Top 10 Boner Killers Hiding In Your Home

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H I D I N G I N Y O U R H O M E D R . S A B R I N A S O L T P R E S E N T S : @ D R S O L T

I'm Dr. Sabrina Solt

I’ve been working with men and their health issues for the better part of a decade. Over time, I’ve come to discover that there are sneaky things hiding in plain sight that wreak havoc on erections. Many of these things most men do on a daily basis! It’s no wonder over 30 million just in the United States alone are dealing with some degree of erectile dysfunction!

Y S T O R Y H E Y T H E R E ! S T E M C E L L T H E R A P Y P R O . C O M
Before we get into the list, we need to lay some ground work regarding what we need to have a fully functioning erection in the first place.


it’s quite simple:


Personally, I love seeing men between 900 and 1100, but we need at least 300.


It is the engorgement we are looking for, of course.


This means if you are too stressed, things won't work!


Everything on this list affects one (or more!) of the above. Often, these are things that become cumulative over time. Meaning, one single exposure is likely not going to break things beyond repair. It is the “Lingchi”, or death by a thousand cuts, if you will. But it also means that you can take control to minimize these as much as possible in order to keep your erection strong and healthy.

Best part? I’ve included piles of links to my referenced sources, should you feel the need to dive into any of the individual topics in greater detail. Ok, maybe this isn’t the best part, but if you ’ re a nerd like me you will certainly appreciate it!

One final note before we jump in: none of the information in this guide is meant to be medical advice, and the acquiring of this guide does not constitute a doctor-patient relationship. Please check with your physician before following any recommendations as put forth here. The author assumes no liability for any adverse outcomes based on this guide.

@ D R S O L T


This one surprises people the most, so I’m leading with it right out the gate! You see, for a healthy erection, you need healthy blood vessels. To have healthy blood vessels, you need a healthy amount of nitric oxide. One of the ways you get nitric oxide in your system is through the metabolism of nitrate-containing foods by the good bacteria that live in your mouth. Whoa. So, if you use mouthwash to kill those good bacteria, guess what happens? You got it. You don’t make nitric oxide, which means you don’t maintain those blood vessels, and you can’t get erections. The simple answer here is to stop the mouthwash! If bad breath is a concern, consider consulting with an oral hygiene professional to figure out the root cause.

Interesting fact: Viagra and Cialis work via nitric oxide


This one is especially for those who are diabetic, pre diabetic, overweight, or obese. Sugar is second on this list, but it might be the most important. You see, uncontrolled or even just elevated blood sugar levels affect ALL 3 of the things we need for a healthy erection (testosterone, blood flow, nerve conduction): Simply put, sugar might be sweet, but the effects on erections are completely sour.

Avoid at all costs.


It’s a simple cascade: when blood sugar goes up through dietary ingestion, insulin gets released to direct the blood sugar. When insulin is increased, there is a reflexive decrease in basically ALL other hormones, testosterone included. This happens regardless of whether you have diabetes or not. If you are consuming sugar all day long, your testosterone levels are getting tanked all day long.


Another simple cascade: blood sugar goes up, which damages your blood vessels as it travels through them (think of a hail storm), which requires your body to heal the damage by laying down cholesterol. The build up of that cholesterol hardens the arteries, making it difficult or impossible for them to properly fill with blood to get an erection. Cholesterol isn’t necessarily the bad guy in this case, it came along to fix the damage done by sugar!


One of the terrible side effects of diabetes is neuropathy, or damage to nerves. This makes the nerves lose their ability to properly send the signal to get an erection. The link between peripheral neuropathy and erectile dysfunction is very strong and an excellent reason to cut out sugar!

N O T S O S W E E T N O W I S I T ?


This category should technically be alcohol in general, but beer itself is particularly nefarious. You see, alcohol in general causes the Leydig cells in the testicles to stop producing testosterone. If you are the type of person who drinks daily, this negative effect is going to happen daily. But beer gets interesting. In addition to tanking those testosterone levels, beer also significantly elevates estrogen levels. But wait, it gets worse. We all know that beer consumption can lead to a beer belly, which means an increase in fat on the body. Well, there is a process called “aromatization” that happens in fat tissue. No, it does not make you smell different. Aromatization is actually the process of turning testosterone into estrogen. Yuck. So there you have it. Beer kills your erections by decreasing testosterone production in the testicles, increasing estrogen production, and actively converting more testosterone to estrogen by causing fat gain in the belly. Stop the beer, it is clearly the least manly drink ever. You’ve been duped.


I know you ’ ve heard it before - you need at least 8hrs of sleep every night. There are a ton of benefits to sleeping, but one of them is ensuring optimal testosterone levels. Another is a responsive nervous system.

Testosterone lowering was shown after just a single week of only sleeping 5hrs per night. Imagine what years of sleep deprivation can do? Many men wear lack of sleep as a badge of honor; the necessary ingredient for the hustle and success culture. But, what good is success and hustle if you can’t get it up?

As for the nervous system, lack of sleep dramatically tanks reaction time. This is evident even after just one night of poor sleep. When the nervous system, including the brain, is not firing correctly, we can not expect the penis to keep working correctly. A correctly working penis will “point” when the parasympathetic system (the rest and digest part of your nervous system) is running well, and will “shoot” when the sympathetic system (the fight or flight) is running well. The best way to assess this part is to check if you are getting morning wood or just spontaneous erections while sleeping. If one of these is not working, time to investigate nervous system health and prioritize sleep!



The most obvious point here is that applying radiation to food basically nixes all nutritional content. But that isn’t the biggest culprit. There are two other bad guys worth mentioning:

All plastic containers, whether BPA free or not, will leech endocrine disrupting chemicals into your food, which in turn will wreak havoc on your hormone levels, in addition to gumming up your overall metabolism as these toxins seep into the spaces between your cells. Gross. If you must transport and reheat food, I recommend glass containers and a convection oven. I’ve seen young men with testosterone levels in the 200s because of this single phenomenon. It is not worth it.

2. AGE'S

This stands for “Advanced Glycation End Products”, and these are molecules that contribute to advanced systemic inflammation when they are consumed. Things like blackening food or cooking it in the microwave can increase production of these. In turn, cumulative exposure over time causes the body to hold on to excess fat, leads to obesity, which we know creates more surface area for testosterone to turn into estrogen. This is happening in addition to all the overall inflammation, which also negatively impacts blood flow. Yikes.


Just because smoking is far down on the list does not make it a lesser source of damage. In fact, I actually refuse to treat patients unless they first quit smoking. Simply, smoking cigarettes makes it impossible to truly heal due to the widespread cardiovascular damage that occurs. The damage done to the blood vessels is often so remarkable, and so poignantly attributed to smoking, that just the act of quitting smoking can often get full erectile function back! Luckily, the human body is always in a state of wanting to heal and repair; we just need to stop assaulting it with poison and give it the necessary tools to get the job done. I grew up in Canada, and we actually had graphics on cigarette cartons warning men of exactly this phenomenon!

I don't think you want this to be you!


I’m sure everyone reading this is familiar with that shiny smooth thermal paper that almost every receipt in every store prints out on. I’m also sure that most people reading this have entered a store, applied hand sanitizer, and then handled that paper at check out. Well, did you know that act has the ability to disrupt your hormones in a massive way? This is due to the exposure to something we thought we got rid of - BPA. Beyond hormone disruption, more than 100 studies suggest associations between BPA exposures and an increased risk of adverse health outcomes including cardiovascular disease, obesity, diabetes, ADHD, male sexual dysfunction and others. Wow. Now is the time to start telling the cashier you don’t need that receipt, or if you’re in a store where it is an option, request the receipt be emailed or texted to you.


This is a super broad category, and honestly one that should be discussed with your own physician. But, I want to at least give you a list of medications that have been known for decades to be associated with erectile dysfunction, and they are:

Antihypertensive drugs (aka, stuff to lower blood pressure)

Antipsychotics (Tricyclic antidepressants, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, benzodiazepines, and phenytoin)





5α-reductase inhibitors


@ D R S O L T


It may provide convenience, connection, utility, and entertainment, but there is a dark side to having your cell phone on your person at all times. Namely, the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emitted by your phone have been shown to have negative side effects on not only erectile function, but overall sperm health! With fertility rates declining like nothing else we ’ ve seen in history, this is but one piece of the pie when it comes to sexual reproductive health. My suggestion? Keep your phone away from your body when not in use, don’t carry it in your pockets, and definitely don’t sleep with it. If you must have it near your body, put it in airplane mode to eliminate the EMFs being emitted from it. While this might sound like some sort of quacky sci-fi theory, it has been proven in multiple studies. Plus, why risk it?

Anytime something emits radiation it is worth a pause to consider what negative effects it might have on the body.

@ D R S O L T


It’s in your shampoo. Conditioner. Body wash. Body spray. Face wash. Ball wash. Cologne. Aftershave. Lotion. Deodorant. Room spray. Air fresheners. Candles. And more! You could be getting nearly a dozen exposures of synthetic fragrances before you even head off to work! These chemicals are known endocrine disruptors, not to mention highly toxic compounds that can cause other symptoms beyond just tanking your testosterone and causing erectile dysfunction. They can also lead to brain fog, joint pain, mood disturbances, feelings of fatigue, or skin issues, just to name a few. The general rule should be, if you wouldn’t eat it, you shouldn’t put it on your skin. The skin is just a massive surface area of absorption that eventually makes its way into your body. That’s why things like testosterone cream work, duh. My favorite resource for checking whether or not a product is toxic is the Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep Database, . You can not only search specific products and see their rating, but you can also learn about exactly what each ingredient is doing to you and why they are important to avoid.

But I have a secret. If you take these to heart and actually begin avoiding them, not only will you get better and stronger erections, but you will likely turn your health around in various other ways too!

Have you enjoyed this guide? Interested in what it looks like to work with me further?

You can call or text the office at 480-267-7856

As always, wishing you abundant health, Dr. Solt




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