NWLA Business Montly - December 2012

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Published By Specht Newspapers, Inc

The Heartbeat of Northwest Louisiana Growth

Chamber Update Newsletter Inside

December 2012

2 | December 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY




Six Rights Great Leaders Give Up

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. — Ephesians 4:32 NIV


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The First Word Six Rights Great Leaders Give Up

On the Economic Development Front Anatomy of A Deal Employment Online Resource Gives Job Seekers More Options

Marketing B-S Is Your 2013 Marketing Plan Ready, the Conclusion Win-Win Powertools Centainties for the Year Ahead

Tourism Holiday Festival Brings Family Fun

Volume 3, Number 9

Our Associate Pastor DAVID SPECHT JR. preached a sermon recently on the rights of a Christian. He spoke about how we lose some of our perceived rights the more we try to live the Christian life. As I was taking notes, I realized these same rights applied to leaders. Here they are, with their leadership applications. they were somehow inferior. 1. The right to be a jerk. No 5. The right to be late. Chronic one really has the right to be a jerk. tardiness to scheduled meetings and However, some people are given a events is one of the most selfish “pass” because of their position, or things a leader can do. This action lack of position in an organization. screams, “My time is more valuable However, when the leader is a jerk, than yours!.” Chronic lateness is a the ripple effects reach a lot farther. slap in the face to every member of 2. The right to be right. your team. In addition, it erodes any Sometimes, we are right — dead accountability for your team’s right. It may be a political view or a promptness. customer service issue, but leaders 6. The right to not care about do not have the right to just speak people. True leaders realize their their mind. teams are more than the skills they We have to “count the cost” in bring to the job at hand. They are how we handle situations. Our husbands, wives, families and others actions (and words) have conse— all relying on the organization for quences. their livelihood. They are not num3. The right to criticize and bers on a financial statement. They complain. In the workplace, this is are people and every decision should called gossip. Dave Ramsey defines have them as one of the — if not gossip as discussing anything negaTHE — highest priorities. tive with someone who can’t help The same is true for customers solve the problem. For leaders, this can include vent- and clients. If we lose sight of them ing to close subordinates or co-work- as people, we lose our business. The higher up you rise in leaderers. All problems should be handled ship, the less rights you have, but either laterally or vertically. Anything else is unacceptable. If you the satisfaction and difference you can make as a result it well worth it. need to vent, do it with a non-work friend or your spouse. 4. The right to justify your actions based on who you are. This is one of the most difficult for DAVID SPECHT JR. is vice president of Specht leaders. They deal with pressures Newspapers, Inc. Read his blog about leadership that many team members have no at www.DavidASpecht.com He may be reached via clue about. However, just because email at dspecht@bossierpress.com.


What A Year!

Business Is Moving Fast in NWLA... Here are 5 of the Top Stories

you are under pressure does not give you the right to fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. Nor does it give you the right to treat others as if

©Copyright 2012 by Specht Newspapers, Inc. All rights reserved. Business Monthly is published each month by Specht Newspapers, Inc. at 4250 Viking Drive, Bossier City, LA 71111. Telephone (318) 747-7900. Information in this publication is gathered from sources considered to be reliable, but the accuracy and completeness of the information cannot be guaranteed.

BUSINESS MONTHLY| December 2012 | 3

A Look Back at 2012 in Business FEATURE



It was another busy year for northwest Louisiana’s economy as the area continued to buck the national trend of business slowing down. Among the myriad of new restaurants and retailers opening their doors, NWLA saw a major coup in attracting a European manufacturer to reloacte to the Port of Caddo/Bossier and a new casino began adding itself to the Shreveport-Bossier skyline. Below are our top 5 local business/economic stories of the past year: 1. Benteler Steel announces a new facility at Port, $22 mill training facility at BPCC The Port of Caddo/Bossier has attracted one of the largest manufacturing projects in northwest Louisiana’s history Oct. 26 with a $900million, 1.35 million square feet, two-phase B e n t e l e r Steel/Tube facility. The seamless steel tube and steel mills will bring 675 new jobs to the area. To secure the project, Louisiana Economic Development offered Benteler a customized incentive package including the development of a new training facility and specialized equipment focused on manufacturing technology to be built on the campus of BPCC. “We at Bossier Parish Community College take pride in delivering programs that meet the needs of these employers and provide our citizens pathways to rewarding careers,” Bossier Parish 4 | December 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY

College Chancellor Jim Henderson said. An economic-impact analysis performed by Louisiana State University estimates that the project will lead to the creation of approximately 1,540 new indirect jobs and new earnings of $2.7 billion. Benteler will begin construction of the first phase of the plant in 2013, creating more than 1,000 construction jobs. The first tubular mill phase of Benteler’s Shreveport complex is expected to be completed in the second half of 2015, followed by the opening of a steel production mill within the next four years. 2. Margaritaville breaks ground on $197 million resort casino The new Margaritaville Resort Casino in Bossier City broke ground late February and had its official topping ceremony less than nine months later. “We can’t wait to get all of this fun out to the public,” W i l l i a m Trotter, comanager of Bossier Casino Venture, the company developing Margaritaville, said. As reported previously by the Bossier Press-Tribune, the resort will feature a 30,000 square foot, single-level gaming floor, 1,300 slot machines and 46 table games as well as the famous “It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere” bar. The 18story hotel will have a 396room capacity, a 900-seat state of the art entertainment venue, spa and fitness center, outdoor pool deck and dining area, dramatic landscaping

and four food & beverage outlets. Construction is reported to last approximately 16 months and the expected grand opening will be in June 2013. 3. Bossier school tax passage allows for growth Voters approved a 10-year bond that would renew the current 13.55 mills for the construction and renovation of schools over a 10-year period in an April 21 vote. However, they turned down two new taxes – a five percent pay raise for school employees at 9.25 mills and a $3 million recurring technology fund at 3.6 mills. 4. Movie industry returns to ShreveportBossier The Louisiana film industry ramped back up this summer as big name action star Gerard Butler filmed his newest flick “Olympus Has Fallen.” The Shreveport-Bossier film commission was busy with the Millenium Films action thriller that began filming in June.

The film caused quite a stir in Bossier City as construction crews built a 220-by-55 foot replica of the White House on Walker Place. The full sized, three-sided prop house will be located in a field next to the CenturyLink Center in full view of the Arthur Ray Teague Parkway. Arlene Acree, Shreveport projects and film liaison, also said Louisiana is moving up in rank in the film industry. “Productions are really starting to pick up,” she said. “We have three projects in the works and hope to have more in the latter part of the summer.” 5. Local economy keeps growing despite national trend of caution. Everywhere you look in Bossier it seems that business is growing. “From 2011 to this time in 2012 we have seen marked interest in activity (in Bossier City),” said David “Rocky” Rockett, executive director and president of the Greater Bossier Economic

Development Foundation (GBEDF). Rockett said there is continued growth in population and housing, and he believes prospective businesses want to take advantage of that demographic. “The market went through a lull through much of 2011, but we have seen a rise in activity in 2012 both with commercial and retail interest,” he said. Louisiana’s economy as a whole is also gearing up. Louisiana has progressed from the 27th ranked state to 13th in a year. Moreover, CEOs nationwide named Louisiana “most improved state for business in the U.S.,” according to 2012 Chief Executive Magazine’s Best/Worst States for business ranking. Rockett said the economic outlook for Bossier City looks positive as long as the market cooperates. “As long as the market stays strong and the national economy lends itself to easier lending, then I think you’ll continue to see uptake in the economy,” he said. “If lending tightens up like it did in the recession a few years ago, I think you will see people holding their money.” SEAN GREEN is managing editor of the Bossier Press-Tribune and a contributor to Business Monthly.



Online Resource Gives Job Seekers More Options

According to the Louisiana Workforce Commission, the unemployment rate in Louisiana fell to 6.6% in October, the lowest level in three years. For the Shreveport metro area, that rate was 6.5%. Both rates are lower than the ANGIE WHITE national level at 7.5%. While that is an encouraging bit of news as we enter the holiday season in earnest, it brings little comfort to that 6.5% of local job seekers still looking. Searching for a fulfilling career, or even a starter job, is work. It takes perseverance, creativity, an incredible amount of patience, and the ability to self-promote, something very difficult for most people. To assist the local job seeker, there is a renewed online resource called the North Louisiana Employment Opportunities Network, or NEON. It can be found online at www.workthisway.org and on Facebook and LinkedIn. NEON is a program of the North Louisiana Economic Partnership. NEON’s goal is to help job seekers in North Louisiana, whether they are new or long-time residents go about their career exploration process as smartly as possible. In Northwest Louisiana communities, the best way to make meaningful career headway is through expanding your network. A frequent criticism of job seekers in Northwest Louisiana is that you have to know someone to find a good job here. The implication is that you must have family connections, or be of a certain social strata. But making professional connections by being proactive – and sincere – in your efforts to expand your network is really all that argument has to mean. In general, people in our communities like helping others, but first they have to know you and know you need help. That’s where networking comes in. NEON can help job seekers expand their professional networks. There is a calendar of upcoming events that will put you in the company of others in your profession or regional employers. There is a listing of professional and civic organizations that are often the best places to grow your network, especially if you are starting your career or are new to the area. For young professionals, the Young Professional Initiative of Northwest Louisiana (YPI) is a fantastic networking resource and hosts monthly socials

as well as regular athletic group events. NEON can help you find the right group for you. NEON is also a clearinghouse for important job seeking resources, such


as links to staffing agencies and online job sites that focus on the region. NEON also keeps job seekers aware of important regional economic and business news, as well as new hiring opportunities. And especially for job seekers that are new to the area, NEON shares profiles of regional employers, where companies talk about what they do, their corporate culture, and what the ideal candidate for their company looks like. For those interested in starting a business, NEON has a resource center focused on connecting the future or existing small business owner to tools to make the start-up or growth process run smoothly. And for job seekers that are new to the area, NEON provides a great overview of all that a newcomer would want to know for getting a single person or a family plugged in, from arts, culture and recreation outlets to education and health care resources. Job seekers can be alerted to updates to the NEON website by signing up for the NEON newsletter or by following NEON on Facebook or joining the NEON LinkedIn Group. All of these resources exist to make local job seekers more competitive and ultimately more successful in their job searches so we can keep that regional unemployment rate on a downward trend. The staff of the North Louisiana Economic Partnership wishes you happy holidays and successful job hunting! ANGIE WHITE is Vice President of Workforce Marketing at the North Louisiana Economic Partnership.



Anatomy of a Deal: Benteler Steel/Tube

The recruitment of German-based struction and operations. The incenBenteler Steel/Tube to North tive package also includes a performLouisiana represents the largest eco- ance-based grant of $12.75 million to nomic development deal in the reimburse certain relocation and region’s history. Benteler will build a internal training expenses. In additwo-phase steel mill at the Port of Caddo-Bossier, which CHRISTINE RAMBO will create 675 new direct jobs and 1,540 indirect jobs. The $900 million project stands as a testament to what can be achieved with regionalism and collaboration. The concept of regionalism – working across political and geographic boundaries for the greater good –ultimately pays off for every community in North Louisiana. The ripple effect of this tion, Benteler will receive the servicproject will reverberate across the es of LED FastStart™ – ranked the region, as Benteler hires suppliers, No. 1 state workforce-training provendors and employees from around gram in the nation. The company also North Louisiana and beyond. An eco- is expected to utilize Louisiana’s nomic impact study conducted by Quality Jobs and Industrial Tax Louisiana State University estimates Exemption incentive programs. Additionally, the State will help that the project will result in total new earnings of $2.7 billion (approxi- develop a new $22 million training mately $150 million per year at full facility focused on manufacturing employment) and a total, cumulative technology to be built on the campus economic impact of $16.2 billion in of the Bossier Parish Community College (BPCC). The training center the region. Benteler selected North Louisiana will initially concentrate on meeting after a highly competitive site selec- the workforce training needs of tion search, involving more than a Benteler but later will serve the 100 different potential sites in more broader needs of growing manufacthan a dozen states. Teamwork at turers throughout the region. Local partners contributed toward every phase of the site selection process helped us to win this project. securing the deal. The Red River During the initial information-gath- Waterway Commission will invest $6 ering stage, North Louisiana million; the Port will contribute $3 Economic Partnership (NLEP) million; and the Caddo Parish worked with the State’s lead econom- Commission will contribute $2.6 milic development agency, Louisiana lion- all for required infrastructure Economic Development (LED), and improvements at the Port. The Bossier Economic local partners, such as the Port of Greater Caddo-Bossier, to provide extensive Development Foundation, the City of information on the region and avail- Bossier City and the Bossier Parish able sites. As the process moved for- Police Jury will contribute a comward, state, regional and local eco- bined $1 million toward road and nomic development organizations other infrastructure improvements and business and political leaders col- needed for the new training center at laborated during prospect visits, BPCC. By working together and when company representatives leveraging our collectively resources, state, regional and local partners won toured the area. Finally to secure the deal, LED an historic deal which will pay divioffered Benteler a customized incen- dends for all of North Louisiana. tive package that includes performance-based grants totaling $57.4 million to reimburse site development, CHRISTINE RAMBO is the Vice President of infrastructure and equipment costs Communications and Corporate Affairs for NLEP, a incurred by the Port and the compa- regional economic development marketing organizany over the next few years of con- tion. Send comments to feedback@nlep.org.


BUSINESS MONTHLY| December 2012 | 5


Your 2013 Marketing Plan, The Conclusion

In last month’s column, we began Elements such as these are great traffic discussing ten specific elements that builders. They can drive traffic to your should be considered as a part of your company’s place of business, website, 2013 marketing plan. We were only etc. However, be very careful not to able to get through three of the ten ele- overuse or abuse these very important ments. Now, we will continue: aspects of your marketing mix. If you 4. Social Media: Public Relations in today’s environment RANDY E. BROWN can be considered as anything that you do to promote your company or your brand that is not done through an online component. Thus, Social Media can be considered online Public Relations. Though new in terms of the traditional marketing mix, this component can definitely be a powerful medium that can help you reach your target market on an entirely different level. 5. Content Marketing: You must overuse these elements, they will lose have something to say to your audience. their effectiveness. If you have nothing to say, who is going 9. Podcasts: People tend to think to listen? You can accomplish this by that this element is just for the “Big using press releases, blogs, articles, Guys” or popular celebrity type spokesblurbs, announcements, etc. By making people. However, this is not so. With the these items a part of your strategy, you development of sites and tools such as will be able to make sure that you have iTunes and BlogTalkRadio ….this is not relevant content for your audience. some far-fetched idea that is out of your 6. Public Relations: Again, any- reach. In fact, this is quite simple to do thing that you do to promote your com- and can be very effective. pany or your brand that is not done 10. Events: Hosting an event can through an online (computer based) be a great traffic builder in terms of component. As such, Public Relations is drawing your customers in to your place an extremely reliable method of getting of business. This is really effective when your company and brand in front of you have a new product line to promote, your target audience. Using newspaper, a new message, or new service to delivradio, television, magazines and out- er. When using this element, make sure door advertising (traditional marketing that you make it very cost effective and mix) to get your company and brand out efficient. there is a great marketing strategy. In conclusion, the ten essential marOnce again, this is an extremely reliable keting plan elements that we have and effective method that will reach examined are definitely not an all-incluyour target audience with your mes- sive list of the many things to be considsage. ered as a part of your marketing plan. 7. Video Marketing: Engage your You can (and probably will) add some audience by using video. The popularity things on your own that are specific to of websites such as You Tube and oth- your particular business or industry. ers definitely prove this statement to be However, the ten elements that we true. There are many companies in have explored should definitely be existence that offer cost-effective solu- implemented into your marketing plan, tions for using video as a part of your if at all possible. By doing so, you will be marketing strategy. Some people are well on your way to insuring a successeven taking advantage of today’s ful 2013 (and beyond) in terms of your advanced electronic technology (and rel- company’s marketing goals. atively low costs by traditional standards) by purchasing just a few pieces of video equipment and shooting video for RANDY BROWN. is Advertising Manager of the Bossier Press-Tribune and a 11-year veteran of marketing and You Tube, etc. themselves. media in Northwest Louisiana. He may be reached via 8. Contests and Promotions: email at rbrown@bossierpress.com.


6 | December 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY



Certainties of the Year Ahead

Several years ago, I wrote an arti- fic jams cle about the “Self-Fulfilling n Enthusiasm will be as contagious Prophecy” in business. If we believe as ever business is going to be bad and conn Know-how will surpass guessduct ourselves like it is going to be how bad, surely, it will be bad and thus, our prophecy is fulfilled. JERRY FRENTRESS Hurray! I frequently ask my clients what is your prophecy? Which way are you going to think? Which way are you acting and running your business? I take a weekly Radio e-letter (that was my first career) entitled the Small Market Radio Newsletter. I recommend SMRN to everyone regardless of the size of your market or whether you are in Radio. n Salesmanship will continue to (www.SmallMarketRadio.com ) make everything turn Remember now, selling is I have a Republican friend who selling…regardless of your product or worked in the Republican campaign. service! One edition featured an After the election, despite being disapinspiring article by Bob Doll and pointed in the results, he resolved to included a list entitled “Certainties of adjust, move forward and continue to the Year to Come”. It was sent to Bob build his business. by Steve Trivers back in 1987 after How will you start each day of the big stock market loss that October. 2013? Will you be like many who Despite the dates, presidents, con- when I ask “How are you?” respond gress and fiscal cliffs, not much has with “I’m great….but it’s still early.” changed. It’s still up to you and your attitude. n Business will continue to go where it’s invited and remain where JERRY FRENTRESS — Speaker & Coach, Win-Win Power(ful) Tools for Sales, Service and Employee it’s appreciated n Reputations will continue to be Interviewing. Website: www.WinWinPowerTools.com. made by many acts and lost by one n People will go right on preferring Business Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WinWinPowerTools . 742-0009 / to do business with friends n Performance will continue to out- Bossier City sell promises n Trust, not tricks, will keep customers loyal n The extra mile will have no traf-


The spirit, the will to win, and the will to excel are the things that endur. These qualities are so much more important than the events that occur.

Vince Lombardi, Legendary Head Football Coach of the

the Green Bay Packers.

BUSINESS MONTHLY| December 2012 | 7

8 | December 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY

BUSINESS MONTHLY| December 2012 | 9

10 | December 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY


Time for a Year-End Review of Your Financial Strategy?

Now that 2012 is drawing to a close, you may want to review the progress you’ve made this past year in many areas of your life — including your financial situation. By going over your investment portfolio and other key areas WIL ADAMS related to your finances, you can learn what moves you may need to make in 2013 to stay on track toward your important objectives, such as college for your children, a comfortable retirement and the ability to leave the type of legacy you desire. To get a clear picture of where you are, consider asking yourself these questions: Am I taking on too much risk? Although 2012 has generally been a pretty good year for investors, we’ve certainly seen periods of considerable volatility. During these times, did you find yourself constantly fretting about big drops in your portfolio value? In fact, have you consistently experienced this type of worry throughout your years as an investor? If so, you might be taking on too much risk for your individual risk tolerance. Review your holdings to determine if you can lower your risk level without jeopardizing your overall investment strategy. Am I investing too conservatively? Just as you can take on too much investment risk, you can also go to the other extreme by investing too conservatively. If your portfolio contains a preponderance of investments that offer significant preservation of principal but very little in the way of growth potential, you may be endangering your chances of accumulating the resources you’ll need to achieve your long-term goals. Am I contributing as much as I can afford to my retirement plans? If you have access to an employer-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k), 403(b) or 457(b), consider yourself fortunate. Your plan has the potential to grow on a tax-deferred basis, and you typically contribute pre-tax dollars — the more you put in, the lower your annual taxable income. Plus, your employer may match part of your contributions. So if you’ve been under-funding your

retirement plan, ratchet up your funding in 2013. At the same time, you may still be eligible to contribute to an IRA; if so, try to “max out” on it. A traditional IRA grows tax deferred

Opinion while a Roth IRA can grow tax free, provided you meet certain conditions. Am I adequately protecting my income — and my family? Over time, you’ll experience many changes in your life — marriage, children, new job, new home, etc. Most, if not all, of these changes will require you to make sure you have adequate life insurance in place to help guard your family’s future, should anything happen to you. Furthermore, to help replace your income should you become disabled, you may well need to purchase an adequate amount of disability income insurance. Do I need professional help? As the above questions indicate, maintaining control of your financial situation can be challenging — especially if you try to do it all on your own. You might benefit from working with a financial professional — someone who can analyze your situation objectively and make recommendations based on your risk tolerance, time horizon and specific goals. Before the clock runs out on 2012, take the time to ask yourself the above questions. The answers may well spur you to take positive action in 2013. WIL ADAMS is a financial advisor with Edward Jones. He can be reached at (318) 549-9155.


Holiday Festival Brings Family Fun

After 13 years, the annual Benton Stacy Brown, who rode in the parade Christmas on the Square Festival isn’t last year, says everyone is sure to have just a holiday tradition for area festi- a good time. “It’s a great quality of life val-goers. It’s a treat for the town event for local residents as well as outitself. “Over the years, the festival DONECIA PEA and parade have grown and it’s just a joyous time for a lot of people to get together and celebrate the season and the reason for the season,” Benton Mayor Wayne Cathcart said. Last year’s event drew in as many as 3,000 people, nearly double the turnout from 2010, festival organizers said. This year’s festivities kick off 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8, in downtown Benton’s Heritage Village side visitors… It’s very family-orientSquare with the theme, A Kid’s ed and a great time for casual family fun,” she said. Christmas. The Annual Benton Christmas on For the past four years, the event has been hosted by the Town of the Square Festival and Parade is part Benton Festival Committee headed by of north central Louisiana’s Holiday Trail of Lights, a guide to holiday festival chairwoman Dawn Bushnell. “We meet throughout the year to events, shopping, gaming, festivals, plan for this event and make it bigger parades and more in ShreveportBossier, Minden, and better so that Monroe, West more people come M o n r o e , out, celebrate Natchitoches, Christmas and have Alexandria and good family time,” Pineville. said Jan Tooke, the Free parking festival’s vendor conand shuttle servtact. ice will be availThis year’s special able with buses guest is SciPort: running from Louisiana’s Science 9:30 a.m. until 6 Center, which will feature Yertle the Turtle, Silly p.m. Visit their website at www.benfor Snakes, Slime and Be a Conductor tonchristmasonthesquare.com along with archery, BB gun shooting, more details, vendor and parade wildlife, the Cypress Zoo, a rock climb- forms. Call (318) 230-6956 for parade information. ing wall and more. Stay up to date with events in The festival will also feature a variety of vendors, from throughout the Shreveport-Bossier and its Holiday state as well as Texas, Arkansas and Trail of Lights partners by visiting at Mississippi. In addition there will be online contests, the Dash Around the Square www.HolidayTrailofLights.com or on at 5K run, photo opportunities with Facebook Santa and Mrs. Claus, Santa’s Little www.facebookcom/HolidayTrailofLigh Also visit Red Wagon Parade, live entertain- ts. www.ShreveportBossierFunGuide.co ment and more. The festival’s popular Christmas m for all event happenings in Parade, presented by the Rotary Club Shreveport-Bossier. of Benton, starts at 3 p.m. at Heritage Village Square on Sibley Street in downtown Benton, rain or shine. Shreveport-Bossier Convention and DONECIA PEA works with media relations at the Tourist Bureau Executive Director Shreveport-Bossier Convention and Tourist Bureau.


BUSINESS MONTHLY| December 2012 | 11


Chamber Update


Can you believe it? We’re closing out another great year and it seems like the time has flown by without warning. Time truly does fly when you’re having fun, and the Bossier Chamber has been busy the last 12 months. We’ve been tackling the goals we made in December of last year and making new goals for 2013, continually keeping you, our investor, in mind and coming up with better ways to serve you and your business. This year, the Bossier Chamber has made great strides in areas of advocacy, education and investor relations. We will continue the momentum into 2013 and hope you’ll let us continue to serve your business needs!


Bossier Chamber Update Is Produced On A Quarterly Basis in Partnership with NWLA Business Monthly. 12 | December 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY

The Good Times Will Roll at the Chamber Annual Gala


or years, the Bossier Chamber of Commerce has presented a night of elegance and sophistication with its Night of Stars Annual Meeting and Gala. In 2013, the Chamber is changing the tempo and looking forward to a night of decadence at the Mardi-Gras themed Annual Gala, complete with masquerades, beads and the top leaders in the business community. The Annual Gala serves as a time to reflect on the year and reveal the vision for the next 12 months. Kara Lowrie, 2012 Chairman of the Board, will pass the reigns to the incoming Chairman, Jason Smith. The outgoing and incoming Board of Directors will be recognized, and guests will receive the 2012 Annual Report, with the 2013 Program of Work. 2012 has been a banner year for the Chamber. Members had a registered lobbyist advocating for business issues in Baton Rouge during the legislative session, and the Chamber took a position on various bills with priorities in education, economic development, tourism, and veterans’ affairs. In addition, the Chamber partnered with the Military Child Education Coalition and sponsored the membership of Bossier Schools. With the help of community partners, a Military Student Transition Consultant was embedded in the Bossier Parish School Board to help transitioning students and families. In keeping with Military tradition, the Bossier Chamber designed and printed the first military challenge coin for the Chamber, which will begin circulating in 2013. The

Chamber has kept members informed on events and news with a new state of the art website and the staff is enjoying a newly remodeled building. The accolades of the Chamber and of its members will be hailed at the Annual Gala, and awards will be given for Business of the Year, Business Person of the Year, New Member of the Year, Military Relations Supporter of the Year, Media Partner of the Year, Diplomat of the Year and more. Sponsorships are available for this signature event, ranging from $500 to $6,000. The 2013 Annual Meeting and Gala is Tuesday, January 22 at 7pm at the CenturyLink Center. The Exclusive VIP Chairman’s Reception begins at 6pm. Individual tickets can be purchased for $40. To be included on invitation, sponsorships must be purchased by December 14th. Laissez le bon temps rouler! For more information on the 2013 Gala, please contact Jana Morgan at 318746-0252 or jana@bossierchamber.com.




“The Challenge” Holiday to 5K

t’s the time of year when we start making our New Year’s Resolutions and trying to create a plan that will stick with us for the year. Getting in shape usually finds its way onto most people’s resolution list and the Bossier Chamber has a plan for those of you looking to tighten up the waist line. The Tie’n Up Business 5k and 10k is the first race hosted by the Bossier Chamber and will take place March 9, 2013. Although the Bossier-Shreveport area is home to an enthusiastic running community, we know there are many people who aren’t avid runners and may not know how to start training for a 3.1 mile run. In preparation for Tie’n Up Business, we’ve created the Holiday to 5k training plan to help you shake off the holiday

calories and hit the asphalt. “Coach Chairman” Jason Smith, 2013 Chairman of the Board, is leading the effort and will be motivating runners through e-mails with inspiration and tips. The training plan begins in the New Year, but we’ve also created a plan for those who wish to start building their mileage now. To sign up for e-mails from “Coach Chairman,” please e-mail kristen@bossierchamber.com and request to be added to the Holiday to 5k list. The training plan can also be found at bossierchamber.com.

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North American Lending Paula Powell 7330 Fern Ave, Suite 303 Shreveport LA 71115 Send Out Cards Kandy McEachern 623 Ibis Court Bossier City LA 71115 Ristorante Giuseppe Natalie Brucia 4800 Line Avenue Shreveport LA 71105 KSA Alliance, Inc Mitch Fortner 1111 Hawn Avenue Shreveport LA 711

Efficient Energy Lighting Steve Panepinto 2415 Montgomery Lane Bossier City LA 71111 Military Child Education Coalition Georgette Price 2500 Viking Drive Bossier City LA 71111 LA Glass Ken Stephenson 2111 Benton Road Bossier City LA 71111

Pawtastic Grooming Jessica Loftin 1122 Villaggio Blvd Bossier City LA 71111 Louisiana Film Prize Kathy Melancon Bossier City LA 71111

Gowaiter Seth Manly 2529 East 70th Suite 123 Shreveport LA 71105 Command Labor Linda Welborn 1513 Line Ave. Suite 234 Shreveport LA 71101 Kyle Allen Insurance Kyle Allen Bossier City LA 71111

Confidential Checks David Boudreaux 10070 Mooringsport-Latex Rd Mooringsport LA 71060 U.S. Chamber of Commerce Marady Leary 1615 H Street Northwest Washington DC 20062

14 | December 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY

New Chamber Members (07/19/2012 to 11/19/2012)

Community Trust Bank Grace Smith 308 Market St Shreveport LA 711051

Hilton Shreveport Mike Green ATTN: Accounts Payable Shreveport LA 71101 Teri Flash Creative Teri Flash 901 Tatum Street Shreveport LA 71107

09/0112012 Lott Oil Company Mike Howard 3510 Industrial Drive Bossier City LA 71112 Sweet Lou Media Tony Taglavore 127 Presidio Lane Shreveport LA 71105

Spartan Realty Sherry Staph Tolisano 1800 Jimmie Davis Hwy, Ste C Bossier City LA 71112 Albertson's Michael Havard 3121 E. Texas Bossier City LA 711

Polaris Services, LLC Randall Noble 3602 North Market Street Shreveport LA 71107 Burke & Burke Insurance Connor Burke 5925 Line Ave, Suite 2 Shreveport LA 71106

Fun Flicks Outdoor Movies Shawn Sanders Bossier City LA 71111 Shelter Insurance Agency Sam Black 1126 Villagio Blvd Bossier City LA 71111

SporTran Shreveport Transit Management Valerie McElhose 1115 Jack Wells Blvd Shreveport LA 71107 Le Rivage of Bossier, LLC Jeff Lowe 2020 Valley View Circle Bossier City LA 71111

Signature Designs Italian Plastering & Painting Patricia Stanislas 4855 Airline Drive Bossier City LA 71111

Moretti's Gourmet Popcorn & Sweets Robert Moretti AAFES Sweet Shoppe BX Mall Barksdale AFB LA 71110 Reserve of Bossier City, The Julie Rexroad 4855 Airline Drive Bossier City LA 71111 Santa Fe Cattle Company John Rudock 3010 Airline Drive Bossier City LA 71111 Tatters Creek Embroidery James Broden 850 Fuller Rd Minden LA 711 Carlisle- Etcetera, LLC Shelly Spence 204 Magnolia Crossing Bossier City LA 71111 Brothers Seafood Orlando Chapman 1129 Villaggio Blvd Bossier City LA 71111

EI Polio Regio Adriana Santayo 2035 Airline Drive Bossier City LA 71111

Landing at Willow Bayou Rebecca Scott 2940 Le Oaks Bossier City LA 71111 ORR Nissan Tammie Lebleu 2323 Viking Drive Bossier City LA 71111

Quality Transport Greg Morrison 5500 Commerce Drive Bossier City LA 71111 Auntie Anne's Pretzels Roger Parikh 2536 Airline Drive Bossier City LA 71111

Louisiana Lions Eye Bank Denise Odom 721 Boulevard Shreveport LA 71104

N'Cognitos Erica McDonald 1830 Old Minden Road Bossier City LA 71111 Bossier Parish Communications District 9-11 Tracy Hilburn 4601 Palmetto Rd Benton LA 71106

Che'Bella Day Spa Lisa Turner 4719 Palmetto Road Benton LA 71006

Christ Fit Gym William Weatherall 1658 Benton Road Bossier City LA 71111

Gator Ceramincs Company, LLC Jaime Bartley 1341 Airline Drive Bossier City LA 71111 Lokea, Inc. Evan Smith 5450 Barksdale Blvd, Suite 500 Bossier City LA 71112

Cell Phone Solutions Bonnie Lee 2934 East Texas St. Suite 101 Bossier City LA 71111 Federated Mutual Insurance Co. Matthew Graves 2710 Caplis Sligo Plantation Drive Bossier City LA 71112 iArchitecture Jeff Spikes 719 Common Street Shreveport LA 71101

Meredith Hamrick Events, LLC Meredith Hamrick 2150 Airline Drive, Suite 200 Bossier City LA 71111 Discovery Toys Victoria Rigley 2413 Princeton St. Barksdale AFB LA 71110

Shreveport Convention Center Sam Voisin 400 Caddo Street Shreveport LA 71166-1774

Who Stood Out in 2012?

The Bossier Chamber of Commerce is currently accepting nominations for the 2012 Business and Business Person of the Year. Each year, the Chamber recognizes the business community and those that went above and beyond in areas of leadership, growth and involvement. The honor of Business and Business Person of the Year is reserved for those that are dedicated not only to their company, but to making an impact here in their backyard. The 2011 Business Person of the Year was awarded to Chancellor Jim Henderson from Bossier Parish Community College. Chancellor Henderson is a model for any community leader and is involved in a variety of community initiatives including the Robinson Film Center and United Way, and also serves on the Board of Directors for the Bossier Chamber. Holiday Lanes took home the Business of the Year award in 2011 for their community service, school partnerships and outreach programs, which are making an immeasurable impact on the area. Each year, the nominees only scratch the surface of the outstanding businesses and professionals in the community. As the Chamber prepares for the 2012 Gala, they’re looking to their community for input on those that deserve such an honor. The 2012 Award Recipients will be announced at the Bossier Chamber’s Annual Meeting and Gala on January 22nd at the CenturyLink Center. Nominations can be submitted through www.bossierchamber.com and must be received by December 3rd. To be considered, nominees must be members of the Bossier Chamber of Commerce.

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16 | December 2012 | BUSINESS MONTHLY

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