How Losing Sleep Makes You Gain Weight

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There is no question that unhealthy sleep patterns take a toll on your health and well-being. But did you know that getting less sleep than you need actually contributes to weight gain? Here’s how:

Sleep loss affects APPETITE

The hunger hormone ghrelin is higher with sleep loss; so you feel more hungry Less sleep causes satiety hormones (such as leptin) to be lower, so you also feel less satisfied with food

Sleep loss affects FOOD


Sleep deprivation is associated with impulsivity and a preference for high-carb, processed snack foods. Being awake longer means there is more opportunity for eating, especially at night.

Sleep loss affects ENERGY and MOOD

Insufficient sleep correlates with more sedentary behavior, less motivation, and negative mood (including irritability, apathy, anxiety, and hopelessness).

Sleep loss affects METABOLISM

Sleep loss causes a drop in core body temperature and changes in glucose processing. Lack of sleep is a stressor; cortisol and markers of inflammation are increased.

Increased calorie intake , less food satisfaction , unhealthy food choices , more eating hours , dysregulated eating behaviors


Less energy burned through basal metabolic rate and exercise , less motivation , lower insulin efficiency, more inflammation

You get energy from food and from sleep Weight gain related to sleep loss is multifactorial Prioritizing your sleep quantity, quality, and timing is absolutely necessary for your health!

Healthy and sufficient sleep helps control body weight.

Struggling with your sleep? Learn how to finally sleep better and feel more awake at

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