Cozy Corner

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Contents 1



Research Goal


Dating During COVID-19 and What It Means to Feel Connected


Research Design: Sensitizing Package and GatherTown Toolkit


Sampling Method


Data Gathering


GatherTown Session


Data Analysis







For every couple these days, interaction does not stop even if they are not together

thanks to the various mobile digital devices and online network

services that keep the connection between couples. They would constantly chat with each other via Kakaotalk, look through the pictures they took together in the gallery on their phone, or have a video chat with each other. Cozy Corner is our team’s original idea of an online social platform specifically for couples, where couples can meet everyday and share experiences that are scattered around diverse platforms. Cozy Corner service aims to not only gather those scattered couple’s interaction and integrate offline interaction online, but also provide some new experience that did not exist previously and deliver couples excitement and fun. To attain these goals, a thorough research should be conducted to learn about (1)how couples interact and share their experiences and emotions online, (2)how they date and what they do when they actually meet in person, and (3)what tacit perceptions and latent needs they carry. Our team has come up with a research toolkit consisting of a sensitizing package and a group immersive session for further insights and a blueprint guideline to build a prototype of the Cozy Corner service.


Team Members





Cozy Corner

Research Goal

Research Goal

The goal of our research is to conduct qualitative context mapping research,

consisting of a

sensitizing package built in Mural and a group immersive session tool kit built in Gather Town. With this research toolkit we aim to obtain mainly three qualitative data.

First is how

couples interact and share their experiences and emotions online or when they are not together. Examples would be chatting with each other via Kakaotalk, uploading a photo of their date on Instagram to show their date life to others, and looking through their photos in gallery or cloud to reminisce about their past experience. By researching these data we would get to know


“How should our Cozy Corner look like, and what experience should it deliver?”

what kinds of interaction that are scattered

carry, regarding dating experience both

around diverse digital or online platforms

online and offline. These data would be

occur around couples, and which one should

the most crucial components for making

be brought into our Cozy Corner service in

our Cozy Corner service favorable, being

what ways. Second data we aim to collect

able to provide unprecedented contents

is how couples date offline and what they

that are still fun and exciting for couples.

do when they actually meet in person.

We expect that gathering these 3 types of

Those activities would each have their

qualitative data and analyzing them to

designated needs that became the triggers

obtain meaningful information would be

for the activities. Those needs would be the

a blueprint or guideline that leads us to

same needs that our Cozy Corner service

grabbing a more concrete idea on how our

should take into consideration. The third

Cozy Corner service should be designed,

data that we should collect is the tacit

what contents it should contain, and what

perceptions and latent needs the couples

kind of sensation our service should deliver.

Cozy Corner


Dating During

What it means to be connected





be useful to reference when we define and design

and the rapid advancement of technology has

‘Cozy Corner’ as an online space to support the

affected all spheres of individual life including

relationship between couples.

dating relationships (Gibson, 2021). In dating



exploring various technologies and features that

intimacy are crucial components in establishing

support intimacy and relationships. We looked for

and maintaining genuine, heartfelt relationships

research that explored the individual interpretations

(Jamieson, 2000). Meaningful interactions and

of intimacy, and that studied when and how users

intimacy are subjective and fluid concepts, in

feel intimacy in the social virtual world. We hope

which their definitions are defined, interpreted,

to refer to these research findings in building our

and understood differently by each person, and

design toolkit and prototype of making a virtual

their meanings change with context as well—i.e.

space in the metaverse platform that supports and

online and offline settings.

deepens the sense of intimacy among couples.

In the study “Intimate Experiences in Virtual

The study of “Falling Asleep Together: What Makes


Activities in Social Virtual Reality Meaningful










Hyperpersonal Systems,







to Users (2020)” asks users of social virtual

Experiential Drives, ” researchers studied how

reality “what made activities on these platforms

users redefine intimacy, interpret, and experience

meaningful to users.” An interesting finding was

intimacy in the virtual world platform, Second

that the mundane activities of the real-world,

Life. As a result, the study suggested that as with

when introduced in the social virtual reality world,

face-to-face interactions, the meaning of intimacy

were translated into a whole new experience. One

in Second Life was closely related to “emotional

prime example is the activity of falling asleep. In

fulfilment, the need to be touched, interpersonal

the offline world, sleeping is commonly perceived

communication, but also emphasizes new forms of


proximity--multimodal communication channels

brought to the social VR, users could fall asleep

and avatar mediated behaviors.” This study will

in virtual reality, with their VR headsets on and






Research Goal

avatars still connected. Thus, users could continue conversations with each other in the social VR, and fall asleep together. The act of falling asleep became a communal activity that could be performed with other users, and which furthermore elevated the sense of intimacy and closeness with others, as falling asleep is usually an activity done over phone

Through Design” defines relationship maintenance

with lovers.

as a dynamic process which requires partners to

Another study looks into the relationship between

actively sustain the relationship through various









like routines, sharing chores help maintain the

relationships research and virtual reality holds

relationship as much as strategic behaviors like

great promise for the advancement of both fields. In

gift-giving and interesting dates. To mediate this

social science research laboratories and mainstream

responsive interaction and mutual caring for long

society, virtual reality is becoming an increasingly

distance couples, technology follows the six design

popular and viable tool for not only studying close


relationships such as romantic relationships and


friendships, but also for engaging in relational

mediating physicalness, gift giving, joint action, and

processes (e.g., social interactions, relationship


formation, and relationship maintenance). With

“The Togetherness that We Crave”: Experiencing

VR’s ability to be used both as a tool for studying

Social VR in Long Distance Relationships”explains

close relationship processes, and as a means of

how the social VR platforms offer the couple

forming and maintaining relationships, the use

opportunities to experience each other in a character-

of virtual reality holds great potential for future


research. The study touches upon adult attachment

collaborative activities, and casual everyday activities

theory, virtual reality, and neuroscience. The results

on these platforms remain as a problem for most

provide both promising results and far-reaching


implications for deepening our understanding of


how relational processes work, especially in an

with friends to cope with isolation during COVID-19

increasingly digital society.

pandemic” found that connecting with friends online

“Technology-Mediated Relationship Maintenance

with satisfaction is more important than connecting

in Romantic LDR: An Autoethnographic Research

more often. The video-calls were thought to be most




digital The













analogous to face-to-face interactions.










Our team came up with two main research toolkits

These qualitative research toolkit aims to learn

for obtaining the aimed qualitative data, consisting

about (1)how couples interact and share their

of a sensitizing package and a group immersive

experiences and emotions online, (2)how they

session. We attempted to build and conduct both

date and what they do when they actually meet in

toolkits based on an online platform; we used Mural

persons, and (3)what tacit perceptions and latent

for our sensitizing package, and Gather Town for

needs they carry, to acquire a blueprint guideline

group immersive sessions.

information for building the Cozy Corner service.

Cozy Corner

Research Design

DAY 1 ❤️커플문답❤️

KHJ 지혜롭고 올곧게 자라는 부모님 뜻에 맞게 닉값하 는 인생 살고자 노력중

벌써 스물셋(받침 ㅅ 이 므로 어느덧 20대 중반 !)

휴학 중인 백수 (자격증 시험 10일 전인 데 노는중 ^^....ㅠ)

노어노문학과 마더 러시아 사랑함

서울 노원 토박이 그러나 자취 좋아함

Power E NTP 새로운 사람 만나는 거 사 랑함

리더십 경험 多 학창시절 12년 회장+번 대+조별과제 수차례

예체능 얕게 잘함 (달리기, 피아노, 그림, 작문, 양모펠트)

토론을 좋아함 정치 사회 경제 전분야

인간관계 넓고 얕음. 인스타 팔로워 400명 카톡 즐찾(찐친) 10명

여가시간에는 주로 유 튜브 게임방송과 롤

최애 스트리머: 우왁굳

음악은 아이돌 노래 안 듣고 재즈랑 힙합 위주

최애 가수: 빈지노 음악가: 드뷔시, 사카모 토 류이치

단점: 그리 많지는 않음. 종종 말실수, 낮잠 너무 잠, 공부계획 잘 못지킴

최근고민: 진로 (전공 살리고 싶은데 뭐 하지, 교환 언재가지)

장점: 낯가림 x, 매사 열 정적, 타인의 장점 잘 발글, 말 잘함

커플문답을 통해 당신의 연애에 대해 생각해보 는 시간을 가져요.





3 우리의 연애에 대한 이모저모!💖💖


✨얼마나 만났나요?




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커플문답 작성지는 연인과는 아직 공유해주지 말아주세요.


인터넷 밈에 빠삭한

당신이 사랑하는 그 사람을 소개해주세요! 뻔뻔할 수록 좋아요🥰🥰


종로 익선동





엄청 다양하게 가서 거의 안 겹침

커플문답 작성지는 연인과는 아직 공유해주지 말아주세요.

더블클릭해서 포스트잇 을 만드세요!


스페이스바를 누르고 마 우스를 조작하면 커서가 Hand 툴로 바뀝니다.

Couple's Q&A


왼쪽 메뉴에서 이미지 나 아이콘을 자유롭게 추가하세요!

내 말을 항상 잘 들어 줌

내 상황에 필요한 조언 을 구할 때 같이 고민 해줌

내가 롤 못하는데 한번 도 화 낸적 없느 보살

롤 다이아(상위 1%)라 나 캐리해줌

내가 필수로 생각하는 남자 신체 부위인 허벅 지가 얇고 예쁨

내가 제일 좋아하는 광 배가 섹시함

속눈썹이 길고 눈동자 가 깊음

수족냉증이 있는 나에 게 너무 좋은 뜨거운 손

내 말투를 따라하는 귀 여움(냐아앙)

섹시함과 귀여움과 안 정감을 모두 가짐

엘리트! 서울대 기공 자 율주행 (믿고 면허 안따 는중)

빵빵한 가족 의사 약사 교사 (시어머니 무서울것 같 음)

오빠도 토론하는 걸 좋 아하는데 침착하고 논리 적인 토론이 가능한 거 의 유일한 사람임

내가 사랑하는 너디함 을 갖춤. 쑥맥적인 부분 도 귀여어

안경쓰고 운전하는거 반함

내 기분 속상할 때 상 냥하게 잘 달래줌

주변 사람들도 착하고 좋음 (끼리끼리 싸이언 스)

내가 먹고 싶은거 가고 싶은 곳 잘 따라와줌.

백만년에 한번씩 빵터 질 때 하허하 웃는데 넘모 귀여워

내 밝고 즉흥적이고 관 종인 성격을 좋아함(?)

나랑 취미 같음:롤, 애 니메이션

작은 일도 오래 생각하 고 말하는 신중함

감정선이 안정적임


What are the things that your partner often says to you?👄👄👄👄

Honestly one of the things he says most to me is probably "What do you wanna do now?" Because we only have a very limited amount of options when we are confined to an online space due to the nature of our relationship. We usually watch some shows or play games - atm we are watching the new league animation called "Arcane" and playing Dead by Daylight most on steam.

물론 ㅎㅎ 이런 결과론적인 에피소드 외에도 일정한 생활 루틴을 만들어서 지키고 최선의 과정을 만들기 위해 매 순간 성실하려고 노력하는 사람이라서 게으른 제가 닮고 싶은 사람이에요. 단단한 사람

블루라이트 안경

목도리랑 잠옷

Picture not available

복사 붙여넣기로 링크 내가수받았던 선물 중에서는? 나 이미지를 넣을 있습니다! 죠르디 인형과 레터링 케이크

Alt 키 혹은 Option 키를 최근 준 홍차 누르고 오브젝트를 옮기 면 쉽게 복사가 가능해요 :)


자신이 바라는 자신의 이상향이 확고하고 그 청사진에 닿기 위해서 노력하는, 또 그 과정에서 어려움이 생겨도 결코 포기하거나 엄한 것을 탓하지 않는 삶을 살아온 것 같아 요. 유하고 말랑해 보이지만 곧고 단단한 성정을 가진 것 같아요. 이 외에도...




When do you feel the absence of your partner the most?😢😢 Being in a long distance relationship, the feeling of absence is a constant. We do video call every day and do whatever we can online together, but the moment we hang up and go about our seperate lives it feels quite lonely being here all by myself.

Feel free to write, draw, insert photos to answer the questions.

Top 3 Precious Memories With Your Partner✨ When I went to Germany to visit him and his family this summer. I can't pick a specific memory but the whole month of me being there was just the best time I've ever had in my life. I got to be surrounded by nature in the countryside for the first time in my life and it was a very healing experience for me.

Couple's Q&A

"I like your t-shirt"

"I wanna escape once before I sleep" (In Dead by Daylight)

내가 받았던 선물 중에서는?

오빠의 대학원 면접이 이른 오전이었는데 면접 준비 때문에 끼니까지 챙기기 어려울 것 같아 서 전날 설렁탕이랑 반찬이랑 견과류 등등 아침으로 먹으라고 가져다줬었던 게 기억에 남아 요

What are the things that your partner often says to you?👄👄👄👄 "Go to sleep earlier" or "go to sleep early today"


웃길 수 있지만... 완전 연애 초에 데이트 갔다가 자켓 안주머니에 뭐가 있길래 잉?하고 꺼냈는데 지구젤리가 있었다 (ㅋㅋㅋ) 젤리 좋아한다고 지나가듯 말한 적 있는데 소소한 거지만 그걸 생각해서 사온 게 고마웠고 나중에 포탈 검색기록에 '맛있는 젤리 추천' '세계과자점 젤리' 등등이 있는 걸 보고 너무 귀여웠고 웃겼었기 때문에 기억에 남아요 😆😆 (이 분은 젤리는커녕 간식 입에도 잘 안 대시기에...)

When do you feel the absence of your partner the most?😢😢

Random moments or when I see things that bring back memories of her being here.

Doing a breathing exercise like this (helps me with emotional blockades or similar things): watch?v=Pz6pIoat7X8&

I just call him if he's awake. Otherwise I don't have much of a choice since I can't just go to his house whenever I want. I do look back on texts or pictures sometimes but that usually makes me even more sad so I try not to.

Please don't share your answers with your partner yet! We plan to have a time to share our experiences during our GatherTown session.


5 When do you feel loved? Or loving?💞💞💞 💓💓Moments you felt you were loved when did you felt loved by your partner?

Sometimes he looks at me with a certain look on his face and I just feel loved. Also obviously when he expresses affection physically and when we have nice, meaningful, or just funny conversations.

You can copy and paste links and images!

💓💓Moments you felt you loved your partner when did you feel loving to your parnter?

I feel that I love him when we have a particularly good conversation where we learn more about each other. I enjoy the feeling of knowing him so well. I also like when he is honest with me and expresses emotions.

When we walked around Seoul together at night and saw the city together. It's not too special, but I think about it a lot.

Feel free to copy and paste photos!

Feel free to write, draw, insert photos to answer the questions.

Freely add images or icons from the left menu bar!

To enable Hand tool, press space bar while using your mouse and easily navigate around!

5 기억에 남는 선물은 무엇인가요?🎁🎁

Take time to reflect on your dating experiences through the couple Q&A!

Double click to create post-its!

Easily copy objects by clicking Alt (or Option) key and dragging the selected objects!



Freely add images or icons from the left menu bar!

When he first came to Korea and watched "Breaking Bad" with me in my room. It felt unreal since I only knew him online till then and it was my first time meeting him. Breaking Bad is also an insanely good show. Easily our favorite.

굳이 꼽자면 둘 다 신촌 살아서 신촌이대연남 주변 을 자주 가는 듯 해요!

내가 줬던 선물 중에서는?

올드팝을 좋아하고 엘피판을 모으고 싶어하는 감성 있는 사람이고 운동, 공부, 책, 조현지로만 일상이 이루어진 세계관에 사시기 때문에 굉장히 건강/건전한 사람 이고 그래서 종종 유행이나 밈을 모를 때마다 🙂🙂?? 하는 모습이, 가르쳐주면 며칠 후에 써 먹고는 🙇🙇(이렇게 쓰는 거 맞낳?) 하고 쳐다보는 모습이 귀여운 사람 이고 눈을 냅다 감아버리고 상큼하게 웃어버리시는 버릇(하단 이미지 참조 ㅋ.ㅋ)이 있는 사람입니당

Double click to create post-its!

You can copy and paste links and images!

연애한 지 얼마 되지 않아서 자주 가는 특정 장소가 있다기보단 안 가본 곳을 겹치지 않게 다니는 중 🤤🤤


4 What do you do when you miss your partner?🥺🥺 2

4 우리가 자주 갔던 데이트 장소는?🗺🗺🗺


Some couples may say romantic stuff to each other every day but I feel like that becomes redundant after a while. You should only say those things when you really feel like it, not because it's a routine.

Take time to reflect on your dating experiences through the couple Q&A!


최근 준 빼빼로

내가 본 사람 중 제일 다정한 사람

스페이스바를 누르고 마 우스를 조작하면 커서가 Hand 툴로 바뀝니다.


Please don't share your answers with your partner yet! We plan to have a time to share our experiences during our GatherTown session.

내가 줬던 선물 중에서는?

나랑 연애관, 인생관이 비슷함

음 딱히 없어요 보통 오빠라고 부르고 놀릴 땐 아저씨~~ 꼬질이 ~~~

저희 김오빠께서는 진짜 유능하고 걍 레전드로 똑똑하고... 야망 있고 독기 대박이십니다... 그러면서 자신에 대한 기준치가 높고 겸손해서 어디 가서 입 밖으로 얘기 안 꺼냄 그래서 제가 대신 자랑 좀 해 드릴게요. 공대생+올전공 들으면서 3-1, 3-2, 4-1 세 학기 올 에이플 받으심(ㅁㅊ나봐) 나였으면 진짜 타임스퀘어 전광판에 성적표 걸었을텐데 본인은 걍 'ㅎㅎ응응~ 뿌듯하지 ㅎㅎ 운이 좋았다앙� � �이럼 ' 참나

5 기억에 남는 선물은 무엇인가요?🎁🎁

내가 좋아하는 오빠 장 점 순으로 나열

당신이 사랑하는 그 사람을 소개해세요! 뻔뻔할수록 좋아요!🥰🥰 이 연상은 진짜 상냥합니다... 내 말에 귀 기울여주고, 그걸 느낄 수 있게 해줘요! 지나가듯 한 말도 놓치지 않고 기억해서 어느 날 대화에 언급하는 걸 볼 때마다 깜짝 놀 라요. 존경할만한 사람

더블클릭해서 포스트잇 을 만드세요!

왼쪽 메뉴에서 이미지 나 아이콘을 자유롭게 추가하세요!

✨서로를 부르는 별명은?

자존심 강한

4 우리가 자주 갔던 데이트 장소는?🗺🗺🗺 자유롭게 답변해주세요.


Alt 키 혹은 Option 키를 누르고 오브젝트를 옮기 면 쉽게 복사가 가능해요 :)

다재다능한 올라운더

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3 우리의 연애에 대한 이모저모!💖💖


커플문답을 통해 당신의 연애에 대해 생각해보 는 시간을 가져요.

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61일 😖😖

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각 질문에 대하여 글, 그림, 낙서 등을 활용하여 자유롭게 답변해주세요.

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✨얼마나 만났나요?

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당신은 어떤 사람인가요? 편하게 소개해 주세요. TMI도 환영이에요!😉😉 좋아하는 게 많은


1년 반 정도

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Couple's Q&A

당신은 어떤 사람인가요? 편하게 소개해주세요. TMI도 환영이에요😉😉


Couple's Q&A

4 What do you do when you miss your partner?🥺🥺 2

Top 3 Precious Memories With Your Partner✨

The whole time we could be together in Korea the first time (only a few days)

Going to- and swimming in the sea here :)

I do the breathing exercise/keep doing it or I just try to feel it fully when I can.

Meeting for the first time infront of her window

5 When do you feel loved? Or loving?💞💞💞 💓💓Moments you felt you were loved

Easily copy objects by clicking Alt (or Option) key and dragging the selected objects!

I feel most loved when she hugs me, especially when I cry.

To enable Hand tool, press space bar while using your mouse and easily navigate around!

💓💓Moments you felt you loved your partner

When she was here in Germany almost the whole time. Online, whenever my blockades get weaker--> breathing. Sometimes it's also just because we have a good talk together or just by looking at her.

Our sensitizing package is basically a workbook of question-

each page for 3 days, one page every day. The Q&A workbook

and-answer, or QnA, containing various questions about the

was built on Mural, which provides a board where many

couple. The sensitizing package directs at the two goals.

members can work together at the same time. The share link

First goal is to obtain the mentioned 3 types of qualitative

through which visitors can access the Mural board without

data. The second goal is to let the participant couple have a

bothering with the work of creating an account or other

chance to reminisce on their past experience and feelings to

things was sent to each participant to distribute the Q&A

make participants ready for the upcoming group immersive

workbook of the day. Questions such as ‘please introduce

session. To make our participants engage autonomously

yourself’, ‘please introduce your lover’, ‘places that we have

and passionately spend their time contemplating giving

visited several times for dating’, ‘most memorable presents

more fruitful answers to effectively achieve these goals, we

that we gave and received’, ‘things that your lover frequently

attempted to make our Q&A workbook less boring, but rather

says to you’, ‘3 most memorable moments we had’, ‘what

fun, exciting, and motivating. To ask as many questions as

you do when you miss your lover’, and ‘what our current

possible but at the same time lessen the burden, we have

need is’ were asked on the Q&A workbook to achieve our

divided the whole Q&A workbook into 3 pages, and distributed

designated goals of the sensitizing package.


To conduct an immersive group session, our team has built

hang out together. To smoothen the overall procedure of the

an immersive group session toolkit on Gather Town. Gather

conduction of the toolkit by easing the burden of building

Town is primarily an online meeting platform, but it also

their Cozy Corner from the very beginning, we have built

provides a simple world-building function of making a room

total number of 10 room templates with various concepts,

consisting of floors and walls, and placing various objects.

from castle theme, beach theme, spaceship theme, sky

While those world-building functions were meant to be

island theme, to comparably ordinary house-like theme

used to create a realistic meeting room that resembles the

with diverse wideness. The participants would have to

meeting room in the real world, we utilized those functions

explore around these various template rooms, choose one

as a generative research toolkit. Before diving into the

that they like the most, and use the world-building function

session, we had a small tutorial session with our participants

to decorate the template room by placing certain objects

to guide them through the world-building function. What

they select to create their own Cozy Corner. We gave them

the participants were mainly asked to do on our toolkit was

about 30 minutes to an hour to build their Cozy Corner, and

building their own Cozy Corner which will be the ideal room

when they were done with it, we visited their Cozy Corner to

for them to visit regularly to interact with each other and

listen to their stories they shared.

Cozy Corner

Research Design


The target user group for our research is young couples in their 20s that are keen to explore new applications to entertain and fit their daily lives. Regardless



demographic we




technological couples


participate in our research session to answer our sensitizing package and follow up for our Gathertown room design session. The recruitment was done over couples we have personally known initially. However, our initial participants were uncomfortable with the format of our sensitizing package and delicate questions. We had to tone down our questions so it doesn’t touch upon sensitive and private parts of our participants. After our reassessment of our sensitizing package, we recruited five new couples through the Yonsei University’s online community board that were willing to participate in our research session entirely. Incentives were given to the couples after the whole session process ended.

Data Gathering


For Cozy Corner, we would like to

their relationship(whether it is long-

collect contextual information on the

distance or not) was greatly considered

perception of cyberspace as a medium

when making a personalized question

for social interaction.


As our team planned out the

performed a preliminary research by

method and the goal of our research,

distributing the sensitizing package to

we needed to gain some contextual

our participants before our Gathertown

information on the use of cyberspace

session. The sensitizing package let us



understand their dynamic well before


the Gathertown session. This step

method, we chose to use Gathertown,

also provided the couple a general

a virtual space for hanging around

understanding of our research and

with your friends. In order to collect

what aspects we were looking for.

contextual data regarding our research

After the sessions ended and we were

question, we recruited couples to ask

done collecting the raw data, we wrote

about their dating experiences.


The dynamic of the recruited couples

mural board for each couple. Then, we



decided to use affinity clustering and

interesting insights to many couples.

combined it onto one mural board to

Some couples were both students,

cluster the insights with the maps the

while some were student-graduate

couples made. Labeling was conducted

couples. The range of the length of

to categorize suggestions and thoughts

their relationship, and the type of

about the Cozy corner.






reality a




Cozy Corner










Gathertown Sessions

Gathertown Sessions HOW IT ALL WENT DOWN The GatherTown sessions were carried out in just one week. However, we could really gain a lot of information about each couple’s relationship and their styles through the decorations. In this section, we offer the summaries of each session with visual data.


Couple 1 DEMOGRAHPICS Session date: 11/21, 10pm Duration: About a year Room Template: Small Cabin This couple was a long-distance couple from Korea and Germany. They met as friends through a pen pal website and they met in real life 3 times.











resemble the boyfriend’s room.

package was a little uncomfortable

As the couple had to utilize online

at first, but interesting because they

platforms to meet, they wanted their


cozy corner to feel less like an online

things to each other. The Gather Town

space. The “realness” of the room

session, however, was much more

was aided by the kitchen sink, the

enjoyable than they thought. When

bed, and the computer. Furthermore,

we asked further questions about the

decorations were added to give the

cozy corner platform, they expressed

room a little more “spice” and make

that they would use the platform if

the room more cozy as the template

the program or the app took up low

lacked any color before.

memory, so that they can have it on as








template, and decided to decorate it to









a background. Plus, they thought that

experience, they explained that they

the quality of calls, chats, or whatever

often play games like Dead by Daylight

service it provides should outdo the

together. They often use discord to

other existing platforms. If not, they

video call, while they use teamspeak

think they would use other platforms

for better audio calls.

rather than Cozy Corner.

Cozy Corner

Gathertown Sessions

Couple 2


This couple aimed to design their ideal

using for communication, so they don’t

house, and chose the template with a

think cozy corner should offer that

Session Date: 11/28, 2pm

lot of space for rooms with separate

feature. In their follow up interview,

Duration: about 510 days


they said that this experience helped

Room Template: Large house with a

For example, one room contained a TV,



two desks with monitors, and a library

experiences of dating each other, and

of books as an entertainment and

figure out why they loved each other.

workstation room. As the top image

If there was a platform like cozy

illustrates, the house was decorated

corner, they said that they would

as a real house would be. When asked

probably consider adding it to their

about their experience in Gathertown,

normal schedule and meet up there.

they thought the categorization items

Plus, they would love it if there were

were bad and the layers of objects were

holiday or seasonal events added to the

hard to order. Plus, they would’ve


preferred if the cozy corner would

The couples were using a Naver box

provide quests or activities that earned

to keep memories of the past. They

them new exclusive items.

usually look back at the pictures and

They also explained that they are

videos, but they don’t organize them

content with the platforms they are

because it’s too bothersome.






Couple 3 DEMOGRAHPICS Session Date: 11/28, 10pm Age: 22, 27 Duration: about 488 days Room Template: Antique Room One participant is a graduate student while the other is an undergraduate. They met in a blind date.

This couple spent most of their time

They thought that the convenience

decorating their own room with their

should be mainly improved for the

own preferences. The co-space was


decorated later in the session.

consider using the platform for f

The couple explained that they both

eatures like “chatting” or “calling”,

have independent personalities and

they think the platform should have a

they respect that about each other. It

unique feature.

was interesting to see how their style

In fact, they haven’t used any couple

of decoration was vastly different. Both


participants expressed that they had

Datepop, which helped them organize

other players other than each other

which date sight they should go next.

in mind. For example, the girlfriend

Since they use this app, they felt their

designed a bar in her house so that she

date experiences were never boring.

can have her friends over.

Through this gather town session and

When asked about their experience of

the post-interview, we could see the

Gather Town, they expressed that they

need to distinguish our features from

experienced multiple difficulties. The

other common apps. The convenience

object orientations were limited and

should also definitely improve.

the objects were badly categorized.

Cozy Corner








Gathertown Sessions


Session date: 11/27, 4pm Age: 23, 27 Duration: About 170 days Room Template: Middle Sized Room This couple met through a blind date. The boyfriend is currently working, andn the girlfriend is a student.

They chose a medium-sized room


and created the room based on their

more engagement, they felt the Cozy

current interests with a holiday spirit.

Corner needs more features like games

They chose this room because it had

or seasonal events.

a warm atmosphere that they wanted.

Since they met offline frequently, they

They explained that their room was

didn’t feel the need to have an online

based on ‘Lala land’, which was their

space yet. However, they expressed


that it would be nice for long-distance








fireworks were added to imitate the


scene from the movie.

When asked about what platforms they

Game items were placed in the middle

use to store information, they said that

and a turntable was placed next to the

they use Naver cloud. While they don’t

couch so that they could cuddle while

organize their photos, the girlfriend

listening to the music. A fireplace was

sometimes goes through the photos to

added to make the room more cozy.

reminisce about the experiences. We


could learn that the need for online





the gathetown session was a fun

space could vary among couples.

Couple 5

This couple picked this template based

that our initial thought was to store

on the mood of the template. It felt

memories and photos in this platform,

like all the other templates had dark

they were immediately interested in

wooden floors, when they wanted a

using the platform.

brighter mood.

In fact, the couple started using a

They were pleased that the trees


showed a sense of season, because

trying to search for an app that could

the couple liked to see nature. They

gather and organize the photos they

placed a river in the middle to divide

took together. However, the Summon

the upper and lower space according to

app was very limited to text and didn’t

use. They created a space for games,


with objects like pool tables and poker

appreciate the conversation starters,

games. The poker game was placed

but were unsatisfied.

especially because one participant was

On top of that, they would also like the

good at playing poker.

cozy corner to have additional features

The participants first said that the

like minigames and entertainment.



Also, incorporating visual elements of

wouldn’t use it for a longer period of

nature, and seasonal events would be

time. However, when we explained

greatly helpful for good experiences.











DEMOGRAHPICS Session Date: 11/28, 10am Age: 22, 25 Duration: 61 days Room Template: Cloud Island

Data Analysis


To analyze the collected research data of five couples, a total

were set, each post-it was organized below each related

of 10 participants, we decided to proceed with an affinity

category. After this process, we began building the affinity

diagram. For a more cohesive process, we divided our


process into the following steps: Data Analysis, Primary Data Categorization, Data Organization, Sub-Category Labeling, and Extraction. The online program, Mural, was utilized to efficiently execute our analysis. Through Mural, we were able to easily organize post-its notes online on a real-time basis.

Data Organization Based on the data assembled during the primary data categorization, each post-it was organized into related responses. Related response post-its were clustered together side by side until all the post-it notes were grouped and organized. Although some outliers did not seem to fit in a group, most of them were kept as they provided quality

Data Analysis As the first step, we individually analyzed the sensitizing package, notes from GatherTown session and follow-up

information. During this process, labeling was not done and was kept silent with no matter of discussion.

interviews. There were a total of 5 couples conducted, with

Sub-Category Labeling

the demographics shown below.

After organizing the data into big clusters, a discussion

Couple Age(F,M)

1 20,21

2 25,25

3 22,27

4 23,27

5 22,25

Relationship Duration

1 year

512 days

488 days

170 days

61 days





A d d i t i o n a l Long DisDetail tance

regarding the relationship of the clusters and attempts to define headers for each cluster was made. Surprising patterns,






discussed as constant changes on the clusters happened. When ideas of the clusters were matched, a heading was

After reviewing the sensitizing package and entire session

assigned to the cluster. As each cluster was assigned a

notes, key phrases from responses and observations were

heading, a continuous discussion was managed to label the

extracted into single post-its as initial affinity notes. Each

clusters into more specific clusters, developing a detailed

couple was assigned a post-it color (finalizing into 5 different

diagram summarized into major keywords.

colors), to create no confusion during the following analysis steps. Based upon our annotations, we then individually discussed our initial thoughts and insights obtained so that we could understand each other’s data clearly.

Extraction For our final stage, once the labeling was completed, final insights and findings were extracted. To reach this state, a constant discussion was performed until we had come to a

Primary Data Categorization

consensus of insights for each general cluster group.

Before going into detailed categorization, general categories were designated for data organization. We decided to

Codes for References

divide the responses based on the sensitizing package and

C01 ~ C05 - couple number

interview questions and organize our data into the following

A/B - female/male

topics: Interactions, General Dating Experience, Desires, and

SP - Sensitizing Package

Practical Features for Cozy Corner. Once these categories

ISI - Immersive Session Interview

Gathertown Sessions


How couples reflect, interact and share their experiences and

but we couldn’t and it was sad” -- C05A SP

emotions online, or when they are not being physically together

“(I feel especially lonely when) I have to fall asleep all by

By analyzing the response from our sensitizing packages

myself without him” -- C05A SP

and the group immersive session, we could learn how

“I miss my partner when I’m bored, want to see her and

couples reflect, interact and share their experiences and

can’t see her, when I eat good food that my partner had

emotions via online channels when they were not physically

mentioned earlier was good” -- C05B SP

together. While couples craved to be with each other for

“I miss my partner during hard times like exams/career.”

every moment, they were not able to and had to stay away

-- C03A SP

from each other for some duration of time due to their own

n order to elude these sad emotions, couples use online

circumstances. This ‘not being able to be together’ made

and digital tools to be with each other in online space, by

them lonely and miss each other, hence couples relied on

constantly expressing their love to each other, interacting

online network services such as voice calls, video calls,

and sharing continuously, and communicating instantly.

other text-based communication, and sometimes playing

These enumerated activities available on online platforms

games together to be with each other in online space and

seemed to keep those couples connected regardless of their

enjoy the feeling of being together. Online services as well as

physical distance, hence leading to lessening the sadness of

digital tools were also used by couples to record, store, and

not being together. These constant, continuous, and instant

share memories with each other, through which they can

online interactions were placed on the margins between real

reminisce on their memories of being together and lessen

in-person dates, extending the feeling of being together

the loneliness. Nevertheless, most of the couples articulated


that no matter how online services are there for them to

“When I feel alone and miss him, I would immediately send

let them be connected, being physically together is always

him a Kakao message asking him what he is doing right

better than meeting online.

now” -- C03A SP

Even the most loving couples cannot stick together in

“I have routine habits of sharing good morning and

person everyday, all day long. Couples inevitably stay far

goodnight, telling each other to have good meals (via online

from each other due to their own personal circumstances.

SNS service).” -- C05B SP

While they yearn to be with each other, they all have their

“I feel like I’m really loved by him, since he constantly

own conditions that keep them away from being together.

expresses how much he loves me all day long everyday(via

“Would love to meet him everyday, but the reality of school

online SNS service).” -- C04A SP

and work limits us from being together.” -- C04B SP

Couples used various types of online channels to interact

“We live in different countries. It is rare for us to meet in

with each other. Voice calls happened frequently around

person.” --C01B ISI

couples to provide them with the feeling of being together.

Therefore, it is natural for couples to miss each other,

Some of our participants stated that deep conversation that

regarding how much they desire to be with each other that

is rarely generated on real in-person dating might occur in

contrasts with the reality that hinders them from doing

voice calls, while others articulated that the topic of online

so. Particular events and situations such as getting sick

conversations of voice calls tends to be more abstract and

but having no one around or lying on bed alone to sleep by

freer compared to the conversation that occurs in real in-

oneself sometimes kick in and inflate this sad feeling of not

person dating, including topics like whether they think

being able to be together.

aliens exist, or what they think fate is.

“I really wanted to see him and hang out with him everyday,

Couples used various types of online channels to interact


with each other. Voice calls happened frequently around

-- C05A SP

couples to provide them with the feeling of being together.

“Online conversations tend to have topics that are kind of

Some of our participants stated that deep conversation that

abstract and free, like for example; do you think aliens exist;

is rarely generated on real in-person dating might occur in

or what is fate” -- C05B ISI

voice calls, while others articulated that the topic of online

“I guess we tend to have deep conversations online.” --

conversations of voice calls tends to be more abstract and


freer compared to the conversation that occurs in real in-

Video call was another channel that couples commonly used.

person dating, including topics like whether they think

One participant from a long-distance couple testified that

aliens exist, or what they think fate is.

he was grateful that he had access to a video call service and

“When I miss my partner, I will call him if it is time that he

online network system with high quality, letting him see his

is awake.” -- C01A SP

girlfriend’s face synchronously without critical delays. Some

“When I miss my partner, I would call him and have a chat

participants stated that they tend to talk about objects in

with him” -- C04A SP

their own and each other’s surroundings when having video

“I was once so depressed due to my PMS and missed my


boyfriend so much that I called him, and immediately just

“I’m glad and grateful that we have the technology of video

poured out my negative feelings and complaints to him. Soon

calls, since we are in long distance relationship.” -- C01A SP

I realized I didn’t ask him whether it was ok for him to have

“I once felt that I really love her just by looking at her face

a phone call, but he was just listening and cheering me up. I

(through the video calls)” -- C01B SP

said sorry and asked him whether it was ok for him to have

“While using Facetime, topic of conversation is sometimes

a phone call, and he replied that it was indeed ok, and what

about our surroundings” - C02A ISI

mattered the most is how I am feeling and if it got better.

Text-based communication also happened regularly and

He was very kind, and I fell in love with him once more”

repeatedly between couples. Some couples might share their

Cozy Corner

Gathertown Sessions

feelings and gratitudes after real in-person dating as an

usually by uploading Insta Stories and collecting them in

extension of being together via text-based chatting, while

Instagram highlights” -- C05A ISI

others would use Kakaotalk to chat with each other constantly,

“I take a lot of memos about what my girlfriend wanted to

doing things like sharing their daily schedule, sharing daily

eat and visit” -- C05B ISI

events that happened to them, and sympathizing with each

“When I miss him, I organize the photos in our shared album,


and sometimes do some editing on the photos to make it look

“We exchange text messages about what was good and

prettier” -- C05A SP

thankful when we finish our dating and go home.” -- C05A

Online networks and digital devices extended the feeling of


being together from real in-person dating and interaction

“We regularly use KakaoTalk to chat with each other, but

and made those feelings available for couples even when

rarely have a phone call comparable” -- C03A ISI

they are not together. The appearance of online networks

“We usually share our schedule daily through Kakaotalk

and digital devices even enabled things that were not

chat.” -- C05B SP

possible before, such as being connected with each other via

Other than these listed communication channels, there were

various online channels, getting to see each other’s face and

more other various online interactions that occurred among

have a video chat real-time, and store, organize, and share

couples. Playing online video games together was one thing,

their pictures and memories they built together. However,

and using diverse entertaining services for couples was

couples still perceive physical, offline, and real in-person


interaction more pleasant and favorable than online dating.

“We play League of Legends together, and that is one way

“I guess we don’t tend to meet online that often, since we

to interact with him when we are not together” -- C03A SP

meet each other quite often in real life.” -- C04A ISI

“We play games like Dead by Daylight, using Teamspeak 3

“Likes meeting face to face more than through online, it

for audio communication and Discord for video (both at the

feels more comforting and real” -- C02B ISI

same time).” -- C01B SP

“What we need the most is to get rid of the 8000+km distance

“We use a mobile application that we answer to a daily QnA

between us. I feel like a lot of my anxiety and sadness comes

to interact with each other.” -- C05A SP

from not being able to be there in person. ” -- C01A SP

Online networks and digital services were used by couples

“I really wish I could MEET him everyday offline. That’s the

for other reasons than mutual interaction and synchronous

only thing I can ask for since we’re long distance. It doesn’t

communication. One way of using online networks and

really matter what we do if we’re together, we can go for a

digital services for couples was to record, store, and share

walk or go swim or cook or play games or just do nothing.

memories with each other. Some would even organize these

I’d just be thankful to have him around in real life instead of

data in a way they can access them efficiently. Those data

only online.” - C01A SP

would be subsequently used by couples when they miss each

“What we need the most is to finally live together and be

other hence reminisce on their memories of being together.

able to do all kinds of activities whenever we want, not just

“When I miss her, I would go through the pictures we took

during holidays. Also to be able to physically touch whenever

while dating, and see what I can do later to become a better

we feel like it or need it.” - C01B SP

photographer.” -- C05B SP “I look through our shared album when I feel lonely and

How couples date and what they do when they actually meet in

miss her.” -- C03B ISI


“We have a shared album on Naver Cloud for our photos we

Based on the results derived from the sensitizing packages,

took while dating. I watch some photos stored there when I

Gathertown session, and our group based interview follow-

feel lonely” -- C02B ISI

ups, we were able to attain results on how lovers interact

“I records a lot of memories with my Instagram account,

when they meet in person and what aspects they are looking

travel, the situation is always better with their significant other. “It is fun to be with together and I like it when he is around. We haven’t met for a long time yet, so I want to meet more often.” - C04A SP “I like that I have someone to do something I like together.” - C05B SP “I’m simply glad that I have the closest someone who I can share my daily life to and depend on.” - C05A ISI For the date course, routine activities were usually held around the same places for each couple. Especially for the ones who enjoy the same restaurants and activities, these couples tend to hang around in the same region every time they go out on a date. For example, a couple that lives near for in their dating experience. The following results were

each other already has a good mapping of their surroundings,

categorized and analyzed in more depth through affinity

oftentimes visiting the same cafe, PC cafe, restaurants, and


walking courses. For another couple who enjoy a certain

Each couple has their own distinct dating experience when

atmosphere of a place would often meet around Sinchon,

they meet in person. Some of the couples enjoy daily routine

Yeonnam, and Hongdae, all famous as regions for young

activities every time they meet, like enjoying meals together


or going to a comfortable cafe they have found out from

“We date around Seoul whenever we have time. Since

past outings, while others actively look for new activities

both our houses are in Sinchon, we date around Sinchon,

to do together for a fresh experience. The couples with a

Yeonnam, or Hongdae frequently.” - C05A SP

long relationship tend to settle with the usual routine when

“Our dating experience is usually eating food together,

they meet in person; activities that are repeatable and fun,

playing games, and having a walk around the park together.”

like singing in karaoke or going out for a walk together. The

- C02A ISI

couples that just met were the ones eager to try out different

“We revolve around the same places when dating because

activities for a fresh experience, like going on a boat ride or

we live near each other.” - C02B SP

traveling to other regions in Korea together.

“We usually meet around the same places, eating meals,

“It was romantic watching the night view while riding a boat

drinking coffee, and watching Netflix together at my place

with romantic music” - C03A SP

is the best. - ”C04B SP

“... usually meet around Sinchon, which is where I live, or

These daily activities do change when Holiday seasons and

around Siheung, which is where my boyfriend lives. We like

special anniversaries come along. Quite obviously, most

to go to each other’s house when we are dating.” - C04A SP

couples for their anniversaires would enjoy some kind of

“Going to and swimming in the sea while I was in Korea was

a special event. Instead of a normal dating routine, the

memorable to me.” - C01B SP

couples would travel to places together, exchange presents

Regardless of the different activities each couple do for dates,

that would last in one’s heart forever, or go for special

the general consensus is that meeting in person and being

activities and create memorable experiences together. Most

together with a lover is a lot better than staying alone. All of

of the top moments the couples remember for their dating

the couples mentioned in certain ways that they are glad that

life were full of such memories from anniversaries.

they have a close someone to share daily life with. Whether

“I liked the whole journey in Danyang. It was like a dream,

the couple goes through daily activities or goes out afar to

doing things that were far from everyday routined life. The

Gathertown Sessions

experience as a whole felt like a movie.” - C04A ISI

date) experience, I gained more faith and our relationship

“When we booked a room for Christmans and we cooked

has gotten stronger.” - C03A SP

dinner, I gained more trust in my boyfriend and our

“I think we need to stay together more to improve our

relationship got stronger after that.” - C03A SP

relationships. Although we can’t meet right now, I wish we

“When we first met in Korea, and how we went swimming in

could live together and interact more in person.” - C01B ISI

the sea together…” - C01B SP

“We’ve been dating for only a short time, so we enjoy doing

“The super scary viking we rode at Wolmido and the jelly

something new every date!” - C05B ISI

beans we shared at the ferris were memorable.” - C05A SP When we asked why these couples preferred to meet in

Latent Desires and Needs of Couples

person rather than online, the majority of the couples

By collectively gathering and observing textual, verbal,

answered that they felt more comfortable together. Having

and visual data from our sensitizing package, Gather Town

their significant other within reach and being able to see

session, and interviews, we were able to cluster and connect

each other’s faces made them feel comfortable and happy.

affinity notes to extract keywords in what couples desired in

Sharing emotions together, doing activities alongside each

their relationship listed in the order of volume: 1) sharing

other, and doing daily activities with someone were reasons

of daily activity, 2) seeking new experience, 3) honesty and

why the couples enjoyed meeting in person. Some reasons

understanding, 4) expression of affection, 5) constructive

may be available online, but the feeling of being next to each

relationship, and 6) rest.

other was important for these couples.

Sharing Daily Activity

“(For what we need the most right now is) to finally live

One major desire that every participant mentioned was the

together and be able to do all kinds of activities whenever we

desire to see each other every day and share their daily lives.

want. Being able to physically touch whenever we feel like it

Participants strongly expressed their desire to see each other

or need it.” - C01B SP

everyday, live together, share daily tasks such as eating and

“I like meeting my boyfriend face to face more than through

walking together, and in some cases share personal interests

online, it feels more comforting and real.” - C02A ISI

and hobbies.

“I’m glad we can be happy together for good things that

“I wish I could meet everyday offline.”--C01ASP

happen to one of us and celebrate together. Being able to

“I wish I could watch YouTube and fall asleep together”--

share emotions near each other is important.” - C05A SP


As mentioned earlier, special dating experiences will leave a

“I want to go to the PC cafe everyday with him”--C02ASP

lasting memory for the couples to reminisce and talk about

“I want to share my personal interest such as plogging with

in the future. These meaningful activities tend to create a

my partner”--C05ASP

stronger bond between the two, ultimately strengthening

For couples who have dated for a short period of time or

their relationship. However, the couples with long lasting

had met through blind dates, had the strong desire to find

relationships also mentioned that doing any activities and

a common hobby that they could enjoy together in their

staying together for a long time will also help strengthen

everyday life, such as plogging, doing volunteer work, or

the relationship between the two. One of the girlfriends

working out together.

mentioned that she was glad that she had someone to watch

Although participants acknowledged the fact that their

movies, eat food, watch funny videos, and have someone to

individual circumstances make it hard for them to live

start and end the day with. Overall, a relationship between

together and see each other everyday, one couple also

each couple can be strengthened by both special occasions or

acknowledged the fact that not living together and seeing

daily routine activities, all depending on how they view the

each other in limited moments, made their time together all


the more valuable.

“I don’t know the exact reason why but after that (Christmas

“not being able to be together every time makes our moment


together more valuable.”--C05ASP

days) we have done a lot of traveling. I like how we can

Seeking New Experience

make special memories together and experience something









new. But other than that, I don’t think we have an activity

stimulation was another strong desire shared among couples.

that we do together I want to do these activities together in

New experiences came in the form of trying out and eating

the future: baking, volunteering, working out, and etc”--

good food, looking for new activities, traveling to new places


and escaping the mundane life.

Honesty and Understanding

“I want to escape the metropolis of Seoul to feel freedom”-

Through the sessions, we could identify honesty and


understanding as another key element that couples desired,

“we’ve been dating for only a short time, so we enjoy doing

since it was an important factor that determined whether

something new every day” --C05

couples felt trusted, understood, and intimate with their

It was interesting to note that couples who have dated a long


time wanted to enjoy new activities together during their

During the research, examples of honest and understanding

dates, and so would endlessly seek new places to go and new

experiences came in various forms, from physical bodily

activities to do. However, for couples who have dated a short

actions such as farting, to sharing honest conversations

time, and usually dated by traveling around Korea, wanted to

about the past, discussing opinions on politics, and being

share more of their daily lives together and find a hobby that

openly vulnerable--as in emotions and sickness--to the

they could enjoy together daily.


“We usually seek new activities to do every time we meet.

“[I enjoy] teasing him every time he farts”--C02ASP

We do a lot of one-day classes such as painting, pottery, and

Participants wanted to be heard, understood by their partners,


and when they felt these needs were met, participants

“I want to have an activity that we can share together.

commented that they felt loved and had meaningful

Compared to the time we have dated (approximately 170


Cozy Corner

Gathertown Sessions

“I feel loved when he listens to me attentively”--C03ASP

“I want to see him every day and hug him tightly”--C04ASP

“I feel good after we share a deep conversation. [Deep as

“I wish I could kiss him on the cheeks every day and fall

in] discussing about politics, social issues, and also when

asleep together holding hands”--C03ASP

we talk about things and I get to learn more about him”--

The yearning for physical touch was especially strong for


long-distance relationship couples, whose main method of

This applied to not only how participants felt about

communicating love daily was only through online platforms.

themselves, but also when participants wanted to know

For long-distance relationships, the lack of physical contact

more about their partner as well.

was a constant reminder of the vast geographical distance

“I think we need to share more conversations about our

between them, and whether this gap will be overcome in the


near future.

In the case of one couple, they actively sought out and started

“I wish I could meet everyday offline..and get rid of the

using a mobile application called ‘Summon,’ which is an app

8000+km distance between us. I feel like a lot of my anxiety

that provides a question a day for the couple to answer. The

and sadness comes from not being able to be there in person,

couple said they first started using this app to get to know

and my unforeseeable future of whether I’d actually be able

more about each other, and be able to start conversations

to live in Germany quite soon or not.”--C01ASP

that they would otherwise not be able to during everyday

Constructive Relationship

conversation. They found the app very helpful, and still

Another interesting insight was how some participants

continues to use.

considered it important to maintain and foster a constructive

Furthermore, participants felt understood and loved when

relationship. In these instances, participants identified

they felt they were accepted by their partners even for their

themselves in the couple relationship and mentioned how

weak and vulnerable moments, such as when they were

it was important to not only develop their relationship, but

crying or sick. Participants responded they felt loved and

also grow as an individual inside the relationship.

cared for at these moments, when their partners accepted

“We need to put effort to remember what we feel, to learn

their vulnerabilities and went on further to console them

about each other, and consider how we can develop together

through actions of silent hugging or acts of service.

with our relationship.”--C05ISI

“[I feel loved] when she hugs me, especially when I cry”--

In maintaining a constructive relationship, participants also


mentioned how they acknowledged the need and importance

“When I was sick, I just said in a passing note that I wanted

to respect each other’s time and rest.

to eat peaches. It was 12am midnight, but he came to my

“I know that we need our time alone to restore energy and

house after work to give me peaches. He even had work the

play with each other next time”--C05ISI

next morning too.”--C04ASP

Also, these couples were looking at their relationship in the

Expression of Affection

long term, either by imagining their near future plans with

Expressing affection was important to all couples, in

their partner, or thinking about how their relationship would

both physical touch, such as holding hands, and non-

change in the future.

physical communication such as a loving gaze and words of

“I felt I loved her when I think of her naturally in my future


plans as well”--C02SP

“Sometimes he looks at me with a certain look on his face

“What I think we need is a peace of mind, more love, and a

and I just feel loved. Also obviously when he expresses

stable job”--C02

affection physically and when we have nice, meaningful, or

“I feel the need to record and remember emotions because

just funny conversations”--C01ASP

I know that--as with every relationship--our relationship

However, touch was the strongest desire for all couples, in

will not always remain the same, and we may forget the

which they wished to be able to see their partners every day

emotions we had in the beginning. I want to record and

and touch each other.

remember these emotions to cherish later...We need to


put effort to remember what we feel, to learn about each

Almost all participants mentioned that they would not use

other, and consider how we can develop together with our

the cozy corner if the quality of the features cozy corner


provides is worse than the existing platforms.


Two couples said that they would prefer if the service or

Lastly, some participants, especially those who were busy

the app had low memory, so that they could have it in the

juggling several tasks like work and academics, strongly

background without slowing the computer or the phone

desired some sort of rest or break. Some wanted rest to be

down. The lagging of the service would break the immersion

able to spend more time with their partner, while others

of being in the same space and would evoke frustration and

simply wanted rest to have a peace of mind, so that they

not a calm, loving atmosphere

have more space of mind to enjoy their relationship as well.

Plus, the strong privacy was mentioned as a must. Since the

“...because it’s hard to schedule out time together, I think

couple’s space would contain very personal information, the

what we need is one week with no schedules!”--C02ASP

concerns for privacy should be addressed greatly.

“[what I think we need] is a trip or a break.”--C03BSP

Regarding the method of saving and archiving, a convenient method should be utilized.

Three couples mentioned that

Practical features that Cozy Corner needs to have

they do look back but felt as if organizing the photos and

Based on their thoughts about the experience, and based

uploading the photo is a burden. Cozy Corner should therefore

on the extraction of latent needs through our data analysis

provide an auto-archiving feature.

process, we were able to narrow down possible features that

Decoration Process

Cozy Corner needs to have.

The convenience of decoration must be guaranteed since


the service heavily depends on the act of decorating. All

The couples expressed that Cozy Corner needs to have

participants expressed difficulties in Gather Town, which

contents other than decorating. The couples said that they

can be taken into account when building our own prototype.

would like to do something they could not do in their usual

Object manuevaring was a big problem that participants had.

daily lives.

The orientation of the objects were limited, and the moving

A daily QnA not unlike our sensitizing package was

of objects that are already placed was unintuitive and hard

mentioned as a possible content. The couples were surprised

to find in the menu. Not only that, the function for editing,

by the experience that asking themselves questions seemed

managing, moving, and arranging the layers of the objects

to elicit deeper understanding about their relationship.

should be much easier. One couple said that it was hard to

Plus, game-like contents should be added. people expressed

know the exact size of the object before placing the object,

that missions and rewards would attract them to visit the

and the fact that they could not change the size of the objects

platform more frequently. In the decorating session, almost

was disappointing. The editing of the floors and the walls

all couples added some kind of game element to the map. It

should be easier, too.

could be a simple game like poker or a couple-based question

In addition, there should be a thorough categorization of the

game that incorporates Couple’s QnA.

objects and a variety of decorations. The participants were

One couple mentioned that they would like to invite other

a little confused about the categorization of the item and

friends into their Cozy Corner, While there is merit in only

the search functions. Gathertown also had too few colors for

having couples to access the Cozy Corner, interacting and

the walls and the floors, which made it hard for the couples

socializing with others and other couples will be an attractive

to create the mood that they liked. Plus, the variety of

feature. By showing around their cozy corner, they could

decorations can also motivate couples to actively participate

feel as if they are holding a housewarming party.

in contents the service provides, and gain exclusive or


seasonal objects.

The quality of the service should be guaranteed as well. Cozy Corner

Gathertown Sessions

Conceptualization Based on the feedback and insights gathered from the generative session, we created the initial framework for the Cozy Corner app’s core features, which are room decorating, memory data storing, and mini-game features. In room decoration, we focused on making the decorating process simple and convenient. Users will be provided with several room templates and color palettes of choice, in which these decorating features all focus on delivering coziness. The app will also have a point system, in which users can earn points by adding photos, videos, screenshots, answering daily questions, or playing games together on the Cozy Corner platform. Users can utilize these points to buy objects to add in their room, or to decorate their avatar. Users will know how much points they have earned through the status bar displayed at the bottom of the app that shows the total points accumulated. Users will first be provided a single room, but through collecting points and building their relationship in the Cozy Corner room, users can expand their single room to add more rooms. These features of collecting points, customizing rooms, growing space, and building relationship with their partner in the app are elements that aim to attract the users’ interest and continue their interaction with the app. We hope this feature sparks interests among the users, as couples could share a common goal to grow and foster their room with Cozy Corner. This is another element that sparks interests; they have a common goal that they can work towards.



Cozy Corner

Gathertown Sessions






and emotions online, (2)how they date

and its role as a medium of social

and what they do when they actually

interaction are growing in importance

meet in person, and (3)what tacit

everyday. Every couple nowadays can

perceptions and latent needs they

keep in touch with their significant

carry. With the data gathered through

other with the aid of various digital

our research toolkit, we were able to

devices and online network services

answer questions regarding our goals

over long distances. Cozy Corner is a

and extract interesting insights. Our

platform that takes these various online

data analysis and findings answered

platforms and tools of connection


into one space. Our service aims to

regarding dating experiences online

gather all the various tools for social

and what features lovers would want

interactions, like chatting or video

if Cozy Corner was published. With our

calling services, integrating them into

findings we attained, we were able to

a space exclusive for a couple. Not only

create a simple conceptualization on

does Cozy Corner assemble all kinds of

how Cozy Corner would look if it were

functions for lovers, but also would like

to be produced as an actual platform.

to provide new experiences that did not previously exist in order to deliver a refreshing experience. In attaining such





contextual research on (1)how couples interact and share their experiences






APPENDIX Group immersive Session Toolkit Team Blog Link Day1: cozycorner6005/1638818977653/90833d7347db7569ad5b794b4e1fe6971713d1bd?sender=u9cc09c1909bb9b83d0ef3385 Day2: c597c644d6484ee1fdbbb9a7efbb431e00ca5729?sender=u9cc09c1909bb9b83d0ef3385 Day3: cozycorner6005/1638818941103/179bbf9e26b2aea915e1392cb823d78e7aa3dd19?sender=u9cc09c1909bb9b83d0ef3385


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Cozy Corner

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