Kunene Lookbook

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TheKunenefabriccollectiondraws inspirationfromtheserenebeautyofthe KuneneRiveranditssurrounding landscapes.Thedesignscapturethe essenceofthisnaturalwonder,featuring organicpatternsthatreflecttheflowing waterandtheearthyenvironment Each printisbroughttolifethroughwatercolor techniques,allowingtheriver'sfluidity andtheland'srichnesstoshinethrough.

Groundedinnature,thecolorpaletteof theKunenecollectionfeaturesearthy huesthatechothelandscape'sraw beauty.

m o k o r o

"Mokoro,"isinspiredby thetraditionalMokoro boatsglidingthroughthe watersoftheriver.The designfeaturesrhythmic, elongatedshapesand earthytonesthatecho thenaturalformofthese boatsandtheir connectiontotheriver Digitallyprinted,Mokoro capturestheessenceof tranquilriverjourneys, makingitaperfect choiceforaddinga touchofnature-inspired styletoindoor-outdoor spaces.

mokoro neutral
mokoro green
mokoro aqua
mokoro mud

f l e c k

“Fleck”isawhimsical patterninspiredbytiny leavesfloatingonthe river’ssurface.The patternevokesasense ofgentlemovementand tranquility Thisminimal printorcoordinating patterneffortlessly complementsany scheme.Fleckisdigitally printedandperfectfor indoor-outdoorliving

fleck neutral fleck green
fleck aqua
fleck mud

r i p p l e

“Ripple” is inspired by the tranquil ripples of the Kunene River. This design captures the flowing movement of water, with organic lines and earthy tones that reflect the river's natural beauty Ripple is digitally printed and perfect for indooroutdoorliving

d r o p l e t

“Droplet”isinspiredbythe gentlefallofwater dropletsalongthe KuneneRiver,capturing thedelicatebeautyof waterinteractingwiththe landscape Thisminimal printorcoordinating patterneffortlessly complementsany scheme Dropletis digitallyprintedand perfectforindooroutdoorliving

droplet neutral
droplet green
droplet lime
droplet mud

c o b b l e s t o n e

“Cobblestone”isinspired bythebeautyofthe riverbedandsmooth riverpebbles This patternechoesthe charmofpebbles carefullyarrangedto formapathway This wovenfabricisperfect forupholsteryandsoft furnishings

cobblestone neutral
cobblestone green
cobblestone mud

k l e i l a t

“Kleilat”isreminiscentof thetraditionalgamein whichballsofclayor mudareformedand flickedintheair.This patterncelebrates playfulnessand connection Thiswoven fabricisperfectfor upholsteryandsoft furnishings

kleilat neutral
kleilat green

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