Healing from PANS, PANDAS, and Autoimmune Encephalitis: An At Home Guide to Reducing Brain Inflammat

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from PANS/PANDAS and Autoimmune Encephalitis:

An At Home Guide to Reducing Brain Inflammation in Your Child


The content herein is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. All information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained in this book are for informational purposes only

Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen, and never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something said herein

Leaky Gut = Leaky Brain



Sleep and Brain Health


The Brain/Sinus Connection

5 The Role of Stress


If you ’ ve seen dramatic and sudden changes in your child’s behavior, the problem may go deeper than a developmental phase, or even a mental health challenge. Sometimes these changes are the result of a medical condition

Is this your child?

OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder

Anxiety, depression, and/or emotional changes

Irritability, aggression, and/or oppositional behavior

Behavioral or developmental regression

Deterioration in school performance and/or difficulty concentrating Increased urinary frequency

Severely restricted food intake and/or sleep disturbances


These symptoms, especially if they came on suddenly, can point to PANDAS, (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorder associated with Acute Streptococcal Infection) or PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome).

A PANS/PANDAS-affected child suffers from autoimmune encephalitis inflammation in the basal ganglia of the brain resulting from an autoimmune response. This happens when the confused immune system attacks the brain.

These disorders baffle parents, and unfortunately many doctors as well If you ’ ve seen these symptoms in your child, but haven’t been able to get answers, or if you ’ ve got a diagnosis of PANS or PANDAS and aren’t sure what to do next you ’ re in the right place. There are steps you can take today that can help reduce your child’s autoimmune encephalitis.

1 Heal Leaky Gut

When the lining of the small intestine becomes permeable (i.e., develops small holes or lesions), undigested protein particles can escape into the bloodstream, triggering an immune response causing inflammation and immune reactivity. This is known as leaky gut.

In addition to promoting food intolerances, leaky gut accelerates immune dysregulation, which is a root cause of autoimmunity. During an autoimmune reaction, the immune system mistakes a part of the body for an invading substance and attacks. In the case of PANS/PANDAS, your child’s immune system is attacking the basal ganglia of the brain causing troubling emotional, physical, and behavioral symptoms.

The gut and the brain are closely connected through the enteric nervous system. In short, the health of the gut influences the health of the brain. In fact, when someone has leaky gut, they may also develop leaky brain syndrome. That’s when the blood brain barrier weakens and allows harmful substances like pathogens and toxins into the brain.

When you improve gut health, you also improve brain health.

A great first step toward improving leaky gut is to remove gluten from your child’s diet Gluten is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to leaky gut and autoimmunity. Not only is gluten inflammatory, it also causes leaky gut by stimulating the production of zonulin, a protein which modulates the permeability of the gut lining.

Avoiding both genetically modified (GMO) and conventionally raised foods is another important step toward healing your child’s gut/brain axis. In addition to harboring chemicals, hormones, and additives, both conventionally raised and GMO foods are sprayed with glyphosate. As the active ingredient in the herbicide Roundup, glyphosate is the most widely used pesticide in the United States.

normal tight junction inflammation

One recent study found that 90% of foods tested by the US government were contaminated with glyphosate!

Doing our best to avoid Roundup ready foods is important because glyphosate is more than just a weed killer. In fact, glyphosate was actually first patented as an antibiotic. We all know how antibiotics wreak havoc in the gut, killing off entire swaths of the microbiome essential to digestion and making neurotransmitters. But what does this mean for your child? In addition to disrupting gut flora, glyphosate directly inhibits the body’s ability to make tyrosine and tryptophan, two of the most important neurotransmitters responsible for focus and calming. Moreover, glyphosate promotes a leaky gut, which in turn, promotes a leaky brain.

The best way to avoid both gluten and glyphosate is to read labels. Gluten is found in foods that contain wheat, barley, and rye. Gluten is also used as an additive in many packaged foods, including pasta, baked goods, cereals, and many sauces.

Although not listed as an ingredient, glyphosate is found in most nonorganic, conventionally farmed fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats. Focus on organic whole foods, organic locally raised fruits and vegetables, and grass-fed, pasture-raised meats.

And if you give your child packaged foods, look for “gluten-free” and organic on the label.


Avoid Inflammatory Foods

Both PANS and PANDAS are inflammatory conditions. So, the more you can do to reduce inflammation in the body, the better off your child will be.

Eliminating inflammatory foods can help reduce inflammation in the body and in the brain.

I know changing a child’s diet is a challenge. But there are many delicious anti-inflammatory foods your child can learn to enjoy. The faster you eliminate problematic foods, the faster you will see the impact. But it’s important to balance the elimination timetable with what your child will tolerate.

You can start by cutting these foods out of your child’s diet:

Foods that cause reactivity. This includes food allergies as well as food sensitivities and refined carbohydrates, such as white bread and pastries.

Refined carbohydrates break down to sugar in the body, which adds to the immune system’s inflammatory load Additionally, refined carbohydrates typically contain both gluten and glyphosate. Replace with organic, gluten-free whole grains like quinoa, buckwheat, and millet

French fries and other fried foods. Try baking or grilling instead, and always use healthy fats (see below)

Soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages

Trans fats, including anything with “partially hydrogenated vegetable oil” on the label

Sugar and high-fructose corn syrup

Vegetable and seed oils including canola oil, corn oil, cottonseed oil, soybean oil, sunflower oil, and safflower oil. Try replacing these oils with extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil.

Processed meats like hot dogs and some deli meats.

Implementing changes in your child’s diet can feel overwhelming, but it is worth the effort. If you are having trouble sourcing foods your child will eat, or you just need some support, I recommend reaching out to a certified nutritionist or health coach who specializes in gluten-free diets and who has experience with picky eating To connect virtually with one of our amazing health coaches, please click here.

Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is when your body heals. And for a child with brain inflammation, it’s also the time when the brain detoxes by draining excess fluids.

During sleep, our body secretes a hormone called melatonin. In addition to regulating our circadian rhythms, melatonin is our body’s master antioxidant. Melatonin is known to reduce oxidative stress and regulate our immune system by increasing both innate and cellular immunity.

In addition to melatonin, 75% of the body’s human growth hormone (HGH) is released during sleep. Human growth hormone (HGH) is important because not only does this foundational hormone oversee our physical growth in our early years, but growth hormone is also a vital part of our immune system, supporting our ability to build and repair tissues in the brain and throughout the body.

Sleep for a child affected by PANS/PANDAS is thus critical.

If your child is having trouble sleeping, try some of these tips to improve sleep hygiene:

Get outside during the day – exposure to sunshine, especially in the morning, helps to reset our circadian rhythm and induce a restful sleep at night

Stick to the same bedtime every night

Make sure the bedroom is clean and clear of clutter.

Remove extra toys and pillows from the bed.

Limit electronics use in the evenings and turn off completely one hour before bedtime.

Consider blue-blocking glasses if your child looks at screens in the evening.

Remove extra sources of light from their room.

Add a nightly routine reading a book, a calming Epsom salt bath,

4 Focus on Sinus Health

Did you know that over 50% of individuals with chronic sinus issues develop mental health challenges, including anxiety and depression? Persistent sinus congestion has also been linked to changes in brain activity, including trouble with focus, cognition, and the ability to respond appropriately to external stimuli.

Given that our nasal cavities sit right next to the brain, it is not surprising sinus health and brain health are closely correlated. This connection is particularly important for our children with PANS/PANDAS, as the sinus cavities are a perfect hideaway for many of the infectious triggers our children are prone to, including strep, mold, and biofilms.

Signs that your child might have congested sinuses:

Does your child typically breathe through the mouth instead of the nose?

Is your child’s mouth open when at rest?

Does your child seem stuffy?

Does your child snore?

Can your child easily breathe from each nostril when the other is closed?

Does your child have a history of sinus infections or ear infections?

Does your child have seasonal allergies?

Does your child have a history of strep throat?

Has your child been exposed to mold?

These are just a few of many symptoms and scenarios that may point to the need to take a more nuanced look at the health of your child’s sinuses.

To naturally improve sinus health, try these tips:

Drink water make sure your child stays well hydrated

Start a food journal to isolate foods that increase congestion

Consider using a neti pot with saline solution several times a week to clear the sinuses and reduce the possibility of infection

Add moisture — run a clean humidifier in your child’s room, especially at night while they sleep.

Diffuse antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory essential oils like eucalyptus oil or thieves.

Use non-steroidal sinus sprays to help keep the sinuses clean and clear of infection.

5 Reduce Stress

Stress has a profound effect on our immune function. When your child is stressed, their sympathetic nervous system is activated, putting them in fight or flight mode

Evolutionarily, fight or flight was a survival mechanism, triggered when our body senses imminent danger. During fight or flight, digestion stops, our pupils dilate, our blood vessels constrict, our blood sugar rises, our heart beats faster and harder, blood circulation gets refocused away from our organs to our muscles to prepare us for the fight to come, and our immune system all but shuts down. Our fight or flight response is meant to be reserved for times of extreme stress or danger, as in running for our lives from a bear hot on our heels.

Reducing stress and finding ways to move out of fight or flight and towards rest and repair is therefore a foundation step in supporting the immune system and fostering healing.

Try to prioritize healing activities over stressful activities. This is especially true when your child is in a flair- try not to focus on homework or school success, or anything else that might be in your child’s orbit. There will be plenty of time to focus on appropriate external successes when your child is healed. Instead, try to find ways to support where your child is now. Tell them how much you love them and how proud you are of them (often, several times a day if possible).

If your child is volatile, violent, or self-injurious, remember that it is the disease, not the person. Love your child, separate from the way in which she/he is expressing this disease. However, for children with infection-based neuropsychiatric disorders, fight or flight is a way of life. The implications are troubling, as our fight or flight response is the opposite of rest and repair, which is the body’s healing mode We cannot, and do not heal when our bodies are in fight or flight.

Keep in mind that healing is intensely difficult, and it is NOT an overnight experience. Whatever you are feeling as a parent, it pales when compared with what your child is going through. You and your child are in this battle together. Let your child know that you are their partner and cheerleader, that you will love them and support them to the best of your ability

Ideas to help reduce stress in your child’s life:

Look to breathing exercises for everyone in the family. Trauma affects the entire family, and having a child with any kind of infection-based neuropsychiatric disorder is a trauma to all involved One of my personal favorites is the breathing box breathe in for a count of 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, and hold for 4.

Complete at least 6 rounds – more if needed to create a sense of calm and perspective.

Try EFT tapping. EFT tapping is a painless technique that can help regulate and calm the nervous system. I relied on EFT throughout my journey with my children. I remember vividly driving with 3 children fighting in the back seat. EFT saved me, and within minutes, brought my stress levels down from a 10 to a 2 EFT worked wonders on my children as well, especially when they were in a PANDAS flair. You can find a wealth of guided tapping exercises on YouTube. Diffuse calming essential oils like lavender, chamomile, sandalwood, or bergamot. Prioritize time outside in nature- if weather permits, have your child walk barefoot on the grass, or better yet, lie down and practice belly breathing. Limit screen time, especially violent movies and video games. Foster reading instead. For children who cannot read, or cannot focus enough to read, try audiobooks or graphic novels.

Help your child practice positive visualization exercises. Try imagining you are on a beautiful beach or on top of a mountain or sitting in a meadow with butterflies landing on your toes. Whatever resonates. You can also ask your child to remember a time in the past or imagine a time in the future when she/he felt joyful. YouTube has great guided exercises for this too.


Your child's healing journey...

My approach to healing is one that relies upon the wisdom of the body. The key is to listen closely to what the body is saying, then follow that lead.

Most complex conditions are the result of a blending of factors. But disease almost always involves some combination of toxic overload resulting from physical and emotional stressors.

In my practice, I work with you to unravel these stressors to reach the core issue that’s affecting your child. Then we’ll utilize a combination of bioenergetics, nutrition, and gentle detoxification to support your child’s body through the healing process

I’ll work with you to:

Understand what’s going on with your child’s health. Feel empowered and educated to make the right choices. Create your individualized roadmap to healing and to recovery.


Hi there, as a parent of two children who were labeled with severe PANS and Autism, I know that you have been stressed and overwhelmed and I know your heart is broken.

No matter what the doctors have told you. No matter how many things you ’ ve tried. No matter how frustrated and exhausted you ’ ve gotten. There is hope.

Foundations in Healing Jumpstart


RESTOREYourChildandGivethem TheirLifeBack

REVERSEPANS/PANDAS Symptoms REDUCEInflammationintheBrain


Dr. Lauren Lee Stone is a world-renowned expert in pediatric chronic illness. Join the thousands of parents she has supported over the past two decades, reverse symptoms FOR GOOD. Let the Foundations in Healing begin!


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I have a Master’s in Human Nutrition and advanced certifications in homotoxicology, BioSET, and Quantum Reflex Analysis. I’m a Board Certified Nutrition Specialist (CNS), a Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner, and a Board Certified Integrative Health Practitioner

I am also the founder of Althea Health and Wellness, a private practice in homotoxicology and nutrition dedicated to helping parents of children with inflammatory brain conditions reverse engineer their children’s diagnoses using a combination of education, lifestyle changes, and curated bioenergetic detoxification protocols.

My mission is to help families who need guidance, hope, and an understanding of how to heal the complex conditions affecting their children.

Healing is not instantaneous – there is no “magic pill.” Rather, healing requires commitment, perseverance, time, and a willingness to change when change is required

I’ve helped hundreds of parents to find their answers and realize their dream — the dream of seeing their child fully able to live, love, and learn as they grow up to be fully functioning adults


1 https://www drelenaklimenko com/inflammation-and-leaky-brainsyndrome/



4 https://www healthline com/health/how-to-get-rid-of-sinus-infection

5 https://www healthline com/health/mental-health/essential-oils-for-stress



8 https://patents google com/patent/US7771736B2/en

9 https://heritagefirstent com/sinus-issues-may-be-linked-to-anxiety-anddepression/



Photos courtesy of pexels com, canva com, and Jocelyn Lee Photography

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