NWLA Business Monthly - August 2012

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Published By Specht Newspapers, Inc

The Heartbeat of Northwest Louisiana Growth

a h t r e t t Be

August 2012

t s e R e h t n 2012 Real Estate Report

NWLA faring better than comparable markets, but still has room for improvement.

Chamber Update Newsletter Inside

2 | August 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY



Things I learned while I was in jail

had the privilege of taking rience I will never forget. part in a prison ministry event I took away two very important recently. A close friend of mine lessons from my visit. has been conducting seminars for 1. For the most part, people want inmates who are getting relatively to live a productive life. These men, close to the completion of their though incarcerated, have a desire sentences. to work for a living. They have The seminars are geared to help dreams of providing for their famiinmates become acclimated to DAVID SPECHT JR. life on the "outside." Many who have been incarcerated end up back in jail simply because they either return to the life that got them arrested in the first place, or fail to successfully re-enter society (i.e. find a job, establish a life, etc.) As someone who hires people on a regular basis, I was asked to speak to the men about job lies and being positive examples to seeking. I had planned to merely their children. Not a single one of speak about basic job seeking strate- them wanted their kids to follow in gy — from resumes to interviewing. their footsteps to the jail house. What took place over the course of 2. Most people in jail will got out the hour was nothing short of someday. If they don't rise above remarkable. their previous circumstances, learn As I spoke, I saw many men take from their mistakes and receive help out their notebooks, jotting down and guidance from others, there is a each point I was making. In a room strong chance they will return to of approximately 30 inmates, nearly prison. 75 percent were actively listening to I only spent 90 minutes inside what I was saying. prison walls. But it made me appreAs someone who speaks to groups ciate the life and opportunities I relatively often, I can tell when have. We could all learn a thing or someone is interested and when two. they are merely "putting in time." Chamber of Commerce I asked for a show of hands of Newsletter Inside those who felt they had the skills The Bossier Chamber of that would land them a good-paying Commerce, in partnership with job. Nearly every hand was raised. Business Monthly is again pubFrom my sampling, it was apparent lishing their quarterly newsletter that these were not unskilled men. They just made mistakes in life that inside. Readers will find pertinent information and opportunilanded them behind bars. ties beginning on page 13. During the question and answer portion of the session, the men really engaged me, asking about education, DAVID SPECHT JR. is vice president of Specht overcoming the fact they are conNewspapers, Inc. Read his blog about leadership victs, etc. at dspecht.blogpot.com He may be reached via While I was there to teach, I learned a lot as well. It was an expe- email at dspecht@bossierpress.com.


BUSINESS MONTHLY| August 2012 | 3





The real estate market continues to be a prime economic indicator for a region. How does that market look in Northwest Louisiana?

...Starting on Page 5




Tourism Retail Strong at Louisiana Boardwalk

Chamber Update Get Ready for Fall with the Bossier Chamber of Commerce



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Find More Online at www.nwlabusiness.com 4 | August 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY

The First Word Things I Learend While I Was in Jail

On the Economic Development Front Certified Sites Marketing B-S Marketing 101 Items We Often Forget Win-Win Powertools Prep the Employment Interview Insurance Matters Ending Employee Theft

Volume 3, Number 6

ŠCopyright 2012 by Specht Newspapers, Inc. All rights reserved. Business Monthly is published each month by Specht Newspapers, Inc. at 4250 Viking Drive, Bossier City, LA 71111. Telephone (318) 747-7900. Information in this publication is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy and completeness of the information cannot be guaranteed.



Room to Grow

Local Real Estate Market Still Faring Well



tatistics show the real estate market is ShreveportBossier City is better than most areas around the country, but even then, is still somewhat recovering from a down economy. Information provided by the LSUShreveport Center for Business and Economic Research showed the commercial and multi-family real estate market average prices (in current and constant dollars) exhibited an increasing trend from 1990 to 2007, but leveled off for 2009, and have risen slowly for 2010-2011. The current average price of $180,858 for the third quarter of 2011 is down from the third quarter of 2010, but up some from the 2nd quarter of 2011. The number of active listings for the third quarter is about the same as 2011 for 2010 and has remained relatively stable.

The dollar volume is down about 1.48% for the third quarter of 2011, and the number of sales is up about 1.2% for 2011 compared to 2010. These levels are similar to those experienced in 2004. The sales and the dollar volume for 2011 seem to indicate a relatively stable market, and the new construction may signal an improving market for 2011, although the second quarter sales are disappointing. Overall, sales for 2011 decrease in the number of sales and dollar volume from the previous. The $499 million dollar volume for 2011 is down 6.39% under the 2010 levels and the number of sales, 2,874 decreased 6.81% under 2010 sales level. For the 2010 year new construction of single family homes was up somewhat from 2009. The third quarter 2011 number of sales showed a small increase, while the

sales dollar volume showed a small decrease when compared to the third quarter of 2010. Total Dollar Volume of Sales: The total volume for 2011 third quarter sales of $182 million was down from the third quarter of 2010, both in constant dollars (adjusted for inflation) and actual sales dollars. Number of Sales: The 1,008 sales reported for the third quarter of 2011 represents a 1.2% increase over the second quarter of 2010. Annual sales rose to an all-time high of 5,152 in 2006 and dropped to 2,874 in 2011. Previous experience has shown that the second and third quarters regularly have the highest sales for the year, while the first and fourth quarters are generally the lowest. Average Sales Price: On a quarterly basis, the third quarter 2011 average price of $180,858 was 2.66% lower than the third quarter of 2011.

These averages include all residential properties, but are not adjusted for quality or quantity. A decline or rise from one quarter to the next does not necessarily indicate rising or falling prices since home size and age is not accounted for. The trend over several years does provide a good indication of average price changes for the area. Mortgage Rates: Mortgage rates declined from 1989-1993, increased during 1995, averaging 9.13% in the first quarter of 1995, and have dropped in recent years, averaging 6.36% for 2005 and increasing to 6.52% for the year 2007. Rates averaged slightly less than 5% for 2010, and were at 4.6% for the end of the third quarter of 2011. SEAN GREEN is managing editor of the Bossier PressTribune and a contributor to Business Monthly. He may be reached via email at sean@bossierpress.com. BUSINESS MONTHLY| August 2012 | 5




The Real Estate market in Shreveport-Bossier may be as healthy as anyone could hope for in the current economic climate. However, there are still some elements to watch that can help give clues as to this area’s real estate future.


Foreclosures are very common in Bossier City. The average number of foreclosures right now are between 500-700. Foreclosure in Bossier City can vary in pricing. The Average foreclosure price in Bossier City is $124,955. This price shows that foreclosures are usually affordable to most people.


The Economy has been a huge part in, not only Bossier’s real estate, but that of the entire U.S. This is shaped by jobs and unemployment. The average income for households in Bossier is about $49,000 a year a $4,000 gap when compared to the national average of $53,000. The unemployment rate in Bossier City is 6.30 percent. So out of the average population for Bossier, 60,000, 6.3 percent of those people are unemployed.

Neighborhood Development

Neighborhood Development is increasing in Shreveport-Bossier. One specific neighborhood that has seen a lot of change is Greenacres Place in Bossier City. Greenacres Place is located in north Bossier, close to the Airline Drive exit of I-220, between Airline Dr. and Benton Rd. This is a above average neighborhood, with most homes having elements that increase property values such as privacy fences, swimming pools and yards. Most homes in this subdivision range between $150,000 – $500,000. The reason for such high prices is the houses are generally new and the Neighborhood is still growing with more households added to it.

School Districts

When it comes to choosing a place to settle down for families, education becomes a priority. Depending on where you live decides which schools your children will attend. For instance, if you live in Greenacres Place your kids will most likely go to these schools: Apollo Elementary, Greenacres Middle School, and Airline High school. Luckily, Bossier Parish is regarded as one of the best public education districts in the state and is a major recruiting factor for families and businesses looking to relocate.

Modern Design

Modern Design varies between households and who lives in them. Most houses in Shreveport Bossier area are more modern than not. Generally people of a younger age have a house that has a modern theme. Some themes associated with modern design include: Clean, straight lines Stainless steel, chrome and other metals Lack of clutter (accessories, etc) Primary colors (bold colors used for accents with white, black or neutral colors used for furniture and other large pieces) 6 | August 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY




Certified Sites: Preparing for Economic Development


A 313 acre site off of I-20 and ou’ve heard the old saying Greenwood Road in Shreveport, a 90 ‘build it and they will come.’ The corollary to that age old adage is communiCHRISTINE RAMBO ties have to be prepared for economic development to happen. That’s why North Louisiana Economic Partnership (NLEP), a regional economic development marketing organization, will dedicate resources to help communities create certified sites ready for development. Having available sites and more specifiacre tract at the Caddo-Bossier Port, cally “certified sites” is key to Ward II Industrial Park’s 950 acre recruiting and retaining new and site in Caddo Parish, the 700 acre existing businesses in North Charleston Industrial Park and the Louisiana. They enhance a com725-plus acre Millhaven North munity’s chances of attracting Business Park - both in Ouachita prospective companies looking to Parish were all certified under the build or expand in our region. LED program. A 360 acre tract at Certified sites are industrial or the Port of Natchitoches was certified commercial land which has been desby McCallum Sweeney Consulting as ignated ready for development by part of CLECO’s SmartSites proLouisiana Economic Development gram. Since receiving the certified (LED), the state’s lead economic sites designation, these properties development agency. The sites have attracted interest from prospecundergo a rigorous review process for tive companies. specific site details, including title NLEP and its local partners assistwork, zoning restrictions, environmental studies, soil analysis, and sur- ed many of these property owners in undergoing the rigorous and lengthy veys. Many businesses prefer buying certification process. Our goal is to certified sites because they offer “peace of mind” that the site has been certify at least two sites in each of the thoroughly checked out and there will 14 parishes that we serve. We recognize the importance of having project be no surprises. Additionally, the certified sites des- ready sites in North Louisiana so our communities are prepared for ecoignation should increase the marnomic development and can respond ketability of the property. In today’s quickly to inquiries about available fast paced business environment, properties in their area. For more companies are looking for sites that information on available certified they can build on within a short time sites, visit www.nlep.org and click on frame. Certified sites often allow companies to fast track their projects. available properties. The program also forces landowners to do most of their homework up CHRISTINE RAMBO is the Vice President of front, so they can respond faster to a Communications for North Louisiana Economic company’s request for information during its search for available proper- Partnership (NLEP), a nonprofit regional economic develties. opment organization promoting 14 parishes in North Currently, there are six certified Louisiana. Send comments to feedback@nlep.org. sites within NLEP’s 14-parish region.



Essential Elements for Marketing Your Business

The 4 Ps of Marketing, Part 1

mix dates back to the 1940’s. In 1960, E. Jerome McCarthy proposed the concept of the 4 Ps of Marketing which has since been used by business people and marketers throughout the world. Here are the 4 Ps of marketing that will be the foundation of your marketing plan:

Location, Location, Location. We have all heard this concept used as being the only thing that will determine the success of your business. Though this is very important, there is much more to the process that will make your business successful in the long run. All of us who have had an RANDY E. BROWN introductory marketing class, or have studied marketing terms and concepts should remember the concept of the 4 Ps of marketing. In practical reality, it is often easy to either forget this concept entirely or to attempt to bypass some of the essential parts of this marketing strategy. However, in today’s fastpaced, technology-driven global 1.) Product – What are you sellbusiness environment, this concept has never been more important ing? What does your business do? All products have a product life than it is right now. In business, proper planning is cycle. This life cycle will include essential. It has always been said introductory, growth, maturity and that in order to be successful in decline stages. You must do careful business, you must develop a busi- research and analysis on just how long you anticipate your product or ness plan and stick to your plan. Like the 4 Ps of marketing con- service to endure in each stage of cept, this belief has also never been the life cycle. Be warned, there will be many more important than it is right challenges that arise along the way now. As a business owner/marketer, as your product/service moves you must be on top of your business through the life cycle. You must be plan enough to know when to make prepared to adapt and deal with changes and adaptations. Even these challenges as they occur. Furthermore, by closely monitorthough you are changing course and adapting, you are still sticking ing consumer trends and overall to a plan of action — and that is market conditions, you must know when your product/service has vitally important. As an integral part of your busi- reached the final stage of the life ness plan, you must also develop a cycle (as sales begin to fall) and marketing plan. This part of the then, know when it is time to move planning process is often not given on by placing the majority of your the time and attention that it defi- time and attention on another nitely deserves in order to ensure (newly developed) product or servthe success of your business/prod- ice. uct. To Be Continued Your marketing plan or marketing mix, must contain four essential elements. These elements will be the foundation of your marketing RANDY BROWN. is Advertising Manager of the plan. Let us now take a look at Bossier Press-Tribune and a 11-year veteran of marthese elements beginning with the keting and media in Northwest Louisiana. He may history of this concept. be reached via email at rbrown@bossierpress.com. The concept of the marketing


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10 | August 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY


Lunch on the Lawn was a local tourism program spearheaded by the Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Tourist Bureau in 2011.


Retail Strong at Louisiana Boardwalk

hile shopping centers across the country struggle to stay alive, retail is alive and well at the Louisiana Boardwalk with its recent spate of new businesses and the coming of a new casino. “The new leasing team (Bayer Properties) has put new life into this place and with the Margaritaville casino opening in May of next year, that’s really going to boost our traffic,” Louisiana Boardwalk Marketing Manager Ashley Davis said. Most recently, the Bossier City locale has welcomed four new tenants and seen the expansion of one of its current tenants, Fantastic Sports Store. New businesses include the following: -No Clothes. Just as the name suggests, this Hot Springs, Ark.based chain doesn’t sell clothing, but instead offers a colorful array of trendy, urban accessories for women and men including sunglasses, jewelry, purses and more. -Gold Toe. Since the early 20th


move to the Boardwalk was a no-brainer. The only difference between Lila’s two locations is that, for now, the Bossier City location is a bakery only and does not include a lunch deli menu. “We were looking for a second location and this one became available. It seemed like a really well-trafficked location,” Lila’s co-owner Lisa Tike said. So far, they haven’t had any regrets. “It’s been great. We’ve been wellreceived and everybody’s been really nice,” Tike said. “Our other location (in Shreveport) is hidden, so there are still a lot of people who haven’t heard of us and are learning about us for the first time. We’re gaining a whole new group of customers.” They’re also seeing customers from the Shreveport location. “There are also a lot of people who see us and are so excited we’re here because it’s closer to them and they don’t have to make the trip to

Opinion century, this brand name has been synonymous with quality socks and undergarments and now it’s just steps away at the Boardwalk. -Lila’s Bakery. The Highland neighborhood favorite now has a second location just across the river where it continues to sell popular desserts, pastries and treats. -Justice. The popular fashion store for girls and ‘tweens latest opening marks its third Bossier City locale, with two other sites in Pierre Bossier Mall and the Stirling Bossier shopping center. For Lila’s Bakery owners, the


Shreveport.” Just north of the Boardwalk, construction for the highly-anticipated Margaritaville casino is well underway. The casino’s website even features a live webcam where viewers can see the construction as it happens. “Some of their management offices will be located here and some of them are already sharing office space here. So I definitely see us partnering with them in the future,” Davis said. Such business growth isn’t just a win for the Louisiana Boardwalk, but a win for everyone, Davis said. “As long as we have traffic, we know that tourists are coming here, whether they’re coming from casinos or other regions like East Texas and that speaks volumes to the type of visitors we have coming to our place and the city as a whole. DONECIA PEA works with media relations at the Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Tourist Bureau. BUSINESS MONTHLY| August 2012 | 11




Prep the Employment Stopping employee theft Interview (Both Sides)


ountless people are seeking want a job and the interviewer didn’t a job opportunity today. provide the information. That’s a Some want back into the double no-no! work force and some are lookJERRY FRENTRESS ing for the next step up. Despite what they want and need, they aren’t prepared for the interview. How about the interviewer? In many cases, the interviewer is under pressure and stressed to find a replacement for the previous employee. They’ve got to find someone now so the interview is not given the attention it should receive. Result? “Do you have any questions of The Bad Hire! The BH costs big me?” Here’s a resource offering to bucks regardless of size or type of answer questions about the position business; there’s also potential “turnbut the applicant has no questions! over” stress on the other employees They haven’t even brought in materiand customers. als to take notes. The Bottom-Line: BOTH the inter“80% of applicants lie about their viewer and the interviewee need to history. Did you lie on your resume?” plan, prepare and practice. Watch the expressions change. One I help clients in the interview lady sold me when she leaned forprocess by providing them with a ward and confidently responded….”I “Second Opinion” of the candidate. I don’t have to lie about my employrecord the interview and provide my ment success.” She was prepared for client with a video for review. More the surprise question. often than not, the interview goes “What are your top 10 characterispoorly for the applicant when I get to tics?” Most applicants find it hard to the fundamentals that are easy to list 2 or 3. They have never thought prepare for. about what they bring to the table. “What do you know about me?” Last week, an applicant nailed 10 in The candidate has been told I’m 30 seconds and asked if I needed important to the process. Wouldn’t it more. be wise to find out about Jerry? They Neither the applicant nor the can Google me on their computer or interviewer should take this process on the computer at the library. lightly. The “Bad Hire” is lurking in “What do you know about the perthe back ground. It can mean lost son who interviewed you?” The lack time and money for both parties. of information speaks volumes. “What do you know about the company you are interviewing with?” You wouldn’t believe the blank faces. JERRY FRENTRESS, AKA: "The Power Tools Guy," is a Back to the computer! Speaker and Trainer for Sales, Service and Life. Visit his “Tell me about this position you website at www.WinWinPowerTools.com, or on have applied for?” It’s surprising how Facebook: www.facebook.com/winwinpowertools. many applicants can’t tell me the expectations and responsibilities of the position. Apparently, they just 12 | August 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY


According to a 2009 United States whenever possible. Carefully review all journal entries, Chamber of Commerce study, a shocking 75 percent of employees steal, or and be alert to large numbers of unnechave stolen, from their employers. The essary entries. Consider hiring an outside CPA firm same study estimates that nearly a third of all corporate bankruptcies can to perform an annual audit. Require employees to use passwords be attributed to employee theft. Employee theft can come in many different shapes and KARY LANDRY sizes; whether it’s taking home office supplies, skimming from the registers, insider robberies, or sophisticated bookkeeping and computer fraud, the reality of the modern workplace is that business owners are wise to have controls in place – controls that can help minimize and prevent employee theft. Want to protect your business? Here are a few steps to get you to access computers or networks, and have employees change their passwords moving in the right direction. on a monthly basis. Employees should log off the computer whenever they The Safest Bet: leave their desks. Hire Honest People Be certain to make backup copies of It might sound obvious, but your best defense against employee theft is to hire the accounting records, and store the copies off the premises. If you later think honest employees. Thoroughly screen all job applicants someone’s been changing the books, by requiring a detailed application, you’ll be able to conduct a thorough comchecking references, and conducting a parison. Conduct regular inventory audits of face-to-face interview. If you’d like to go even further, you can require a criminal all property. background check for all potential employees, and in some states, depend- Security ing on whether the employee will be You trust your employees with your handling money, you can require a cred- property, but that doesn’t mean you it check. Sometimes the requests them- can’t maintain an added level of control. selves will cause an undesirable candi- Here’s how: date to move on. Consider using a keycard system or a digital PIN system instead of a tradiInternal Controls tional key and lock. Both grant you A few simple policy changes and more control over who does and does not adjustments to your business’s every- have access to your business, and both day operations could make employee provide more information regarding theft much more difficult. Consider the when and how your property has been following: accessed. Duties such as issuing checks, makIf you use a traditional key and lock ing deposits, managing inventory, and system, maintain control over access to reconciling accounts should be kept sep- building keys. Don’t have keys out and arate. Require a second signature for available for any employee to use. Keep disbursement checks over $500. all spares locked up. Individuals with access to company books or purchasing/paying duties should be monitored. Such employees should be granted only as much access KARY LANDRY is a State Farm® agent in Bossier City. as they require to perform their duties. Rotate tasks among employees



Chamber Update


2012 is flying by us and it’s hard to believe it’s time to go back to school. We’ve been busy at the Chamber, working on remodeling, a new website and keeping up with legislation. It’s sometimes hard to get motivated once this time of year hits, but we hope that you’ll continue to stay active and involved with the Bossier Chamber. We’re making it easier than ever to connect with us and our members with our new website. I hope that you’ll log on to bossierchamber.com and browse the new features. We now have a volunteer opportunity portal, community calendar that allows you to submit your events, and a photo gallery. We’re here for you, our members and our community. If there’s anything we can do for you, please let us know.



Bossier Chamber Update Is Produced On A Quarterly Basis in Partnership with NWLA Business Monthly.

Planning for the new School Year

Back to School is right around the corner and the Bossier Chamber is preparing to welcome and honor our educators before they step into their classrooms. We’ll host our annual New Teachers Luncheon on August 1st from 11:30am to 1pm to honor new Bossier Parish School Teachers and welcome them to the family. This year’s luncheon will be held at Bella Amore Weddings & Ballroom, located at 1701 Old Minden Rd, Suite 44 in Bossier. Teachers and Distinguished Guests will be treated to lunch and some advice from Bonnie Dubin with Motivate Me. Last year, Dubin ended the luncheon with a motivational speech on the five steps for team building and will offer more great advice on August 1st. The Bossier Chamber recognizes the relationship between local businesses and the school system.

Thank You to our New Teacher Luncheon Sponsors (as of July 16) Presenting Sponsor Barksdale Federal Credit Union

Front of the Class Sponsor Bossier Parish Community College

Line Leader Sponsors Chesapeake Energy Fresh Dental Citizens National Bank McAlister’s Deli Doug Rogers, Inc. Rose-Neath Funeral Home Acadiana Mortgage Cypress Baptist Church Blue Cross Blue Shield

Education is extremely important to the Bossier community. “We’re so proud to be able to talk positively about the Bossier Parish School System,” said Lisa Johnson, Bossier Chamber of Commerce President. The 2012 New Teacher Luncheon is presented by Barksdale Federal Credit Union. Sponsorships are available, as well as a limited number of $30 seats for members of the public. For information on supporting the education community, contact Jana Morgan at 318-746-0252 or visit www.bossierchamber.com. Tutor Sponsors Ouachita Independent Bank Rep. Henry Burns United Way of NWLA AEP Swepco

Red Apple Sponsors Edible Arrangement Towne Place Suites UL Coleman Remington College David White, Attorney Benefit Consulting David White, A Professional Law Corp. SB For Sale By Owner O’Neal Chiropractic Senator Robert Adley TaMolly’s Worrell Brothers, LLC BUSINESS MONTHLY| August 2012 | 13



Military Student Transition Consultant to Serve Bossier

The Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC) announced the addition of Georgette Price to the Military Student Transition Consultant (MSTC) program serving military families and their children in Bossier Parish, Louisiana. The program, funded through a partnership that includes the Bossier Chamber of Commerce, the Military Affairs Council, Cyber Innovation Center, Barksdale Forward, and the Greater Bossier Economic Development Foundation, embeds a carefully trained staff person within the school system. With support from U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu, D-New Orleans, the Bossier Parish School Board recognized the needs of military families at nearby Barksdale Air Force Base and the surrounding community. “I applaud the Bossier Parish Chamber of Commerce for making the educational needs of our military families a priority,” said Senator Landrieu, adding “Hiring the Military Student Transition Consultant to work with our families and schools in Shreveport and Bossier shows, unequivocally, North Louisiana’s commitment to our airmen and their families. Quality of life for our men and women in uniform continues to be one of my highest priorities. The Bossier Chamber and Barksdale Forward continue to provide a model of support that should be replicated throughout Louisiana as well as our Nation.” As the Transition Consultant, Ms. Price brings extensive expe14 | August 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY

rience to her new position. She has worked as a guidance counselor for middle school students and has also served as clinical counselor at the adult level. “Georgette’s combined educational, professional, and personal experiences make her the perfect choice for this critical position,” said Karol Carlisle, Project Manager. “As the wife of an Air Force pilot and mother of three children, she is acutely aware of the challenges our military families face and is uniquely positioned to respond to their needs,” continued Carlisle. The Bossier Parish community recognizes the importance of the military and Lisa Johnson, President/CEO, Bossier Chamber of Commerce, notes “Barksdale Air Force Base is the number one asset and economic driver to Bossier Parish and the region; therefore it is critical to have programs in place that address the needs of the transitioning family. The first question received from a new family is about education and to have a point person, the MSTC, for the initial contact will only help ease the burden of transition. We are happy to welcome the Military Child Education Coalition and their programs to Bossier Parish and look forward to a great partnership.” Transition consultants address both school and deployment

related concerns, and have provided assistance with transfer of credit, state-to-state testing requirements, magnet programs, transportation guidelines and school policies. Consultants educate teachers and school personnel about issues unique to their military students and must have in-depth knowledge of the district’s schools, personnel and programs as well as the local military installation and community. Transition consultants currently serve eight communities in the United States with large military populations. The Bossier Chamber had an opportunity to meet with Ms. Price last week. “After meeting with her, it is clear that she has the qualities and the passion needed to succeed and help our transition students,” said Johnson “We are thrilled to welcome Ms. Price to our Bossier Schools family and offer this additional tier of support to our students from military families,” said Sonja Bailes, Public Relations Liaison for Bossier Schools. “We recognize these students and their families face unique challenges and feel Ms. Price’s firsthand experience in both education and the Air Force will be invaluable in her role as Bossier’s MSTC.”

Register Now for Fall Events

The Bossier Chamber is preparing for two big events this fall! The Patriots Award Luncheon and our second Veterans Job and Resource Fair. The Patriots Award Luncheon is September 11th at the Bossier Civic Center, from 11am to 1pm. We’ll honor a Patriot of the Year from our military personnel, law enforcement, fire protection, emergency services and homeland security. The Chamber is currently selling sponsorships for this annual event. Please contact Jana at 318-746-0252 or visit www.bossierchamber.com for more details. In October, the Chamber will host our second job fair of 2012 aimed at helping Veterans, Dependents and Government Employees. The Chamber has partnered with the US Chamber of Commerce, Bossier City and Goodwill Industries of North Louisiana for the October fair, and is offering free booths to employers. The free Veterans Job and Resource Fair is October 23rd from 9am to 12pm at the Bossier Civic Center. For more information, contact Monique Roux via monique@bossierchamber.com or visit our website.




The Bossier Chamber of Commerce has joined the latest thing on the Internet, Gobza. You may have heard about it, because it’s spreading like wildfire in our area and with good reason. Gobza is a patent pending new, free advertising medium that allows businesses to post coupons and discounts for free and keep all the profits. We think it’s a great program for our membership and we’re helping spread the word. Gobza is free to everyone

Encore Event Rentals Chris Sater 450 Benton Rd, Suite D Bossier City LA 71111

Holiday Inn Express and Suites Bossier City Toni Johnson 7970 East Texas Street Bossier City LA 71111 Precizzion Electric Andre Blaze PO Box 8391 Bossier City LA 71113

Candy Spree Kari Howe 2091 Stockwell Road, Suite 6 Bossier City LA 71111 Cayenne Marketing Jennifer LaPierre 2224 Shumark Trail Bossier City LA 71111

Cardiovascular Consultants Phillip Rozeman 102 North Monroe Street Minden LA 71055

Paper Shac k & Party Sto re, Inc Lionel Eltis 2430 E. Texas Street Bossier City LA 71111 Our Wedding Library Kay Loftin 1700 Old Minden Rd, Suite 101C

and when it launches in August, those who aren’t already signed up will likely want to be on Gobza. Shoppers and Businesses can sign up before the launch, but only through an invitation link and the Bossier Chamber is inviting you to use ours: gobza.com/10226.

In a few short weeks of pre-launch Gobza has spread to more than 40 countries and all 50 US States. In the Bossier Shreveport area, Gobza Members include the Louisiana College of Law, the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame, Hebert Town & Country Dodge, the James Burton Foundation, Ernest’s Orleans Restaurant, and hundreds more. Gobza is free and is most often compared to Twitter and Facebook, only it helps

everyone from organizations and businesses to churches and single moms build a new type of community where all businesses advertise for free, all marketing dollars turn into income streams and anyone who does nothing more than pass it on, can create sizable income streams - for free. Gobza has a number of patents working. National clients such as Sysco Foods are also beginning to spread Gobza throughout the USA. Radio stations,

newspapers, TV stations and other media are also discovering that Gobza finally does the one thing missing for most businesses on the Internet - it monetizes the Internet in a brand new way and does so with no risk. It’s free. For more information on Gobza, visit gobza.com/10226. You can also visit http://www.bossierchamber.com/news/what-isgobza-/ for more details.

2015 Old Minden Rd Bossier City LA 71111

Sedona Day Spa @ The Horseshoe Dawn Fowler 711 Horseshoe Blvd, 2nd floor Bossier City LA 71111

New Chamber Members

Bossier City LA 71111 Brite Star Janitorial David Davis 421 Galway Drive Shreveport LA 71115

Virginia College Lisa Ramirez 2950 East Texas St., Suite C Bossier City LA 71111

Esther's Heavenly Sweet Things Ester Rabb 1107 Villaggio Blvd. Bossier City LA 71111 Izzo's Illegal Burrito Kyle Brechtel 2501 Beene Blvd, Suite 700 Bossier City LA 71111 ForSaleByOwner.com Charles Powers 273 Leo Avenue Shreveport LA 71105 Kadeebell's Brandy Santoro 1700 Old Minden Rd Bossier City LA 71111

Jerry Jinks Photography Jerry Jinks 200 Pomeroy Drive Shreveport LA 71115

Upchurch Telecom & Data, Inc. Jules Chauvin 707 Benton Rd

(04/20/2012 to 07/18/2012) Bossier City LA 71111

Beautiful Bowtique Ashley Carpenter 1701 Old Minden Rd Bossier City LA 71111

Bossier's Rock and Gem Shop Patrick Denton 1605 Benton Rd., Suite N Bossier City LA 71111 University Church of Christ Lori Clark 2045 East 70th Street Shreveport LA 71105 Fort Sill National Bank Jessica Rochon 455 Curtis Rd, Bldg 4711 Barksdale AFB LA 71110 Lake Street Dance Hall Bill Pogue 425 Lake Street Shreveport LA 71101

Robert Brown Plumbing Robert Brown 4801 Hazel Jones Road Bossier City LA 71111

Lee Michaels Fine Jewelry Greg Johnson 6605 Youree Drive Shreveport LA 71105

Homewood Suites & Hilton Garden Inn Bo: Sandra Haynes

Chicken Express Randal Neel 5480 Barksdale Blvd Bossier City LA 71112

VP, formerly AT&T Advertising Solutions Lori Cheramie 6425 Youree Dr., Suite 240 Shreveport LA 71105 New York Life Doug Hartman 401 Edwards St Shreveport LA 71111

Olde Oaks Golf Club Mike Mosura 60 Golf Club Drive Haughton LA 71037

Logic Nation Kevin Smith 910 Pierremont Rd, Suite 221 Shreveport LA 71105 Splash Kingdom Waterpark Jared Troutman 7670 West 70th St. Shreveport LA 71129 Gobza - Clay Fowler Clay Fowler 5 Fox Trot Cove Haughton LA 71037

Audibel of Shreveport Briget San Angelo 701 Jordan St Suite D Shreveport LA 71101 Bow Shop, The Delia Jeffcoat 6505 Line Avenue Shreveport LA 71106

Church of Bossier City Joshua Garrett 5503 Airline Drive Bossier City LA 71111 Mon Petite Miracles T.K. Gladney 1108 Villaggio Blvd Bossier City LA 71111

Fresh Dental Victoria Baker 7030 Youree Drive, Suite B Shreveport LA 71105 Waste Commanders Brian Conditt 1964 Highway 792 Heflin LA 71039

Open Door Bible Church Gary Weaber 950 Swan Lake Road Bossier City LA 71111

BUSINESS MONTHLY| August 2012 | 15

16 | August 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY

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