20 Ways to Introduce Healing Factors into Your Life — Starting Today!
Anyone who has been touched by cancer or any other lifethreatening disease has inevitably heard an anecdotal story about radical healing—someone who defied the odds and achieved remission without conventional medical interventions.
For the past fifteen years, Kelly A. Turner, Ph.D., a Harvardtrained researcher and New York Times best-selling author of Radical Remission and Radical Hope, has studied these cases in the hopes of bringing attention to a subset of survivors whose inexplicable experiences with healing are all-too-often ignored by Western science.
She’s traveled the world and analyzed more than 1,500 radical remission cases — as well as the healing experts who helped these incredible survivors when conventional medicine couldn’t. While learning their amazing stories of perseverance, ten common healing factors appeared again and again in the survivors’ stories. These ten common factors became the basis for the Radical Remission and Radical Hope books and the Radical Remission Docuseries.

Multiple, randomized controlled trials still need to be conducted before it’s possible to claim that these ten healing factors play a direct role in cancer remission—but, meanwhile, numerous controlled studies have already shown that these ten healthy lifestyle choices lead to a significantly stronger immune system and better overall wellness.
Knowing this, there are countless ways to incorporate some (or all) of the ten healing factors into your daily habits in an effort to promote your healthiest life.
Here are 20 ideas to get you started.
DISCLAIMER: This action plan contains the opinions and ideas of its authors. It is intended to provide helpful and informative material on the subjects addressed in the plan. It is with the understanding that the authors and publisher are not engaged in rendering medical, health, or any other kind of professional services in this plan. The reader should consult his or her medical, health or other competent professional before adopting any of the suggestions in this plan or drawing inferences from it. The authors and publisher specifically disclaim all responsibility for any liability, loss, or risk, personal or otherwise, which is incurred as a consequence, directly or indirectly, of the use and application of any of the contents of this plan.

Healing Factor: Empowering Yourself
In Western cultures, we’re often taught to simply accept what our doctors tell us without questioning—but what if we do have questions? Empowering yourself means taking ownership over your health, finding medical professionals who welcome your curiosity, and expanding your healing team to include additional perspectives.
Tip #1—Find an Advocate
You may have heard that “you need to be your own advocate,” but that can be challenging for many reasons—especially when you’re sick. So, now is a good time to think about who in your inner circle would be a good advocate and sounding board. Commit to starting the conversation. You may be surprised to learn which of your friends or loved ones has a better understanding of medical jargon, processes, and resources than you.
Tip #2—Get Additional Opinions
When you or a loved one is diagnosed with a chronic disease, everyone in your corner needs to be a star player. So, evaluate your current team of health care professionals, and ask yourself, “Do I trust this person with my life?” If the answer isn’t a resounding Yes!, start looking for someone new. For those of you who are in good health now, this will play an important role in disease prevention, and for those who are currently working to overcome an illness, keep in mind that most health insurance plans automatically cover second opinions.

Healing Factor: Radically Changing Your Diet
You are in complete control over your diet, which is why it’s one of the easiest things you can radically change in order to significantly improve the way your body feels—every single day.
Tip #3—Plan for More Plants
This easy diet adjustment provides significant benefits. Regardless of what’s on the menu, all you have to do is make sure that half of your plate is filled with vegetables and/or fruits. Could there be a simpler formula for improving your health?
Tip #4—Make the Organic vs. Non-Organic Decision
There is a lot of conflicting advice when it comes to eating organic, but there are non-profit organizations—like the Environmental Working Group (www.ewg.org)—that can help you identify which foods should be organic (known as “The Dirty Dozen”) and which ones are less susceptible to pesticides and therefore less urgent to buy organic (“The Clean Fifteen”). Start doing some research and commit to grocery options that will reduce toxicity in your daily life.

Healing Factor: Releasing Suppressed Emotions
If you’ve ever felt “sick to your stomach” over a situation, then you already know the impact our emotions can have on our physiology. While it can be intimidating to approach suppressed emotions, it’s well worth it because it will lead you to a far freer future.
Tip #5—Start Writing
The physical act of writing about thoughts and emotions allows you to transfer pain, frustration, resentment, and anger out of your body and onto paper. For the next two weeks, write one letter each day to someone in your past, present, or maybe even future life. You don’t need to send these letters. In fact, you may find it therapeutic to ceremonially burn them.
Tip #6—Practice Daily Forgiveness
Are you holding onto any emotional baggage that’s doing nothing but weighing you down? We all are. It’s time to let it go, and you can start with this daily practice: Every morning, think of someone from your past or present life (including yourself), and silently forgive them for whatever pain they caused you—start with minor frustrations and slowly work up to any major traumas.

Healing Factor: Increasing Positive Emotions
Bringing joy and laughter into your life supports healing and promotes overall wellness directly in your physical body. Plus, it makes every day more fulfilling—and that’s worth celebrating.
Tip #7—Reconnect with Joy
Many of us believe we are happy, but can you remember the last time you truly had fun? When faced with their mortality, many radical remission survivors recognize that they have lost touch with true happiness—and we can learn from their experiences. What were your favorite pastimes as a child? Picking wildflowers? Finding shapes in the clouds? Riding your bike? Splashing in a lake? This week, revisit at least one of your favorite childhood activities and see if it rekindles a youthful joy.
Tip #8—Say Hello to a Furry Friend
Animals can reduce anxiety, depression, and even pain—by reducing the body’s stress hormones (like cortisol and adrenaline) and triggering the release of more healing hormones (like oxytocin, dopamine, and endorphins). Consider adopting or fostering a pet, if that fits with your lifestyle. If not, you can get a big dose of unconditional love by volunteering at a shelter or planning “playdates” with your friends’ pets. If your mobility is limited, look online to see if there’s a non-profit in your area that specializes in free animal therapy.

Healing Factor: Bringing Exercise and Movement into Your Life
You don’t need high-impact exercise to receive powerful health benefits, so set the intention of incorporating a regular “movement routine” into your life instead. Of course, always consult a trusted health professional to determine what level of activity is right for you. But remember, any amount of movement helps!
#9—Create a Habit
Set a consistent schedule—and hold yourself to it! To turn your movement routine into a habit, you need to stick with it until it becomes second nature. Starting today, block out at least ten minutes that are dedicated to movement, and don’t let other activities overtake it!
Tip #10—Make it
You won’t turn your routine into a habit if you dread it. Plus, you also have a goal of finding more joy in life (see Tip #7)—so, it’s time to find a fun way of getting your daily exercise in. Take a dance class (or freestyle in your kitchen). Ride a bike. Join a recreational sports league. Go for a hike somewhere beautiful. Explore yoga, tai chi, or qi gong. If you’re not feeling particularly creative, search on YouTube.com for terms like “fun workout” or “low-impact exercise” and watch for free!

Healing Factor: Having Strong Reasons for Living
Whether you’re working to overcome an illness or you’re simply looking to promote lifelong wellness, it’s time to take a close look at your sense of purpose. By identifying and embracing what you were put on this world to do, you’ll breathe new meaning into every single day.
Tip #11—Write Your Award Bio
Some may suggest writing your “obituary” but that can feel like a morbid practice. Instead, imagine that you’ve been nominated for a Lifetime Achievement Award, and the organization is requesting a bio. Take an hour to sit down and write it—allowing yourself to think about what you’re most proud of from your life and those things you wish you could write—those dreams that haven’t come to life… yet.
#12—Start Volunteering
Giving your time (not just money) to support a non-profit organization in your community is a fantastic way to find meaning and purpose. As you help others and develop new relationships, you’ll be reminded of the impact you can have on the world around you – starting with your own community.

Healing Factor: Deepening Your Spiritual Connection
There is no “right” or “wrong” way to experience a spiritual connection. For some, it’s found while praying with a rosary. For others, a drumming circle feels more natural. What’s important is that you feel a deep sense of peace, and a connection with something greater.
Tip #13—Find Your Inner Stillness
Many of us mistakenly believe that meditation requires a tranquil setting and a silent mind, but meditation can take many forms—like the repetition of prayers (or mantras) or even the rhythmic slapping of running shoes on a trail. To take a step towards finding your meditation style, start with a meditation app—like Calm, Headspace (started by a monk), or 10% Happier—or find a low-cost (or free!) meditation course at a local yoga studio or on YouTube.
Tip #14—Try an Energy Healer
Spiritual journeys don’t need to be lonely. For many radical remission survivors, an energy healer provided the healing and guidance they were looking for. Ask for recommendations at your local yoga studio, wellness center, or community center—or, if that makes you uncomfortable, “review websites” like Yelp will list local providers (complete with ratings and testimonials).

Healing Factor: Using Herbs and Supplements
Herbs and supplements can be just as powerful as Western medicine—and, despite being all-natural, they should be treated with the same respect. Always consult a qualified health professional before embarking on a supplement regimen.
Tip #15—Improve Your Gut Health
The “good” bacteria that live in your digestive tract (aka your gut) play a major role in a healthy immune system. Improve your gut health with prebiotics and probiotics. While you can opt for supplements, you can also add certain foods to your diet. For example, bananas, onions, and garlic are rich in prebiotic fibers, while yogurt, kefir, and other fermented foods are filled with immuneboosting probiotics.
Tip #16—Try This Overlooked Daily Detox Trick
While there are countless DIY detoxes that can be found online, many of us overlook the most powerful habit for a daily detox. Commit to drinking at least a gallon of water each day to cleanse your organs. And, take regular hot baths with Epsom salt or baking soda for an extra level of detoxification (remember, your skin is your body’s largest organ).

Healing Factor: Following Your Intuition
Logically, we all know that our brains and our bodies are connected, and yet, we often ignore our “intuitive senses” that are sending us important signals. Accessing your intuition is like exercising any other muscle—if you don’t use it, you lose it.
Tip #17—Learn Your Intuitive Signals
When you make decisions, big or small, pay attention to your body’s cues. Close your eyes and visualize what it would be like to commit to a choice you’re currently questioning—and see if your stomach clenches or your heart races. Then, visualize the opposite choice, and note how differently your body reacts. As you become more attuned to your body’s intuitive responses, you’ll be better equipped to “hear” your intuition in the moments that matter most.
Tip #18—Get Your Energy Flowing
In traditional Chinese medicine, energy-based treatments are believed to improve the flow of chi (aka life-force energy) and release stagnation that may be contributing to your illness. Find a licensed acupuncturist near you, and see if your insurance will cover the treatment.

Healing Factor: Embracing Social Support
It’s time to (finally) say goodbye to the idea that you must do everything yourself. Humans are social in nature. We need to feel supported, and we need to be able to give support, too. So, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Tip #19—Recognize Your Relationship with “Support”
At the end of each day, ask yourself two questions: “How did I express love and support for others today?” and “How did I let others express their love and support for me?” Many of us have a natural tendency to give to our loved ones, while being uncomfortable receiving the same gift in return. These two questions are powerful because they often shine a light on this type of imbalance and get you one step closer to fully embracing your support system.
Tip #20—Find Some Human Touch
Hugs, handholding, and cuddles are more than just pleasant—they release oxytocin, a chemical that relaxes the body and promotes healing. So, embrace your loved ones more often because it’s good for your health and your relationships. If you’re not a physical type of person, that’s okay. Instead, schedule a massage, a pedicure, or maybe a haircut for an occasional dose of human touch.