Imagine having strong, healthy gums in just six weeks. It's possible with natural methods that prioritize your oral health without harsh chemicals or invasive procedures. In this guide, we'll explore how to reverse gum disease and promote gum health using simple, effective strategies anyone can follow.

When we talk about oral health, most people tend to focus only on the teeth and gums. However, there’s another critical element that we need to consider, and that's saliva. Saliva plays a crucial role in maintaining oral health as it acts as a buffer towards acids in the mouth.

When the pH of our saliva falls below a neutral range (6.2 to 7.6), and we do not have enough buffer capacity in the form of phosphate and ammonia, healthy bacteria cannot survive, and therefore, pathogenic species can overgrow. This can cause a host of oral issues such as bad breath, sensitivity, decay and swollen, bleeding gums.
Understanding the role of diet in cavity formation is essential. Processed sugars and simple carbohydrates that are not balanced with fiber, protein and healthy fats create inflammation in the gut which can alter the secretion of parotid hormone. This hormone is thought to be responsible for directing the flow of fluid within each tooth.
In a healthy gut, the fluid flows from circulation to the enamel providing minerals like calcium, phosphate and magnesium to keep our teeth strong and resistant to acid attacks. Processed foods including seed oils like canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, safflower oil also cause disruption in the flow of nutrients to the enamel.

An inflamed gut requires minerals to balance the acidic pH. Therefore fluid flow reverses in the tooth, pulling the minerals into circulation leaving the enamel weaker and more susceptible to acid attacks and bacteria present in the mouth. Dr. Weston A. Price and Dr. Melvin Page highlighted the importance of diet in dental health, emphasizing the detrimental effects of refined sugars and processed foods.

People with the fewest cavities and gum disease had a diet rich in fat soluble vitamins (D, E, A, K) and minerals (Calcium, Phosphate, Magnesium etc).
Your diet plays a crucial role in gum health and overall health. It is the single greatest predictor of disease. You must eliminate pesticides, herbicides, meat with added antibiotics and processed dairy products.
Limit Simple Sugars and Simple Carbs: Cut back on sugary snacks and processed carbohydrates, as they fuel cavity-causing bacteria and disrupt mineral deposition in enamel.
Embrace Nutrient-Dense Foods: Enjoy bone broth, grass-fed meats, and organic veggies to provide essential vitamins and minerals for strong gums.
Choose Whole Foods: Opt for natural, unprocessed foods to support a healthy oral environment.
Take mineral supplements to fill in the gaps in your nutrition. Digestive enzymes are also a powerful way to remove biofilm that pathogenic make which can prevent their destruction. Make sure to eat in a quiet,non rushed environment. Even the best diet will not be absorbed if you are stressed or multitasking.

Avoid Commercial toothpastes and oral care products with synthetic ingredients including fluoride.
Watch Out for Harmful Ingredients: Toxins, in the form of chemicals and additives also cause disruption in the healthy bacteria of our mouth and gut leading to inflammation.Steer clear of products with SLS, triclosan, fluoride and artificial colors and sweeteners.
Fluoride is not a natural component of our teeth, it is a synthetic additive that kills both good and pathogenic bacteria. There are over 70 studies which link fluoride exposure to lowered IQs in children and thyroid disruption.

Skip the Mouthwash: Conventional mouthwashes can disrupt your oral microbiome, killing healthy bacteria that create N.O (a crucial signaling molecule that dilates blood vessels allowing for better oxygenation throughout body), so opt for natural alternatives like coconut oil pulling or oxygenated olive oils.
Choose Natural Toothpaste: Look for fluoride-free toothpaste or powder with ingredients like essential oils, clays, vitamins and minerals to nourish your gums.
Cleansing and Detoxification: Oil-based serums help remove toxins, chemicals, and heavy metals from the gums and tissues, supporting overall oral health. Olive oil, coconut oil are excellent for nourishing and naturally reducing pathogenic bacteria.
Preservation of Beneficial
Bacteria: Unlike chemical mouthwashes that indiscriminately kill bacteria, oilbased serums preserve the balance of beneficial oral microbiota while targeting harmful pathogens.
Try oral probiotics, oxygen drops and binders like activated charcoal or pectin to help remove toxins from the mouth.

Mouth breathing is a major contributor to oral and systemic disease. For starters, it activates the sympathetic nervous system, which puts our body in a constant state of alarm and stress, which negatively impacts our healthy gut microbiome.
It causes drying of oral tissues which, also negatively impacts the oral microbiome but not having enough saliva to wash aways impurities and buffer and acid mouth.
Check for sleep apnea with your dentist.

There are multiple home sleep studies which are easy to do and affordable like Sleep Image and WatchPat.
Try mouth taping with a micropore tape to ensure you keep your mouth closed while sleeping. Always try this during daytime so your brain can adapt before going to sleep.
Try silicone nose cones or other devices to keep nasal passages open while sleeping.
By following these simple steps, you can reverse gum disease naturally and achieve healthier gums in just six weeks. Remember to prioritize a balanced diet, brush and floss, choose natural oral care products and breathe through your nose to support your gum health journey. Your smile will thank you!
Dr. Rachaele Carver, D.M.D. is a BoardCertified, Biologic, Naturopathic Dentist & Certified Health Coach.
Find out how biologic dentistry can help with disease prevention or eradication. Become your oral health advocate! For more individualized support, please contact me at drcarver@carverfamilydentistry.com

Visit www.carverfamilydentistry.com for more information about biologic dentistry.
Price, W. A. (1939). Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation. 1. Page, M. (1972). Your Body Is Your Best Doctor. Herald Press. 2. Nara, G. P. (2019). Healing Gum Disease Naturally: Holistic Dentist's Guide to Natural Gum Disease Remedies and Prevention Strategies. CReferences:
3. Pashley, D. H. (2012). How to Save Your Teeth: Toxic-Free Preventive Dentistry. Xlibris Corporation.
4. Laux, S. (2015). The Mouth-Body Connection: The 28-Day Program to Create a Healthy Mouth, Reduce Inflammation and Prevent Disease Throughout the Body. Conari Press
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