Body Contouring {Liposuction in Colorado Springs}
Arm, Thigh & Buttock Pueblo {Also see Body Contouring}
Liposuction helps shape the
With age or significant weight
body by removing unwanted fat
loss, the skin of the extremities,
from specific areas, including
specifically the upper arms and
the abdomen, hips, buttocks,
the thigh & buttock area, can
thighs, knees, upper arms,
become loose, saggy or
chin, cheeks and neck. Dr.
misshapen. The lift procedure
Marin utilizes the new
for both areas is very similar.
Tumescent Technique, where
Dr. Marin improves their
medicated solution is first
appearance by first removing
injected into fatty areas. This
excess fat with liposuction, and
fluid allows fat to be removed
then removing any loose skin.
more easily, reduces blood loss and provides anesthesia during and after surgery. This technique also reduces bruising and allows for a quicker recovery. Following treatment, Dr. Marin provides compression garments that support, protect and reduce swelling in the
Whether you seek refinement or enhancement, Dr. Marin performs a wide variety of procedure designed to improve body contours.
affected areas while they heal. [ See Liposuction Examples ]
Philip C. Marin, M.D. is a double board certified plastic surgeon in Pueblo Colorado, serving Colorado Springs. All aspects of plastic surgery offered including breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, rhinoplasty, Botox and more.
Philip C. Marin, M.D. 650 Dittmer Ave Pueblo CO 81005 (719) 565-1000 Copyright Š 2016 View Map - YouTube - Sitemap - Resources