Is your liver overloaded?
Find out if liver congestion is a factor in your chronic health issues
Brain foggy, overwhelmed, bloated, inflamed… if you’re dealing with chronic digestive, hormonal, energy, or skin issues, your liver may need some help.
Your liver handles over 500 functions for the body, simultaneously doing over 200 jobs at a time. Here are just a few of the liver’s responsibilities:
• Aids in digestion of fats, sugars
• Supports absorption of key nutrients and minerals and stores them
• Maintains healthy blood sugar levels
• Converts and processes hormones
• Regulates amino acids
• Clears viruses and resists infections
• Processing with prescription drugs and other industrial toxins
• Filters the body’s blood supply and regulates blood clotting
• Detoxifies and breaks down poisonous substances
Liver issues (past and present) can affect your:
• Digestion
• Skin health
• Immune system
• Hormones + reproductive health
• Temperament + your very sense of self
Liver Stagnation
self assessment
Frequency Scale: Never = 0
Occasionally = 1 Sometimes = 2
Regularly = 3
Do you have...
Skin blemishes
Excess weight
Dark circles under the eyes
Fatigue, feeling slugish
Constipation or Diarrhea
Slow metabolism
PMS, menstrual issues
Easily irritated or overwhelmed
Quick to anger
Skin irritation/chemical sensitivities
Histamine sensitivities
Food sensitivities
Difficulty digesting fats
Compromised immune system
Difficulty sleeping
Yes = 6 No = 0
Have you had...
Liver pain or gallbladder attacks in the past?
Your Total:
Check your results
0-5 Points
Minimal reported liver/gb symptoms at this time
Good news! The results you reported show minimal liver stagnation, which means you must be taking good care of your drainage pathways. Please remember, this is just a snapshot in time and doesn’t mean liver stagnation could not become a problem for you in the future. It’s always important to pay attention to your liver, lymphatics, colon, kidneys, and other drainage organs, especially if you’re detoxing, to prevent herxing. Keep up the good work!
6-10 Points
Moderate Liver Stagnation Symptoms
Your results indicate that you may be experiencing some liver or gallbladder stagnation, which could be causing symptoms. You may want to focus on supporting your liver through diet, supplementation, and athome practices to optimize your overall health.
11+ Points
Significant Liver Stagnation Symptoms Reported 11+
It seems like your liver really needs some love! Your liver does a lot for you: it filters out toxins from the blood, produces bile, regulates metabolism, stores glucose, produces hormones, and has nearly 500 other vital functions. According to your quiz, your liver needs some attention, whether that’s supplements, castor oil packs, or other tools. Spend some time figuring out how to support this vital organ and work against the stagnation that could be occurring! You can get started with our free 7 Day Turnaround mini class below.
Even if you live a healthy lifestyle today, previous exposures can silently add up to create liver stagnation. Here are just a few:
• Herbicides and pesticides
• Prescription drug use
• Alcohol consumption
• Smoking
• Synthetic personal care products
• Industrial toxins
• Rancid oils
• Poorly filtered water
• Stress
• EMFs
• Air pollution
• Processed foods
• Mold, mold, and more mold!
Whether your liver has congestion, sluggish bile, mineral or cholesterol-based “stones,” mineral based gallstones, fat deposits, or clots of hardened bile… the resulting stagnation has a big impact.
• Slowed down bile flow and poor detoxification.
• Compromised absorption of fats, sugars, vitamins, calcium, and proteins
• Distorted digestion: healthy bile alkalizes food coming from the stomach into the small intestine, encourages gut motility, and stops pathogenic microbes from breeding in the colon.
• Less efficient immune regulation. Bile also has antioxidant and anti-mutagenic properties, making it highly anti-cancerous. When bile flow slows due to liver congestion, these benefits diminish.