Drummond in Numbers - 2020

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Mining Mining Projects Projects

Located Located in theinmunicipali�es the municipali�es of El Paso, of El Paso, La Jagua La Jagua de Ibirico, de Ibirico, and Chiriguana. and Chiriguana. Produc�on 2020 2020 Contract Contract area area Produc�on Mining Mining started started Projected Projected 20212021 tons tons 7.843.786 7.843.786 8.2 million 8.2 million tons tons

El Descanso El Descanso Located Located in theinmunicipali�es the municipali�es of Becerril, of Becerril, Agus�n Agus�n Codazzi, Codazzi, El Paso, El Paso, La Jagua La Jagua de Ibirico, de Ibirico, and Chiriguana. and Chiriguana. Mining Mining started startedContract Contract area area Projected Projected 20212021

22.2 million 22.2 million tons tons of coal of coal El Corozo El Corozo Located Located in theinmunicipali�es the municipali�es of La of Jagua La Jagua de Ibirico de Ibirico and Chiriguana and Chiriguana in theincenter the center of Cesar. of Cesar. million million tons tons Mining Mining started started Contract Contract area area120.9120.9 of es�mated of es�mated End of End 2020 of 2020 9.4599.459 ha ha reserves. reserves. Future Future Mining Mining Projects Projects

Contract Contract area:area: 9,4599,459 ha ha

Contract area:area: 6,9386,938 ha h Contract Contract area:area: 213 ha 213 ha Contract

The Opera�ons The Opera�ons Coal Coal exports exports In 2020 In 2020 we exported we exported As at million million tons tons

29.7 29.7

As at

the stockpiles the stockpiles at La at Loma, La Loma, El Descanso El Descanso and Puerto and Puerto Drummond Drummond December from the from Lathe Loma La Loma and Eland El December 3,382,101 3,382,101 storedstored tons of tons coal. of coal. Descanso Descanso miningmining projects projects The lowest The lowest eleva�on eleva�on projected projected for for mining mining the projects the projects La Loma La and Loma and El Descanso El Descanso

300mts 300mts

El Corozo El Corozo

250mts 250mts

belowbelow sea level sea level

ThereThere are are mineable mineable coal seams coal seams at La Loma at La Loma and Eland Corozo. El Corozo. mineable mineable coal seams coal seams at El Descanso, at El Descanso, with an with approximate an approximate thickness thickness of 0.5ofto0.5 5 meters. to 5 meters.

The names The names of theofseams the seams alludeallude to important to important features features of theofregion, the region, such as: such as: Cazador, Cazador, Gran Gran Madre, Madre, Monito, Monito, or Babilla. or Babilla. The strip The ra�o strip for ra�o both for both minesmines is close is close to 8. That to 8. means That means , mining , mining one ton oneofton coal ofrequires coal requires remo-removing approximately ving approximately 8 cubic 8 cubic meters meters of waste of waste rock.rock. The average The average parameters parameters for the forcoal the we coalsend we send our customers our customers are 11,000 are 11,000 BTU per BTUpound, per pound, 5% 5% ash and ash0.6% and 0.6% sulfur.sulfur. A high A percentage high percentage of theofwaste the waste rock removed rock removed during during mining mining is used is used to backfill to backfill areasareas already already mined, mined, whichwhich facilitates facilitates the recovery the recovery of areas, of areas, helpshelps mi�gate mi�gate landscape landscape impacts, impacts, and reduces and reduces emissions. emissions. With With the purpose the purpose of minimizing of minimizing and controlling and controlling emissions emissions from from the mining the mining opera�ons, opera�ons, we we have have several several systems systems in place in place for we�ng for we�ng the coal the during coal during the mining. the mining. TheseThese include include sprayspray systems systems and fog andcanons fog canons at storage at storage areasareas and systems and systems for we�ng for we�ng and compac�ng and compac�ng the coal the coal whilewhile loading loading it in train it in train cars and carswe�ng and we�ng systems systems at loadout at loadout at theatport. the port. In addi�on, In addi�on, we have we have a a fleet fleet of 32ofwater 32 water trucks, trucks, the largest the largest in the in country the country per produc�on per produc�on unit, unit, to wet to roads wet roads con�nuously. con�nuously.

Royal�es Royal�es and Compensa�ons and Compensa�ons

2020 In 2020 royal�es royal�es and compensa�ons and compensa�ons totaled totaled and taxes, and taxes, fees, fees, and and US$209,0 US$209,0 millon millon contribu�ons contribu�ons totaled totaled US$125,7 US$125,7 millon. millon. In

Trains Trains

The railway The railway from from CesarCesar to thetoexport the export portsports in Magdalena in Magdalena is operated is operated by Fenoco by Fenoco and used and used by mining mining companies. companies. The distance The distance between between the mining the mining opera�ons opera�ons and Puerto and Puerto Drummond Drummond is 198is 1 kilometers. kilometers. The trains The trains belong belong to and toare andoperated are operated by each by each company. company.

At At Drummond Drummond wewe have have

locomo�ves locomo�ves

railway railway cars cars

crewcrew members members

Fenoco Fenoco installed installed the satellite-based the satellite-based Incremental Incremental TrainTrain Control Control System, System, or ITCS. or ITCS. This advanced This advanced technology technology trackstracks and controls and controls trainstrains at every at every pointpoint alongalong the route. the route. Designed Designed with with safetysafety first, first, the ITCS the speed ITCS speed enforcement enforcement and vital and posi�ve vital posi�ve stop func�ons stop func�ons meanmean that the thattrain the train will never will never go past go past a boundary a boundary or exceed or exceed the safe the limits safe limits of opera�on. of opera�on. The configura�on The configura�on of theoftrains the trains is 3 locomo�ves is 3 locomo�ves and 150 andcars 150 in cars each in each train.train.

1 cars 1 cars holdsholds

50 tons. 50 tons.

1 train 1 train is made is made up ofup 150 of 150 cars cars carrying carrying

7,500 7,500 tons. tons.

The The PortPort

Investment Investment in the in the direct direct shipship loading loading system system andand expansion expansion of the of the port: port: car dumpers car dumpers to unload to unload coal coal (single, (single, double, double, and quadruple and quadruple dumpers). dumpers). Two direct Two direct ship loading ship loading systems systems with with the capacity the capacity to load to 8,000 load 8,000 tons/hour tons/hour each.each.

Annual Annual loading loading capacity capacity at Puerto at Puerto Drummond: Drummond: MainMain coal conveyor coal conveyor belts.belts.

million million tonstons All with All with an an capacity capacity per hour. per hour.

Train Train

can be canunloaded be unloaded in 1.45 in 1.45 hourhour

using the using double the double and quadruple and quadruple rotaryrotary dumpers. dumpers.

Coal produc�on Coal produc�on beganbegan in theinyear the 1995, year 1995, expor�ng expor�ng from from Puerto Puerto Drummond. Drummond. A�erA�er opera�ng opera�ng a loading a loading system system with with barges barges for years, for years, on March on March 31, 2014 31, 2014 Drummond’s Drummond’s port opera�ons port opera�ons mademade the first thecoal first shipment coal shipment usingusing a direct a direct ship loading ship loading system. system. To protect To protect the environment, the environment, Drummond's Drummond's system system for for unloading unloading trainstrains places places sprayspray systems systems at theatpoints the points where where the coal the iscoal dumped, is dumped, in order in order to control to control atmosatmospheric pheric emissions. emissions. Similar Similar systems systems are also are located also located at at the points the points for direct for direct offloading offloading onto onto ships.ships. All conveyor All conveyor beltsbelts are covered, are covered, and water and water is sprayed is sprayed at transfer at transfer points. points. In lineInwith line with the need the need and the andavailability the availability of ships, of ships, coal coal is either is either sent to sent thetostockpiles the stockpiles or directly or directly to thetocargo the cargo holdsholds of ships of ships wai�ng wai�ng at theatdock. the dock.

The coal Theiscoal stored is stored in theinstorage the storage yard using yard using two longitudinal two longitudinal stackers. stackers. Yard 1Yard uses1 auses a combina�on combina�on of radial of radial stackers, stackers, front front loaders, loaders, and coal andhaulers. coal haulers. The piles The are pilesseparated are separated and classified and classified according according to thetoquality the quality of theofcoal theand coalthe andmine the mine of origin. of origin. If theIfcoal thegoes coal goes directly directly to ship tocargo ship cargo holds,holds, conveyor conveyor belts belts are used are used to transport to transport the the coal to coal thetoloading the loading arm on arm the ondirect the direct ship loading ship loading dock.dock. If theIfcoal thegoes coal goes directly directly to ship tocargo ship cargo holds,holds, conveyor conveyor belts belts are used are used to transport to transport the the coal to coal thetoloading the loading arm on arm the ondirect the direct ship loading ship loading dock.dock.

Infrastructure Infrastructure

The conveyor The conveyor belts are beltsfed arebyfed thebycar the dumpers, car dumpers, and are andalso arefed alsofrom fed the fromstockpiles the stockpiles using using hoppers hoppers and a front front loaders. loaders.

We can Wemoor can moor up to up four toCape four Cape size ships size ships at theatdock, the dock, givinggiving us theusinfrastructure the infrastructure to load totwo loadships two ships simultaneously. simultaneously. Puerto Puerto Drummond Drummond is theismost the most modern modern coal loading coal loading terminal terminal in South in South America America and and its capacity its capacity is among is among the largest the largest in theinworld. the world.


The system The system can can load Handy, load Handy, Supramax, Supramax,


Panamax, Panamax, Cape Cape Size and SizeNew and New CastleCastle Max Max ships.ships.


The access channel for public useisand is regulated, administered, operated, The access channel is forispublic use and regulated, administered, operated, and controlled exclusively byGeneral the General Mari�me Authority - DIMAR. and controlled exclusively by the Mari�me Authority - DIMAR.

Mining Mining Equipment Equipment

Front Front loading loading hydraulic hydraulic excavators excavators (Komatsu, (Komatsu, Demag). Demag).

Front Front loaders loaders (Caterpillar). (Caterpillar).

Bucyrus Bucyrus 495 Excavators. 495 Excavators.

Caterpillar Caterpillar tractors. tractors. (73 D11, (73 13 D11, D10, 13 15 D10, D9,15and D9,6and D6).6 D6).

Backhoe Backhoe excavators excavators (Demag, (Demag, Komatsu Komatsu and Hitachi). and Hitachi).

240-ton 240-ton off-road off-road trucks.trucks. (251 Caterpillar (251 Caterpillar and 14 and Komatsu). 14 Komatsu).

Draglines Draglines

100-ton 100-ton off-road off-road trucks.trucks.



Meters Meters high high

Meters Meters wide wide

Meters Meters high high

Meters Meters wide wide

TANKERS TANKERS 20,000 20,000 gallons gallons

Tankers Tankers models models Caterpillar Caterpillar 777C 777C and 777D: and 777D:

12 Pribbenow 12 Pribbenow mine, mine, 18 El 18Descanso El Descanso mine, mine, 2 Puerto 2 Puerto Drummond. Drummond.

he water The water tanker tanker operator operator controls controls the spraying the spraying electronically electronically from from the cabin, the cabin, depending depending n the onroad the road condi�ons. condi�ons. The tanker The tanker has the hascapacity the capacity to spray to spray for approximately for approximately 30 minutes 30 minutes efore before the tank the tank mustmust be refilled. be refilled. DRAGLINES DRAGLINES

Marion Marion 5780 Dragline 5780 Dragline Weight: Weight: 5,897 5,897 tons. tons. BucketBucket capacity: capacity: 88 cubic 88 meters cubic meters of of waste waste rock. rock. Bucyrus Bucyrus (Tobie(Tobie II) 2570W II) 2570W Dragline Dragline Weight: Weight: 5,386 5,386 tons. tons. BucketBucket capacity: capacity: 88 cubic 88 meters cubic meters of of waste waste rock. rock. Bucyrus Bucyrus (Elza) 1570 (Elza)Dragline 1570 Dragline Weight: Weight: 3,282 3,282 tons. tons. BucketBucket capacity: capacity: 57 cubic 57 meters cubic meters of of waste waste rock. rock.

hours hours and


from La Loma, from LaCesar Loma, toCesar to Cienaga,Cienaga, Magdalena. Magdalena.

Drummond’s Drummond’s coal is coal exported to: to: exported TheThe Americas Americas


Europe-Asia Europe-Asia

Poland Poland Canada Canada SpainSpain United United States States The Netherlands The Netherlands Mexico Mexico France France Puerto Puerto Rico Rico Turkey Turkey The Dominican The Dominican Republic Republic Middle EastEast AsiaAsia andand the the Pacific PacificMiddle Guatemala Guatemala SouthSouth KoreaKorea IsraelIsrael Panama Panama JapanJapan BrazilBrazil ChinaChina ChileChile Taiwan Taiwan Argen�na Argen�na IndiaIndia

CoalCoal is used is used to generate to generate electricity electricity at thermal at thermal power power sta�ons. sta�ons.

WithWith the construc�on the construc�on of a of second a second storage storage yard yard in 2015, in 2015, the port the port now now has the has the capacity capacity to store to store up toup 1,500,000 to 1,500,000 tons.tons.

13 to 1315 totrains 15 trains run run dailydaily for an foraverage an average annual annual transporta�on transporta�on of of


Job Crea�on Job Crea�on

The company’s The company’s hiringhiring policypolicy gives gives priority priority to personnel to personnel from the fromDepartments the Departments wherewhere Drummond Drummond operates. operates. As at As December at December 31, 2020 31, 2020 we had: we had: 9,7619,761 (5,053(5,053 directdirect employees employees and 4,708 and 4,708 contractors) contractors) 70% of 70% theofdirect the direct employees employees were were born in born Cesar in Cesar and Magdalena. and Magdalena. 79% of 79% theofdirect the direct employees employees live inlive Cesar in Cesar and Magdalena. and Magdalena. 87% of 87% theofdirect the direct employees employees are from are the fromColombian the Colombian coastal coastal area. area.

Benefits Benefits Complementary Complementary Health Health Plan Plan (Hospitaliza�on (Hospitaliza�on and Surgery) and Surgery)

Investment Investment in educa�on in educa�on for employees for employees and and theirtheir children: children:

Covers Covers

More than More than children children of employees of employees received received 7.8007.800 educa�onal educa�onal assistance. assistance.

Benefits Benefits moremore

peoplepeople of the cost. of the cost.18.400 18.400

Group Group Life Insurance Life Insurance Policy: Policy: 100%100% by theby company. the company. paid paid

have received have received 177 employees 177 employees collegecollege scholarships. scholarships.

HomeHome loans:loans:

99 employees 99 employees received received loans loans in 2020. in 2020.

Company Savings Plan:Plan: Company Savings Employees can save up toup 10% their basicbasic salarysalary and the will match Employees can save to of 10% of their andCompany the Company will match 30% of theofemployee’s contribu�on. MoreMore than than 2,1002,100 employees benefit. 30% the employee’s contribu�on. employees benefit. Reloca�on Reloca�on subsidy/ subsidy/ support: support: MoreMore than 1,700 than 1,700 employees employees have benefited have benefited who live whoapart live apart from their from families their families duringduring their rota�on. their rota�on. Extra-legal Extra-legal bonuses bonuses Eyeglass Eyeglass assistance: assistance: MoreMore than 1,500 than 1,500 employees employees benefited benefited in 2020. in 2020. Seniority Seniority BonusBonus Transporta�on: Transporta�on: Drummond Drummond Ltd. has Ltd.a has fleeta of fleet buses of buses to transport to transport its employees its employees from from different different townstowns in Cesar in Cesar and Magdalena, and Magdalena, and gives and gives a transporta�on a transporta�on subsidy subsidy to more to more than than 900 employees 900 employees located located outside outside this area thisof area influence. of influence.

Employee Employee Welfare Welfare MineMine

711 711

147 147

858 858

RoomsRooms for for Drummond Drummond Ltd. employees Ltd. employees

RoomsRooms for for contractors contractors

RoomsRooms total total

Average Average percentage percentage occupa�on occupa�on per day: per day:

82 82

Daily meal Dailyservices meal services for Drummond for Drummond Ltd. employees: Ltd. employees: 5,350 5,350 - Hourly - Hourly employees employees 4,400,4,400, and salaried and salaried employees employees 950 9 Daily meal Dailyservices meal services for hourly for hourly and salaried and salaried contractors: contractors: 400 400

5.750 5.750 172.500 172.500 2.070.000 2.070.000 Per month Per month Total meal Totalservices meal services per year per year

Meal services Meal services per per year Drummond year Drummond Ltd. Ltd. and contractors and contractors Per dayPer day

40 40

2 2

42 42

for salaried for salaried employees employees for hourly for employees hourly employees DiningDining roomsrooms DiningDining roomsrooms

8 8

local suppliers local suppliers

Port Port

Staff House Staff House Lodging Lodging RoomsRooms with con�nuous with con�nuous occupancy occupancy of 15% of 15%

Casino Casino diningdining room:room:

280 meal 280 meal services services per. per. Bath House Bath House service service point:point:

600 meals 600 meals packed packed to goto per goday. per day.

Meal Meal services services per year per year approximately approximately (COVID-19 (COVID-19 pandemic) pandemic)

1400 1400

DirectDirect ship loading ship loading dock dining dock dining room:room:

mealsmeals packed packed to goto per goday. per day.

Service Service point point for packaged for packaged food services: food services:

250 meal 250 meal services services per day. per day.

Due to Due thetoCOVID-10 the COVID-10 pandemic, pandemic, somesome well-being well-being programs programs and some and some in-person in-person training training sessions sessions werewere suspended, suspended, including including the Inthe House In House Program Program and Family and Family Day. Day. We implemented We implemented online online programs programs such:such: During During 20202020

They included They included topicstopics such as: such as:

talks talks

Healthy Healthy sleep pa�erns sleep pa�erns Effec�ve Effec�ve �me management �me management Families Families that work thattogether work together News on News COVID-19 on COVID-19 preven�on. preven�on.

In House In House program program objec�ves: objec�ves:

TrainsTrains skilled skilled laborlabor in theinopera�on the opera�on of mining of mining equipment. equipment. Creates Creates the greatest the greatest number number of jobs of possible jobs possible for the for the inhabitants inhabitants in theinmining the mining opera�on's opera�on's area area of influence of influence in in the Department the Department of Cesar. of Cesar. Expresses Expresses socialsocial responsibility responsibility toward toward our neighbors. our neighbors. Provides Provides skilled skilled personnel personnel to thetocompany the company who know who know how how to operate to operate mining mining equipment. equipment.

The Environment The Environment

n March In March 2020,2020, Lloyd's Lloyd's Register Register did the didISO the14001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 standard standard recer�fica�on recer�fica�on auditaudit for the for the nvironmental Environmental Management Management System System for the formining the mining and port and port opera�ons. opera�ons. It confirmed It confirmed that that he company's the company's environmental environmental management management system system meets meets the requirements the requirements of theofstandard, the standard, nd that and itthat hasiteffec�vely has effec�vely fulfilled fulfilled its commitment its commitment to protect to protect the environment the environment and to and prevent to prevent ollu�on pollu�on through through proper proper control control of itsof environmental its environmental aspects. aspects. The cer�fying The cer�fying agentagent therefore therefore xpanded expanded the validity the validity of theofISO the14001:2015 ISO 14001:2015 cer�ficate cer�ficate out toout thetoyear the 2023. year 2023.

For trea�ng For trea�ng wastewater, wastewater, se�ling 25 se�ling ponds,ponds, we have we25 have including: including:

13 13


88% of88% the of water the water used by used ourby our opera�ons opera�ons comescomes from rainwater from rainwater and the and mine. the mine.

12 12

Only 6% Only of 6% the of water the water used comes used comes from natural from natural surfacesurface bodiesbodies of water. of water.

iminary Preliminary treatment treatment ponds ponds Main ponds Main ponds t aidthat in the aidsedimenta�on in the sedimenta�on prior toprior discharge. to discharge. process.process.


We have Wean have an Internal Internal Air Quality Air Quality Network, Network, made made up of: up of:

Monitoring Monitoring sta�ons sta�ons to measure to measure emissions: emissions: El Descanso El Descanso Mine Mine Pribbenow Pribbenow Mine Mine

As partAsofpart the of revegeta�on the revegeta�on program, program, we planted we planted 132.968 132.968 on onhectares hectares trees trees intervened intervened by the by mining the mining opera�on. opera�on.


2020 2020


20.131 65.757 65.757 20.131

trees donated to to trees grown trees grown in in trees donated the community the nursery the nursery the community

1.346 1.346

of the waste of theproducts waste products produced produced by the by the mining mining opera�ons opera�ons were reu�lized. were reu�lized.

93% El 93% Descanso El Descanso Mine 86% MinePribbenow 86% Pribbenow Mine Mine

points for points waste forcollec�on waste collec�on and sor�ng and sor�ng at at 427427 our mining our mining and port and opera�ons. port opera�ons.

160 El Descanso 160 El Descanso Mine Mine 76 Puerto 76 Puerto 267 Pribbenow 267 Pribbenow Mine Mine The PRIBBENOW The PRIBBENOW MINEMINE explosives explosives plant plant used 1,742 used 1,742 tons oftons usedofoilused oil

from the from mining the mining equipment equipment maintenance maintenance ac�vi�es. ac�vi�es.

hectares hectares replanted replanted



We ran We ran

training training cyclescycles of of environmental environmental educaeduca�on programs �on programs a�ended a�ended by: by:

5.083 5.083 314314

Employees Employees Contractors Contractors

We We havehave 403403 environmental environmental monitoring monitoring sta�ons. sta�ons.

Social Contribu�on Social Contribu�on - Good -Neighbor Good Neighbor Policy Policy

School School

765 765

classrooms classrooms improved, improved, built,built, or remodeled or remodeled


cafeterias cafeterias improved, improved, built, built, or remodeled or remodeled

34.083 34.083 beneficiaries beneficiaries

Scholarships Scholarships for college for college degrees degrees

167 167

13.855 13.855

collegecollege scholarships scholarships awarded awarded to students to studen gradua�ng gradua�ng from public from public high schools high schools in thein towns the towns in thein area theofarea influence of influence in Cesar in Cesar and and Magdalena. Magdalena.

hospitals hospitals improved, improved, built, built, or remodeled: or remodeled: 395,026 395,026 beneficiaries beneficiaries 11 11 healthhealth postsposts built or built rebuilt, or rebuilt, and equipped: and equipped: 79,897 79,897 beneficiaries beneficiaries 17 17 sports sports fields fields built: built: 116,009 116,009 beneficiaries beneficiaries 63 63 Drummond Drummond mining mining training training program program


FromFrom 20092009 to 2020, to 2020, people people have have beenbeen trained trained in theinInthe House In House program. program. students students taught taught 4.173 4.173

musicmusic schools schools sponsored: sponsored:

Human Human Rights Rights PolicyPolicy




k k ec ec













We share our Human employees, contractors, and communi�es, We share our Human RightsRights PolicyPolicy with with employees, contractors, and communi�es, and receive feedback regarding the risks iden�fied bycompany the company the area and receive feedback regarding the risks iden�fied by the in theinarea of of human rights, andthe onmethods the methods to mi�gate human rights, and on beingbeing used used to mi�gate them.them.


workshops workshops

In 2020, In 2020, we updated we updated the risk thematrix risk matrix and the andmanagement the management methods methods for each for risk. each risk.

to 2020: FromFrom 20162016 to 2020: 8 follow up exercises onimplementa�on the implementa�on 8 follow up exercises on the of of management measures. One each semester. management measures. One each semester. at Puerto Drummond Administra�ve at Puerto Drummond Administra�ve personnel personnel the mining opera�ons Leaders at theatmining opera�ons Leaders in Bogotá: in Bogotá: Expatriates Expatriates Workshops for hourly workers taught Workshops for hourly workers werewere taught by Drummond managers, coverage by Drummond managers, with with coverage of of 82% all employees. 82% of allof employees.

12 workshops to train trainers targe�ng hourly workers. 12 workshops to train trainers targe�ng hourly workers. to 2020, sessions organized FromFrom 20162016 to 2020, sessions werewere organized with:with: than than 100 contractors 100 contractors who have who have opera�ons opera�ons at theatmine the mine or port. or port. 6 More 6 More Associa�ons Associa�ons from from Community Community Ac�on Ac�on boards boards and local and local authori�es. authori�es. TradeTrade unionunion leaders leaders Elected Elected Municipal Municipal and Departmental and Departmental authori�es authori�es Professionals Professionals in training in training Agreements Agreements officeoffice at theatMinistry the Ministry of Defense of Defense Commander Commander of theof10th the 10th Brigade Brigade Commander Commander of theofPolice the Police Department Department in Cesar in Cesar Energy Energy Miners' Miners' Commi�ee Commi�ee on Security on Security and Human and Human RightsRights During During the year, the year, progress progress was also wasmade also made with the withTrust the Trust Genera�on Genera�on project project in Cesar. in Cesar. This This project project is developed is developed by Drummond by Drummond and Prodeco and Prodeco with with poli�cal poli�cal and financial and financial support support from from the Embassy the Embassy of theofNetherlands the Netherlands and under and under the direc�on the direc�on of CREER-IHRB. of CREER-IHRB. In 2019 In 2019 we joined we joined the Board the Board of Directors of Directors of theofEnergy the Energy Mining Mining Commi�ee, Commi�ee, a mul�-aca mul�-actor ini�a�ve tor ini�a�ve that focuses that focuses on respect on respect for human for human rights.rights. Thanks Thanks to thetowork the work we have we have donedone with the withWorking the Working Group Group on Human on Human RightsRights and Coal, and Coal, during during 20202020 we improved we improved the “Protocol the “Protocol for Business for Business Ac�on Ac�on in theincase the case of Threats of Threats to to Lives Lives or Integrity” or Integrity” basedbased on experiences on experiences to date to date usingusing the first the version first version issued issued in 2018 in 2018 and on and conversa�ons on conversa�ons with expert with expert third third par�es. par�es. We also Weproposed also proposed dialogue dialogue with expert with expert third third par�es par�es on the onrecommenda�ons the recommenda�ons for managing for managing the risk theofrisk dispossession. of dispossession. And we And we contributed contributed experiences experiences that could that could be useful be useful to ourtocounterpart our counterpart working working groups groups in thein the gold and goldcopper and copper mining, mining, hydrocarbons, hydrocarbons, and electric and electric power power sectors. sectors.

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