The Chamber has introduced this online and print Directory as part of our ongoing Go Local First Campaign. We want to make it easy for both locals and visitors to discover all the products and services available in and around Cooktown.
We encourage locals and visitors alike to always check out first what you can get locally. Shopping locally supports our businesses, helps local employment and helps the town and our community develop.
Welcome to the print version of Cooktown Region Business and Community Services Directory
There is both an online and print version. We will continue to amend the online version to keep it constantly up to date. The print version is current at the time of production but as we move forward we encourage you to use the online version which you can easily access via the QR Code.
So we can keep the online directory up to date, if you hear about a new business or community service, please let us know via email.
Cooktown Boarding Kennels
25 Jensens Crossing Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0427 149 968
E: cooktown4895@gmail.com
W: facebook.com/cooktownboardingkennels
Cooktown Rural Supplies & Services
82 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5117
E: peternijskens@bigpond.com
Helenvale Horse Sanctuary and Therapeutic Centre Association Inc
269 Shiptons Flat Road
Helenvale QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 3965
M: 0487 039 380
E: martyandruth@westnet.com.au
Lot 2 McMillan Street, Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5555
M: 0476 772 151 (after hours)
E: cooktown@tyrepower.com.au
W: tyrepower.com.au/tyrepower-cooktown
7 Webber Esplanade Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5173
E: fishermanswharf@bigpond.com
W: facebook.com/CooktownFishermansWharf
12 Reynolds Street, Mareeba QLD 4880
M: 0447 052 010
E: office@capeyorktowing.com.au
W: capeyorktowing.com.au
F: facebook.com/cooktowntilt
84 Charlotte Street, Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5396
M: 0427 623 398
E: boating@thelureshop.net.au
W: thelureshop.net.au/marine-rv
Cape York Tyres & Mechanical
114 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6762
E: service@capeyorktyres.com
F: facebook.com/capeyorktyres
Compound Automotive
46 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6590
E: admin@compoundautomotive.com
Cook’s Landing Marina
2 Webber Esplanade, Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5101
M: 0409 942 597
E: info@fishingcooktown.com.au
W: fishingcooktown.com.au
Cooktown Auto Repairs
5 Boundary Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5933
E: cooktownautorepairs@bigpond.com
W: cooktownautorepairs.com.au
Cooktown Engineering & Automotive
Lot 3 MacMillan Street, Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5224
E: cea@auswasteservices.com
W: auswasteservices.com
Cooktown Tyre Service
45 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0477 277 153
E: cain@cooktowntyreservice.com
Cooktown Windscreens
219 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0447 695 559
KP Auto Electrics
34 Harry Heaths Close
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0409 721 892
E: kpautoelectrics@yahoo.com.au
W: facebook.com/kpautoelec
Millers Xtreme Diesel & Auto
844 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0427 156 284
E: millersxtreme@gmail.com
W: millersxtremedieselauto.com.au
Seabourne Outboards
1 Boundary Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0488 087 900
E: cambourne@outlook.com.au
W: seabourneoutboards.com.au
Auswaste Environmental Services/Auswaste FNQ
Lot 3 MacMillan Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5290
E: admin@northerntc.com
Cape Crusaders Electrical
348 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5564
E: office@capecru.com
Essential Air Solutions
Shed 2/3-5 Salvado Drive
Smithfield QLD 4878
T: (07) 4057 5966
E: admin@easqld.com.au
W: easqld.com.au
Brett Madden Constructions
516 Wilton Access Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0417 796 031
E: maddenbj15@gmail.com
Cooktown Concrete & Landscaping Supplies (CCALS)
Lot 3 MacMillan Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5290
E: ccals@auswasteservices.com
W: auswasteservices.com
Cooktown Electrical Contracting
26 Seagren Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0458 940 864
E: cooktownelectricalcontracting@gmail.com
Cooktown Joinery & Glass
Lot 1 Bauhinia Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6421
M: 0448 896 056
E: glass@cooktownjoinery.com
Cooktown Painting Services
701 Shiptons Flat Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0406 341 404
E: cooktownpainting@gmail.com
W: cooktownpainting.com.au
Cooktown Plumbing & Roofing
485 Cameron Creek Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0488 581 032
E: kamamiller@hotmail.com
Decle Drilling
218 Railway Avenue
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5670
E: decledrilling@activ8.net.au
W: decledrilling.com.au
DNT Plumbers & Gasfitters
100 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0419 732 534
E: admin@dntplumbing.com.au
Endeavour Electrical
186 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5289
M: 0427 695 289
E: en61927@bigpond.net.au
Gun Plasterers
PO Box 221
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0427 877 181
E: gunplasterers@gmail.com
Jerome Builders
3 Newman Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0429 695 002
E: rickyjerome@bigpond.com
Mad Keen Constructions
51 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0417 740 866
E: mkconstructions@icloud.com
W: mad-keen-constructions-pty-ltd.business.site
MC Cleaning and Landscaping
4 John Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0490 130 932
E: mccleaningandlandscaping@gmail.com
Mick Murphy Painting
PO Box 772
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5395
E: murphymichael1@hotmail.com
MTC Builders
Chace Close
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0438 669 962
E: mcrmcc@westnet.com.au
W: mtcbuilders.com.au
Northern Traffic Control
Lot 3 MacMillan Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5290
E: admin@northerntc.com
W: auswasteservices.com
Paul Owens Plumbing
39 Garden Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0408 754 136
E: powensplmb@gmail.com
The Shed Company Cooktown
Shop 3/99 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0417 484 948
E: cooktownsheds@gmail.com
W: theshedcompany.com.au/stores/cooktown
Cape Crusaders Electrical
348 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5564
E: office@capecru.com
Cooktown Concrete & Landscaping Supplies (CCALS)
Lot 3 MacMillan Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5290
E: ccals@auswasteservices.com
W: auswasteservices.com
Cooktown Earthmoving
Cnr Ferrari & Macmillan Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0438 695 891
E: admin@cooktownearthmoving.com.au
B & D Plant Hire
4 Brown Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0419 977 492 or 0419 222 587
E: bdplanthire.office@gmail.com
Decle Drilling
218 Railway Avenue
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5670
E: decledrilling@activ8.net.au
W: decledrilling.com.au
FNQ Civil
4/95 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0427 062 486
E: admin@fnqcivil.com.au
Water Bores, Pump Services & Mineral Exploration in North Queensland
Drilling and pump services to properties, councils and communities from the Kimberley to Cape York Peninsula for 30+ years. We supply, install, and fix pumps, tank stands and irrigation systems.
Equipped with two drilling rigs with rotary mud and rotary air capacity, we provide a range of drilling services — from large diameter irrigation bores to domestic and small environmental bores.
Phone: 07 4069 5670
Email: decledrilling@activ8.net.au
53 Savage Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 0447 758 443
M: 0400 051 459
PO Box 784
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6992
E: millerscontractors@bigpond.com
W: millercontractors.com.au
Nambal Resources & Quarries
88 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5810
E: admin@nambalresources.com.au
W: nambalresources.com.au
Northern Traffic Control
Lot 3 MacMillan Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5290
E: admin@northerntc.com
W: auswasteservices.com
NQ Contractors
47 Mulligan Highway Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0475 755 193
17 Racecourse Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0407 837 103
E: ryansperring@outlook.com
Up North Enterprises
4 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5415
M: 0459 059 196
W: upnorthenterprises.com
Daintree Air Services
Cooktown Airport
T: 07 4034 9300
E: info@daintreeair.com.au
W: daintreeair.com.au
Cooktown Engineering & Automotive
Lot 3 MacMillan Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5224
E: cea@auswasteservices.com
W: auswasteservices.com
Cooktown Industries
7 Boundary Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5144
E: cooktownindustries@outlook.com
Decle Drilling
218 Railway Avenue
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5670
E: decledrilling@activ8.net.au
W: decledrilling.com.au
This directory is proudly part of our Go Local First campaign
Cooktown Massage
116 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0457 531 847
E: cooktownmassage@gmail.com
W: cooktownmassage.com.au
Cooktown Swimming Pool
10 Charles Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6928
E: pool@cook.qld.gov.au
W: cook.qld.gov.au/community/pool
Wellness Embodied
32 Helen Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4231 9777
E: admin@wellnessembodiedcairns.com
W: wellnessembodiedcairns.com
Jodie’s Dressmaking and Design
PO Box 793
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 0458 146 679
E: jodieet15@gmail.com
healthy, happy, alive
8:30am - 5:30pm Mon - Fri 8:30am - 12:00pm Sat
07 4069 5434
Carol Lovell Arcade
100 Charlotte St, Cooktown
One Beauty
7 Helen Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6633
PCYC Gym & Fitness
3 May Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5890
E: cooktown@pcyc.org.au
W: pcyc.org.au/clubs/pcyc-cooktown
RFDS Far North Mental Health & Wellbeing Service
Cooktown Medical Centre, 45 Helen Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4040 0444
E: mhadmin@rfdsqld.com.au
W: flyingdoctor.org.au/qld/what-we-do/ mental-health/mental-health-far-north
Wiluka Hair & Beauty
103 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5316
E: alee_ding@hotmail.com
This directory is proudly part of our Go Local First campaign
Tess Photography
4 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0456 296 518
E: tessbuhmann@gmail.com
W: tessphotography.com.au
Bana Yirriji Art & Cultural Centre
Wujal Wujal
736 Douglas Street
Wujal Wujal QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 8333
E: art@wujal.qld.gov.au
W: banayirrijiart.com.au
Black Cockatoo Gallery
2622 Bloomfield Road
Bloomfield QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 8153
E: info@blackcockatoogallery.com.au
W: blackcockatoogallery.com.au
Cooktown Creative Arts Association/The Old Railway Station Shop
97 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5794
F: facebook.com/CooktownCreativeArtsShop
Cooktown History Centre
121 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6640
E: cooktownhistory@gmail.com
W: cooktownhistory.org.au
Cooktown Museum
Cnr Helen & Furneaux Streets
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5386
E: cooktownmuseum@nationaltrustqld.org
Elizabeth Guzsely Art Gallery/ Cooktown School of Art
125 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5322
E: cooktownart@hotmail.com
W: cooktownart.com.au
Jacynta Hunt Photography
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 0429 351 804
E: wayneandjas@westnet.com.au
F: facebook.com/JacyntaHuntPhotography
Jarramali Rock Art Tours
12 Muirhead Street
Gordonvale QLD 4865
T: 0402 805 821
E: jarramalienterprises@gmail.com
W: jarramalirockarttours.com.au
Kuku Bulkaway Aboriginal Art Gallery
142 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6957
E: sales@kukubulkaway.com.au
W: kukubulkaway.com.au
Nature’s Powerhouse
1 Walker Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5763
E: visitor@cook.qld.gov.au
Riverbend Tours
50 Furneaux Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0411 836 155
E: nick@riverbendtours.com.au
W: riverbendtours.com.au
Waalmbal Birri Heritage and Culture Centre
121a Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5927
M: 0427 194 820
W: cook.qld.gov.au cooktownchamber.com.au
E: endeavourriver1770@outlook.com
This directory is proudly part of our Go Local First campaign
Cooks Landing Kiosk
3 Webber Esplanade
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5101
E: info@fishingcooktown.com.au
Cooktown Bakery
1/95 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5475
E: cooktownbakery@bigpond.com
Cooktown Bowls Club
129 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5819
E: info@cooktownbowls.com.au
W: cooktownbowls.com.au
Annan’s Bar & Restaurant
River of Gold Motel, 16 Walker Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5222
W: riverofgoldmotel.com.au
Cooktown Café
99 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6848
E: cooktowncafe@gmail.com
W: cafeorderscooktown.com.au
Cooktown Hotel
96 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5308
E: info@cooktowntoppub.com
W: cooktownhotel.com.au
Gilled & Gutted Takeaway
7 Webber Esplanade
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6958
E: gillednguttedtakeaway@gmail.com
F: facebook.com/GilledandGuttedTakeaway
Cooktown RSL Memorial Club
127 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5780
E: manager@cooktownrsl.com.au
W: cooktownrsl.com.au
Jackey Jackey Herbs & Spices
Thai Restaurant & Takeaway
152 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5951
Lakeland Hotel/Motel
Foyster Drive
Lakeland QLD 4871
T: (07) 4060 2142
E: lakelandhotelmotel@bigpond.com
W: lakelandhotel.com.au
Lions Den Hotel
398 Shiptons Flat
Bloomfield QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 3911
E: info@lionsdenhotel.net.au
W: lionsdenhotel.net.au
Nature’s Powerhouse Cafe
1 Walker Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5763
E: naturespowerhousecafe@cooktowns.com
W: cooktownandcapeyork.com/go/ cooktown/naturespowerhouse
Sovereign Resort Cafe & Bar/ Balcony Restaurant
128 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4043 0500
E: info@sovereignresort.com.au
W: sovereignresort.com.au/dining
West Coast Hotel
108 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5350
W: gdaypubs.com.au/QLD/cooktown/ 49175/west-coast-hotel.html
Bloomfield Escape
9 Weary Bay Road
Bloomfield QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 8346
E: bloomfieldescape@bigpond.com
W: bloomfieldescape.com.au
Shak, Bloomfield Cabins & Camping
2869 Rossville Bloomfield Roa
Ayton QLD 4895
T: 0430 436 950
Cooktown Alamanda Inn
60 Hope Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5203
E: sayahscott@bigpond.com
W: cooktownandcapeyork.com/stay/ cooktown/alamanda
60 Hope Street, Cooktown
Guest House from $70.00
Self Contained Studio from $90.00
Off season and weekly rates available on request
Phone: 07 4069 5203
Email: sayahscott@bigpond.com
Visit: cooktownandcapeyork.com/stay/cooktown/alamanda
14 Hope Street, Cooktown QLD 4895 www.cooktowncaravanpark.com hello@cooktowncaravanpark.com CALL 07 4069 5536 TO BOOK
95 Charlotte Street (entrance Walker Street)
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6400
E: cooktownorchidtp@gmail.com
W: cooktownorchidtravellerspark.com
435 Barretts Creek Road Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5084
E: endeavourriverescape@hotmail.com
W: endeavourriverescape.com
Cooktown Caravan Park
14 Hope Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5536
E: hello@cooktowncaravanpark.com
W: cooktowncaravanpark.com
Peninsula Caravan Park
64 Howard Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5107
E: pen.park@bigpond.com
W: cooktownandcapeyork.com/stay/ cooktown/peninsulacp
35-41 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5417
E: enquiries@cooktownholidaypark.com.au
W: cooktownholidaypark.com.au
River of Gold Motel
16 Walker Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5222
E: info@riverofgoldmotel.com.au
W: riverofgoldmotel.com.au
Bloomfield Cabins and Camping
2869 Rossville Bloomfield Road, Bloomfield QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 8207
E: reservations@ bloomfieldcabinsandcamping.com.au
W: bloomfieldcabinsandcamping.com.au
Cooktown Harbour Views
Luxury Apartments
146 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0427 623 398 or 0402 252 372
E: accom@cooktownviews.com
W: cooktownviews.com
Cooktown Hotel
96 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5308
E: info@cooktowntoppub.com
W: cooktownhotel.com.au
Cooktown Motel (Pam’s Place)
9 Boundary Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5166
E: booking@cooktownmotel.com.au
W: birchhotelgroup.com.au/cooktown-motel
Endeavour Falls Tourist Park
3040 Endeavour Valley Road, Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5431
E: endeavourfallstouristpark@outlook.com
W: endeavourfallstouristpark.com.au
Gecko Guest House
22 Adelaide Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0438 611 820
E: info@geckoguesthouse.com.au
Lakeland Hotel/Motel
Foyster Drive
Lakeland QLD 4871
T: (07) 4060 2142
E: lakelandhotelmotel@bigpond.com
W: lakelandhotel.com.au
Lions Den Hotel
398 Shiptons Flat
Bloomfield QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 3911
E: info@lionsdenhotel.net.au
W: lionsdenhotel.net.au
Milkwood Lodge
Annan Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5007
E: info@milkwoodlodge.com.au
W: milkwoodlodge.com.au
Mungumby Lodge
388 Mungumby Road
Rossville QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 3158
E: relax@mungumby.com
W: mungumby.com
Rossville Retreat
152 Shiptons Flat Road
Rossville QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6106
E: info@rossvilleretreat.com
W: rossvilleretreat.com
Sovereign Resort
128 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4043 0500
E: info@sovereignresort.com.au
W: sovereignresort.com.au
The Seaview Cooktown
178 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5377
E: stay@cooktownseaviewmotel.com.au
W: theseaview-cooktown.com.au
Cooktown Concrete & Landscaping Supplies (CCALS)
Lot 3 MacMillan Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5290
E: ccals@auswasteservices.com
W: auswasteservices.com
Cooktown Containers
Hire & Sales
82 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: (07) 4069 5117
E: peternijskens@bigpond.com
Cooktown Lawn & Garden Care
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 3965
M: 0437 087 530
E: martyandruth@westnet.com.au
Cooktown Painting Services
701 Shiptons Flat Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0406 341 404
E: cooktownpainting@gmail.com
W: cooktownpainting.com.au
MC Cleaning and Landscaping
4 John Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0490 130 932
E: mccleaningandlandscaping@gmail.com
Cape York Pest Control
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0437 547 857
E: rickardo1957@hotmail.com
Cooktown Pest Control
387 Shipton’s Flat Road
Helenvale QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 3019
E: jimsjoint@activ8.net.au
Cooktown Removals
82 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5117
E: peternijskens@bigpond.com
This directory is proudly part of our Go Local First campaign
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 0458 906 636
Mick Hale Locksmith
PO Box 478
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0408 577 193
E: mick.hale@archerpoint.com.au
Sea Breeze Laundromat
2/5 Webber Esplanade
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0483 188 678
94 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6666
E: topendnursery@gmail.com
This directory is proudly part of our Go Local First campaign
Cooktown Property Agents
2/92 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0417 848 966
E: agents@cooktownproperty.com.au
W: cooktownproperty.com.au
Cooktown office: Office 5, 95 Charlotte Street Cooktown Qld 4895
Atherton office: Suite 1, 36 Mabel Street Atherton Qld 4883
For all your legal requirements contact our Atherton office on: (07) 4091 2450
Our team are real estate professionals and provide up to date information for our clients on the local market movements, investment opportunities and on the ground knowledge. We get so much enjoyment from matching our buyers to their perfect property and introducing them to our relaxed lifestyle in Cooktown.
Our Ethical and Effective sales strategies have made us Cooktown’s leading Sales agency. We pride ourselves on established clientele and repeat business. Not just sales people – we are real estate professionals!
Cooktown Platinum Realty is a dynamic Real Estate Agency committed to providing you with exceptional and professional service. Whether you are a seller, purchaser, landlord or tenant, we strive to exceed your expectations. 3/95 Charlotte Street, Cooktown QLD 4895
We provide a unique and refreshing approach to real estate and believe our relationship with our clients is one of the most important aspects of our company.
Cooktown Real Esate
T. 07 4069 5775
E. sales@cooktownrealestate.com
ANZ Bank Cooktown
115 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 13 13 14
W: anz.com.au
Real Estate Downunder
388 Mungumby Road
Rossville QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 3159 or 0407 654 066
E: property@realestatedownunder.com
W: realestatedownunder.com
Astute Law
Office 5, 95 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4091 2450
Cooktown Platinum Realty
3/95 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6294 or 0428 745 398
E: julie@cooltownplatinumrealty.com.au
W: cooktownplatinumrealty.com.au
FNQ Insurance Brokers
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 1300 080 312
M: 0409 709 816
E: matt@fnqib.com.au
Cooktown Real Estate
1/112 Charlotte Steet
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5775
E: sales@cooktownrealestate.com
W: cooktownrealestate.com
HYF Accounting & Advisory
4/95 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4041 7749
E: admin@hyfaa.com.au
W: hyfaa.com.au
John Hay Real Estate
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 0417 786 922
Roys Computers
80 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5727
E: royscomputers@bigpond.com
U&I Town Plan
2/320 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 0411 344 110
E: ramon@uitownplan.com.au
W: uitownplan.com.au
11 Furneaux Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5220
E: admin@cooktownfood.com
W: cooktownfood.com.au
Bottlemart Cooktown
29 Helen Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
Cooktown Bakery
1/95 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5475
E: cooktownbakery@bigpond.com
Cooktown Seafood Direct
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 0448 726 056
E: cooktownseafood@gmail.com
Endeavour Falls Tourist Park
3040 Endeavour Valley Road, Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5431
E: endeavourfallstouristpark@outlook.com
W: endeavourfallstouristpark.com.au
IGA Cooktown
29 Helen Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5633
E: cooktowniga.manager@cornetts.com.au
W: cornetts.com.au
3/84 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6818
E: qcumberscooktown@westnet.com.au
Thirsty Camel, Sovereign Resort
138 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4043 0500
West Coast Bottle Shop
102 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
This directory is proudly part of our Go Local First campaign
Cooktown Post Office
123 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5347
F: (07) 4069 5323
Cape York
Shop 1, 84 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5396
E: camping@thelureshop.net.au
W: thelureshop.net.au
100 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5354
E: cooktown@alivepharmacy.com
W: alivepharmacy.com.au
68 Hope Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5354
E: cooktown@tropicd.com.au
W: tropicd.com.au/ampol-cooktown
15 West Street and Third Street
Bloomfield QLD 4895
T: 07 4060 8125
Wujal Wujal
736 Douglas Street
Wujal Wujal QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 8333
E: art@wujal.qld.gov.au
W: banayirrijiart.com.au
Bloomfield Middle Shop
3427 Rossville Bloomfield Road
Ayton QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 8220
Cooktown Bargain Barn
82 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5117
E: peternijskens@bigpond.com
Cooktown Containers
Hire & Sales
82 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5117
E: peternijskens@bigpond.com
Cooktown Croc Shop
115 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 0467 787 599
E: karennbl@gmail.com
Cooktown Hardware
48 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4043 0400
E: cooktownhardware@cairnshardware.com.au
W: cairnshardware.com.au
Cooktown Newsagency
98 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5197
E: parfrost@bigpond.com
Cooktown Rural Supplies & Services
82 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5117
E: peternijskens@bigpond.com
Cooktown Wholesalers
Shop 4, 101 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6404
M: 0428 696 404
E: nellie100@aapt.net.au
Kuku Bulkaway Aboriginal Art Gallery
142 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6957
E: sales@kukubulkaway.com.au
W: kukubulkaway.com.au
Louisiana Emporium
140 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5585 or 0448 855 165
E: stormbird585@gmail.com
W: cooktownbowls.com.au
Nature’s Powerhouse
1 Walker Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5763
E: visitor@cook.qld.gov.au
W: cooktownandcapeyork.com/go/cooktown/ naturespowerhouse
The Lure Shop TackleWorld Cooktown
146 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5396 or 0427 695 980
E: fish@thelureshop.net.au
W: thelureshop.net.au
The Old Cooktown Railway Station
97 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5794
E: ccaarts16@gmail.com
F: facebook.com/CooktownCreativeArtsShop
Top End Nursery
94 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6666
E: topendnursery@gmail.com
Unreel Fish
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0447 162 193
E: unreelfish@gmail.com
W: unreelfishpillows.com
Vinnies Cooktown
3/99 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6773
E: cooktown.shop@svdpqld.org.au
W: vinnies.org.au/shops/view/83
Waalmbal Birri Heritage and Culture Centre
121a Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5927
M: 0427 194 820
E: endeavourriver1770@outlook.com
This directory is proudly part of our Go Local First campaign
Ampol Cooktown
68 Hope Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4082 1300
E: cooktown@tropicd.com.au
W: tropicd.com.au/ampol-cooktown/
Bloomfield Middle Shop
3427 Rossville Bloomfield Road
Ayton QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 8220
Endeavour Falls Tourist Park
3040 Endeavour Valley Road, Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5431
E: endeavourfallstouristpark@outlook.com
W: endeavourfallstouristpark.com.au
Lakeland Roadhouse
7769 Mulligan Highway
Lakeland QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 2188
W: lakelandroadhouse.com.au
Marano’s Fuel Cooktown
114 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5233
W: maranos.com.au/locations
Mobil Cooktown
210 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6863
W: trinitypet.com.au/locations/mobil-cooktown
Riverbend Tours
Departing from Cooktown
Public Boat Ramp
M: 0411 836 155
E: nick@riverbendtours.com.au
W: riverbendtours.com.au
9 Weary Bay Road
Bloomfield QLD 4895
T: (07) 4060 8346
E: bloomfieldescape@bigpond.com
W: bloomfieldescape.com.au
Coastal Rotors
Punsand Bay
via Bamaga QLD 4876
M: 0411 407 133
E: fly@coastalrotors.com.au
W: coastalrotors.com.au
Cooktown Barra Charters
Boat Ramp Webber Esplanade
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0408 036 887
E: cooktownbarracharters@gmail.com
W: facebook.com/people/Cooktown-barracharters/100057519456693
Culture Connect
Normanby Station
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 1300 794 175
E: info@cultureconnect.com.au
W: cultureconnect.com.au
Gone Fishing
146 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5396
E: info@fishingcooktown.com
W: fishingcooktown.com
12 Muirhead Street
Gordonvale QLD 4865
M: 0402 805 821
E: jarramalienterprises@gmail.com
W: jarramalirockarttours.com.au
This directory is proudly part of our Go Local First campaign
Trans North Bus & Coach
14 Dickson Road
Innisfail QLD 4860
T: (07) 3036 2070
E: atherton@transnorthbus.com.au
W: transnorthbus.com.au
INLAND SERVICE via Mareeba, Mt Molloy and Lakeland Downs
COASTAL SERVICE via Mossman, Cape Tribulation and Wujal Wujal
COASTAL VARIANT SERVICE* via Mossman, Lakeland Downs and Wujal Wujal
*When conditions on the coastal service make it necessary.
3036 2070
Tuxworth & Woods Carriers
214 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0419 759 892
E: val@tuxworth.com.au
W: tuxworthwoods.com.au
Coastal Rotors
Punsand Bay
via Bamaga QLD 4876
M: 0411 407 133
E: fly@coastalrotors.com.au
W: coastalrotors.com.au
Cooktown Car Hire
Lot 1 Annan Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0476 761 183
E: info@cooktowncarhire.com.au
W: cooktownandcapeyork.com/tours/ local-tours/cooktowncarhire
Cooktown Cool Freezer Transport
122 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0427 571 689
E: frankyogicocool@gmail.com
Cooktown Taxi Service
Helen Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 13 10 08
E: cooktowntaxi@outlook.com
Daintree Air Service
Cooktown Airport
T: (07) 4034 9300
E: info@daintreeair.com.au
W: daintreeair.com.au
Great Northern Haulage & Transport
549 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0418 759 302 or 0416 044 547
E: gnht2013@gmail.com
F: facebook.com/GreatNorthernHaulage
Hard Road Freight
226 Endeavour Valley Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5290
E: hrfreight@auswasteservices.com
W: auswasteservices.com
Hinterland Aviation
General Aviation, Hangar 7
Tom Mcdonald Drive, Cairns QLD 4870
T: (07) 4040 1333
E: info@flyhav.com
W: hinterlandaviation.com.au
Black Star Radio
PO Box 1164N
Cairns North QLD 4870
T: (07) 4032 5022
E: manager@qram.com.au
W: blackstarradio.com.au
Cooktown District Community Centre
11 Charles Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4082 1400
E: reception@cooktowndcc.org.au
W: cdcc.org.au
Auswaste Environmental Services/Auswaste FNQ
Lot 3 MacMillan Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5290
E: admin@auswasteservices.com
W: austwasteservices.com
Barrier Reef Child Care
9 Charles Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6440
E: barrierreef@ladygowrie.com.au
W: gowrieqld.com.au/location/barrier-reefchild-care-centre
12 Charles Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4082 0600
E: admin@endeavour.qld.edu.au
W: endeavour.qld.edu.au
ANZ Bank Cooktown
115 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 13 13 14
W: anz.com.au
Blue Care Cape York Family Centre
7 Flaggy Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 1300 258 322
E: info@qnada.org.au
W: bluecare.org.au/working-with-us/careers -with-pinangba/cape-york-family-centre
15 Charles Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5182
E: cooktownkindy2@bigpond.com
W: candk.asn.au/cooktown
Monday to Thursday
- 4.30pm Friday
- 1.30pm
Cape York Weeds & Feral Animals
113 Charlotte Street, Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5064
E: mail@weedsandferals.org
W: capeyorknrm.com.au/about/partners/ cape-york-weeds-and-feral-animals-inc
Cape York Weekly
PO Box 1079
Weipa QLD 4874
T: 0477 450 558
E: editor@capeyorkweekly.com.au
W: capeyorkweekly.com.au
Centacare FNQ Cooktown
92 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4044 0130
E: ndis@centacarefnq.org
W: centacarefnq.org
Centrelink Cooktown
92 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 13 62 40
W: servicesaustralia.gov.au/centrelink
Cook Shire Council
10 Furneaux Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4082 0500
E: mail@cook.qld.gov.au
W: cook.qld.gov.au
Cooktown Amateur Turf Club
Cooktown Amateur Turf Club
Racecourse Road, Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0438 923 848
E: cooktownturfclub@outlook.com
W: cooktownraces.com.au
Cooktown Bowls Club
129 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5819
E: info@cooktownbowls.com.au
W: cooktownbowls.com.au
Cooktown Chamber of Commerce & Tourism
Cooktown QLD 4895
E: cooktownchamberofcommerce@gmail.com
W: cooktownchamber.com.au
Cooktown Child Safety Service Centre
Suite 2, 12 Walker Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4082 2500
Cooktown Dump
MacMillan Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0428 793 147
W: cook.qld.gov.au/services/wastewaste-transfer-stations-1
Cooktown Golf Club
98 Quarantine Bay Road
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5800
E: cooktowngolfclub@bigpond.com
W: cooktowngolfclub.com.au
Cooktown Horse Sports Association
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0447 296 319
E: cooktownhorsesports4895@gmail.com
F: facebook.com/CooktownHorseSports4895
Cooktown Hospital
48 Hope Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4043 0100
W: health.qld.gov.au/services/torres -cape/ capeyork_cook_mhs
Cooktown Library
33 Helen Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5009
E: cooktown_library@cook.qld.gov.au
W: cook.qld.gov.au/community/libraries
Cooktown Magistrates Court
172 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4082 1000
E: courthouse.cooktown@justice.qld.gov.au
W: courts.qld.gov.au
Cooktown Medical Centre
45 Helen Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5211
E: reception@cooktownmedical.com.au
W: yourhealth.net.au/cooktown
Cooktown Police Station
170 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5688
W: police.qld.gov.au/station/cooktown -station-0
Cooktown Post Office
123 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5347
E: cooktownlpo@internode.on.net
Cooktown RSL Sub Branch
132 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6353
E: jim@cooktownrslsubbranch.com.au
W: rslqld.org/about-us/cooktown-subbranch-inc
Cooktown State School
10 Charles Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4082 0222
E: admin@cooktownss.eq.edu.au
W: cooktownss.eq.edu.au
Cooktown Swimming Pool
10 Charles Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6928
E: pool@cook.qld.gov.au
W: cook.qld.gov.au/community/pool
Elizabeth Guzsely Art Gallery/ Cooktown School of Art
125 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5322
E: cooktownart@hotmail.com
W: cooktownart.com.au
Endeavour Lions Club
5 Amos Street Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0413 322 625
E: endeavourlions@gmail.com
Gungarde Community Centre Aboriginal Corporation
92 Charlotte Street Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5412
E: admin@gungarde.com.au
W: gungarde.com.au
5 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 0437 041 236
E: info@itecgroup.com.au
W: itecgroup.com.au
64 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4043 0800
E: info@mypathway.com.au
W: mypathway.com.au
3 May Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5890
E: cooktown@pcyc.org.au
W: pcyc.org.au/clubs/pcyc-cooktown
3 May Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5890
E: cooktown@pcyc.org.au
W: pcyc.org.au/clubs/pcyc-cooktown
Pharaoh Care
5 Helen Steet
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4031 1771
E: info@pharaohcare.com.au
W: pharaohcare.com.au
Queensland Ambulance Cooktown
33 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: Triple 0
Queensland Country Women’s Association
107 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
M: 0458 693 578
E: ruthmcoombes123@gmail.com
F: facebook.com/QCWACooktown
Queensland Fire & Rescue Cooktown
115 Hope Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5898
Queensland Parks & Wildlife Cooktown
1 Ferrari Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: 13 74 68
W: npsr.qld.gov.au
RFDS Far North Mental Health & Wellbeing Service
Cooktown Medical Centre, 45 Helen Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4040 0444
E: mhadmin@rfdsqld.com.au
W: flyingdoctor.org.au/qld/what-we-do/ mental-health/mental-health-far-north
97 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5794
E: ccaarts16@gmail.com
F: facebook.com/CooktownCreativeArtsShop
3/99 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6773
E: cooktown.shop@svdpqld.org.au
W: vinnies.org.au/shops/view/83
121a Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 5927
M: 0427 194 820
E: endeavourriver1770@outlook.com
142 Charlotte Street
Cooktown QLD 4895
T: (07) 4069 6957
E: coral.hale@archerpoint.com.au
W: archerpoint.com.au