Team Chronicle takes a great deal of pride to announce that DSM is back with its annual Business magazine 'DSM Chronicle' issue 2019-20. So let's dive into this journey full of instances from college life, placement talks, corporate interviews, words of wisdom from our Professors, and much more. Through these we hope to inculcate a spirit of camaraderie and to foster cognitive enlightenment. Delhi School of Management has emerged as one of the finest institutions in India, and here you can refer to the various events, festivals, and competitions conducted in the year 2019-20. This magazine also attempts to provide valuable business lessons through the words of corporate leaders, experience alumni, and various speakers who participated in the guest lecture series. You may also enjoy the newly added segment, Creative Block, which has contributions from the students themselves. With this note, we invite you to be a part of the journey and experiences of DSM from the past year through our magazine. Happy Reading!