Mold & Mycotoxin Protocol

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Mold Mycotoxin Protocol


Contents 03 Meet Dr. Kelly 04 The Protocol 08 Fiber + GI System Support 09 Mold Detoxification Support 05 11 Supportive Activities for Mold & Mycotoxin Detox 06 13 Resources 07 14 Thank You! For Humans Basics Binders KELLY K. MCCANN, MD

Dr. Kelly

serves on the board of directors for two professional organizations and lectures internationally on topics including mold and mycotoxin illness, chronic infections, mast cell activation and environmental medicine.

Educating both colleagues and patients is her passion. At her private practice, The Spring Center in Costa Mesa, CA, she works with many patients with complex chronic illness, utilizing the best of conventional and functional medicine to support them on their healing journey.

Dr. McCann is triple board certified in internal medicine, pediatrics and integrative medicine, as well as certified with the Institute of Functional Medicine. She was one of 35 residential fellows at the University of Arizona’s Center for Integrative Medicine. She received her MD and MPH from Tulane University in New Orleans, LA, and also holds a Master of Library Science, a Master of Spiritual Psychology and a Bachelor of Music.

Dr. Kelly resides in Southern California with her husband and their dog and is currently working on a book for patients.

The protocol
This protocol requires that we treat both the people and the home in order to ensure a safe and mold-free environment in which people can heal. Find more resources at:


The mycotoxins circulate throughout the body passing in and out of cell membranes and eventually end up in the liver, collect in the gallbladder and then are excreted into the bile, where they get re-absorbed into the body through the enterohepatic re-circulation.

In order to interrupt this cycle, we must use binders in the GI tract to attach to the mycotoxins and escort them out of the body, thereby lowering the total load of mycotoxins. Binders also vary based on their affinity to bind certain mycotoxins

Your protocol will be personalized to you based on your mycotoxin testing, home testing and tolerance level. This process needs to go as slow as the body can handle. Some people must be very gentle and start low and slowly increase the amount of binders.

Any increase in symptoms should be managed by reducing or even stopping the binders temporarily.



Avoid mold environments! You need to get out of the moldy environment as soon as possible

Take nothing with you. You can put your beloved belongings in storage and wait to see if they are safe to keep once you have recovered.

Prevent re-exposures as much as possible. Mold exposed patients tend to be attracted to moldy places

Drink plenty of water. Aim for 1 ounce per every kilogram body weight at least. Make sure it is high quality water. I prefer Mountain Valley Spring Water, preferably in glass bottles rather than plastic.

Get as much quality sleep as you can. Healing from mold & mycotoxins requires at least 8 hours of sleep. Avoid foods that you are sensitive to, as well as foods that feed yeast and mold, like sugar, alcohol, grains, corn and most forms of dairy, moldy or fermented foods, like peanuts. Limit exposure to EMF, radiation and Wifi. Many mold sufferers develop sensitivities to all forms of EMF. Put phone in airplane mode Turn off wifi at night Consider an EMF building evaluation Mold and mycotoxins make every other ailment worse. It can trigger Mast cell Activation and suppress the immune system to allow for previously unrecognized infections, like Lyme disease to manifest.

Consider getting Air Filters to help reduce air contamination, if you can’t leave right away.

Reduce other chemical exposures in personal care products, pesticides, fragrances, etc. Discuss further with your practitioners if you are unsure of exposures. Exercise cautiously. Your body is under siege and you need to honor yourself and your process

Know that healing is messy. Everyone heals at a different rate Again, honor your process. Slow and steady will get you there.



Activated charcoal

Bentonite Clay (Great Plains Yerba Prima)

GI Detox (combination of Zeolite clay, charcoal, Silica, apple pectin, Humic and Fulvic acid)

Binder Blend (activated charcoal, bentonite clay, chlorella, slippery elm)

Saccromyces Boulardii (beneficial yeast good for Gliotoxin, Zearalanone, Enniatin B)

NAC N-Acetyl Cysteine (good for Gliotoxin)

Chlorella (Bio Pure Chlorella Pyrenoidosa)

Zeolite (available through Hopkinton Drug)

Researched Nutritionals MycoPul®

Cell Core Biotoxin Binder (humic/fulvic acid, yucca root, broccoli sprout, molybdenum 10mcg)

Quick Silver Ultrabinder (fibregum, zeolite, bentonite clay, activated charcoal, chitosan, aloe vera, silica)


Cholestyramine (available commercially or via compounding)

Welchol (Colesevelam - available commercially or via compounding)

Propolmannan (available via compounding pharmacy



Begin activated charcoal 1 cap daily for 1 week. Take 30 minutes before or 2 hours after food/supplements. After 1 week increase to 1 cap twice daily Then after another week, increase to 2 caps in am for 1 week, then up to 2 caps in pm. Adding binders, can increase symptoms, so if this happens reduce your dose. Then start , first 1 cap in am and then 1 cap in pm. Then start

If you are already constipated, do NOT start binders until you resolve your constipation. If you get constipated, can take magnesium to help with the constipation. Continue increasing the dose to bowel tolerance. If you are still struggling with constipation, stop binders and notify your doctor.



Binder Plus is propolmannan a natural soluble fiber.

Fiber Plus by Orthomolecular Products

(psyllium, flax, rice, apple pectin, prune, fig fibers)

Flax Seed meal – least constipating fiber option

Chia Seeds

Rice Bran Fiber – this source of fiber is also excellent at binding other fat soluble toxins

Oat Bran fiber

Psyllium Husk – most constipating fiber option


Mike Thistle – protects the liver from mycotoxin damage. Can take doses from 100mg up to 1500mg daily.

PhytoCore – a blend of liver support herbs and bitters which help with enhancing bile excretion. ( Contains dandelion, artichoke, milk thistle, turmeric, l-methionine, inositol, garlic) Can use 2 caps daily or in preparation for coffee enemas or colonics 2 caps the night before and 1-2 hours prior to the enema/ colonic.

Bitters – otherwise known as Swedish Bitters Take 5 drops directly on the tongue 10 minutes before meals to support bowel movements.

Ox Bile can be taken with fatty meals to help with patients who can’t tolerate fats due to a mold toxic gallbladder. 100mg – 500mg capsules with largest meals of the day

Tudca (Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid) is a form of bile acids which has anti-inflammatory effects as well as neuroprotective effects. Doses are generally 500mg daily with largest meals to support fat absorption.

Additional Instructions:



Liposomal glutathione (TriFortify gel, ReadiSorb liquid or powder or Essential Pro caps) Glutathione is the master antioxidant which is depleted by mycotoxins. It also helps remove mycotoxins from the body. Some people with sulfite issues have difficulty tolerating this. Doses are usually around 250mg up to 1000mg daily orally. Can also be administered intravenously.

Body Bio PC phosphatidyl choline is my favorite supplement for supporting the nervous system and for mobilizing mycotoxins out of the cell membranes Doses start low and work up to 6 -8 caps or 1 tbsp once or twice daily. Can also be administered intravenously, which is extremely helpful for neurological symptoms related to mold and mycotoxins

Quercetin – helps with several pathways of detoxification for mycotoxins especially phase 1 liver detox and glucuronidation. Very safe and generally tolerated Doses range from 250mg once daily up to 1000mg 4 times daily.

Resveratrol – another antioxidant, this supplement helps reduce inflammation. Doses up to 1000mg daily. Generally very safe. Curcumin (Turmeric) is known for a wide array of benefits in the body. It helps reduce inflammation, supports brain and nervous system function and ameliorates pain. Start with food options and if tolerated, can move to 200-350mg. Can take up to 1000mg or more daily.

Alpha Lipoic Acid or R-Lipoic Acid – A great antioxidant which helps the body make glutathione if not able to tolerate glutathione directly Also helps neuropathy and balancing blood sugars Doses are 600mg of ALA or 100mg RLA.

Omega Supreme - Omega 3 fatty acids especially DHA for brain and vision health Take 2 caps daily for nearly 2000mg daily

Melatonin is another potent antioxidant which especially helps brain and liver issues in mold patients. It is also used in high doses in cancer patients Start at 0 5mg – 1mg and work up to 20mg at bedtime. May not necessarily help with sleep, but still has an antioxidant effect.

CoQ 10 is a potent antioxidant that works well to support the mitochondria in the cardiac muscle. Generally very well tolerated. Dose range for 100-400mg daily



- Liposomal glutathione (Trifortify or Readi-Sorb) 1 tsp daily on empty stomach for mold detox

- Body Bio PC Phosphatidyl choline. Begin with 1 cap daily or 1/8 tsp daily and every week or so can increase by 1 cap or 1/8 tsp up to 6 -8 caps or 1 tbsp daily.


Xlear nasal spray (available OTC is xylitol which has biofilm busting capacity) 1-2 sprays each nostril twice daily. Nasal saline rinses can be helpful.

BE (Bacitracin / EDTA) nasal spray if sinus symptoms are present. This is a compounded prescription called into Hopkinton drug in Hopkinton Mass. 2 sprays each nostril three times daily for 4-6 weeks.

Nystatin /EDTA nasal spray 1 spray each nostril twice daily. This spray is usually taken for 3-6 months. If no change after 2-3 months consider switching off earlier

Amphotericin B nasal spray 1 spray each nostril twice daily.

Usual time on anti-fungal nasal sprays can be 6 months or longer if needed.

Ozone insufflation can also be used.


There are a number of herbal antifungals that can help treat mold and mycotoxin illness. These include Pau D’Arco, Holy Basil, Olive leaf, Thyme and Oil of Oregano These can be discussed Nystatin oral prescription. This medication is not absorbed into the body and only addresses fungal overgrowth in the GI tract which is common in mold exposed patients Typical doses are 500,000 units/tab and can be take 1-4 times daily.

Itraconazole 100mg tab. This prescription is a much more potent antifungal which can also kill mold. Liver enzymes and blood counts must be measured every 4 weeks while on this medication. Most people do not start this medication daily, but must work up to a daily dose


Sauna – There are studies that show that sauna, either near infrared, far infrared or radiant heat saunas will heat up the body and help mobilize mycotoxins. Ideally start for short periods of time and increase up to 30-40 minutes depending on the temperature and type of sauna. Can do daily as tolerated. Coffee enemas – I have found these are an excellent way to remove mycotoxins and other toxins to help heal faster This can be effective after IVs especially to help reduce the re-circulation of mycotoxins. I recommend the Pure Life Stainless Steel Enema bucket which comes with the Gerson instruction booklet and coffee SA Wilson enema coffee is also very good. Aim for 3-5 days per week or more. Colon hydrotherapy or Colonics. These procedures are performed at a specific location with a trained colon hydrotherapist There are 2 types of systems, open or closed. Many patients perform these weekly and supplement with home enemas.

Dry Brushing Epsom Salt baths


IV PC is one of the best tolerated and most effective treatments for mold and mycotoxin illness, especially for the neurological components. The Spring Center Protocol includes: pharmaceutical grade phosphatidyl choline, leucovorin which is a form of folinic acid to support methylation, glutathione and lastly, we add sodium phenyl butyrate which is a molecule that helps break up abnormal lipids in the body and has anti-inflammatory properties.


Neil Nathan’s book Toxic: Heal Your Body give a great overview of Mold, Lyme and Mast cell action syndrome. Jill Crista, ND’s book Break The Mold



There are a few considerations when deciding how to proceed with assessing your home for mold. How much can you afford to spend? Do you rent or own? If you rent, you need different information than if you own and intend on remediating. If you own, you do want to consider that any mold found must be remediated before you can sell the property. For the most sick patients, you will most likely need to leave and it is possible the property may not be able to be remediated to the level that you require in order to recover.

Do It Yourself Options: This company sells mold plates and swabs which can be returned for an assessment of the molds growing on the plates. The cost is dependent on the number of plates or swabs ordered.

ERMI test through This costs $300 and is a cloth test Look at 26 "toxic" molds and 10 non-toxic molds and gives a composite score. The higher the score the more problematic the building.

HERSTMI test, also through www mycometrics com, costing $155 total but only looks for the 5 most common mold species. This is a much more basic test. Usually used in between ERMI tests to assess work being done during a remediation

How to do an EMRI or HERTSMI test. Please order the cloth test. (not the vacuum test) Collect the samples from dust about 2 weeks old, not years old. A good place to sample is the HVAC or air filtration/vent system as this would represent what circulates through the whole house. You can test one room or many rooms, but if its positive may need to get an actual mold inspector for complete evaluation and recommendations for remediation.



Visit ISEAI org website for list of mold inspectors Anna Branch Michael Schrantz an Indoor Environmental Professional (IEP) who I trust who is in Tucson, AZ. He is on the ISEAI - International Society for Environmentally Acquired Illness Board with me. He can do a video call and determine if an inspector is warranted and also provide instructions how to test the house.


We recommend a home inspector for mold. Please get prices and pick the one you feel comfortable with. https://holtanalytical com/ Joseph Guiterrez at Guaranteed Property Inspections The Mold Guys 888-351-9565 Precision Mold testing

Celco Services All-American Mold Remediation: San Pedro, CA

REMEDIATION Pleasesharenamesandcontactinformationofbusinesses youtrustsowecansharewithothers!

Mold DetoxBundle

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