I am a board certified neurologist who has been in practice since 1998. I completed my medical education at Emory University in Atlanta, GA (1992), and post-graduate training at Emory Affiliated Hospitals, The University of Virginia, and Vanderbilt University. In addition to my M.D., I have a Masters in Public Health (Emory-1991). Originally from New Jersey I live and work in Springfield, MO. I am married and have three grown children. I became interested in Functional Medicine while exploring my own health and performance as a cyclist, runner, and triathlete.
(We really want to know!)
Chronic diseases are defined broadly as conditions that last one year or more and require ongoing medical attention or limit activities of daily living. Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S. Age, family genetics and gender make it difficult for older adults to avoid becoming a chronic disease statistic. Eighty percent of adults 65 and older have at least one condition, while 68 percent have two or more. With Americans getting older and the costs of health care rising rapidly, we have an evolving crisis. According to Fidelity Investments, a 65-year-old couple retiring in 2020 can expect to spend $285,000 in health care and medical expenses throughout retirement, not including nursing home costs.
Millions of consumers are seeking better care than what the current system offers. People want an approach that eliminates symptoms by resolving root causes, rather than just managing symptoms and never addressing the reason we get sick in the first place. But those solutions are hard to find. Consequently, consumers desperate for answers, are selfdiagnosing and experimenting with advice from INTERNET sources because most doctors do not have the tools to help them.
You probably have a parent, friend or co-worker who is managing a condition right now, or perhaps you are managing one yourself. With these kinds of odds, you might wonder if there is anything you can do to prevent the onset of symptoms or make managing an existing condition easier. Yes, you can! It’s called functional medicine which addresses the root causes of disease. It looks at the pattern of dysfunction underlying chronic diseases and offers a model of care that can prevent or help reverse illness. It is based on how our genes are stimulated by and respond to our environment and the behaviors we practice. If we can change our environment and our behavior, we can change the way our genes perform.
Dr. Sharlin uses the principles of functional medicine in his Brain Tune Up program for preventing memory loss and protecting your brain. He uses a Five Pillar Approach to help give you power over your brain.
“Chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes are the leading causes of death and disability in the United States.”
“People want an approach that eliminates symptoms by resolving root causes, rather than just managing symptoms, and never addressing why we get sick in the first place.”
“Functional medicine addresses the root causes of disease.”
Your Health, Your Choices, Our Solutions
We begin by correctly naming the problem. The last thing anyone wants is the wrong diagnosis or lack of solutions when you know something is wrong.
We will take a deep dive with you to get to the root cause of your symptoms or chronic illness.
We help you put the puzzle pieces together. We create a plan that is unique and personalized to you.
We help you act. Our goal is to restore balance in your life.
We want you to feel like your BEST self. We facilitate the restoration of your brain and nervous system vitality by incorporating cutting-edge regenerative treatment strategies.
It’s important to understand is that inflammation is the single most influential cause of all the brain disease. Inflammation is the body’s normal response to injury or threat from the environment. If inflammation is the orchestra, the musicians are the major players that make up the inflammatory process. Under normal circumstances, short-term inflammation is good. It protects us. But when signals from the environment cause inflammation to be long-term, the consequences can be devastating—causing chronic inflammation. From a practical standpoint, there are basically seven things that cause chronic inflammation.
Dr. Sharlin’s Seven Solutions for Chronic Inflammation.
Quality over quantity
Sleep is one of the most important tools we have in our healthy brain toolbox. Sleep deprivation can impact your life in a variety of ways from depression to appetite. Getting good quality sleep can help you preserve and protect your brain in the future.
You are what you eat
Your diet is one of the most influential factors in your health, happiness and longevity. An anti-inflammatory diet can help you avoid long-term or chronic disease.
Sunshine and Exercise
Getting your heart rate up for brief periods can help you preserve and protect your brain from long-term or chronic illnesses. Walking, moving and dancing can all be great ways to start investing in your brain health.
Mindfulness in all things
Focus on being. Staying in the moment can have a dramatic impact on your mood, your health and overall wellness. I believe that taking 5 to 10 minutes each day to meditate and relax can improve and protect your brain throughout your life.
Focus on your network
Making and maintaining connections with your friends, family and loved ones will help you maintain a sense of purpose and protect your brain health throughout your life.
Get the right nutrients
Getting enough of the right nutrients is essential to maintaining your vitality and giving your brain the tools it needs to protect itself. Understand which nutrients may be missing from your regular diet—adjust and supplement where necessary.
Engage your brain
Learn an instrument, a hobby or a new skill. Engaging in these activities help preserve and grow your brain, creating new connections in your brain and protecting you from developing long-term chronic illness as you age.
“Making and maintaining connections with your friends, family, and loved ones will help you maintain a sense of purpose and protect your brain health throughout your life.“
678,000 people die each year from an unhealthy diet, and the numbers could be even be higher, as most chronic diseases can be traced back to diet. Remember, when your grandma said, “eat everything on your plate,” or we used to say “you are what you eat?”Guess what...you are what you eat. So, what should you be eating, We recommend the Mediterranean diet or an anti-inflammatory diet.
An anti-inflammatory diet consists of eating plenty of vegetables and organic, lean meats. Think about your supermarket and how the edges of the supermarket are where you will find all those delicious fruits and vegetables. Most of your plate should be vegetables that you roast, steam or sauté in healthy oils like avocado oil. Also think about nuts, seeds and small amounts of fruit like strawberries, blackberries or blueberries, which do not raise your blood sugar too much. High blood sugar triggers inflammation which affects the brain, causing diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, ALS, and Multiple Sclerosis.
As outlined earlier, the importance of good nutrition cannot be overstated. But getting this key needle-mover perfect every day is virtually impossible. Unless your diet consists strictly of fish plucked straight from a pristinely clean ocean, all organic produce and purely healthy fats, you stand to benefit significantly from simple, yet strategic supplementation. It’s not only the “easy button” for this pain-relieving approach, but it also directly impacts your overall health.
Invest in yourself by using only high-quality supplements, certified by NSF (nsf.org) and/or GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices). For treating pain due to inflammation, Turmeric/ Curcuminoids are a must. For overall wellness, Omega 3 and Vitamin D + K should be at the top of your list.
Don’t delay in getting these on board and working for you!
Your body is smart. It learns how to do something as efficiently as possible in a relatively short time. If you’ve been doing the same workout for months (or years!), you probably do not get all the benefits compared to when you first started. Your body is going through the motions with minimal energy expenditure if you’re doing the same round of bicep curls and overhead presses. Your brain can quickly check out too.
To remember a new routine requires your brain to learn a new pattern. Your body has to recruit different muscles in different ways. If you’re new to resistance training, learning how to do a proper squat or compound movement like a squat to overhead press can be both a challenge to the brain and body. This new routine and a new way of resistance training may be all you need to trigger new brain cells’ growth. If you’re not new to resistance training, you have two possible action steps. The first step is to try unilateral training. That means doing your squat to overhead press one arm at a time or do a single-arm chest press. This requires your brain and body to do something you know in a new way, recruiting new muscles and creating new neural pathways. The second step is to add a cognitive skill. A simple place to start is counting your repetitions by 2 (2,4,6,8) instead of the standard 1,2,3,4. Adding brain training on top of physical exercise multiplies the effect.
That’s it. You now know the critical steps of an upgrade to both the hardware and the software, leading to a better body and a healthier, more resilient brain.
In our minds, the term “lifestyle” is often associated with food and exercise. Beyond what we’ve shared so far, there are other factors to consider when putting the critical pieces together that will ultimately result in the YOU you’ve always wanted – vibrant, resilient, free of the restraints that come with identifying life through the lens of illness. When, in our disease-mode, we become the person whose life is defined by an anticipated downhill course of what will come next, until it controls our thoughts and actions completely. It does not have to be this way.
“The conscious mind is the director of your movie, the author of your book, or the captain of the ship. “
“With repeated and purposeful direction from the conscious mind, habits are also formed and maintained in the unconscious mind. “
Thoughts can be so satisfying. Inside your mind, you can have conversations you are unwilling to speak, explore new ideas and dreams of the future, figure out a new way to solve a pesky problem. Thoughts can either comfort yourself or put yourself in the sympathetic state of “flight, flight, or freeze.” The conscious mind is the director of your movie, the author of your book, or the captain of the ship. Whatever metaphor speaks to you. The subconscious mind – or the crew – will take direction from the conscious mind and give you what you ask for. You can see how important it is for you to choose your thoughts purposefully. If you do not take control to manage your thoughts, it is much like an unsupervised child taking over the situation. Lots of drama and tantrums, eventually exhaustion.
The primary function of the unconscious mind is to keep you alive and whole. It wants to follow instructions from your conscious mind and follow the moral code you were taught as a child. The unconscious mind stores all of your memories, and emotions run your body systems. It has detailed awareness of your body in the here and now but, more importantly, what your body would be like in perfect health. It receives all external data from the five senses and filters it before presenting that information to your conscious mind for further instructions. The unconscious regulates your energy depending on how it perceives your physical and emotional data and the direction it receives from your conscious mind.
With repeated and purposeful direction from the conscious mind, habits are also formed and maintained in the unconscious mind. However, conflicting guidance from the conscious mind decreases the efficiency of habit formation. The unconscious mind senses symbols and metaphors, so conscious thought needs to be specific in its direction. For example, if you think, “I don’t want to be fat,” your mind sees a symbol of a heavy body, and your unconscious mind will give you that picture. It is especially important to have a clear and moving image in your mind of the future you wish to achieve. The unconscious mind also works with emotions. Purposely choosing regenerative emotions like gratitude, love, hope, peacefulness, vitality, and zest will not only direct the unconscious but guide the heart to regulate with coherence. The heart operates by increasing the heart rate as you breathe in and decreasing the heart rate as you exhale. This is called heart rate variability. The greater the variability and the more regular this occurs, the healthier you will feel. You can practice heart coherence by breathing in a deep and regular pattern while experiencing a regenerative emotion. Daily practice of heart coherence will increase your stress resilience. Much like
the way a cell phone loses battery power when too many apps are open at once. Closing the apps and plugging it in will fill the battery. When you have a full battery by controlling the thoughts and emotions you choose to think and feel, you have the strength and resilience to handle stressful situations with ease.
Letting your mind worry and chew on negative thoughts and feelings tells your body that you are not safe. The sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system responds by pushing out 1400 hormones and neurotransmitters like cortisol to be in a state of alert! This eventually drains your body systems of energy. Using your conscious mind to direct your body with positive thoughts and emotions, purposefully will energize your battery by creating a healing hormones and neurotransmitter chemicals like DHEA. These chemicals will let your body rest and repair and allow you to achieve the healthy body you see in your clear and moving picture of the future.
There are several strategies you can use to shift your energy toward growth and revitalization. One that we especially like at Sharlin Health and Neurology is the Quick Coherence ® Technique developed by our friends at The Heartmath Institute. The Quick Coherence ® Technique helps you create a coherent state, offering access to your heart’s intelligence. It uses the power of your heart to balance thoughts and emotions, allowing you to achieve a neutral, poised state for clear thinking. It is a powerful technique that connects you with. Your energetic heart zone to help you release stress, balance your emotions, and feel better fast.
Once you’ve mastered the ability to recharge and optimize your thoughts, the next critical step is to connect with others you know and trust, and who can reflect the same positive “can do” energy that you put out. It’s infectious – in a good way. Social isolation is a significant health problem for older adults. Not only is loneliness a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and depression, but social isolation will virtually guarantee that those affected by these conditions will deteriorate much more quickly. Family, friendships, and community are part of who we are and what we do. At the most primitive level, our hunter-gatherer ancestors were more likely to find food, water, safety, and shelter, and reproduce if they were among the company of others. There is safety in numbers. This has ensured our species success through the millennia. Not surprisingly, then, according to Dr.
Matthew Lieberman, “the same brain regions that register the distress of physical pain are also active in situations where we experience social pain, such as rejection or exclusion. Social pain may not be pleasant at the moment, but we would be lost without it.” It’s a call to action. It’s why Lieberman titled his book, Why Our Brains are Wired to Connect (Crown, 2013).
Not only does the brain function more optimally when we connect, but we are rewarded for doing so. Oxytocin, a hormone that comes from the brain region known as the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, plays a critical role in life, bonding, positive, trusting relationships, maternal care, and sexual behavior, reducing anxiety and depression. Not surprisingly, it turns out that oxytocin has both antiinflammatory and antioxidant effects.
What can you do to connect? Here are a few ideas:
• Make it a daily practice to hug at least one person close to you 60 seconds every day. (Make sure you have permission.) The “love” reward – Oxytocin – will increase for both of you.
• Set aside specific times during the day when the phones, tablets, computers, and television are turned off, and you have a real face-to-face conversation, such as at mealtime, and ask meaningful questions or thoughtful discussions like, “tell me what was the best part of your day so far?” or “what was the most challenging for you and what solution did you discover to help you through it?”
• Join a club – crafting, wine, sports, dance, book, or gardener’s club – whatever excites you.
• Take a class that invites interaction and join a study group. Learning and socialization are a great combination!
• Attend a house of faith that calls to you and get to know your extended family there.
• Have a regular telephone date with someone you love who is far away, a dear family member or friend.
• Connect with your purpose or personal vision every morning.
Whatever you choose, fill your life with rich, meaningful, and non-judgmental interaction. It’s easy to withdraw after a diagnosis, and that is the worst thing you can do for your brains and overall health. Real friends do not judge. Don’t be afraid. Just get out and do it!
The first tool in reversing chronic illness is sleep. One out of three American adults are not getting enough sleep which significantly impacts the brain. Older adults who aren’t getting enough sleep are at an increased risk for diseases like Alzheimer’s. In middle age, Alzheimer’s disease can start, because we know that this condition can begin up to 20 years before the onset of the illness. Lack of sleep impacts the brain in so many ways. If you are looking to increase productivity in your life, begin with getting enough sleep. If you have a lot of daytime fatigue, look at your quality and quantity of sleep.
Sleep problems can be the result of various conditions or medical problems. Many medications which are used to treat insomnia, are only effective in the short term. Ongoing use of sleeping pills may lead to dependence and interfere with developing good sleep habits that can prolong sleep difficulties. It is important to discuss your sleep problems with your doctor and find out what is right for you.
The most common cause of insomnia is a change in your daily routine like traveling or changing work hours, etc. This can lead to habits that interfere with your sleep. Therefore, paying attention to good sleep hygiene is the most important thing you can do to maintain good sleep. ‘Sleep hygiene’ is used to describe good sleep habits, and strategies for longterm solutions to sleep difficulties have been developed through considerable research on sleep.
Sleep Hygiene Suggestions:
Go to bed at the same time each day and get up at the same time even on weekends and days off. This regular rhythm will make you feel better and give your body something to work from. Establish a regular, relaxing bedtime routine. Relaxing rituals prior to bedtime may include a warm bath or shower, aromatherapy, reading or listening to soothing music. Use a relaxation exercise just before going to sleep or try using relaxing imagery to encourage your body to rest.
Use your bed for sleep and intimate activities. This will help you associate your bed with sleep, not with other activities like paying bills or watching TV. Keep the temperature in your bedroom cool. Keep the bedroom quiet and dark enough to facilitate sleep.
Get regular exercise each day including stretching and aerobic exercise—preferably in the morning. Get regular exposure to outdoor or bright lights, especially late in the afternoon.
These substances act as stimulants and interfere with falling asleep. Avoid coffee, tea, soft drinks, chocolate and some medications or cigarettes for at least four to six hours before bedtime. Many people believe that alcohol is relaxing and helps them to get to sleep, however, it can interrupt the quality of sleep.
A healthy, balanced diet will help you sleep well. However, avoid a heavy meal before bedtime. Some people find an empty stomach at bedtime can be very distracting, so a light snack can be useful.
If you can’t make it through the day without a nap, make sure it is for less than an hour and before 3 p.m.
If you haven’t been able to get to sleep after about 20 minutes or more, get up and do something calming or boring until you feel sleepy, then return to bed and try again. Sit quietly on the sofa with the lights off or read something. Avoid doing anything too stimulating or interesting.
Keeping track of your sleep habits can be a useful way of making sure you are informed about your sleep. Also, consider writing down any worries or thoughts that are bugging you, allowing your brain to let go of them.
Each morning place a check mark in the box beside the strategies you used the day before and then rate your overall sleep quality for that night.
Week #: ________________
Sleep Strategy
Comfortable sleep environment
Relaxation exercise
Light bedtime snack
Exercised late afternoon or early evening
(but at least 2 hours before bed)
Followed bedtime routine
Woke up at set time
Went to bed when sleepy
Used bed only for sleep
Got out of bed if not asleep with 20-30 mins.
Avoided caffeine, alcohol, and smoking at least 4 hours before bedtime
Avoided naps
Other strategy (specify)
Quality of Sleep: Rate from 10 to 10
0=poor sleep/restless and unsatisfying
10=no sleep problems/restful and satisfying
The autonomic nervous system is a control system that is part of the nervous system that supplies the internal organs which includes the blood vessels and works automatically without a person’s conscious effort. There are two main divisions: Sympathetic and the parasympathetic. The sympathetic division is the primary mechanism in control of the flight-or-flight response and prepares the body to react to stressful or emergency situations. The body sends cortisol, norepinephrine, and various other hormones and neurotransmitters in response to perceived threat. The heart rate increases, and the force of the heart contractions become stronger to widen the airways to make breathing easier. The pupils dilate, palms may sweat, and your hair may stand on end. Other body processes not critical to the perceived emergency such as digestion and urination slow down.
The counterpart or the parasympathetic division which is controls the body processes during ordinary situations and primarily conserves, restores, and repairs. It is powered by the vagus nerve which is the longest cranial nerve and has communication with every organ. Acetylcholine, DHEA, and many other soothing hormones and neurotransmitters are produced to slow the system down. The heart rate slows, the blood pressure decreases to normal rate and the digestion is stimulated to process nutrition and eliminate any waste, so the energy is available to restore and build tissue.
The relaxation response occurs when the body is no longer in perceived danger, and the autonomic nervous system functioning returns to normal. The relaxation response is the opposite of your body’s stress response.
Normally the body can turn off the fight-or-flight response when the perceived threat is gone. However, for whatever reason in our current world that fight-or-flight response is triggered many times during a day. We react to a wide range of stressors most of which are more situational than an actual need for survival. With this chronic perceived stress reaction, the body is trained to be on alert constantly
“Purposefully choosing renewing thoughts and emotions is one way to create an atmosphere of safety so that the body responds, and the vagal nerve can do its work. “
which overtaxes the nervous system and eventually wears on our health and well-being. Digestion is affected so we do not receive nutrients and therefore the body is unable to rest and to repair itself. When the body feels safe the vagus nerve alerts the brain to releases neurotransmitters when inflammatory proteins called cytokines are present for the purpose of reducing and controlling inflammation so that the body can repair and restore.
Purposefully choosing renewing thoughts and emotions is one way to create an atmosphere of safety so that the body responds, and the vagal nerve can do its work. Other ways to improve send the message of calm and safety to the body include gargling which directly stimulates the vagus nerve, breathwork using the belly, laughter to soothing neurotransmitters, fasting to give the digestion process a break, Yoga using gentle movement and breathing, and massage to stimulate the lymphatics and improve vagal tone.
Practicing compassionate self-care allows the body to be in a state of balance and calm. Consistent practice teaches the body not to constantly react to perceived threats and to be more resilient to stress so that it can react appropriately when a true emergency presents itself.
Our breathing changes when we are feeling anxious. We tend to take short, quick, shallow breaths, or can even hyperventilate which is called “over-breathing” This can make you feel even more anxious due to a racing heart, dizziness or headache.
Calm breathing is a tool you can use whenever you are feeling anxious. Calm breathing involves taking smooth, slow and regular breaths. Sitting upright is usually better than lying down or slouching because it can increase the capacity of your lungs to fill with air. It is best to “take the weight off” your shoulders by supporting your arms on the side-arms of a chair, or your lap.
• Sit up straight on your sits bones and rotate your clavicle out allowing your shoulders to relax and drop.
• Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth like you are sucking a piece of candy (first calming action taken by infant).
• Take a slow deep breath in through your nose and allow
your ribcage to expand and allow the air to expand your belly like a balloon.
• Hold your breath for one or two seconds.
• Passively release the air from your nose.
• Repeat the deep breath and place your attention on your heart space. Focus on a feeling of gratefulness or peace. You may even imagine there is a golden light surrounding your heart space.
• Each time you take a breath, expand the feeling from your heart space or the golden light into your shoulders, arms, palms and fingers. Then. push the next breath into your hips, legs, feet, and toes.
• About 6-8 breathing cycles per minute is often helpful to decrease anxiety but find your own comfortable breathing rhythm.
• Make sure you are not over-breathing; it is important to pause for a few seconds after each breath.
• Try lying down on the floor with one hand on your heart, placing your other hand on your abdomen. Watch the hand on your abdomen rise as you fill your lungs with air, expanding your chest. (The hand over your heart should barely move, if at all.)
• Try calm breathing for at least five minutes twice a day. Once you are comfortable with this technique, you can start using it in situations that cause anxiety.
Practicing progressive muscle relaxation may help reduce anxiety and stress from your body. Regular practice allows you to become aware of tension in areas of you body and gives you skills to experience immediate relaxation. By tensing each muscle before the point of strain and then releasing the muscle, you will allow the muscle to relax. If you have an injury or intense pain, you may want to avoid that area or be very gentle. Pay attention to the feeling of releasing the tension in each muscle.
Close your eyes and sit back in your chair or lie down in a comfortable position. Breath in air from your nose filling your chest cavity and hold for a few seconds. Passively release the air for a count of five and breath in through your nose for the count of five. Then allow the air to leave for a count of five noticing the tension leave your body as you release the air. Take in several more breaths counting to five and releasing tension on the count of five.
Now, place your attention on the area of your feet. Begin by tensing your feet by curling your toes and the arch of your foot. Hold the curl and feel the tension in the muscles noticing the feeling for the count of five. (Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five). As you passively breath out, release the tension in your foot and notice the foot relax as the air leaves your body.
*Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five and passively release the air to the count of five.
Next, place your attention on the area of your lower leg and tense the muscles in your calves. Hold tightly yet gently and pay attention to the feeling of tension in the muscles. (Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five) As you passively breath out, release the tension from your lower legs noticing the feeling of relaxation.
*Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five and passively release the air to the count of five.
Place your attention of the muscles of your upper legs and pelvis area and tense the muscles. You can squeeze your thighs together feeling tension but not to the point of strain. (Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five) As you passively breathe out, release the tension from your upper legs and pelvis area.
*Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five and passively release the air to the count of five.
Place your attention on the area of your stomach and chest by sucking in your stomach and holding the tension. (Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five) As you passively breathe out, release the tension from your chest and stomach.
*Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five and passively release the air to the count of five.
Now place the attention on the area of your back by tensing the muscles by bringing your shoulders together behind you. Hold firmly but not to the point of straining. (Pause to breathe in through the nose to the count of five) As you passively breathe out, release the tension from you back and feel the tension slowly leaving your body and a feeling of relaxation. Notice how your body feels when you allow it to come to ease.
*Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five and passively release the air to the count of five.
Place your attention on the area of your arms and tense your arms all the way from your hands to your shoulders. Make a fist and squeeze all the way up your arm. (Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five) As you passively breathe out, release the tension from your arms and shoulders. Notice the feeling in your fingers, hands, arms, and shoulders. Your arms may feel limp and at ease.
*Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five and passively release the air to the count of five.
Move your attention to the area of your neck and your head as you tense your face and neck contracting the muscles around your eyes and mouth. (Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five) As you passively breathe out, release tension from you face and neck totally giving into the relaxation.
*Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five and passively release the air to the count of five.
Finally, become aware of your entire body as you tense every muscle. Tense your feet, legs, stomach, chest, arms, head, and neck. Tense harder, without straining. Pause to breathe to the
count of five as you hold the tension. As you passively release the breath, allow your whole body to go limp. Notice the feeling of relaxation and how different if feels from tension.
*Pause to breathe in through your nose to the count of five and passively release the air to the count of five.
Gently wiggle your fingers and your toes. Move your ankles and wrists. Bend your elbows and move your shoulders. Allow your body to move and adjust to comfort. Flutter your eyelashes to slowly allow in the light as you continue your day or just maybe you are in dreamland.
Final Note: Practice progressive muscle relaxation often, whether you are feeling tension or not. This will make the exercise even more effective when you really do need to release tension. With regular practice, your will develop the habit and the skill that will become an important part of managing your anxiety.
Behavioral change takes more than willpower. It requires learning how to navigate your environment, problem solving, practicing mindfulness and setting SMART goals— specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. It is a simple tool to help you translate ambiguous goals into an actionable plan. Prepare to become your own lifestyle coach! Use the spaces provided in this workbook to write answers, take notes or journal.
I want to make the following changes to my lifestyle and health:
What motivates me to act now?
I want to feel more energetic and vital.
I want to have more control in my life.
I want to be present for my children and grandchildren.
I want to feel more confident.
I want to improve my focus and productivity.
I need to manage a health condition.
I want to have less pain.
I want to more joyful.
If you are struggling to find long-term motivation to change, consider using the exercise below. Recording the benefits helps establish a stronger foundation for change. When you experience a short lapse in behavior, consider returning to your list for inspiration.
Pros of changing:
Cons of not changing:
On a scale of zero to 10 (10 being most important), how important is it for me to make changes now? Circle your answer below:
What went well last time— what can be improved?
Have you attempted to make behavioral changes in the past. Take stock of what you accomplished and be proud of your successes. It is also a good time to ponder the low points.
What worked for me in the past?
What did I learn from my previous experience?
What do I need to do differently to be more successful?
What personal strengths can I draw from the past to help me be healthier?
What am I good at doing?
What are my current obstacles to making changes now?
What will it take to overcome these obstacles?
On a scale of zero to 10 (10 being most confident), how confident am I that changes are possible now? Circle your answer below:
Before setting any goals, it’s a good idea to look at the big picture of your health and well-being, while establishing a clear vision of what you want to achieve. Once you have identified your desired vision, you can set goals appropriately to guide you there.
What do I value most about my life? What brings meaning?
What would I like my health, fitness, relationships and wellness to look like one year from now? Write down a clear statement in the present tense: For example: I feel more in charge of my health, I’m more resilient on a day-to-day basis and I’m able to patiently care for my children.
Is there anything that stands in the way of reaching my vision?
On a scale of 1 to 10 (10- being I have achieved my wellness vision), where do I fall today? Circle your answer below: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
There’s ongoing communication between the mind and body. Your imagination is powerful and if professionally mentored, your thoughts can manifest into action. Mental workouts activate and stimulate many of the same neural networks that connect the body with brain impulses. We can apply visualization to our day-to-day experiences to improve motivation, stay more positive and build resilience.
The essential elements of effective visualization involve all your senses. Visualization techniques should be done with full emotional energy. Try to involve as many senses as possible: smell, touch, taste and hearing along with imagery to “feel it.”
Be an active participant in the scene—not a spectator. While visualizing yourself running, your heart, leg muscles and breathing pattern should feel as if you had a good run.
The process should be positive. If you want to stay away from sweetened drinks, visualize yourself being satisfied by water rather than visualizing that you dislike cold drinks.
Now that you have established your vision and a blueprint of where you would like to go, it’s time to set some goals. It’s important to have goals that are just long enough to make it a meaningful process and short enough to create a sense of urgency and focus. Goals should be quantifiable and measurable. It is not enough to say “I will exercise more” or “I will cut back on sugar.” Well-written goals include, “I will walk 30 minutes per day, five days a week in the morning before work,” or “I will limit beverages to water and unsweetened coffee or tea and limit dessert to once per week.”
Combine both outcome and behavioral goals. For example, an outcome goal is to lose three inches off your waist or to lower your blood pressure to 120/80.
Examples of behavioral goals are to exercise 45 minutes a day, five days a week, or to eat at least 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
Attaining your goals can be Influenced in two ways: Focusing on the great things you’ll experience if you complete your goal (e.g., happiness, personal accomplishment and pride), or lamenting over the negative things that might happen if you don’t (e.g., loneliness, a heart attack or the death of a loved one).
Step 1: Make your goal detailed and SPECIFIC. Try to answer who, what, where, how and when. How will I reach this goal?
List at least three action steps and be specific.
Step 2 : Make your goals MEASURABLE. Tracking a meaningful goal helps you monitor and acknowledge your progress.
I will measure/track my goal by using the following methods: (for example, minutes of exercise logged or amount of weight loss.).
Step 3: Make your goal ATTAINABLE. Find the sweet spot, a goal that is both challenging and realistic—something within reach that will take you out of your comfort zone.
• What resources do I need to achieve this goal?
• How will I make time for this goal?
• What do I need to learn before I move forward?
• Who can I talk to for support?
Step 4: Make your goal RELEVANT. A goal typically addresses something that is required immediately, necessary and (hopefully) a priority in your life. Set goals that are appropriate to you and your specific situation.
Create a list of reasons why you want to reach your goal.
Step 5: Make your goal TIME-BOUND. Establish how much time you need to achieve your goal and set periodic benchmarks. Be realistic with your date to maintain performance and create a sense of urgency by making a short deadline.
“To attain your desired outcome, it is critical to create a routine that allows you to review your goals on a weekly basis.”
“Acknowledge progress no matter how small or challenging.”
I will reach my goal by (date):
My halfway measurement will be on this date:
Additional dates and milestones I will aim for:
To attain your desired outcome, it’s critical to create a routine that allows you to review your goals on a weekly basis. By regularly evaluating your progress, you can more easily address roadblocks and make small adjustments as necessary.
Write down when you will review your goals on a regular basis.
Day of week:
Time of day:
Reviewing progress: Establish a time each week to create an action plan and review your progress. This helps you organize and assess your goals, ensuring they remain relevant and meaningful. It’s also critical that you acknowledge progress no matter how small or challenging.
Some weeks will be more challenging than others. Set aside self-blame. If there is a week when you don’t meet goals. Ask yourself what you learned from the situation. What will help you be more successful next time? Write your ideas below:
Plan to create your own action plan. This week, my goal(s) is:
Some challenges I face:
My strategies:
My confidence level is (10 being most confident): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
My successes this week:
I learned:
A strong social support network can be as critical to your success as the goal itself. Your family, friends and co-workers are an important part of your life and it’s never too soon to cultivate these essential relationships. Taking the time to build a social support network is a wise investment. Numerous studies have shown that a network of supportive relationships contribute to physical and psychological wellbeing.
A sense of belonging. Spending time with people helps ward off loneliness. Whether it’s parents, pet lovers, fishing buddies or siblings, just knowing you are not alone can help you cope with stress.
A sense of self-worth. Having people who call you a friend reinforces that idea that you are a good person to be around.
A feeling of security. Your social support network gives you access to information, advice, guidance and other types of assistance. It’s comforting to know that you have people you can turn to in a time of need.
• Pick a cause that is important to you and get involved. You are sure to meet others who share similar interests and values.
• Join a gym or the local community center or start a fitness group at work. You’ll make friends and get some exercise in the process.
• Join a support group or attend a church, synagogue, or other spiritual gathering. Take time to thank your friends and family and express how important they are to you. Be the first to raise your hand when they need support.
• Avoid spending too much time with people who are negative or critical of you or the world around them, or who are involved in unhealthy behaviors such as alcohol or substance abuse
Going public with your goals allows friends and family to know what you are trying to accomplish and how you plan to get there. Choose a few people in your social support network and ask if they would periodically follow-up with you on your goals. Explain why this change is so important to you and share a copy of your goals with them. It’s a lot harder to let your friends down or to slack off when others know and care about your goals.
• Holds you accountable to your goals, no matter what.
• Listens to you and is non-judgmental.
• Can help you solve problems and brainstorm strategies.
• Models healthy behaviors.
• Provides positive feedback and celebrates your success.
What do I look for in a support person or group? What type of support is helpful?
Accountability is critical to behavior changes success. Even with the right information and the right intentions you won’t succeed if you let yourself off the hook when it’s time to do the work.
There are two amazingly effective ways to increase your accountability:
The first approach challenges your excuses head on. No matter how difficult your circumstances may be, the only way to succeed is to take personal responsibility for making things work out the way you want. Own your excuses and do not use excuses to let yourself off the hook.
The second approach requires a written contract with yourself. A contract is a visible reminder of the commitment you have made to yourself, as well as an effective tool to combat pesky excuses. If taken seriously, you will find it more difficult to break the contract than to overlook an ambiguous resolution to try harder.
Challenging your common excuses requires observing your inner self and what goes on in your mind. This is especially important when you do not want to do something that you know you should do. What do you say to yourself in that moment? Some excuses are much easier to identify than others. For example, throwing in the towel just because you made one poor food choice is unnecessary. Other excuses are less obvious. For example, many people feel they do not have enough hours in their day to fit in some form of exercise or prepare a healthy meal. In most cases, it is a matter of improving time management.
One solution is to begin thinking about yourself in a different light—one that puts you in charge. For each excuse or rationalization, think of an effective countermeasure. For example, if you find that your schedule is often so busy that you skip your workouts, countermeasure by spending a few minutes each morning planning what realistically has to be done, what can be postponed, what might save time and who might be able to help you get things done.
What is the most common excuse I use that gets in the way of my health goals?
Countermeasure: What is a countermeasure I will practice?
Everyone has trouble with negative self-talk occasionally. We are often our worst critic. The little voice inside may be telling you that you are not working hard enough or that you are not worth it and you should give up on your goals. It‘s not always a rational voice. Simply being aware of your inner dialogue weakens negative self-talk. Try to replace the negative belief with a countermeasure. For example: instead of saying, “I’m never going to lose weight, I just don’t have enough willpower,” say “I can lose weight if I stay focused, keep a food journal and manage my stress in a more effective way.”
It is also important to respect yourself and others. You are more likely to feel better about yourself. Be kind and honest to others, as well as yourself. Building self-confidence can take time, so be persistent.
Stress and anxiety can take a toll on your well-being and contribute to setbacks. You cannot always control events, but you can learn new ways to cope with them. Be aware of past situations that have caused you stress.
Stress can come from:
• Physical environment (weather, traffic)
• Social environment (friends, family, colleagues)
• Physiological state (illness, fatigue)
• Your thoughts (anxiety, depression)
What are my sources of stress?
What can trigger this stress?
What is my emotional or behavioral response to this stress?
Is this response working?
If your typical reaction is not helping you deal with stressful situations, maybe it’s time to develop new strategies to manage your stress. Be specific about these new reactions. What could be a new response to the stress trigger, or source of stress? (Journal, practice yoga or speak to a counselor).
After you have tried this for a few weeks, think about what worked well and what didn’t. If the new solution didn’t help you cope with the stress, consider a new reaction. It might be a process of trial and error before you find the solution.
Tips on practicing mindfulness:
• Allow thoughts to come in and accept them as they are.
• Thoughts and feelings come and go like clouds in the sky, they will pass.
• Tell yourself that your thoughts are just thoughts.
• When an uncomfortable feeling comes up, pause, and simply notice before acting on it.
When am I being mindful?
When am I not mindful?
Mindfulness is paying full attention to the present moment. It’s noticing your thoughts, feelings and sensations without judging them. When we begin paying attention to the activity of our own mind, it’s common to notice that we often judge our experiences. We categorize what we like and do not like. What makes us feel good or bad?
Do you notice neutral experiences? When you do find your mind judging, do not stop it, but instead, just observe. Mindfulness is a focus on “being” rather than “doing.” It can be used to reduce stress and anxiety, mange pain, sleep and boost the immune system.
When we are not mindful, we can develop automatic reactions to stress that can be harmful. We may perceive everything as a threat. Stress hormones are released, blood pressure and heart rate increase and we are less likely to access the reasoning mind. We may get very angry at others and get into a mindset of catastrophic thinking.
Formal practices of mindfulness include:
• Deep breathing
• Yoga
• Tai chi
• Meditation
• Multitasking
Mindfulness is not:
• Thinking about the past
• Creating and rehearsing future scenarios
• Worrying about what might happen
• Eating in front of the TV
Eating and drinking are often triggered by something other than hunger and thirst. These triggers are called cues and they can impact how much activity we do and how much food we eat. Some cues are positive and drive healthy behaviors while other cues can lead to more eating and less activity. When we repeatedly respond to a cue in the same way, we form a habit. We are often unaware of our cues and identifying them is useful in making long-term behavioral change.
Here is a list of some common cues:
• Hunger
• Emotions
• Walking by the break room at work and seeing candy/ sweets
• Attending parties or social events
What are some of my negative dietary cues?
What are my new responses?
Some of the negative physical activity cues that can deter your efforts include:
• Eating a heavy meal
• Not getting enough rest
• Felling overly stressed
• Drinking alcohol
• Pain
• Being around others that do not value activity.
Positive physical activity cues include:
• Setting dates with a friend to exercise or go to the gym
• Keeping your gym mat, shoes, or bike visible. Creating reminders on your phone, or setting an alarm to be more active
• Walking for 10 minutes after every meal.
What positive activity cues could I add to my routine?
What challenges do I face trying to implement a positive cue?
Changing habits is difficult and taking small steps in the right direction should be celebrated. Rewards can help us stay focused on our goals and increase motivation. Rewards do not have to cost money, but they should always be healthy in nature. Using food or alcohol as a reward can add unnecessary calories to your diet and the benefits are temporary. You may feel less motivated afterward.
Examples of non-food related rewards:
• Massage
• Reading a new book
• Taking a walk or hike
• Taking a hot bath
• Playing a game.
• Keep a journal.