Jeg føler mig kompetent til at træffe
Jeg føler mig kompetent til at træffe
i forhold til mine arbejdsopgaver
I feel competent making decisions about my work tasks
Jeg oplever, at jeg har mulighed for at levere høj, faglig kvalitet
I feel I have the opportunity to deliver results in a professional quality
I feel respected
I feel that my work is meaningful
I feel that there isn’t
enough clarity
I am proud of my work
I am proud of my group’s work
Jeg er stolt af at være del af dette hold/team
I am proud to be a part of this group
I am challenged within my professional competency in an appropriate way
at jeg er en del af et team
I feel I am part of a team
I feel that my effort is noticed
I have confidence in my colleagues
I experience a good balance within the different types of assignments
I have confidence in my leader
I experience a lack of a clear strategic direction
I have a hard time prioritizing
I don’t have enough possibility to go into depth with my tasks
I feel the quality of work is declining
I experience lack of respect
I experience limited opportunities for feedback
I feel that my creativity is constrained
passion for mit arbejde
I feel less passionate about my work
Jeg er i tvivl om, hvad min rolle er
I don’t have a clear understanding of what my role is
I feel competent/incompetent
i min autoritet/rolle
I feel constrained in my role/authority
I experience a difficult work-life balance
I feel overwhelmed by the strong competition
I experience a feeling of loneliness
I experience limited (or irrelevant) recognition
I am in shortage of rest
I experience a huge administrative burden
I experience only limited trust up/and/or down in the organization
kræver mere, oplever jeg, at vi får bedre resultater i vores enhed, når vi bringer forskellige perspektiver til bordet
Although it requires more, my experience is that we get better results in our unit, when we bring different things to the table
Jeg oplever, at jeg er en af de få, der tager mig af de praktiske ting hos os
I find that I am one of the few who takes responsibility for the practical tasks in our unit
I am reluctant to talk about my special needs
Jeg har nogle gange svært ved at forstå og begå mig i en dansk kontekst
I sometimes find it difficult to know how to understand and behave in a Danish context
I often stay away from social events at work
Jeg er tryg ved at dele mit perspektiv, selvom jeg er i mindretal
I am comfortable sharing my perspective, even though I am in the minority
I experience ...