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Workplace culture in Denmark

The Danish labour market is internationally known for its ‘flexicurity model’. The concept is a combination of the terms ‘flexibility’ and ‘security’ and refers to a welfare state model that combines social security for all workers with a flexible labour market.

The typical Danish workplace is characterized by a flat management structure and an informal tone of communication. Knowledge-sharing and teamwork are valued traits, and everybody is expected to pitch in with ideas and opinions. The typical workweek in Denmark is 37 hours, making it one of the shortest in Europe. Employees generally have a fair amount of autonomy and flexibility to organize their workload, as long as deadlines are met in time.

To learn more please visit Work in Denmark at > workindenmark.dk

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BSc Eng

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Office for Study Programmes and Student Affairs Technical University of Denmark Anker Engelunds Vej 101 2800 Kgs. Lyngby Denmark


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