The Answer to Illness:
Food as Medicine:
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Shop for the highest quality and
lowest toxin load to beat cancer and degenerative illness.
Aging and illness are really the process of our bodies browning, burning, and rusting. As we age, we get rusty from oxidation, crusty from glycation which is sugar binding to protein, fat and inflamed from lack of antioxidants and these metabolic processes are not inevitable.
How fast or slow these occur is what contributes to degenerative disease and illness such as, allergies, arthritis, autoimmune disorders, cancer, dementia, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, obesity, stroke, weight gain and more.
Cortisol is a major ager. It can break down muscle, bone and collagen as well as raise blood pressure, heart rate, cholesterol and depress your immune system. What you eat has a major impact on cortisol.
To prevent or reverse degenerative conditions and illnesses and to slow the aging process, choose food that is high in antioxidants, anti inflammatory, low glycemic (low sugar and processed or simple carbohydrates, free of herbicides and pesticides as well a heavy metals and those least likely to produce an immune response. Anything else will cause inflammation and a dis-stress on your body which can raise cortisol.
Take a look at this list and apply The Vitality Formula ™ meaning add what is healthier and subtract what is not.
You can use food as medicine to slow the browning, burning, and rusting!
This is a list of foods that were studied for antioxidant AO (rusting), anti inflammatory Al (burning) and glycation GI (or anti- browning).
© 2023 Feel Good Again •
• High in AO antioxidants- #1 being the highest • High in Al anti inflammatory activity • Low GI low glycemic • Low in pesticides (if high in pesticides eat organic) • Low in mercury • Low in allergenic potential - less likely to cause food sensitivity
It is not a complete list as not all foods were carefully studied. Including many of these foods in your diet will enable you to prevent, slow or even reverse disease. I have included codes for easy reference. You can take this to the supermarket and use it as a shopping list. Here's the key to understanding the codes: • Antioxidant (AO with number) indicates the antioxidant activity of foods. Those numbered 122, were ranked number 1 having the most antioxidants. Those without numbers also have high antioxidant properties but were not ranked. Oxidation is what "rusts" us. It is a natural process that occurs from eating, sleeping, exercising, and just living. Eating foods with a lot of antioxidants allows cells to regenerate and repair. They stop wrinkling and slows aging.
• (Al with number) is an indication of anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation is what burns us alive and is at the root cause of degenerative diseases. You can decrease inflammation by eating foods that are anti-inflammatory. • (GI with number) - GI stands for glycemic index. It measures the browning or Glycation {sugar binding to protein). The lower the number, the lower and slower the rise in blood sugar. Rapid and high rises in blood sugar overwhelm your system and sugar binds to protein because it can't get into cells fast enough to burn. This can lead to cataracts, plaques in your brain that accelerate dementia, nerve conduction impairment and the onset of diabetes and insulin resistance. For example, a blueberry is listed as {Gl40), comparing that to sugar which is GI 100 is good. It is ideal to eat foods with a GI of 50 or less and 70 or less is good but not ideal. Anything over 70 will cause rapid and high spikes in blood sugar and "browning," the technical term is glycation.
• Bold*- if a food is balded with a star*, it is heavily laden with pesticides and it is recommended you buy organic. • Bold + - If a food is balded with a cross, it may contain mercury and should only be consumed in limited quantities. • # - Notes a food that has high potential for allergic reactions in some people.
You can bring the shopping list on the next page to your grocery store so you can choose the healthiest anti aging foods.
If you want to prevent cancer and its recurrence, managing cortisol is key. I invite you to CLICK HERE to learn more about The Cortisol Solution: The Key to
Anti-Aging and Managing Mood, Energy, Weight, Sleep, & Immune System Course Through interactive quizzes, strategies and resources in this 10-module course, you can learn what cortisol does and how it affects how you look and feel, {no you are not going crazy) and how to control it naturally! Managing cortisol can help you lose weight, have stable moods, boundless energy and a rock-solid immune system and get your life back! © 2023 Feel Good Again •
The 10 Modules include strategies and solutions to fix the root cause such as:
Welcome: What Does Cortisol Do and How to Assess It
Welcome: Wh oe: :m'Lisn Do and �'o� to f,ssess It
:ortisol EfTecrs: High pw or Rocky Cortis
Stress Effecl!'S a,nd Solutions, LO\ or Rod.-y Cortisol
trike Out Toxins th� Trigger Imbalance
/\ntigens. Allergens and Adverse Food Reactions Effects
Cortisol Effects: High, Low or Rocky Cortisol
Stress Effects and Solutions
Strike Out Toxins that Trigger Cortisol Imbalance
Antigens, Allergens and Adverse Food Reactions Effects
© 2023 Feel Good Again •
• ming lnflammatio at Triggers Cortis Imbalance
Taming Inflammation that Triggers Cortisol Imbalance
1triLion that Nurtur1 >r Unne1ves Corti o
Nutrition that Nurtures or Unnerves Cortisol
Sleep Soundly with Cortisol Control
Supplements that Support Adrenal Health
::Ong1·atulations anq \ rap Up: Piecing ·ogether the Adrena Health Puzzle
Supplements that Support Adrenal Health
Congratulations and Wrap Up: Piecing Together the Adrenal Health Puzzle
© 2023 Feel Good Again •
Click Here To Learn More
FOOD "FARMACY" SHOPPING LIST CARBO HYDRATE Ranked highest #1 to lowest #46, buy organic is in bold Fruit * buy organic #food sensitivity • Wild blueberry (AO2) (G140) • Cultivated blueberry (AOS) (G140) • Cranberry (AO6) • Blackberry (AO8) • Dried prune (AO9) • Raspberry (AOl0) (G140)* • Strawberry (AOll) (G136)* • Red delicious apple (AO12) (G138)* Granny smith apple • (AO13) (G138)*
• Sweet cherry (AOlS) (G122)* • Black plum (AO16) • Plum (AO19) • Gala apple (AO20)* • Grapefruit (G125) # • Apricots (G131) • Pears (G138)* • Plums (G139) • Peaches (GI 42)* • Oranges (GI 44) # • Grapes (G146)* •
Vegetables (Carbohydrate some protein)
• Artichoke {cooked)(AO7) • Cauliflower {GllS) {GllS) • Celery {GI 15) • Russet potato {cooked) • Cucumber {GllS) • Eggplant {GllS) {AO17) • Green beans • Kale {AO) • Spinach {AO) {Al)(GllS) • {GllS) Lettuce • {GllS) Snow Peas • Brussel Sprouts {AO) • {GllS) Summer • Alfalfa Sprouts {AO) • Red Bell Peppers {AO) squash {GllS) • Tomatoes {GllS) {GllS) • Broccoli {AO) {Al) {GllS) • Zucchini {GllS • Carrots {Gl39) • Beets {AO) • Onions {AO) • Corn {AO) • Eggplant {AO) • Asparagus {GllS) • Wild rice • Ouinoa • Amaranth • Corn • Buckwheat • Millet • Some oats • Rice
PROTEIN Legumes (Carbohydrate &Protein) • Small red bean ( dried) (AOl) • Red kidney bean ( dried) (A03) (Al) • Pinto bean (A04) (Al) • Black bean ( dried) (A018)
Poultry • Chicken or Turkey (white meat) • Cornish hen • Occasional dark meat Chicken or turkey
Fish (high in mercury+ bold+)
• Mackerel {All) + • Trout, lake {A12) •
Herring {A13)
• Tuna, bluefin {Al4)+ • Salmon {AIS) • Sardines, canned {A16) •
Sturgeon, Atlantic {A17)
• Tuna, albacore {A18)+ • Whitefish, lake {A19) • Anchovies {AllO) •
Bluefish {Alll)+
Bass, striped {All2)
• Trout, brook {All3) • Trout, rainbow {All4) •
Halibut, Pacific {AllS)
Pollock {All6)
Shark {All?)+
Sturgeon {All8)
Bass, fresh water {All9)
Catfish {Al20)
Organic Grass
Organic Grass
FAT Nuts
fed Beef
Fed Lamb
(Protein & Fat)
Extra lean cuts are (same cuts can have different names so ask butcher) • Eye of round roast or steak • Sirloin tip side steak • Top round sirloin steak • Bottom round roast and steak • Top sirloin steak
• Pecan (A014) • Hazelnuts • Walnuts
Oils • Almond • Hazelnut • Grape-seed • Macadamia nut • Olive • Sesame • Walnut • Avocado
© 2023 Feel Good Again •
BEVERAGES • Filtered purified water • Tea and coffee in moderation • Nut, hemp, rice and oat milk ( unsweetened)
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