2018-2019 DSHA Viewbook

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A H DS ready for YOU! IS

Can you believe it is already time to start thinking about high school? Crazy, right? We bet you are excited – and maybe a little nervous – about entering this new phase of life. Will you let us show you what life as a DSHA student looks like? We are certain that when you become a Dasher, you will find your place: your confidence in the classroom, your spot on the team, your voice on stage, your gifts in a faith community, and your friends for a lifetime.

694 127 girls from

middle schools

Si prefiere información en español o para clarificar cualquier asunto, favor de ponerse en contacto con: Sr. Jim Wilkinson, Maestro de Español y coordinador de Diversidad e Inclusión, DSHA. WilkinsonJ@dsha.info 414-462-3742, extensión 4228 2


of students identify as students of color


of students receive financial aid

Let us help you answer them! We would love to have you visit and discover Dasher life in person. Take a look in the back of this book for some ways to do that. Until then, let these pages show you around the halls of DSHA –

we think you’ll love it!


- th is boo k is for you !

Have you ever had to make a decision as big as where to go to high school? Let this book help answer some of your questions... What is it like going to an all-girls' school? Will I make friends? pg. 6-7 What will my classes look like? Will I be able to succeed academically? pg. 12-13 How will I grow in my faith? pg. 14-15 What kinds of clubs and activities can I get involved in? pg. 18-19 What sports are offered? How competitive is it to make a team? pg. 20-21 What type of fine arts activities and classes are offered? pg. 22-23 How do I visit DSHA or shadow a current student? pg. 31

TO THE PARENTS AND GUARDIANS We know you have some questions, too. Take a peek at the following pages for some things we bet you are considering as you help your daughter navigate the high school choice:

Will my daughter be ready for college when she graduates? pg. 12-13 What is DSHA's approach to wellness-based, whole-person education? How does this work? pg. 10-11 What kind of social/emotional support will DSHA offer my daughter? pg. 16-17 Will my daughter fit in? What does the transition to high school look like? pg. 6-7; 24-25 How will we pay for a DSHA education? Is it worth it? pg. 26-27 How will I get my daughter to school? pg. 28-29 When and how do we apply? pg. 30-31

We would love to hear from you – any time! For questions or more information, please visit dsha.info/admissions or contact one of our admissions staff: Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Adrienne Ognacevic Large, DSHA '07 LargeA@dsha.info or 414-616-2805 Admissions Assistant Allison Caswell, DSHA '04 | CaswellA@dsha.info or 414-721-2909 Diversity & Inclusion Coordinator Jim Wilkinson | WilkinsonJ@dsha.info or 414-462-3837 Community Relations Officer Norma Herbers | HerbersN@dsha.info or 414-721-7975


ARE WHO WfaiE th. heart. intellect. The DSHA


Divine Savior Holy Angels High School is a Catholic college-preparatory high school for young women that excels at developing the whole person. Sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior and grounded in their mission to make known the goodness and kindness of Jesus Christ, we develop our students into capable young women of faith, heart, and intellect who accept the gospel call to live lives that will make a difference.



DSHA will be #1: recognized as the premier choice for a girl seeking to grow into her full potential as a woman of faith, heart, and intellect.


WHAT DOES FAITH, HEART, AND INTELLECT MEAN TO YOU? My faith has grown through all of the opportunities and space Campus Ministry provides. The people within the community fill my heart with great love

and motivate me to be the best version of myself. And the dedication of my teachers has strengthened my curiosity and fueled my love of learning. Bonnie from Pewaukee, Class of 2019 5



all girls all the difference? Not only do girls receive a wealth of avenues for self-exploration and development, they also see a wealth of peer role models. Girls need to ‘see it, to be it’ to make them more aware of the possibilities in their own lives and help set them on their own brilliant paths. Megan Murphy, Executive Director, National Coalition of Girls’ Schools

In the all-girls environment, confidence is established so I am better able to grow and be myself. I'm never judged, only supported. And get to push myself without being embarrassed. It means guaranteed acceptance. Leena from Oak Creek, Class of 2020


Here's what All Girls Makes ALL the Difference means to the 694 young women of DSHA:

L e a rn in g :

RELAX. AND BE YOU. DSHA embraces everything that makes you, you. Learn what you’re good at, how to challenge yourself, and how to thrive. The all-girls focus on learning means less distractions. And a whole-person educational approach – based entirely on the way girls learn best – will set you up for life-long success.

L e a der s h ip :

YOU. CAN. DO. ANYTHING. At DSHA, girls do everything! And because of that, you will learn you can do anything as a confident, capable, thoughtful leader. You will have opportunities to lead others and empower your voice inside the classroom and out. Watch leadership in action, and when you are ready, step into the role you are passionate about – whether that be in campus ministry, robotics, fine arts, or more!

L i fe :

AN AMAZING, EMPOWERING SISTERHOOD. Girls thrive together – every day at DSHA – challenging, leading, and encouraging one another to realize each other’s potential. In and out of the classroom, you are surrounded by opportunities to shine together. You and your fellow classmates support and rally around one another – and become best friends in the process!

A ll - G ir ls & S TE M

Did you know that girls' school grads are 6 times more likely to consider majoring in math, science and technology than girls who attend coed schools?* Visit dsha.info/AllGirlsSTEM to learn more about DSHA's class offerings, test score stats, resources and more!

*Goodman Research Group, The Girls’ School Experience: A Survey of Young Alumnae of Single-Sex Schools



5 QUALITIES The Qualities of a Graduate find their foundation in the DSHA mission. As an all-girls' school, we are by design, focused on helping you become an articulate, confident, and capable young woman. So, what do these five Qualities of a Graduate have to do with you and your DSHA experience?


Well, everything!

OF A DSHA H ere' s ho w it w orks :

G r a du a t e

From the time you step foot through the doors of DSHA, you will go to class, explore your faith, discover passions through co-curriculars, and experience all kinds of Dasher resources to help you grow. And the development of these five qualities will be an intentional part of it all. All four years. And all for you!

She is a Believer...

who relies on Catholic Christian values which encourage her to act on God's call to recognize her gifts and use her voice to pursue justice, live with integrity and actively improve her world. A faith-filled role model, she demonstrates the highest respect and compassion for herself and for others by living a life that makes a difference.


She is a Self-Advocate...

who as a young woman learns to accurately assess her abilities and to recognize and resist the cultural forces and customs that would erode her own emerging sense of self, or cause her to act in conflict with her own values and beliefs. Through systematic opportunities to learn, practice and master self-advocacy behaviors, she begins to articulate her beliefs and values. She uses her own voice to state her opinion, ask questions and effectively negotiate for her strongest possible outcome.

O ur prom ise to you:

Over your four years as a Dasher, the DSHA faculty and staff will help you become these qualities – from your first day to your graduation day. You will leave DSHA and be authentically you, and you will embody all five of these qualities. We promise!

She is a Critical Thinker...

who solves problems, improves processes and sees what others cannot. She is innovative and creative, her wise counsel and enlightened perspectives highly sought-after. She is an adaptable, analytical, curious intellectual who pursues deep understanding and trusts her instincts and experience.

She is a Communicator...

who is articulate, perceptive and empowered to make her voice heard. She is highly skilled at interpersonal communication, effectively sharing ideas through various means, with various audiences, using advanced technology as needed. She is an active listener who is self-reflective and engaged, and is a confident communicator who is unafraid to stand up and say what must be said.

She is a Leader...

who takes initiative, leading by inspiration and influence. A skilled collaborator, she uses her full potential to motivate individuals and groups to accomplish goals and achieve dreams. She is inclusive, hopeful and highly ethical; as a visionary leader, she is accountable to herself and to others, bravely forging new paths and building new connections. 9


! n o i t a c u d e n o s w h o l e - p er

DSHA is committed to a progressive, innovative, and integrated approach to you and your education – an education that will care for all aspects of who you are!



An experience that combines strong academics and college preparation, with a deliberate commitment to the development of your whole person. A four-year, school-wide commitment will help you and your classmates grow in the ability to manage your own whole-person wellness – intellectual, spiritual, physical, emotional, and social – during the high school years and beyond. 10

Areas of whole-person focus:

Academic Excellence

Faith Formation

Physical Wellness

Co-Curricular Involvement

Social/Emotional Health

AN ALL-INCLUSIVE SCHOOL DAY! At DSHA, an innovative schedule will allow you to prioritize your overall wellness and enhance the development of your whole person. It is designed to help you alleviate and manage stress by keeping the school day all-inclusive. In addition to eight class periods, you will have set times throughout the week to participate in co-curricular and faith formation activities, opportunities to meet with a teacher in the ALPHA Center or a counselor in Student Services, and designated times for physical fitness classes. Sample First Semester Freshman Schedule







Thursday Academ











Wellness Hour / Fitness

Wellness Hour / Freshman Seminar

Wellness / Fitness


Tod ay's Top ic: time man age men t Lunch

e lln e ss P h y si c a l W Lunch






Dasher Time

Dasher Time

Hang out with new friends in Commons

Visit the Chapel for some quiet time



Wellness Hour / Freshman Seminar




Run to the library to print english paper


Mee t with Mrs . Gou lee abo ut soc ial stud ies ass ignm ent

ic E x c e ll ence

Today's Topic: diversity & inclusion at DSHA

Das her Men tor Picn ic! Dasher Time


F a it h


Dasher Time a t io n

All- sch ool Mas s

ic u la r C o - C u rr m e n t e lv o v In


Dr am a Clu b! Dasher Time

Dash-a-tho n kickoff assembly!

Study Hall

Study Hall

Study Hall

library to study for science test

ALPHA Center for help with Math homework

Commons to work on English paper


Study Hall




Lab today!

Mee t with a coun selo r.

Social Studies

Social Studies

Social Studies English

Social Studies




Field Hockey Practice

Field Hockey Practice

Field Hockey Practice

Field Hockey Game

Field Hockey Practice

Pasta party after!

@ Uihlei n Park

So cia l/E mo tio na l He alt h


innovation in whole-person education:

ACADEMICS COLLEGE PREP – BY TEACHERS TRAINED IN HOW GIRLS LEARN BEST. DSHA’s commitment to an innovative and integrated approach to education is rooted in strong academics and superb college preparation, with a deliberate and successful commitment to the development of the whole person.

W ho will tea ch my cla sses?


With an average class size of 23, your teachers will guide, motivate, and inspire your learning. They will seek daily to maximize your intellectual abilities. They will encourage and advocate for you by balancing the high expectations of a rigorous curriculum, with positive reinforcement upon progress in the pursuit of excellence – working together to meet the needs of each and every student.



What classes will I take? DSHA’s college preparatory curriculum challenges each student to think critically and communicate effectively while preparing for her college experience. While the curriculum is rigorous, DSHA faculty, administrators and counselors will emphasize the importance of balance in a student’s academic course load, along with all other aspects that make up whole-person education at DSHA. 12

English Health & Fitness Mathematics Music Science Social Studies Specialized Studies Theatre Theology Visual Arts World Language

W hat about STEM ?





DSHA 25.2


DSHA 26.7



From AP Calculus and Introduction to Engineering, to Independent Science Research Projects and Meteorology & Astronomy – a wide variety of classes will develop your core knowledge base, while electives and co-curricular opportunities like Robotics and SMART Team allow further opportunity to explore your passions in STEM. The all-girls environment will set you up to pursue excellence – with confidence – and explore your interests with the freedom that comes without distraction.

WISCONSIN 20.5 * Class of 2017

Can I earn colleg e credits at DSH A? You will have a number of opportunities to get a jump on college credit – (and tuition!) – through two types of classes: Dual-Credit/Concurrent Enrollment and Advanced Placement classes. With 27 total classes across 8 departments, there are multiple opportunities for students across a wide range of disciplines and interests. Learn more at dsha.info/APdualcredit.


AP classes


dual (college) credit course offerings


















W hat if I nee d extra help in my cla sses?

Your schedule is created so you have specific times to get the help you need. Visit a teacher during Dasher Time to get help on a paper or take a trip to the ALPHA Center during study hall. Your teachers have designated times in their own schedule to make sure you have the help you need. They want to see you succeed as much as you do! Learn more at dsha.info/academicresources.


innovation in whole-person education:

FA IT H F O R M AT IO N Grow in your faith, pray with your friends, love your neighbor, and serve one another.

CAMPUS MINISTRY AT DSHA The Campus Ministry Council (CMC) realizes the mission of Jesus Christ within the school community. Largely student-driven, over 240 leadership positions exist within CMC for students to offer their peers opportunities for prayer, worship, service and social justice. Based on a model of relational ministry, you and your friends will get to help each other grow together.

Prayer & Worship


Through daily all-school prayer, weekly Mass, and special programming during Advent and Lent, you will be encouraged to live out and explore your relationship with God through multiple prayer and worship opportunities.

Service is at the heart of faith life at DSHA. With nearly 25,000 hours of student service occurring throughout a school year, you will live out your faith — by being the hands and feet of Christ in the world. Rooted in the goodness and kindness of Jesus Christ, DSHA students live out the Gospel call to advocate for the poor and vulnerable populations of the world.


Retreats provide a safe space for you to explore and ignite your individual faith while connecting with classmates personally and spiritually. These retreats are made just teenage girls – and will be some of your favorite times as a Dasher!


Campus Ministry has had a positive and uplifting impact on my faith as I continue to grow and learn. The welcoming and supportive community has made it possible for me to develop my faith. If it were not for the amazing example my classmates set for me, I would not be as strong in my relationship with God.

Journey At-A-Glance:



Fall of Freshman Year DSHA


Spring of Junior Year Fredonia, WI


Lilli from Wauwatosa, Class of 2018

Winter of Sophomore Year Fredonia, WI

Spring of Senior Year Elkhorn, WI


Winter of Senior Year West Bend, WI

THEOLOGY AT DSHA You will take eight semesters of theology with the goal of 1.) nurturing spirituality through knowledge of faith, and 2.) engaging in service to God and others. You will be encouraged daily in living out your faith; you will grow in your knowledge of God and awareness of His presence; and you will learn how your faith is related to not only God, but your own self, others, and the world.

Theology At-A-Glance: Freshmen Yr.

Sophomore Yr.

Junior Yr.

Senior Yr.

1st Semester

The Bible: The Living Word of God

The Sacramental Life: Encounters with Christ

The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus

Vocations: Living the Gospel OR World Religions

2nd Semester

Christology: Jesus Christ and the Paschal Mystery

Catholic Morality: Our Response to God’s Love

The Church: Its Message & Mission

Catholic Social Teaching: A Call to Discipleship

I’m deeply proud of the work that we do at DSHA in the area of faith development. We challenge our students to think critically about the role they play as members of the Body of Christ. I love having daily conversations in my classroom about the questions young people struggle with and how our faith can shape their decision-making. Lisa Metz, DSHA Theology Faculty 15

innovation in whole-person education:


DID YOU KNOW? Your social and emotional health directly contributes to your academic success. And all other areas of your high school experience! 16

We are very intentional about putting students in the forefront of situations and circumstances with social and emotional focus. This allows them direct experiences to work through issues as they arise. Because of this, when they leave DSHA, they are ready to manage stress and tackle challenges on their own. They begin to see how health in this area means everything to all other aspects of their lives. Pat McAndrew, Director of Student Services

AL EM O TI O Ngrowth How does it work?

Parents, when your daughter comes in as a freshman, we expect her to come in dependent upon adults who will help her access the resources she needs. And over the course of her four years, she will shift into an independent young woman, ready for the world with the ability to navigate difficulties and challenges with confidence. Learn more at dsha.info/studentservices.

What makes Student Services so special at DSHA?


1. 2.


counselor s


ded icated college adviso r


support sta ff


A stella r sta ffin g struc tu re rea dy to meet your need s!

HERE IS WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU: More direct access to counselors. Because they are freed up from administrative tasks, they have more time to meet with and counsel students. And they can't wait to meet you! A more individualized approach to college planning than that of a typical high school. Our dedicated college advisor will walk you through every step of the way to not only find the right college for you, but to lessen the anxiety and stress that can come with the process.

What does Student Services provide to DSHA students and families? SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT


Consult individually with students, parents, and teachers/staff

Consult individually with students, parents, and teachers/staff

Provide on-call crisis intervention

Monitor high-need students

Intervene with students of concern

Facilitate staffings (with students, parents, and teachers) regarding concerns

Offer referrals to outside agencies

Advise students about course selection

COLLEGE & CAREER PLANNING Consult individually with students, parents, and teachers/staff Develop individual plans for pursuing college and career goals Schedule college visits and admissions representative meetings Coordinate standardized tests (HSPT, Pre-ACT, PSAT, AP, and ACT) Facilitate college scholarships/awards Provide CareerLocker and Naviance Family Connection programs Learn more at dsha.info/collegecenter. 17

innovation in whole-person education:



EXPLORE YOUR PASSION – FROM ROBOTICS TEAM OR FIND YOUR FOCUS PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB, TO MODEL UN OR SISTERS OF CULTURE – THERE IS SOMETHING FOR EVERY DASHER! Co-curriculars are an integral part of the DSHA experience, with opportunities built into the school day and beyond. Why is this such an important part of your high school experience? Research has shown that involvement in these activities will help you and your classmates with the following:


Positive benefit

to academic reco



A greater sense of belonging to the school comm unity.


Enhanced develo


Healthier, more ba


pment in life skill


lanced behaviors.

Positive results in college and beyond.

I was the only person from my middle school who came to DSHA. Involvement in cocurriculars, especially the Dance Team, has helped me meet some of my best friends – people I wouldn’t have met otherwise. 18

Bella from Milwaukee, Class of 2019

? in ed lv vo in t ge n ca u yo t ha w in Interested Prima rily Outsi de-of -School Progra ms Athletics • Climbing Club • Dasher Dance Team • FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) • Find Your Focus Fine Arts • Forensics • GRAY (Girls Running All Year) Girls Who Code • Hiking Club • Robotics • Sailing Club

Prima rily In-Sc hool Progra ms Art Club • Asian Club • Best Buddies • Celtic Club • Creative Writing Club • Criminal Justice Club • Drama Club • E.V.E. (Equality. Voice. Empowerment.) • Film Society • Fitness Club • French Club • Furia Latina • Hometown Heroes • HOSA (Future Health Professionals) • Journalism • Latin Club • Literary Magazine, The Myriad • Marine Biology Club • Model United Nations • Philosophy Club • Plugged In (STEM) • Raise Awareness • Respect Life Club • School Garden/Eco Club • Science Club • She’s the First • Sisters of Culture • SMART Team (Students Modeling a Research Topic) • Yearbook

Missi on-D riven, Servin g the Entire DSHA Community


Afternoon Prayer Team • Collections Team • Freshman Retreat • Freshman Service Day Team • Mass Team • Mass Music Team • Ministry Team • 2IͤOfficers • Optional Junior Retreat • Optional Senior Retreat • Rosary Team • Sacraments Team • Sacristan Team • SDS Sisters Team • Service Team • Sophomore Retreat • Special Weeks Team • St. Anne’s Prom Team • Student Auction Team • Student Wellness Advocacy Group

STUDENT COUNCIL Communications • Diversity & Inclusion • Policies and Practices • School Pride • Student Welfare • Special Events • Student Ambassadors • Student Tech Leaders

I chose Robotics as a co-curricular and I love it. You meet a lot of people, you do service to the community, you practice engineering, and you’re always trying to encourage younger girls to have an interest in STEM and science, and that’s very exciting. Daniela from Milwaukee, Class of 2020





What does it mean to be a Dasher Athlete?

At DSHA, you will join a long-standing tradition of athletic excellence – with 24 WIAA State Championships. You will also join a culture that creates space for each and every student athlete. Across all fifteen sports, coaches and staff intentionally develop and encourage student-athletes in the areas of:




Being on the ski team has been such a positive and welcoming experience. It has been so rewarding to train together and accomplish bigger things as a team than we ever could as individuals. Alex from Port Washington, Class of 2020 20



DSHA Athletic Offerings

Basketball | Varsity, JV, Freshman A & B * Cross Country | Varsity & JV * Field Hockey | Varsity, Varsity Reserve, JV, JV-Red, JV-White Golf | Varsity, JV * Gymnastics | Co-op WIAA Varsity, JV * Ice Hockey | Co-op WIAA Varsity Lacrosse | Varsity, JV * Rugby | Club – A side, B side * Skiing | Varsity, JV Soccer | Varsity, JV, Freshman Softball | Varsity, JV, Freshman * Swimming & Diving | Varsity, JV Tennis | Varsity, JV * Track & Field | Varsity, JV Volleyball | Varsity, JV, Freshman A & B

*Denotes non-cut sport – every young woman has a chance to compete as a Dasher!

Over 60% of ou r stu de nt- ath let es ha ve GP A of 3.5 or hig he r.

Learn more at dsha.info/athletics.

Our coaches are so positive and encouraging to all of us. I’ve learned and improved so much every year in both volleyball and basketball – from freshman to varsity level. They are such great leaders and really care about all of us. Ellie from Mequon, Class of 2019 21



A place to explore, create and shine!

Whether you decide to take a painting class for stress relief, or have your sights set on Broadway, DSHA has a fine arts opportunity for everyone.


Sh ine on sta ge - or be hin d th e scenes !

Eight theatre classes – in both acting & technical theatre Fall Musical


Spring Advanced Acting Production Community Theatre Works Summer Musical

Vo cal & In strum ent al

Choir opportunities:

Instrumental opportunities:

Concert Choir – introductory

Handbells – beginner and advanced

Camerata Singers – highly motivated singers

Orchestra – open to all with at least one year of experience

Angelaires* – show choir

M ass Music Tea m Sing or play an instrument at school liturgies in conjunction with Campus Ministry


Divine Strings* – large and small ensemble performance opportunities

*Audition required for membership

Di sco ver you r inn er cre ato r!

Introductory Offerings Design, discovery, and self-expression

Skill-Build ing Offerings From ceramics and graphic design to fibers, jewelry, painting and more

M astery Offerings Create a body of work in your medium of choice 22

Winter Play

Being a part of the Fine Arts at DSHA helps me express myself creatively and form relationships and skills in an environment that really helps me nurture them. The Fine Arts program here is so diverse in the things you can do – I like to draw, sing, and participate in theatre and acting, so being able to be in all three of those without having to sacrifice one for the other is really a special opportunity. I can do it with others who are in the same boat, and who are also growing in confidence through their Fine Arts participation. Claire from Hubertus, Class of 2021

FINE ARTS FACILITIES The Robert & Marie Hansen Family Fine Arts Theatre is home to theatre, voice and instrumental performances all year long. The new vocal and instrumental practice rooms will help you perfect your performance in rehearsals before you hit the stage. The visual arts suite is the perfect place to perfect everything from painting and jewelry making, to textiles and graphic design on a Mac. Learn more at dsha.info/finearts. 23

e h T


Moving from middle school to high school can feel overwhelming. But at DSHA, current students, teachers, and staff are here to make sure you feel welcome right away –

even before your first day!

SOCIAL TRANSITION A DSHA experience means a place to belong and friends for a lifetime – and here’s how it starts:

Spring of 8 th grade year

Incoming Freshman Lock-In | January African American Family Welcome Night | January Incoming Freshman Fun Night | May

Summer before freshman year Camp Dasher | July Leadership Boot Camp | July Dasher Mentors | August

Freshman year

Latino Family Picnic | August Freshman Orientation Day | first day of school Dasher Mentors | all year long “Take Flight” Freshman Retreat | October



H ig h S c h o o l

ACADEMIC TRANSITION Freshman Seminar | first semester freshman year This interactive classroom experience takes place twice each week, addressing the academic and social/emotional skills that will help you thrive in high school. Topics include: whole-person wellness · time management and organization · academic integrity · leadership skills · study strategies · cocurriculars ·self-advocacy skills · diversity and inclusion · stress management · final exam preparation Freshman Study Hall | first semester freshman year All freshmen are required to take a study hall for one semester. This helps students learn to create balance in their lives, meet the academic rigor of DSHA, and maximize co-curricular, athletic, social and other opportunities.

NEW THIS YEAR! Faculty, staff and resources are geared to help you transition into the college-prep learning environment: Whole Person Wellness Coaching & Intervention | freshman year To put it simply – this is a program that will meet you and your individual needs exactly where you are. A dedicated Whole-Person Education Specialist (WPES) will help you optimize your wellbeing – whether helping you make choices about how to spend your study hall or through strategic wellness-based interventions. Housed in the cozy and relaxing Zen Den, students can choose from 1-on-1 wellness coaching or small groups.


and the


n o i t a c u d E A H S of a D


DSHA is fully committed to enrolling the strongest student body possible – this means a diverse group of young women with different gifts, perspectives, and life experiences. And this also means a better, more enriching high school experience for all Dashers. We are also completely committed to providing you with an education unlike any other in the Milwaukee area – an education where you are ready to meet the world as the most confident and capable version of yourself upon graduation.

Is Financial aid available? and how do i apply?

: rageaward e v A l aid ia nanc


0 0 ,5


Over one-third of students qualify for and receive need-based tuition assistance. The amount is determined upon careful evaluation of each family’s financial situation. The amount will be renewed each year as long as the family’s circumstances stay the same. You must apply for financial aid by November 2, 2018.

Are merit scholarships available? A limited number of non-need based scholarships are given for exceptional academic achievement at the time of acceptance. Admitted students will have the opportunity to apply for talent and leadership-based scholarships following their acceptance. Unlike financial aid, merit scholarships are typically one-time awards.

Are there other opportunities for financial assistance? The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program provides renewable vouchers for families living within the city of Milwaukee. Open enrollment occurs between February 1 -20, 2019. Employees of a Catholic school in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee are eligible for up to a $1,500 tuition reduction.

What about non-tuition assistance for things like books and activity fees? DSHA has resources available to help families who qualify with the costs associated with the following items: ACT fee · AP exam fee · Books · College application fees · College bus trip · Dance tickets · Bus tickets · Select co-curricular activities · Dresses for formal dances · Graduation dresses and white gloves · Lunch · Overnight trips including Campus Ministry retreats and world language study trips · Uniforms

College scholarship awards for the DSHA Class of 2018:



How will DSHA set me up to get a jump on college credits and tuition? Through the AP and dual credit program, students can earn college credit from 15 AP course options and/or 12 dual credit course options. This means a jump on higher education as well as the tuition that comes with! Each year, many DSHA graduates receive both merit and needbased scholarships for college. Last year, nearly 40% of the class of 2018 was awarded over $11 million in reported scholarship dollars toward college tuition.

FOR MORE INFORMATION: Visit dsha.info/tuitionsupport. Contact Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Adrienne Ognacevic Large, DSHA ’07 at largea@dsha.info or 414.616.2805. Visit dsha.info/scholarships to learn more about the impact of scholarships on the entire school community.



? l o o h c s o t t e g I H o w w il l We get it. You and your family are busy with complicated schedules. And transportation can be a challenge, especially given that DSHA attracts young women from all over southeastern Wisconsin. We know this is a huge factor in determining fit for you and your daughter.



Is carpooling a popular option for the drive to school?

Yes! Why the exclamation mark? Because parents need them and girls LOVE them. The bonds formed during the trek to and from school are priceless, and most students carpool at some point throughout the year. Upon acceptance, you will have the option to opt in to search for a carpool through the online DSHA directory.

When is school open in the morning? And when does it close?

Whether studying in the R.J. Fridl Commons, working out in the Sarah M. Hegarty Fitness Center, studying in the library, or sticking around for a sports practice or music rehearsal, our doors are open for your daughter both before and after school. Students have access to the building as early as 6:00 a.m. And after school, your daughter will have a safe space to be productive until her ride arrives.

Are there bussing options?

Bussing options are available to students from the Milwaukee Southside and School Districts: Elmbrook, Hamilton, and Menomonee Falls.

Where do most DSHA students live?

All over! Truly. Because DSHA annually draws students from over 100 middle schools across 64 zip codes, our young women are more likely to meet classmates who share their similar interests and talents, while our vibrant geographic diversity allows students to gain exposure to a variety of viewpoints and backgrounds. Our commitment to whole-person education includes widening each young woman’s perspective on her community, city, and the world. This experience, unique at the high school level, is similar to what our young women will find in college. For more information, visit dsha.info/transportation.

My wife and I, and four of our five children call Cedarburg home, a 35–40 minute commute from DSHA. I work in Mequon, just 2.5 miles from home. Cedarburg High School is just six blocks away. Yet when Katherine fell in love with DSHA we knew we would have to make some sacrifices and re-balance our schedules. Like every wrinkle life throws your way, you quickly iron it out. You’ll drive one day. You'll meet another mom who works near the school so there’s another ride covered. Even when she doesn’t have an after-school activity, and we can’t be there at dismissal, we love the fact that the fitness center is available, and the commons are open for Katherine to have a safe place to get a jump on her homework. To be honest, I think she makes even more progress at DSHA than she would at home without the distractions and interruptions of her younger siblings! Jim from Cedarburg, Parent of Katherine, DSHA ’21 29

o t w H o APPLY!

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1.Grab your parents, visit dsha.info/apply and fill out the application! During the online application process you will:

→ Share basic info about your education to-date. → Register for the entrance exam. → Submit your essays (no more than 400 words each!)

A Financ pplication & ial Aid Deadlin e:


2. Take the entrance exam! DSHA will offer testing on campus: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2




Don't forget! You must submit your application prior to testing!

Keep going! Use the checklist on your MyDSHA account to finish the application process: → Upload middle school report cards. → Upload middle school standardized test results. → Send requests to your teachers to fill out student achievement form.


Visit & Discover

What happens next? The DSHA Admissions Committee will carefully review your application, school records, and entrance exam. Students and parents will be notified of admissions status via mail in January.



→ 11 & 18 | 8th Grade Visit Day → 14 | Girls Night In | Zumba & ‘Za | grades 7 & 8 DSHA is committed to addressing the individual needs of all of its students and will attempt to make accommodations to the best ability of personnel and the capacity of the facilities. School counselors will meet with students with diagnosed learning issues or suspected concerns and consult with parents and faculty about an individual student's needs. Prospective students and families should contact Patrick McAndrews, Director of Student Services, for more information. Divine Savior Holy Angels High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic orgin in administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other schooladministered programs.


→ 2, 9, 16 | 8th Grade Visit Day → 3 | Parent Tour → 4 | Future Dasher Night | DSHA Volleyball → 28 | Open House


→ 2 | Application Deadline → 2 | Financial Aid Application Deadline→ 2 or 3 | Entrance Exam & Parent Q&A Coffee

3 | Girls Night In | Behind the Scenes at Les Mis! | grades 6-8


→ 5 | Future Dasher Night | DSHA Basketball → 15 | Girls Night In | Bingo Night | grades 4-6 MARCH

→ 12 & 26 | 7th Grade Visit Day APRIL

→ 2 & 30 | 7th Grade Visit Day → 9 | Why DSHA? A panel discussion.

To register for parent tours, visit days, Girls Night In, and Future Dasher Nights, head to dsha.info/visit. To apply, visit dsha.info/apply. 31

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