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Message from the ARP CEO
I have been associated with the ARP since it was first thought of in September 1985. Over the years it has changed beyond all recognition. Today we have an organisation that is trying to challenge the Government on issues affecting both corporate and private relocation into and around the United Kingdom.
It was the covid outbreak that led to where are now. In April 2020 I sat at my desk and tried to see how the ARP might make a difference and it struck me that lobbying the government was that way to go. I began in a small way and then members became involved and eventually in the autumn Lembit Opik was signed up and the project for ‘Political Engagement’ really got moving. However, like everything else it has been a struggle, but we managed to meet with thew Mayor of London and help a reception at the Mayor offices by Tower Bridge and launched an APPG during the covid period. Recently we were able to re-launch our APPG for Employee Relocation and are on the move again.
Our initial targets are:
• Increasing the Relocation Tax Allowance
• Improving the immigration system for ‘Talent’ being relocated into the United Kingdom
• Getting proper recognition for the Relocation Industry and its importance to the country’s economy both for those operating in the corporate sector and for property finders
The ARP also continues to offer Training opportunities for Members. We recently ran a session on Anti Money Laundering and two sessions with Marveen Smith on the Legal Aspects of Letting. Though well supported there were still places available and the ARP was able to offer the former at no cost and the later at a total cost of £75 plus VAT for both sessions for the first attendee and at a 50% discount for additional attendees.
There is also the ARP Business Helpline. This is provided by Croner and is able to respond to enquiries relating to (but not limited to) HR, employment law, health and safety, property law, contracts and litigation. By the end of May 2023 they had dealt with nearly 30 enquiries in 2023 and over 200 in the last 3 years. This service is available to all members and can be accessed through the website by logging - click here. If you have never used it, why not try it. After all it is free to members.
Tad Zurlinden - ARP CEO