2 minute read
Letter from the President
Michèle Bramstoft
Dearest EuRA Colleagues,
It should be effortless to write about springtime, generating relocation recognition, & our upcoming, long awaited sensational Seville conference. And yet, I’m challenged to induce my usual optimistic fervour as I sit here asking myself: “Who is
interested in war?” Looking for a silver lining, I see global humanitarian instincts & actions become stronger. Compassion for others is something that is always in style.
How do we, the EuRA Global Family, cope with yet another major crisis with new shared global repercussions?
If there is one thing our EuRA community has in common, it’s our resilience, our adaptability, our willingness to give support in meaningful ways. And leave it to our very own, Tad & Dom to be the trailblazers in this realm. They organized a fund to aid humanitarian organizations, United Nations & Red Cross. These organizations are already established in the Ukraine due to Covid.
Should you want to donate through the EuRA JustGiving page, you have the choice of sending your donation to the fund or directly to the UN or Red Cross - https://www.justgiving.com/ crowdfunding/eurafoundation It’s what we can do as a starting point.
Please – EuRA Needs You!!
We ask you to help us find other meaningful ways to support those in need. Your ideas are welcome!!
Let’s also keep our Russian members in our hearts as well. They need our support – if only emotionally.
How are you coping?
Covid also made most of us take a deeper dive into our personal wellbeing. It’s common knowledge that mental health is as important as physical health.
Does this sound familiar?
“Place the oxygen mask over your own mouth first, before helping others.”
When we take care of ourselves first, we are better able to take care of those who need our help.
Mindfulness, meditation & generating compassion for ourselves & even for our foes, is a good place to start, at least for me.
Please find outlets to keep yourself in a good mental state. Stay positive because being positive is about being open to & looking forward to things getting better. It also has the side benefit of keeping you healthy.
Do you feel privileged? I do. Despite the new global setback, most of us can attend our conference in Seville. I am grateful for the opportunity, and I look forward to welcoming you to the 22nd annual EuRA Congress [and elaborating on my EuRA 2022 vision of Generating Relocation Recognition � � ] in a few short weeks.
Until then, keep well.
Kind Regards,
Michèle president@eura-relocation.com