Farwest Focus Special Edition 2022

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keep pushing the needle forward for inclusion and equality. Soror Smith, “Coach” delivered the keynote address during the luncheon and rallied every Soror in attendance out of their seats to standing on their feet with exhilaration and a renewed appetite of belief. Not only were Sorors entertained, but also energized by our Farwest leadership team that included our very own Farwest Regional Director, Past Regional Directors, Members in National and Regional positions, State Coordinators, State Facilitators,

Tri-State Founders Day Celebration – Arizona, Nevada, and Utah

Reconnect, Reclaim and Renew the Love of our Sisterhood – 22 in 2022

Chapter Presidents, Chapter Members and Sorors visiting from neighboring states. The NFL Pro Bowl weekend was filled with Delta Sisters dazzled in radiance, lifted in love, and encouraged by joy. Excellent job to all of the efforts among many

Sorors from 6 Arizona Chapters

of physical fellowship. Saturday’s

that skillfully executed a wonderful

(Arizona West Valley, Phoenix

rededication ceremony allowed

event; this Tri-State Founders Day

Metropolitan, Tempe and Tucson,

Sorors to remember the importance

celebration will be remembered and

Iota Kappa and Mu Eta) 2 Utah

of our purpose and why it’s critical

hopefully serve as a pilar to promote

Chapters (Greater Salt Lake and

for us to return to our Chapters and

future collaborations.

Sigma Omicron) and 3 Nevada

continue the necessary work. The

Chapters (Las Vegas, Eta Chi and Tau Mu) gathered in Las Vegas, Nevada at The Orleans Hotel & Casino on February 4th through the 6th to celebrate the 109 amazing years that members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc have followed in our Founders footsteps to serve communities around the world. The weekend of events started with a welcoming event on Friday night to receive greetings from City Leaders and fellow Members from the National Pan Hellenic Council Chapters in Las Vegas. Folks enjoyed the company of

empowering message from our 2021

guests, as the celebrated theme was

Honorary Member, Collette V Smith

centered around connecting with

provided the juice for us to recharge

one another from a long absence

our talented batteries so that we can


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