Farwest Focus Special Edition 2022

Page 39

Delta Dear Committee

Committee Members Darlene Coleman, Octavia Madden, Carliss McGhee, Mahogany Rhodes, Nychelle Toussaint, Dr. Darlene Sampson, Pamela Williams

but large in merit. In the past year

place during the regional conference

we have processed the applications

and hosted by Madden, Coleman,

submitted by chapters for the Delta

Jeffries and Williams along with the

Dear of the month and submitted a

regional conference Delta Dear

Sorors name monthly.

committee members.

From those names, the Delta Dear

As a committee, we thank our

of the year will be selected and

Regional Director, Tracy Richard

presented during the Regional

Aikens for entrusting this

Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. We

committee’s task to us. We also

have entertained the Delta Dears in

thank the Regional Secretary Soror L.

a book conversation virtual activity

Black, Tech Team Sorors L. Cobb and

with Soror Marguerite Archie Hudson

T. Williams for their help in securing

This Jubilant committee has

that elicited high attendance hosted

the needed virtual space.

enthusiastically served the region for

by Sorors McGhee and Dr. Sampson

the past sorority year and is eagerly

along with program participants

preparing for the upcoming regional

Rhodes and Williams. Our final

conference. We are small in number

activity, “Hats on for Tea” will take

Submitted by, Essie M. Jeffries, Chair

Sisterhood Pop-Up/Delta DEAR Community Connection Activities Submitted by Soror Anya Burgess

community guests have participated

The Arizona West Valley Alumnae

in various activities.

Chapter, determined to make

While this has been taking place, the

Sisterhood, Scholarship and Service

Delta DEARS have also connected

the forefront everything they do,

with each other in a non-Delta

decided to spend their non-working

business environment, and hosts

Delta time together by create social

monthly luncheons at a designated

events, that would allow the chapter

sorors house where chapter

members to come together in a non-

members Anya Burgess, Octavia

formal setting to get to know each

Madden, and Maxine White cater

other while supporting local vendors.

to the designated local restaurant,

From this idea, the membership

bowling, and our most recent

services committee under the

event was poolside yoga taught by

leadership of Soror Octavia Madden

Soror Maxine White, certified yoga

With sisterhood at its core, DST

created a monthly Sisterhood Pop-

instructor at a health club. This

AWVAC is on track to do great things

Up activity for sorors to relax, and

activity is a huge success where

in the community.

recharge. Each month the sorors

over 30 sorors, family members, and

the event while enjoying stories of Delta history.

attended, and brought their families


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