360 Degree Body Language Identification

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360 Degree Body language Course Presented by Daniel Sharon (Israeli Police retired) Target audience and course objectives: The course is a unique insight to Israel methodology in dealing with the Suicide Bomber threats and is targeted to all security personnel in all walks of security, whether protecting airports, seaports, shopping malls, train stations, discos, embassies, schools, places of worship, and all buildings that the public has access to. The course instructor will show the methods in use by Israeli Security to contain the suicide bomber and minimize the threats. The course is designed for first responders, police, fire services, SWAT, tactical officers, intelligence agents etc.

What is 360 degree Body Language ID? When we look at a human being in Israeli Security/Police! We look at the head of the person and work down his body, via his arms, right to his legs. His head is always the focal point of our interest. The brain is stored in his head and commands all body movements or reactions whether intended or not intended. Owing to set circumstances in Israel, such as the threat of suicide bombings as an everyday occurrence, certain standards of BL identification were developed, based on basic Body Language identification and upgraded to identify potential threats before they occur , whether it maybe in a supermarket, airport, shopping mall, school, train station, bus station,campuses, in fact anywhere! '360 degree Body Language Identification' was developed specifically to deal with the suicide bomber threat! It can be adapted to identify other threats of terrorism as well! It can be adapted to any kind of security environment, but its use is totally an Israeli development to fight terrorism. No other country in the world today has any answer to this kind of terrorism other than the Israeli Security Forces and Police. We know that "things" or "objects" do not carry out terrorist attacks! Humans do! We took the human body and divided it up into threat zones from every angle, hence the 360 Degree Body Language Identification Definition.

The head being the focal point and the command center of the body! We examined the entire body from every direction as a potential threat of an attack. Does not have to be a terrorist attack, but the identification methodology is the same! Anyone carrying an offensive weapon or is carrying a suicide belt/vest can be identified by simple identification.

The Head: central nervous system and controls all body actions, behavior patterns, facial expressions, and reactions The Neck: channels all commands from the brain to the lower body, via the spinal cord to the arms and legs. Dress: Clothes to cover up intentions and objects to be hidden on the body.

The chest and lower body: serves as a carrier or hiding place for weapons of any kind and suicide vest or bombs. The legs: serve as the carrier of the body and least identified as a potential threat.

It is in Israeli Experience that all potential threats and dangers be identified from a distance of 40 to 50 meters distance from the threat by security or police! Why 40/50 meters distance? What can be seen from that distance? How can we see suspicious signs or behavior? This distance was calculated as enough to evaluate, calculate and react, even if you are rushed by a suicide bomber! If you are a good shot then he can be killed before he has time to blow himself up! In Israel all security and police are taught to take down a suicide bomber by shooting him in the head! In this instance he has to be neutralized in that way. You cannot risk a chest shot as most bombers are rigged up with an explosive vest almost to the neck. What if he is not a suicide bomber? Just someone carrying a knife or a handgun? There are definite signs to differentiate between the latter!

The Head:

All functions, movements, and body signals as shown below

Starting from the top of the head and working down and around the head as an object that can be observed from all angles (360 degrees) Suspicious signs and behavior to look for from a distance of 40/ 50 meters and time to react. New haircut, freshly shaven but not well shaven, the eyes, wide pupils, tunnel vision, eyes seem to look around, head moves to the right or left in a cautious way, daydreaming, protruding veins in the forehead, ears are twitching, pursed lips, face muscles are tense, and jaw/chin seems to be forward, Blushing or apathetic Sweating profusely Nervousness.

The Neck area: Head is set into the neck, and locked, protruding veins, and blushing.

The dress or clothes: When observing clothing that the suspect is wearing, it is important to notice within seconds, what kind of upper clothing the suspect is wearing. Whether or not he is wearing upper attire (jackets, coats) to see if they are too big for the subject's body or if the sleeves are too long or are covering the hands. The reason being that the subject may be trying to cover up a weapon or wiring to a detonator that is in his hand. There has never been a case of a suicide bomber attack wearing a short sleeve shirt to expose a detonating device on his body. Given that the clothing is covering up his limbs and chest area, we in Israel look for the following signs: - clothing that is too big, clothing that is not in season for the weather, clothing that looks bulky for the subjects body size, especially around the waist to upper chest area, items protruding under the clothing.

Chest area/ arms/hands and finger: After ascertaining that the person is posing a threat and can be considered a danger, the area to watch with utmost caution is the chest and arms areas. With trained security personnel in advanced body language, watches with 2 eyes, one on the face and the other on the chest and arm area. What to watch for in the arm/ hand movements area? Sudden hand movements, fingers twitching especially the movement of a finger trying to press a detonator switch.

All suicide bombers are taped up to their index fingers with duck tape or insulating tape wound around their hands to hold their fingers on the detonator switch. In all cases the taped fingers are the forefinger or middle finger on the right or left hand, what ever the case maybe. In recent experiences in Israel the suicide bomber was wired to both arms in case of failure of one hand not detonating the charge.

The legs: What threats have the legs? The legs support the weight of the suspect plus his bomb. A trained security operative will also be watching for any sudden leg movements, such as trying to break into a run towards you or the entrance of a building or whatever is the terrorist's focal point of interest. The person under observation may also be pacing about looking for a weak spot in security; the legs may shake from fear. The person may change balance from one leg to another in order to steady himself.

What will I gain after the course? You will be able to see danger from a distance. Your reaction time to a situation will speed up. You will be able overcome past fears of making mistakes. Your confidence will be increased ten fold. You will be able to give an appropriate answer to any give dangerous situation. You will be trained to observe the slightest body movement as an indicator. You will be able to define threats from arm, leg, and facial expressions. You will be able to differentiate a dangerous person from a non dangerous person. You will gain the Israeli Methods of dealing with dangers. You will have the advantage that the enemy does not have. You will be able to surprise the enemy, instead of the opposite. You will be ready instead of being surprised by your adversary. You will be able to make split second decisions. You will be able to deal with suicide bombers and neutralize them on the spot.

Instructor RĂŠsumĂŠ Retired Police Commander Daniel Sharon has 28 years experience in the Israeli Security Forces. He served in the Golani Brigade Special Forces and 810 Alpine Unit Mount Hermon, fighting in two wars. As Police Commander of the Northern Golan Heights he was responsible for civil administration of an area of approx. 100 sq. km. on the Syrian / Lebanese Border.

His fields of expertise: Counter-terror evaluation Identification of suicide bombers, containment and subsequent disarmament Operational Behavior Body Language Intelligence Airport and perimeter security Comp stat Bomb Management and Containment Planning Exposure and infiltration into criminal and terrorist organizations Training Police Forces and Security Personnel Achievements: As Northern Golan Heights Police Commander, Cross- border infiltrations by terror groups were reduced to almost zero, crime was reduced by 20% and several espionage rings were exposed. He disarmed and captured a suicide bomber Formulated a Counter-action Training Manual Night of the Gliders Operation 1987 - received commendation Police Officer of the Year Bravery Award from Israeli President B.Sc. Degree in Business Administration

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