DCI Today Fall, 2001

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Official Publication of Drum Corps International

Fall 2001 Volume 27 Number 2

Winner of the 2000 IFEA Pinnacle Award!

Story on page 3 Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive Addison, IL 60101

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage


Madison, Wisconsin Permit No. 2223

In this issue 3 Letter from the Executive Director 6 The DCI Experience 13 Do You Want to March? 21 2002 Event Order Form 24 History of Drum Corps

Cover story

From the Executive Director Dan Acheson

All the cool kids are doin’ it! It’s the performing arts on steroids. It’s life on a bus most definitely in the fast lane. It is the rawest form of emotion combined with physical energy and musicianship on the planet. It’s BIG, it’s LOUD, it’s FAST, it’s CRAZY, it’s the DCI EXPERIENCE!


or 30 years the junior drum corps movement has been doing business as Drum Corps International. The corps themselves are the owner/members that govern DCI. They are not only the leaders of pageantry arts in creativity and excellence on the field, the corps are the extreme driving force behind the business that collectively stages competitive events that ultimately causes thousands of people to go into a frenzy each time they get together. DCI is a very fragile but significantly important collective of some of the most amazing people in any human endeavor.

the ultimate proving ground for young people seeking the ultimate performing arts experience. We challenge young people to reach for and achieve what many consider impossible. At age 30, DCI is way beyond being a fad. In fact, DCI is all about TRADITION, EXTREME EXCELLENCE, INNOVATION and, most important of all, FRIENDSHIP. Like most individuals in their lifetime, the DCI organization has been through significant growth experiences and life challenges. The evolution of “the performance” alone is a major WOW! continued on page 11

D C I i s a l l a b o u t Tra d i t i o n , E x t r e m e Excellence, Innovation and most important of all, Friendship. Drum Corps International has seen an explosion of progress in 30 years. Drum corps has made a shift from a fringe, renegade activity that was viewed with skepticism by serious musicians and the education establishment, to being the pinnacle of outdoor music/movement performance. DCI can be compared as the music and performance equivalent of the formula racing circuit — instrument and equipment manufacturers use corps to design and test advance products. And, as DCI has matured it has become

I heard a news story this morning quoting Dan Rather regarding how the definition of “things that matter” to each American are quite different today than they were before September 11, 2001. We have all been evaluating the importance of our spirituality or religion, our family and our country since the attacks of that day. Our sense of security has been stripped away and we are in search of justice and resolve. Clearly, we are all in the process of redefining what is important in our lives. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families of the September 11 attacks. I, like most of you, am in awe of the heroism displayed by the firefighters, police and our public leaders. I have also heard several stories of average citizens performing extraordinary acts of compassion including some from those that are active in drum corps. As I see and read the thousands of stories of heroism, I can only pause and reflect on how grateful I am to live among such great people. Certainly, to place any importance on the drum corps activity seems trivial in light of all that is and continues to happen in the world. What corps won the gold in continued on page 11

D C I T O D AY Fall, 2001

Volume 27

Number 2

Publisher: Drum Corps International Editor: Drum Corps International Design & Production for Drum Corps International: DesignAura, Martinez, CA Art Direction: Laura Bratt Contributing Writers: Dan Acheson, Ed Dempsey, Sue Kuehnhold, Lea Ann Stockton. Performance Photography: Sid and Linda Unser, Orlin Wagner, Jolesch Photography. Drum Corps International is a non-profit organization formed to service the North American drum and bugle corps activity. Editorial and business offices are located at 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101, phone 630/628-7888, fax 630/628-7971. DCI TODAY is published in October, February and May each year. Non-profit organization U.S. postage paid at Madison, WI permit #2223.


SUMMER MUSIC GAMES DCI Southwestern Saturday, July 20th San Antonio, Texas

DCI Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Friday, July 26th Murfreesboro, Tennessee

DCI Midwestern Saturday, July 27th Indianapolis, Indiana

Eastern Classic Saturday, August 3rd Pennsylvania 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101 • 800/495-SHOW International Calls 630/628-7888 • Fax 630/628-7971 ©2001 Drum Corps International. All rights reserved.

A Performers Perspective

“We were a new corps, a rag-tag group of kids who loved this new drum corps more than anything in the world. We had begged to get into the corps at a time when we needed releases from our Catholic Youth Organization parish units. We drove for 40 minutes to get to practice each way. We had practiced our show so often, marched parades, sold candy, raffle tickets, eggs, and programs to get to the finals. And [it was] here that we were receiving the ultimate drum corps compliment — the standing ovation — from several thousand people.



he sound of the applause was thunderous as I remember and of course, in those days, we couldn’t react with a smile or a grin. We were taught to remain stoic and we did. But inside, we were very proud of our accomplishment.” For anyone who has donned a drum corps uniform reading this quote, reflections of self are felt, as the threads are common, well-worn and comfortable. We take great pride in our accomplishments, individually, organizationally and as an activity. And for everything that has changed in 30 years, there are some things that just seem to tie us all together. The very fiber of the drum corps experience. So what is this fiber? In answering, I have watched friends and colleagues stumble through endless dissertations of memories, facts and predictions on everything from the competitions to the peanut butter; I have watched the unknowing recipient stare like a doe in headlights at the overwhelming explanations. What are the common threads that bind the heart of drum corps people together and gives them

incredible strength to give back in times of need? To answer that, you must be able to answer the harder question of what REALLY is drum corps? Jessica Allen, four-year vet and 2001 age-out of the Blue Devils, stated that “the drum corps experience is too dynamic to put in words.”, which seems to underline the fact that drum corps isn’t a “thing” to be defined, but rather a living, breathing complex organism. On the surface, drum corps is a youth activity, a performance art, a competitive sport. But if we take a look inside, we will see a school, a fraternity, a friend. Those who have been in the ranks or have supported a drum corps in anyway knows of what I am speaking. What the world sees is the former the product. What the activity is about is the latter the journey the process. The common threads that run through this journey, no matter the age of the member or alumni or the size of corps, or the degree of competitiveness, is the extraordinary sense of friendship combined with the feeling of accomplishment and self worth to carry through any of life’s challenges.

the practice field, on the bus or in the gym, you become such good friends and you know so much about everyone.” He wrapped up the drum corps experience as the “bonding of all of its people.” Sidney Jefferson, a first-year member of the Cadets of New York City stated that her parents were proud of her because she “was not a quitter” and had made it through the season “even though [she] had hard times.” What made this experience possible? “The unity that I have with my fellow members.” It is amazing that no matter with whom I have spoken, no matter the

“I have grown stronger,” stated Nick Smith, Spirit three year vet and class of 2001. “I can do stuff I could have only dreamed of before I marched because of the bond we share with the people that we rehearse 7-14 hours a day for 65 straight days isn’t anything you can imagine. Competitively? It means nothing because I know the 250 people that I have marched with are going to be my life-long friends.” The opening quote of this article is from a 1968-1970 charter member of the 27th Lancers, Mary Ann Conboy. Mary Ann is on the Executive Management Staff with the U.S. Agency for International Development in Washington, D.C. She went on to state, “Without question the quality of teamwork for the common good or common goal has been critical to my success in my life and in my career. I have been a supervisor in previous jobs and it is a joy to supervise an employee who is willing to share responsibility; to share knowledge, to share the work; and to share the credit. Drum corps teaches us to know that each person has to do his or her individual job for the good of the corps and that they have to do it to the best of their ability. No matter how large

or how small the part we play, whether it is the soloist or the person who helps sells the souvies, every person’s participation in some way makes a difference for the good of the corps.”

generation in which he or she marched, that the answers all contain these common threads. When asked what qualities instilled through drum corps he feels are most

What are the common threads that bind the heart of drum corps people together and gives them incredible strength to give back in times of need? After 30 years, have her bonds held up? Absolutely!! “Because I live in an area where there are few opportunities to see drum corps, some friends get together and drive to Philadelphia to see a show there. We talk drum corps all the way up and all the way back. There is a camaraderie that exists among drum corps folks that I have never experienced anywhere else. In the stadium, at a show, I know I am safe talking to anyone in the crowd, because they are drum corps fans. I would not do this anywhere else in a large crowd.” Zack Rodriquez, 2001 age-out of The Cavaliers explained that since “the majority of time spent here is out of uniform, just on

important in his daily life/career, Al Chez, 1969-1982 junior corps alumnus and “Late Night with David Letterman/CBS Orchestra” trumpeter,


answered similarly. “The work ethic. The drive for perfection. The team feeling. The self worth.” He went on to say that when he sees a drum corps, he “sees [himself ] in every young student in a uniform it brings back great memories and reminds me of what I must do today to complete my journey.” Joe Reichert, 1982-1995 junior corps alumnus and music educator feels that “being persistent and hard working will get you far in life” and “making friends for life” are important aspects of his drum corps experience. Mary Ann continues, “In life and in one’s career, successful people learn how

could have done. I’ve met people from across the world, I have a friend in Germany. I’ve not only improved as a player, but as a person.” Laura (Johnston) Bratt, 1982-1990 junior corps alumnus and current owner of her own graphic arts design company, shared a memory of her first tour and where she stands today. “We stayed at a school housing numerous small drum corps from all over the country. This was my first experience ‘on tour’ and

The common threads that run through out this journey are the extraordinar y sense of friendship combined with the feeling of accomplishment and self worth to carr y through any of life’s challenges. to do many things at a time; to do them all well; to care about others; and to understand how all of the pieces of life’s puzzle fit together. These are the skills that are essential to living in today’s complex society.” The drum corps experience helps to prepare its participants for this complex society by stretching beyond all socioeconomic and political bounds. Seth Bidwell, Colts three-year vet and 2001 age-out speaks of his most incredible experience has been in “meeting all of these amazing people. We have members from Japan, a guy from the Netherlands and people from all over the United States.” The same is reflected by Christopher Hastings, class of 2001 and three-year vet of Kiwanis Kavaliers. “To take that plane ride from Nova Scotia to Ontario to join a drum corps is the best thing I

I loved everything about it: making new friends from other drum corps; the ‘free day’ exploring a place I’d never been; and most significantly, the excitement of championship competition. In the course of the past 18 years I’ve marched with, taught with, professionally worked with and become best friends with numerous people whom I met that weekend. I am continually reminded of the joy I felt

in that early experience and of the wonderfully close knit yet international community that thrives within the drum corps activity.” Strength. Pride. Tenacity. Ingenuity. Teamwork. As we begin to sew our country and world back together, there are no stronger threads than those which run through the drum corps activity. Isn’t it comforting to know that there are drum corps people out there woven into the national and world fabric? No matter their chosen fields, our world is a better place to have people of drum corps working in it’s ranks and promoting the ideals that they learned in our ranks. Carrie Moser, five-year vet and 2001 age-out of Carolina Crown reminds us that the drum corps activity is “about the people” and that “we accomplish things together.” She states that she has “learned to cherish every second that we’re together” because you never know.


continued from page 3

Then, consider the evolution of the “tour”. A gym floor is still a gym floor but a 55 foot commercially equipped kitchen on wheels serving four meals a day is a vast improvement over the 30 minute stops afforded the 70’s kids at a fast food restaurant once a day.

Drum Corps International continues its collective focus on creating an environment to afford its youth participants the opportunity to enjoy the very best drum corps experience. While there is a degree of concern from long time fans and contributors as to the content of the corps performances and their general audience appeal, there continues to be a huge acceptance for the effort and achievements of the

continued from page 3

honor if you are one. DCI celebrates its 30th anniversary grateful for those wearing such a badge proudly and for the human constants that truly define the drum corps experience: love and concern for young people, passion for the ultimate performance and relationships with friends at a depth that very few experience in a lifetime. Kids wearing burlap sacks and playing pink kazoos performing the third movement of an abstract piece in Q flat minor is okay because it is not the what that defines us but the who, the how and the why. Are the values and life lessons the same for corps members today as they were when it was cool to strap a tympani drum to a marching member? Absolutely, and that is why today despite the evolution on and off the field we can still call it drum corps. And that is why being a part of DCI is the ultimate experience; the journey is most definitely the reward. DCI extends its most heartfelt thanks to all those that have cherished the drum corps experience, so much they have given of themselves to ensure that future generations of young people have access to this incredible experience. Thirty may be old to DCI’s current corps members but it is far from ready for retirement in

Congratulations to all the people who have performed, designed and taught, judged, managed, volunteered and cheered! participants. It’s okay to not like a musical selection or visual presentation a corps uses. It’s okay to disagree with the judges decisions, just like people did when the very first DCI Championship results in 1972 were given. Remember the severe storm that hit in Whitewater just as the results were being announced? A sign? Naahh, just a statement that the "act" and the "result" alone do not define the drum corps experience, THE PEOPLE INVOLVED DO! But drum corps people are whacked! A little harsh you might say? It is a badge of

the eyes and hearts of those who work everyday to keep the movement going forward. Here’s to living the prime of our life and looking forward to getting old while making it possible for those who follow us to be a part of the same DCI experience well into the future. Congratulations to all the people who have performed, designed and taught, judged, managed, volunteered and cheered! Your love and commitment to drum corps is a celebration in of itself. THANK YOU for 30 OUTSTANDING years!

Ankeny, IA in ’98 and what the other corps uniforms looked like last year is of little concern in the big picture. However, the importance of embracing our youth during these times with meaningful educational and life experience activities has never been more important. Drum Corps International has already resolved itself to moving forward in the interest doing our part to ‘go about our business.’ During winter meetings we will address how we will react to security concerns, patriotic presentations and most important what we provide youth through the drum corps experience. As we respond to the demands of the day, we will stay focused on the needs centered on serving tomorrows leaders. I encourage you to continue to show your support for the young men and women in the military, many of which are still of “marching age.” What they risk, in the interest of maintaining the freedom we enjoy that enables us to live the drum corps experience, is enormous. May God Bless them in their quest to preserve and protect and defend.

DCI TODAY The official news of Drum Corps International Please visit the DCI Catalog at www.dci.org and order your $12 First Class subscription or send your name and address to:

DCI Today 470 South Irmen Drive Addison, IL 60101 (800)495-7469 FAX (630)628-7971 Published three times a year.


Do You Want to Division I Blue Devils David Gibbs 4065 Nelson Avenue Concord, CA 94520 925/689-2918 www.bluedevils.org

Blue Knights Mark Arnold 1137 South Jason St. Denver, CO 80223 303/777-1937 www.bknights.org

Bluecoats Bill Hamilton P.O. Box 2733 North Canton, OH 44720 330/699-1572 www.bluecoats.com

Boston Crusaders Howard Weinstein Notre Dame Education Center 50 W Broadway Fourth Floor South Boston, MA 02127 617/268-4600 www.crusaders.com

The Cadets George Hopkins P.O. Box 506 Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0506 201/384-8822 www.yea.org

Carolina Crown Kevin Smith 227A Main Street Fort Mill, SC 29715 803/547-2270 www.carolinacrown.org

The Cavaliers Jeff Fiedler P.O. Box 501 Rosemont, IL 60018-0501 773/281-8737 www.cavaliers.org

Colts Greg Orwoll P.O. Box 515 Dubuque, IA 52001-0515 319/582-4872 www.colts.org

Crossmen P.O. Box 506 Bergenfield, NJ 07621-0506 201/384-8822 www.yea.org

Glassmen Brian Hickman P.O. Box 352080 Toledo, OH 43635-2080 419-452-6553 www.glassmen.org/

Kiwanis Kavaliers Doug Darwin 25010 Hwy. Market RPO Kitchener, Ontario Canada N2A 3A2 519/894-0222 www.kavaliers.com

Madison Scouts Scott Stewart P.O. Box 948 Madison, WI 53701-0948 608/241-3171 www.madison-scouts.org

Magic of Orlando Rod Owens P.O. Box 690426 Orlando, FL 32869 407/679-1575 www.magicorlando.org

Phantom Regiment


Patrick Seidling 202 W State Street, Suite 514 Rockford, IL 61101 815/965-6777 www.regiment.org

Ray Mar P.O. Box 22297 Sacramento, California 95822 916/395-8310 www.mandarins.org


Pacific Crest

4601 W Holt Avenue Milwaukee, WI 53219 414/327-2847 www.pioneer-corps.org

Stuart Pompel 21231 Fountain Spring Diamond Bar, CA 91765 888/727-4697 www.pacific-crest.org

Santa Clara Vanguard Rick Valenzuela 1795 Space Park Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054 408/727-5591 www.scvanguard.org

Seattle Cascades Sal Leone 16325 Fifth Avenue NE Shoreline, WA 98155 206/367-6695 www.seattlecascades.com

Southwind Tony Rother P.O. Box 948 Madison, WI 53701-0948 608/241-3171 www.southwind.org

Spirit from Jacksonville State University Ken Bodiford Jacksonville State University 700 Pelham Road NE Mason Hall, Room 304 Jacksonville, Alabama 36265 256/782-5562 www.spiritofatlanta.org

Troopers Matthew Krum P.O. Box 375 Casper, WY 82602-0375 307/472-2141 www.troopersdrumcorps.org

Allegiance Elite Bill Simon 3650 19th Street NE #15 Calgary, Alberta Canada T2E 6V2 403/250-2263 www.allegianceelite.org

Blue Devils ‘B’ Charles Crisostomo 4065 Nelson Avenue Concord, CA 94520 925/689-2918 www.bluedevils.org

Capital Regiment Rick Bays 1444 Demorest Road Columbus, OH 43228 614/539-0366 www.capitalregiment.org

Capital Sound Matt Greg P.O. Box 948 Madison, WI 53701 608/241-3171 www.capital-sound.org

Impulse Dr. J. David Meade P.O. Box 5369 Buena Park, CA 92626 714/239-4408 impulseyoutharts.org

Jersey Surf Robert Jacobs 162 S White Horse Pike Berlin, NJ 08009 609/767-0223 www.jerseysurf.org

Marion Glory Cadets


Chris Bradshaw 34 St. Leger Street Kitchener, Ontario Canada N2M 4L9 519/744-3291 www.dutchboy drumcorps.com

Michael W. King 434 W. Church Street Marion, OH 43302 740/382-3013 mc1cadets@aol.com

Nelson Abodeeb 276 Spiknard Center Springfield, MA 01129 413/783-2405 psosnowich@hazen.com

McCollough Royal Knights

Teal Sound

East Coast Jazz Thomas Chopelas P.O. Box 53 Malden, MA 02148 781/942-0428 www.eastcoastjazz.org

Norvus Miller Henry Cleveland 1113 McCollough Court, NW #103 Washington, DC 20001 202/945-9457

Edmonton Strutters


Pauline Huber Box 20055, Beverly PO Edmonton, Alberta Canada T5W 5E6 780/473-3584 www.strutters.org

738 Pine Drive Brick, NJ 08723 732/920-5257 www.phoenixnj.org

Patriots Patti Nolan 2145 Buffalo Road Rochester, NY 14624-1507 716/247-9670 www.patriotsdrumcorps.com

Spartans Peter LaFlamme 73 E Hollis Street Nashua, NH 03060-6303 603/889-2760 www.spartansdbc.org

Tampa Bay Thunder James Newman P.O. Box 271621 Tampa, FL 33688 813-969-0904 www.tampabaythunder.org

Emerald Knights Brian Rood P.O. Box 1142 Cedar Rapids, IA www.emeraldknights.org

Vanguard Cadets George Brown 1795 Space Park Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054 408/727-5534 www.scvanguard.org

Quest Herschel Vaughn P.O. Box 23610 Brooklyn, NY 11202-3610 718/649-3256 www.questdbcorps.org

Racine Scouts Esperanza Alan R. Cox P.O. Box 502591 San Diego, CA 92150-2591 858/391-1311 www.EsperanzaCorps.org


Paul Chaffee 2030 Taylor Avenue Racine, WI 53403 262/554-4949

Raiders Tom Maiello P.O. Box 76 Lodi, NJ 07644-0076 201/573-8302 www.raidersdbc.org

Edward Martin 8955 Poppy Lane Riverside, CA 92503 909/352-9573 www.yamatodrumcorps.org


Division III

Kips Bay Boys and Girls Club Crusaders

Robert Abbott P.O. Box 2151 Joliet, IL 60435 815/722-7315



Division II


Dutch Boy

Joseph Kuerzi 1615 Drum Corps Drive Menasha, WI 54952 920/722-5543 www.angelfire.com/wi2/ americanos/

Bandettes Mary Wilson 103 River Road Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario Canada P6A 6C3 705/759-3192

Blue Devils ‘C’ Rick Odello 4065 Nelson Avenue Concord, CA 94520 925/689-2918 www.bluedevils.org

Blue Stars David Svaleson P.O. Box 2523 LaCrosse, WI 54602 608/782-3219 www.bluestars.org

Cadets of New York City Gil Shepherd 359 Herkimer St. Brooklyn, NY 11216 718/363-0266 www.cadetsofnyc. homestead.com

Colt Cadets Stephanie Kreimeyer 550 W Eigth Street Dubuque, IA 52001 319/582-4872 www.colts.org

1930 Randall Avenue Bronx, NY 10473 718/893-8600

Lake Erie Regiment Ray Luniewski 113 W 10th Street Erie, PA 16501 814/456-5300 www.leregiment.org

Lehigh Valley Knights Rodney Yetter c/o Chieftains, Inc. P.O. Box 786 Allentown, PA 18105 610/799-8186 www.LehighValleyKnights.org

Les Sentinelles Ginette Dubois 102 Michel-DuGue Varennes, Quebec Canada J3X 1H5 450/652-2483

Les Stentors Gabe Francoeur CP 24001 Belvedere Sherbrooke, Quebec Canada J1H 6J4 819/563-3013 www.interlinx.qc.ca/ ~stentors/

Les Senateurs Ghislaine Dumulong 1446 Rue Lepine Joliette, Quebec Canada J6E 4B5 514/753-5686

John Rodriquez 9155 Tree Village San Antonio, TX 78250 210/682-9052 www.revolution-corps.org

San Diego Alliance Patrick C. Marks P.O. Box 20227 El Cajon, CA 92021 619/442-9148 www.sandiegoalliance.org

Scenic City Elmo James P.O. Box 11072 Chattanooga, TN 37401 423/877-3164 www.buglecorps.com

Silver Knights Bruce R. Durand 94 Erin Lane Ludlow, MA 01056-2219 413/547-8998 durand8998@aol.com

Southern Oregon Crusaders 1717 Whitman Avenue Medford, OR 97501 541/858-1632 www.southernoregon crusaders.org

Spirit of Newark Glen Eng 120 Roseville Avenue Newark, NJ 07107 908/925-1172 www.spiritofnewark.org

Michael Butler 830 Cavalla Road Atlantic Beach, FL 32233 904/249-6462 www.tealsound.org

International Corps Beatrix Jaap van Waveren P.O. Box 1412, 1200 BM Hilversu, Netherlands www.beatrix.org

Pride of Soka Katsumi Okawa 1-236 Tangi-cho Hachioji, Tokyo 192 Japan (0427)50-6234 www.prideofsoka.org

Strangnas Lars Ostlund Oxhagsv 31 D 645 51 Strangnas Sweden 046-0152/193 05

Taipei Yuehfu Chen Hsiao-Yu 4F, #6, Bao-Ching St Lane 58, Hsintien Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Yokohama Scouts Toshimitsu Takahashi 8955 Poppy Lane Riverside, CA 92503 909-352-9573 www.hamakko.or.jp/~y_scouts/

Senior Division Bayou City Blues Mike Palmquist 17707 Windy Point Spring, TX 77379 714-882-6372 www.bayoucityblues.com

Northwest Venture Charlie Thompson 432 Rose Court Mount Vernon, WA 98273 360-428-8149 www.nwventure.org

Renegades P.O. Box 590051 San Francisco, CA 94159 www.renegades.org

Youth Band Division Regina Lions Michael Alstad 2272 Pasqua St. Regina, SK Canada S4T 4M4 306-791-6226 www.reginalionsband.com

Please visit www.dci.org for updated information.


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20.00 Ornaments In Brass Compact Disc Back by popular demand, Drum Corps International is proud to re-release this very special Holiday compact disc, ORNAMENTS IN BRASS! Celebrate your holiday season with the spirit of drum corps! .......$


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Bring Home the Memories! Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101 800/495-SHOW (7469) For phone orders outside the U.S. please call 630/628-7888 Place your order online at: FAX your order to: 630/628-7971

Mail your order to:

Phone in your order to:

Shipping & Handling Information Merchandise orders will have a $3.00 handling charge in addition to shipping charges based on weight of package. Please visit www.dci.org or call 1-800-495-7469 for exact cost. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.

World Championships August 5th – 10th Camp Randall Stadium, Madison, Wisconsin 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101 • 800/495-SHOW International Calls 630/628-7888 • Fax 630/628-7971 ©2001 Drum Corps International. All rights reserved.


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XXL . . . . . . $58.00 XXL . . $44.00

DCI Logo Baseball Cap Navy/Khaki; one size fits all . . . . . . . . $18.00 Black; one size fits all . . . . . $18.00 DCI Logo Khaki Baseball Cap Maroon/Black embroidery; one size fits all . . . $22.00 DCI Logo Crusher Cap Blue Denim; one size fits all . . . . . . . . . . $18.00 DCI Logo Attaché Case Blue Nylon . . $29.00 DCI Logo Attaché Case Leather . . $39.00

Bring Home the Memories! Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101 800/495-SHOW (7469) For phone orders outside the U.S. please call 630/628-7888 Place your order online at: FAX your order to: 630/628-7971

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Shipping & Handling Information Merchandise orders will have a $3.00 handling charge in addition to shipping charges based on weight of package. Please visit www.dci.org or call 1-800-495-7469 for exact cost. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.


SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Celebrating 30 Years!

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DCI Southwestern Championships Saturday, July 20, 2002 Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas On Sale November 7th 2 Show Combo Tickets Premium Seats ________@



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DCI World Championships August 5 – 10, 2002 Camp Randall Stadium, Madison, Wisconsin On Sale Now!


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Friday, August 9th n/a Premium Seats ________@



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Saturday, August 10th n/a Premium Seats ________@



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Division I Semifinals

DCI’s Masters of the SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Friday, July 26, 2002 Middle Tennessee State University Stadium, Murfreesboro, Tennessee On Sale November 7th

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Division I Finals

DCI Midwestern Championships

Saturday, July 27, 2002 RCA Dome, Indianapolis, Indiana On Sale November 7th 2 Show Combo Tickets Premium Seats ________@



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Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101 800/495-SHOW (7469) For phone orders outside the U.S. please call 630/628-7888 630/628-7971 www.dci.org 21

Drum Corps. We know and love this amazing activity. There have been many ups and downs, hours of discussion on topics associated with it, and endless opinions on what it should be and where it should go. As DCI celebrates its 30th Anniversary we thought now would be a good time to take a look at where this wonderful activity started.



rums and some form of horns have been around since the beginning of written history. Horns were used in Biblical times by the Hebrews to help control troop movements. Drums have been used over the centuries to help armies march to the battlefield. During the Renaissance era drums and horns were used together in bands for special town functions and social gatherings. A typical scene used to depict the American Revolutions shows a drum and fife leading troops into battle while guarding the “colors.� So how did all of this become the drum and bugle corps we know today? That could take an entire book to explain, but we will try to give you the short version here. The oldest organized drum corps came from Germany, France and Switzerland in the 1750s. Switzerland in fact started drumming competitions around this time. The movement came to North America in 1767 when the first U.S. drum corps was founded in Wolcott, Connecticut. Around the

1860s drum and bugle corps were being used in large music festivals in New York City, Boston, and New Orleans. The first recorded field contest was held in 1872 in Wallingford, Connecticut. The judges for these contests were the military men and bandmasters from the Army Post Headquarters. In 1886 the famed march composer John Phillip Sousa wrote an instructional manual for drums and bugles as well as many of the marches that are still used today by bands and drum and bugle corps around the world. With Mr. Sousa’s influence in the formation and advancement of the marching band, the interest in marching music activities began to flourish. Many colleges and civic organizations started forming their own marching bands. After the end of World War I the interest in the drum and bugle corps started growing rapidly. The American Legion began sponsoring their own local corps to participate in local parades and town clebrations. In 1921

and females would win a national VFW title. The General George E. Bell corps out of Chicago won in 1942 and 1943. This feat would not be replicated until the Troopers won the 1966 VFW title. The “modern” age of drum and bugle corps really took off after Wold War II when the veterans of the war returned

the American Legion held its first contest associated with their annual national meeting. It was held in Kansas City, Missouri, and was for senior corps only. The General A. Custer Post of Battle Creek, Michigan won the title that year. The following year, 1922, would start the run of the Boys of ‘76 from Racine, Wisconsin, who would go on to win the next three years in a row. This would bring the title of Drum Corps Capital of the World to the city. The oldest corps still competing comes from Racine; started as the Racine Explorer Scouts we know them today simply as the Racine Scouts.

the country would be invited to compete. Most of these competitions were held in conjunction with their annual national meetings. In 1942 many corps went inactive due to the many young men who left to help fight in World War II. Those that did continue were comprised mainly of very young members and some All-girl corps started to emerge. The idea of women in drum and bugle corps prior to World War II was a strange thought at best. In fact it wasn’t until 1942 that a “mixed” corps comprised of males

Wi t h M r. S o u s a ’s i n f l u e n c e i n t h e f o r m a t i o n a n d advancement of the marching band, the interest in marching music activities began to flourish. It wasn’t until 1937 that the first Legion National was held for junior drum and bugle corps. Around this same time other civic organizations such as volunteer fire departments, Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW), the Catholic Youth Organizations, and the Knights of Columbus began their own drum and bugle corps. Over the years to come many of these organizations would sponsor their own competitions in which groups from around


home to become members of their American Legion and VFW organizations. Almost every American Legion and VFW post created some sort of drum and bugle corps with an average membership of 50 to 60 members. It was very unusual to find a group with more than 100 members. From this time until the early 1970s drum corps competed close to home and usually only traveled once a year to their respective group’s championships held in various locations across the U.S. Many changes started to take place as the interest grew for this youth activity. The rules began to change as the drum corps experimented with new music, new instruments and new forms of color guards. Bugles transformed from the traditional Army bugle to having pistons and valves incorporated to allow for greater note variety. They also evolved into a broader voice range to include instruments other than the soprano bugle. Drums evolved

corps into the field show and spinning the rifles and sabers. While there have been great changes over the centuries to bring us to the drum and bugle corps of today we can still see the dedication and respect to the past as all of the corps gather for retreat each night. They pass in review parade style

we come from. This respect for our country, the history behind the drum and bugle corps, those who have gone before and have helped create the

While there have been great changes over the centuries to bring us to the drum and bugle corps of today we can still see the dedication and respect to the past as all of the corps gather for retreat each night. into snares, tenors, and auxiliary instruments such as a xylophone versus their predecessor the kettledrum. Color guards went from just guarding the flags with true rifles and sabers to actually incorporating the colors of the

with the colors guarded in the front, most of the performers are at attention to show respect to the uniform they wear. The rows of American flags show all in attendance who we are and where

activity and world we live in is not lost on those performing today. There is one thing that will not change, the performers are still having the time of their lives doing this age old activity of drum and bugle corps. A special thank you to Steve Vickers, Jodeen E. Popp’s book Competitive Drum Corps There and Then. To Here and Now, and Janet Chiefari’s Introducing the Drum and Bugle Corps.


April 11-13, 2002 • Dayton, Ohio

Winter Guard International 4010 Youngfield Street , Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 • Phone 303.424.1927 • FAX 303.431.7267 • www.wgi.org

2001 SUMMER MUSIC GAMES Selections DCI World Championships DVD This Special Edition DVD includes the following 5 audio tracks and 4 video angles: Audio: Dolby Digital 5.1; Dolby Surround; Corps Designer Commentary; GE Visual Judge; GE Music Judge Video: Multi-Camera; High Camera; Percussion Iso; Color Guard Iso 2 disc set featuring top six corps. . . . . . . . . . . . $98.00

DCI World Championships Video 2001 DCI World Championships Video 3 volume set featuring top 21 corps . . . $98.00 2 volume set featuring Division II & III Finalists . . . $45.00

DCI World Championships Compact Disc 2001 DCI World Championships Audio CD 3 disc set featuring top 21 corps . . . . . . . . . $45.00

Bring Home the Memories! Drum Corps International 470 South Irmen Drive, Addison, IL 60101 800/495-SHOW (7469) For phone orders outside the U.S. please call 630/628-7888 Place your order online at: FAX your order to: 630/628-7971

Mail your order to:

Phone in your order to:

Shipping & Handling Information Merchandise orders will have a $3.00 handling charge in addition to shipping charges based on weight of package. Please visit www.dci.org or call 1-800-495-7469 for exact cost. Allow 3-4 weeks for delivery.

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