Course objectives:The course is designed to a wide audience of senior security chiefs, SWAT, Bomb Squad personnel, Airport/aviation personnel, including air crews, police commanders, and the emergency services in general. The directives are to enable all the above mentioned the capability to identify and differentiate between a person carrying in his/her body an explosive device, and a person that is a genuine diabetic patient. In contrast to a suicide bomber wearing a rigged up vest with conventional C4 or Symtex loaded with a charge of 5 to 12 kilos of high explosive. The course instructor will show by breaking down using cross examination, with invoked advanced360 degree body language identification, how to spot a terrorist carrying such devices, without prior need for the use of a scanner to detect hidden objects. That person if identified is a suicide terrorist, but his advantage to a conventional suicide bomber is that his external natural body profile has not been broken up by a suicide vest, hand held detonators, wiring etc.. In contrast the surgically implanted bomb cannot be detected by visual identification in a normal way, this type of bomber has one specific purpose, and that is to explode in highly confined places, such as a plane cabin, in a crowded rush hour train, and a crowded room. Obviously that person is going to be under pressure and hyper tense with a bomb in his body. The basic BLI (Body Language Identification) is similar to the advanced body language identification methods and techniques, but in this case we will be looking for pen type vacuum sealed syringes, insulin, Diabetics ID card, water bottles for drinking, candy bars, checking to see if any of these items are not missing, unsealed syringes with longer than normal needles.
Introduction to Global Jihad’s new weapon of terror “The surgically implanted bomb”
When Richard Reid “The shoe bomber”, and Omar Farouk Abdul Mutalleb “The Christmas bomber, “Western Security Chiefs”, had not realized the potential of these two’s actions. The explosive devices that they carried and the methods of delivering potentially lethal and powerful bombs that could have resulted in the deaths of many innocent people, had they exploded as planned. British counter terrorism authorities are hearing chatter about a new technique to help El Qaeda terrorists/ Global Jihad groups the capability to avoid detection when they are carrying bombs for suicide attacks, according to MI5 information, the bombs will now be surgically implanted into the bodies of the terrorists in areas ranging from breasts, near the appendix and in the buttocks. The surgically implanted bombs are an attempt to avoid detection by airport body screening technology.
The bomb would contain PETN, or NITRO-PENTA (Pentaerythritol Tetra nitrate). Even just 8 oz/80 gram of PETN is enough to create a blast strong enough to create a hole in an airplane. Once the bomb was surgically implanted into the body, the terrorist would use a syringe to propel TATP (Triacetone Triperoxide) through the skin covering the bomb and into the PETN, which would cause it to explode. Even concentrated lemon juice in its concentrated citric acid form can cause the desired effect as a catalyst inserted into the explosive through a hypodermic syringe. (Since when is concentrated citric acid a banned liquid, and is not considered as a security risk, cannot be detected by explosive detectors). The sachet or condom or plastic container implanted close the skin surface can easily be penetrated with a long needled syringe associated with a diabetics syringe in the past. However diabetics now use “Pen Type Syringes” Sealed with insulin for personal use by the diabetic patient. While it might be difficult to obtain the privacy needed to inject something via syringe into the skin while on an air flight or on a bus or the subway, terrorists could always implement this new bomb strategy while in the restroom of a plane or use a blanket or bulky coat to cover up what they are doing. Just like Omar Farouk Mutalleb tried on the NW flight to Detroit to detonate the bomb strapped around his testicles and penis, luckily did not succeed owing to the fact that the compound in the catalyst was of the wrong component make up, subsequently causing the PETN to burn and not explode. After the prototype showed its potential, global jihad realized that they had found a winner to foil the western security detection processes and the poorly trained TSA, and security operatives in most of the world’s airports, public places etc. Places where the security works like robots in order to clear quickly long queues waiting to board flights at most major airports around the world. European Security Services, MI5 and the others may have just heard about the SIB (Surgically Implanted Bomb) but have done nothing about it. They can only provide electronic screening devices to assist the security officials operating at the airports, but have come up with absolutely nothing to identify a desperate terrorist impersonating a diabetic, but with a bomb implanted in his or hers buttocks, breast implants, appendix, with the use of Advanced BL identification.
Terrorists have realized that in order to get past and foil the security checks, they had to come up with a device that cannot detected by normal security methods and low grade security personnel employed at most airports today, that have no experience or training in BPR identification, have never attended a Suicide Bomber Course, low paid, lack motivation and are in a hurry to clear security lines waiting to pass security scanners. Identifying persons impersonating diabetics carrying surgically implanted bomb devices The only simple ways to check whether a person is carrying a bomb, inside or outside his or her body, is the “ABLID� process( Advanced Body Language Identification) running from the head down towards the trigger mechanism which is always the hands and to look for the tell tale signs of a threat. With an external bomb, the threat is easier to detect, with an SIB device it is a lot harder to detect and involves a process of invoking and provoking a body language result to determine the threat of that person. Course advantages
The course advantages are numerous, and they will assist to security operatives, whoever they may be in dealing with this new threat. There are no loopholes in this course and it is designed to shorten security lines waiting in an airport, to equip the operative with the knowledge and confidence that he/ or she can deal with such potential incidents. There is no way that a suicide bomber whether with a vest or a surgically implanted bomb can board a passenger jet; in fact any potential bomber would be deterred with a alert security confronting him with this type of cross examination methodology and identification.
Who can benefit from such a course? Transport security, aviation security (including Air Marshals), and airport security, security working in tight closed environments, Security working in underground train stations that have train services running to and from airports. SWAT and senior security officials, Police sappers, bomb squad technicians, CID and intelligence personnel;