My Lyme D�c

Hello! MyLymeDoc.com and Dr. Diane Mueller ND, DAOM, Lac invite you to this mold and Lyme Video E-book! In this book you will find information related to some of the most common questions we hear in the Lyme/mold community! Lyme Disease and Mold Illness are huge root causes of anxiety, depression, brain fog, dementia, mood swing and so much more.
In this video e-book, we will explore some of the relationship between these conditions, as well as ideas on testing and treatment strategies.
If you have Lyme Disease, Mold Illness, or other chronic symptoms and are interested in exploring an approach to healing that addresses the whole body and root causes, please check us out at MyLymeDoc.com.
We offer free initial appointments which are designed for you to be able to ask questions to see if we are the right fit for each other before moving forward.
This book is super easy and simple to use! We will cover about a dozen topics. Each topic will come with an intro and then a link to the video to watch more on the topic!
Let’s get started!
Video One: Intro to the Video E-Book!
Video Two: How to Know if You Have Lyme Disease or Mold Illness
Lyme Disease and Mold Illness are the great mimickers. This means that symptoms looks like so many other things so they are commonly misdiagnosed. In addition, the testing is confusing and many times inaccurate and insufficient testing is conducted. It is so common for standard testing to be normal and people are told to simply get more rest. Alternatively, people are told they have really scary diseases which are actually misdiagnosed and it is Lyme Disease or Mold Illness at the root.
Video Three: What to Look for Beyond Lyme/Mold MISSING!!!!
A huge problem with common Lyme and Mold treatments is that these are oftentimes only a partial answer of the root cause of symptoms. Other tests should be considered including: - SIBO and stool culture
- Hidden Viral Panel

- Full Thyroid panel: TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, antibodies
- Adrenal Health: Cortisol/DHEA
- Toxic Metals
- Other Environmental Toxins
- Food Reactions
- Sex Hormone Imbalances
Video 4: How to Detox Properly
When we kill Borrelia (the bacteria that causes Lyme Disease), it causes a huge release in its toxins that the body has to deal with. The same is true for when other micro-organisms (such as Babesia and Bartonella) die.
The problem with this is that most people with symptoms have detoxification problems. Therefore, when they microorganisms die, they feel worse before they feel better.
Some people are told that this is a natural part of the healing process (the feeling bad part). We do not agree with this. Our clinical experience has shown that when people try to push through these sensations, it usually backfires and creates more inflammation and a longer treatment time.
So, what does one do?
Watch our video for some support on detoxification and how to do this properly.
Video 5: Working with MCAS and Histamine Issues
MCAS (mast cell activation syndrome) and histamine intolerance are quite common in those with chronic infections and toxins. In these conditions, the histamine load is so high in the body that the individual reacts negatively to most things. This is a troublesome situation because the very things that may help to get at the root cause often are not tolerated by the individual.
The solution for this for many people is to first try to calm the inflammation. Many times, people will try mast cell stabilizer drugs or histamine blockers. Unfortunately, many people with these conditions will react negatively to those drugs. Therefore, this is not the right solution for most people.
Video 6: Getting Out of the Moldy Environment

The conversation about getting out of moldy environments is one of the hardest conversations that we have with people. It is not easy to leave (or remediate) and it can be quite costly. If you are living in a moldy environment and are sensitive to mold, this is the single most important thing that you will do.
We have counseled people over and over and over in this area and in many ways it never gets easier. It is so overwhelming to think about the process of getting out of your space, especially when you feel horrible. But, if you are living in mold, this is the only way to health and probably the single most important thing you do for your recovery.
Many people say to us, “there is no way my house could be the problem”. Yet, over and over again, we see that when people take the advice to move or remediate, they finally start to have the results in their health that they have been looking for for so long.
Firstly, take a breath. It is not uncommon for treatment to take a while to work. And it is easy to get upset, sad, angry and depressed when all you want is to have a normal life. Feeling all of these things is a normal response to being sick for so long and to watching your life seemingly deteriorate.
There is HOPE. If you have been going through treatment for a few months and are not noticing changes, the first thing to do is to try to take objective inventory. If you have been working with someone, they should have a list of all the symptoms you started with. It is wise to start by going through this list with them. Many times we are making improvements, but do not realize it. Our brains are wired to focus on what is wrong and sometimes we have symptoms disappear and we do not realize it, until someone helps us see it.
Other times of course, we are not making changes at all. The reason why objective data is so important is due to the impact of the data on the next steps. If you are making positive changes, you will want to continue doing what you are doing. It is a sign that things are working, but you are just not done yet. If you are not making changes, then you will need to evaluate why you are not making changes. In this video, Dr. Diane covers the top reasons why people are not making progress (and what to do about it).
Prevention of recurrence is such an important topic when it comes to working with chronic infections and chronic toxins.

After being sick for a long time, the hormonal system and immune system are commonly wrecked (not permanently.
One of the most common reasons why recurrence happens is due to stress. Mold illness has a genetic root to it and therefore
Video 9: How to Work with the Mental/Emotional Component
Lyme Disease and Mold Illness are mental/emotional games. The amount of stress that having chronic disease can put on the system is huge. It is essential in working with these sorts of chronic diseases, that we work on the mental/emotional system. Between the natural resulting mood swings that occur from the inflammation on the nervous system, to being told by health care practitioners that it is “in one’s head”, the nervous system takes a beating.
In order to get well, it is important to not only work on the physical body, but to train the nervous system and emotional system to be more resilient. This helps the immune system, the detox system and helps to prevent recurrence once one is well.
Video 10: How to Have Healthy Relationships When You are Feeling Horrible
Relationships can take a huge hit while feeling so bad. Friends, partners, family, and employers often do not understand the complications of this disease. Learn some helpful tips to keep your relationships strong while fighting to get out of your health situation.
Video 11: When to Try Other Therapies
There are many other therapies that people will try to support their healing from chronic infections and toxins. We typically see the therapies listed below as helpful therapies to the treatment process, but as tandem supportive treatments to the main killing/detoxifying plan.
In addition, we have seen sensitive people react very strongly to these types of treatments, so if you decide to try them, we recommend starting very slow with low amounts of time.
HBOT: this is hyperbaric oxygen therapy. When this therapy is done, the blood receives a high amount of oxygen. This high amount of oxygen has been shown to help the cells work better as well as to help the body fight infections.

RIFE: Using machines and certain “programs”, the body receives low electromagnetic waves. We have seen the RIFE be an amazing supportive therapy at lowering symptoms in people. Remember that you can over do it!
Sauna: Far infrared saunas can be quite helpful, and we do eliminate toxins in our sweat, which is a good thing. Sometimes chronic illness is exhausting. It not only impacts the physical body but is a true mental battle to survive some days! We help those with chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, pain, autoimmune disease, anxiety, depression, Lyme and mold get their health and their life back!