Whole BodyDetoxGuide


Avoid processed foods and sugar.
Include organic veggies, fruits, grass-fed meats, wild-caught fish
Add probiotic and prebiotic foods to the diet
Drink plenty of pure, filtered water daily
Look for toxins in:
Haircare, skincare, makeup, soaps
Toothpaste and oral care products
Laundry detergents, cleaning supplies, air fresheners
Clothing, bedding, furniture
Dry cleaning
Paint, flooring
Constipation means you are not eliminating waste!
Clean up the diet, eliminate processed foods, and remove sugar and gluten
Drink lots of filtered water
Increases circulation, moves lymphatic fluid, promotes perspiration, increases breath rate, improves digestion and bowel movements, and decreases stress and anxiety.
Walking, yoga, gardening, HIIT
Meditation Get out in nature
Christina Massinople MD, IFMCP Nashat Latib DO, FACEP, IFMCP
Dr. Massinople and Dr. Latib are both Board Certified Physicians with over 40 combined years of clinical experience. They are also 2 of the less than 1000 Institute for Functional Medicine Certified Physicians in the world. Collectively, they have treated thousands of patients and have made it their mission to help thousands more optimize their own health and fertility.
As their medical education and training has had them on similar paths for the last 20 years, they met during their training at IFM. It was here that they discovered that both shared the same passion for helping couples overcome fertility struggles and joined forces to create the powerful 4R Fertility Formula that helps couples get and stay pregnant naturally!
Detoxifying your environment, including the food you eat, and daily products you use, as well as managing internal toxins like stress, is part of this formula and is crucial in optimizing overall health We hope this guide can help reduce the burden of harmful chemicals on the body in order to improve inflammation, immune function, and overall well being This can lead to better long-term outcomes and resilience against disease in both you and future generations!
We are committed to providing comprehensive care and detoxification is just part of this. Our functional fertility approach combines our traditional medical background with natural and holistic strategies to get to the root cause of health and fertility issues. If you are looking for functional medicine support in your journey to pregnancy click here to watch our on-demand webinar, where we reveal the 4R Fertility Formula™ that helps couples get and stay pregnant naturally. If what we share sounds like it resonates, we invite you to apply for a spot in our high-touch group program that has over an 80% success rate in helping couples conceive naturally.
look up how dirty your water is on this US city database: EWG.ORG
the legal limits for contaminants in tap water have not been updated in almost 20 years the solution: invest in either a whole house water filtering system, which can be pricey, a countertop water distiller which also removes radioactive elements, or invest in a less expensive water filter such as the Zero Water Filter
We are exposed to these everyday toxins from our cell phones, cell phone towers, computers, WiFi, bluetooth devices, power lines, and microwave ovens to name a few! EMFs (electromagnetic fields) have numerous potential effects on sleep and overall health and can contribute to:
fatigue and tiredness
lack of concentration, memory problems
nausea, loss of appetite
infertility and hormonal changes
anxiety, depression, irritability, restlessness
EMF protection strategies:
use Airplane Mode on phone and other devices
turn off WiFi router at night
keep cell phones, computers and tablets as far from your body as possible - DO NOT keep your cell phone in your front pants’ pocket, breast pocket, or computers on your lap
do a digital detox periodically to give your body and mind a break!
The Healing Place Apothecary is plant-based and rooted in holistic principles Product formulations are handcrafted locally, in small batches, using premium natural ingredients that target the needs of diverse melanin-rich skin.
Committed to producing the purest, healthiest products and educating everyone on why being 100% PURE™ is so important
Provides natural, organic personal care products for detox and therapeutic balance Promote natural cleansing, nourish the rejuvenating process of the skin.
Provides handcrafted, herbal body care products to those seeking natural and effective alternatives to chemical-filled products.
Dr Bronner’s is the top-selling soap in the U S natural marketplace Only the purest organic & fair trade ingredients No synthetic preservatives, no detergents or foaming agents none!
Shea Moisture - not all are toxin-free so check the ingredients (Target and pharmacies like CVS)
Griffin Remedy (Whole Foods and other health food stores)
Aubrey’s Organics (Whole Foods and other health food stores)
Alaffia (Whole Foods and other health food stores)
Suki (some health food stores)
Dr Bronner’s (Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, and other health food stores)
The Healing Place Apothecary (Online)
There are so many companies that make natural soap because toxinfree soap is relatively easy to make… just check the ingredients! Usually, vegetable glycerin- based soaps are a go
An easy alternative to lotion: Organic Almond, Sesame, or Coconut Oil (Most grocery stores)
Pipette Relaxing Body Lotion (online/amazon)
Suki (Some health food stores)
The Healing Place Apothecary (online)
Dr. Bronner’s
Jason’s Powersmile Toothpaste
David’s Premium Natural Toothpaste
Suki Skin Care Luminance Skin Care NakedPoppy
Use pure coconut oil (any grocery store), honestly any organic oil will work!
Use diluted apple cider vinegar (1 part vinegar to 3-4 parts water!). It works wonderfully well, is inexpensive, and is toxin-free!
Use facial cupping methods with clean oil Works better than things you’ll pay almost 10 times the price for! Check out videos on YouTube for a how-to.
100 percent Pure
PS Polish Nail stickers!
There is no such thing as completely natural nail polish The next best option is to go with semi-natural/less toxic nail polish if you choose to use it at all There are a few ingredients in almost all conventional nail polish that you need to watch out for. AND, these ingredients actually have a harsh effect on fertility so they are important to pay attention to
Known to impact the central nervous system
Can harm the reproductive system
Causes irritation of the eyes, throat, and lungs
Known to be an irritant to the eyes, nose, and throat; a respiratory irritant that may cause asthma
Skin rashes
Decreased fertility
Can cause thyroid dysfunction
Linked to reproductive challenges
May decrease sperm counts in adult men
Switch to unscented/fragrance free Look for unbleached or chlorine-free tampons and pads!
Go organic
Alternatives that are healthier for you and the planet:
Menstrual Cups (FemmyCycle and Pixie Cup)
Cloth Pads
Period Panties
You care about your home and car smelling good, right? But most air fresheners are full of toxins. My favorite thing to do is buy some essential oils, put a few drops in a glass spray bottle with distilled water, and voila! Air freshener at your service!
at chemicals should you ch out for on labels?
Methylisothiazolinone Sodium
Laureth sulfate Sodium lauryl
Chloride Octoxynol-9
D&C Red #27, #28, #33 Violet #2
FD&C Yellow #5 AND MORE!!!
Honestly, the list of chemicals can get quite long Our rule of thumb is if it looks like a chemical name (notice the patterns above) or if it is not a name you can pronounce, be wary of using it.
Caring for your body is just as important as caring for your home. It’s pretty important to watch out for the chemicals in your cleaning products as well.
Some good companies are:
Seventh Generation Meyer’s Branch Basics
This is not an exhaustive list by any means, but it’s a place to start – and understand what to look for on labels.
Method (and probably some other similar companies) promote “all- natural” on their labels but if you actually read the labels, it’s anything but natural! In fact, it’s almost equivalent to all the toxic cleaning products out there. So, don’t fall into that trap.
Make your own home-cleaning and body-care products! Another option is to make your own non-toxic products from inexpensive things like vinegar and baking soda You can find some recipes at: www womensvoices org
Avoid plastic bottles and plastic food storage containers Politely decline your receipt at the grocery store or gas station - thermal paper is coated with BPA! Eliminate the canned food – it’s also lined with BPA!
Use glass containers, bowls, and jars and avoid plastic as much as possible! And NEVER microwave your food in plastic containers.
You know those non-stick pans you use? They are going to leach aluminum, PFCs (perfluorinated compounds), PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonate), and PFOAs (perfluorooctanoic acid) into your food. Instead use ceramic coated, cast iron or stainless steel for all you ’ re cooking! Here is a good resource to check out: https://wellnessmama com/5148/safest-cookware-options/
Here are some of our favorite brands: Caraway Staub Made In Our Place
Watch out for Triclosan Your cookware is super important!
Avoid anti-bacterial hand soaps that contain this hormone disruptor and scrap disinfectant products that use it also
Microbeads are tiny particles of plastic that are in everyday products such as body scrubs, soaps, toothpaste, and more. Obviously, we have talked about the need to remove plastics from your home and environment. But, I bet you never considered that there might be plastic in your body care products! So, these tiny little plastic particles sneak their way in. And not only are they bad for your body, but they are also bad for the environment.
Instead, use natural scrubs that are sugar and salt-based These are better for you and the environment
Six microbeads would fit across the thin edge of a penny
A single product can contain more than 350,000 microbeads, and a single application of one of these products can release 100,000 microbeads into the environment
Microbeads contribute to 38 tons of plastic pollution annually in California
That’s 38 tons of plastic pollution just in California!! After being released into the environment, they make their way into the oceans, where they are consumed by fish that then make their way into our bodies So, in the end, we really are harming and polluting our own bodies
from this document that you will do today!
Get an air purifier: Air Doctor brand is affordable and powerful!
Get a water purifier: we like using the Zero Water Pitcher for quick and affordable drinking water.
Check out the cleaning products you currently have in your home and swap out at least two of them this week
Use this tool provided by EWG to find how your products rate on a toxic level: ewg org/guides/cleaners
Check out this list Dirty Dozen by EWG that shares which foods should always be organic, since they are the highest contaminated foods
Instead of purchasing new cleaning products, think about ways you can use natural ingredients you may already have around your home including vinegar, baking soda and lemons. Look for homemade cleaning product recipes online
Make homemade multi-purpose cleaner:
¼ cup white vinegar
1 tbsp baking soda
1 liter or 4 cups hot water
½ a lemon juiced or
10 drops lemon essential oil
Check your cabinets for any plastic containers that do not say BPA free. Get rid of them. Look around for a new set of glass containers Your local stores like Target and Costco have them
On your next shopping trip, try to only purchase items in glass or BPA free plastic bottles or containers. You may be thinking it will be impossible to remove all these toxic products quick enough Don't feel bad if you can't
We recommend doing a few at a time Set a schedule and a budget to get it all done without stressing Make yourself a nice clean meal tonight that is not processed and contains some organic produce and ingredients
Go through your bathroom cabinets and browse the ingredients in your toothpaste, soaps, lotions, shampoo, conditioner, perfume, and any other products you're using. Instead of replacing everything all at once, decide what you are going to start with, and make a plan to slowly switch your products out We know this can be overwhelming, so keep the items with the least amounts of toxins and slowly replace them with better alternatives If you feel up to it, you can just rip off the bandaid, and go on a huge shopping trip!
Check out the Think Dirty app or EWG Healthy Living app These are great apps to check out the toxin ratings for all of your personal care products.
We know that this information is sometimes overwhelming and may even be a bit scary. BUT, just take it one step at a time. Take your time detoxifying your body and home of these toxic products. Keep in mind that these changes will be supporting not just your health, but also your children's health and the health of many generations to come.
The Whole Body Detox Guide is only one step in the many steps we find necessary to reach optimal health - this is the start to any effective detox or wellness program!
If you are looking for functional medicine support in your journey to pregnancy click here to watch our on-demand webinar, where we reveal the 4R Fertility Formula™ that helps couples get and stay pregnant naturally . If what we share sounds good, we invite you to apply for a spot in our high-touch group program that has over an 80% success rate in helping couples conceive naturally.
With hope and gratitude,