„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet” Publilius
„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet” Publilius
Registration: Make sure that we know about your coming. You can register by filling application form; In case of changes in the form, let us know; Remember to take things you were asked for: Tactical wear – for On board tactical training and Fire prevention and fire fighting courses; Sport wear – for Individual survival techniques course; Two photos, size 35x45mm (like ID photo). You can do it at the place; Weapon replica (AK 47 recommended); Permition from the doctor for taking part in training courses. Medical issues: If you are interested in ENG1 health certificate you need to bring certificates of: Blood examination: ESR CBC Glucose level Urinalysis Chest X Ray ECG In some countries there are demanded compulsory vaccinations against diseases as yellow fever etc. We can organise this as well.
*Notice that all medical services are not included into the standard price.
„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet” Publilius
By aeroplane: The closes airport to Szczecin is Berlin. There are private buses which you can go to Poland. Cost of one way ticket is approximately 20 Euro. Buses are waiting near entrance. We can make a reservation in case of need. Bus will go to Railway station in Szczecin; If you go from Warsaw airport you need to take bus nr 175 which will directly take you to main railway station. From there you can take train to Szczecin. Depending on operator cost is between 15-30 Euro; 40 kilometres from Szczecin there is domestic airport Goleniow. There are a few international connections. Polish Airlines organise bus to Szczecin. In Szczecin: The venue Marina PTTK is situated at Przestrzenna street 23. You can reach this place by tram 2,7,8 going to Basen Górniczy (end of route) and then take bus 56, 73Z, 73D, 79 to Camping please press stop if you want to leave bus there. Cost of taxi from the train station is about 4-7 Euro at the daytime. Venue: When you get to the venue go to reception and register. Staff will be informed about your coming by us. Food and accommodation are included into fee, however it regards days of the courses only. If you come earlier or you would like to leave later you need to cover the cost. We can collect the money when you pay the fee.
„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet” Publilius
The courses are going to be started at 9:00AM. Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Basic Safety Training STCW 95 SSO Tactics
Saturday SSO Anti - Piracy
* any changes of the timetable restricted
In Szczecin: The venue Marina PTTK is situated at Przestrzenna street 23. You can reach this place by tram 2,7,8 going to Basen Górniczy (end of route) and then take bus 56, 73Z, 73D, 79 to Camping please press stop if you want to leave bus there. Cost of taxi from the train station is about 4-7 Euro at the daytime. Venue: When you get to the venue go to reception and register. Staff will be informed about your coming by us. Food and accommodation are included into fee, however it regards days of the courses only. If you come earlier or you would like to leave later you need to cover the cost. We can collect the money when you pay the fee. Certificates: Certificated will be issued on the last day of training courses. In case of problems of delays at MSS or authority side we will send it later on address declared in application form.
„Caret periculo, qui etiam cum est tutus, cavet” Publilius
4. Additional information: Poland has not introduced Euro as national currency yet. We use Polish Zloty (PLN). According to rates from 28.03.2012: o 1USD – 3,22 PLN o 1Euro – 4,22 PLN o 1£ – 5,06 PLN We are available 24/7 if you need assistance. Contact number is +48 602 710 849 (Łukasz Droń).
CONTACT DETAILS ADDRESS: Office: Dębogórska st. 22 71-717 Szczecin, POLAND Venue: Przestrzenna st. 23 70-800 Szczecin, POLAND
PHONE: +48 602 710 849 EMAIL: office@maritime-security.eu SKYPE: maritime-security
International Association of Counter Terrorism Security Professionals
International Code of Conduct for Private Security Services Providers