DSHA Viewbook | 2020-2021

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M E N TA L , S O C I A L , & E M O T I O N A L H E A LT H V I A

APPLIED WELLNESS Wellness for the real world.

This unique-to-DSHA program is designed to mimic how individuals achieve whole-person wellness beyond high school: through reflection, contemplation, planning, and action. We will provide you with the framework and a variety of opportunities to practice and internalize this process so that wellness becomes more than a requirement — it becomes a way of life.

mental social emotional health

physical health

spiritual health

Individual Wellness diversity, equity, & engagement

community & contextual health

intellectual health

A four-year, school-wide commitment will allow students to grow into the ability to manage their own wellness — during the high school years and beyond.

How does it work? Freshman Year: First semester, you will take Freshman Wellness Seminar. This occurs opposite of your twice-weekly Foundational Fitness class and is designed to help you navigate your DSHA experience – all with a focus on individual and community wellness. Second semester, you will have additional guided Applied Wellness experiences. Learn more on page 30! Sophomore-Senior Year: You will choose among a number of hands-on wellness experiences to help you gain a better understanding of the resources and experiences that align with your needs. They will be customized and individualized; measured and tracked with the help of a mentor; and dynamic to meet your changing needs.


Learn more at dsha.info/wellness.

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