THE RCP RESOURCES A guide to the Free & Paid resources available through the RCP Edition 1 - 2024
The Root Cause Protocol Journey Document
Welcome to the beginning of the journey! We know it can be a daunting proposition to face down the fountain of information. This small informational document has been compiled to give you an insight into what information and services are available to you.
Available for Free
The following resources are available at no cost! We have put them in a ‘recommended’ order for beginning the journey:
1 - The RCP Handbook
The RCP Handbook breaks down the STOPS and STARTS of the protocol to help you begin implementing it into your day to day life. It gives the Key Principles and how to implement each step.
2 - Live webinars and archives The Webinar Archive has webinar replays from Morley and other RCP Consultants on specific topics, ranging from the STOPS and STARTS in the handbook, to specific points of interest like sleep, pregnancy, and kids. You can look through for something that you can relate to. You can also sign up to the upcoming webinar to either join in live or enjoy the replay when it has been released.
3 - Frequently asked questions
Over the course of many years we have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions that we are asked regularly by the community. If you have a question about the RCP, parts of the protocol itself, or anything related to it, this resource may be super helpful to you!
4 - Articles and posts
For those who enjoy reading scholarly articles and research documentation, Morley has compiled multiple articles on the website related to different topics for your further knowledge: Iron Toxicity Posts provide research around unbound Iron and why you are not actually anemic Magnesium Articles explain the link between oxidative stress and your mineral dysregulation Vitamin-D is often prescribed and taken, however, there is much more to this compound that may be impacting your health
5 - Archive of podcast appearances
Morley loves talking to people about the Root Cause Protocol and his discoveries - and as such has appeared on many podcasts. We have compiled a directory of podcast appearances Morley has made for you to enjoy. All these great resources are accessible through our Website. We have intentionally made sure our webpage is the central hub for all information so people can keep coming back to find the latest news & information around the RCP!
Advanced Resources [Paid] If you have been through the free resources that are available above, or if you are wanting to get more information and community support quickly, the following options are available to you:
1 - Cu-RE Your Fatigue Book by Morley Robbins
Morley’s first book, Cu-RE Your Fatigue, is a brilliant resource to either get you started on your journey or to give to a friend so they can read through the basics of the protocol. You can buy the book: E-Book version [$9.99USD] Find a hard copy
2 - Premium Community
The RCP Premium Community gives you access to multiple resources. The cost is $9.99USD per month (or save with the annual option of $99.97USD). However, you can take advantage of a free 7 day trial! With access you will get: Resources curated by our team including basic instructional Q&A videos Forum space to ask questions about the RCP, symptoms, and other discussions Exclusive Q&A presentations via Zoom with experienced RCPC’s Drop-in sessions via Zoom to help you with accessing all the resources available
3 - 101 video series
The 101 Video Series contains 4 hours of videos between Morley Robbins & Dr Ben Edwards as they discuss the foundations RCP, the STOPS & STARTS, and why mineral balance is so important! Only $99.97 USD for lifetime access.
4 - Masterclass video series
Let the Magnesium Man, Morley Robbins, take you on a journey into The Root Cause Protocol and explore what’s really going on inside our bodies, how you can build your immunity, and how to improve your health. If you’re ready to feel better and get to the root cause of your health challenges, you need the RCP Masterclass Series. The series costs $195USD for lifetime access. 2023 Update: We did a 2 part Q&A with Morley for both our Vitamin D & Immunity masterclasses. The questions asked during the session combined with Morley’s updated understanding of the liver provide an amazing resource to understanding more on these topics. You can purchase the replays for these Q&A Sessions here.
5 - RCP Handbook companion course
We are currently working on finalizing our handbook companion course to help break down the STOPS and STARTS of the RCP in everyday language. This course will help you get an everyday understanding of the protocol and give some practical advice on applying it to your everyday life. More information will be released shortly
The RCP Institute & Alumni
If you have been through the free resources that are available above, or if you are wanting to get more information and community support quickly, the following options are available to you:
1 - The RCP Institute
Our RCP Institute began in 2018 with Group 1 learning the intricate details of the Protocol with Morley. Since then it has evolved into a professionally delivered 16 week course that will take you through the scientific details behind the RCP, share the research that led to each discovery and provide you with an intimate knowledge of how to both help yourself and also to help others. You will have the option to become a Certified RCP Consultant at the end of the course so you can help others. The Institute costs $3,350USD and includes an HTMA test, lifetime access to the training materials, weekly live sessions, weekly tutorial sessions, and many other resources to help you on your journey.
2 - Alumni Membership
Once you finish the Institute you will be given a 6-month trial to our Alumni Community [$450USD per year]. Our Alumni Community has access to exclusive research, monthly study sessions, exclusive live Q&A’s, business support for setting up a consulting service, and the opportunity to be in our RCPC directory so others can locate them.
Individualised Products and Services
The following resources have been made available by our team so you can customize your RCP journey. A massive part of the RCP journey is creating a protocol that works for you so these are designed to help your search.
1 - RCP Consultant Directory
The RCP Consultant Directory has been put together with our RCP Alumni Members, all of whom have graduated from the Institute and also undertake additional learning through the RCP Alumni community. You will see a short biography of the RCPC so you can find someone who matches your interests, location or whatever it may be you are looking for. The consultant directory is completely free to use, however, the RCPC will charge a fee for a 1-on-1 consultation.
2 - Recommended Product Directory
Our Product Directory contains a comprehensive list of supplements and products available that match the STOPS and STARTS of the RCP. Included on the page is a “how to” video so you can maximize your search and find the best products to match your needs. The product directory is free to use and if you purchase a product using this service you’ll be supporting the RCP with affiliate sales.
Recommended Learning Journey
Below we have put together 2 learning journeys to give you a brief understanding of how you might approach the RCP. The RCP is designed to provide you with information so you can listen to the needs of your body and find a pathway that suits you. Everyone is different, so a “one size fits all” solution isn’t possible. Please take these as a guide to better understand some possible approaches that exist.
New to the RCPC 1 - Download the handbook
2 - Watch webinar replays 3 - Join the Facebook group
4 - Read Morley’s Book
5 - Read articles & blogs
6 - Find an RCPC
A practicing practitioner 1 - Read Morley’s book
2 - Watch the Masterclass 3 - Listen to Podcast Replays 4 - Read the RCP Handbook
5 - Complete the RCP Institute
6 - Engage in the Alumni