California Wildlife Action Plan Overview

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California Wildlife Action Plan

Conservation Challenges Answers 3 primary questions: • What are the species and habitats of greatest conservation need • What are the major stressors affecting native wildlife and habitats? • What are the actions needed to restore and conserve wildlife?

Regional Approach Modoc

North Coast / Klamath

Bay-Delta & Central Valley

Sierra Nevada & Cascades

Central Coast



South Coast Colorado Desert

Region Assessments • Species at risk associated with region • Major stressors affecting wildlife and habitats • Recommended actions to restore and conserve wildlife and habitats

Region Assessments • Consulted 30 or more conservation experts in each region. • Reviewed major conservation planning documents. • Peer Reviewed by regional experts.

Wildlife Species at Risk… Special Animals List (About 800 taxa): • CESA or ESA Listed or Candidates. • Meet the criteria for listing under CEQA. • Species of Special Concern. • Biologically rare, limited distribution, declining across range, or have vulnerable life cycle. • Populations threatened with extirpation. • Closely associated with declining habitats.

Wildlife Species At Risk California’s Special Animals List: • Updated species info • Developed new range maps for vertebrates • List is continually updated Access at:

Wildlife Species Matrix • Species Status • Range Maps • Population Trends • Habitat Affiliation • Regional Affiliation

Greatest Threats to Wildlife

Greatest Threats to Wildlife Diversity • • • • • • • •

Growth and development Water management conflicts Invasive Species Climate change Livestock grazing Fire suppression Forest management practices Recreational activities

Key Conservation Challenges • Expand conservation planning • Integrate wildlife conservation into local land-use decisions • Secure water for wildlife • Restore riparian and sensitive habitats • Control invasive species • Expand wildlife conservation education *See Workshop Results

Strengthening California’s Conservation Capacity • Expand state’s resource assessment capabilities (State,Fed, NGOs) • Expand assistance to local and regional agencies for conservation planning and implementation • Establish reliable broad-based funding for wildlife conservation

Resource Assessment and Monitoring

Sierra Nevada Montane Meadow & Quaking Aspen Communities

Resource Assessment and Monitoring Good wildlife information is important: • To inform wildlife regulatory decisions • To design habitat restoration and mitigation projects • To prepare multispecies regional conservation plans. • To prepare management plans for public wildlands.

Conservation Planning and Local Land-Use Decisions •

Regional, multi-species conservation planning is preferred

State lacks capacity to provide technical assistance and financial incentives for local conservation planning

In next 10 years, most development will occur outside of NCCPs or regional conservation plans

Need to integrate conservation planning into local land-use decision-making See Workshop Results

Need for Reliable Funding • 20 major unfunded mandates in last 30 years. • Currently, $1 GF per Calif resident devoted to Fish and Game • Major broad conservation programs and marine management depend on GF • Most recommended actions will not be implemented without new revenue sources.

Bay-Delta Region (Make this a pretty slide with bay area photos. I know you have a lot of photos) • Species at Risk • Threats to wildlife • Recommended conservation actions

Wildlife at Risk in Bay-Delta (Examples species at risk in bay area)

Threats to Wildlife of the Bay-Delta Region • Growth and development (including urban, residential, and agricultural) • Water management and reduced water for wildlife • Water pollution • Invasive species • Climate change

Bay-Delta Conservation Actions (List key actions for bay area)

Implementation of the CA Wildlife Action Plan Next steps for Bay-Delta?

Photo Credits Eugenia Patten Dan Vint Gerald & Buff Corsi Dr. Lloyd Glenn Ingles David Wright Alan Leviton Henk Wallays William Flaxington William Leonard Mario Garcia-Paris Michael Francis Adam Bacher

Thank You California Wildlife Action Plan and related information:

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