digital social innovation next steps
@marleenstikker @waag
distributed technology enables horizontal innovation
open is the driver open networks innovative combinations of network solutions and infrastructures, e.g. sensor networks, free interoperable network services, open Wifi, bottom up-broadband, distributed social networks, p2p infrastructures open data innovative ways to capture, use, analyse, and interpret open data coming from people and from the environment open knowledge co-production of new knowledge and crowd mobilisation based on open contents, open source and open access open hardware new ways of making and using open hardware solutions
classification towards creating a data-driven Ecology suggested by MIT, Bollier and Clippinger 2013
•Apps •Alternative currency •Citizen science •Collaborative consumption •Crowdfunding •Crowdsourcing •Crowdmapping •Crowdcampaining •Crowdsuing •Citizen journalism •Data visualization •DIY Bio •e-petitions •Online learning models •Online market place •P2P economy •Peer support •Personal Fabrication •Smart citizens
own choice ?
‌ it starts with the design of identity ‌
the effect of adding ‘digital’ to our culture in wikipedia Identity in psychology, sociology, anthropology and philosophy, identity is the conception, qualities, beliefs, and expressions that make a person (self-identity) or group (such as national identity and cultural identity) different from others
Digital identity A digital identity is information used by computer systems to represent an external agent. That agent may be a person, organisation, or device. The information in digital identities is used by computers to make decisions about how to interact with external agents.
governments design identity systems
companies design identity systems
start ups design identity systems
and what about citizens ?
they are not represented in the design process
identity lab based on co-creation
Waag with Ministry of Inner Affairs
co-creation tools
what citizens want ?
polymorph pseudo identities with attributes
the importance of artists involvement Heath Bunting
some bugs are never fixed
intended backdoors
redesign - we have to reverse the design process - acknowledge that technology is not neutral - define explicit values: reciprocity, fair, inclusive, open - put user based value at the centre - rethink shareholder value - develop new economic models based on the commons
‌ it starts with the design of the value model ‌ @marleenstikker @waag