Menstrual Journal

Menstrual Phase
Approximately the first 1-7 days of your menstrual cycle.
Best to do this journal within the first 3 days of your bleed.
1. How can you take time to rest today?
What's your favorite self care activity? The one you love to do when you have extra time?
2. What patterns are not serving you?
What are the steps you need to make to make a change? What emotions would you feel if you made this change? How would your life be different?
3. What are ways your body has supported you?
How can you show appreciation to your body for all that it does? What are way you can nourish and support your body in gratitude for all that it gives you?
4. Do you trust your body?
If not, why not? How can you begin to trust your body again?
5. Do you remember when you first learned about what a period was?
Who told you? How did you feel? How was your first period? What emotions come up for you?
6. What narratives have you built around menstruation from your past experiences?
How would you like to rewrite this narrative for yourself and future generations?
Follicular Phase
Approximately days 7-14 of your menstrual cycle..
1. How can you move your body today?
Intuitively, what feels supportive? What types of movement did you enjoy as a child? How do you prefer to move your body as an adult?
2 Notice your energy levels.
How have they shifted? What would you like to manifest with these increasing energy levels? What and who deserves your precious energy?
3. What tasks or projects do you find yourself gravitating to today?
What are your strengths? Do you celebrate these?
4. Do you make space for creative projects in your life?
If not, how can you carve out space for some fun and creativity?
Ovulatory Phase
Approximately days 14-17 of your menstrual cycle..
1.When was the last time you saw your tribe?
Do you allow enough time to connect with friends, family and your community? Who can you reach out to today?
2. What's something you've been wanting for awhile but haven't had the momentum to initiate getting it?
How can you use the high energy from this phase to start working towards this?
3. You are a radiant goddess.
What can you adorn yourself with today to make yourself feel even more so? What music can you listen to to create a seductive mood? How can you take time to connect with your partner?
4. What ideas are you bursting with right now?
What are your visions for the future?
Luteal Phase
Approximately days 15-35 of your menstrual cycle..
1.What situations in your life continuously come to your mind during this phase that make you feel irritated, angry or depressed?
2. Can anything be done to change these situations?
If not, how can you accept them?
3. Our energy levels begin to gradually decline during this phase as we get closer to menstruation. We begin to feel more introverted.
How can you conserve your energy? What boundaries can you create with others to protect yourself.
4. Are there repeated arguments you get into with your partner, family, or friends during this time of your cycle?
5. What self talk are you giving yourself?
Is it nurturing or degrading? What are you proud of yourself for accomplishing this past month? What are things you are grateful for?
List at least 3 intentions for your life during your next menstrual cycle
Heythere, lovely!

JennaLongoria(akaThe PeriodGuru)isaboard certifiedfunctional nutritionpractitioner specializinginwomen’s hormones.
Throughhervirtual privatepractice,Jenna helpswomenreclaim theirhormonesand digestivehealthwitha multidisciplinary approachcombining functionalmedicine, nutrition,anddiagnostic labtestinginherresults drivenprograms.
Jenna Longoria FDN-P