Samantha Milner Presents
PLR Magic – PLR Magic That Is So Powerful It Will Trick You To Six Figures Online!
You Have Full Master Resale & Giveaway Rights To This Product! Basically You Can Do Whatever You Like With It As Long As It Is Not Altered. If You Would Like Premium Master Resale Rights On This Product Please Click Here By DSM Publishing Limited
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Affiliate Program We have this great PLR ebook in place so that by sending people to our free report you can make an absolute killing. How it works is that when people enter their email address for the free report which you can see HERE they are then offered a package for $47 which includes several top rated PLR products which would cost a premium if retailed individually. They will then be offered to buy other products through our shop and autoresponder sequence. If they sign up through your affiliate link on ClickBank you earn 60% on all the sales. All you have to do is send people to our free PLR report and we will do the rest. It’s so much easier to say “check out this free report” rather than trying to sell them something and the end result is still the same. You can sign up by clicking here.
PLR Magic If there is one method for lazy internet marketing that I love it has to be Private Label Rights or PLR for short. To make the big bucks online unless you have an unlimited supply of cash to hand over to ghost writers PLR offers a great option. It is lazy because it is an amazing time saver above any other method online. We are going to show you through the following pages how easy it is to generate huge sums of money through private label rights but it’s not for the faint hearted so get comfy whilst we talk you through the best bits of PLR. I am a big fan of private label rights and after reading this free report you will have forgotten everything you have previously read about PLR. The truth is successful internet marketers think differently about private label rights and clearly see what it can offer their business. If you struggle sometimes with what to write and suffer from writers block private label rights can be perfect for you. It can give you the inspiration that you are lacking which in turn will give you the practice before you write your own ebooks from scratch. Alternatively there is nothing standing in your way to have each of your products originally devised from private label products. Even if you handed over a PLR product to a ghost writer and asked for a 30% re-write the chances are it would only cost you $200 rather than the usual $1,000. PLR offers a great opportunity to get your product out there super fast especially if you are unsure of your writing abilities or have a limited time to put into your business. A couple of hours are all it takes to make a PLR product your own and I am sure that none of us are that clever that we can write our own product from scratch in just TWO HOURS! I know I certainly can’t!
I could probably do one in six hours because I have been writing them for so long. But for a beginner to internet marketing I am sure we are looking at a few days! Even what you would call a saturated PLR ebook could be bought by you and turned into a brand new unique product in the space of a few short days. Then watch as you count the cash from your own product. Most internet marketers have used PLR at some point or another. I have done this myself especially for creating new free reports to use as mailing list builders. What you probably don’t realise is that many internet marketing gurus that have six figure launches come from PLR. They will have kept a set amount of the content and the rest of it will have been altered. The real secret of PLR is that people shouldn’t actually know that is PLR and this is why the top dogs in internet marketing are so good at it. Because unless you have purchased the exact PLR that they have used with their launch you are very unlikely to ever find out the truth. When you decide that you want to make money online and you want private label rights to do it for you. Then you need to make some decisions before your purchase….. What would you like to get out of the private label rights? Are you planning on using it for web content or do you plan on using it for an ecourse. As there are many choices which we will discuss in more detail further into this free report. Will you want to sell PLR? This is important when you are looking into the licence that comes with the private label rights. Many people just want to re-sell it but there is always the odd one that wants to give it away and this isn’t always offered with Private Label Rights. If you want to do lots of things with it – I advise that you go for a licence that has unrestricted private label rights. For example some may limit it so that you can’t sell the item on eBay as this de-values it or that you can’t sell on private label rights. Many people
are looking for private label rights for their membership sites so this can lose you rather a lot of sales. Are you already working in the niche? This is a very interesting point – if you have no other products this may become your main product. So you need to make sure that there is a niche for it and that your product will sell! First of all your main focus should always be the licence after all this is usually the tell tale sign of what you can or can’t do with the product. However don’t panic if it won’t let you do what you want it to do. For example if it says you can’t give it away for free change enough of the content so that you can. They usually impose this restriction but it will be based on its current format. So to beat the restrictions turn it into a different format of the same information. So if you have purchased an e-book hire a data entry assistant to change it into a video course and then the previous licence restrictions would no longer apply. There are many different private label niches to choose from and here are some of the hot topics right now: *Get Out Of Debt *Lose Weight Quickly *Make Money Online *Social Media *Baby Information or Parenting Tips *Fixing Electrical Appliances *IT Resources *Health And Beauty Have a look around the internet and see what niche you want to work in and then go for it. The reason why sellers restrict their private label rights is because they are worried about market saturation but the truth is it doesn’t exist and is simply a myth. Yes there will be several people that will buy PLR and will not change a single thing about the product and this causes many of the same products to be available on the internet.
But at the same time you could easily grab a private label product and make it your own. In what is considered a saturated market and still make at least five figures from it without even having a mailing list. When you look for private label rights your licence will look something like this: You have Unrestricted Private Label Rights on this product: [YES] can use sales page [YES] Can use photograph on sales page [YES] Can resell and keep all the money [YES] Can be given away [YES] Can be sold with other ebooks. [YES] Can be offered as a bonus. [YES] Can be added to article directories if kept the same [YES] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it. [YES] Can be used as web content [YES] Can be broken down into articles [YES] Can be added to paid membership sites [YES] Can be offered through auction sites. [YES] Can sell Resale Rights [YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights [YES] Can sell Private Label Rights As you can see above this is what a typical licence will look like when it comes with unrestricted private label rights. If it says NO to any of the points have a further look at it and decide whether it is for you or not. The best place to find good quality private label rights for less is on the warrior forum and once registered search PLR and you will find lots of products to get your teeth into: Once logged in head over to the warrior forum special offer section and look through the current listings until you find something that you are happy with.
The prices can range on there but you will be able to pick up a really good product for around $47, sometimes for as low as $19 depending on what is available. Then once you have purchased your private label rights you need to make them unique to you. This is so that others will not even know it is PLR and it appears to be your own personal work. The first thing you need to do is decide what you are going to do with your brand new private label rights.
Here are a few of the more popular options: Website Content – You can divide your private label rights into web content on what we call a content web page. You can have a chosen niche and then spread out your PLR into small articles that appear on different web pages. You can then make money by having Adsense and other advertisements on these pages. Alternatively you can have a pop up on the articles pages for your subscriber list.
The other benefit of using PLR as website content is that it is a quick and easy way to use long tail keywords to get you on the first page of Google. Blog Posts – Most of us can spend a long time putting together useful Blog posts for our readers and this is when PLR should come into your plan of action. I find that for your main Blog your own content works best but for spinoffs or niche Blogs private label rights are the perfect answer. So look through your PLR content split it up into 300 word articles and then spend about ten minutes putting your touch on it to make it unique. By the time you will have done this you can very easily of changed a full 30 page ebook with 5,000 words approximately into 16 articles for your Blog. For a niche Blog of 3 articles a week this one ebook will keep you in Blog heaven for just over five weeks. Ecourse – An ecourse is basically a course sent out by email generally involving short PDFs like “The Internet Marketing Superclass” that I currently sell online. It can also be sold as simple emails and you can downsize your PLR ebook to form your very own ecourse. Then instead of charging someone once for the product you could deliver it as weekly instalments for 90 days with people paying by recurring subscription every 14 days. For each of the sessions it could involve four pages of text instead of 30 giving you an amazing six week course. This will then give you the chance to charge $27 a fortnight earning you $81 instead of $47 for a one off product making you a much higher profit. There is also the option to buy more than one PLR product and package them up to make a much longer online course. This is perfect if you are planning on creating a year long course and will mean that you won’t run out of content. Autoresponder Content – In the internet marketing world we all know that the most money online is made from owning our own mailing list then presenting great offers to your current subscribers.
We can spend several hours putting together great content for our list but through your brand new PLR you can simply break it down into mailing list content. Plus you wont actually need that many because as a rule your third newsletter will be an offer so to make 300 word articles it would see you through to message 25. For a general rule you should send them out every five days for maximum impact giving you breathing space for 121 days once you have uploaded them. For when you build a mailing list for the first time this is the best idea because you can become overwhelmed by what you have to put into your new subscriber base and this can take the pressure off you. Articles – This has to be the most common kind of private label rights you can purchase. However people that buy PLR ebooks very rarely turn them into articles. This is such a shame as it is a total waste of quality PLR. We always want to create amazing backlinks through to our websites and Blogs. This then gives you an excellent way of doing it quickly. Once you have turned your PLR into quality articles and put your stamp on them the submission process is really fast. Submit your articles to about five worthwhile directories including a few of the following: Many ignore the article directories that are nofollow (meaning it makes no difference to the SEO) but there is another reason for this! for example is a no follow but Blog creators get their content from here meaning your articles can be on their Blogs creating thousands of back links through to you. Then social bookmark your favourite directory for maximum exposure to the following sites: If you use Twitter and FaceBook also post it as an update and you will be amazed by the traffic. Especially if you have a decent following on Twitter or if someone retweets your article. Something simple like this will do the trick: “Latest Article:……” Always turn your link into a Tiny Url so that it all fits in nicely. Another great option is to go down the bum marketing road. I love bum marketing and if you are not aware of what it is Click Here for my free bum marketing report. By using private label rights you can make the lazy bum marketing method even quicker than what it already is. Over recent months I have seen bum marketing of PLR articles as one of the top back link methods on internet marketing forums so why not jump on the bandwagon now? Bum marketing is known as the quickest way to write articles for your business and there is no quicker way than getting others to write it for you!
Direct Mail – Many of you will probably know that I started my online journey with direct mail and this is why I find internet marketing so easy because the risks of failure are so low. If you send out a physical newsletter then follow the same methods as online articles and use it as content for your readers. They will love it and assume that you have made more effort than you actually have! You can also just keep it in the current format and then use it as part of your arsenal to make money online. This could include: Squeeze page – Building a mailing list is one of the most important parts of internet marketing. In fact I would say that it was one thing that took me from being a newbie with a plan to an internet marketer that had a desire for success. When everyone else is selling the product this is your chance to build a mailing list from it. Many people spend hours putting together a squeeze page but this is your chance to do it quickly, yet make it successful. One Time Offer – This is very similar to selling it except the difference is you are offering it at a discount to new members of your mailing list. Buyers love a bargain and by offering it as a here and now offer they are like putty in your hands. Membership Product – If you have a membership product you can use your private label product to offer them as content. I have done this myself and made sure I have altered a certain amount of the product to be unique and it has gone down very well indeed. One other thought is to package up your private label rights to make you an absolute killing this could include: Mini Launches – This is one of my favourite ways of generating multiple income streams and it can be done in a day if you have a selection of quality PLR. How it works is that you sell lots of different products from the same domain on a sub-domain. It will be like you have your very own online ebook shop pumping money into your bank account on a daily basis.
Then you can rotate these products via your Twitter account, FaceBook, Mailing List or even the WSO section on the Warrior Forum. You can read my mini launch methods in full by clicking here. Selling Articles – I love selling articles to others with private label rights and it’s very easy for you to get in on the act too! All you have to do is offer a membership like many other people do except make sure your deal is ten times better than the competition! For example you could grab lots of diet niche products and turn them into high quality PLR articles of 300 words in length and this could cost you around $100 to purchase including your sales page graphics. Then you could offer a membership for $19 for 100 people only with unrestricted PLR for 75 articles a month. Then this will create an income stream for you for $1800 a month after your costs have been taken into account. Creating A Fantastic One Time Offer – Every now and again I see a website offering just this as a one time offer. They are always an amazing success and if you want to make money from people joining your mailing list it doesn’t get any better than this. You can then actively seek affiliates for the one time offer and let them do the hard work for you! When people join up they will be presented with 25 PLR products with unrestricted private label rights for $97. It will mentioned to new subscribers that if they were sold for the retail price of $27 each they would cost the customer $675 so they would be gaining an amazing bargain. This is too good to resist and many people sign up for this special offer pretty much straight away. Once you have thought about it in more detail you now need to edit the private label product that you have purchased. To begin with you need to re-title it and put your name down as the author. If the product comes with graphics alter them with your own new product title. You can do this by using a free graphics editor such as Gimp you can download it by clicking here.
The most important part is that you must put a rubber stamp on it so that it is unique to you. So now change the text of the private label product changing about a third of it giving it your own personal charm. People will remember you for your style of writing and the humour you bring to your products so this is your chance to tweak it. Also if it comes with screenshots and you don’t like the look of it add your own instead. Then include a few of your own affiliate links, create your own front cover with links through to your products and newsletter. Once you have done this have a call of action at the bottom to entice people to your other products and if you haven’t got any use affiliate links. Remember a quality private label product can be a great option of your viral marketing campaign getting you several products on the internet using the lazy fast way! So you could end your ebook with something like this: Thanks for reading If you enjoyed this ebook you will love “The Internet Marketing SuperClass” As it is shows you EXACTLY how I make money online Samantha X
Now that you have completed your private label rights product you now need to look at the best way to make the most money from it and quickly. First of all you need to decide the price to sell it for. This should depend on the niche that you are working in. For example in the make money online niche $47 is a great price if the product is of excellent quality. Then you can run a special offer for $27 to select amount of people. For an internet marketing product the best place to sell it is as a special offer on the warrior forum just where I showed you to buy your own product from. There are a lot of people that are desperate for quality products and this forum is a brilliant location for just that. If you are a regular on forums you can also add the product to your signature getting it even more exposure. Now make sure that you take this advice on board and don’t just ruin your private label rights that you have purchased. I have seen it several times before and if you mess it up you may as well just buy resell rights and keep the original owners details in the product. I remember discovering a private label product recently and they had literally kept it as they had bought it and just uploaded it onto the internet. It had no name to the product, no links and offered no opportunities for the seller to make any money from it.
Now saving the BEST until last – the best way to make money through private label rights is to create a list of PLR buyers. Find an amazing private label rights product and instead of adding a payment button at the end offer an opt-in form instead! Then when they sign up they will receive your free PLR product and enter the system of your mailing list. Then you can offer them regular special offers selling them your PLR on a regular basis. Having a buyers list is an amazing position to be in and can make you much more money than a normal mailing list. But whatever you do don’t take it for granted. Avoid sending them special offers everyday and instead stick to the following rule:
Day 1 – Instant message with their free download Day 2 – Follow up on the free offer you have sent them Day 7 – More about you and some good tips Day 12 – Special offer Day 17 – Useful information and tips for them Day 22 – Useful information and tips for them Day 27 – Special offer Then carry it on message after message so that when you have hit 30 you are still following a three message sequence of two lots of information and then a special offer. You can find out more about my list building techniques by clicking here. I have now presented you with the information and it’s time you made the decision of what exactly you plan on doing with your private label rights. Don’t be part of that 95% that read an information product and then cast it aside not putting the information into action. Look at what PLR can do for you and go for it! If you liked this report, and think you might relate to more of Samantha’s opinions on Internet Marketing, check out her free newsletter at Thanks for reading. To your online success
Samantha Milner X PS If you are looking for quality PLR then head over to our PLR shop full of the latest make money online private label rights!