Syllabus for Art 201 Fall 2010 Instructor M. D. Fulkerson
Name ______________________
Please SAVE THIS HANDOUT, it will serve as a contract between us setting down the mutual obligations and expectations upon which this course will be based. Place it in your class 3 ring binder. Beginning drawing (Art 201) will meet from 11:20 - 1:25 on Monday and Wednesday or 10:05 – 11:10 Tuesday and Thursday in Art 104. Student is expected to be ready to start working at the beginning of the class so please arrive a little early to allow for set up time.
CLASS DESCRIPTION. The current catalog description of this course is as follows: 201 Drawing I (3) UC:CSU Prerequisite: None. Lecture, 2 hours; laboratory, 2 hours. A fundamental course stressing drawing as a visual language system. “Window Space,” Light logic and perspective will be emphasized while exploring various methods and media. Please note that this course can be used to meet the general education distribution requirement for humanities but is required of all Art Majors. Don’t be absent from any class . You will miss out on a lot. Trying to catch up will be harder. Students are expected to attend every class,. To allow for unforeseen emergencies (1) absence is permitted. Students are expected to be on time. Three times late equals one absence. Lectures, demonstrations and instructions will not be repeated for late comers. Attendance is extremely important, as stated above. Class time will be spent in creativity- warm up exercises, lectures, demonstrations, drawing from a number of still life constructions, class critiques of homework, explanation and demonstration of the next homework assignment. If you miss a drawing assignment done during class time you can NOT make it up. That set up will only be available during that class time. Missing class is one of the main reasons for poor performance. Time commitment - During the 16 weeks of the fall 2010 semester there will be approximately 60 hours of in class instruction, drawing form still live, and class room exercises. Using the one hour of in class to one hour of home work rule, you will be Revised 8/15/2010
expected to commit to at least 60 hours of home work time. Missing class or not committing to adequate home work time will impact your grade.
Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) 1. Verbally articulate and visually demonstrate how to construct window space. 2. Create and criticize pictorial composition using appropriate vocabulary. 3. Employ and explain both linear perspective and light logic. 4. Draw freehand from actual observations using contour, textural gradients and chiascuro. 5. Develop a concept-oriented composition via a series of progressive drawings.
Grading There will be approximately 16 homework and in class assignments. In calculating your final grade you can drop the 2 lowest. Homework will be due at the beginning of the class period. The final exam will be the last project due at the end of the course. Points will be given for “Daily Warm up” that will be completed at the beginning of each class. If you miss these they cannot be made up. You will keep all class notes and returned 81/2” X 11”drawings in a 3 ring binder. This binder will be graded weekly as part of one of the 16 projects. Role is taken at the beginning of class and at the end of class. Three late arrivals will be counted as one absence. If the work is not presented for critique, at that time, it will be counted late. There are 2 recommended text books. Perspective Drawing Handbook by Joseph D’Amellio , published by Van Rostrand Rinehold, ISBN: 0442218281, and Perspective Drawing by Ernest Norling , one of the Walter Foster "How To" Book Series. The best place to purchase these books in on line. See class web site for purchase site. We will be not be getting to the material in these books till about ¼ in to the semester so you have time to order online. ( All 3 of these books can be found in the reserve section of the LABVC library. You make use the book in the library for 2 hours at a time)
STUDENT ATTITUDE: Learning to draw better is often a matter of maintaining the correct attitude. Winning the inner game is vital to your success. The aspect of learning to draw is often neglected, resulting in needless frustration and defeat. Always keep in mind that drawing is a teachable, learnable skill. Learning to draw is just like learning to type, or driving a car, or any other similar task. Many of us have the idea that we need "talent" to be able to draw, and that if we don't have it, we might as well not try. The fact is, almost all of us have the capacity to learn how to draw better, even if we don't have that mysterious thing called "talent”. However, Students will be expected to (1) be able to understand simple instructions and (2) use a ruler and understand proportions. You must be able to understand English, take notes and follow directions.
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Los Angeles Valley College is known as a disability friendly college. We have a highly trained staff and counselors skilled in helping you should you have a physical or psychological disability. I am happy to make a referral should you so desire. Nevertheless, should you be physically or psychologically unable to handle the work required, you should consider not taking this class. Disruption of the teaching or the work of your fellow students will be grounds for dismissal from class. NEGATIVITY: Never indulge in negative comparisons. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. There will always be somebody better and somebody worse. There is nothing to learn in that. You can compare your work to another's to figure out how to make your own better, but never to make yourself feel inferior. Appreciate the value of your art simply because you did it. You should be proud of what you are doing, not because it glorifies your own ego, or that it is better than someone else's, but because it simply is worth doing. To make this whole process possible, you must save everything you have done regardless of your opinion of it. DO NOT THROW ANY WORK OUT THAT YOU HAVE DONE DURING THE SEMESTER UNTIL FINAL GRADES ARE IN. You will learn from your mistakes as well as your successes. I would encourage you to be as experimental as possible. You will be turning in all of you work in a final portfolio the last days of class. The final project will be added to the portfolio on the day of the final (last day of class). A schedule of return days will be posted for you to pick up your work. The finanal day of class ( Final exam) is mandatory. If you can not attend this class, please do not take the class. Date printed in schedule of classes = 10:30 -12:30 Dec 15, 2010, for Monday Wed. class and 9:30 – 11:30 Dec 14, 2010 for the Tues. & Thurs. class. WORK HELD FOR THE STUDENT SHOW. The instructor will ask to keep examples of the best work form this class to be shown in the student show. That work will be held and can be picked up after the student show closes. OFFICE HOURS Mr. Fulkerson has Office hours after class on Monday and Wednesday from 1:25 to 2:25 pm and on Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. If you are not in class you can call or E- mail for an appointment. Messages can be left at 818- 947-2430. He tries to returns to phone messages promptly. Mail can be left under the office door (next to the ceramic lab – Art 100) or in the faculty mail room located in the administration building. He receives E-mail through the college web page or at (put your name and class on the subject line)
Where can I get help when not in class? Class friend….. It is helpful to have a contact in the class to whom you can talk over assignments, and compare notes. Take down the name and phone number of at least one class contact / friend. Name ............................................. Phone # ............................. Name ............................................. Phone #...............................
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Note: I strongly suggest that you exchange your phone number with several of your fellow students in order to be sure that you have someone to contact should you miss a class. I further suggest that you get together with several of your fellow students to do the homework. This will help you with questions that may arise and give you the feedback that will help you all to do your assignments in the most effective manner. IF YOU STOP ATTENDING CLASS Students wishing to drop a class or withdraw from the college during the semester must do so through the Admission Office or use the telephone system. Failure to withdraw officially may result in an “F” grade. Students must withdraw on or before November 21, 2010 in order to receive a “W”. After that date the student is assigned a letter grade. Instructors are not obligated to exclude a student for non-attendance. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially. Instructors are not obligated to exclude a student for non-attendance. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw officially. Note: the instructor will not exclude you from this class for non-attendance. It will be your responsibility to drop the class, should you so desire. All students enrolled at the end of the semester will receive a letter grade. From schedule of classes first page Disruptive behavior, including consistent tardiness, leaving class early, other behavior that prevents other students form learning will result in being dropped or excluded from the class.
Rules to be mutually decided on during the 1st class period ( make notes here) Turning in late work
Cell Phones Visitors to class Children in class Radios, Portable CD players, iPods, etc. with or without earphones
Taxing Proper attire – Clothing, Shoes Other
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Materials: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You will be responsible for the purchase of the materials and supplies needed for your assignments and poverty, unfortunately, will not be treated as an acceptable excuse for not having them when they are needed. Binder;
3 ring binder and ¼” thick stack of white office paper or copy paper ( needed for second day of class.
Soft lead pencils HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B. ( often found in a set), One #2 lead pencil, One graphite stick; General’s “Kimberly” #986, 6B ( Rectangular shape) ” Do not buy any other brand for this graphite stick.” 2 Prismacolor, Col-erace black or Dark blue penciles
Utility/Mat knife. Replaceable blades, Sanding pad. . Compressed charcoal pencils HB, B, 2B, 4B, ( 6B optional) ( Brands: General’s, Conte’ a Paris, Derwent), 2 round compressed charcoal sticks ( brands: Conte’ a Paris, Pitt), 1 medium (HB), 1 soft (B), 1 stick Vine charcoal, ½ inch diameter, medium, Or soft. Chamois or soft cloth 6” X 6”, Workable spray optional ( to be used at home only).
1 Conte’ a Paris white drawing pencil # 630, Conte’ a Paris white crayons, HB or B Conte’ a Paris black crayon, HB or B, “Pierre Noir” black drawing pencils, HB, B
White plastic, , 2 Knead able ( Big size ) for charcoal, Erasing shield ( Art Gum is not recommended)
18” X 24” Canson “ Biggie Jumbo Sketch” bond paper pad. ( NO NEWS PRINT) 3 sheets good quality vellum, 18” X 24, or 19” X 24” Charcoal paper 2 sheets each: 19” X 24” white, one each, black, Medium value gray, ( Acceptable brands: Canson, “Ingres” or “ Mi Teintes”, Strathmore charcoal. Do not allow the sales person to role paper. Always keep in a bag and lay flat till ready to use
Drawing board, 23” X 26”, 2 additional metal clips, 1 role of masking tape, 1 role of Scotch removable tape( Blue label), One 24” metal ruler ( no Plastic), Yard stick or 36” Straight edge, one plastic drafting angle 30/60, one multi-purpose protractor, one cheap Compass, 2 bungee cords (optional), 1 large trash bag
Materials do not have to be purchased all at one time. Instructor will tell you which materials will be used early, in the middle, and later in the course.
For discount art supplies consider shopping on line. If several people get together there is additional savings on shipping and sometimes buying several of the same items. They ship very fast and the savings are worth the effort.
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