EuropeanSecrets TO HEAL YOUR LIVER
Discover the role of your eyes, mouth and mindset on liver health
Dr. Sharon Stills
European Secrets
Copyright © 2022 Dr Sharon Stills
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European Secrets to Heal Your Liver contains general medical information The medical information is not advice and should not be treated as such Medical Assistance You must not rely on the information in this book as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information in this book
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Hi, I’m Dr Stills and I’m grateful you are here exploring what you can do to have a healthier liver
Perhaps you are struggling currently with a dis-ease process that has turned you into a seeker Perhaps you have overcome a dis-ease and just want to make sure you continue to stay on the path towards health Perhaps you are feeling healthy and strong and understand the power of prevention and just want to learn as much as you can, as often as you can, to continue to perform at your optimal state
By the time you are finished with this ebook, I know that you will have learned more about your liver than you knew before and will also be able to apply some of the at home tips to start loving your liver right away.
Before I went to Naturopathic Medical School, I spent time working as a receptionist for a small firm just outside New York. Each morning I would commute through tons of traffic to get to the office where I would clock in and get to work. The firm was run by a team with each member responsible for different roles and tasks. The sales team made the calls that landed the deals, billing made sure the money came in and went out in an orderly fashion, our tech team members hit the streets and took care of our clients and management made sure we stayed on point
I also had a role to play within the firm I was the “gopher”, the gatekeeper, and the sorter ensuring unnecessary solicitations, junk mail and calls were filtered out to allow the other team members to properly and efficiently perform their functions without being blocked or distracted, which could easily be disastrous to the bottom line Once the unnecessary communications were removed, that cleared the way for the remaining communications to be easily sorted to ensure they could be delivered to the appropriate team member
As a receptionist, I was responsible for producing communications to ensure each department gets what they need to operate effectively, delivering this information through memos, emails and calls
What does this have to do with the liver?
While I'm sure it seems a bit odd to be reading about a job I had when I was younger, when this book is about a human organ, but the analogy is perfect in describing what your liver does for your body. Your liver essentially performs the same functions I did as the receptionist for the firm.
Think about it. Your LIVER acts as a gatekeeper, "gopher" and sorter for your body. It makes sure that viruses, mold, toxins, parasites are filtered out (Phase 1 Detoxification) The remaining incoming material enters Phase 2 Detoxification This material is reviewed and sorted to ensure deliverability so that the liver can get the resources where they need to go to allow the body to stay in balance and functioning properly
Back to the Receptionist analogy for
a second...
So what happens when the general manager drops by the office for a visit dumps boxes of unorganized paperwork on the desk, pours coffee on the keyboard and crashes the network and then looks puzzled when the office is a mess, everything is off schedule and everyone is confused And the receptionist is now overwhelmed and stressed because they are now having to handle the normal workload, but now they have to work overtime to try to keep up with everything
Seems like the manager isn't a team player, right? And that brings me to another analogy
We do the exact same thing to our liver (often unknowingly).
Before we get into the secrets, let’s take a look at how we are contributing to stressing out our liver, and the whole darn office!
Things the Damage the Liver
Your liver cannot safely tolerate any amount of trans fat
These types of fats cause an increase in blood sugar which causes fatty deposits on the live Over time regular intake of trans fats causes too much fat in the liver cells The liver cells begin to swell causing liver tissue to harden and scar
Industrial Seed Oils
I know these sound healthy but trust me they are NOT!
They are the industry's way of disposing of agricultural waste and do nothing but lead to inflammation in your body, and of course, your liver.
Things the Damage the Liver
When we consume alcohol, the liver diverts its energy to convert alcohol into a less toxic substance but leaves the liver vulnerable to not adequately doing its other critical functions. Think of my receptionist analogy! If not doing their job effectively, the alcohol you ingest can be converted to formaldehyde…(1) Yep, the same stuff in products such as glues, permanent press fabrics, paints, lacquers, and other toxic products.
Alcoholyouingestcanbe convertedtoformaldehyde.
Sugar is as toxic as alcohol and can be even more addictive than cocaine (2) Trust me - I know this firsthand ;)
Sugarcanbeevenmoreaddictive thancocaine.
Things the Damage the Liver
Table Salt
Too much consumption increases blood pressure in your liver’s main artery, eventually leading to chronic liver disease.
Himalayan Salt...
is another story as it provides a complete array of minerals that your body can utilize.
Some drugs are known to surpass a safe threshold of liver tolerance and can cause significant liver damage
Note: I'm not telling you to stop your meds, or trying to make you feel bad if you are dependent upon them Pain is no joke and "sometimes we gotta do what we gotta do just to get some relief." However, if you find yourself dependent on any of these pharmaceuticals, I invite you to find a Naturopathic Physician who can help you safely wean off them and instead use more natural methods to handle your pain.
Sleeping Meds
Nicotine too many to list!
Just because it is “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe! Consult with your physician for possible interactions and don’t just buy into the hype you read online With over 20+ years of clinical experience, I’ll tell you, the most harmful drug/supplement you take is the one you don't discuss with your Naturopathic Physician!
Just because it's “natural” doesn’t mean it’s safe!
Things the Damage the Liver
Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!
Water helps flush waste out of the body This prevents toxins from building up and hurting the liver Proper hydration makes the blood thinner, and hence, easier for the liver to filter the blood and remove toxins
Did you know that water also helps take care of your teeth, which actually helps your liver?
You may not have known that teeth had anything to do with your liver I didn’t know how crucial oral health was to the liver until I started studying over in Europe and learned about the interconnection of our mouth to our entire body As a matter of fact, over there the dentist and the physician are part of the same clinic and you see the dentist FIRST so all your teeth issues can be cleared up
It is not possible to heal the body if there are unresolved issues in the mouth.
Hydration prevents toxins from building up and hurting the liver
There is so much more to our teeth / oral health than just what society trains us to focus on: We're told to get our teeth cleaned once a year, check for cavities, and warned that when a tooth dies, we'll need to have a root canal.
Every tooth in our mouth is an actual living organ and has an impact on specific organs just like the organs can have an impact on that tooth
Chronic pain in your canine teeth can be a sign of inflammation of the liver and/or the gallbladder That’s because the canine teeth are connected to your liver/gallbladder meridian
The mouth is where the digestive tract begins In order to drink the water and hydrate your body, we need to open our mouths And since our mouths are such a necessary piece of our anatomy, it makes sense to take care of it.
So it's absurd when we're told that a root canal is needed to retain a dead tooth. It doesn't doesn't make any sense to keep something that was diseased and is not living in our mouths....the tooth has no purpose and needs to be removed from the body because allowing it to remain causes all sorts of disruptions and undermines our immune systems by blocking or impeding energetic, lymphatic, and blood flow
Mercury (Amalgam) Fillings
Composite (Plastic) Fillings
Periodontal (Gum) Disease
Scars ( from previous dental work or surgeries)
Root Canals
Galvanic Shock (an electric charge between two fillings)
Titanium Implants
Yes, I am a physician teaching you about liver health AND telling you that you need to have a Biological Dentist on your team (an amazing one - because that's how important oral wellness is to your overall health
A qualified biological dentist will be able to perform a proper evaluation using a Cone-Beam CT Scan In addition, a CRT scan should be done by a qualified physician
Ultimately your mouth should be free of toxic fillings and replaced by porcelain ceramic fillings, where needed. Your mouth should have zero titanium implants. If an implant is needed it should be with a clean safe system made of Zirconia (beware that zirconia implants are not created equal). Metals that were responsible for creating galvanic shock will be removed and replaced with non-toxic alternatives when necessary
Neural therapy can be used to address scars using procaine injections
A water-pik with the right isopathic remedies can be a game changer for your gums!
This workhorse doesn't get the respect it deserves Weighing in at roughly three pounds, the liver is reddish-brown in color and feels rubbery to the touch. Normally you can't feel the liver, because it's protected by the rib cage.
The liver has two large sections, called the right and the left lobes. The gallbladder sits under the liver, along with parts of the pancreas and intestines. The liver, along with these organs, work together to digest, absorb, and process food
The liver is one of the largest solid organs (the skin is first) and is essential for our survival
This organ performs over 500 processes
including supportive digestive organs
Filters Toxins (breaks them down and removes them from the body
Produces Bile (fluid that helps the body digest fats and carry away waste)
Regulates Amino Acids (keeping them at healthy levels)
Metabolizes Proteins, Carbohydrates and Fats (which allows the body to use them to perform its vital functions)
Regulates Blood Clotting (by producing coagulation factors which promote blood clotting)
Processes Glucose (sugar) and removes any excess from the bloodstreams which is stored as glycogen (an energy source) and vitamins to be used by the body later
Let’s take a look ;) at your eyes and their connection to your liver and gallbladder.
Early on in my practice, over 15 years ago, I had a patient come to see me who was complaining of dry eyes The easy thing to do would have been to give her some of my magical Mucokehl Isopathic Eye Drops from Germany and send her on her way It's a great product, and I did give her a bottle. Her eyes were causing her discomfort and I don't believe in suffering.
But that's not where it ended...I'm no lazy doctor.
I approach symptoms with a different mindset. I see them as sacRED messengers, letting me know that something is out of balance, which can be the difference between a patient regaining their health, or becoming more ill, or worse.
So while the eye drops were taming my patient's symptoms, the fact is that I couldn't see what was causing the issue (pun intended) It can be difficult to find a root cause because the most toxic issues that affect us are unseen - such as EMF exposure and even negative thoughts Eye symptoms can also be caused by many other issues including dehydration, lack of sleep, hormonal imbalances, excess screen time, toxins in eye makeup, excess exposure to pollution and heavy metals in the environment
While I focused on getting her hydrated, came up with a plan to reduce EMF exposure and tested her hormones so they could be balanced, my work didn't end there...As a thorough and curious physician I knew we had to get to the root cause and that included doing diagnostics on her liver (and I'm no talking about running the typical liver labs).
I have many tools in my toolbox, but I'd like to highlight 2 of them that many people haven't heard of. I use them with my patients because they are so powerful in providing insight into what is going on in the body (info that simply can't be gained by traditional testing) With this information, I am able to provide individualized treatment plans and protocols that are highly successful because they treat the root cause I hope you will use this information to become informed and proactive in your health and wellness journey
Dr. Stills' Diagnostic Gem #1
It is very common to run liver enzyme levels in patients. I’m sure most, if not the majority, of you have had blood run. This is the very basic bloodwork that most physicians run. The three main enzymes that are typically checked are SGOT/AST, SGPT/ALT and Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP). . If your bloodwork indicates elevated levels of these enzymes that indicates there is inflammation that has progressed beyond mild - because once at that concentration in the blood, liver cells are rupturing and spilling enzymes into your bloodstream
Back to my patient: Her levels for the three markers above were actually not alarming, and many physicians would have declared her liver as healthy
The marker I checked measured the serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) levels in her blood. In medical school, the test would not have been performed in this case because the assumption was that the test is only useful in determining if someone is an alcoholic - and typically not run if the patient is trustworthy and indicates they don't over-consume alcohol).
Had I followed that logic (or lack thereof) in medical school, I would not have been able to see that her levels were off However, since I did perform the test I was able to diagnose her with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (aka primary biliary cholangitis or PBC)
And, since I am thorough (I've actually considered changing my middle name to thorough;) I ran an additional test
GGT is a more sensitive and specific indicator of liver dysfunction than serum alkaline phosphatase (ALP), GPT and ALT It is often increased when there is too much alcohol being consumed, but is also increased in all common forms of liver/biliary dysfunction It is generally increased above SGPT/ALT and SGOT/AST with biliary tree problems (gallbladder, common bile duct and pancreas), obstructive disease and as mentioned, alcoholism.
Other less common causes for an increased GGT include excessive free radical activity, primary biliary cirrhosis (my patient's was diagnosis) brucellosis, hepatitis, mono, several types of cancer, bacterial and viral infection, parasites, diabetes, congestive heart failure, chronic ischemic heart disease, acute myocardial infarct, essential hypertension, influenza, rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, asthma, myocarditis, and acute and chronic liver dysfunction
Although PBC causes cirrhosis of the liver, in contrast to alcoholic-related liver disease the damage is NOT caused by excessive alcohol consumption and considered to be an autoimmune condition If I had followed what was taught in med school, I would have missed this. Without this test, it could be missed for years.
Without this test, I would not have been able to diagnose my patient with the serious liver/gallbladder condition, PBC...
And it all started with dry eyes!
Dr. Stills' Diagnostic Gem #2
Often there are things happening in the body that haven't yet become detectable by bloodwork That doesn't mean we have to wait until something shows up in the bloodwork to get answers. Computerized Regulation Thermometry (CRT) is an amazing tool that I use for analyzing how the body is regulating itself.
Regulation of the body's functions is the job of the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) which controls whether we are in Parasympathetic (fight or flight) or Sympathetic (rest and digest) state Our bodies cannot heal if stuck in Sympathetic overdrive because it is not able to respond to stress properly and adapt to the various threats it is exposed to on a daily basis
CRT is a non-invasive procedure with no radiation exposure In addition, it's reproducible and reliable and the best way to measure the health of the lymphatic system, your oral microbiome and of course, the body's ability to regulate vital organ function. A handheld device is used to sample approximately 120 dynamically-changing skin temperatures before, and after, a cool-air stress. These points are specifically correlated with all the major organs of the body via the neurological reflexes of organs and tissues through the Spinal Reflex Arc of the ANS. Patterns that are seen are corroborated with laboratory and imaging diagnostics and analyzed against robust data accumulated over the last 40 years
For women, CRT is the most effective tool to analyze breast and liver health CRT can capture patterns that are intimately related to the potential development of cancer *
NOTE: CRT is very different from infrared cameras which are quite controversial when used in medical applications and the information from them doesn't compare to CRT findings
The body is intricately connected and all symptoms are clues as to what the underlying issues (root causes) are. When a patient comes to me not feeling well, I "listen" to their sacRED symptom's message, with the mindset that true healing can only come from taking that message and digging deeper to find the origin of the symptom which is vital to successful health outcomes for my patients And, as illustrated in the case of my patient with dry eyes, it’s a good thing I did!
I'm including this section because it can be really helpful in visualizing the way the body moves energy around the body and will illustrate the reasoning behind timing of supportive therapies and activities
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), there Qi (pronounced chee) goes through a 24-hour cycle
Each organ has a correlation with certain time frames Each 2-hour interval of the TCM clock is related to a specific organ and its flow of Qi
For example, the time of the lungs is between 3-5am This is the reason many monks wake at 4am to meditate. During this interval, the lung energy is at its highest. If you have asthma and have difficulty breathing during the lungs interval, that indicates weakened Qi.
The liver Qi period is from 1-3 am and I have found over the years that many of my patients share the experience of waking up and staring at the clock during the liver interval on the TCM clock Not only does this signal an issue with your sleep but it indicates that there is an issue with your liver energy that must be addressed
During the liver interval, Qi will move inward as it helps to restore and replenish the body
Remember the liver has so many functions and also helps to cleanse the blood and facilitate the flow of Qi and blood throughout the whole body. Stagnation in the liver Qi can manifest in many ways such as abdominal distention, menstrual irregularities, joint pain, and anger/depression.
Following the liver interval, the next 12 hours are more focused on assimilation, digestion and elimination of food through organs such as the colon, stomach and spleen In the midafternoon, it slows down as it begins to prepare for the regeneration that will occur while you sleep You'll notice there is an opposite relationship between 1-3am and 1-3pm hours The small intestine is the most active while the liver energy will be at it’s lowest level of energy
This clock can be one of the most important and easy to follow tools to track your symptoms and see what organ system may be related to your issues which will allow you to get to the root cause of your disease.
Therapies to Support Your Liver
On the next few pages are at-home treatments that are helpful in supporting your liver.
The first supportive therapy is castor oil packs and I have included the the instructions I provide to patients when prescribing them. Based on the liver Qi, the most ideal time to support your liver would be when it is at its lowest (the 1-3pm cycle). Of course, this isn't always possible, so I instruct my patients to do the best they can based on their lifestyle and time available.
Dr. Stills' At-Home Supportive Therapies
These are the actual instructions I provide to patients in my practice.
Supplies Needed:
Castor Oil (preferably cold-pressed and hexane-free)
Flannel Cloth (unbleached wool is preferred over cotton unless unavailable or allergy exists)
Parchment Paper (for placing between the heating pad and the oiled cloth)
Hot Water Bottle or Low EMF Heating Pad
Bath or Beach Towel (to place underneath you to prevent staining furniture)
Old Clothes (that you don't mind getting stained)
Baking Soda (for cleaning skin)
Step 1
Oil-Saturated Flannel Preparation
Heat the castor oil on the stove in a pan Get it as hot as possible, but be careful - DONOTBURNYOURSELF
While the castor oil is heating up, cut a piece of parchment paper that is larger than the heating source and the oil-saturated cloth
Remove the castor oil from the stove.
Submerge the flannel cloth in the castor oil (clothshouldbe saturated,butnotdripping)
Castor Bean, Ricinus communis
CastorOilcomesfromextractingoilfrom theseedsoftheRicinuscommunisplant
Theseseeds,whichareknownascastor beans containatoxicenzymecalled ricin However,theheatingprocessthat castoroilundergoesdeactivatesit, allowingtheoiltobeusedsafely
The saturated cloth will need to be placed directly on the skin of the area of the body Dr Stills* has recommended Be sure to cover the area to be treated entirely with the flannel cloth
Place the parchment paper on top Then place a low EMF heating pad or hot water bottle over the top of the parchment paper - if using the heating pad use a high setting but not so high as to cause burning. The heat will promote absorption of the oil and soothe the area being treated.
The castor oil pack is generally left in place for approximately one hour. Feel free to read, watch tv, listen to music, meditate, etc Place a bath towel underneath you to avoid any staining the oil may cause
IMPORTANT: Heat should not be used if an internal abscess or appendicitis is suspected.
Post-Application Step 3
Afterwards, the skin can be cleaned with a solution containing 2 teaspoons of baking soda in one quart of water. Or you can just let it soak in if you don’t mind being sticky.
The flannel itself may be used repeatedly and can be stored in a plastic bag or container between uses. Replace with a new flannel cloth every 4-6 weeks.
It is best if the packs are used on a cyclical basis with rest periods in between.
Example: 4 nights ON followed by 3 nights OFF (If this is not doable, apply the treatment as often as you can)
Dr. Stills recommends you apply the treatment: 4 nights a week just as it was originally channeled by Edgar Cayce
Dr. Stills' At-Home Supportive Therapies
Anotherimportantat-homepracticeyoucanincorporateintoyourself-careroutineis startingyourdaybetween5-7amwithaglassofwarmlemonwatertoencourage cleansingandabowelmovement.Whendoneconsistentlyyouwillbenefitfromthe profoundhealingthatwillbetakingplaceinyourbody
Toprepare,add150mlofwarmedfilteredwaterintoaglass Cutanorganiclemoninhalf andsqueezethejuiceintothewater.Yourliverwillloveyou!
Nutrition facts for lemon water
A glass (150ml) of filtered water with the juice of 1 lemon provides approximately:
4Kcal / 16KJ 0.1g Protein
0.8g Carbohydrate 65mg Potassium 18mg Vitamin C
Instudyingtheseareasofmedicineforyears,Ihavelearnedhowanoutofwhacklivermay beexpressedinindividualsfromanemotionalstandpoint
Troublemakingplansorgoingwiththe flowifplanschange
Very competitive
Easily irritated
Self-directed anger (which can provoke auto-immune disease)
Tendency towards drug & alcohol abuse
Did any of these resonate? Do you feel stuck and unable to find balance, often drifting into anger, depression, emotional dysregulation?
You are not alone! In taking a holistic look at why our body operates, away from the narrow lens of conventional medicine, we can begin to see how these elements are related And it's not because you need Prozac (or similar) to create balance
When we bring the liver into balance, you will manifest these experiences:
Stronger immune system
Capacity for perspective & ability to handle criticism
A sense of direction in life
Able to break unwanted habits
Feeling & performing at your best Excelling in planning & organization
We must look not only at sluggish digestion, skin issues, headache, etc to discover our liver is out of balance; we must explore our feelings, thoughts and emotions.
As Socrates proposed in his teachings "An Unexamined Life is Not Worth Living (that's a bit harsh, but inner work is crucial to outer health)
I’d like to leave you with perhaps one of the most important things to remember while on your health journey...Nourishment is so much more than what we put in our mouths. Of course fresh, organic, greens are one of the most beneficial things you can eat to support your liver. But you must make sure you are nourishing your whole self. So I invite you to PAUSE, and reflect on how you receive nourishment in the following areas and what areas could use a bot more nourishing!
Dr Sharon Stills is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor providing comprehensive health care, therapeutic and diagnostic services to patients worldwide She combines her conventional medical training, data-driven science, cutting-edge diagnostic tools and a deep knowledge of natural healing to effectively identify and treat health concerns ranging from allergies to end stage cancer, and everything in between
Drawing from a wide variety of traditions and healing foundations, including Naturopathic, BioRegulatory, Functional, Homeopathic, TCM and Ayurveda, she has been successful in providing answers and healing pathways to her patients when others have failed.
Some of Dr. Stills’ favorite healing modalities include the use of isopathic and complex homeopathic remedies, bioidentical hormone replacement, live cell therapeutics, targeted use of vitamins and herbs along with the therapeutic use of color & light, breathwork and sound frequencies.
Dr. Stills has a passion for her profession and that drives her to embrace opportunities to lead, participate and contribute her vast knowledge and expertise to others. Having overcome serious health issues of her own, Dr. Stills practices what she preaches! She loves to cook and eats a healthy Paleo diet She swallows more vitamins daily then she will ever ask you to swallow and a good night’s sleep is a priority
She is continuously humbled and inspired by every patient she has the opportunity to guide towards Reinventing Their Health Naturally!