all bad. Current medical research is trying to understand if this process can be used as a treatment for cancer.

The ROS our cells create is a type of free radical, which is another term for a “loose” or unpaired election. These loose oxygen radicals have the potential to harm the outer barrier of our cells. This effect can be caused by both types of low-frequency EMF and leads to a condition in the cells called oxidative stress. This is a common precursor to disease and the adverse effects of aging. That allows EMF radiation to enter the cells, causing damage to both the cells and the DNA. This type of compromised cellular process can then eventually lead to cancer.

Additionally, some studies suggest that low-frequency EMF could be even more harmful to our youngest and most vulnerable populations. One review states that fetuses, babies, and children are more susceptible to damaging EMF exposure, which can be attributed to both having thinner skulls as well as having denser stem cells. This again increases the risk of cancer and can even damage brain development.

And Dr. Martha Herbert, Ph.D., a pediatric neurologist and a brain development researcher specializing in autism, claims that low-frequency EMF contributes to the toxic burden that are areas of “physiological vulnerabilities” for kids and people on the autism spectrum. In other words, Wi-Fi is even more harmful to an autistic person’s brain.

EMFs can also disrupt and even relocate electrons and ions in the body’s atoms. This can impact body tissues that are especially vulnerable and cause damage that also leads to cancer.Many lab studies suggest that EMFs can potentially harm chromosomes, blood pathways, cardiovascular systems, bone marrow, developing embryos, the endocrine system, the pineal gland, protein synthesis, and more.

The symptoms of low-level microwave EMF overexposure involve a cluster of symptoms including:

⚫ Fatigue & Tiredness

⚫ Headaches

⚫ Dysesthesia – Impairment of the Senses

⚫ Dizziness & Inability-to-Balance

⚫ Difficulty Concentrating & Lack-of-Focus

⚫ Depression & Depressive Symptoms

⚫ Concentration & Attention Dysfunction

⚫ Loss of Appetite & Body Weight

⚫ Memory Changes

⚫ Restlessness & Anxiety

⚫ Nausea

⚫ Skin Burning & Tingling

⚫ EEG Changes (Heart)

Low-frequency electromagnetic fields are believed to be less dangerous than high frequency EMFs; however, people chronically exposed to lower frequencies may still experience symptoms or even long-term damage.

High frequency EMFs are thought to be more damaging, but the truth is, the damage may simply be more immediately apparent. If you expose your skin to bright sunlight for too long, you will notice a sunburn fairly soon from the sun’s energy. Marie Curie unfortunately discovered the dangers of radiation poisoning soon after experimenting on herself with newly discovered X-ray waves.

These are examples of EMF harm, but they are not the only ones. The cumulative effects of nearly constant low-level EMF exposure are largely unknown.

The Great Experiment – As a society, we are allowing and even embracing this technology in our lives and in our children’s spaces without stopping to question the health impact. It is almost as if we’ve collectively signed on for a massive experiment with no safety parameters nor informed consent because the technology has not existed long enough to have been adequately studied.

It is important to remember that the effects of EMFs are cumulative, meaning that they build up over time, and never decrease without being specifically treated and significantly decreasing new exposure. Many scientists are concerned with EMF exposure risks and with good reason.

What is EMF Exposure & Are There Risks?

Some of known risks of EMF overexposure are identified in the following studies:

⚫ Heart Damage. EMFs alter your ECG readings—that is, they affect the functioning of your heart.

⚫ Brain Cancer from Microwaves. There is a 28% higher incidence of brain tumors with exposure to extremely low or low frequency EMFs, specifically microwave EMFs.

⚫ Depression & Mental Illness from Microwaves. EMFs including microwaves can cause psychiatric harm including depression

⚫ Malignant Brain Tumors. The World Health Organization has identified EMF radiation as a probable human carcinogen capable of causing glioma (malignant brain tumors), and this National Institute of Health study goes one step further, stating EMFs should be regarded as such.

⚫ Childhood Leukemia/ Blood Cancer. Your child’s proximity to electric wiring in the house, high voltage lines outside, or even radio towers can double his or her risk of leukemia and increase the risk of childhood cancer in general.

⚫ Breast Cancer. Household and occupational levels of EMFs are associated with increased occurrence of breast cancer in women.

⚫ Brain Cancer from Cell Phones. It is now definitive. “Heavy” use of cell phones (defined as 30 minutes daily for at least 10 years) results in higher incidence of brain cancer, especially on the preferred side (left or right), especially for people who first used a cell phone before age 20, and the higher the use, the greater the risk.

Can EMFs Be Avoided?

No, you cannot avoid all EMFs. Not only do naturally occurring bodies produce EMFs, but it’s no longer feasible to avoid even the man-made EMFs. Even locales as remote as the polar ice caps use EMF-emitting technology to communicate. Most of us are essentially surrounded.

Although, you cannot entirely eliminate EMF exposure, there is a lot that can be done to avoid the most harmful sources and to limit the total cumulative exposure from even low-level sources.

How Can I Limit EMF Exposure?

Strategies to limit EMF exposure while using the internet, computers, and other devices:

⚫ When Using a Laptop or Computer – Place it on a table or EMF shield, further away from you, instead of on your lap or close to your body.

⚫ Playing Movies on a Tablet for Kids – Instead of having it in their laps or directly behind your head on the seat, try mounting the tablet between the seatbacks.

⚫ Connecting to the Internet – Use a LAN hard-wired connection when possible, and unplug the router when not in use.

⚫ Talking on Your Cell Phone – Use wired headphones or speaker phone over a Bluetooth earpiece or holding the phone against your head.

⚫ Allowing Kids on Tablets and Computers – Install or display games on a TV screen when possible, and limit time spent on electronic devices.

⚫ Sending Files Between In-Home Devices – Use a hard-wired connection or LAN connection when possible vs Bluetooth connection.

⚫ Using a Microwave – Leave the room when the microwave is in use, or substitute what you use the microwave for in your home.

Aren’t Microwave Radiation Dangers a Myth?

Maybe you remember the microwave oven scares from when microwave technology was fairly young, and people mistrusted something so different and new. Our minds have been relatively easy since the dangers of microwaving in plastic containers were proven and addressed.

Many people believe the only microwave danger was shown to be a plasticrelated problem—that’s why we now have BPA-free plastics, right? What we know about the potential risks of microwaving food, apart from toxic chemicals leaching from plastic into food, centers around electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields, or EMFs are emitted by many devices including microwaves, and can be harmful.

Because the microwaves (not the microwave ovens, but the actual waves) themselves are a form of radiant energy (radiation), the inherent risks must be carefully investigated and considered. We know heating food in plastic is

harmful, but what is the risk of EMFs from microwaves? What we don’t know about EMFs can harm us.

Consider the fact that when microwave ovens were first available to consumers, they frequently came with a bonus set of BPA-laden, “microwave-safe” dishes! To date, there is no smoking gun showing that microwaving food has directly caused a disease.

We do not fully understand all the effects of microwave radiation on human health. We do not know the full extent of the harm that EMFs can cause, either. However, after examining the evidence, you, too may wish to limit your family’s exposure to EMFs.


One might say, the dearth of solid knowledge in combination with many health implications is precisely the reason for further investigation. We can only make good decisions if we have good information. A technology that touches so many lives at such a basic-needs level—our food preparation—warrants close scrutiny if there is any chance it may cause harm.

We all love the convenience of microwave cooking. If you’re in love with your time saving, but EMF-emitting microwave, this section is just for you. As a concerned parent, or health-conscious consumer, you may be considering getting rid of the microwave altogether after looking at the research.

Here are specific strategies to ditch your microwave for non-EMF generating food preparation:

1. Pop Your Popcorn with Air – Instead of using the microwave for popcorn, which includes a host of other chemicals beyond the microwave use, try using an air-pop machine or whirly bird stove top popper.

2. Heating Water or Coffee – Instead of reheating coffee in the microwave, try single-serve coffee makers or coaster-size hot plates to keep your cup of Joe warm. Use an electric kettle for instant hot water.

3. Cooking Personal Size Meals – Use a toaster oven instead of a microwave for quick meals made in smaller portions without the EMF exposure of a microwave.

4. Reheating Leftovers – Mama Z has a tried and true method of reheating leftovers without the need for a microwave; Bake in the oven at 350 degrees for 8-15 minutes. BONUS – the texture is better too!

5. Thawing Meat – There are several ways to thaw meat that doesn’t require a microwave. If you forget to defrost it in the fridge overnight, try placing the meat in a sealed, waterproof baggie in a sink of warm water.

Replacing your microwave isn’t the only step you can take to create a more healthy environment in your home.

7 Ways to Mitigate EMF Damage

By this point, you may feel like a walking science fair experiment. No worries— there are ways to correct and heal after EMF exposure, and this will happen more quickly if you also limit exposure as much as possible. If you feel you already have concerning symptoms of EMF overexposure or you know you have been exposed to high levels of EMFs, it’s best to consult with a trusted, knowledgeable health care provider.

If you are simply concerned, but do not yet display unusual symptoms, you can try these measures at home.


I recently stumbled upon a fascinating research article suggesting that fennel essential oil can help reduce damage done to the reproductive system damage due to EMFs. “The antioxidant compounds in fennel & vitamin E, with other antioxidants,” the Iranian researchers stated, “Can reduce the harmful effects of EMFs on the reproductive system.”

Harmful effects of EMFs on the reproductive system? Yep!

Many people are unaware that, “EMFs induced cell death in testicular germ cell in mice”. And, “According to many researchers, neuroendocrine changes caused by EMFs are a key factor in changing hormone function and cause infertility symptoms in females.”

Try this at home: consider applying a 2% dilution of fennel as a gentle, therapeutic body oil when you’re stuck in a heavy Wi-Fi zone.


Himalayan pink salt can help normalize the ion balance in your body, not only by eating it, but also just by physical contact. A salt soak is very beneficial, even if you only soak your feet. Pink salt slabs are sold to rest your feet on, so you can reap the benefits of salt without soaking—try one under your desk at work. Himalayan salt lamps help balance the ionic levels in your home continuously.


No, you don’t need to send your children to their rooms. Grounding is a method of returning your EMF frequency to the frequency of the natural environment by standing barefoot on the good, clean earth for as little as 20 minutes per day.


Bathing in moving water can also encourage your EMF to return to normal, and it does not require a swim. Spending time walking or resting near a natural body of water (i.e. not a dam or swimming pool) with natural movement (rivers, creeks, ocean rather than a pond) has an effect similar to grounding.


Mineral-rich or salt-water not only shows promising medical results for many difficult ailments, but it can also combine the benefits of natural salt therapy with those of moving water. What a great reason to visit your local natural hot springs and reset your electromagnetic field!


It seems obvious but is often overlooked. Dedicating a week or more to occasionally escape all electronic devices is very good medicine, especially if you choose an escape like camping where you may find: opportunities to get away from most high-level EMFs, plenty of time to go barefoot, and even a creek nearby. This includes simply unplugging your Wi-Fi router overnight while you’re asleep to prevent passive exposure during the nighttime hours.

What Will You Do About EMFs?

Learning about EMFs is not enough if it only causes worry or anxiety. Now is the time to formulate a plan to limit or avoid the EMFs in your environment and to heal the overload.

Some strategies can be applied right away—today:

⚫ Salt soak – Try adding these detox essential oils to your bath for added benefits.

⚫ Grounding.

⚫ Keeping devices off laps and on tables.

⚫ Wear a Harmoni Pendant.

⚫ Use the Qi device.

Some take planning, but are achievable this week:

⚫ Buy wired headphones.

⚫ Introduce new time limits for children’s electronics if needed.

⚫ Switch to microwave-free cooking strategies.

⚫ Consider adding a pink salt lamp or slab to your home.

It may take more advanced planning and a month or two to implement some changes:

⚫ Plan some unplugged time in nature into your next vacation.

⚫ Research your local natural hot springs.

⚫ Develop a habit of spending time near natural bodies of water.

⚫ Limit your own electronics time as much as possible.

Long term goals take time, but are worth the effort:

⚫ Learn where high-EMF towers are (or are planned when considering a home purchase.)

⚫ Be proactive about EMF safety at your child’s school and in your work environment.

⚫ Establish regular habits to heal the EMF damage and prevent new exposure.

EMF radiation caused by microwaves, Wi-Fi signals, and other devices in your home can impact your health. But a few simple changes can help make your home healthier.

Importance of EMF Protection

EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) are everywhere in your environment being emitted from your favorite electronics (cell phones, laptops, iPads, etc.) as well as the ever-pervasive WiFi that surrounds you no matter where you go.

These frequencies cause disturbances to your own electromagnetic field (that’s right you have an electromagnetic field as well) and may exacerbate health imbalances like fatigue, brain fog, stress, and more.

That’s why when you go into a doctor’s office for an X-Ray, you have to wear a protective shield around your body. The difference between X-Ray EMFs and the EMFs that are polluting our airwaves is that X-Ray EMFs are “ionizing,” while EMFs from electronics are “non-ionizing.”

Ionizing EMFs have known effects that can damage your DNA– hence the protective wear. Non-ionizing EMFs, on the other hand, are not as strong as ionizing EMFs, so they aren’t taken as seriously.

The problem is, non-ionizing EMFs can still contribute to health imbalances, and they’re much more pervasive in the environment than ionizing EMFs.

In fact, research suggests that EMF exposure may be associated with health concerns such as:

⚫ Abnormal cell growth

⚫ Nerve cell damage

⚫ Infertility

⚫ Oxidative stress

⚫ Immune dysfunction

⚫ Sleep disturbances

As if life isn’t stressful enough, the idea of having to fend off pollutants in my energy field overwhelmed me when I learned about how harmful EMFs could be.

I didn’t want to be that family that didn’t have the internet or TV, but I also didn’t want to be exposing my kids and wife to EMFs all day. That’s why I am so grateful to have found the Harmoni Pendant.


We highlight some of the common complaints associated with low-level EMF radiation in this article. They include:

⚫ Fatigue & Sleep Disorders

⚫ Occasional Headaches

⚫ Mood or Attention Issues

⚫ Occasional Nausea

⚫ Changes in Heart Rhythm

⚫ and many more…


1. Join the debate! There is probably a local group in your state fighting to raise awareness.

2. Minimize exposure – especially for children. We are seeing that children are more vulnerable to this radiation because of their smaller size and thinner bones (the waves penetrate further into their bodies.)

3. Take simple steps to protect yourself. There are several things you can do to help minimize your exposure to give your body a chance to recover from the near-constant bombardment.

The Problem with 5.G.

We’ve written about the dangers of microwave and EMF radiation before but since publishing that article even more studies have come out. Plus we are seeing the global expansion of 5.G. networks which surround us in a fog of EMF pollution. This means we are going to be facing even more exposure than ever before.


5.G. stands for Fifth Generation wireless network. The goal is to provide faster, more stable, internet for mobile devices which sounds wonderful. After all, we run an online Bible health ministry so good internet lets us reach more people. Good thing, right?

Not for our health. Study after study is showing the dangers of the radio frequencies produced by these towers and the 5.G. systems will blanket us in these RF or EMF emissions. The World Health Organization classified RF as a Group 2B Possible Human Carcinogen back in 2011.

And we haven’t seen all the long-term studies on the safety of the higher frequency emissions from the 5.G. towers that will be coming out. I’m sure as we begin examining the long-term effects we will see the higher frequencies, at more prolific levels will amplify the negative side effects.

CHAPTER 10 Avoid Synthetic Fragrances

As science continues to scratch the surface of how artificial fragrances are destroying our health and indoor air quality, a common question we get is, “How are air fresheners bad for you?”

One of the first things you do when you step into your home after a busy day running errands, is take a deep breath. Heave a big sigh of relief and relaxation. But… what if that “ocean breeze” or “linen fresh” scent you are inhaling from your fragrant home decor is actually hurting you?

Let’s see what the research says…

More and more unscented, fragrance-free, and free-and-clear products are commercially available as the public becomes increasingly aware of skin irritations and allergy symptoms associated with highly scented personal care and cleaning products. However, the problem goes deeper than the minor inconveniences on most consumers’ minds.

How Are Synthetic Fragrances Monitored?

The lack of oversight in the US fragrance industry leaves the public open to massive exposures to a barrage of potentially deadly chemicals. We are surrounded by household cleaners, laundry products, air fresheners, sunscreen, shampoo, soap, body wash, deodorant, body lotion, makeup, facial cream, skin toner, serums, exfoliating scrubs, and perfumes—all with unnamed artificial fragrance blends.

Around 4,000 fragrance ingredients are disclosed on the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) transparency list, and many of them are known to cause serious health problems such as cancer, respiratory difficulty, and hormone imbalances. This means that the word “fragrance” on a label can be any one of or a combination of over 4,000 ingredients!

Something else that causes concern is the concentration of artificial fragrances in enclosed spaces with inadequate ventilation, including most vehicles and offices, and many homes; modern homes are designed to be as airtight as possible. They

are designed for comfort, cost-effectiveness and convenience, not health and wellness. This may save on our utility bills, but it exacerbates the issue of indoor air pollution from artificial fragrances (as well as other sources).

No Labeling Required

Unfortunately, due to a legal escape clause, manufacturers are not required to individually list the ingredients they include in their fragrance blends. Originally, this law was meant to allow perfume manufacturers to protect their proprietary blends as trade secrets.

Thus, the ingredients in a fragrance blend are protected from the normal ingredient declaration requirement under the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act (FPLA). In fact, the FDA is not charged with regulating labeling at all—only with overseeing the chemicals that go into the products.

Fragrance free products cannot contain any artificial fragrances or fragrance masking ingredients. However, they may contain ingredients that impart or mask a fragrance, and they may contain ingredients listed by IFRA as fragrance ingredients if the manufacturer claims they were included for a purpose other than fragrance.


One example of this practice is including the very carcinogenic phthalates as a fixative, thus bypassing the need to admit there are synthetic fragrances in the product or to list phthalate as an ingredient.

Unscented products do not elicit any discernible scent; however, this in no (technical) way means that it does not have synthetic fragrance ingredients. In fact, a product labeled “unscented” usually has at least one synthetic fragrance added to mask the unpleasant odors of the active ingredients, surfactants, or cleansers.

Watch out for any product with the following words on the ingredient label:

⚫ fragrance

⚫ perfume

⚫ parfum

⚫ aroma

⚫ flavor

⚫ unscented (usually)

In fact, by using any of these words in the ingredient list, the manufacturer is boldly proclaiming that they refuse to disclose the actual ingredients to consumers whose health is at stake.

What Are They Made Of?

When asking are air fresheners bad for you, consider the toxic chemicals involved! Fragrance blends may contain solvents, stabilizers, UV-absorbers, preservatives, and dyes as well as any chemical that imparts or hides a scent, including:

⚫ carcinogens

⚫ respiratory irritants

⚫ endocrine disruptors

⚫ neurotoxins

⚫ allergens

⚫ environmental toxins

How Fragrances Cause Harm

Synthetic chemicals on the fragrance list have been shown to wreak havoc on the human body. Any of the following health problems may be a result of exposure to artificial fragrances. Are air fresheners bad for you? See the symptoms that can result from exposure.


Many people are allergic to specific fragrances, and a few people with multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS) react very badly to nearly any synthetic fragrance. This may be as minor as coughing, sneezing, and inflamed eyes or as severe as anaphylactic shock. In any case, these allergy symptoms are meant to tell you that your body is trying to expel and reject the substance, and bigger internal damage is afoot.

Synthetic fragrance overload is also implicated in many if not most instances of childhood asthma and in adult recurrence of childhood asthma.


Many fragrance ingredients in popular use are listed by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and other authorities as known or probable human carcinogens. Our society must question why we are willing to literally torture and kill ourselves for the sake of pleasantlyscented body care and cleaning products. This is not a new question—some of the ingredients such as formaldehyde have been known carcinogens for decades.


Possibly the most common complaint caused by artificial fragrances, acute or chronic skin irritation is not as minor is it may seem. Inflamed skin becomes more porous, and it allows product to penetrate in far greater quantities and with far greater speed than healthy skin.

Human skin is not like living plastic wrap which nicely separates each ingredient; it is more like living fabric, allowing fragrance ingredients to absorb into the skin layers themselves and to penetrate through the skin into the subcutaneous fatty layer and the blood stream, and thus to circulate throughout the body.


Especially in people who are highly sensitive to scents, these chemical blends can alter brain chemistry, resulting in increased incidence of depression and/or panic attacks.


A very frequent presenting symptom of neurology patients is persistent migraines or cluster headaches with migraines or cluster headaches with no known cause. Many doctors actually track the particular scents, and scented products that are most likely to cause problems for their patients.

Plug-in style air fresheners often top the lists, with fabric softeners, laundry scent crystals, and specific perfumes or colognes not far behind. If you find yourself suffering from frequent headaches, eliminating artificial fragrances may help!


Some fragrance-related illnesses are quite serious; in addition to cancer, some fragrance ingredients are capable of causing neurological damage and harm to the central nervous system. Examples of neurological disorders include brain damage, some autoimmune disorders, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and seizure disorders. Clearly for this type of damage to occur, the exposure would have to be excessive, and/ or long-term.


Acute breathing difficulty is not uncommon upon exposure to synthetic fragrances even in minute quantities, and they can also cause long-term respiratory harm. At high exposures, some can cause respiratory failure, that is death by asphyxiation.

The material safety data sheets (MSDS) of many fragrance ingredients recommend use of a respirator when handling the chemical because the manufacturers are well aware of the pulmonary risks. Our pursuit of unnatural odors is literally strangling us.


These symptoms are early warning signs of chemical overload that is harming the nervous system. Don’t ignore what you body is telling you – learn how to see, and avoid, these harmful chemicals in your home. When looking to relieve nausea symptoms or treat dizziness naturally, look to eliminating unsafe fragrances from your home as a first step!

Harmful Chemicals In Fragrances

These harmful chemicals are often used as synthetic fragrances. But look at the known harmful effects of these dangerous scents. Then ask yourself how are air fresheners bad for you? So many ways!


Due to the ubiquitous presence of phthalates, including use in fragrances and fragrance-free products everywhere, most people are far more exposed to phthalates than they think, and children’s exposure may be 20 times the safe

limit. Phthalate overexposure in American children begins long before their first use of scented baby soap.

Maternal phthalate levels late in pregnancy have emasculating effects on otherwise healthy newborn boys including irreversible reduction of genital growth and development, diminished levels of male hormones during adolescence, and impaired sexual function during adulthood, and all of these effects are more severe for boys and men exposed to phthalates in the womb than those exposed during childhood or adulthood.

There is evidence of reduced IQ among 7-year-old children whose mothers were exposed to phthalates during pregnancy, even when the levels were within safe limits. Most scented baby care products, including baby wash, shampoo, lotion, diaper cream, and powder, raise the infant’s urinary level of phthalates.

They are linked to hormone imbalance, reduce sperm counts, reproductive and genital malformation, breast cancer, liver cancer, diabetes, obesity, autism, ADHD, and neurological disorders. Phthalates are found in almost all body care products (around 75% that list “fragrance” as an ingredient), and many household cleaners, including some unscented and fragrance free products.


Acetaldehyde is used so frequently in the fragrance industry that perfumers describe its distinctive fragrance notes as “aldehydic” in their marketing copy. Unfortunately, numerous agencies have listed it as carcinogenic, meaning there is compelling evidence that it’s use may cause cancer. It is responsible for significant damage to the kidneys, lungs, nervous system, and reproductive system.


Benzene and its many relatives have long been known to cause leukemia and other cancers. It is derived from toluene, another known carcinogen. It is a respiratory, developmental, reproductive, and environmental toxin, yet it is among the most common fragrance ingredients used.


Formaldehyde has long been recognized as a human carcinogen. This is the same toxic chemical used to preserve frogs in biology class and to keep cadavers from decaying for scientific experiments.



Synthetic musk causes cancer, is linked to increased rate of breast cancer, and is a known endocrine disruptor. One form of synthetic musk is detected in the blood of at least 95% of women who seek specialized care for endocrine dysfunction. Synthetic versions of musk accumulate in human tissues, and are found in human breast milk, body fat, and umbilical cord blood.


Dichloromethane is listed as potentially carcinogenic by the IARC and the NTP. It is also implicated in breast cancer, and it is one of only 11 ingredients considered so toxic that it is prohibited by the FDA. Almost unbelievably, it is still used in fragrance blends.



Styrene is shown to cause lymphoma, leukemia, and other cancers. It damages the central nervous system, red blood cells, and the liver.


1,4-Dioxane is usually present as a contaminant or byproduct of other components, so it is rarely listed on ingredient labels. However, it is highly toxic, is associated with birth defects, and is listed as a known or possible carcinogen by most authorities.


This fragrance ingredient is still widely used in fragrance blends despite a conclusive 2-year study that demonstrates it causes liver and or kidney cancer in every class tested. It was nominated for testing by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) because it is in high production, has a high level of human exposure, is chemically similar to another known carcinogen, and is used in food and drink as well as numerous body care products.


Ethanolamines readily form nitrosamines when used in products with specific, common preservatives. Nitrosamines are listed by both the IARC and the NTP as potentially carcinogenic while the California EPA lists several ethanolamines as known carcinogens.

Alternatives To Avoid Harmful Air Fresheners

By now, you may be concerned about ever again using anything that smells nice, and rightfully so. But are air fresheners bad for you if they don’t include these harmful chemicals? Good news! Here are some safe, effective alternatives to all the toxins and carcinogens in synthetic fragrances.

Homemade Air Freshener – Use your favorite brands of essential oils to create a heavenly room spray.

Add Scent and Healing – Use customized essential oil blends to add to homemade, or carefully purchased natural lotions, soaps, and body care products.

Exchange Plugins for Diffusers – Create your favorite essential oil blends for diffusers to create lovely scents for your family without the toxic chemicals. (use caution with infants).

Homemade Potpourri—add your favorite dried flowers or herbs to a warming pot or try sachets or decorative bowls around your home.

Plant Fragrant Herbs – Plant herbs such as mint, rosemary, and lemon balm in kitchen window herb gardens to freshen the air and provide culinary herbs for your meals. They also help keep stray insects out.

Air Purifier – Eliminate musty odors from mold and mildew with a professional quality air freshener.

Buy Wisely – Consult a watchdog group like the Environmental Working Group (EWG) for recommendations on safe, green versions of your usual products. Don’t be a victim of greenwashing! See some of our favorite, trusted companies and products.

Synthetic chemical fragrances are frequently detected in products claiming to use only natural fragrances, so read labels carefully and do your homework.

It’s so easy to get tricked by the pleasant scent we’ve been trained to look for in our laundry, cleaners, body care products, and other household items. But more often than not, these fragrances are harmful and aren’t what we need in our homes for us or our family.

God says in Scriptures that He breathed into us the breath of life. The last thing we want is to be breathing death into our homes with dangerous chemicals and fragrances.

Living the abundant life can be as simple as making simple changes in your life’s routine. Start with a switch to God-given fragrances from natural sources.

Importance of Clean Air

Without doubt, pure air is the #1 determinant of health. Followed by water and then food. Just think about it. You can live for several days without water, a couple weeks without food. But, without air, you’ll suffocate in just minutes.

Truth is, we consume a mass, ton of air (infinitely more than the water that we drink and food that we eat), but a vast majority of people are more concerned about their diet, supplement & exercise regimens and neglect the air that they breathe… innocently allowing toxins into their body at an uncontrollable rate.

It wasn’t until we completely detoxed our house and cleaned up the air in our home that we finally knew what health really was.

⚫ Seasonal allergies disappeared.

⚫ Inflammation, aches and pains vanished.

⚫ Brain fog cleared up.

⚫ Unexplained symptoms like itching, allergies to airborne particles and Candida overgrowth resolved.

⚫ Literally, our health (and lives) transformed within weeks.

Indoor air pollution is caused by a combination of particles like pollen, dust, pet dander, mold spores and smoke combined with ozone, invisible gases and volatile organic compounds which are emitted by building materials, furniture, carpeting, paint, cleaning and personal care products.

This is a recipe for a health disaster – and we can personally testify to how polluted air almost devastated our health.

Polluted air has been linked to:

⚫ Birth defects & infertility

⚫ Autoimmunity

⚫ Cancer

⚫ Obesity

⚫ Allergies

⚫ Brain fog

⚫ Dementia & Alzheimer’s

⚫ And the list goes on and on


Eating Bioactive Foods

Several years ago, we upgraded our diet and focused on eating more bioactive foods, and we have found them to be one of the biggest keys to unlocking abundant health for our family. But, if you’re like most people, you’ve never heard of bioactive compounds, so let’s start there…

What Are Bioactive Foods?

Today, as a society, we are more unhealthy and overweight than ever. In pursuit of both weight loss and better health, many people turn to fad diets and multivitamin supplementation, which often fails to address either of these issues. People discover that their weight-loss is short-lived and true health gains are not apparent.

What if there were a better way? I believe there is. Rather than turning to these quick fixes, adding foods rich in bioactive compounds to your diet along with adding essential oils to your routine can help ensure that you are getting the nourishment your body needs. It may even help you achieve your body’s ideal weight.

When I was conducting research for our new book, The Essential Oils Diet, the term “bioactive” repeatedly caught my attention.

Assuming you’re like me and you haven’t heard of them before, bioactive compounds, are phytochemicals (plant-based chemicals) that help boost metabolism, prevent disease and make you feel great! Examples you may be familiar with include:

⚫ Carotenoids – tetraterpenoids that gives your carrots, corn, tomatoes and pumpkins their distinct orange, yellow and red pigments.

⚫ Polyphenols – a group of more than 8,000 antioxidant-rich phytochemicals such as flavonoids, lignans phenolic acid, which boost the immune system.

⚫ Fiber – Dietary “roughage” (such as cellulose, lignin, and pectin) that are resistant to the action of digestive enzymes and help gastric motility (i.e. aids in moving food through your system and makes you “regular”).

⚫ Essential oils – volatile organic compounds that are extracted from plants containing powerful antioxidant and healing properties

While you may not have heard of bioactive before, you are most likely familiar with the term “antioxidant.” Antioxidants are the main reasons why more people should be talking about bioactives. In addition to fiber – yes, that stuff we all need for regular bowel movements – bioactive compounds are mainly comprised of polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids and essential oils, which are all plantderived chemicals that contain outstanding antioxidant properties. Science has identified thousands of bioactive compounds including over 8000 polyphenols alone to date.

⚫ One definition states that bioactive compounds are “components of food that influence physiological or cellular activities in the animals or humans that consume them.”

⚫ Or, in more practical terms, they are “phytochemicals found in certain foods “are capable of modulating metabolic processes, resulting in the promotion of better health.”

⚫ With these definitions in mind, “bioactive foods,” therefore, would be those foods that are rich in plant-based chemicals that help boost immune function and promote robust health.

“So, why haven’t I heard about bioactive foods before?” you may be asking.

Good question!

Truth be told I don’t really know the reason. Maybe it’s because a diet in bioactive compounds won’t make anybody rich because the best way to get them in your system is through good ol’ fashioned plant-based foods; not supplements, pills or expensive manufactured powders.

In fact, I’m somewhat befuddled by the fact that our diet program is the FIRST book ever to usher into the mainstream health and wellness community what researchers have been talking about for years.

Where Bioactive Compounds Fit in Nutrition

To put bioactive compounds into perspective, it’s important to remember that our body requires two kinds of nutrients:

1. Essential Nutrition- nutrients that are necessary for life that your body cannot make: carbs, fats, proteins, water, certain vitamins & minerals.

2. Non-Essential Nutrition – can be made by the body or obtained from sources other than foods and beverages: vitamin D, cholesterol & amino acids.

Bioactive compounds, on the other hand, are considered “extra-nutritional,” meaning they contain no calories (as protein, fat, and carbohydrates do), and they are not vitamins or minerals. They are not required for life, but they make you truly healthy.

Think of it like this: You can live on essential nutrients with a feeding tube but it doesn’t mean you are truly alive. Bioactive compounds add spice to your life!

The European Journal of Nutrition published an article in 2013 that put it this way: “Whereas the absence of essential nutrients from the diet results in overt deficiency often times with moderate to severe physiological decrements, the absence of bioactive substances from the diet results in suboptimal health.”

Unfortunately, today’s trendy low-carb diets focus on “essential nutrition” and ignore bioactive compounds, which are necessary for truly robust health. Interest in these carbohydrate-starvation fad diets means that heavy consumption of meat and animal fat is highly promoted. We should be cautious about the “benefits” of these diets. Research strongly suggests that someone’s chance of enjoying optimal health is greatly diminished if his or her diet consists primarily of animal fat and protein.

If you want to improve your health, skip the fad diets and add more bioactive compounds to your plate!

The Benefits of Bioactive Compounds

These compounds do more than just help us live vibrantly. Antioxidant bioactives like flavonoids, carotenoids, and polyphenols are plant chemicals that protect your body’s cells from damage caused by unstable atoms known as free radicals, which cause disease and illness. If your diet is lacking in foods that contain these compounds, you’re going to be sick and gain weight.

Research shows that they also protect us from numerous health problems. Studies have shown that bioactive compounds may help:

⚫ Improve vision

⚫ Prevent diabetes and obesity

⚫ Manage blood pressure

⚫ Protect against cardiovascular disease

⚫ Lower cholesterol

⚫ Possibly fight cancer and slow tumor growth

In fact, a study from the American Association for Cancer Research says, “A variety of bioactive food components have been shown to modulate inflammatory responses and to attenuate carcinogenesis,” that is, weaken the process of cancer growth.”

While researchers are just starting to dive into this topic, the bottom line is that plant foods and herbal remedies, including essential oils, contain bioactive compounds. Some are more robust than others but we can choose to bolster our so-called “nonessential” nutrition by incorporating more of these into our lives.

Why You Need Bioactive Foods In Your Diet

Every day, we are bombarded by toxins in our food, soil, water, air – in short, all around us. These toxins include:

⚫ Organophosphates and other pesticides used in homes and schools that accumulate in the body.

⚫ Chlorine, pesticides, and preservatives added to or sprayed on foods. These chemicals can cause multiple health problems.

⚫ Overuse of antibiotics, leading to antibiotic resistance. These medications destroy healthy gut bacteria, an important contributor to a healthy immune system. Many are fed to the animals we eat as well.

Currently, scientists are researching the impact of bioactive compounds on the body’s detoxification systems, since many studies show that “exposure to an accumulation of toxins play a significant role in cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and obesity.” It’s great to see science moving in this direction, however, you can start today with steps to improve your health by adding more bioactive foods to your diet.

The Essential Eight Bioactive Foods

As mentioned, not all bioactive foods are equal. We have picked out the “Essential Eight” foods that you should be putting into your diet to maximize your health. These are all rich in bioactive compounds that promote overall health or support fat-burning by addressing issues such as inflammation, stress, insulin resistance, and hyperglycemia, all contributors to the most common diseases in American today.

The Essential Eight are:


These embryonic plants contain many life-enhancing properties. Some great examples that you can easily incorporate into smoothies and other dishes include:

⚫ Hemp seed: Full of omega-3 and omega-6, hemp seeds contain as much protein as an ounce of beef or lamb. They also provide all the essential amino acids your body requires that it cannot produce on its own and are a good source of Vitamin E and many minerals. They can also reduce inflammation.

⚫ Cacao seeds: Cacao is a powerful antioxidant and can help regulate the immune system, protecting against oxidative stress. It can also offset hyperglycemia, improve cellular response, and modulate obesity-related inflammation caused by high-fat diets. Use 72% or more cacao nibs or sugar-free bars.

⚫ Chia seeds may help lower total cholesterol and increase “good” cholesterol, reducing your risk of cardiac events.

⚫ Flaxseed helps to manage your weight, lowers cholesterol, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, and improves insulin resistance which can reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


Healthy fats and oils are an important part of a balanced diet, however, not all of them are created equal. Some, such as vegetable oils and margarine, are unhealthy foods even though they are often labeled as healthy choices. Here are some excellent choices:

⚫ Extra-virgin olive oil is one of the best overall sources of fat and adding it to a nutritious diet promotes weight loss. It contains oleic acid, which has been shown to reduce inflammation, aiding in diseases such as cancer, autoimmunity, and dementia. It is also rich in antioxidants and may even reduce the risk of a cardiovascular event or stroke. We get ours freshpressed here.

⚫ Avocado oil can lower cholesterol, banish hunger pangs, and spot-reduce fat around the middle. Like olive oil, it’s high in monounsaturated fats, which help bioactive compounds get into your bloodstream and to the mitochondria of your cells to fight free radicals.

⚫ Butter is an important dietary fat that must be consumed in moderation if you can tolerate it. Conventional butter, however, often comes from cows that are fed hormone-filled feed and administered antibiotics. Always choose non-GMO and organic butter, preferably from grass-fed cows.


Some fad diets, like Atkins or the ketogenic diet, restrict the consumption of fruit. However, many are rich in antioxidants and appealing to eat.

⚫ Berries of all varieties are packed with bioactive compounds and their seeds are a great source of fiber, which can help suppress your appetite.

⚫ Eating avocados – not just the oil – can help you absorb bioactive compounds better and can reduce your desire to eat more. They’re also a good source of fiber and vitamin K, which helps with weight control.

⚫ Grapefruit has been well-researched as a weight loss tool and beneficial in managing diabetes and cardiovascular disorders. Be sure to eat the whole fruit, not just the juice, for the most benefit. However, this fruit can interact with certain pharmaceuticals so ask your doctor before adding to your diet.


This is one of the healthiest food groups we consume. Cruciferous vegetables are potent anti-inflammatories, cancer fighters, and natural detoxifers. They are rich in bioactive compounds, vitamins C, E, and K, folate, and minerals. In fact, the National Cancer Institute is studying the impact of cruciferous vegetables because they are known to:

⚫ Protect cells from DNA damage

⚫ Inactivate carcinogens

⚫ Produce antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects

⚫ Induce cell death (apoptosis)

⚫ Inhibit angiogenesis (tumor blood vessel formation) and tumor cell migration (which is needed for metastasis)

Best choices include:

⚫ Broccoli, which has been shown to counteract nonalcoholic fatty liver disease that can progress to a deadly cancer. Buy it fresh as the prepackaged type may have reduce levels of bioactive compounds.

⚫ Bok choy contains sulforaphane, which improves blood pressure and kidney function. It also has lutein and other anti-inflammatory cancerprotective compounds, vitamins A, B, and C. It’s very low in calories and high in fiber!


While they are calorie-dense, nuts are nutritional powerhouses full of protein, unsaturated fat, and fiber. A handful of nuts a day can help prevent obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. See our Fill-in-the-Gap Nut Snack Recipe for a delicious way of using nuts.

⚫ Almonds: Research shows that daily consumption of small or large amounts of almonds does not result in weight gain! Even small amounts can improve health, including improving fat metabolism and moderating the rise in blood sugar after meals as well as increasing a pleasant feeling of fullness.

⚫ Walnuts offer much of the same benefits as almonds but they contain higher amounts of both omega-3 and omega-6. This makes them particularly effective in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.


Legumes contain bioactive components that may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. They are also packed with fiber and antioxidants that together combat high blood sugar and excessive lipids in the blood, common for people who follow a typical American diet. (Note: we do not recommend soybeans or unfermented soy products as a legume choice as they are almost invariably GMO.)

⚫ Black beans contain bioactive compounds known as anthocyanidins that give a fruit or vegetable its color. These help to lower blood sugar after a meal, which is particularly important in preventing the onset of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

⚫ Lentils may be green, black, red or yellow, and all varieties of lentils contain numerous bioactive components as well as prebiotic carbohydrates that help your healthy gut bacteria to survive. Prebiotic carbohydrates and dietary fiber have the potential or reduce the risks of becoming obese or developing cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.


Fish is an important protein food to include in your diet if you are not a vegetarian or vegan. Avoid farmed fish, which are fed grains and other unnatural ingredients that change their fat makeup. Cold-water fish are rich in omega-3 fats, making their consumption conducive to cardiovascular health. Avoid fish species that are endangered from overfishing. (Check to find a list.)

Cold-water salmon is harvested in the waters of Alaska, the Pacific Northwest or Northern Europe among other sources. Avoid Atlantic salmon. Omega-3 fatty acids provided by consuming these fish can help moderate inflammation. Along with caloric restriction, eating wild salmon has shown the best results in effecting weight loss and decreasing concentrations of some inflammation markers.


Purified or distilled water is a necessary drink but when you need flavor, tea is your go-to solution.

⚫ Matcha green tea is one of the best sources of catechins, bioactive compounds that act as antioxidants. The National Cancer Institute acknowledges that matcha could even help with cancer, partially by protecting DNA. It’s also effective at burning body fat.

⚫ Rooibos and holy basil tea: This blend combines rooibos, which can help you lose weight and achieve your body’s ideal weight with holy basil (tulsi), an herb that increases energy and relieves stress. Combined, they form a tea that revs you up when you’re feeling sluggish. One of our metabolismboosting favorites is the Republic of Tea’s Get Burning blend.

⚫ Senna tea stimulates the intestines, aiding in the natural process of elimination. Traditional Medicinal’s Smooth Move tea is a natural, gentle bowel cleanser best taken at bedtime.

Essential Oils are Also Bioactive Compounds

Foods are not the only way to access important bioactive compounds. Essential oils are also inherently bioactive but, unlike bioactive-rich foods, they are not a source of nutrition. For example, both the fruit of a lemon and lemon essential oil, which is extracted from the rind, contain bioactive compounds, but the latter doesn’t provide any energy in the form of calories, vitamins, or minerals. However, together they become far more than the sum of their parts.

Essential oils offer a more concentrated form of bioactivity than food does. These minute but highly concentrated compounds are able to heal the body (and soul) with metabolic effects that can assist in weight loss – or weight gain, if that is your concern. Certain oils can also boost your energy so you can be more active and burn more body fat.

However, you need to use caution when using essential oils. The scientific term for essential oils is volatile organic compound. The volatile components of a plant are the parts that are quickly released into the air. Essential oils are why you smell lavender when you lean down to sniff the blooms.

When using essential oils, proper dilution is always recommended. The 3 basic ways to use them include: inhaling them, applying them to your skin, or consuming them. Inhalation from a diffuser is the safest and most popular way to use them. There are few risks to diffusing 4-5 drops of essentials oils in water as directed. Be sure that your room is well-ventilated especially if you have children or pets. Run it for a few minutes only at first, to gauge your reaction.

When applying topically, make sure that you use a carrier oil and dilute properly. Read more about the benefits of different carrier oils and proper dilution rates, or learn how to consume essential oils safely.


How can essential oils help you reach your ideal weight? Essential oils have a host of healthy applications, supported by research. Grapefruit, lime, peppermint, and cinnamon oils support appetite reduction, fat-burning, and other processes key to weight loss. Orange oil is one of the most versatile and affordable essential oils and is an effective mood booster. Bergamot, another citrus oil, enhances weight loss, provides stress relief, and reduces anxiety. Topical applications of both peppermint and lavender oils are proven pain relievers and peppermint can help you get moving when you start a fitness routine as well as improving performance, endurance, and respiration rate.

Several oils are known for the blood-sugar balancing prowess, including clove, lavender, melissa (lemon balm), and lemongrass. They can help relieve stress, tame inflammation, and help heal your gut. This is just a small sampling of how the bioactive compounds in essential oils can help you achieve greater health. Learn more do’s and don’ts on using essential oils safely with our free Essential Oils for Abundant Living Masterclass Video Series.

What to Expect with Bioactive Foods

Your health is either robust or poor, depending on your diet’s proportion of bioactive foods. Many of these compounds are present in foods that you are probably already eating, but taking the time and effort to include more of them into your diet can have a real impact on your life. These benefits include:

⚫ You will burn calories more efficiently, helping you lose weight and attain your ideal weight.

⚫ Your cells will be better protected against free radicals, reducing illness and slowing down aging.

⚫ A diet filled with bioactive compounds fine-tunes your metabolism so that your energy level remains high throughout the day.

⚫ This also enables peak mental and physical performance.

⚫ Since you are not tied to any “fad diet,” you will have more food freedom as you integrate the many colors and flavors of bioactive-rich foods into your diet.

As you can see, bioactive compounds provide a wealth of health benefits. Adding them to your diet and your diffuser can help with many goals including achieving your body’s ideal weight. With so many varieties and options, you have the freedom to create a healthy diet that you will enjoy while losing weight.

It’s not that difficult to get started but here’s a good place to start: with our fatburning matcha latte recipe. This is just one example of the many life-changing recipes you can use to reach your ideal weight with The Essential Oils Diet program. After you’ve grabbed a copy of the book for yourself, be sure you sign up for the bonuses and join the private group coaching community.


Taking Omega 3 Fatty Acid

Both omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are important components of a healthy diet, but where we go wrong is in the kinds of fats we choose and the ratio in which we consume them. Making the best sources of omega 3 and other omegas a priority in the diet can improve health throughout the whole body.

While the fat-free fad has seemed to slow for now, “low-fat” is still considered a positive attribute. For the last several decades, fat has gotten a bum rap in our society. Even within natural health discussions where healthy fats are valued, the best sources of omega 3 fatty acids are favored while omega-6 gets a cold shoulder.

What Are Omegas?

You can identify a type of fat by its structure at room temperature. Saturated fat will be solid, and unsaturated will remain liquid. Omegas are unsaturated fats, and the number indicates how many double bonds the fatty acid contains. Trans fats are usually artificially created in order to make a heat stable, shelf stable product.

What are omegas? A diet rich in varied vegetables and that favors fish as a protein will naturally contain plenty of omegas. Unsaturated fats are usually found in plants and fish. However, omega-6 is also found in red meats and vegetable oils. The Standard American Diet – loaded with meat, processed foods with vegetable oils, and margarine – provides plenty of omega-6, but may fall short of the best sources of omega 3.

What are omegas? Fatty acids are identified by the way the molecular chain is formed and bonded. Unsaturated fats have some empty spaces in their chains, called double bonds, while saturated fats are completely filled (saturated) with hydrogen atoms and have no empty spaces left. Saturated fats tend to be more stable, making them preferable when cooking at high heat.

The Importance of Balancing Your Omegas

Omega fatty acids are components in brain health, affecting mood and cognition and protecting against stress. They work in conjunction to provide numerous benefits to the body. They can protect against allergies and asthma. They are anti-inflammatory, helping the immune system to effectively target intruders with inflammation rather than healthy tissues.

Anti-inflammatory effects make omegas advantageous for the many inflammatory illnesses that plague our society, such as inflammatory bowel disease, arthritis, and eczema.

Western ratios of omega-6 to omega-3 fall closer to 20:1. While the best sources of omega 3s are almost immeasurably beneficial, too much omega-6 in the diet can actually have opposite effects, causing inflammation rather than preventing it.

Experts typically recommend that omegas should be consumed in a 1:1 ratio, but our excessive meat and vegetable oils and limited whole vegetables, nuts, and seeds lead to heavy levels of omega-6 and deficient omega-3.

We continue the spiral of inflammation and disease without a good ratio of omegas. For this reason, we don’t want to focus on increasing all sources. Instead, we should choose the best sources of omegas.

Our dietary omega-6 intake should be chosen carefully and wisely. If the best sources of omega 3 are supplemented, they should be sourced carefully in order to ensure absorption. Balancing omegas with high quality sources can relieve ailments and promote overall wellness – you just have to know where to look!

The Best Sources of Omega-3

We are cutting our bodies short of countless nutrients by choosing the packaged and delivered versions of food rather than what can be found in nature. It’s no secret that Western diets are low in fresh, real foods.

By adding some of these best sources of omega 3 fatty acids, you will begin to regain health and balance in your body:

⚫ Nuts, seeds, and their oils

⚫ Flax

⚫ Chia

⚫ Walnuts

⚫ Olive oil

⚫ Well-sourced meats

⚫ Fish and fish oil

⚫ Beef, especially grass-fed

⚫ Lamb

⚫ Various vegetables

⚫ Spinach and lettuce (See a healthy spinach and cucumber salad recipe we love.)

⚫ Squash

⚫ Broccoli

⚫ Turnips

⚫ Cauliflower

⚫ Cabbage

The Mediterranean diet ensures higher levels of the best sources of omega 3 and a more balanced consumption of omega-6. Fresh produce, nuts and seeds, and olive oil are staples at nearly every meal, and processed foods are minimally, if ever, consumed. This diet typically includes fish or vegetarian meals and very little, if any, red meat.

The Best Sources of Omega-6

There are many good sources of omega-6 that you can include in your diet. Omega-6 fatty acids are most frequently consumed in red meats and processed foods that utilize margarine and vegetable oils. However, there are much better sources of omega-6. Here are some of the best sources of omega-6 that you can include in your diet:

⚫ Healthy vegetable oils

⚫ Safflower

⚫ Grape seed

⚫ Sunflower

⚫ Nuts and seeds

⚫ Walnuts

⚫ Pine nuts

⚫ Sunflower seeds

⚫ Pecans

It can be just as important to reduce the amount of unhealthy omega-6 sources as it is to increase the good. It’s about making the shift more than making an increase. If you’re already consuming the best sources, you might consider reducing or eliminating these unhealthy foods that have high levels of omega-6:

⚫ Beef, especially conventionally raised

⚫ Cereal

⚫ Chicken, especially fried

⚫ Chips

⚫ Corn oil

⚫ Crackers

⚫ Margarine

⚫ Meats

⚫ Pastries and baked goods

⚫ Pork

⚫ Processed foods

⚫ Shortening

⚫ Vegetable oils

Better yet, replace packaged, processed foods with homemade options using better sources of omegas.

Choosing A Good Supplement

One of my favorite sources of vegetarian omegas is flaxseed oil. Here’s why…

The quality of the food we eat is just as important as the type of foods we choose for our source of omegas. Even though fish may be an excellent source of omega-3s, it can also be contaminated with heavy metals and other toxins. Nuts, seeds and produce are also good choices, but budget and availability can lead to less consumption.

Even though you can make changes to your diet to improve the ratios of omegas you consume, you may still have an imbalance to overcome or a condition that warrants a stronger approach.

Supplementing omegas can help to re-establish balance and wellness, but the wrong supplements may just waste your time and money.

Purdue University found that over 70% of omega-3 supplements lacked the labeled levels of EPA and DHA, the forms of omega-3 that the body needs.

Always research supplement manufacturers to find trusted sources. Even though the manufacturer may be forthcoming with its ingredients, mishandling the oils can lead to oxidation, which renders the supplement ineffective.

To fight back against our culture of inflammation and disease, make sure you choose only the best sources of omegas – in both food and supplement form.

Flaxseed oil is one of nature’s richest and best sources Omega 3 fatty acids. Barlean’s 100% Organic Flax Oil is known as the “world’s freshest” because it is truly cold-pressed, pure, unfiltered and unrefined – just as nature intended. Their proprietary cold pressing results in clean, delicious oil that doesn’t need to be filtered to achieve its fresh flavor. The result is one of the freshest, best-tasting flax oil available…

Barlean’s Fresh Flax Oil is ideal for:

⚫ Heart Health

⚫ Cholesterol Levels Already Within a Healthy Range

⚫ Joint Mobility & Bone Density

⚫ Energy & Endurance

⚫ Blood Glucose Levels Already Within a Healthy Range

⚫ Skin, Hair & Nail Health


Good question! Lignans are a highly researched class of plant phytonutrients; most abundantly found in flaxseed, and they have recently soared to the forefront of current nutritional research. Multiple studies have reported on the role of lignans in Heart Health and Hormonal Support.* Barlean’s Fresh ExPressed™ extraction process gently liberates delicate Omega-3 flax oil, while capturing lignan flaxseed particulate.

You can use this organic oil in salad dressings, mixed with yogurt, cottage cheese, oatmeal, blended beverages & protein drinks. Remember to refrigerate, and freezing will extend shelf life up to one year.

Note, if you are following Bill Henderson’s recommended Budwig Protocol, the dosage is 6 tablespoons of flax oil mixed with about 12 tablespoons of 1% or 2% fat cottage cheese. Put this in the blender with berries, nuts, some stevia and an ounce or two of purified water. You can adjust your mixture to your taste, blend on “Liquify” setting. Eat as soon as it is blended.


Eating Grapefruit

Grapefruit benefits weren’t enjoyed in the United States until the 19th century but they quickly became a popular commercial crop. Today, the grapefruit grows mainly in Florida, Texas, Arizona, California and countries such as South Africa, Brazil and Israel.

Since it was only just discovered around the 18th century in Barbados, grapefruit is a relative newcomer to the health food scene. In fact, Capt. Shaddock is credited with first farming seeds from the pomelo and the orange, which ultimately led to the grapefruit.

Grapefruit for Weight Loss

Other than the fact that it’s low in calories, the great thing about grapefruit, which is also known by its scientific name Citrus Paradise, is that one medium grapefruit contains more than 80 different vitamins and nutrients, including:

● Vitamin B1 (8.2% DV)

● Biotin (8.4% DV)

● Potassium (10% DV)

● Fiber (11.2% DV)

● Copper (13.2% DV)

● Pantothenic acid (14.4% DV)

● Vitamin A (79% DV)

● Vitamin C (107.4% DV)

In addition to contributing to weight loss thanks to its enzyme AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), which contributes to the burning of excess sugar, grapefruit is also effective at burning fat. In fact, the grapefruit engages the body’s fat burning capacity before the first bite is ever taken.

What are the benefits of grapefruit? Japanese researchers looked at the effects of olfactory stimulation (smell factor) on autonomic nerves, appetite and lipolysis (fat metabolism). Here’s what they discovered:

⚫ Grapefruit in aromatherapy can stimulate weight loss by activating specific sympathetic nerves responsible for supplying the brown adipose tissue and adrenal glands.

⚫ Ghrelin-induced feeding, a natural process that causes people to develop the munchies, can be slowed via the parasympathetic gastric nerve while smelling grapefruit oil.

⚫ Essential oils must reach the brain in order to be effective. We know this because local anesthesia in the nose and nasal passages halted these changes.

⚫ Researchers saw elevated plasma glycerol levels, another sign of weight loss since energy stores are metabolized into glucose.

⚫ Lastly, lipolysis was boosted via what is known as a histaminergic response.

The unbelievable findings in this research show that even limited exposure (15 minutes a week) to grapefruit essential oil is effective at reducing appetite and weight loss.

4 More Benefits of Grapefruit

The benefits of grapefruit go far beyond weight loss though. Here are six more things you should know about this tasty fruit.


Inhaling grapefruit extract stimulates the nervous system nearly two and a half times, which is the most effective way to reduce cellulite, according to the International Journal of Cosmetic Science. Moreover, these two others forms of grapefruit have also been found to be beneficial:

● Fresh Grapefruit Juice – Media reports show the grapefruit is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent as well as a skin cleanser mostly due to its significant levels of the enzyme bromelain, which is a known to break down cellulite. When attempting to get rid of unsightly cellulite, consider a one-day fast once a week consisting only of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and purified water. This process has two benefits: giving your digestive system a break and burning away cellulite.

● Grapefruit Essential Oil – can be used topically with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or ingested in culinary doses or in capsules. Try this: mix 10

drops of grapefruit essential oil with 1 ounce of pure almond or coconut oil and rub it directly onto the skin where rejuvenation is needed.


If you’ve ever shopped for any cosmetic or skin products, I am sure you’ve noticed that grapefruit is a common ingredient. In fact, this ad from Neutrogena says it all: Oil-Free Cleansing Wipes feature soft, pre-moistened wipes that thoroughly cleanse skin of pore clogging impurities, all with an uplifting blast of pink grapefruit. Oil-free and ideal for acne-prone skin, the wipes sweep away pore-clogging dirt and oil in one simple step, leaving skin clean with no greasy residue, so there’s no need to rinse!

Clearly, grapefruit’s cleansing powers are well known in the mainstream cosmetics and anti-aging industry and it might be worthwhile to add a few drops of the essential oil in your DIY body care.


Grapefruit is loaded with Vitamin C, so you probably won’t be able to find anyone who can argue against its powerful nutritional value. Especially the red and pink assortments, which are jam-packed with bioflavonoids for an added immune boost. And here’s something fascinating: Nigerian herbalists have used an alcohol concoction of grapefruit seed to fight diabetes and anemia for centuries.

American folklore is deeply rooted in evidence-based science, according to the Nigerian Quarterly of Hospital Medicine, which published a first-of-its-kind look in 2008. Not only did the study prove that oral treatments of methanol seed extract of Citrus paradisi Macfad (MECP) caused noteworthy drops in triglycerides and cholesterol, but that fasting plasma glucose levels fell to levels similar to metformin, a known prescription drug for diabetics.

The secret behind withdrawing such a diversity of risk factors for chronic disease could be the copious source of phytochemicals stored within MECP. According to the study, “Phytochemical results showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, cardiac glycosides, tannins and saponin in varying concentrations. The biological effects recorded for the extract could be due to any or a combination of these phytochemical constituents.”


Grapefruit essential oil has widespread impacts on cognitive function, which is illustrated by a Japanese study published in the journal Natural Product Letters that uncovered how grapefruit impedes acetylcholinesterase (AChE) by up to 25 percent. The enzyme AChE helps to break down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and is used to treat the following conditions:

● Schizophrenia

● Postural tachycardia syndrome

● Parkinson’s disease

● Lucid dreaming

● Glaucoma

● Myathenia gravia

● Autism

● Dementia

● Alzheimer’s disease

It is thought provoking when we consider that the most shared side effects related to taking AChE inhibitors for these disorders are connected to gastrointestinal complaints and include loss of appetite and weight loss. This is where grapefruit essential oil stands out above all others. Can you envision a drug that helps reinstate neurocognitive function, contributes to weight loss and has virtually zero side effects? I can, it’s grapefruit!

The grouping of neurocognitive restorative, anti-inflammatory, and immunity boosting properties discussed above generate an influential dynamic recounting how grapefruit helps rid the body of poisons and excess waste. Make sure that you incorporate the essential oil in your daily natural health regimen and don’t forget to eat more grapefruits.


Unlock the Healing Power of Essential Oils & Transform Your Health, Save Money, and Avoid Costly Mistakes!

Join Dr. Z for an exclusive LIVE event and discover the clinically-proven power of essential oils for natural healing, easy DIY remedies, and expert tips to save over $2,500 annually on doctor’s bills and home products you use everyday—take control of your health today!

BONUS: Sign up today & get Dr. Z’s eBook about Lavender and discover why it’s the most healing oil in the world!

Can One Single Drop of Essential Oil Offer 100+ Health Benefits?

30,500+ Studies Say, “Yes!”

…and this is exactly what Dr. Z is going to teach you during this LIVE event!


Great up-to-date information for healing

My heartfelt gratitude for your commitment to bringing us up to date information for healing, non-toxic DIY items, delicious recipes, spiritual encouragement and EO benefits. I am pretty new to EO’s (about a year ago I began to learn from you) and was recently able to buy a super starter kit. It has been amazing and I can’t wait to use your DIY formulas!!!!



Healthy Heart Recipes & Remedies

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M Carrier oil*

M 10 drops of essential oils**

M 10ml glass roll on bottle


g Add 10 drops of essential oils** to the roll-on bottle.

g Then fill the bottle with the carrier oil of your choosing to the top lip of the container.

g Put the top on.

Notes: *These carrier oils work great: Fractionated coconut oil, camellia seed oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil. Evening primrose will help if excessive sweating is hormone related.

** Some essential oils good for odor control include lemon, lavender, tea tree, geranium, lemongrass, lime, thyme, sweet/wild orange, and vanilla.



M Carrier oil*

M 10 drops of essential oils**

M 10ml glass roll on bottle


g Add 10 drops of essential oils** to the roll-on bottle.

g Then fill the bottle with the carrier oil of your choosing to the top lip of the container.

g Put the top on.

Notes: *These carrier oils work great: Fractionated coconut oil, camellia seed oil, jojoba oil, sweet almond oil. Evening primrose will help if excessive sweating is hormone related.

** Some essential oils good for odor control include lemon, lavender, tea tree, geranium, lemongrass, lime, thyme, sweet/wild orange, and vanilla.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M ¼ cup raw organic coconut oil

M 2 Tablespoon cocoa butter

M 2 Tablespoon shea butter

M ¼ cup aluminum-free baking powder

M ½ Tablespoon baking soda

M ½ Tablespoon arrowroot OR non-GMO organic cornstarch

M 15 drops essential oils**

M 1 empty deodorant container


g Combine coconut oil, shea butter, and the cocoa butter and/or kokum butter in a double boiler.*

g As soon as you are able to stir the mixture, remove the mason jar from the heat so it’s not too hot for the other ingredients.

g The mixture needs to be thick enough to stir, but thin enough so that there are no air pockets.

g Stir in the baking soda, and arrowroot.

g Add the essential oils once cooled.

g You want a homogenous mixutre that is barely melted. If you are making multiple bars, this mixture will hold up well if stored in a cool, dark place.

Notes: *I use 5 drops each peppermint, orange and vanilla

If you live in a warm climate, add 2 tablespoons of kokum butter, which is the hardest butter available. It may smell a little waxier, but it helps the mixture to hold its shape in warmer climates. When doing this, add 5 more drops of essential oils to overcome the bees waxy smell of the kokum butter.

Additionally, keep in mind that certain citrus oils are photosensitizing. So, be sure to not to use different EOs or not apply a citrus-based deodorant if sunbathing or when your underarms will be at risk of burning due to full sun exposure.

** Some essential oils good for odor control include lemon, lavender, tea tree, geranium, lemongrass, lime, thyme, sweet/wild orange, and vanilla.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M ¼ cup raw organic coconut oil

M 2 Tablespoon cocoa butter

M 2 Tablespoonshea butter

M ¼ cup aluminum-free baking powder

M ½ Tablespoon baking soda

M ½ Tablespoon arrowroot OR non-GMO organic cornstarch

M 15 drops essential oils*

M 1 empty deodorant container


g Fill a medium pot halfway with water.

g Add the mixture to a dedicated wide-mouth pint sized mason jar.

g No need to wash between each use. Simply store it in a cool, dry place for the next batch.

Notes: If you live in a warm climate, add 2 tablespoons of kokum butter, which is the hardest butter available. It may smell a little waxier, but it helps the mixture to hold its shape in warmer climates. When doing this, add 5 more drops of essential oils to overcome the bees waxy smell of the kokum butter.

Additionally, keep in mind that certain citrus oils are photosensitizing. So, be sure to not to use different EOs or not apply a citrus-based deodorant if sunbathing or when your underarms will be at risk of burning due to full sun exposure.

* Some essential oils good for odor control include lemon, lavender, tea tree, geranium, lemongrass, lime, thyme, sweet/wild orange, and vanilla.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M ¼ cup raw organic coconut oil

M 2 tablespoon cocoa butter

M 2 tablespoon shea butter

M ¼ cup aluminum-free baking powder

M ½ tablespoon baking soda

M ½ tablespoon arrowroot OR non-GMO organic cornstarch

M 15 drops essential oils*

M 1 empty deodorant container


g Gas stoves run hot. So set your gas stove no higher than 2.

g On an electric stove, warm the double boiler on the lowest setting. Preparing this recipe on an electric stove will take longer. But doing so on the lowest heat setting will help prevent the coconut oil from separating.

Notes: If you live in a warm climate, add 2 tablespoons of kokum butter, which is the hardest butter available. It may smell a little waxier, but it helps the mixture to hold its shape in warmer climates. When doing this, add 5 more drops of essential oils to overcome the bees waxy smell of the kokum butter.

Additionally, keep in mind that certain citrus oils are photosensitizing. So, be sure to not to use different EOs or not apply a citrus-based deodorant if sunbathing or when your underarms will be at risk of burning due to full sun exposure.

* Some essential oils good for odor control include lemon, lavender, tea tree, geranium, lemongrass, lime, thyme, sweet/wild orange, and vanilla.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


Makes 1 gallon of concentrate; 4 gallons of drinking water


M 1 dropperful plain or flavored liquid stevia

M 10 drops lemon essential oil

M 10 drops grapefruit essential oil

M 1 teaspoon freshly squeezed lime or lemon juice

M 1 tablespoon unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar

M 1 gallon purified water


M 1-gallon jug


g Combine the stevia, essential oils, lime juice, and cider vinegar in the jug.

g Top it all off with filtered water.

g Use concentrate as the base for your drinking water each day. Dilute it further by using 1 quart concentrate plus enough water to make 1 gallon of drinking water.

g Drink 2 to 3 glasses per day.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 3 drops lavender essential oil

M 2 drops Roman chamomile essential oil

M 2 drops ylang ylang essential oil

M 1 drop lemon essential oil

M 1 tablespoon jojoba oil

M 1 cup plain Epsom salts

M ¼ cup unfiltered, raw apple cider vinegar


M Medium glass bow


g Mix the essential oils and jojoba oil in a glass bowl.

g Add the Epsom salts and vinegar and mix well.

g Fill your bathtub with the warmest water you can stand.

g Slowly pour the mixture into the running water.

g Soak your whole body for 20 to 30 minutes.

g Exit the bath slowly by first sitting up, then kneeling, and finally standing to prevent feeling faint.

Cut-Out Recipe Card

Diffuser Recipes



M 3 drops cardamom essential oil

M 1 drop orange essential oil

M 1 drop cinnamon essential oil

M 1 drop clove essential oil


g Mix the By The Fire diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 3 drops cardamom essential oil

M 1 drop orange essential oil

M 1 drop cinnamon essential oil

M 1 drop clove essential oil


g Mix the By The Fire diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 1 drop sandalwood essential oil

M 1 drop cedarwood essential oil

M 1 drop cypress essential oil

M 1 drop myrrh essential oil


g Mix the Carols in the Woods diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 1 drop sandalwood essential oil

M 1 drop cedarwood essential oil

M 1 drop cypress essential oil

M 1 drop myrrh essential oil


g Mix the Carols in the Woods diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 2 drops fir (Balsam, Douglas, or white) essential oil

M 2 drops peppermint essential oil

M 2 drops vanilla absolute


g Mix the Christmas diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 2 drops fir (Balsam, Douglas, or white) essential oil

M 2 drops peppermint essential oil

M 2 drops vanilla absolute


g Mix the Christmas diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 2 drops lemon essential oil

M 2 drops lime essential oil

M 1 drop rosemary essential oil

M 1 drop lavender essential oil


g Mix the Clean, Clean, Clean diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 2 drops lemon essential oil

M 2 drops lime essential oil

M 1 drop rosemary essential oil

M 1 drop lavender essential oil


g Mix the Clean, Clean, Clean diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 2 drops lemongrass essential oil

M 2 drops cedarwood essential oil

M 2 drops grapefruit essential oil


g Mix the Clothesline Fresh diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 2 drops lemongrass essential oil

M 2 drops cedarwood essential oil

M 2 drops grapefruit essential oil


g Mix the Clothesline Fresh diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 1 drop cardamom essential oil

M 1 drop eucalyptus essential oil

M 1 drop lemon essential oil


M 1 drop peppermint essential oil

M 1 drop rosemary essential oil

M 1 drop tea tree essential oil

g Mix the Deep Breathing diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 1 drop cardamom essential oil

M 1 drop eucalyptus essential oil

M 1 drop lemon essential oil


M 1 drop peppermint essential oil

M 1 drop rosemary essential oil

M 1 drop tea tree essential oil

g Mix the Deep Breathing diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 2 drops cedarwood essential oil

M 1 drop frankincense essential oil


M 1 drop sandalwood essential oil

M 1 drop vetiver essential oil

g Mix the Focus diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 2 drops cedarwood essential oil

M 1 drop frankincense essential oil


M 1 drop sandalwood essential oil

M 1 drop vetiver essential oil

g Mix the Focus diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 2 drops lavender essential oil

M 2 drops lemon essential oil

M 2 drops peppermint essential oil


g Mix the Good Bye Allergy diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 2 drops lavender essential oil

M 2 drops lemon essential oil

M 2 drops peppermint essential oil


g Mix the Good Bye Allergy diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.


M 3 drops orange essential oil

M 1 drop ylang ylang essential oil

M 1 drop bergamot essential oil


g Mix the Good Morning, Sunshine diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.


M 3 drops orange essential oil

M 1 drop ylang ylang essential oil

M 1 drop bergamot essential oil


g Mix the Good Morning, Sunshine diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 3 drops ginger essential oil

M 2 drops clove essential oil

M 1 drop cinnamon essential oil


g Mix the Grandma’s Cookies diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 3 drops ginger essential oil

M 2 drops clove essential oil

M 1 drop cinnamon essential oil


g Mix the Grandma’s Cookies diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 1 drop basil essential oil

M 2 drops peppermint essential oil

M 1 drop lime essential oil


g Mix the Happy Gardener diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 1 drop basil essential oil

M 2 drops peppermint essential oil

M 1 drop lime essential oil


g Mix the Happy Gardener diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 1 drop anise essential oil

M 1 drop caraway essential oil

M 1 drop fennel essential oil


M 1 drop ginger essential oil

M 1 drop lemon essential oil

M 1 drop tarragon essential oil

g Mix the Healthy Digestion diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 1 drop anise essential oil

M 1 drop caraway essential oil

M 1 drop fennel essential oil


M 1 drop ginger essential oil

M 1 drop lemon essential oil

M 1 drop tarragon essential oil

g Mix the Healthy Digestion diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 1 drop cinnamon essential oil*

M 2 drops frankincense essential oil


M 1 drop myrrh essential oil

M 1 drop cassia essential oil

g Mix the Holy Anointing diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Note: *Cinnamon is a hot oil when used topically. Always dilute it appropriately or use in a diffuser instead of topical blend.



M 1 drop cinnamon essential oil*

M 2 drops frankincense essential oil


M 1 drop myrrh essential oil

M 1 drop cassia essential oil

g Mix the Holy Anointing diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Note: *Cinnamon is a hot oil when used topically. Always dilute it appropriately or use in a diffuser instead of topical blend.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 1 drop cinnamon essential oil

M 1 drop clove essential oil

M 1 drop eucalyptus essential oil


M 1 drop rosemary essential oil

M 1 drop orange essential oil

M 1 drop lemon essential oil

g Mix the Immune Boosting diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 1 drop cinnamon essential oil

M 1 drop clove essential oil

M 1 drop eucalyptus essential oil


M 1 drop rosemary essential oil

M 1 drop orange essential oil

M 1 drop lemon essential oil

g Mix the Immune Boosting diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 1 drop orange essential oil

M 1 drop lemon essential oil

M 1 drop bergamot essential oil


M 1 drop grapefruit essential oil

M 1 drop vanilla absolute

g Mix the Joyful diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 1 drop orange essential oil

M 1 drop lemon essential oil

M 1 drop bergamot essential oil


M 1 drop grapefruit essential oil

M 1 drop vanilla absolute

g Mix the Joyful diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 3 drops frankincense essential oil

M 2 drops myrrh essential oil

M 1 drop sage essential oil


g Mix the Kingly Gifts diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 3 drops frankincense essential oil

M 2 drops myrrh essential oil

M 1 drop sage essential oil


g Mix the Kingly Gifts diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card


M 3 drops eucalyptus essential oil

M 2 drops juniper berry essential oil

M 1 drop sage essential oil


g Mix the Let It Snow! diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 3 drops eucalyptus essential oil

M 2 drops juniper berry essential oil

M 1 drop sage essential oil


g Mix the Let It Snow! diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 2 drops fir (Balsam, Douglas, or white) essential oil

M 2 drops peppermint essential oil

M 2 drops vanilla absolute


g Mix the Christmas diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 2 drops fir (Balsam, Douglas, or white) essential oil

M 2 drops peppermint essential oil

M 2 drops vanilla absolute


g Mix the Christmas diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 3 drops lemon essential oil

M 3 drops vetiver essential oil


g Mix the Raindrop Lullaby diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 3 drops lemon essential oil

M 3 drops vetiver essential oil


g Mix the Raindrop Lullaby diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 2 drops Roman chamomile essential oil

M 2 drops lavender essential oil

M 2 drops vetiver essential oil


g Mix the Sleepy Time diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 2 drops Roman chamomile essential oil

M 2 drops lavender essential oil

M 2 drops vetiver essential oil


g Mix the Sleepy Time diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 2 drops geranium essential oil

M 2 drops lemongrass essential oil

M 2 drops grapefruit essential oil


g Mix the Tutti Frutti diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.



M 2 drops geranium essential oil

M 2 drops lemongrass essential oil

M 2 drops grapefruit essential oil


g Mix the Tutti Frutti diffuser blend according to the ratio shown above.

g Place 4-6 drops into your diffuser depending on your diffuser’s recommended guidelines.

Cut-Out Recipe Card



M 10 drops rosemary essential oil

M 5 drops pine essential oil

M 5 drops Litsea cubeba (also known as may chang) essential oil


M Precut organic cotton pad

M Aromatherapy inhaler


g Place a cotton pad in the inhaler tube.

g Drop the essential oils directly onto the cotton pad in the tube. Alternatively, you can drop the essential oils into a glass bowl, roll the cotton pad in the oils to absorb them, and then insert it into the inhaler tube using tweezers.

g Open the inhaler and take a few deep breaths through your nose with your eyes closed. Repeat as often as needed whenever you need a quick boost of mental clarity.


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Chapter 2 - Copaiba

Chapter 3 - Grapefruit full.pdf

Chapter 4 - Lavender

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Chapter 7 - Rosemary air+follicles

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Chapter 9 - Avoid EMF Brain Fog electromagnetic-fields-fact-sheet

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Chapter 11 - Detox Heavy Metals Neurotoxicity_in_Human_Health

Chapter 12 - Eating Bioactive Foods bioactive-compound f549dabad0b93738838

Chapter 13 - Taking Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Chapter 14 - Eating Grapefruit

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Chapter 15 - Drinking Non-Toxic Coffee,High%20 blood%20pressure%20(hypertension)

About the Author

DR. ERIC ZIELINSKI is a public health researcher, national bestselling author, and pioneer in the natural health world. Since 2014, he has empowered over 10 million people to take control of their family’s health through his essential oil masterclasses, online summits, books, and blog.

As an internationally acclaimed educator, Dr. Z has been featured in the Netflix documentary (Un)Well and is a regular on major platforms like the 700 Club . He is dedicated to helping families enjoy thriving, abundant lives by offering practical solutions for chronic health challenges, preventative care, and toxic-free living.

When not educating or writing, Dr. Z enjoys playing pickleball and spending time with his wife Sabrina and their seven children in Atlanta. You can learn more at

The Essential Oils Apothecary

The follow-up to the national bestseller, The Healing Power of Essential Oils, get the confidence that you need to treat and manage the symptoms of 25 chronic illnesses, including insomnia, low libido, fibromyalgia, COPD, cancer, anxiety, depression, diabetes, dementia and more!

The Essential Oils Diet

The first diet program that harnesses essential oils and bioactive foods for weight loss and disease prevention, from the nation’s trusted authority in essential oils and natural remedies. Discover how essential oil plant compounds can aid in weight loss, boost energy levels, balance blood sugar and beat autoimmunity.

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