DSHA Viewbook | 2022-2023

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All Girls Makes All the Difference D S HA Divine Savior Holy Angels High School

Will you let us show you what life as a DSHA student looks like? We are certain that when you become a Dasher you will find your place!  Grow in confidence in the all-girls classroom.  Live out your gifts and serve others in the faith community .  Find your place —on a team or stage, in a co-curricular, and more.  Find your voice as you discover and explore your passions .  Meet new friends in a sisterhood that will last a lifetime. DSHAREADY for you!is 677 girls from 123 middle schools 31% of students identify as students of color 44% of students receive some form of financial aid, scholarship, or tuition assistance 80% of students are Catholic

Table of Contents pgs. 3-4 | Who We Are The DSHA Mission, Vision, and Qualities of a Graduate pgs. 5-8 | Why All Girls Makes All the Difference pgs. 9-10 | Innovation in Whole-Person Education pgs. 11-12 | College-Prep Academics pgs. 13-14 | Academics All-Girls + STEM pgs. 15-18 | Faith Formation & Catholic Identity pgs. 19-20 | Student Mental/Social/EmotionalServicesHealth and CollegeCounselingand Career Counseling pg. 21 | Applied Wellness pg. 22 | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion pgs. 23-24 | Co-Curriculars pgs. 25-26 | Dasher Athletics pgs. 27-28 | Fine Arts pgs. 29-30 | Marian Scholars pgs. 31-32 | Transition to High School College-Prep Environment + Social pgs. 33-36 | Scholarships & Financial Aid Opportunities pgs. 37-38 | Location + Transportation pgs. 39-40 | Learn More about the All Girls Difference at DSHA pg. 41 | How to Apply pg. 42 | DSHA School Profile pg. 42 | 2022-2023 Important Dates For questions or more information, please visit dsha.info/admissions or contact one of our admissions staff: Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Ann Duffy, DSHA ’10 DuffyA@dsha.info | 414.616.2805 Admissions & Marketing Coordinator Meaghan Lagore, DSHA ’16 LagoreM16@dsha.info | 414.721.2909 Si prefiere información en español favor de ponerse en contacto con: Maria Enachi, Secretaria de Servicios Estudiantiles EnachiM@dsha.info | 414.721.2913 We would love to hear from you— any time!


WHO WE ARE Faith Heart Intellect

The DSHA Mission


DSHA WILL BE #1: Recognized as the premier choice for a girl seeking to grow into her full potential asa woman of faith, heart, and intellect.


The DSHA Vision

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School is a Catholic college-preparatory high school for young women that excels at developing the whole person. Sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior and grounded in their mission to make known the good ness and kindness of Jesus Christ, we develop our students into capable young women of faith, heart, and intellect who accept the gospel call to live lives that will make a difference.

The 4

Learn more at dsha.info/qualities .


5 Qualities


These qualities find their foundation in the DSHA mission as we are intentionally focused on helping you become a confident and capable young woman. Over your four years as a Dasher, within the safe space of an all-girls environment, the DSHA faculty and staff will help you become these qualities. You will grow in confidence while you develop into each quality—from the time you step foot on campus until your graduation day.

of a DSHA Graduate

“Not only do girls receive a wealth of avenues for self-exploration and development, they also see a wealth of peer role models. Girls need to ‘see it to believe it’ to make them more aware of the possibilities in their own lives and help set them on their own brilliant paths.” Murphy, Executive Director, International Coalition Girls’




Schools 5

At DSHA, we are dedicated to how girls learn best—in all aspects of who they are. We take girls seriously while they take center-stage—all in an environment that promotes a culture of self-confidence, achievement, and support within the Dasher sisterhood. Girls are the leaders in the classroom and beyond—empowered to find and practice using their voice as they become who God created them to be. does make all the

—Mack, DSHA ’23 | Mequon continued >

 

The overwhelming majority of girls’ school students strongly agree they feel supported at their schools: 1 90% report feeling supported by other students (compared to 73% of girls at co-ed schools) 95% feel supported by their teachers (compared to 84% of girls at co-ed schools) 83% feel supported by their school administrations (compared to 63% of girls at co-ed schools) Nearly 96% of all-girls’ school students report receiving more frequent feedback on their assignments and other coursework than girls at co-ed schools. 1

To learn more about the benefits of an all-girls education, visit girlsschools.org

—Ada, DSHA ’24 | Wauwatosa

“You feel safe when you are surrounded by all girls. We give each other emotional support and strength. I can wake up and go to a school that is like a second home to me; it is a true sisterhood. When I’m sharing an opinion in the classroom, I have a lot of support behind my ability to do that. Our teachers are our advocates, too, and they show they want to create a safe space and be willing to listen, engage, and understand the different perspectives and backgrounds that all of the students bring into the classroom.”

—Danielle, DSHA ’22 | Milwaukee

“My confidence has grown so much since arriving at DSHA. I have had so many opportunities to be a leader in a safe and accepting environment. I’ve learned to own my voice and speak up in and outside of the class. I love the built-in support system and non-judgmental environment that an all-girls school brings. There are so many opportunities to meet new people and try new things because you are not pressured to look or be a certain way. You can really be yourself. I have tried new things that I am not sure I would have at a co-ed school — and feel supported in all of it.

The all-girls difference is all about girls!

To be successful, students need more than just a feeling of support. That support must translate into actions geared toward student success. 1 Nearly 87% of all-girls’ school students feel their opinions are respected at their school (compared to 58% of girls at co-ed schools); they are more likely to experience an environment that welcomes an open and safe exchange of ideas. 1

1Dr. Richard A. Holmgren, Allegheny College, Steeped in Learning: The Student Experience at All-Girls Schools

What does the data say? What do Dashers say?

DSHA is a proud to be an official member of the International Coalition of Girls’ Schools.

“I feel so supported by my teachers. They are so welcoming even outside of class; before and after school, they are willing to come in early or stay after so we can get extra help. They are also available during lunch, Dasher Time, or in the ALPHA Center. Even if I don’t have a class with a teacher, I know I can go to any teacher and get help and even a different perspective.”

—Alex, DSHA ’22 | Wauwatosa

—Sally, DSHA ’23 | Mequon For data on all-girls and STEM, turn to page 13!

More positive academic and behavioral interactions [were observed] between teach ers and students in the single-sex schools than in the comparison to coed schools. 2 93% of girls-school grads say they were offered greater leadership opportunities than peers at co-ed school, and 80% of grads have held leadership positions since graduating from high school. 1

3Dr. Cary M. Watson, Stanford University, Sex Roles: A Journal of Research

To learn more about the benefits of an all-girls education, visit girlsschools.org

1Dr. Richard A. Holmgren, Allegheny College, Steeped in Learning: The Student Experience at All-Girls Schools

—Veronica, DSHA ’23 | Hartland

All-girls’ school students have higher aspirations and greater motivation than their female peers at co-ed independent and public schools. 1


The All-Girls Difference is All about Girls!

“I feel safe to share or ask a question in class because I know my teachers and other girls will support that I am speaking up. Each time I share, it builds confidence in me to keep speaking up.”

DSHA is a proud to be an official member of the International Coalition of Girls’ Schools.

2U.S. Department of Education, Early Implementation of Public Single-Sex Schools: Perceptions and Characteristics

What does the data say? What do Dashers say?

“Going to DSHA makes my motivation stronger. I feel uplifted by teachers and my classmates. We help each other in everything we do, and as individuals, it makes us want to work harder and be the best we can be.”

Girls at all levels of achievement in the single-sex schools receive a… benefit from the single-sex school environment in terms of heightened career aspirations . 3

“We have so many different things we can be involved in at school—sports, co-curriculars, campus ministry—you can meet so many different people in different grade levels, and we have lots of opportunities to learn from each other and bond together. At an all-girls school, all of the leadership positions go to girls. When we are underclasswomen, we see girls in these positions and involved in everything, and it motivates us to get involved and gives us confidence we can be leaders in the same way when we get older.”



Our promise to you is this: An experience that combines strong academics for college preparation with deliberate dedication to the development of your whole person, all grounded in Catholic faith formation. During your four years at DSHA, a school-wide commitment from the faculty and staff will allow you to grow in your whole person. You will gain understanding of to manage your own overall and mental/social/emotional—during the high school years and


wellness—intellectual, spiritual, physical,

beyond. WHOLE-PERSON Innovation in education FormationFaithMental/Social/EmotionalHealthCollege-PrepAppliedWellnessAcademics Whole-PersonAreasofFocus 9


DSHA is committed to an dynamic, and departmentally integrated approach to you and your high school education—an education that will care for aspects of who you are!



At DSHA, an innovative schedule will allow you a structured environ ment to prioritize your own overall wellness as you grow in all areas of who you are. In addition to your academic courses, there will be times built into your schedule to help you transition into the whole-person, environment. This includes set times throughout the week to participate in faith formation and co-curricular activities; opportu nities to meet with a teacher or counselor; and designated hours for applied wellness and physical fitness classes.


First Semester Freshman Schedule Sample Week* Print paper in library Dasher Time Meet with counselor.a FreshmanDasherStudyResourceHallTime Faith Friday Co-Curricular Service Team *All classes will have the same number of instructional minutes each semester. All-School Assembly All=School Mass Freshman Resource Study Hall Freshman Resource Study Hall

Friday Latin Latin Latin Algebra Algebra Algebra Theology | The Bible Theology | The Bible Theology | The Bible Theology | The Bible Lunch Lunch Biology Biology Biology Cultures Civilizationsand Cultures Civilizationsand Cultures Civilizationsand Cultures Civilizationsand College-PrepEnglish College-PrepEnglish College-PrepEnglish

An All-Inclusive School Day

Algebra FreshmanWellness Today's Topic: study skills FreshmanWellness Today's Topic: time management Lunch Lunch Dasher Mentor Picnic! Dasher Time Meet with math teacher Dasher Time Meet friends in Commons Freshman Resource Study Hall Library to study for science test ALPHA Center for help with math homework Commons to work on English paper Biology Lab today! Lunch Dasher Time Rosary in the Chapel Applied Wellness Hour / Fitness Applied Wellness Hour / Fitness 1 st Hour 2 nd Hour 3rd Hour 4 th 65DasherHourTime/LunchthHourthHour7thHour8thHour Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


College-Prep 12:1 Student to Teacher Ratio DSHADepartmentsAcademic SocialMathematicsHealthEnglish&FitnessMusicScienceStudies SpecializedStudiesTheatreTheologyVisualArtsWorldLanguages ACADEMIC LE A RNINGPLACE FORHIGHER ACHIEVEMENT CENTER 11

Teachers Committed to How Girls Learn Best Your teachers will guide, motivate, and inspire your learning every day. They will seek to maximize your intellectual abilities, and encourage and advocate for you by balancing the high expectations of a rigorous curriculum with positive reinforcement along the way—they want you to succeed!



They are committed to developing your college-prep learning skills and study habits.

DSHA is committed to teaching girls in the ways they learn best. Because of this, you will grow in confidence in the classroom through the all-girls environment—without distractions—as your teachers support you through four years of increasingly rigorous courses with a focus on the expectations of college classes and programs. A deliberate, solid foundation of interconnected scope and sequence will ensure you are prepared for college and beyond.

Curriculum | A Balanced Course Load


DSHA’s college-preparatory curriculum challenges each student to think critically and communicate effectively while preparing for her college experience.

While the curriculum is rigorous, DSHA faculty, adminis trators, and counselors will emphasize the importance of balance in a student’s academic course load, along with all other aspects and opportunities that make up the whole-person education at DSHA.

ALPHA CENTER | Academic Learning Place for Higher Achievement

Your schedule is structured so you have specific frames of time to get the help you need. Visit the ALPHA Center during study hall. English, math, and science teachers are available during each period to answer your questions. Your teachers have designated times in their own sched ules to accommodate you and your classmates outside of ALPHA Center hours, as well.

College Preparation & Planning at DSHA College Credit in High School You will have a number of opportunities to get a jump on college credit—(and tuition!)—through two types of classes: Dual-Credit/ Concurrent Enrollment and Advanced Placement. With 28 total classes across 8 departments, there are multiple opportunities for students across a wide range of disciplines and interests. Learn more at dsha.info/APdualcredit . graduation and college acceptance rate 100% For a full list of college acceptances, view the 2022-2023 DSHA School Profile at dsha.info/profile 16 AP classes AP English Literature AP English Language & APCompositionCalculusABAPCalculusBCAPStatisticsAPBiologyAPChemistry AP Computer Science A AP Environmental Science AP Physics C Mechanics AP European History AP Human Geography AP U.S. Government & Politics AP U.S. History AP Art: 2D Design AP Spanish Language and Culture 12 dual (college) credit course offerings Ethnicity in CollegeIrishLiteratureAmericanLiteratureContemporaryLiteratureAlgebraCatholicSocialTeachingWorldReligions History:InterculturalLatinAmericaUnitedStatesForeignPolicyTumultuousTimes:The1960sIntermediateFrenchIntermediateLatinPoetryExeptionalLearners


College Planning DSHA’s College Counselor will work with you: Individual consultation with you, your parents, and your Developteachers.anindividual plan for you to pursue your college and career Schedulegoals.your college visits and admissions represen tative Coordinatemeetings. your standardized tests (Pre-ACT, PSAT, AP, and FacilitateACT). college scholarship and award opportunities. At-a-Glance | Class of 2022 College Matriculation 170 Dashers are attending colleges accross 35 states. 39 Dashers are attending a Catholic college or university. 73 Dashers are attending college in Wisconsin:  55 students at a public university.  18 students at a private college or university. 8 students representing 6 different sports will attend college on an athletic scholarship.  Learn more at dsha.info/academics and dsha.info/collegecenter . ACT Composite Class of 2021 AverageDSHA WisconsinAverage 26.1 20.0 $19.2 Million reported scholarship monies for the DSHA class of 2022

entrepreneurship—this is the foundational basis of STEM at DSHA—all within the all-girls environment that will set you up to pursue excellence as you grow in science and math self-confidence with a vision for your future. You will move from a foundational knowledge base into the ability to integrate and apply the concepts of mathematics and science toward real-world problem solving.

Girls’ school grads on average report self-confidence than coeducated peers in their ability to use technical science skills, understand scientific concepts, generate a research question, explain study results, and determine appropriate data collection.


STEM Confidence and Vision By-the-Numbers ALL-GIRLS

1Dr. Tiffani Riggers-Piehl, University of Kansas City, Missouri, Fostering Academic and Social Engagement: An Investigation into the Effects of All-Girls Education in the Transition to University Research Group, The Girls’ School Experience: A Survey of Young Alumnae of Single-Sex Schools

All-girls’ school grads are 6 times more likely to consider majoring in math, science, and technology compared to girls who attend coed schools. 2 Compared to coed peers, girls’ school grads are 3 times more likely to consider engineering careers 3 & STEM

STEM at DSHA Critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and innovation, collabora tion and



3Dr. Linda Sax, UCLA, Women Graduates of Single-Sex and Coeducational High Schools: Differences in their Characteristics and the Transition to College

Additional STEM Offerings STEM Scholars Program This application-based program follows the guidelines of the American Society for Engineering Education, and is for students seeking to integrate and apply their knowledge of math and science in order to create technologies and solutions for real-world problems, using an engineering design approach. ACT Math* 24.319.9DSHA Average Wisconsin Average DSHA STEM Scholar students participate in the following guided opportunities:  Committed engagement in various math and science courses that apply concepts in creative ways.  Small group meetings that provide enrichment opportunities, support, and professional mentoring in STEM fields.  Learning and applying the engineering design process as an approach to creative problem-solving.  Partnerships with local universities and businesses to support STEM study and career interest.  Personal and professional growth along with a head start on a STEM-related career path. For more information, visit dsha.info/stem . ACT Science* 25.420.4DSHA Average Wisconsin Average OpportunitiesCo-Curricular  SMART Team | Students Modeling a Research Topic— works in collaboration with the Medical College of Wisconsin and American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.  Robotics Team | Hilltopper Robotics Team 1732 partners DSHA with MUHS, in conjunction with FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology).  Marine Biology Trip | On-Site Hawaii Field Study  HOSA | Health Occupations Students of America  Math Club  School Ecology Club *CLASS OF 2021 14 Advanced STEM Classes Mathematics  AP Calculus (AB)  AP Calculus (BC)  Discrete Mathematics  Linear Algebra Science  AP Biology  AP Chemistry  AP Environmental Science  AP Physics C Mechanics  Human Anatomy & Physiology Specialized Studies  Introduction to Engineering  Introduction to Computer Science  AP Computer Science  AP Statistics  AutoCAD

 To engage

Grow in your relationship with God; pray and attend Mass in a Catholic community; and live out the goodness and kindness of Jesus Christ in service alongside of your friends. With the experience rooted in the Salvatorian mission and sponsored by the Sisters of the Divine Savior, each girl will grow in her faith as she grows into a globally-aware citizen, living her faith and using her gifts to advocate for justice and the needs of others.

 To foster



Courses and curriculum are aligned with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops document: Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials Young People of High spirituality knowledge of faith. students in the development of a lived faith. an awareness of God’s presence in all of life—the Catholic principle of sacramentality. that faith reaches its fulfillment in relationship to God, others, and the world—the Catholic principle of communion.

School Age. Theology at DSHA → Primary Goals  To nurture


 To communicate

Theology At-A-Glance: The Bible: The Living Word of God JesusChristology:Christand the Paschal Mystery The New Testament: The Good News of Jesus The Church: Its Message & Mission The Sacramental Life: Encounters with Christ Catholic Morality: Our Response to God’s Love Living our Vocation OR World SocialCatholicReligionsTeaching 1st Semester 2nd Semester Freshman Yr. Sophomore Yr. Junior Yr. Senior Yr. FAITHFORMATION and Catholic Identity 15

Campus Ministry at DSHA “I structure my week around Campus Ministry. There are so many opportunities for you to grow spiritually—through prayer, liturgy, and our Advent and Lenten projects. The offerings that are given for faith forma tion—specifically the optional offerings are the most meaningful and help me grow the most because you see girls who truly want to grow in their faith.”

— Claire, DSHA ’23 | Fox Point

. Campus OpeningMinistryRetreat Early Fall | gr. 9-12 Through Turbulancethe Fall or Spring of Sophomore Year Be Present Fall of Junior Year Saying Yes Spring of Senior Year Set Sail Fall FreshmanofYear • • • • • 16

Apeer-ministry.relationally-based, staff and peer ministry model is specifically rooted in the ways teen girls grow spiritually, and connect to God and one another. You will participate in meaningful, faith-filled programming and then have the opportunity to lead when you are ready.

Learn more at dsha.info/faithformation

Live out your faith and practice the presence of God through daily allschool prayer, weekly Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, reconciliation, Rosary, special programming during Advent and Lent, and more.

Service Join in on the nearly 25,000 hours of service (in one school year!) as you live out the gospel call to advocate for the needs of others— rooted in the Salvatorian mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in the world. Retreats Retreats provide a safe, place for you to explore and ignite your individual faith while connecting with classmates through shared experiences; all tai lor-made for the teenage girl, grounded in scripture, and based on a model of

Prayer, Liturgy, and Worship



Collections:presentationsFranciscan Peacemakers retreat at DSHA ofmakingSandwichforRepairerstheBreach

Lectio AppliedsessionsDivinaduringWellnessFreshman

 Gr8





 Eucharistic

Campus OrientationOpeningMinistryRetreatFreshmanMass  Introduce


DSHAAll-School Mass All-day Eucharistic Adoration through Applied Wellness

Catholic Schools Week Celebration All-School Mass Collections: Mother of Good Council food pantry Eucharistic Adoration, and Rosary Fun days, Catholic trivia, dress up days, and more! Lengths Assembly Lent at DSHA Lenten assembly Ash Wednesday All-School Mass Student Auction, Penny Wars, and collections to raise money for Lenten Project organization Divine Mercy Chaplet, Eucharistic Adoration, and Rosary Reconciliation during Theology class Campus Ministry small groups Stations of the Cross level Faith Fridays Campus Ministry bible studies begin during wellness Optional Junior Retreat at

FEB. MAR. SEP. OCT. Scripture Theme of the Year All-School Mass Introduction to Campus Ministry offerings Jordan Awareness Week All-School Foundation Day Mass Adoration and Rosary Collections: Mother of Good Counsel food pantry Service

All-SchoolSophomoreMassretreat All-school Eucharistic Adoration Collections: Mother of Good Counsel food pantry All students are invited to apply to be a MinistryCampusleader

RetreatSophomoreMassAll Saints’ Day Mass Campus Ministry Instagram Takeover: music, scripture, and reflections by students & teachers Collections: Mother of Good Counsel food pantry Gratitude Journaling during WellnessAppliedSenior retreat at DSHA All-DSHA community food drive Campus Ministry leaders Christmas service House of ThanksgivingPeaceDinner Boxes




DSHA’s Campus Ministry Department offers peer-connected opportunities for students to help them grow in their faith and authentically connect with others as a Catholic community. Below are some highlights from the programs that enhance the ongoing faith formation offerings that occur throughout the year. Those ongoing opportunities include community prayer, weekly Masses, Sacramental life, theology classes, and service.

New Campus Ministry leaders are commissionedEndofyear All-School Mass Baccalaureate Mass for the graduating class Vocare forimmersionserviceprojectsseniors


Advent at DSHA Advent Assembly Theology classes study Christmas Scripture Collections & prayer for Advent Project organization Advent confessions, Eucharistic Adoration, and Rosary in the Mother of Our Savior Chapel Hats, scarves, and mittens drive Feast of the Immaculate Conception & Our Lady of Guadalupe All-School Mass Candlelight Memorial Service


More direct access to counselors. Because they are freed up from administrative tasks, unlike the typical public school staffing model, they have more time to meet with and counsel students.

On-site therapy for students in need, in collaboration with Children’s Hospital of AWisconsin.moreindividualized approach to college planning than that of a typical high school. Our dedicated college counselor will walk you through every step of the way to not only find the right college for you, but to also lessen the anxiety and stress that can come with the process.

++ 1 Director of Student Services 3 School Counselors 1 Licensed TherapistSchool-Based 1 Director of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion 1 Director of College Counseling 1 Applied Wellness Director 4 Support Staff A stellar staffing structure ready to meet your needs!= ++++ STUDENT SERVICES What makes Student Services so special at DSHA? •••123

Student Services and Applied Wellness Department

At DSHA, this department is student-centered, community-focused, and fully dedicated to the mental/social/emotional, academic, and college and career needs of our students. The entire staff will guide students to accept life’s chal lenges with confidence as advocates, collaborators, advisors, teachers, coaches, and supporters. Student Services serves students—all to ensure that each girl is able to navigate her college-prep high school experience in a healthy community, with resources tailored to meet the needs of each student.


Here is what this means for

What does Student Services provide to DSHA students and families?  Learn more about our individualized approach to college counseling on page 12. College & Career Planning  Consult individually with students, parents, and teachers/staff  Intervene with students of concern  Offer referrals to outside agencies Social and Emotional Development Academic Planning & Support  Advise students on course selection  Consult individually with students, parents, and teachers/staff  Monitor high-need students  Facilitate staffings (with students, parents, and teachers) regarding concerns DSHA holds one of the lowest student to counselor ratios in the state of Wisconsin. Did you know? SERVICES Serving the mental / social / emotional, academic, and college / career needs of students. Learn more at dsha.info/studentservices . 20

A four-year, school-wide commitment will allow students to grow into the ability to manage their own wellness—during the high school years and beyond. Learn more at dsha.info/wellness

IndividualWellness inclusiondiversity,physicalhealthequity,& emotionalmentalsocialhealth spiritualintellectualhealthhealth


Wellness for the real world. This unique-to-DSHA program is designed to mimic how individuals achieve whole-person wellness beyond high school: through reflection, contemplation, planning, and action. We will provide you with the framework and a variety of opportunities to practice and internalize this process so that wellness becomes more than a requirement—it becomes a way of life.

Sophomore-Senior Year: You will choose among a number of hands-on wellness experiences to help you gain a better understanding of the resources and experiences that align with your needs. They will be customized, individualized, and dynamic to meet your changing needs.


First semester, you will take Freshman Wellness. This occurs opposite of your twice-weekly Freshman Foundational Fitness class and is designed to help you navigate your DSHA experience—all with a focus on individual and community wellness. Second semester, you will have additional guided Applied Wellness experiences. Learn more on page 32!

Freshman Year:


Each student will receive the support she needs to have access to everything DSHA has to offer her spiritual, social, emotional, and academic formation. When these needs are met, it will lead students to have a strong sense of belonging, and to become capable and confident young women of faith, heart and intellect who accept the gospel call to live lives that will make a difference.


Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion more at dsha.info/diversity

DSHA’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion is rooted in our Catholic identity and Salvatorian mission. Loving one another means putting into practice Catholic Social Teaching, and our scriptural call to “do justice, love goodness, and humbly walk with God” (Micah 6:8) is foundational to our Catholic faith and integral to the formation of all Christians. We also believe that all people are made in the image and likeness of God.


What does DEI support look like DSHA?

This refers to the myriad of personal experiences, values, perspectives, talents, and worldviews that arise from differ ences in culture and circumstance. DSHA values diversity among the students we recruit and the staff we hire. DSHA promotes and supports diversity through a range of curricular and co-cur ricular offerings, as well as through programmatic pastoral and experiential learning. We support and develop young women, who rooted in their own faith tradition, are able to embrace and respect differences in background and perspective, while being open to appreciating and learning about the wider world.

As a Catholic community, we are called to embrace the dignity and talents of each individual in our school community as well as in our society at large. We strive to build an inclusive campus for our students, the families that support them, and our community of colleagues where each individual experiences an authentic sense of belonging in a loving, caring, and supportive community. We strive to actively live our call to love God and one another in all we do, and in the experiences of our community members, always reminded that we are rooted in our Catholic faith and its call to social justice.

 Academics | Success, Opportunity, and Growth  Unity | Actively Building Bridges  Respect for All | Appreciation + Celebration of Community  A Place to Belong | Welcoming Environment for Students + Families Sampling of Student DEI Opportunities  Co-Curriculars Student Diversity BestFuriaCouncilLatinaSistersofCultureBuddies  Monthly DialoguesDasher  Multi-Cultural Week  Special Liturgies Black History Month OurMassLady of Guadalupe Mass  Marian Scholar Peer Mentoring How does DSHA define DEI? 22 Diversity

. Equity

Explore your passions! Co-curriculars are an integral part of the DSHA experience, with opportunities built into the school day and beyond. Why is this such an important part of your high school experience? Research has shown that involvement in these activities will help you and your classmates with the following: Positive benefits to your academic record. A greater sense of belonging to the school community. Practice personal and professional leadership development while gaining confidence in a safe space. Healthier, more balanced Positivebehaviors.results in college and Enhancedbeyond.development in life skills. CO-CURRICULAR Involvement ••••••234561

2022 2023 Co Curricular Offerings at DSHA A co-curricular is a group whose learning experience complements and extends what students are learning and experiencing in:  Academic departments  Close connection to our mission as a Catholic school Co-curriculars are designed to strengthen classroom learning and mission focus. Co-curriculars offer students a space to create, plan, implement, and lead various school-wide activities, opportunities, and events. Most co-curriculars are offered during the school day— they help build community through shared interests and across grade levels. There is a co-curricular for everyone to explore their passions or try something new! What is a co-curricular at DSHA? 43215 Learn more at dsha.info/cocurriculars . Academic-focused offerings: SMART Team | Students Modeling a Research Topic The Word Student Publication Yearbook Latin Convention Model RoboticsReadingU.N.Club|after school with MUHS School Ecology/Garden Art AthleticStudioPerformance Training Film ForensicsStudy| after school French Club HOSA | Health Occupations Students of America      Mission-focused offerings: Retreat Planning Team Mass ServicePlanningTeams | some examples include:  Collections Team  Goodness & Kindness Team  Hometown Heroes  Raise Awareness  She’s the First Asian Student Union Best AdvisoryStudentSistersRespectFuriaBuddiesLatinaLifeofCultureAthleticsCouncil Student Council Commissions:  Communications  Student Diversity + Inclusion  Policies & Practices  School Spirit & Pride  Student Wellbeing  Special Events  Student Ambassadors  24

What does it mean to be a Dasher athlete? At DSHA, you will join a long-standing tradition of athletic excellence. You will also join a culture that creates space for each and every student athlete. Across all fifteen sports, coaches and staff intentionally develop and encourage student-athletes in the areas of: Service to Others Leadership Sportsmanship DASHERATHLETICS Athletic Excellence Team WorkAcademic Success 35 Wisconsin ChampionshipsState 9 ChampionshipsNational 64% of DSHA athleticsparticipatestudentsinDasher 8 Dashers from the class of 2022 are attending college on an athletic scholarship •••• 25

Basketball | Varsity, JV, Freshman A & B * Cross Country | Varsity, JV * Field Hockey | Varsity, Varsity Reserve, JV, JV-Red, JV-White Golf | Varsity, JV * Gymnastics | Co-op WIAA Varsity, JV * Ice Hockey | Co-op WIAA Varsity, JV Lacrosse | Varsity, JV * Rugby | Club – A side, B side * Skiing | Varsity, JV Soccer | Varsity, JV, Freshman Softball | Varsity, JV, Freshman * Swimming & Diving | Varsity, JV Tennis | Varsity, JV * Track & Field | Varsity, JV Volleyball | Varsity, JV, Freshman A & B *Denotes non-cut sport. DSHA Athletic Offerings: Fitness & Performance  DSHA offers year-round strength and conditioning coaching to benefit all athletes of all grade levels.  The program is specifically designed for girls to improve overall fitness and enhance athletic performance.  Specific areas addressed: vertical jump, speed, agility, quickness, and overall fitness level. 15 different sport offerings is the most for girls in the state of WI! Learn more at dsha.info/athletics . 71% of our higher.GPAathletesstudent-haveaof3.5or

A place to explore, create and shine! Develop confidence, talents, freedom of expression, and creativity through fine arts. Whether you try a painting class to explore a new creative outlet, or have your sights set on Broadway, DSHA has a fine arts opportunity for every interest and ability level. Music: Vocal & Instrumental Concert Choir | introductory Camerata Singers | highly motivated singers Angelaires* | select vocal performance ensemble Sing or play an instrument at school liturgies or other special events Handbells | beginner and advanced Orchestra | open to all with at least one year of experience Divine Strings* | large and small ensemble performance opportunities ChoirCampusOpportunitiesMinistryMusic Team Instrumental Opportunities Visual Arts: Discover your inner creator! Introductory Offerings Design, discovery, and self-expression. Skill-Building Offerings From ceramics and graphic design, to fibers, jewelry, painting, and more. Mastery Offerings Create a body of work in your medium of choice. *Audition required for membership. FINE ARTS DSHAat Theatre: Shine on stage—or behind the scenes! Academic theatre classes | both acting & technical theatre Annual Musical | all students eligible for audition Annual Stage Play | all students eligible for audition Academic Theatre Production | for students enrolled in course Community Theatre Works | summer musical—all students eligible to participate Opportunity to audition for theatrical productions at Marquette University High School.   

DSHA Theatre Recent Productions Musical Theatre 2022  Sister Act  Matilda the Musical 2021  Disney’s Freaky Friday  Godspell 2019  Disney’s Beauty & the Beast  Disney’s Newsies 2018  Les Misérables School Edition  Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory 2017  Disney’s The Little Mermaid  Disney’s Mary Poppins Stage Plays 2022  Puffs 2020  It’s a Wonderful Life: A Live Radio Play  Get Smart 2019  Almost Maine  Edgar Allen Poe’s Murder Mystery Dinner Party 2018  Stage Door  Thriller of the Year 2017  A Piece of my Heart  Always a Bridesmaid Learn more at dsha.info/finearts . 28

Pictured: 2021-22 DSHA Marian Scholars (front row) with their 2021-22 + 2022-23 peer mentors.


The Marian Scholars Program at DSHA is a student-centered, inclusive education program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Rooted in a spirit of inclusivity and inspired by Blessed Mary of the Apostles, founder of the Sisters of the Divine Savior—whose mission is to make known the goodness and kindness of Jesus Christ.



Provides opportunities for students to participate in all aspects of the DSHA community, from taking a variety of classes in the general education setting to participating in Mass, clubs, theatre, and more!

Relies on a collaborative peer mentoring component with DSHA students to help engage Marian Scholars in class and throughout other parts of their day.

The Marian Scholars Program

Supports the belief that all students deserve opportunities to maximize their academic, social, and spiritual potential, building upon our mission to educate young women in a Christ-centered community that values diversity.

Wisconsin's first and only high school recognizedby the National Catholic Board on Full Inclusion

of general

Each Scholar’s schedule is designed with input from parents/guardians, teachers, and the girls girl in the Marian Program a schedule a mixture education elective well as the opportunity education specifically designed for in the program.

Program Curriculum

academic and

for special


classes, as




that includes

classes in reading, writing, and math that are


themselves. Every

Visit dsha.info/marianscholars to learn more about Marian Scholars Program admissions. Marian scholar | Sample Freshman Schedule: Reading/Writing Resource* Math CollegeResource*PrepEnglish I* Foundational Fitness + Freshman Wellness Seminar Cultures and Civilizations The Bible: The Living Word of God Art FrenchFoundationsIorSpanish I 1 st Period 2 nd Period 3 rd Period 4 th Period 5 th Period 6 th Period 7 th Period 8 th Period *Classes designed and taught specifically for students in the Marian Scholars Program. Transition into Post-High School  During junior and senior years at DSHA, Marian Scholars and their families will work closely with teachers and counselors to explore post-high school options.  The Marian Scholars Program will culminate in students achieving a certificate of completion, along with participation in the DSHA baccalaureate and commencement ceremonies with their classmates. 30

Social Transition Moving from middle school to high school can feel overwhelming. At DSHA, current students, teachers, and staff are here to make sure you feel at home and welcome right away—even before your first day! A DSHA experience means a place to belong and friends for a lifetime. Here’s how it starts: Spring Semester of 8 th Grade Year  Incoming Freshman Visit Day  Incoming Freshman Orientation— with parents  Incoming Freshman Mass  Incoming Freshman Lock-In  Incoming Freshman Fun Night with MUHS Fall of Freshman Year  Dasher Mentors + Picnic  Freshman Orientation  Set Sail Freshman Retreat  Freshman Service Day  Dash-a-Thon  Ice Cream Social— for students + parents  Dasher Mentors  Summer Cool  Learning How to Learn: How to Succeed in High School  Camp Dasher  Leadership Boot Camp  Athletic Camps Summer Before Freshman Year HIGH SCHOOL The transition to 31

ALPHA (Academic Learning Place For Higher Achievement) for individualized help with a teacher in math, science, or English.

Creating and committing to a solid academic routine, including: Time management skills more! the dimensions of wellness through self-assessment, reflection, goal setting and application. the people and resources that work best for you. course takes place in conjuction with Freshman Foundational Fitness.

 Learning

 Developing


 Quiet

 Organization  Study

 Learning

 And

Freshman Resource | first semester freshman year

 Finding

* This

 Exploring

All freshmen are required to take a guided study hall when beginning at DSHA. This will help you learn to create balance, meet the academic rigor of DSHA, and allow for designated opportunities to access the following:

Freshman Wellness * | first semester freshman year

 Embracing

This interactive classroom experience takes place twice each week and is designed to help you transition from middle school into the college-prep environment. Freshman Wellness connects students with the people, resources, and opportunities at DSHA which are here to help each student make the most of their freshman year and beyond. In Freshman Wellness, groups of students will work with school counselors, teachers, campus ministers, administrators, and members of the Applied Wellness program to participate in thoughtful discussions, work together on activities, build relationships, and learn more about themselves and DSHA. Throughout the semester, you will learn and practice the following: a growth mindset: meeting new people new things about the policies, processes, and other guidelines at DSHA.

Transition to the College-Prep Environment

Individualized time with a teacher or counselor. study time in a classroom.


Over 40% of families receive some form of tuition assistance. DSHA is committed to offering need-based and merit-based scholarships, as well as other forms of tuition assistance and financial aid in order to: Provide an outstanding college-preparatory, Catholic education to qualified students regardless of a family's financial circumstances. Enroll the strongest student body possible—including a financial and mission-based commitment to a diverse group of young women with different gifts, perspectives, and life experiences. Scholarship Stories

Tuition Assistance, &

Scan or visit dsha.info/scholarships to hear directly from students about their all-girls, Catholic experience, and the scholarships that make DSHA possible.


When do I apply for financial aid?

When in doubt, apply! Every aid-based tuition assistance award is determined upon careful evaluation of each family’s financial situation. Factors that can impact an award include: income, total number of children/dependents, tuition paid at other schools, and additional life expenses and circumstances unique to that family.

Who should apply for financial aid? our family qualify?

How do I apply for financial aid?

Families interested in need-based financial aid must complete a financial aid application through Blackbaud Financial Aid Management — DSHA's financial aid management software provider. Visit dsha.info/tuitionsupport for more information.

Is financial aid available for things outside of tuition? Yes! DSHA has resources available to help families who qualify with the costs associated with the following items: ACT fee · AP exam fee · books · college application fees · college bus trip · dance tickets · bus tickets · select co-curricular activities · dresses for formal dances · graduation dresses and white gloves · overnight trips including Campus Ministry retreats and world language study trips · uniforms

Tuition Assistance & Financial Aid FAQs Does DSHA have other forms of tuition assistance beyond financial aid? Yes! Turn the page to learn more about:  The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program  Merit-Based Scholarships  Catholic School Personnel Grant  Other forms of tuition assistance Questions about scholarships and financial aid? Contact Director of Admissions & Financial Aid Ann Duffy, DSHA ’10 at DuffyA @ dsha.info or 414.616.2805 . Learn more at dsha.info / tuitionsupport and dsha.info / scholarships

Incoming freshman families must apply for financial aid in the fall during the admissions application period. The online application is available early October –November 4, 2022. Applications must be complete by the November 4 deadline to be eligible for need-based financial assistance. Awards will be sent with admis sions decisions in January 2023.

Are financial aid awards renewable?

Yes! The financial aid award given at the time of acceptance will be renewed each year, given the family’s financial circumstances remain the same. Families that are interested in receiving financial aid must re-apply each year.


SCHOLARSHIPS, FINANCIAL AID, & TUITION ASSISTANCE ( cont. ) 46% 20% 19% $2,999$1,000- $3,000$6,999 $10,000$7,000- $10,000 + 15% Range of Financial Aid Awards DSHA gave over $1.2 Million in financial aid during the 2022-23 school year. 30% of the student body raisedDSHAawardsfinancialreceivesaidfromfund-dollars. 95% of families who apply for financial aid receive some form of tuition assistance. $6,144 average need-based award in 2022-23 35

Beacon Scholarship | full-tuition, renewable Awarded to at least one young woman of color in the Mil waukee-area. Criteria: entrance exam score, recommendation from middle school, demonstrated strong commitment by the students and parents, a strong record of achievement in middle school, and demonstrated financial need. Application: Due Friday, Nov. 4.

Sophomore – Senior Years

A number of merit-based scholarships are available for students following freshmen year. These are awards are a mix of application-based and faculty-nominated scholarships.

A number of merit-based scholarships are given for exceptional academic achievement at the time of acceptance. Admitted stu dents will also have the opportunity to apply for criteria-based scholarships following acceptance.

 This grant offers a tuition reduction of up to $1,500 per daughter and is renewable upon application each year.  To be eligible, one must be employed by a Catholic elementary or secondary school in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee at the time the application is submitted.

Centennial Scholarship | $3,000, renewable This award is for the student (or students) with the highest DSHA entrance exam score.* Application: No application required.

Other helpful ways toassist with DSHA tuition:

ScholarshipName Recognition of GradeEligible*Levels forNominationApplication/ Alumnae Service student efforts in service to others gr. 10 + 11 | eligible to apply BeatriceHaggertyM. achievement in math & leadership,science,co-currciulars,service gr. 10 + 11 | faculty/ staff recommendation Dr. Angela T. Pienkos excels in studiessocial gr. 11 | eligible to apply EdnaFineJensenArts talent & promise in an area of fine arts gr. 10 + 11 | fine arts facultydationrecommen Public Policy passiondemonstratedforpublicpolicy gr. 10 + 11 | eligible to apply Sarah M. MemorialHegarty leadership, goal oriented, strong character, friendly, grade co-curricularspoint, gr. 11 | recommendationfaculty/staff Woman Characterof proactive and dynamic achiever,learner,enthusiasticstudent,courageouscommunitybuilder gr. 9 + 10 + 11 | recommendationfaculty/staff

10 Month Payment Plan | 10 payments may be made over the course of a period between July (before school starts) and April to assist families as needed.

Tuition Tax Credit | Wisconsin parents/ guardians are eligible for a maximum deduction of $10,000/child in grades 9-12 for eligible payments made during the calendar year. We suggest you contact your tax professional to see how this credit impacts you. 529 Plan | Families may use 529 plans to pay up to $10,000 in tuition expenses at private K-12 schools.

Horizon Caddie Scholarship | 90% of tuition, renewable Awarded to one incoming freshman who has demonstrated financial need and resides in the Greater Milwaukee area.

In addition to the $1.2 million in financial aid awards, the following are other opportunities for tuition assistance:

Milwaukee Parental Choice Program

In appreciation of and to help provide a Catholic education for the children of Catholic school employees, DSHA offers a Catholic School Personnel Grant.

*Scholarship is awarded during the year of application eligibility, and will count toward the following school year. E.g., a scholarship awarded during grade 10 will count toward tuition during grade 11.

Freshman Year

 Applications for the February open application period (2023-24 school year) are available February 1, 2023 and due by February 20, 2023.

 Families interested in the MPCP should also complete a financial aid application in November.

Catholic PersonnelSchoolGrant

Leadership & Service Scholarship | $500$1,000, one-time award These awards are based on outstanding leadership in school, parish, or community and/or demonstrated accomplishment in volunteering and service to the community, above and beyond their school service requirement. Application: Available in January after acceptance.

Merit Scholarship Opportunities |

 DSHA participates in the February open application period.

The Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) provides renewable vouchers for tuition, fees, and textbooks for families who live in the City of Milwaukee and meet the program’s income criteria.

*Additional academic scholarships may be awarded based on high entrance exam scores.

Criteria: entrance exam score above the 90th percentile, recommendation from middle school, a demonstrated strong commitment by the students and parents, and a strong record of achievement in middle school. Application: Available in January after acceptance.

Merit Scholarship Opportunities |



TRANSPORTATIONLOCATION & Located in Milwaukee, near Wauwatosa and Brookfield, DSHA annually draws students from over 120 middle schools across 60 zip codes throughout the metropolitan area. Where is DSHA located? + •

Milwaukee- 215 Wauwatosa- 122 Cedarburg- 8 Muskego- 9 Menomonee Falls- 29 Whitefish Bay- 25 Brookfield- 43 Franklin- 18 Hales Corners- 3 Mequon- 32 West Bend- 8 Delafield- 3 New Berlin- 17 Sussex- 3 Colgate- 4 Brown Deer- 4 Hartford- 1 Pewaukee- 10 Grafton- 3 Elm Grove- 8 Greenfield- 6Waukesha- 8 West Allis- 10 River Hills- 2 East Troy- 1 Waterford- 1 Glendale- 8 Oak Creek- 1 Greendale- 7 Shorewood- 12 Germantown- 8 Fox Point- 14 Richfield- 5 Lisbon- 1 Racine- 1 Saukville- 2 Hubertus- 4 Bayside- 3 DIVINE SAVIOR HOLY ANGELS HIGH SCHOOL Hartland- 3 Mt. Pleasant- 1 Oconomowoc- 10 Oconomowoc Lake- 2 Nashota- 1 Drawing students from all over the greater Milwaukee area allows Dashers to meet classmates who share similar interests and talents, while offering students the opportunity to engage with friends they might not otherwise meet, and to develop as young women who embrace and respect differences in background and perspective. Our commitment to whole-person education includes widening each young woman’s outlook on her community, city, and the world. This experience, unique at the high school level, is similar to what our young women will find in college.

How will I find a carpool?

Parents need them and girls LOVE them! Most students carpool at some point throughout the year. Upon enrollment, you will be added to the online directory with the ability to search for a carpool with other DSHA families of all grade levels. When is school open in the morning? And when does it close? Whether studying in the commons, working out in the fitness center, studying in the library, or sticking around for a sports practice or music rehearsal, our doors are open for your daughter both before and after school. Students have access to the building as early as 6:00 a.m. And after school, your daughter will have a safe space to be productive until her ride arrives into the evening. Are there bussing options?

Now I drive the carpool with younger girls and get to help them and carry on what was helpful to me. I play field hockey in the fall, so the other girls get rides home in a different way, but depending on the time of year, we figure it out and make it work. Even as I’m older, my parents love that I’m driving younger girls, because it helps them feel good to know I am safe and not driving alone. I love my carpool! Jayda, DSHA ’23 | Mequon “ Learn more at dsha.info/transportation . 38

Bussing options are available to students from the Milwaukee South side and Menomonee Falls School District. I ’ve been in a carpool since freshman year. Both of my parents work downtown so it was so helpful for them. But I loved it because I was able to be with older girls and it gave me an anchor and helped build relationships going into freshman year.

The Word Magazine is published each semester to capture the stories of Dashers and the DSHA community. Visit dsha.info/word to view full issues. Fall Semester 2021 features include:  Faith | Student Advent Project  Heart | Junior Activity + Interview Day  Intellect | Marian Scholars  And more! The DSHA Annual Report is published each year to celebrate Dasher achievements and pay gratitude to donors. Visit dsha.info/annual to view full issues.  Faith | Goodness & Kindness through Vocare Service  Heart | Multi-Cultural Week  Intellect | College Prep Writing  And more! Spring Semester 2022 features include: 2021-2022 Academic Year | features include:  Developing the whole person | Prepared to Become President  Making known the goodness and kindness of Jesus Christ | A Heart for Service & Others  Capable young women of faith, heart and intellect | Discovering a Passion to Teach  Accepting the gospel call to live a life that makes a difference | Changing Lives through STEM  And more! Dasher Stories | Highlights, Happenings, and Achievements Faith. Heart. Intellect. ANNUAL REPORT LEARN MORE about the DSHA All-Girls difference 39

Visit dsha.info for up-to-date information on all things DSHA—from curriculum and Campus Ministry offerings, to special events, athletics, and fine arts happenings! Follow us on social media: My Dream Started at DSHA | Stories and experiences from students, alumnae, teachers, and more! So many of life’s dreams begin in high school. Scan or visit MyDreamStartedAtDSHA.com to see what members of the school community have to say about their dreams and experiences at DSHA.

. Camp categories include: MusicLeadershipFaithAthletics TheatreStudySTEMReadingSkills Visual WritingWellnessArts Create your own Dasher story this summer!

Each summer, DSHA runs hundreds of camps and classes created and designed for girls in rising grades 1-9. Summer of 2023 camp information will be available in February 2023. To learn more visit dsha.info/summer

Summer Cool at DSHA

Grab your parents, scan the code or visit dsha.info/apply , and start the application using the myDSHA admissions checklist. The full application includes:  Parent application  Student essay  Teacher recommendation forms  Registration for the entrance exam  Financial aid application (optional) Wait patiently!  The DSHA Admissions Committee will carefully review your full set of application materials.  Admissions decisions and financial aid awards will be sent to families by the first week of January.  Merit-based scholarships are either awarded upon acceptance, or available for application following acceptance. Submit your application—it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! NovemberFriday, 4 Application & FinancialDeadline:AidHelpful hint: You do not need to complete the full application in one sitting! You can start, take a break, and then return to the process at any point before Nov. 4. APPLY TODAY! Class of 2027 •1 Take the entrance exam! DSHA will administer the exam on: Don’t forget! You must register for the entrance exam in your myDSHA admissions checklist!  Friday, November 4  Saturday, November 5••23 41

Divine Savior Holy Angels High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic orgin in administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Would you like to receive up-to-date mailings and emails from DSHA?Scan or visit dsha.info/inquiry to be be added to our mailing list. VISIT & DISCOVER 2022DSHA2023 School Year Save the date! OPEN HOUSE 8 th Grade | Oct. 23, 2022 5 th -7 th Grade | Apr. 23, 2023 Learn more at dsha.info/openhouse . Scan or visit to learn more about opportunities to visit DSHA. dsha.info/visit

Non Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit Milwaukee,2221WI Visit & discover DSHA! dsha.info/visit 8 th Grade Open House Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022 5 th -7 th Grade Open House Sunday, Apr. 23, 2023 Divine Savior Holy Angels High School OPEN HOUSE 4257 Nor th 100th Street | Milwau ke e, WI 53222 A ll Girls Mak es All the Diff erence | dsha.info SPONSORED BY THE SIS TERS OF THE DIVINE SAVIOR D ivine S avior H oly Angels H igh School 4257 Nor th 100th Street | Milwau ke e, WI 53222 A ll Girls Makes All the Difference | dsha.info S PONSORED BY THE S ISTERS OF THE D IVINE S AVIOR D ivine S avior H oly Angels H igh School Learn more at dsha.info/openhouse .

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