Restore Your Pelvic Floor

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Dr. Amanda Olson, DPT, PRPC President & Chief Clinical Officer Tips. Exercises. Resources. YOUR PELVIC FLOOR R E S T O R E

Dear friend,

We’re so excited to be a small part of the Dr. Talks Sexual Dysfunction Summit, discussing conditions that affect so many people worldwide. It is important to find safe and friendly communities such as this one to connect with others to ask questions, get answers, and find hope.

My name is Amanda Olson, and I am a dedicated Doctor of Physical Therapy passionate about enhancing people’s health, particularly in pelvic floor disorders. Having entered the world of pelvic floor therapy because of my own personal experience, I'm proud to now lead as the President and Chief Clinical Officer at Intimate Rose. Our mission is to improve women's health globally, offering compassionate care and quality products.

If you're new to Intimate Rose, rest assured that your goals are our goals. We're here to support you no matter where you are on your journey.



Welcome to your guide to pelvic health! Your pelvic floor is a remarkable part of your body, and understanding it better can lead to a happier, more comfortable life. Let's dive in and explore what the pelvic floor is all about, along with the treatment options available for pelvic floor conditions.

Discover Your Pelvic Floor

Your pelvic floor muscles are like the unsung heroes of your body. They sit between your hip bones and provide essential support to your bladder, rectum, and sexual/reproductive organs. They play a crucial role in various bodily functions, including urination, defecation, sexual pleasure, and overall vaginal health.

Prevalence of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

You're not alone in this journey. In fact, many people experience pelvic floor issues at some point in their lives. In fact, one in three people will experience some sort of pelvic floor dysfuction in their lifetime. And yes, it's not uncommon for individuals to have more than one type of issue!


Your Pelvic Floor

Muscles and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

The pelvic floor muscles, located at the bottom of the pelvis, are a group of muscles that support the pelvic organs. Their function includes regulating urination and bowel movements, and facilitating sexual activity. Similar to any other muscle group, they can encounter issues, such as:

Tension and spasms, leading to discomfort during bowel movements, sitting, or vaginal penetration with use of tampons or during medical examinations.

Discomfort or pain during intercourse, including superficial and deeper penetration, or orgasm.

Post-sex pelvic floor pain arising from overactive muscles.

Weakening of the pelvic floor due to factors like aging, childbirth, surgery, and more, which may result in unwanted leaks or vaginal prolapse.

Vaginal dryness or atrophy that happens from age, hormone changes, cancer treatment, and more. This can result in itching and discomfort, as well as painful intercourse.


When it comes to pelvic health, we encounter two main types of issues: overactivity (hypertonic) and underactivity (hypotonic) of the pelvic floor muscles.

Overactive/Hypertonic Pelvic Floor Disorders

These are characterized by overly active or tense pelvic floor muscles. They can lead to various challenges, such as urinary urgency, frequency, or retention, bowel issues like constipation or IBS, pain while sitting, low back pain, and even sexual difficulties like pain or discomfort.

Underactive/Hypotonic Pelvic Floor Disorders

On the flip side, underactive pelvic floor muscles may be weak, lack coordination, or not functioning optimally. This can result in problems like urinary incontinence, decreased sexual response, and pelvic organ prolapse.

Although these issues are less than ideal, they aren’t something to feel ashamed or embarrassed about. They are not normal, however, they are common! You are truly not alone.


Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy (PT)

If you feel you have any of these symptoms, our first recommendation is to see a pelvic floor physical therapist. Pelvic Floor Physical therapy is highly beneficial to address abdominal and pelvic pain, such as painful periods or sex, undesirable leaks, or any pressure within the pelvic floor. It offers the opportunity to look at simple lifestyle changes or recommendations for resources to aid relieving the pain.

A pelvic floor therapist can teach you how to appropriately relax and lengthen pelvic floor muscles, provide manual treatment techniques, aid in neuromuscular reeducation, and provide exercises to improve muscle function and reduce pain.

Some of the various solutions discussed during pelvic floor therapy may include:

Need help connecting with a pelvic floor physical therapist? Reach out to us at!


Pelvic Floor Stretch: Diaphragmatic Breathing

This exercise uses your body's natural breathing mechanics to gently stretch the pelvic floor muscles. Your abdominal cavity acts like a balloon when you breathe where the top of the balloon is the main muscle of breathing called your diaphragm, the bottom is your pelvic floor muscles, and the sides are your abdominal and back muscles.

When you breathe in, your diaphragm drops slightly into your abdominal cavity putting pressure on the top of your “abdominal balloon” which will provide a gentle stretch to the pelvic floor at the bottom of your abdominal cavity.

Some adults tend to restrict breathing into their chest cavity only limiting their ability to fully expand their lungs and relax the pelvic floor. To ensure good mechanics, place one had on your chest and one hand on your belly/abdomen when lying down.

When you breathe in, try to breathe into your belly and watch your belly hand move upward while your chest hand stays relatively still. When you breathe out, your belly hand will sink back to its initial starting position.


Pelvic Floor Stretches

Below are some stretches that help the pelvic floor lengthen and relax. These pelvic stretches can be performed 5-7 days per week as part of an ongoing program to maintain a healthy pelvis and pelvic floor muscles. Be sure to add in a few diaphragmatic breaths to each stretch!

Happy Baby:

Happy baby is pelvic floor release stretch that can easily be modified to accommodate different ranges of flexibility.

Begin laying on your back, then bring your feet towards the ceiling, keeping them wider than hip width. Breath deeply into the sides of the rib cage and the belly. This stretch can be adapted by using a yoga belt or even a bed sheet looped behind the knees to help grasp the legs in the event you cannot yet reach your feet.


Deep Squat:

Deep squat stretch can be done by holding onto the kitchen counter, a chair, or even leaning into a corner of the room for support. Try to keep your feet flat on the ground and spaced slightly wider than your hips.

Drop your hips downward as low as possible and breath into the sides of the rib cage. Envision the pelvic floor opening.

Cat / Cow Stretch

Begin on hands and knees (all fours). Inhale and arch the back, allowing the abdomen to sink downward towards the floor without moving the shoulders or hips.

Next, exhale and press your back up towards the ceiling, rounding the spine and directing the tailbone downward (like an angry cat). Pause, then inhale and reverse back down into the cow position. Repeat 10-20 times.


Figure Four Stretch:

Figure Four stretch targets the hip and the muscles of the back of the hip. These muscles share connections to the pelvic floor. Hip mobility is an important component of a healthy pelvic floor.

Begin laying on your back. Cross your right ankle over your left knee and then lift your left knee up towards your chest. Hold for 30 seconds then switch to the other leg. Repeat three times on each leg.

Child’s Pose:

Child’s pose can also be adapted to alter the stretch if needed by using a pillow either behind the knees, or in the front fold of the hips. Maintain an easy breath into the sides of the ribs. Visualize a relaxation, dropping, or “letting go” in the pelvic floor.


Adductor Stretch:

The adductor muscles are a group of muscles on the inner thigh. They attach onto the inner aspect of the pelvic bone on each side. These muscles are commonly tight in people who experience pelvic pain and vulva or vaginal pain, and those with weak pelvic floor muscles.

To do the adductor stretch, lunge to the left by bending the left knee and keeping the right leg straight. Press your hips back as if you were sitting in a chair and do not allow your left knee to press forward beyond the left foot.


Hamstring Stretch: The hamstring muscles are the group of muscles in the back side of the thigh. They bend the knee and extend the hip. They tend to be tight in most people that sit for prolonged periods.

The hamstrings attach to the bony part of the pelvis that you sit upon. Because of this attachment point, when they are tight, they can create tension on the low back, and can place a strain on the pelvis.

Diligence in stretching the hamstrings is a helpful for many musculoskeletal issues. To do this stretch, prop one foot up onto a stool or chair with the knee straight.

Hinge forward at the hips to lean over the stretching leg and keep the spine straight. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat on each leg for 3 sets.


Vaginal Dryness: Lubricants

Women may experience vaginal dryness for many reasons and it is nothing to be ashamed about!

Lubricants are a great option to find relief, and below we will discuss two main types:

Vulvar Balm:

Balm is meant to be used externally on the vulva on a daily basis much like you would a body lotion. It's perfect for soothing itching or painful labia and vulva, but can also help set the mood! It's a way to maintain daily moisture of the vulva, and is absorbed into the skin to help maintain healthy tissue.

When choosing a vulvar balm or vaginal moisturizer make sure the product is organic, natural, clinician developed, and free of chemicals, parabens, phthalates, and gluten.


Water-based Lube:

For all women with mild to extreme vaginal dryness, water-based personal lubricants are incredibly effective at relieving discomfort and pain during intercourse. Water-based lubricants can be used safely alongside condoms and are known to improve sex by decreasing friction and making sex more pleasurable.

When choosing a lubricant it's important to choose a safe, water-based, toxinfree, FDA-approved product that is as close to the vagina's natural PH as possible. Oil-based substances like baby oil and petroleum jelly should be avoided as they can disrupt the natural PH of a woman’s vagina, increasing the chances of a bacterial infection.


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Painful Sex: Change your Position

If sex is painful, simply changing up the angles may be a quick fix! Try different sexual positions that promote pelvic floor relaxation and comfort. This will vary based on you and your partner’s anatomy. If painful penetration is an issue, try some of these positions:

Spoon Sex: In the spoon position, penetration is often less deep. You can angle your pelvis to find a position that is comfortable.

You on Top: This allows you to control the rate and depth of penetration. Find a depth and rhythm that is comfortable.

Also, it may be helpful to speak with a sex therapist for additional insight!


Unwanted Leaks: Kegel Weights

Unwanted leaks when running, jumping or simply laughing? We’ve been there!

For women with a weakened pelvic floor, strengthening it is crucial, and Kegel exercises are a go-to method. However, achieving significant improvements can be challenging without resistance. Doing Kegel exercises 80-100 times daily is timeconsuming and energy-draining, especially in our busy lives.

Enter Kegel weights: These devices, often referred to as Kegel balls, or vaginal weights, complement traditional Kegel exercises. They help you get an effective workout in less time, delivering faster results. Kegel exercises target the pelvic floor muscles that support vital organs in women, such as the bladder, vaginal canal, uterus, and rectum. Pelvic floor exercises, with or without Kegel weights tighten your pelvic floor, addressing common issues like pelvic organ prolapse, incontinence, and bladder control, while also strengthening vaginal muscles for a more empowered you!


A common mistake for beginners is flexing the abdominal muscles instead of the pelvic floor muscles. When you tighten your abs, it can push down on the pelvic floor and the weight out.

To engage the pelvic floor muscles correctly, imagine trying to pause the flow of urine (not recommended often, but a useful sensation for practice).

Using Kegel weights during traditional exercises helps beginners locate and target the pelvic floor muscles correctly, which can be challenging due to their hidden nature. This is especially beneficial for those with poor body awareness (proprioception), as suggested by many physical therapists.


Regain your confidence in just 15 minutes a day! Tighter and stronger vaginal muscles offer improved bladder control, enhanced intimacy, easier labor and faster childbirth recovery.

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Recommend Kegel Weights


Pelvic Pain:

Vaginal Dilators and Pelvic Wands

Yes yes, we know they can look a little intimidating, but we promise they are truly game-changers when it comes to pelvic pain!

Vaginal dilators and/or pelvic wands are helpful tools that can help desensitize vaginal tissues, relax muscles, and address any scar tissue in the vaginal area. These tools allow you to work on your own time as well to progress faster between therapy sessions.

Often these resources are covered by your Health Savings Account (HSA). As you are shopping, be sure to look for important quality assurances, such as patented design by a physical therapist, medical grade silicone, and/or FDA clearance.

Next we cover a few of the differences between the wands and dilators, but often they work best together! Your pelvic floor therapist can help determine what is best for you.



Dilators are best to treat restriction at the vaginal opening, and difficulty with any form of penetration such as from pelvic exams, tampons, or sex. Dilators are often ideal for those with vaginismus, scar tissue, or hypertonic muscles.


Pelvic wands are often used superficially for perineal massage, introitus stretching, and to reach deeper pelvic floor muscles. They are a great option for anyone suffering from Endometriosis and/or Interstitial cystitis pain, tailbone pain, hypertonic muscles, or deep dyspareunia.


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Constipation or Rectal Pain: Rectal Dilators

Rectal dilators are handy tools for addressing painful pelvic floor issues like levator ani syndrome, muscle spasms around the anus, pelvic pain, and more. These problems can affect people of all genders, causing pain and emotional distress. The good news? They're treatable!

Used alongside pelvic floor therapy, rectal dilators gently stretch and open the anal canal. Symptoms of pelvic floor issues around the anus can include pain when sitting, spasms, discomfort during bowel movements, or post-surgery complications.

Cancer treatments and surgeries can also lead to painful adhesions or scar tissue around the anus. That's where Intimate Rose Dilators come in. These medical-grade silicone devices gradually increase in size, offering a smooth and gentle way to stretch and train pelvic floor muscles, the anus, and rectum for improved capacity. So, there's hope for better days ahead!



In closing, we hope this guide has shed light on the remarkable world of pelvic health and the importance of caring for your pelvic floor. As we've explored the intricate muscles that quietly support your vital organs and daily functions, we've also touched upon the prevalence of pelvic floor dysfunction, reminding you that you're never alone in facing these challenges.

Remember, whether you're beginning your journey to pelvic wellness or seeking solutions for specific concerns, there are effective treatments and support available. With the right knowledge and resources, you can embark on a path to a happier and more comfortable life, free from the burdens of pelvic discomfort. So, embrace your pelvic health journey with confidence, and may your days ahead be filled with comfort, empowerment, and well-being. Here's to a healthier, happier you!


Relieve pain. Restore strength. Reclaim pelvic health.

At Intimate Rose, we empower individuals to conquer sensitive health challenges with effective solutions and unwavering support. From bladder leaks to painful intimacy, our range of award-winning products--including vaginal dilators, Kegel weights, and a range of women’s supplements--has been crafted under the guidance of Dr. Amanda Olson, who understands these issues personally.

We offer more than products; we're a lifeline with private support groups, guides, and tutorials, aiming to reduce isolation in your pelvic health journey. Let us be your steadfast partner in your journey toward wellness, confidence, and comfort.

Join our community!


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