UNDOCUMENTED. AHS Junior and DACA Recipient Speaks About Uncertain Future. PAGE 10
October 25, 2017
Arroyo High School
Volume LVII Issue I
Dry Gulch Gazette
Contents CAMPUS
03 Cancellation issues
04 Career Center
05 06 08 09 10 12 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24
Fleas in D hall Protest Culture Sub Shortage Sleep Bill DACA SLZ Phone Pouches Staff Editorial Sleep Editorial/Substitute Editorial Homecoming Float Crucible KPOP Trend Setters Athletic Boosters Fall Sports Recap New Coaches Julian Varela Scouted
Letter from the Editors:
elcome to the first issue of volume 57 of the Dry Gulch Gazette! The Dry Gulch Gazette has been a student publication at AHS since 1956, but it has not been produced in over five years. This year, we revived the Gazette because we believe that our community needs to hear the voices of its youth. The Gazette is a student publication that is produced without prior administrative review, enabling student journalists to lead the final decision making process of what is and is not published. We seek to report content that is in-depth, relevant, and unbiased. Our student publication serves to deliver news to and for the student, parents, and families of AHS. We strive to cover stories within the community, as well as localize current events of national and global interest that directly impact us. We want to tell stories that matter. As an extension of this decision, we have chosen to localize national events affecting our students, such as President Trump’s intent to repeal Deferred Action for Parents of Americans (DACA). On page 10, we dive into the uncertain future and concerns of a DACA recipient attending AHS. While our magazine does focus on our campus, we also report on the greater San Lorenzo Community. On page 12, we cover the San Lorenzo High School’s decision to pilot Yondr pouches upon their students, and what it means for students and their devices here at Arroyo. This is the first out of four publications we will release this year. Our issues will be distributed at the end of each quarter. The focus of our magazine is not centered upon our staff. The Gazette is here to deliver your stories, and our intentions revolve around what matters to you, our audience.
12 17
Leadership Aims to Increase Ticket Sales Hello Carnival canceled, Senior Picnic successful, Senior Cruise next
Photos Courtesy of Jeff Baughman
Seniors cooling down with a waterballoon fight at Senior Picnic on September 13, 2017 at Little Hills Ranch. (left) Tommy Tran and Laurien Phuong competing to reach the top of the rock climbing wall. (right)
By Yennhi Le and Maha Sanad
t AHS, students are strongly encouraged by the Leadership class to attend school events and participate in fun activities like spirit week. To kick off the new school year, Arroyo annually hosts the Hello Carnival, an event with various games, bouncy houses, food, prizes, and a D.J. However, Hello Carnival was cancelled this year due to low ticket sales. This year, Senior Picnic sold enough tickets to happen. The event was held at Little Hills Ranch in San Ramon on September 13, 2017. Seniors spent their day swimming, rock climbing, shooting archery, playing water balloon games, and other bonding activities. Unlike the Senior Picnic, events that are not able to sell enough tickets must be cancelled. Director of Student Activities and Leadership Teacher, Jennifer Rodrigues, explains that events must have some kind of minimum amount of tickets sold in order for school events to be successful. ASB Vice President senior Stephanie Garma believes some events lack the publicity needed to reach the minimum number of ticket sales. “Publicizing is an issue, we need to spread the word not just on social media, but on campus as well” Garma said. Garma continued and stated that more students would attend school events, if ticket prices were more affordable.
Finance Technician Angela Cirimele, stated that although that might mean “more sales,” you do get what you pay for, meaning the quality of events would decrease. Cirimele believes that the main reason that enough tickets do not get sold a lot of the time is because the students tend to “procrastinate” and “wait last minute” to purchase these tickets, last minute often being too late to do so. Although she does believe that prices do
“We [Arroyo High School] do not do this as a moneymaking business.”
Finance Technician Angela Cirimele said
tend to be on the higher side, she strongly believes that if students learn to manage and save their or even their guardian’s money better in advance for school events, then they would have more opportunities to attend any event they want. Cirimele also hoped to emphasize the fact that a majority, if not all, of the money that students spend on tickets for school events directly pay for the school event. “Profit is rare because of how expensive school events already are,” Cirimele said, “We [Arroyo High School] do not do this as a
money-making business.” With the upcoming Senior Cruise, Leadership hopes to sell enough tickets for future events when it comes to advertising this particular event well beforehand. “I’m trying to make sure that senior cruise is affordable and appealing. I’ll have posters up, it’s going to go on social media and around the school,” Senior Class President Jizelle Manalo said.
Thursday, Nov. 9 6:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at the Berkeley Marina ASB: 10/20-10/26 $65 10/27-11/2 $70 W/O: 10/20-10/26 $70 10/27-11/2 $75 Tickets can be purchased at the finance office
Dry Gulch Gazette
New Face in the Career Center
Cece Adams joins the AHS staff as the new Career Center Specialist
Photos by Kendra Rocco
On September 13 seniors attend a UC Berkeley workshop in the library. The Career Center hosts workshops to expose students to colleges and careers. (left) Career Center Specialist Cece Adams. (right)
By Leslie Güereca and Kendra Rocco
years after she graduated, Career Center Specialist Cece Adams is back at Arroyo High School. She loves AHS so she feels grateful and blessed to have this oppurtunity to work here. “I just thought wow, because it was available and it just happened to be AHS,” Adams said. It felt like I won the lotto because the timing was perfect. This was open at the time and it was the opportunity that they had and so I thought that the stars aligned.” The California Career Pathways Trust grant has provided funding for the San Lorenzo Unified School District to restore the Career Center at AHS. Adams was eager to be involved because she had been looking forward to working with students. “It’s a really fun and challenging opportunity, but I love this environment and working with youth,” Adams said. “It’s fun to watch young people grow in their own skin and watch them become young adults.” Adams is excited to return to her alma mater joining the AHS staff in molding the young minds of our student body. “The most memorable moment for me was meeting the entire staff,” said Adams. “Having them just raise their hands when they introduced me. It showed they really wanted me here. I think that was a really neat day, understanding the opportunity
and ability for us to bring [the students] all together was a nice coup. I love it here and I’m super proud to be an Arroyo Don.” The students are appreciative of the work that Adams does. Adams job consists of many responsibilities including: assisting students who want to apply for college, seeking information about internships, scholarships, and editing resumes. When senior Jasmine Rabah came across the challenge of writing
“I love this environment...It’s fun to watch young people grow in their own skin and watch them become young adults.”
Career Center Specialist Cece Adams said
her resume, she went to the Career Center Specialist for assistance. “I’ve learned to write a better resume and how to talk and communicate with people,” Rabah said. “[Adams] is a very understanding person.” Senior Jonathan Cornejo agrees that students should invest their time seeking help in the Career Center because they will benefit from the experiences gained and
resources provided. “Her personality is very kind and helpful,” Cornejo said. “She is a good resource, and people should go to her.” Adams views seniors as a particular group that can benefit from Career Center services especially now during college application season when they are making important life changing decisions. Adams affirms that the Career Center is here to support students through this process and ensure they have a clear vision of where they are going to go after high school. “People are telling you what to do from all ends: your teachers are telling you what to do, your parents are telling you what to do, and your friends are telling you what to do,” Adams said. “You have to make a clear decision on where you want to go and try to be your own person and not have all these exterior factors influence you because when you rely on others to help guide your own career, it really becomes a hinderance.” Although it has only been her first few months on the job, she is already looking to improve and go beyond her expectations as the Career Center Specialist. “My goal at the end of this year is to have this place be a community resource not just for students, but for your parents and those who really just need to look for a job’” Adams said. “I want it to be a community space for everyone in San Lorenzo.”
Fleas Occupy D Hall Over Summer
Vacation time infestation requires treatment By Juan Fregoso and Nanda Bean
rroyo High School’s D-Hall was visited by uninvited guests over the summer. Math teacher Deidre Grevious was the first to encounter them. Fleas riddled the floor of her room. They were too small to be seen. Grevious resorted to taping them down in order to suffocate them and other inventive control methods. D-Hall was treated for fleas by Clark Pest Control on July 7. Pyronyl UL-100, a type of pesticide used for small insects, was used to remove the pests, which originated in Grevious’ classroom, D-15. AHS’s custodians first attempted to solve the problem before handing it over to Clark Pest Control. “It wasn’t until the custodians started getting bit [in D-Hall] when they realized ‘Oh dang […] There is definitely a problem here,’” Grevious said. The custodians attempted to use sticky traps to catch a potential rodent host of the fleas a week before the application of pesticides. “They thought if they could just catch the host, that would end the problem,” Grevious said. Grevious’ daughter, Kari, was affected by the fleas when she came to AHS to help Grevious prepare the room for instruction over the summer. “She started, brushing her leg and then looking at the ground. They were on the ground [….] She started to panic,” Grevious said. Before the application of pesticides, it was dangerous to spend time in room D-15. Clark Pest Control found that there was no host animal, and in fact the fleas lied dormant for weeks before becoming active. “I really thought they needed a host, but the [pest control employee] said they don’t,” Grevious said. Fleas can live up to 100 days without a blood meal.
Grevious needed to take steps to ensure her safety after the flea treatment. Fleas, even after death, can carry disease. Additionally, flea bodies are unsanitary. “I pushed my broom in front of me everywhere I was walking. Then swept it [the fleas] outside,” Grevious said. Dead fleas remained on the floor of the classroom after the pesticide application. “I put poster paper down and used them as stepping stones in my
“I put poster paper down and used them as stepping stones in my room. I wore socks […] that went all the way up to my knees.”
Math Teacher Deidre Grevious said
room. I wore socks […] that went all the way up to my knees,” Grevious said. Grevious’ classroom is now clean. Some teachers were blissfully unaware of the problem, such as English Teacher Jorja Santillan. “I did not even know about the problem during the summer,” Santillan said. Although her classroom neighbors Grevious’, the fleas did not travel in her direction. The source of the fleas is unknown, but some teachers have speculation as to how they became a problem. “Kids would come and bring pets,” Santillan said. She suggested the problem may have originated from pets brought in by students.
Illustration by Juan Fregoso
Dry Gulch Gazette
Sit Out or Walk Out Exploring the choices students make regarding protest By Zai Medina and Cuauhtemoc Ramirez
Illustration by Rizelle Jugarap
n December of his sophomore year, Senior Elbert Nguyen took a stand for what he believed in and spoke out against the board of education about the low pay raise given to teachers of the San Lorenzo Unified School District. Although this protest received a lot of support from students and the community, many demonstrations have not received the same support from students on campus. After the results of this last year’s election, many students from local high schools took it upon themselves to voice their outrage at the results. San Lorenzo High School and Hayward High School both held demonstrations. Berkeley High School is well known for their reputation of student activism. They consistently receive an abundance of student support for their protests against social issues such as police brutality, the 2016 election results, and most recently the possible rescind of DACA. Nguyen believes the reason most students at AHS do not get involved has to do with what they have been taught throughout their lives. “All our lives students have been told to just listen,” Nguyen said, “‘Listen to our higher-ups, listen to the teachers, listen to the principle, listen to the security and everything will be good.’” According to Nguyen, the faculty seems at least partially at fault for the lack of student participation in protests. English teacher Kay Zimmerman expressed her passion for social and political activism as she gave her input on protest culture. “The purpose of a protest is to speak out against something that someone feels is unjust or wrong in some way,” Zimmerman said, “Speaking out is such a courageous thing to do, so in order to be willing to speak out or motivated to speak out, you have to have a really strong feeling about what you’re speaking out about.” Zimmerman specualtes a few reasons that may contribute to the lack of student participation in protests. “Our students maybe don’t feel angry enough or maybe they just don’t get that sense of urgency that protest needs to happen,” Zimmerman said, “I don’t know if it’s because they need to learn about the issues more, or if it’s a matter of them needing to feel the effects of those issues before they’ll feel motivated to strike out.” “I do think that it would be nice to see more protest culture at AHS but I’m only interested in peaceful protests. I’m interested in peaceful protests, in creative protests, in loving protests that’s all-inclusive,” Zimmerman said, “I think it’s the young people that need to be speaking up because the young people are the people that will be running our country in the near future. And usually, in my experience, teenagers are more open-minded than adults, and so those are the people that can make the most difference.” Nguyen similarly stated the importance of the students getting involved. “If there’s something wrong we need to get our voices heard,” Nguyen said, “because, overwhelmingly, we’re the generation that matters.” As this school year progresses, some students intend to organize in order to get their voices heard. Jazmine Alcaraz, president of the Latinos Unidos club, says they have some plans for demonstrations against the recent call to rescind the DACA program. “We were talking to Ms. Jacobs about planning to do some sort of demonstration out in the quad or maybe even a walk out. Just something to catch people’s attention.”
Photo by Xitlali Chipres
A demonstration was held at Hayward CIty Hall on Thursday, Sept. 7 in regards the repeal of Deffered Action for Childood Arrivals (DACA).
“I think it’s the young people that need to be speaking up because the young people are the people that will be running our country in the near future. And usually, in my experience, teenagers are more open-minded than adults, and so those are the people that can make the most difference.” English Teacher Kay Zimmerman said
Dry Gulch Gazette
Drawing A
District struggles to find long-term subtitutes
Today’s Teacher is
Illustration by Rizelle Jugarap
By Mimi Nozawa and Cristian Quintanilla
n October 9, Principal James Gray sent a letter to all students in Math Teacher Jessie Fischer’s Math Modeling class due to a lack of adequate longterm subsitutes, thus leaving many students worried about their grading and learning. However Principal Gray assured parents and students that, “[the district] will not allow any work prior to October 2, 2017, hurt students’ final first semester grades.” Nevertheless, AHS expects students to complete all their assignments following the date, which is to be graded by other Math Modeling and Geometry teachers at AHS. Assistance before and after school is available for these students. “[The school] will provide students with every opportunity to be successful,” Gray said. In addition to Fischer’s class, one other Math I class and two Chemistry classes are in need of a long-term substitute. San Lorenzo Unified School District is undergoing a vacancy of long-term substitute positions this school year, yet this is not the only year we have encountered this issue. The absence from the first day of school until January frustrates Fischer as much as
it does her students. An attempt to obtain a long-term substitute in month-to-month slots were left with the draw of a blank, forcing Fischer to “[break] it up into weeks, [and still] no one was taking [the job].” Eventually, after breaking the periods of substituting into days, she “finally had some people take [the job],” although considers “having a new teacher everyday [...] not a good idea.” Grevious believes that the shortage serves to be an alarming issue as students are not getting an adequate instruction. She deduces that money largely affects our inability to find long-term substitutes. “If we had a higher salary, we could attract higher quality,” Grevious says, “very few people choose our district because the pay is not as good as the surrounding areas.” Although salary seems to be an issue that stands out in its low quantity, Grevious said that she does not know “what our district can do because we are very, very, very limited with our money.” Social studies teacher Brian Ortiz speculates that the root of the problem is the fault of unhired positions such as in the case
of the chemistry classes. “I don’t know if I want more subs. Instead of hiring more subs I think what we need to do is make sure teachers are in the classroom. If we value academic instruction, [...] our students and [their] growth, the way they grow is to have a quality credential teacher in the classroom every single day.” Similar to Grevious, Ortiz sees money as a factor in the ceaseless search of long-term substitutes and teachers, and demonstrates how unproportionate the salary can be compared to the amount of time investment inputted by our district staff. “We struggle to recruit and retain teachers because you can make more money in other districts,” Ortiz said. Ulimately, Fischer’s frustrations are in regards to her students’ progress. “You know when you have a river, and the river is [...] flowing really nicely, and then a tree falls down and stops the river, and the water just kind of starts damming up behind the tree? I feel like that’s what’s happening to my students. I had a lot of students in my algebra [class] last year, and they were getting [...] really confident in math, and now, the tree has fallen down... and the river is not flowing anymore.”
Proposed Sleep Bill Asks For Later Start California senator proposes bill forcing schools to start at 8:30 AM By Winnie Lai & Samantha Wang
leep deprivation is not uncommon amongst students in AHS. Students struggle to wake up in the morning, pay attention in class, and retain information for maximum academic performance. Sleep deprivation isn’t exclusive to AHS either. Widespread across California school campuses, cases show that sleep deprivation has detrimental effects on academic performance. However, California Senator Anthony Portantino believes his proposed sleep bill (SB 328) will help solve the problem. Introduced earlier in April and making it to the Assembly last September, SB 328 would require middle and high schools in California to start no earlier than 8:30 a.m. While the tough voting between State Assembly members in September resulted in a 26-30 loss, according to the San Diego Union-Tribune, Portantino is determined to bring the bill back for voting next year. Although an extra thirty minutes of sleep may be in the fantasies for many adolescents, some teachers do not feel the same. Students may be slightly more energized in the beginning of the day, but teachers are concerned with the mindset of students at the end of the day when they are forced to go home even later. Spanish teacher Rangel HernandezFernandez, who teaches high school students from zero period to sixth period, expresses his concern over the lack of attention he receives in his final class as students are lethargically daydreaming and ready to pack their bags. “In my zero period class, they are ready to learn, trying to use strategies, [and] do work, but in my sixth period class, they’re just falling asleep.” Hernandez-Fernandez said. “In hot weather, especially, everyone wants to go home and sleep.” Hernandez-Fernandez observed that his students’ performance dwindles as the day comes to a close. From his grade book, he has noticed the decline in average class grades, starting with a 90% average for his zero period students and ending with percentages in the 70’s for his last period. Strongly opposing the bill, HernandezFernandez believes the students will feel more drained if they must leave classes even later than 3:10 p.m. On the other hand, other teachers agree that school should start at 8:30 a.m. With the basis that teenagers have a different
sleep cycle than adults, health and business teacher Catherine Simonetti said that they can perform better in class if they get more sleep. “If you look at the research, it shows how teens’ brains are positively impacted if they begin school at a later time. Science backs up that teens are on a different sleep cycle than adults, so [school times should be adjusted, and students can have more sleep and do better.”] Simonetti said.
one of the many students who are in favor of the Sleep Bill
6-7 a.m.
“School times should be adjusted, and students can have more sleep and do better.“ Health and Business Teacher Catherine Simonetti said
Some AHS students seem to support the bill as well. Senior Tommy Tran has a course load including zero period jazz band and the maximum amount of AP classes offered at AHS. After school, he has his extracurriculars’ practice yearlong as well as homework and college applications to work on. Like Ms. Simonetti, he also believes that school should start later, so he could sleep more and be more focused in his classes. With Portantino’s sleep bill, he speculates the early start coupled with his busy academic and extracurricular life will be improved. “For the first half hour of [my zero period] jazz band, I’m pretty tired.” Tran said. “I always tend to fall asleep during 5th period, which is an AP class. [However,] if I ever wake up late—like at 7—I feel really refreshed, but I’m late to jazz band. I think [the sleep bill] will have an impact because that extra thirty minutes would really help me and I don’t think I’ll crash at the end of the day.” As Senator Portantino’s sleep bill is possibly making its way back to voting, students and teachers remain to have mixed feelings. Given that the way students perform in class alters from morning to afternoon, only time will tell for California teenagers and their academic performance. In an interview with USA Today, Portantino confidently affirmed, “‘Obviously, the legislative clock for the year ran out, but not our energy toward SB 328 or the science to help our kids.’”
Get ready for school
7 a.m.5:30 p.m. School & Sports
5:45-6 p.m. 7-8 p.m.
Go home
8 p.m.- 12 a.m.
12-6 a.m. Sleep
Illustration by Winnie Lai
Dry Gulch Gazette
FACING AN UNCERTAIN FUTURE AHS junior speaks on her uncertain future as a DACA recipient. By Jeanette Hernandez and Joyce Kae Janayan
n January 2016, an AHS Junior and her family received their highly anticipated mail. At that time, they would find out whether she, then a sophomore, was granted her Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals or DACA status. The documents they received would eventually verify her legal status in the United States. “I remember when we got the letter, my mom was so anxious [that] she asked me to open it. As soon as I read it, I just started crying because I was so happy.” she said. “My mom also started crying and even told the whole family about it. They were all so proud of me because it was such a big opportunity for me to be in the program.”
Photo illustration by Cuauhtemoc Ramirez
Community In June 2012, the Obama administration founded the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) as an American immigration policy that allowed eligible undocumented immigrants who entered the United States as minors to qualify for work permits and not be subjected to deportation for a two-year period. A few months after this executive order was released on the news, the family of the AHS junior set papers and documents to prepare for her application. However, on September 5, Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the administration’s attempts to repeal the DACA program. Protests erupted all over the country as mixed emotions were felt by the nation. With the recent controversy revolving around the repealing of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA students would lose recently granted privileges, such as their authority to work. The source in this story was granted her DACA status in January 2017. Her family first arrived in this country as visitors from Mexico. Her parents dreamed of raising their daughter in a land where opportunities are promised. Her family decided to move to California when she was only three years old. Despite having the ultimate goal of becoming an obstetrician, her family’s entry and citizenship status in this country was hindering her from pursuing her dream. “My father believed that I would have had a better future here, and there would be more opportunities for me.” she said. “They didn’t finish studying because they started working at such a young age.” She attained her Social Security Number and her work permit. Since a person’s Social Security Number is one of the most basic requirements to apply for jobs, colleges, and insurances, acquiring one of her own through the DACA program allowed her access to numerous occupational, educational, and financial outlets. When asked why she wanted her story to be published, the student interviewed said that she wanted people to be aware of the benefits she may lose. “If people actually get to read my story then they’ll know the amount of opportunities that I could be missing out because I do not have the documents.” she said. “I mean I guess [having my story published] pretty much helps out because us, the younger people, can grow up to have a voice and do something.” DACA has provided opportunities for nearly 800,000 non-natives looking for a better future. Counselor Mary Conway said that she has seen a change in performance for DACA students. “In the same year that DACA got passed, it completely turned things around for those students, and it made them really engaged [in their school work].” Conway said. “It made them work hard because they saw that they could [now] work hard in America and have a
[better] future.” Even if DACA is repealed, there are still programs out there for undocumented students. Conway has been working with a foundation created to help this cause. “I have been working with E4FC [Educators for Fair Change], an organization that is specifically designed to support undocumented students. So I contacted them, we’re working [together] right now on getting some flyers and brochures out and letting people know that their education is safe.” Apart from securing the educational future of the DACA students, the community’s support is also needed to reassure them that, aside from academic assistance, the San Lorenzo community will protect them. Social studies teacher Joel Gonzales recommends that the community must contribute in protecting the DACA beneficiaries. “We as a community and school need to get involved and write letters to people in Congress who are in a position to effect change around this issue.” Gonzales said. “I think that we need to make our voices heard that we as a community support protecting Dreamers.” Gonzales believes as a community that we need to rise up to show the DACA beneficiaries in our community that we are here for them. Apart from the protection and encouragement, DACA recipients must still be able to present themselves as the individuals they are and not just as classified “undocumented immigrants”. “I would say that what is often missed in this debate on immigration is our shared humanity.” Gonzales said. “I think sometimes people get too caught up on what’s legal and what isn’t and they neglect to remember that all human beings, regardless of their status, deserve dignity; they deserve respect and it would be the height of cruelty to deport someone who was raised in this country who— other than [his or her] status—is an American.” For student DACA recipients like the source in the story, there might be very little consequences for now. At this point, one of the many concerns of younger DACA recipients is receiving financial aid to attend college. If the DACA policy would truly be repealed, it does not necessarily mean that DACA students can no longer follow their American Dream. To many recipients, this is just another obstacle they have to cross. As for the AHS junior, although DACA’s repeal would cause problems for her and others like her, she remains optimistic that despite its potential withdrawal, she can still prosper. “I probably wouldn’t be able to like—for my future—be able to study what I want to study because of how I am undocumented. But, there are so many opportunities now; even if I didn’t have the DACA [status], there would still have been a way for me to succeed.”
“If people actually get to read my story then they’ll know the amount of opportunities that I could be missing out because I do not have the documents. [Having my story published] helps out because us, the younger people, can grow up to have a voice and do something.” AHS junior and DACA recipient said
Dry Gulch Gazette
SLZHS Students log out and lock up. By Cassandra Yuan and Angela Peña
very day, San Lorenzo High School junior Rheanna Jewel Padayhag arrives at her first period class and grabs her numbered Yondr pouch. In the first few minutes of class, her teacher makes sure everyone in class has locked up their devices, and for the rest of her school day, she is prohibited from utilizing her device. At end of the school day, she is able to unlock her pouch and use her phone. This is the school life for every student at SLZHS. Every day, students are required to place their phone into lockable pouches created by a company called Yondr. Yondr was originally created to have phone-free spaces for music artists during their performances. However, as we move into the age of technology, Yondr has expanded their markets to create phone-free spaces in the classrooms to invoke a better, distraction-free learning environment. SLZHS English and ELD teacher Gina Spiers first piloted the pouches in her classroom for about six weeks last school year after noticing the students were constantly distracted with their devices. The pouches were essentially a good idea. “Ultimately it’s a gift. You need to bring your consciousness
into the physical room with you,” Spiers said, “Just having this [cellular device] with you takes your consciousness away and puts it somewhere else, so you’re not even really there for that minute of time. You’re sliding back and forth in between ‘my attention is over here, my attention is there’ and it feels like you’re not really invested in anything, which means you don’t care. It’s a snowball effect of disengagement.” Soon after her trial run, SLZHS decided to get pouches for all the students the 2017-2018 school year. While some students are still being caught defying the rules, all the other issues are down. “Right now, our phone referrals are up, but all of our other referrals are really way down.” Spiers said, “So all the things that had to do with social media, [like] bullying ... planning fights, [and] things that happen simultaneously at school are not happening” Spiers and SLZHS principal Allison Silvestri were featured in the TIME Magazine article, “We Need to Talk About Kids and Smartphones” by Markham Heid. In the article, Spiers and Silvestri highlight the positive effects phone pouches has brought SLZ. The
GOING OVER YONDR: 1. During 1st period classes, numbered Yondr pouches are distributed to each student and locked in the beginning of class 2. Students keep their locked Yondr pouch the remainder of the day, including break and lunch 3. During 6th period classes, students' Yondr pouches are unlocked with a unlocking device in the last minutes of class 4. All the pouches are sorted and first period teachers are in charge of retrieving their class set of pouches for their students the following day Photograph Illustration by Cuauhtemoc Ramirez
Community article touched on how cellular devices disrupt a student’s mental health. Ultimately, Spiers thinks the pouches are a good idea for students in the long run. “I actually really think it’s good for kids to be present [...] and to figure out how to negotiate relationships with their peers,” Spiers said. While the faculty of SLZHS enjoy having the pouches, some students have mixed emotions. Padayhag has a few issues with the pouches as they restrict her connection with her family and contact with others in general. “My parents had a hundred percent objection to this because my mom lives two hours away and she likes to keep up with me during the day. Sometimes I call her during lunch and now that my phone has been taken, it’s like a whole eight hours that I won’t be talking to her.” Padayhag said, “It’s unsafe for multiple reasons. Juniors and seniors that go off campus could get into an accident or something and might need a phone, but our phones are going to be in a pouch. I understand during the whole class thing, but I don’t understand during our free time.” Although many students of SLZHS have opposed the phone pouches, others feel neutral. Student and ASB treasurer Daniela Ceja feels indifferent and sees the benefit. “It’s just a cellphone. Before the Yondr pouches, I didn’t use my phone in class, and I still don’t, so it really hasn’t affected me. Students are actually looking at the teacher because they’re not on their phone. It [has] gotten kids to not use their phones in class, which is the
purpose of the Yondr pouches.” Ceja said. Health teacher, Courtney Peterson, at both AHS and SLZHS, tends to agree with the program, but suggests that improvements on the pouch distribution system need to be made. “It’s a hassle, the organization piece, and in the end of the day the students want to cut me off. [It’s] ‘hey unpouch my phone’ because they can’t wait four or five minutes to close up everything, get the room ready, and then unpouch.,” Peterson said. However, she does believe that the positive aspects of the pouches tend to overpower the negative aspects. “It seems like the system is kind of working and students are at least not being distracted by the phone in the classroom. I think we’re getting more engagement and I believe in my class, the grades are coming up because students are less and less focused on their phones.” AHS Assistant Principal Kristian Hinz, believes that phone pouches are likely to become more popular in the future. When asked about the possibility of the Yondr pouches moving to Arroyo, Hinz recognizes the likeliness of this option, however he has no final say in the case. “I have no knowledge of that,” Hinz said, “It’s possible. I could see phone pouches becoming a norm in schools. I could also see where certain schools have it and other schools don’t—where kids demonstrate self control. I kind of prefer that kids are responsible for themselves and independent.”
How would you feel if Yondr were to come to Arroyo High School?
“I think that it’s kid proofing something that we should all kind of develop a willpower for. It’s a skill I think to be able to put it away and take it out [...] this is a huge asset. I don’t think we should cut technology out when it’s there for us.” - English teacher Jill Jacobs
“Personally, I feel like the pouch limits students because students use their phone for different things, like for an emergency they can call or text their parents or they can use it in the classroom when the teacher allow it to research stuff.” - Freshman Christopher Nguyen
“I feel like break and lunch are a time for people to have their own free time from their classes throughout the day. Otherwise, they might make trouble because they don’t have anything else to do. I feel like we should regulate the usage of phones, but maybe not to that extreme.” - Freshman Joylyn Golondrina “I think it would drastically change the way people relate to each other and drastically change the way people would relate to their school work. I think that it would be great.” - Social studies teacher Kaedan Peters
Illustration by Rizelle Jugarap
Dry Gulch Gazette
Make Our DREAM (Act) Come True Millions fear repeal of DACA, but there may still be hope
he Trump administration decided that it will rescind the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, meaning that DACA recipients like the subject of our DACA feature article will again have to worry about whether they will be allowed to stay in the country they call home. In 1965, President Lyndon Baines Johnson set out to pass a landmark immigration reform package, the Hart-Cellar Act, which would drastically change American immigration law by doing away with national origin quotas and reducing the amount of racial bias in the immigration system. He was successful, and as a result many students at Arroyo today owe their place in American society today to this law. Nearly 50 years later, President Barack Obama would sign DACA, allowing undocumented immigrants without a criminal background who came into this country as children to apply for deferred action status, allowing them to stay in the country without fear of deportation. Many recipients have known no other home than the United States; however, DACA was an executive action, and as such could be repealed by any future president without need for input from Congress.
OPINION OF THE DRY GULCH GAZETTE EDITORIAL BOARD President Donald Trump recently announced that he would rescind the executive action in six months. His administration claims that there is nothing it can do to prevent this as the Constitution Dry Gulch
doesn’t give the executive branch the kind of authority over immigration that DACA would need to survive in court (It is interesting to note, however, that they don’t bring this argument up in relation to their travel ban). Legislation does exist that would be
Arroyo junior mentioned in our news story are a large and vital part of community life. If she were to be deported, she wouldn’t just be losing her home. Her home would also be losing her and all that she contributes. If the Dream Act is passed, she and thousands of
Illustration by Rizelle Jugarap defensible in court and preserve and strengthen the current protections afforded to those currently covered by DACA. The DREAM Act, a bipartisan bill that has been floating around Congress since being proposed by Democratic Senator Dick Durbin and Republican Senator Orrin Hatch, would not only maintain benefits of DACA, but also allow beneficiaries to receive permanent residency status. Despite, or perhaps because of, the results of the last election, immigrants are about as popular in America as they’ve ever been. According to a recent Gallup poll, 73 percent of Americans believe that immigration should be kept at its current level or increased, up from about 35 percent 20 years ago. Donald Trump himself met with Democratic minority leaders Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and expressed willingness to strike a deal. This process is especially relevant to communities like San Leandro and San Lorenzo where DACA recipients like the
The Dry Gulch Gazette is an open forum for students and does not necessarily represent the views of Arroyo High School or of the San Lorenzo Unified School District. We want to provide our readers with entertaining, informational, and relevant stories that will be worth their time. We intend to produce accurate and unbiased reporting, and we will therefore work to correct any significant mistakes. You should contact us at AHSGazette@gmail.com if you can find such a mistake in this publication. You may also email us to submit a letter to the editor, but we reserve the right to edit letters for length or accuracy. Letters will be rejected or published at the discretion of journalism staff.
young people like her would finally be able to participate in her community without fear of an arbitrary and unfair arrest and deportation, and San Lorenzo could breath a sigh of relief. What is stopping the bill from moving forward? Recent developments like the Republican tax reform push and the devastation in Puerto Rico have shifted national attention away from the issue. With six months until the repeal, it is imperative that someone take action to ensure that these people are allowed to live without fear of being deported from the only home they’ve ever known. That is why this editorial board calls on every student at Arroyo and every member of the community to contact their congresspeople and senators and ask what they are doing to protect this vulnerable population and in the words of President Johnson, “repair a very deep and painful flaw in the fabric of American justice.”
Dry Gulch Staff Writers:
Campus Editors:
Mimi Nozawa, Kendra Rocco Steven Avalos, Nanda Bean, Calif Chen, Bethelehem Engeda, Community Editors: Juan Carlos Fregoso Jr., Leslie Cassandra Yuan, Winnie Lai Güereca, Jeanette Hernandez, Sports Editors: Louise Hernandez, Joyce Kae Cuauhtemoc Ramirez, Janayan, Rizelle Jugarap, Vivian Juan Varela Liu, Andrea-Marie Lomeli, Trinity Arts and Culture Editors: Mai, Zai Medina, Caroline Nguyen, Xitlali Chipres, Yennhi Le Silverio Ochoa, Angela Peña, Opinion Editors: Cristian Quintanilla, Lisset Romero, Janice Lee, Noah Bendell Maha Sanad, Symone Stokes, Staff Adviser: Britney Torres, Samantha Wang Samved Sangameswara
The Urgent Need For Sleep
School sleep bill can help students’ sleepiness and performance By Bethelehem Engeda
hat extra thirty minutes would help me,” a senior with an overwhelming workload, Tommy Tran, said. Many parents have heard this phrase from their children, who have been put through schooling unnecessarily early in the morning. By having school start later, students will be positively affected in terms of academic performance and health, and adults will benefit from a less stressed child and strengthened family bonds. SB-328 Pupil Attendance: School Start Time, also known as The School Sleep Bill, proposed by State Senator Robert Portantino, would make it so that California would require all of its middle schools and high schools to begin instruction at 8:30 a.m. or later. The State Senate, however, recently voted 30-26 against the bill on Sept. 14, with the argument being that changing school schedules would involve complex decisions that should be left to local control. If the State Senate took into consideration students’ opinions and changed school schedules, there would be a positive impact on students’ learning and motivation for school. Teenagers have a later biological sleep cycle than adults, so having school start later would be more logical than continuing with the existing start times. The National Sleep
Foundation found that, “it is natural [for teens] to not be able to fall asleep before 11:00 p.m. Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night to function best.” By this logic, teens shouldn’t even be awake until 9, or at the very least 7, to be at optimal performance for school and their daily lives. Having students start school at 8:30 a.m. or later will allow students to get the optimal quality of sleep to complement their sleep cycle. This will improve students’ performance in school and help with their physical and mental health. Teens are not the only ones who would benefit from this change; teachers and parents would also be helped. Parents, like Health and Business teacher, Catherine Simonetti, who work part time or start work later than 9:00 a.m., would gain extra time to sleep and also end work at a similar time as their children. Giving parents and their children a similar schedule would strengthen family bonds and has been proven to lower stress levels. Even parents who work full time would see a positive difference in their child’s behavior due to the appropriate sleep cycle. By saying that school should continue to start early, we are encouraging students to not work to their full potential. Students are the future of this world, so school times
Illustration by Rizelle Juarap
should be altered to make sure student performance is better. Students, parents, and educators need to stand together to get the attention of our State Assembly leaders and have them pass this sleep bill. Questioning why the state hasn’t gone through with the bill and providing the cold, hard truth will create a better chance at bringing justice for the students of California. Senator Portantino has been fighting for this change, and we must fight for ourselves as well.
Substitutes Become The New Teachers Too many teacher absences lead to shortage of substitutes By Louise Hernandez
ere in the San Lorenzo School District, we have a major problem. It’s October and students are still being taught by multiple different substitutes. Many are already aware that the problem is a long term substitute shortage at Arroyo High School. We need to take action as the local community to ensure our students are getting the quality education they need. It is getting harder and harder for classes to be covered. We have long term substitutes in a few classes: Math Modeling, Math I, Geometry and a few
chemistry classes. On October 9th, 2017, Principal James Gray sent a letter to all students in math classes explaining that all assignments before October 9th will not affect student’s semester grade. Long term substitutes are harder to find because the school needs them longer and they need to be able to teach the class what they need to learn. We need more long term substitutes in our schools. Another example is from this year’s math classes. Math teacher, Deidre Grevious, has been collaborating with different substitutes to make sure math students are learning. Having several substitutes in a year impacts student
learning. Substitutes teaching math classes may not have the credentials to professionally teach math students and they do not learn. In order for students to learn efficiently, they should be taught by a teacher who has the credentials to teach that subject. Usually when long term substitutes are put in place, another teacher gives them assignments and students do not get an good explanation of how to do the work, which drops a student’s grade. There is a possible solution to this problem, however. The way to fix this problem is to give higher pay to teachers and substitutes in our district. Paying our teachers and substitutes
more money will do three things: attract more interest to teach in our district, make our teachers and substitutes happier, and create more successful students. Two years ago, community members made their voices heard through a protest in front of the district office and we can do it again. If you are a parent, start emailing the school board and demand that they pay staff more. Students, convince your parents to email the school board or take the intiative and email them yourself. The more we express our opinions on this topic, the more likely our voices will be heard.
Dry Gulch Gazette
Leadership Holds Lunchtime Rally
Homecoming game postponed leads to rally held prior to Helmet Game By Juan Varela
fter one of the most devastating natural disasters in Northern California, all homecoming activities at Arroyo High School were postponed. This included the rally, football game, and the dance.The game cancellation was due to air quality. “Many students were complaining about the air conditions, so as a class we decided to postpone all the events, until the air conditions gets better.” Leadership Student America Zamora said Their decision was beneficial in the respect that it gave the leadership class more time in preparation for the game and activities. To promote the helmet game against San Lorenzo, leadership decided to host a lunchtime rally on Monday, Oct 16. “The lunchtime rally was more to hype people up for the game later that day.” Zamora said. The homecoming game was postponed and the Dons will be playing against the Hayward High Farmers on Friday, Oct 27.
Photo by Cuauhtemoc Ramirez
Leadership hosts rally games during lunch on Monday, October 16th. The rally was held to make up for the helmet game, which was rescheduled due to the air quality.
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Arts & culture
Drama Club Puts a Modern Spin on Salem Trials A closer look at next week’s production of The Crucible
Photos by: Cristian Quintanilla
(Left )Arroyo Drama Club’s typical rehearsal day in the cafateria stage. (Top) Drama teacher Jill Jacobs gives feedback to a cast member, Janelle Cara. The Crucible will be displayed on November 2 and 3.
By Trinity Mai and Calif Chen
he Drama Club will be performing a version of the play The Crucible with their own unique twist. Rather than setting the play in the late 1600s during the Salem witch trials, it will take place in the modern society. Drama teacher and Director of the play, Jill Jacobs chose this theme because she thought the new setting would help the audience connect with the play. “Religion is definitely a part of the play, so I think that putting the play in a modern setting, and placing it in a Catholic school, the language comes about more organically because you would mention religion a lot more in a private school setting,” Jacobs said.
“I know the term ‘witch hunt’ was thrown around by our current president earlier this year.”
Drama Teacher Jill Jacobs said
Jacobs believes that The Crucible is not only an entertaining play, but it is also a play that reflects the current political climate.
English teacher Nicole Sandoval teaches The Crucible to her English 11 and AP Literature students every year. Her view is that the play has certain themes that students can apply to their own lives. “It is a story of mass hysteria during the Salem Witch trials, so people start making accusations that roll into something bigger,” Sandoval said. From this, Sandoval hopes the audience can learn an important lesson. “Live your truth, and think about the consequences to your actions, mistakes, and the choices that you make,” Sandoval said. Sandoval also believes that it is important for the cast to have fun on stage and portray the personalities of the characters. “I hope they really play out the goodness of Elizabeth Proctor and Rebecca Nurse. I hope the girls just have a wicked time, Abigail, Susanna, and Rebecca, and all of them,” Sandoval said. The play consists of an extremely talented cast who constantly make improvements. However, they constantly face challenges during rehearsal. Junior Kaylana Hanhan, who plays Abigail Williams, thinks that getting into the character’s shoes is the biggest roadblock that the cast encounters throughout the play.
“The biggest challenge is that we are so diverse and our personalities are so different, so trying to become that character, you really do have to do a lot of acting,” Hanhan said.
SEE THE CRUCIBLE Who: AHS Drama Club When: November 2 & 3 at 7:30 pm Where: AHS Multi-Purpose Room Tickets: $5 at the finance office; $8 for students and $10 for adults at the door
Dry Gulch Gazette
The Hallyu Tsunami Korean pop music sets sail around the world By Andrea Lomeli & Janice Lee
n Korea, “Hallyu” is the idea of Korean trends spreading to other parts of the world. Korean Pop Music, or K-pop, as it is most widely known, has a distinct culture consisting of specific terms, fashion, and internet jokes that may only be known to those who actively follow this genre. Because of its complex and ever-changing culture, many fans around the world are protective of it. K-pop is growing to be mainstream internationally as it continues to gain more exposure. Top trending K-pop group, BTS, recently collaborated with the American artist duo, The Chainsmokers. The product of their combined efforts is the track “Best of Me” that is featured in BTS’ fourth album, “Love Yourself: Her,” which sold almost 2 million copies worldwide. BTS, being the first K-pop act to attend the Billboard Music Awards in May, won the Top Social Artist Award. They beat out the artists Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Ariana Grande, and Shawn Mendes. They also kept their place on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for four weeks and counting with their song “DNA.” BTS is a great example of how K-pop has been taking over the world musically. K-pop has found a following here at AHS.
Arts & culture Freshman Ruby Castellanos created the K-pop Club this year to provide a space where K-pop enthusiasts could be around people who also enjoy the same music. Around 45 students signed up for this club, where they would learn Korean phrases, practice dance choreography, and play trivia to test their K-pop knowledge. After discovering K-pop one year ago, Castellanos became a fan of the groups BTS, EXO, Sistar, and Black Pink. As a fan who is not Korean herself, she believes that Americans have benefitted as Korean and other foreign music became exposed to more people. “It’s mostly popular with people who like to listen to different kinds of music, mostly females,” Castellanos said. She is confident that because of our country’s diversity, foreign music has a chance of being a permanent fixture in mainstream media because it appeals to people who are not afraid to experience new things. “It actually brings a lot of people together to listen to new kinds of music. Some Westerners will listen to Korean [music] and some Koreans will listen to Western music,” Castellanos said. She believes that there is a cultural exchange that happens when different types of people come together to enjoy the collective experience of music. Castellanos is glad that foreign music can bring together people who may have never found each other
otherwise. Now that K-pop group members are becoming more diverse, it becomes accessible to more people around the world. “Considering that most K-pop groups learn English to talk to fans, I would say that it’s more Americanized now and it definitely attracts other groups of races. Most of the time Americans only listen to English music that they can understand” Castellanos said. “Now since there’s Korean music, a lot of people don’t understand it, but they take the time to learn and translate it themselves to understand it, so I do say they are more openminded.” English teacher Samuel Oh has noticed this rise in popularity for K-pop as well. Because Oh is one of few Korean-Americans at AHS and has grown up in the time when Korean music was not popular internationally. He has a unique perspective on this topic. Oh’s view is that other aspects of Korean culture started the boom of K-pop’s popularity. “I can guess sappy Korean drama that has K-pop in it, lots of drama, for which particular audiences are drawn to it, and then they get exposed to the K-pop aspect of it,” Oh said. Oh remembers his past experiences with K-pop and what kind of people usually liked it. Korean music didn’t always have such a diverse fanbase. “It was pretty exclusive because it was just a tight-knit Korean American community,” Oh said. He mentioned how social media platforms like YouTube and Korean dramas have really acted as a catalyst for the growing popularity of K-pop. Sophomore Jessica Tran has a similar point of view. K-pop has been part of her life for almost 5 years. She moved here from
19 Vietnam last year and Korean pop is really popular in her home country. She agrees that social media plays a huge part in helping Korean music expand to other countries. “I feel like it’s really popular in Vietnam because Youtube and other social media platforms are easily accessible there,” Tran said.
“Foreign music has a chance of being a permanent fixture in mainstream media.”
Freshman Ruby Castellanos said
Tran also signed up for the K-pop club to meet people with the same interests and to interchange cultures with the other members. She brings up an example from her life of how different cultures can borrow from each other. “Korean culture inspires a lot of Vietnamese trends. Music and fashion are some of the things that I feel has changed ever since the introduction of Korean music. Korean beauty has also hit Vietnam and personally, my style consists of Korean fashion and beauty,” Tran said. K-pop club president Castellanos expects that a similar thing will happen here in the United States: “[K-pop] is just another way of bringing people together to enjoy something that they like: music.”
Illustration by Rizelle Jugarap & Janice Lee
Dry Gulch Gazette
TRENDSETTERS By Caroline Nguyen & Vivian Liu
Junior Leslie Ng
Junior Linh Ky
Junior Leslie Ng Caroline Nguyen
unior Khana Hoang, a fashion lover, considers fashion to be a wearable form of art. “Choosing our outfit everyday is making your own art everyday to show people your style or art.” Hoang said. She also considers herself to be appreciative of many different types of art trends, but prefers the mixture of Hypebeast (hyped up fashion trends) and 90’s pieces. “Because through this there is a balance that ends up turning into a city or street style…” Hoang said.
Junior Khana Hoang Photos by Caroline Nguyen
Looking for a Athletics Boosters looks for ways to increase paticipation By Britney Torres and Lisset Romero
here are around 1,800 students enrolled at AHS, and more than 500 of them are involved in sports. At the last Athletic Boosters meeting there were 16 people who attended, including parents and coaches. Athletic Director Andy Waranoff wants to change this. Waranoff believes that the Athletic Boosters struggle with participation because the information is not being publicized as much as he wants it to be. Many parents and coaches are unaware of how to get involved or what the program consists of. They are not aware of the positive outcomes and how much more funding they could receive to help improve their sports organization. “The Athletic Boosters are designed to be a fundraising entity that provides financial support to the athletic programs here at Arroyo,” Waranoff said. Dave Jennings, father of junior Janessa Jennings and class of 2015 Alumni Jacob Jennings, has been a part of the athletic program for 7 years now. He said that he has never heard a coach talk about the Athletic Boosters. Jacob was involved in baseball and Janessa is currently involved in volleyball and softball. Without the help of parents and coaches it is difficult for the teams to succeed. “I think the program is for improvement in the athletic department and could be more successful with help of parents and coaches,” Jennings said. English teacher and former softball assistant coach Jessica Vaughn, believes not many sports coaches are aware of the Athletics Boosters. She is vaguely informed of what the program is about and does. Vaughn feels that some sports teams have a better advantage of getting funded since they are more informed than other coaches. “It’s more successful for certain sports than it is for others, some sports have connections that others don’t,” Vaughn said. Waranoff is working on trying to publicize the Athletic Boosters more this year. This fall, he plans to push to get one parent from each sport to be a representative for the Athletic Boosters. Waranoff is trying to host another event to help the program grow further than it is right now. As the end result Waranoff said that increasing Athletic Boosters participation will give them needed funding support. “The Athletic Boosters want teams to participate and support their fundraising efforts and want teams to show up and have a voice,” Waranoff said.
Illustration by Rizelle Jugarap
November 14 at 7:30pm in the Career Center For more information contact arroyo.athletics.boosters@gmail.com
Photo by Winnie Lai
Photo courtesy of Mike Saenz
By Steven Avalos
Dry Gulch Gazette
Fall Sports Recap 2
4 Photo by Vivian Liu
Junior Clara Martinez said that things are going pretty well for the varsity tennis team especially when it comes to playing against rival schools like SLZHS. According to Martinez, everyone has been getting along very well and has a great bond with each other. Unfortunately the team hasn’t been able to play recently due to the bad air quality from the wildfires. As of now they hold a 4-5 record and the team hopes to finish their season strong in the coming games.
Junior Mario Huelga said that things started off well. They worked hard over the spring and summer conditioning for the season. As the season started they realized that they needed to work harder. “This has not gone the way we hoped for but that isn’t gonna stop us.” But either way, he says that everyone is having a great time with each other and getting along very well. Sometimes, that’s all that matters. “We all still work hard no matter what happens.”
Sophomore Evelyn Engen said that the girls’ golf team had a bit of a rough start. She also said that they don’t focus on their record, but on their improvement and consistency. Even though they say the season has been up and down, it has been an improved season and Coach Mike Saenz has been very encouraging to everyone. Engen said that it is very nice to win against schools like San Leandro and Berkeley, or even better, a school that they were told would be difficult to beat. “You just get really hyped when you earn a win and you want to keep that feeling. [It] is what keeps us all going.” Juniors Gaby Archuletta and Laura Engen will also participate in the NCS tournament at Franklin Canyon on October 23.
Photo by Cuauhtemoc Ramirez
5 Photo by Cuauhtemoc Ramirez
Junior Francesca Mascarinas said that their season has been pretty good and everyone has become great friends which has been very encouraging for the entire cross country team. “We have gone through a lot together especially when it came to us practicing running up and down hills because we really learned a lot about teamwork thanks to those difficult drills.” Everyone has also been able to show great improvement which can hopefully make things much better in the long run. Another highlight of the season was when all the teams cheered for each other during a meet, showing unity for everyone involved in the sport.
Varsity volleyball player Nia Davis said that 2017 has been a very exciting year for the team. “We have worked so hard and have been able to beat teams we couldn’t even imagine beating, like Liberty High,” Davis said. The volleyball team was also featured on Cal-Hi Sports TV, which was an opportunity to represent the school on a much larger scale than usual. Now he is working harder than ever for one final push to make it to NCS. “It has also been an honor as juniors to work on Senior Night which is going to be very emotional, I am very proud of my team this year and I can’t wait to see what more we can accomplish. “
New Season Brings New Coaches
Varsity football, among other teams, gets new coaches
Photo by Cuauhtemoc Ramirez
Varsity football coaches Anthony Jackson, Galone Parker, Mikal Dace, Kurt Bryan, and Lenard Matthews on the field the Helmet Game. This was the first Helmet Game for the new coaching staff.
By Xitali Chipres and Silverio Ochoa
arsity football player, Senior Jared Calvo, was excited for conditioning, new plays, and playing new positions all promised by the previous coach. Calvo’s excitement was short lived as an unexpected setback approached. Suddenly, Calvo and the team received a farewell email from the coach, which left them on a bad note. “He was just trying to support his family but he left us on a bad note,” Calvo said. This left the football team with no coach going into the spring, so they had no other option but to organize themselves until Coach Bryan stepped in. Coach Bryan has been a football coach for twenty-six years at the collegiate and high school level. Calvo feels the change was a good one, “He gives recognition to every player,” Calvo said. What Bryan brings to the table has given the football players more “reason” to get out on the field and work. As the change set in, Calvo saw a development in his role. “[There are] more opportunities to contribute to the team and being able to improve,” Calvo said.
Bryan said that the thing he is most proud of as a head coach is that for ten years he has given each player minutes each game as long as they are eligible. “I think some of the players were excited, I think a good handful were suspect because there have been so many coaches coming through here the last couple of years,” Bryan said. Bryan knew that gaining the trust of the
“I think some of the players were excited, I think a good handful were suspect because there have been so many coaches coming through here the last couple of years. ”
Senior Jared Calvo said
football players wasn’t going to be easy since they had gone through many coach changes. By showing the players what he was about and taking action, trust began to develop between the players and the coach. Bryan’s action plan started by rebuilding the strength
and conditioning department, which is essential to compete with opponents. He then restructured the player’s routine by putting emphasis on reviewing the prior game film. Although changing coaches has been hard for the players, Bryan believes the team is heading in the right direction. “We’re working hard, we’re on the right track,” Bryan said. The soccer team went through a similar coaching shift two years ago when Andy Waranoff became the new varsity coach. With Waranoff being the coach for two years now, senior Vanessa Jones feels that they have gained a bond with him that has improved their performance on the field. “Focusing was the biggest team shift” Jones said, by feeling more comfortable with a stable coach, the team can now focus on improving. Bryan aspires to have a strong bond with his players. “I think you have to earn respect on the daily basis. Once the students saw what I was about and who I am, I believe we’re heading in the right direction,” Bryan said.
Dry Gulch Gazette
Soccer Takes Senior to the Next Level Julian Varela recieves chance to play on a professional team By Symone Stokes
hile most seniors are finishing up college applications, Julian Varela is preparing for a chance at playing on a professional soccer team. Varela was selected to participate in the top Hispanic scouting program in the United States, POWERADE Sueño Alianza National Showcase. Varela was one of 54 players selected out of a pool of 7,000 to go on to nationals. Nationals involves teams made up of players selected from throughout the country, competing in a series of games. Scouts from the United Soccer League attend the games to watch the players. If the players are scouted, they receive an invitation for a professional tryout. On top of that opportunity, Varela was also scouted to try out for a professional soccer team based in Mexico.
Varela has been playing soccer competitively since he was nine-years old. Since a young age Varela has been playing soccer competitively since Varela has been playing soccer he towas he was nine-years old. Since a young agecompetitively Varela knew hesince wanted play nine years old. Since a young age Varela knew he wanted to play professionally.His mother, Noelia Varela, shared the story of how while professionally. Hiswith mother, Noelia Varela, shared thesoccer story games, of whenhe she was pregnant Varela and she would attend she was pregnant with Varela. She would attend soccer games and would always be kicking and moving around inside of her Also, according he would always be kicking and moving around inside of her. Also to Noelia as a baby, Varela was always moving and very active. according Noelia, after Varelathe wasball. veryHe active andplayed constantly “ He wastoalways never with moving. toy cars or “He was always after the ball. He never played with toy cars or anything else.” Noelia said. anything else.” Noelia said. different teams throughout his soccer Varela played on several Varela played on several throughout his his soccer career. He first started playing different on a teamteams his dad coached. On dad’s career. He first started playing on a team his dad coached. On team,Varela played against kids who were three to four years older his than dad’s team,feels Varela kids who wereSince 3 to he 4 years older him. Varela thisplayed made against him a better player. was playing thankids him. Varela feels experience, this made him a better he wason with who had more he was able toplayer. learn aSince lot playing playing with kids who had more experience, he was able to learn a the team.Varela also played for a team called the San Jose Earthquakes lot playing on the team. Varela also played for a team called the San Academy, which he feels has helped him tremendously. Jose Earthquakes Academy, which he feels helped him tremendously. With the help from his family and coaches Varela has the chance to the help his professionally family and coaches, the chance makeWith his dream of from playing into a Varela reality.has Varela knew he to make his dream of playing professionally into a reality. Varela knew wanted to play after high school however, he still couldn’t process the he wanted to play after high school however, he still couldn’t process news when he received the invitation to attend nationals. the when hescared received theknow invitation nationals. “I news felt shocked, didn’t how to toattend react. It didn’t seem real.” “I felt shocked and scared. I didn’t know how to react. It didn’t He said seem He said. The real.” invitation wasn’t just a gift given to Varela, he had to work hard The invitation was not just a gift given to Varela, he had to work to receive hard to receive this opportunity. He would train, instead go running instead of this opportunity. He would train, go running of hanging out hanging out with friends and practice for hours on end. Varela wasn’tby with friends and practice hours on end. Varela wasn’t only motivated only motivated by his hisdeep goal, passion but alsofor by the his game deep passion the to game. his goal, but also by Varela’s for advice other Varela’swho advice toto other athletes who want getone thehe opportunity athletes want get the opportunity liketothe has earnedlike is to the one he has earned is to focus on yourself. focus on yourself. “Isolateyourself yourself and to perfect because theperson only “Isolate and trytry to perfect youryour craftcraft because the only person whoto isget going to get where want is yourself.” who is going where you wantyou is yourself.” Varela makes makes the the team, team, it If IfVarela it would would completely completelychange changehis hislife. life.HeHe would no longer attend AHS and would have to go on independent would no longer attend Arroyo High School, and would have to go on studies. An studies. even bigger change is he wouldishave to move independent An even bigger change he would havetotoMexico, move to away from his family and everything he’s ever known. Mexico, away from his family and everything he’s ever known. “It’sbittersweet bittersweet inin aa way, way, but “It’s but I’m I’m extremely extremely thankful thankfulfor forthis this opportunity. I really hope everything works out and I receive opportunity. I really hope everything works out and I receivesome some invitations.”Varela Varelasaid said invitations.”
Photo Illustration by Cuauhtemoc Ramirez