D.B.BAGUL, Ph.D. Director, RJSPM, Institute of Computer and Management Research, Alandi‚ Pune
Abstract People are our greatest asset” is a mantra that companies have been chanting for years. But only a few companies have started putting Human Resources Management (HRM) systems in place that support this philosophy. There are a number of challenges in the Indian industry which require the serious attention of HR managers to ‘find the right candidate’ and build a 'conducive work environment' which will be beneficial for the employees, as well as the organization Keywords: Asset‚ organization‚ objectives‚ average‚ Fair Payment, Job securities, Policies‚ Employee satisfaction‚ Scholarly Research Journal's is licensed Based on a work at 4.194, 2013 SJIF© SRJIS 2014
Introduction Human resources management issues “People are our greatest asset” is a mantra that companies have been chanting for years. But only a few companies have started putting Human Resources Management (HRM) systems in place that support this philosophy. There are a number of challenges in the Indian industry which require the serious attention of HR managers to ‘find the right candidate’ and build a
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'conducive work environment' which will be beneficial for the employees, as well as the organization. The industry is already under stress on account of persistent problems such as attrition, confidentiality, and loyalty. Other problems are managing people, motivation to adopt new technology changes, recruitment and training, performance management, development, and compensation management. With these challenges, it is timely for organizations to rethink the ways they manage their people. Managing HR in the knowledge based industry is a significant challenge for HR managers as it involves a multi task responsibility. In the present scenario, HR managers perform a variety of responsibilities. Earlier their role was confined to administrative functions like managing manpower requirements and maintaining rolls for the organization. Now it is more strategic as per the demands of the industry. Managing people In view of the industry dynamics, in the current times, there is a greater demand for knowledge workers. Resumes abound, yet companies still fervently search for the people who can make a difference to the business. Often talented professionals enjoy high bargaining power due to their knowledge and skills in hand. The attitude is different for those who are taking up responsibilities at a lesser age and experience. These factors have resulted in the clear shift in approach to individualized career management from organization career commitment. Motivating the workforce As the competition is growing rapidly in the global market, a technological edge supported by a talent pool has become a crucial factor for survival in the market. Naturally, as a result every organization gives top priority to technology advancement programs. HR managers are now performing the role of motivators for their knowledge workers to adopt new changes.
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Competency development Human capital is the real asset for any organization, and this makes the HR role important in recruiting, managing, and retaining the best. The HR department has a clear role in this process and determines the success tempo of any organization. An urgent priority for most of the organizations is to have an innovative and competent HR pool sound in HR management practices with strong business knowledge. Recruitment and training Recruitment has become a major function from an imperative sub system in HR, particularly in the industry. HR managers play a vital role in creating assets for the organization in the form of quality manpower. Attracting new talent also is a top priority for software companies, but less so for smaller companies. Another challenge for HR managers is to put systems in place to make the people a perfect fit for the job. Skill redundancy is fast in the industry. To overcome this problem, organizations give the utmost priority to training and skill enhancement programs on a continuous basis. Many companies are providing technical training to the employees on a quarterly basis. These trainings are quite useful also in terms of providing security to the employees. The trust factor Low levels of trust inhibit tacit knowledge sharing in the knowledge based industry. It is essential that Our Company takes more initiatives to improve the security levels of the employees. Work life balance factor Another dimension to the challenges faced by our company is the growing pace of talent acquisition. This aspect creates with it the challenge of a smoother assimilation and the cultural binding of the new comers into the organization fold. The pressure of delivering the
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best of quality services in a reduced time frame calls for ensuring that employees maintain a work life balance. Attrition / retention of the talent pool One of the toughest challenges for the HR managers in the industry is to deal with the prevalent high attrition levels. Though there is an adequate supply of qualified staff at entry level, there are huge gaps in the middle and senior level management in the industry. Further, the salary growth plan for each employee is not well defined. This situation has resulted in increased levels of poaching and attrition between organizations. The industry average attrition rate is 30-35 per cent and could range up to 60 per cent. Bridging the demand supply gap HR managers have to bridge the gap between the demand and supply of professionals. They have to maintain consistency in performance and have to keep the motivation levels if employees high, despite the monotonous nature of work. The same also leads to recurring training costs. Inconsistent performance directly affects revenues. Dwindling motivation levels lead to a loss of interest in the job and a higher number of errors. Rationale of the study I have selected "Employee satisfaction" because this factor is very important in any organization. To study the factors that affect Employees' Satisfaction. To get knowledge about practical application of different aspects such as working environment, convenient work location, policies etc. This survey will help to collect individual's view regarding their job. The outcome will help to understand the need of teamwork, loyalty, better communication between management and employees simultaneously.
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The sector being wide and diversified helped to study the varieties of factors responsible to measure the level of satisfaction of employees. Objectives of the research:
To study the level of satisfaction among employees.
To get well acquainted with the culture and gain practical knowledge of the working of HR practices in industries.
To study the method of Employees Satisfaction survey and role played by the organization in employee satisfaction.
To help the company in measuring the level of satisfaction and dissatisfaction of various areas such as: Working environment, Working conditions, Fair Payment, Job securities, Policies etc.
To provide feedback to the management so that they can take corrective action towards the areas of dissatisfaction among the employees.
The survey will help in solving the employees' problems and motivate them to achieve the organizational goal as well as their personal goals.
Scope of the research: The HR department of the Dealers of Tata Motors, Patna div. wanted to analyses the Employees' Satisfaction" level in their organization by conducting a survey which was not only confined to Patna but the whole of Bihar. The broad areas in which study was conducted were - Working Environment, convenient Work Location, Recognition for the Work Done, Friendly Working Environment, Opportunities for Flexible Working, Working in a Dynamic Organization, working in a Reputed Organization, Interesting and Enjoyable Work, Work that gives a sense of Achievement, Working with Young People, Job Security, Opportunities for personal
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Development, Opportunities for Promotion/Career Prospects, Fair Payment for the Work Done, and Good Policies. Research methodology Research methodology is the heart as well as brain through which any research work can be completed. It acts as guidance for any researcher for the collection of data. It is a systematic way to solve any research problem. Objectives: The study is conducted with the following objectives: 1. To discover the various expectations that determine the satisfaction level of employee. 2. To rank the factors according to the importance. 3. To measure the level of satisfaction of employees with respect to the company. Employee satisfaction measurement Employee satisfaction has been defined as a function of perceived performance and expectations. It is a persons' feeling of pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a products' outcome to his/her expectations. If the performance (Company Services) falls short of expectations, the employee is dissatisfied and if it matches the expectations, the employee is satisfied. A high satisfaction implies more purchase/use of the product or service. The process is however, more complicated then it appears. It is more important for any organization to offer high satisfaction, as it reflects high loyalty and it will not lead to switching over once a better offer comes in. Tools for tracking and measuring customer satisfaction: 1. Complaint and Suggestion System: Employee can freely deliver complaints and suggestions through facilities like suggestion box, personal meetings with seniors etc.
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2. Lost Employee Analysis: The exit interviews are conducted or employee loss rate is computed. 3. Employee Satisfaction Survey: Periodic surveys by use of questionnaire or telephone calls to random sample of recent buyer help to find out customer satisfaction and relate to repurchase intention and word of mouth score. Technique To uncover the important attributes which determine the satisfaction level of the employee with respect to the various services catered by the company, a non-structured in-depth interview of employee selected by convenience is carried out. Then a list of attributes is finalized keeping in mind that an attribute once selected is not repeated on being encountered for the second time. Scale construction On the basis of attributes which have been identified, a questionnaire is prepared which is analyzed for two parameters separately i.e. satisfaction and importance. To each question, there are 5 possible answers out of which one is to be ticked. In case of component pertaining to satisfaction, the respondent has to give a response in terms of highly satisfied, very satisfied, satisfied not so satisfied or dissatisfied. In case of component pertaining to satisfaction, the respondent has to give a response in terms of critical, very important, important, not so important and not at all important. The response for each question in either component of satisfied to dissatisfied and from critical to not at all important, respectively. Data collection and analysis Exhaustive list of all the employee is obtained. A sample size of 50 is chosen to be representative of the population (nearly 10%). Sample interval is determined by dividing total no. of employee by the sample size (=26.32).Every tenth individual appearing in the
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exhaustive list is then selected. Samples drawn are used to collect data pertaining to employees' satisfaction as well as importance towards the 15 attributes listed. The results are then categorized on the basis of Total Respondents. 1) Department wise. 2) Salary Wise. For each category, the respondents are selected and then averages of satisfaction and importance are computed for each question respectively. Then the product of corresponding averages is computed to give the satisfaction index. Types of data: Researcher has to adopt certain methods of data collection to complete the research. Certain methods adopted are given below.
Data that is collected by the researcher at first hand for the specific purpose is called 'primary data'.
Sources of Data: Questionnaire, Information, Observation.
Data that has been collected earlier for some purpose other than the purpose of present study is called 'secondary data'. This source of data provides a wealth of information to the researcher. It acts as the reference for the present study.
Sources of Data: Books, Websites, Magazines, Journals etc. Limitations of the research: The research is based on the available information only. Study was limited to the workers, executive and manager level staff regarding their satisfaction. Response from employees may be bias according to job satisfaction of each employee separately. Out of a large number of employees, a random sampling of only 50 employees have been done.
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ďƒ˜ Time duration to carry out research was limited. Within 50 days it was difficult to touch all aspects of employee satisfaction. Analysis and interpretation Listing of important attributes Using the in depth interview technique, numbers of attributes were determined which affect the levels of satisfaction of employees with respect to the company. Ranking as per importance Ranking is done after analyzing all the attributes for the given sample that which one has more importance and which one is least important. Variation in satisfaction It includes two different ways: a) Satisfaction level of the total respondents. b) Department wise analysis of satisfaction level. c) Salary wise analysis 01 satisfaction level. Conclusion Research shows that satisfied, motivated employees will create higher customer satisfaction and in turn positively influence organizational performance. Convenient work location, working with young people, opportunities for promotion and career prospects, fair salary, good policies, job security and dynamic working environment are few attributes which are critically important from the view point of most of the employees. Employees have an overall satisfaction index of 2.43 which indicates that the employees are relatively satisfied with the various services being catered by the company as against their importance. It seems that employees of Accounts Department are nearly as satisfied as Power Division, Customer Care, Human Resources & Administration, Service Department, however IT & ERP Department are most dissatisfied.
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Employees falling in 'C' category of the income group (Rs.5, 00,000 and more p.a.) are the most satisfied than the other categories of income. Recommendation and suggestions The report after analysis showed satisfaction and dissatisfaction of employees at various areas which varies from department to department and salary to salary. Suggestions were taken from them to know their methods which can be helpful in analysis. Hence, those suggestions were added with ours which are as follows: Company policy: 1. Proper and adequate idea to each and every employee about the organizational policies should be given. 2. New policies which are beneficial to the employees, e.g. policy for regular medical check-up by tying up with a hospital should be introduced. 3. Recruitment policy should be introduced so that appropriate person can be recruited in less time and with less expense. 4. Internal sources for recruitment purpose should be utilized to maintain loyalty in the organization. 5. Information regarding vision and mission which helps in achieving organizational goals shall be provided to employees of all grades. Workplace: Parking space should be increased. Welfare facility: 1. Room for playing indoor games. 2. Recreation room for general reading, newspaper, magazines. 3. Canteen logistics can be improved. 4. Suggestion box should be kept in every department, at each floor. 5. Career guideline programmes for employees and worker's children.
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Job structure: 1. Job profile and responsibilities should be well defined. 2. Job rotation should be provided as people get bored doing the same job for years. 3. Training programmes should be effective. 4. Communication should be regular between different departments. Therefore a comprehensive Employee Satisfaction process can be a key to a more motivated and loyal workforce leading to increased customer satisfaction and overall profitability for the organization.
References Ashwathappa Organizational behaviour Chandan Organizatinal structure & behavior Jicks, Dave Ulrich. Luthans Organization sructure & behaviour Manappa Personnel and human resource management Todd Breaking the chain of organization structure Webliography
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