Dr. Solt has performed thousands of regenerative injection treatments since 2013, making her an expert and a thought leader in this emerging field. Located in Scottsdale, AZ, she is one of the only doctors in this field to take an entirely holistic approach to your care!
1) They are capable of renewing themselves through cell division, sometimes after long periods of inactivity.
2) Under certain physiologic or experimental conditions, they can be induced to become tissue- or organ-specific cells with special functions. Stem cells are currently being used all over the world to treat everything from osteoarthritis, to MS, to diabetes, cancer, and more. Their reaches are seemingly endless, and we are just now starting to truly hone in on their strengths.
It is the process of creating living, functional tissues to repair or replace tissue or organ function lost due to age, disease, damage, or congenital defects
What are some regenerative treatments that are currently available in the United States?
This is a product that comes from your own blood. It is processed to isolate growth factors & cytokines, which are the molecules responsible for healing.
This category refers to amniotic allograft, placental matrix, umbilical cord blood, Wharton's jelly, and exosomes. These often do not contain live stem cells, even if marketed as such.
These are usually harvested from the hip bone of patients to be used in orthopedic applications.
Fat tissue is a rich source of stem cells and this application involves a minor liposuction procedure and specialized processing of the cells to make them safe for use.
$650-$1200 per treatment
A product taken from your own blood that can relieve pain and promote healing of musculoskeletal conditions. The platelet rich part of the plasma contains large quantities of cytokines and growth factors that work to influence the stem cells in whatever area it is injected into to promote regeneration and healing. Because this comes from your own body, there is no risk of transmissible infection or rejection.
Osteoarthritis (knees, hips, back, neck, shoulders, etc.)
Inflammatory conditions (tendonitis, bursitis, fasciitis, etc.)
Injuries (ligament tears, tendon tears, sprains, strains)
PRP can be used to treat all types of musculoskeletal conditions, such as: It can also be used in aesthetics (facials & hair loss) and sexual dysfunction for males & females.
The PRP process begins with taking a small sample of blood, just like during a lab test. The blood is then placed into a centrifuge on very specific settings that are used to finely separate out the PRP from the red and white blood cells, and also to increase the concentration of platelets more than 10-fold. The entire appointment time is approximately 60 minutes.
It is going to be normal to feel sore and achy in the treated area for up to the first 3 days following treatment. After that, the regenerative process doesn’t begin until approximately week 4 after the injection. Most people see some results by the 6week mark, but some may take up to 12 weeks. At the 12 week mark, we will assess for need for a second injection. However, all patients are different and there is some variance to this timeline.
$1600-$5000+ per treatment
They are off-the-shelf products that have been procured from a scheduled live birth C-section from a thoroughly consenting and screened mother. It is entirely ethical and safe. After the tissue has been procured, it is sent to a manufacturer who then creates a product like: amniotic allograft, placental matrix, umbilical cord derivatives, or exosomes. After the processing is done, NO LIVE STEM CELLS ARE LEFT. However, the final product is rich in cytokines, growth factors, hyaluronic acid, and other regenerative constituents.
Depending on which birth tissue product you are using, they have had applications in:
Wound care
Sexual dysfunction
Inhalation therapy
Warning: According to the FDA, umbilical cord blood is ONLY to be used in blood forming disorders! It is illegal to use it for any other condition.
Since all birth tissue products are an off-theshelf product, there is no major procedure involved. It is simply the application of the product for the indicated condition, and generally takes no longer than 30min.
Birth tissue products are very anti-inflammatory by nature, so many people experience a reduction in pain associated with inflammation within the first 1-2 weeks. After that, the regenerative process doesn’t begin until approximately week 4 after the injection. Most people see some results by the 6-week mark, but some may take up to 12 weeks. However, all patients are different and there is some variance to this timeline.
$3500-$5000 per treatment
Bone marrow is a rich source of mesenchymal and hematopoetic stem cells and has been used widely since the 1930s. It is the most studied form of stem cells used in orthopedic conditions and has an excellent safety profile. Many people are familiar with the utilization of bone marrow for blood cancers such as leukemia.
Bone marrow can be used to treat all types of musculoskeletal conditions, such as:
Osteoarthritis (knees, hips, back, neck, shoulders, etc.)
Inflammatory conditions (tendonitis, bursitis, fasciitis, etc.)
Injuries (ligament tears, tendon tears, sprains, strains)
Bone marrow is obtained through a minor surgical procedure under local anesthesia in which it is aspirated through the back part of the hip. Most patients report a discomfort level of about 2/10. After the extraction, the marrow is processed in a centrifuge to isolate the stem cells. The injection is then completed. The entire process is approximately 1 hour.
The anti-inflammatory components in bone marrow are quite potent, so many people experience a reduction in pain associated with inflammation within the first 1-2 weeks. After that, the regenerative process doesn’t begin until approximately week 4 after the injection. Most people see some results by the 6-week mark, but some may take up to 12 weeks. However, all patients are different and there is some variance to this timeline.
$7000-$12,000 per treatment
Utilizing a minor liposuction procedure, fat tissue is harvested from the midsection and processed to acquire either a microfat graft or the stromal vascular fraction (SVF). SVF is rich not only in stem cells, but other progenitor and regenerative cell lines. The unique processing that the fat tissue undergoes to become SVF makes it safe for intravenous use, while microfat is great for joints. Adipose can contain up to 500x more stem cells than bone marrow.
SVF can be used intravenously, and has shown positive outcomes in the following conditions:
Autoimmune disorders (RA, Sjogren’s, Dercum's, etc.)
COPD, MS, Parkinson's,
Arachnoiditis, Brachial Plexus
Fibromyalgia, Diabetes
GI disorders (pancreatitis, IBS/IBD, liver cirrhosis, etc.)
Peyronie's, ED, Lichen Sclerosus
SVF and microfat can also be used in:
Osteoarthritis (knees, hips, back, neck, shoulders, etc.)
Inflammatory conditions (tendonitis, bursitis, fasciitis, etc.)
Injuries (ligament tears, tendon tears, sprains, strains)
In a minimally invasive minor liposuction procedure, anywhere from 1-3 sticks of butter worth of fat are removed for extraction and processing of the mesenchymal stem cells. The entire procedure is done same day and can take anywhere from 1-3 hours. Local anesthetic is used and an anti-anxiety medication is available by prescription to those who may need it.
The stem cells enter circulation immediately during IV application and can circulate for about 1 week. Results aren’t usually evident to the patient until about the 3-month mark, however, that varies greatly from patient to patient. Results may also vary from what the patient ‘wants’ the stem cells to do, as there is no way to give them specific direction or instruction. In joints, the recovery & timeline is the same as bone marrow.
Because these treatments all work on the premise that your body is able to heal itself, it is important to know all the things you can do to give your body the most ideal environment and conditions for healing
Your doctor will make recommendations based on your specific needs, but generally things that increase nitric oxide production and antioxidants accompany regenerative treatments.
Being active and having muscle mass is one of the best predictors of health and longevity, as well as your body's ability to heal.
Lifting weights is non negotiable when it comes to regenerative medicine!
Humans need exposure to the full spectrum of sunlight (without sunscreen) for 10-20min per day for optimal health, and this includes allowing your body to create it's own vitamin D!
Adding intermittent fasting to your diet will increase your own circulating stem cells and help with healing.
Avoiding inflammatory foods like sugar, gluten, vegetable oils, and dairy are also recommended.
In order for these treatments to work properly, you must be off all anti-inflammatory medications for 1 week prior to treatment and for 1 week following.
Alcohol causes unnecessary inflammation and slows down the body's ability to heal. Best if avoided 1 week pre and post treatment, or longer if possible.
Smoking or Tobacco Products
It is well known that the blood vessels in smokers are compromised and halt healing. It is best to be completely smoke/tobacco free for 30 days pre and post treatment.
Mindset is everything! If you think something won't work, it won't. The patients who get the best results are those are actually ready to receive healing into their lives.
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy should be considered in anyone over 35 looking to live the healthiest life possible.
NAD+ is a molecule that can be given intravenously or by subQ injection which dramatically amplifies all treatments. Also consider general IV nutrition like Myer's cocktails or Vitamin C.
There are many peptides currently available, but the 5 most commonly used in regenerative medicine are:
Thymosin alpha 1
Thymosin beta 4
There are certain prescription medications out there that can be used off-label for for anti-aging strategies, such as metformin and deprenyl. Your doctor will decide if these are right for you.
The next page has a few questions you should be asking your provider and considering when making your decision. Remember to always get more than one consult or opinion before deciding!
Who is performing the procedure?
Ideally you want regenerative therapies performed by a physician who has years of experience and many cases under their belt. You want to be sure you are being fully evaluated - and that means a comprehensive physical exam and detailed history. Do not get sucked in by a salesperson! The only person who should be dictating your treatment and procedure is the doctor who is performing it. It is highly unethical for anyone other than the performing physician to decide on the treatment.
Will this procedure work?
Beware of anyone who guarantees results or who says that their treatment works for everyone! Even worse, beware if they are only selling one type of treatment (like a single birth tissue product). There is no one-size-fits-all in regenerative medicine, but you should be given a general idea of what to expect.
Am I getting stem cells?
The only two ways to get live stem cells in the United States is through fat or bone marrow harvesting. If someone is promising stem cells and they are not taking them from your body, you are likely NOT receiving a true stem cell treatment (more on this on the next page).
In the United States, due to federal regulations, the only ways to get real live stem cells for clinical application in regenerative medicine is through harvesting from either fat or bone marrow. That's it.
Outside the United States, in places like Panama or Germany, there are clinics that will utilize culture expanded stem cells from umbilical lines, and these are true stem cell treatments as well.
Some clinics will say their birth tissue products contain live stem cells. This is usually false. This lie is based on the fact that sometimes these products (like Wharton's jelly) have stem cells present when they are fresh. However, after processing, freezing, and sterilizing the product to make it safe for use, almost no stem cells actually survive. This is also supported by FDA regulations which state that off the shelf products CAN NOT contain live cells.
Dr. Solt does not believe in cookie cutter or one-size-fits-all approaches and will spend plenty of time with you to create a custom and afforadable plan specific to you.
Dr. Solt understands the challenges her patients face when living with pain or lacking the quality of life they desire. It is her goal to restore your life to it's fullest potential.
Dr. Solt has specialized in regenerative and anti-aging medicine for nearly a decade and is highly skilled at the procedures she performs.