Downtown ZEN Apr 2015

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Chief Editor Loren Becker

Senior Managing Editors

Michael Boley, Mandy Crispin

Advertising Sales & Marketing

Loren Becker, Michael Boley, Mandy Crispin

Contributing Writers

Michael Boley, Temple Brathwaite, Mandy Crispin, Elisabeth Daniels, Peter Gaunt, D.S. Madison, Nomic, Fernando Reyes, Charlene Sands

Calendar & Events

Alexie Ihde, Mikela Lee-Manaois


Elisabeth Daniels, Peter Gaunt, Ivan Quiroz, Matt Wong, Las Vegas News Bureau, Shutterstock

Creative Directors

Michael Boley, Mandy Crispin

Art Director

Ryan Brekke (BullFish Media)


Nina Thomasian

Web Design

Michael Boley Cover:

Concept & Design Nina Thomasian

Logo Design & Typography Layout Nina Thomasian


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Letter From the Editors Twenty-three states, including our nation’s capital, have laws that accept the use of medicinal marijuana. Nevada first approved the divisive measure in 2000, but it is this year the true controversy begins, as dozens of cannabis cultivation centers and dispensaries will open state and citywide, including within downtown’s Arts District. Although marijuana joins heroin, LSD and ecstasy as a schedule 1 drug, the pendulum’s upswing towards government and public acceptance for both medicinal and adult “recreational” use is gaining speed. At the forefront of downtown’s soon-to-open pot dispensary is Shane Terry, chief executive officer of NuVeda Natural Medicinal Solutions. A retired Air Force pilot and instructor, Terry introduces us to the medical cannabis industry with a myriad of facts, well-articulated opinions and his overarching goal of NuVeda becoming the first Fortune 500 cannabis company. The storylines of this month’s publication don’t end there, as we’ve got features on Pirate Fest, to be held at Lorenzi Park from April 10-12, tax filings (shameless PSA: deadline to file is April 15), and an intimate story on alcoholism from a local A.A. advocate. Moreover, don’t forget to satiate your taste buds in our back pages, as our reviewers have been given the daunting task of digging deep into the menus at Bar+Bistro, Makers & Finders and Longbar inside The D. Needless to say, their findings will hardly disappoint your stomach or wallet. There you have it, folks. Sit back, relax and we hope you enjoy! The Downtown ZEN


table of




02 | Pirate Fest 18 | Cannabis


Philosophy ‘N’ Fluff 28 | Recipe 29 | Photography 30 | Health & Wellness 35 | Home Staging 36 | Nomic Spotlight

18 44

Events & Entertainment 38 | Art 40 | Coffeehouse Review 42 | Restaurant Review 44 | Bar Review 47 | Calendar


42 About the Cover April 20, also known as 420, is a date and term often associated with the utilization of marijuana. On this day, many gather to celebrate and consume cannabis as well as advocate for its legalization and diversion as a schedule 1 drug. This month’s cover, utilizing hand-drawn elements by Nina Thomasian, introduces you to cannabis’ medicinal subculture and feature story that begins on page 18.

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By Mandy Crispin | Photographs by Ivan Quiroz


irates in the desert? There are. Arrrrrr. Arrrrr. A festival of a different kind, Pirate Fest will take over Lorenzi Park, April 10, 11 and 12, bringing family fun and the ether of community. These pirates are cursed and are stuck in the desert. Attendees are welcome to witness their attempts to break the curse and return to the sea. They have

2 • APR 2015

made friends with steampunk time travellers and faeries, so the spectacle is sure to be one for the books ‌ or the almanacs!

so heavily for Halloween they had over 1,000 people coming to see their displays. In 1999, they turned haunting into a business.

RJ Productions, the hosting company and event creator, is comprised of husband and wife team Rich and Jan who ventured into special events in 1993. As a child, Rich was inclined towards haunted houses, and as a team, Rich and Jan decorated their home

Halloween being such a narrow experience, though, they decided to hang their talents on the gallows of what would become Pirate Fest in its present incarnation. Under their stewardship, Pirate Fest is interactive, immersive and inclusive of three

naturally morphed right into the Pirate Fest.” There are zero areas of the festival that are roped off, and as part of the immersion technique, there are both free and paid activities and games, a treasure hunt and daily parade. Rich claims, “It cannot be stressed enough that this is not the kind of festival where people walk around and just look. Participants will be participating.” New this year, there will be an entire section dedicated to faeries, complete with “walking water bubbles” for the kids. A final unique aspect to Pirate Fest is that RJ Productions treats vendors with extraordinary customer service. Business owners presenting there will retain the solitary spot within their categories for future festivals out of RJ Production’s loyalty to early adopters who have been passionate about their chosen crafts. During my time talking with Rich, he must have said a thousand times, “We don’t need two vendors doing funnel cake. I already got a funnel cake person.” Read: more than one purveyor of the delicious pastries means less dough for the lucky “seated” Pirate Fest funnel cake veteran. Additionally, festivalgoers benefit from a greater variety of enthusiastic, specifically chosen vendors. I call that a win/win.


different kinds of cosplay: pirates, steampunks and faeries. Jan says, “we wanted a festival that included everyone” and elaborates, “we created our own ‘legend’ to have a reason for pirates being in the desert. Wanting to be more family friendly, we added faeries to the legend because all the little girls love faeries (a lot of adults too!). We were also fascinated with the creativity and imagery of the new steampunk genre. Since they are also

called ‘airship pirates,’ we wrote them into the legend as well!” Rich adds, “I also had a lot of theater and performing in my background. I was everything from a comedy performer, to juggler, to even circus Ringmaster. I ran a children's theater troupe, designed and built sets and specialty props, and I even wrote and produced an original Halloween play. All of these attributes were utilized in the haunt business and

There is variable pricing for kids and seniors. Service personnel (active or retired), children and seniors all enjoy a discount ($10/$20), while adults pay only $15 per day or $30 per three-day pass presale. And if you are five years old or under and reading this, it’s your lucky day. You get in for free. Discounts available online early and through Sonic and Smith’s.

Festival dates:

Friday, April 10 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. Saturday, April 11 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunday, April 12 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

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8 • APR 2015

Enjoy an excerpt f rom the story that brings you Pirate Fest, “The Legend of the Pirates on Dry L ands.”

Erik Bagy

“Seeking to avenge their fallen sister, they blamed pirate as well as privateer! They thrust their hands in the air and chanted, ‘Death is too good for you! All who survive here today are doomed to never smell or taste the sea again! You will fight amongst yourselves for all time! The Kraken will hunt you throughout eternity no matter how far from the sea you may be!’ For pirate and sailor alike, to be banned from the sea is a fate worse than death!

Captain Justin Kase

The churning waters began to boil, the sea twisted and a large funnel of black water began to lift and rise until it connected with the clouds forming a huge typhoon. The Kraken’s writhing tentacles latched a hold of anything they could touch and started pulling everything into the black typhoon. Men screamed, grabbing on to whatever they could as the ships were lifted into the funnel and up to the heavens in one fell swoop!

is one of the founding cocreators of Pirate Fest along with Rich and his father Robert G. Bagy Jr. He is also assistant art director for the festival and co-designer and builder of the props found at Pirate Fest. Pg.5 (aka Mickey Roark) is “captain of quixotic, mischievous, educational piratical children literacy advocates who invade schools and libraries with specialized interactive educational reading assemblies that show the importance of reading from a pirate’s perspective.” Pirates of the Sea Monkey is a nonprofit educational group of artists, performers and craftspeople. He is also the actor coordinator for Pirate Fest. Pg.7

Doc Phineas Kastle

shown here in brown, is the president of Steampunk Guild International and is currently the Asian antiquities expert on the international hit History Channel television show “Pawn Stars,” which is internationally broadcasted in several languages. He is the creator and director of Steamathon, an annual steampunk convention, and he is starring in the movie “The Q Document” from Amarcord Pictures. Doc also makes appearances at several steampunk events, has a television show in the works and is invited routinely to perform as a special guest on varied occasions. He will be performing the Doc Phineas Steampunk Medicine Show at Pirate Fest. With the best snake oil west of the Mississippi, Doc will be up to his normal antics and fun steampunk craziness. Pg.11

Somewhere in a desert halfway across the world, the sky above started to darken and swirl. The clouds formed into a tight funnel as lightning cracked and flashed. Rain began to beat down upon the sands. Men and ships fell from this deluge in the sky and onto the land. Horrible screams of men rang out into the desert silence as some were crushed, and some survived. The last thing they saw were large black tentacles receding back into the heavens … ”

Steampunk tea dueling can take place for a couple different reasons. When Doc Phineas Kastle challenged Barnabus P. Smythe to a duel in the park, absolute insults flew, and a tea battle commenced! Tea is a must. The biscuits used here are from the new downtown coffeehouse PublicUs. Tea must be poured by the “pot master.” Opposing parties hold their biscuits up, and upon the call of the “tiffin master,” “dunkers” hold the biscuits between forefinger and thumb and dunk their biscuits into the teacups. Any delay in dunking results in disqualification of the biscuit. This offense is called “bagging.” Biscuits are to remain within the tea for a full count to five. The dunkers then attempt to eat the biscuit without it falling apart. This is called a clean “nom.” Ways to lose: A “splash” – the biscuit falls or crumbles back into the tea. A “splatter” – the biscuit falls or crumbles onto the table or floor. A “splodge” – the biscuit falls or crumbles onto the dunker himself (for this, the dunker loses but with honorable credit). How to win: If both players achieve a nom, the dunker to nom last wins. Basically, whoever has the biscuit with the most strength and holds their biscuits at the correct angles as to maintain biscuit integrity is the victor! Now don’t toss your cookies!

Julie Brown

plays Captain Jane Bollocks of the Celtic Mercy. The Celtic Mercy is a ship that resides inside The Glass Eye Pub. The Glass Eye Pub is owned, controlled, and manifested by four finely respected businessmen of privateering, racketeering, pirateering, and of course drinkateering. Pg.8

Renea' Le Roux & Mannifred Yates

are getting married at Pirate Fest on Saturday, April 11. Both are very well-traveled stage, television and film performers. One hundred percent of their extensive costume catalog is hand made by them and custom to their own specifications. They are also avid street performers, keeping the true art of street theater alive right here in Sin City. Pg.6

Charlie Johnston

in blue, and Rachel Duncanson, in red, belong to a performing arts group called SinCity Steampunk Dolls. Their goals are to come up with new and inventive ways to redefine past technology and fashion into a more elegant retrofitted future. Charlie is the owner, producer, choreographer, designer and maker of all garb, jewelry, hats and accessories. Rachel is a performing doll as well as a steampunk showgirl. Pg.10 & 11

Don Charette

(aka Barnabus P. Smythe), shown in grey: What do you get when you combine a world famous magician and internationally acclaimed hula hoopist? We don't know either. See Barnabus P. Smythe (magician) and Pacifica Lua Pearl (hula hoopist) performing shows on stage and walking around Pirate Fest. Pg.10 APR 2015 •


10 • APR 2015

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12 • APR 2015

Penelope Pendragon & the Wish Wagon

You can find the Whimsical WiSH Wagon in the Faery Realm at the Las Vegas Pirate Fest. Made with 93.3 percent reclaimed materials, the Wish Wagon is a socially, emotionally and environmentally conscious experience that people enjoy and embrace. … It touches the hearts of the audience so they will make more conscious choices in the future. Inside the WiSH Wagon there are many things to see and do. Kids (ages 8-88) enjoy reading all the stories, finding faeries in the faery habitat, looking at goblin skulls in the Faery Realm Artifact Museum and whispering their properly stated WiSH into the WiSHing Portal. This wagon has been toured in many places ranging from Renaissance festivals to the Shade Tree Shelter for Women and Children. With a robust imagination paired with a solid understanding of the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction, Penelope Pendragon “edu-tains” people with her Seussian style and her faery flair. Her whimsical ways and amazing association of acronyms keep both children and adults entertained as she educates them on feeding faeries (positive thinking), starving goblins (negative thinking) and how to get their WiSHes to come true. Penelope will be performing twice a day at the upcoming Las Vegas Pirate Fest. Pictured alongside Penelope in the doubletree on page 14 is faery friend Pixie. Pixie is one of the stage managers at Pirate Fest. Pg.13 & 14

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14 • APR 2015

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A Very Faery Frolic: How to Wish Properly

Step One:

How to Formulate your WiSH A WiSH

should be Present To get your WiSH to commence, state in the present tense. Stating your WiSH as if it were true will help bring your WiSHes directly to you.


should be Positive When you formulate your WiSH, please don’t ever use the words “don’t, can’t, won’t, not,” or “never.” Negative words only deflate the WiSH you are WiSHing to create.


should be Personal (that means just for you) Because if that other person is not WiSHing it too it absolutely cannot come true! Would you want anyone to WiSH for you to do something you did not WiSH to do?


is nice if your wish is percise When your WiSH is well defined, at least in your heart, if not in your mind, it will certainly help the faeries to find your WiSH exactly as you designed.

Penelope Pendragon and Pixie play amid the doubletree as Rich the pirate blows bubbles their way. Pixie is a stage manager at Pirate Fest, and Penelope is the good philosophy faery. Penelope spreads the joy of wishing and having a positive mental attitude by providing a “wishing portal,” authentic presence of body and mind and a handout on “How to Wish Properly.” Just by meeting her once, inspiration will flow and wishes will be granted. Rich recounts, “We met Penelope at another fair. We wanted to add the faerie aspect but knew nothing of the genre. We were impressed with the fact that she did not just present faeries, but a whole philosophy about positive mental attitude that she instills in the children. This fell right into our attitude of a participatory festival. She is now our ‘Resident Faerie,’ and makes it an integral part of the festival.” Penelope with her Whimsical WiSH Wagon in tow have been telling rhyming stories since 2011 when, she says, “Dr. Seuss took over my soul, and believe me, my friends, I gave him control!” The WiSH Wagon and her stories, although mesmerizing, are actually designed to teach children (adults catch on relatively quickly) about communicating with compassion, finding BLiSS and getting their very best WiSHes to come true. Penelope states, “Contrary to popular belief, a wish is not a want, nor is it even a desire for that matter. The word wish is an acronym standing for: What is Stated, Happens. In other words … when you state something as if it is true, it becomes a WiSH, and it can come to you. This includes things like “I’m having a bad day!” That is a WiSH! You stated it as if it were true. Now more “bad day” will come directly to you. Fortunately, it works the other way too, but you must learn to WiSH properly so it doesn’t backfire on you. This is why Penelope Pendragon has created the p’s and q’s of WiSHing properly. She realized that the over many centuries, generations and belief systems, the word wish had lost its true meaning. The phrase “wishful thinking” somehow became a negative thing to do, something that would produce nothing but unfruitful results. With that negative interpretation, wishing became wanting for something that neither you nor others could truly believe in.

More Steps:

How to visit Penelope Pendragon.

Please Note: Precise is not about being pushy or picky. (This is where WiSHing becomes a bit tricky.) If you would like to find out more about WiSHing properly, you can come visit Penelope and her Whimsical WiSH Wagon at the Las Vegas Pirate Fest. She will be set up in the newly improved feary realm, which also features “walking water bubbles” for kids. Penelope hands out booklets with the full steps on how to wish properly, and you can visit the wishing portal in person to make your wish. You can also go to Penelope’s website: To get the message out to even more children, the WiSH Wagon will need a few upgrades. It's way too heavy for it's trailer right now. In order to raise money, Penelope is running an IndieGoGo campaign. If you are interested in helping her get this message further, farther, faster, please go to and search for “Wish Wagon Upgrades.”

She is on a mission to change this belief system so we can all start getting our very best WiSHes to come true, so she is sharing step one with you. 16 • APR 2015

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18 • APR 2015

By Michael Boley

In 2000, the passing of Nevada Senate Bill 374 allowed for medicinal marijuana use. A decade and a half later, the state has finally begun accepting applicants to open dispensaries and cultivation centers. At the forefront of the movement is NuVeda Natural Medicinal Solutions, and they’re opening up shop in downtown’s backyard. Photography by Matthew Wong

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he Arts District ends about here,” said Shane Terry, gesturing equally with his left arm stretched into the brisk winter air and right leather oxford planted firmly atop the pavement, symbolically extending the navy blue wrought iron fence to where we stood.

story apartment complexes that were bought by Terry and a group of investors in December. One is to be dismantled for a 40-space parking lot. The other will undergo construction and be turned into a medicinal marijuana dispensary, one of several downtown locations to feverishly open this year.

At 6’3”, dark and handsome, With Third Street at our backs, to the untrained eye Terry to the right is an abandoned and Dylan McDermott could L-shaped warehouse. Despite be a split cell from the womb. having seen better days, the lot Their physical attributes and on which it stands is to mannerisms match be redeveloped into a to a T. Well-spoken restaurant and retail spaces. with a baritone vocal range, there’s a cool, calming To the left, on the cusp confidence about Terry, of the district looking in, appearing to be as comfortable are two elongated, singlein his pressed heather grey suit

Front-facing exterior of NuVeda’s North Las Vegas dispensary. 20 • APR 2015

as he is in his own skin. Terry is the chief executive officer of NuVeda Natural Medicinal Solutions. He is also a decorated veteran of the United States Air Force. As a kid, Terry’s father took him to see “Top Gun,” where his aspirations to be in the armed forces unfolded. But unlike Maverick, being enlisted in the Navy and living at sea would not be his forte. Terry instead joined the Air Force program in 1997 and attended undergraduate pilot training in Enid, Oklahoma followed by F-16 fighter pilot training at Luke Air Force Base in Phoenix, Arizona. Terry completed assignments in

South Korea, Italy and Iraq, and then was admitted to the USAF Weapons School, a technical development course for the top one percent of the Air Force’s war fighters — in other words, their version of “Top Gun.” From first takeoff to final landing, Terry participated in over 60 combat flights and earned two Air Medals and three Air Force Outstanding Unit awards. Furthermore, he was recognized for his executive level leadership and was nominated as the top ranked flight commander in the nation’s largest command of over 137,000 personnel.

In 2009, Terry served as an F-16 instructor at Las Vegas’ Nellis Air Force Base and concurrently held the title of chief of weapons and tactics at the USAF Weapons School. Then, last April, he stopped his career on a dime.

“I loved my career. I loved the idea of servitude, I loved flying jets, I loved being all over the world and the camaraderie,” says Terry. “For me, personally,

the whole entire journey was a rush and it just felt like it was time to try something different in life.” Prior to leaving the military, Terry dabbled in a few entrepreneurial ventures and was approached by his confidant and mentor, Dr. Pejman Bady, a former medical director for Southern Nevada’s Davita Healthcare Partners, to join his medical cannabis startup. “I unequivocally said, ‘Nope. I’m not interested whatsoever,’” Terry said. “I mean, go figure. If there’s a different spectrum of life from being a military fighter pilot, on the opposite side of that spectrum is cannabis.”

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Terry says he didn’t give the notion a second thought until he watched a CNN documentary from August 2013, where Sanjay Gupta, the network’s chief medical correspondent, retracted his 2009 Time magazine article “Why I would Vote No on Pot,” and researched further into the medical benefits of the drug. Along with heroin, LSD and ecstasy, marijuana is considered a schedule 1 substance, meaning it has no recognized medical use and has a high potential for abuse. When marijuana was first classified in 1970, Assistant Secretary of Health Dr. Roger Egeberg reported there was a considerable void in knowledge of the plant and its effects. “Our recommendation is that marijuana be retained within schedule 1 at least until the completion of certain studies now underway to resolve the issue,” he stated. Forty-five years and countless studies later, marijuana’s classification remains unchanged. This parallel could be drawn from the hurdles of receiving governmentgrown marijuana and lobbying approval from NIDA, the National Institute on Drug Abuse — an organization whose mission is to conduct and support scientific research as it relates to drugs and drug abuse. However, according to Gupta’s 22 • APR 2015

calculations, only about six percent of the United States’ medical studies investigate the benefits of medical marijuana, which he writes is “an imbalance that paints a distorted picture.” An extensive list of prominent journals and articles conclude marijuana has several negative effects, including having a more harmful impact on the lungs than tobacco; having an adverse effect on brain development, stunting brain structure and cognitive performance; creating a more addictive nature, leading to gateway drug use. On the contrary, cannabis benefits have been fairly well documented, benefiting those with epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis C, anxiety, depression, glaucoma and HIV and AIDS as well as reducing the side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients and reducing the progression of Alzheimer’s. With hopes of adding posttraumatic stress disorder to the list, local medicinal marijuana researcher Dr. Sue Sisley is awaiting Board of Regents approval at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas to conduct a pilot study on local veterans. Sisley has secured all federal approvals, which include the Food and Drug Administration, Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Public

Health Service, the NIDA as well as outspoken support from Rep. Dina Titus and Sen. Tick Segerblom. If permitted, the study would be financially backed by sponsors-only and would not receive federal funds for obvious reasons. Medical cannabis is legal across nearly half the country, 23 states to be exact, including the District of Columbia. In 2000, Nevada voters and lawmakers first legalized medical marijuana use, but the state never established a formal system for growing and distributing the plant until 2013. In total, Nevada has received a flooding of 519 applications to upstart businesses and establishments, including dispensaries, cultivation greenhouses, edibles manufacturing and testing labs. As stated in Senate Bill 374, Nevada’s regulatory structure allows only 60 dispensaries to receive legal licensing statewide, with 40 receiving authorization in Clark County. To compare, Arizona has 124 approved dispensaries and Oregon with 213. However, Segerblom has already proposed amending the statute, permitting the state to reopen the licensing process and consider a higher cap on the number of dispensaries. According to Americans For Safe Access, a member-

Prior to construction, Terry stands outside NuVeda’s Third Street dispensary. APR 2015 •


Interior of NuVeda’s North Las Vegas dispensary.

based organization working to ensure safe and legal access of cannabis, hopeful Nevada cardholders must be diagnosed with chronic or debilitating ailments within the categories of HIV and AIDS, cancer, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis and any conditions that contribute to seizures, nausea, severe pain and wasting. Moreover, patients who receive a doctor’s recommendation must register with the state to avoid prosecution. Upon approval, patients may legally possess up to two and a half ounces in a single 14-day period, including edibles, as well as cultivate up to 12 plants, or two and a half ounces, at their homes. However, patients 24 • APR 2015

who live within 25 miles of a dispensary won’t be allowed to grow their own marijuana without a state waiver. “This is the end of prohibition,” Terry stated emphatically. “This is a major social change, and this is a natural alternative for a lot of patients who are heavily reliant on dozens of prescription opiates and pain management drugs, and this is something we can naturally look for as a solution.” Out-of-state cardholders will find Nevada’s cannabis law particularly beneficial, as it is one of a select few states in the union to participate in reciprocity. This means patients from California, Colorado, Arizona

and anywhere else medical cannabis is lawful can shop at Nevada dispensaries. The benefits of this decision are twofold: 1) it increases customer traffic and taxable state dollars and 2) allows visitors to feel more comfortable while away from home. “If you think about this on the medical side, you have 40 million tourists who come to Las Vegas every year,” says Terry. “If this was a prescription medication that was completely acceptable, why should someone attending a business conference for a week have to go without their medication and not have access? To me, it makes sense

that if we want this to be a credible medicine, it has to be accessible to the patients who need it.”

they have to have full transparency into what your motivations are and what your business model is.”

Many of the already-approved dispensary applicants are rushing to upstart their lucrative, multimillion-dollar cash cow of a business to leverage and maximize their customer base. Terry, on the other hand, sees greater value easing NuVeda into the industry, quipping “our approach is we’d rather be best to market than first to market.”

Terry says he would like to mirror the efforts put in place by Harborside Health Center in San Jose, California, a cannabis dispensary led by longtime advocacy and activist Steve DeAngelo that routinely contributes to a myriad of organizations, including antidrug agencies.

NuVeda, founded by Terry, Dr. Bady, Dr. Pouya Mohajer and attorney Jennifer Goldstein, will be opening two valleyarea dispensaries. The first is a quick jaunt from North Las Vegas’ City Hall located at 2113 N. Las Vegas Blvd in North Las Vegas and the second, as previously noted, is on the cusp of downtown’s Arts District at 1320 S. Third St. Both locations were methodically and cautiously chosen as a result of speaking to area business owners and holding community meetings. “There are a lot of people in this industry that are close-hold and keep their cards tight, and we want to be completely transparent,” said Terry. “I feel like in order to establish the trust in your community and the public

“We are extremely interested in what you would call social responsibility, conscious capitalism or what Google says as ‘doing good,’” says Terry. “I feel every business should have a responsibility to give back to their community.” Unlike the negative connotations often associated with smoke shops and vapor shops, NuVeda is adamant about providing a premium experience to its customers — an experience, says Terry, that closely mimics the aesthetics

and interactive technological components of an Apple store. “We don’t want it to be an underground speakeasy where somebody slides you product

out from under a bulletproof glass window. I want our customers to walk in and go ‘wow, I would have never expected this,’” says Terry. “We want that wow factor of someone walking into our store, and it doesn’t matter that we would be cannabis.” NuVeda’s product selection will be comprised of several strains of buds, flowers and a diversified mix of edibles. Although typical of the industry, Terry says his store will not solely associate with fatty foods, such as popcorn, chocolate bars, brownies and hard candies. Rather, a heavy focus will be devoted to the creation of gourmet and nutritious low carb, sugar-free and gluten-free goods. Nonedible products will include vaporizer pens, oils and solid concentrates, such as waxes, shatters and butters, in addition to lotions, salves, tinctures and even a cannabis patch. All shelf items sold at NuVeda’s retail locations will come from the company’s two self-owned and technologically advanced cultivation centers located in Pahrump and North Las Vegas. The Pahrump facility will be an estimated 61,000 square feet while the North Las Vegas site, the much larger of the two, will begin at 109,000 square feet and could phase into nearly APR 2015 •


Proposed interior and exterior renderings of NuVeda’s Third Street dispensary. Illustrations provided by Bunnyfish Studio. 26 • APR 2015

300,000 square feet of space. Due to the large scale of cultivation, Terry has teamed up with TRiQ Systems, an Oregon-based cannabis operations company, to help streamline and maximize NuVeda’s infrastructure, aiding in more purposeful marijuana growth. According to Terry, each greenhouse will apply the age-old approach of industrial and commercial agriculture, utilizing irrigation and fertigation techniques, and combine it with highend automated workflow equipment. Showcased technology will include full environmental controls, such as lighting, humidity, Co2 and conveyer belts displacing soil. “All we’re doing is adapting proven techniques, leveraging technology and applying them to cannabis growing on a large scale. Surprisingly a lot of companies don’t think that way,” said Terry. “I think that our approach, and that TRiQ’s approach too, is that if we get this set up, we will be the first of its kind that I know of in the world for cannabis.” With the advent of more advanced cultivation

technology, the cannabis industry has undoubtedly seen rapid and ever-evolving change the past few years. The most notable difference, however, can be seen through social acceptance extending beyond medicinal use. Since 2012, the District of Columbia and four states — Colorado, Washington, Oregon and Alaska — voted fully for legal adult marijuana consumption, while an additional 14 more states have decriminalized certain amounts of possession. Advocates say 2016 is likely to be the next big year for legalization, when Arizona, California, Maine, Massachusetts and Nevada could be added to the list. According to Pew Research Center study conducted last November on Americans, 52 percent approve of the legalization of marijuana while 45 percent oppose. Among generations in favor of its use, Millennials lead 63 percent, followed by Baby Boomers at 51 percent and the Silent Generation (those 69 to 86) at 27 percent. Interestingly

enough, the same study reported 47 percent have at least tried marijuana and 69

percent believe alcohol is more harmful than cannabis. “It’s interesting how acceptable alcohol is in our society. You could say, ‘what is that scotch doing for you?’ It’s helping you relax, it’s helping you medicate. Is that any different now if you’re 21 and you consume cannabis because it helps you relax, it helps you calm down after a rough day?” asks Terry. “What exactly is the line between recreational and medicinal in comparison to how alcohol is used in our society?” Eighty-three years ago, the end of prohibition made the sale, production, importation and transportation of all alcoholic beverages legal. Now the multibillion-dollar question remains: can the same ever be put in place for marijuana, or will the federal government continue to blow smoke?■

Nevada’s Estimated Annual Cannabis Sales in Millions Amount in Billions the Industry Could Be Worth By 2020 Nevada Dispensary and Cultivation Applicants Nevada Residents with Medical Marijuana Cards APR 2015 •


Drew's Seasoned Ribs Ingredients:

1 rack raw meat ribs


Salt and pepper (to taste) Pinch granulated garlic per rib Pinch cayenne pepper per rib Pinch paprika per rib Pinch Cajun seasoning per rib

Barbecue Sauce

Add a tablespoon of honey and hot sauce to taste to any bottled barbecue sauce.


Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Put seasoning mixture down the line of the middle of the rib and massage into the bones and meat. Rub vigorously for about two minutes. Grill (just for the grill marks) over open flame or in skillet, about four minutes. Top ribs with barbecue sauce mixture and bake ribs in oven for 30 minutes at 375 degrees. Add more barbecue sauce with brush and pop back into the oven for a couple of minutes. Get plenty of napkins. You’re going to need them! *You can increase the mixture if you desire to do larger amounts of ribs — season to your taste!

28 • APR 2015

Walking around different areas of downtown you are witness to many different things: some new, some old and a few that are just very unique in their own right. I encourage you to try it sometime. Take a drive down a DTLV street that you’ve never been on before, and you’ll see some of the most interesting businesses and shops. This particular find is an old printing press that has been painted to look like the shark teeth, or “nose art,” from WWII fighter planes. This was shot with a Canon 6D with a 24-70mm f/2.8 lens. Keep your eyes peeled, and you’ll be quite surprised about what you see when you’re least expecting it. –Peter Gaunt APR 2015 •


Alcohol Awareness Month Coping with Vegas' Overabundance of Toxins & Temptations By Temple Brathwaite

30 • APR 2015

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stared at my computer for what felt like hours thinking of a way to start this article. With April being Alcohol Awareness Month and me being the contributing writer for this publication’s health section, I was assigned by my editor a seemingly intimidating task.

Living in Las Vegas with temptation at every corner, I could only imagine the statistics and countless stories that could be told about this disease. On a national level, based on statistics provided by the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCAADD), alcohol is the most commonly used addictive substance, with 17.6 million people suffering from alcohol abuse or dependency (1 in every 12), and is the third leading lifestyle-related cause of death (88,000 annually). Sadly, these numbers do not account for the several million more who engage in binge drinking patterns, further resulting in violent crimes, car and pedestrian crashes as well as Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder to unborn babies. Still, I treaded lightly as this was a sensitive subject and in return, was completely blown away by the knowledge I gained and the humble approach I would adopt towards anyone dealing with such a controlling addiction. I was afforded the opportunity to speak with a member and advocate for Alcoholics Anonymous (A.A.), Russ C., who is now 12 years sober, as he shared with me his own sobriety story and enlightened me on stigmas and provided answers about A.A., the 12-step guide and a disease known all over the world. Alcoholics Anonymous dates back to 1935, with its basic text first published in 1939, and every day has held countless meetings in countries and cities across the globe. A fellowship founded on the policy of one alcoholic helping another and each member believing in a God of their own understanding, I found that this program was one filled with pride and service to others. I can’t remember how many conversations I’ve had or overheard as drunken persons were judged with hurtful one-liners, such as “why doesn’t he/she just get help,” or “how could someone drink that much?” Going into this interview, I came to get answers to my questions, but I left with an insight much greater. As I quickly realized, these questions could not be answered, or even understood, by someone who is or has not previously battled alcoholism. Staying true to the first step of the fellowship, which is we admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable, getting proper help begins with the admission of having a problem. And no one can do that except for the person itself. In a town like Las Vegas, I asked Russ how alcoholism compares to other places. But as mentioned above, alcoholism doesn’t discriminate based on locale. Whether you live urban or rural, domestic or international, the disease remains the same and has an immense, controlling effect on peoples’ psyches and livelihoods. By definition, an alcoholic is someone who takes a drink and has no control over how many they will drink thereafter. Whether alcohol 32 • APR 2015

flows in abundance, such as in Las Vegas, or is a bit scarcer, Russ explains that an alcoholic will find a way to drink, or find a similar satisfaction, regardless. A disease that dates back prior to the 1930s, I wondered what brought people to alcohol in the first place and who is most at risk in becoming an alcoholic. Many times outsiders believe that those who are abused or come from broken homes or impoverished places are more likely to find answers in the bottom of a bottle. While that may be true, it is definitely not the only statistic. Alcohol can also affect those who come from status, money and a loving family. The first experience with alcohol can be due to peer pressure or a loss of control. Russ spoke about his own sobriety by digging into his familiarities with alcohol. Partying with siblings, Russ took a liking to liquor and drugs. He was also a successful chef, but with the freedom to occasionally drink on the job, this did not aid in his ability to get better. A social drink here and there before closing time turned into needing to drink before, during and after work. Before long he found it difficult to keep a job, and even housing. While living with his parents, Russ received the tough love any parent would provide. With the constant yo-yoing between sobrieties and drinking, his father had had enough and did the hardest thing any parent could do: leave his child to fend for his own. Departing with words of encouragement that should he want to get better they were there to help, Russ’ father drove away leaving his son in downtown Los Angeles, homeless and addicted. Fueled by the control of drugs and alcohol, Russ was in and out of prison until finally coming to the realization that this was not the life he had longed for. Step number one. In prison, Russ got help and would be linked with a sponsor who spoke about his own sobriety journey and would essentially help Russ through his. A sponsor, I learned, would be the integral part in someone’s success through the program. A.A. meetings can take form either in open or closed environments. Open meetings allow observers to sit and listen, but oftentimes not share. A closed meeting is for alcoholics only. Through these meetings others share their stories and struggles, and if one feels touched by an individual, he or she can reach out to them hoping to form a friendship, mutual respect and a sponsorship. A sponsor is there to help an alcoholic through each of the 12 steps and be a support for their sober living lifestyle. With the program being extremely personal to the individual, going through the steps requires a lot of selfsearching and focus before moving on to the next step; the goal, of course, being able to continue practicing sober behavior. Although education is the first step to preventing alcoholism, Russ admits that it can also be the hardest. A.A. relies on word of mouth, presentations and other outreach communication to help prevent the call to alcohol as well as helping those who may have already answered.

While those who are not alcoholics aren’t able to get too involved in the process, and understandably so, A.A. is a free program and truly believes that in order to keep what they’ve got going, they need to help one other.

The Alcoholics Anonymous Central Office is located at 1431 E. Charleston Boulevard. For more info, call the 24/7 hotline at 702.598.1888 or visit

Much like any disease, we tend to give focus only during the months in which they are idealized. But here is my request to you: If you or someone you know is struggling with alcohol, understand that there is hope and help out there.■

APR 2015 •


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34 • APR 2015




hoever said shelving units must be comprised of relatives in picture frames? Refine your tastes and up your intelligentsia (or at least the illusion of) with hard cover books, ranging from interior design concepts to Shakespearean playwrights. Alas, add in a signature yet shiny accent piece that gravitates the eye from across the room. Whether your tastes are basic or eclectic, relax … you’re at

Inside Style.

APR 2015 •




CMYK 67, 63, 63, 57 PMS Black 7

Rachel’s Kitchen Front of House Supervisor In 1994, Jessica Paredes’ parents moved from Guadalajara, Mexico to Las Vegas. She was only 3 years old, and today she shares, “I appreciate everything my parents have done for me.” Whether she’s talking about her parents, her grandmother who longs to return to Mexico, or her sister who works alongside her at Rachel’s Kitchen, it is clear that family is important to Paredes.

CMYK 0, 10, 100, 0 PMS 7405C

CMYK 67, 63, 63, 57 PMS Black 7

“My grandmother had 10 kids, so I have a big family. I always ask her, ‘Didn’t you have TV?’ because I can’t believe she had so many kids. She must have been bored,” Paredes says with a laugh. For her, Rachel’s Kitchen is like an extended family, and that connection makes her happy. Kathy, co-owner of Rachel’s Kitchen, says, “Being able to keep a smile on every day is not easy, and she does it effortlessly.”

CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0 PMS Black C

CMYK 100, 100, 100, 100

How did you find the job at Rachel’s Kitchen? My friend was working at another Rachel’s location, and she told me about the position. I started here when they opened almost three years ago. I used to work in fast food, and I was excited to work at place that was healthier. What is your favorite thing on the menu? What about the most underrated? I love the Chinese Chicken Salad, but I think that more people should try the vegetarian sandwich.

CMYK 100, 100, 100, 100

CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0 PMS Black C

Where else do you like to eat in town? At home. I love my mom’s mole, but you can find other great Mexican food at little taco stands around town. There is one near my house on Nellis and Tropicana called Tacos Azteca. I order the asada tacos. What is your favorite spot downtown? I love Downtown Container Park. Kappa Toys is super fun. I love their vintage toys. What is your secret to success? Patience. That, and I think you have to love what you do. I want to go back to school for business and hospitality, because I truly love hospitality. If you had one piece of advice to give the world, what would it be? Treat others the way you want to be treated. Nomic Spotlight features downtown employees or employers that are nominated by the community. If you’d like to nominate someone for employee or employer of the month, submit your nomination here: http://bit. ly/dteom. Shout out your nominees on Twitter or Instagram at #dteom

Follow Nomic on Twitter @nomic & Instagram @nomiclv 36 • APR 2015

You have to love what you do. I truly love hospitality.

©Michael Kirschbaum APR 2015 •


By Fernando Reyes I don't believe in anything. There's no ghosts, no demons, no magic. I'm a skeptic. But the question of destiny is one on which I don't lean so resolute. I truly don't know. When I first came to Las Vegas in 2011, I stayed in Henderson. Three or so days after my arrival I stepped out one early morning and rode my bicycle. I rode and rode with no destination in mind other than getting next to the stratosphere. From afar I could see it, and I followed it; it became my beacon. Down Sunset to Eastern to Flamingo,

38 • APR 2015

getting ever nearer I found myself on Charleston and Maryland. "Hmmm ...," I thought to myself, "this place seems ghetto-ish." I recognized the symptoms of crack and crystal meth in the area. Lost souls, men and women trapped in vicious cycles. A triumvirate of despair feeding off of and into each other: homelessness, prostitution and drugs. I kept exploring enticed by the art in the area. "Yes," I thought, "I can find work here." I went to a wedding chapel. There was an elegant woman there. I asked for the owner, and it was her.

I told her what I do and what I could do for her with what I do. She said no. There was something in the way she said no with a smile and a glimmer in her eye that gave me hope. I went home and drew a design for her, went back the next day, and she wouldn't even look at it. I left my design on her counter and left, and yeah, I felt disappointed. As I stepped out of her place I heard reggae music next door. It is a reggae store. I went inside and told the owner what I do. He wanted reggae artists that had passed away painted, Bob Marley

and Peter Tosh among them. I painted this on the front of his store, and he became the first person I would paint for here in Las Vegas (he also has a reggae show every Saturday on KUNV 91.5). From there I got a gig two doors down at a Cuban restaurant. While painting there, an artist named Ras saw me and he told me to come down to The Arts Factory, so I did after work that day.

as many other exhibitions by other artists. Some come, some go, and some have stayed. As I write these lines, Trifecta gallery has its final exhibition on display after 12 years of devotion. I applaud them. As for myself, I am not sure how long I shall stay, but as of now I have no plans of leaving. So intertwined has my art and life become with the place that I even have dreams about it.

This place, The Arts Factory, has been a sort of second home to me. It is where my exhibitions are housed as well

There's a lot happening here in the Arts District keeping art alive and strong wherein the public can come and be

enriched. Downtown has been my home for a while now, you could say I live in the heart of the Arts District. Little did I know, that first day riding through these streets, what fate would bring, yet it felt vaguely familiar as if from some forgotten dream. I found the Arts District by mere chance, or was it destiny? Something of childish simplicity of wanting to ride to that tower looming over the horizon.â–

APR 2015 •



coffeehouse R E V I E W

Makers & Finders COFFEE By Elisabeth Daniels


aleria Varela sits at a long wooden bar, which is embellished with a Greek key pattern she painted herself. An espresso machine whirs in the background, and the earthy fragrance of coffee beans wafts through the air. Varela tucks her long brown hair behind her ear and smiles. “There’s so much that goes into producing coffee,” she says. “So much inspiration. We went all in with this idea of merging both concepts: coffee and arepas.” Seated next to Varela, Josh Molina sips rich black coffee from a square glass mug. “What’s tricky is we’re not a coffee shop,” he says, setting the cup down on the bar he and his cousin built. “We’re really a restaurant coffee bar. That’s been a challenge: identifying ourselves for us — and for our customers. We offer full table service, but we also have a coffee bar and a lounge area.” This unusual combination is a big part of why Makers & Finders Urban Coffee Bar is such a special addition to downtown Vegas. It took a while for Varela and Molina to figure out that winning formula. Back in 2011, they tossed around a variety of ideas for selling empanadas and arepas, visiting shops in New York City and even considering a food truck at one point. Sojourns to coffee farms in Colombia and Peru in 2013 taught them to appreciate the art of drying and grinding beans. The path became clear: a café focused on handcrafted coffee and authentic Latin comfort food made from Molina’s family recipes. Quality java takes time, which is why there’s a disclaimer at the top of the coffee menu: “All coffee and espresso is ground, brewed and made to order. Please allow 3-5 minutes for order, depending on method.” Molina, 26, learned that people would wait, patiently and happily, for a handcrafted drink during a stint at Herbs & Rye. He and Varela, 25, decided to apply the craft cocktail culture to coffee and figured downtown Vegas was the perfect place to do it. “We were able to step into this early on,” says Molina. “Part of us coming here and investing so much time and money is that we’re excited about what lies ahead for downtown Vegas.” 40 • APR 2015

Varela agrees. “It’s so fantastic that we’re building up a more local community. We get a great mix of people that come in. The people here in the Arts District have been so welcoming and supportive.” And the clientele is expanding. Varela notes, “The outskirts of Vegas are coming in to see what’s going on. We’ve had a lot of customers from Henderson, Summerlin and Mountain’s Edge. It’s not that far, actually. It’s only about 15 minutes.” Along with fair-trade, organic beans and a small but innovative menu, the ambiance has helped Makers & Finders become a hotspot in the few months it’s been open. The space is comfortable yet chic — and a bit irreverent. There’s a shaded patio for cappuccino and conversation alfresco. Inside, a cushy

plantains instead of hash browns. All the coffee is brewed to order using a V60 pour-over station and a La Nuova Era espresso machine. Taking another cue from cocktail culture, Varela has developed specialty lattes with unexpected ingredients like sea salt, clove and other herbs. “We started off with the lavender; I love lavender; I love the scent. No one ever expects it with coffee. It’s the best seller. The sage has also sold really well.” It all starts with the beans, though, as Varela and Molina learned in South America. They know they’ve gotten it right when a customer ditches the milk and sugar after trying their coffee black. “We all get a sense of accomplishment when someone says ‘I don’t want cream anymore,’” notes Varela. “We had an older couple come in from New York City, and the gentleman told us it was one of the best cups of coffee he’s ever had,” Molina reports, grinning. “It says a lot about taking a little interest and time in how you handle your beans.” Molina sums it up this way: “We do it with intent and a true care for detail. That’s where we’ve been able to flourish. We have a true passion, and we’re more than happy to help everyone discover what a terrific place downtown is.”■

©Elisabeth Daniels

black couch rests against a lemon yellow wall adorned with a goat’s head eating berries. The words, “It’s good to be here,” are stenciled on a ceiling duct, and miniature succulents in mason jars give each tabletop a pop of green. With free Wi-Fi, outlets under the bar and a social table for groups, it’s a suitable hangout for freelancers and students. Full-service dining makes it a great place for brunch or an extended lunch meeting. Makers & Finders is known for its chorizo Brussels sprouts, a modern twist on old-school veggies — with crispy onions, sautéed mushrooms and grilled shrimp. For an Old Vegas experience, there’s the Elvis Press: a grilled peanut butter and banana sandwich with bacon and Nutella, sprinkled with powdered sugar. It comes with a side of sliced fresh fruit to make you feel more virtuous. The omelets are generous and served with crispy

Makers & Finders 1120 S. Main St. Las Vegas, NV 89104 For more information 702.586.8255 | They are open Monday – Saturday from 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. APR 2015 •



restaurant R E V I E W


@ The Arts Factory By DS Madison


t the crossroads of Casino Center Boulevard, South Art Way and Charleston Boulevard lies Bar+Bistro. Inside the building you will find another intersection, an intersection full of flavor. The diverse menu is a reflection of the restaurant. Bar+Bistro offers inviting and spacious dining. The outside patio can accommodate large parties and equally provide an intimate atmosphere for couples near the fire pits. Being located in the Arts District, the creative front dining room has cobblestone floors with high-back booths and tables made from large paint palettes. The main dining area’s seats are a mixture of booths and wrought iron chairs. Designs from local artists adorn the walls. The oil paintings, portraits and sculptures are for sale and rotate every three months. The “bar” section of Bar+Bistro has an extensive line of fine bourbons and whiskeys. The low cocktail tables are constructed from various street signs. One was made from a stop sign. During my lunch with friends, everyone with me was welcomed by friendly servers Christian and Ivan. Both made suggestions and guided guests through the menu explaining the daily specials and the ability to customize the orders. Some of the dining highlights include garlic shrimp ($13), Cuban pannis ($13) and white bean saffron rice ($20) among others. The choices created by Chef Fernando Perez use the freshest ingredients to produce his version of fusion food from the confines of his small kitchen. The menu is simple but sprinkled with unexpected twists. The artichoke dip ($12) has artichoke hearts blended with cheese, chorizo and panko breadcrumbs. The dish was served piping hot with a bubbly cheesy crust perfect for the accompanying fried plantain chips. The tapas menu has shrimp mofongo ($13) prepared with mashed plantains seasoned with sweet roasted

42 • APR 2015

Grassroots is located at

123 S. Sixth Street, Suite 160 Las Vegas, NV 89101 702.560.5444 They are open Monday-Saturday: 7:00a.m.-Close For more information please visit:

peppers and a citrus sauce reduction. Topped with sautéed garlic shrimp this is an authentic Caribbean meal and highly recommended. The side dishes could be meals themselves. The macaroni & four cheese ($11) is cooked until tender and smothered in a creamy cheese sauce. The house-made cheese sauce has Cotija, smoked Gouda, white cheddar and fontina cheeses. The appropriate garnish? More cheese! A Parmesan crisp adds another taste and texture. This is a cheese lover’s dream come true. The chile rellenos ($13) is a non-fried interpretation of the classic. It is prepared with roasted pica peppers stuffed with a vegetable medley of black beans, carrots and herbs and served with vegan mozzarella cheese and romesco sauce. This dish is an

diner describing the bread pudding and commenting, “I will come here just for this,” that was what I ordered. The white chocolate bourbon bread pudding ($8) is a generous portion of rich brioche bread combined with vanilla bean custard. The crusty bread pudding is covered with bourbon sauce and garnished with fresh whipped cream and fresh berries. The overall impression of Bar+Bistro is an eclectic but comfy feel. Bar+Bistro is a gathering spot that will more than satisfy anyone that wants to relax and experience great food in our great city.■

©Ivan Quiroz

exceptional option for gluten free and vegan preferences. Manager (or as his business card reads “Ring Master/Lion Tamer”), Tony Caterine, explained that while the menu is gluten free and vegan friendly, a wide variety is available for all. As an example, he pointed out the Pig-Pork-Cow Burger ($18) with an all beef patty, chorizo and pancetta served with sweet potato or house fries. Another popular dish is the paella ($15) combining clams, mussels, shrimp, chorizo, calamari and chicken. Under the entrée menu is the herb-roasted chicken ($23) served with mashed potatoes, fresh pineapple salsa and a sangria reduction. Desserts are also spectacular. The hand-produced ice cream/ sorbet selection ($8) changes weekly. As an example, my recent visit featured avocado ice cream. However, upon hearing a fellow

Bar+Bisto 107 E. Charleston Blvd., #155 Las Vegas, NV 89104 For more information 702.202.6060 | They are open 11 a.m.–10 p.m. daily

APR 2015 •





Longbar at The D By Charlene Sands


nstead of celebrating yearly anniversaries, the D Hotel and Casino commandeers giant blowout annual grand openings with anything from treating their best guests, family and friends to private Stone Temple Pilot concerts to VIP cabanas at Life is Beautiful. It is very clear that they don’t do anything small. Especially not their casino bar, Longbar. But, as they say, it’s not how long the bar is, but what you do with it that makes it special. LongBar at The D stretches over 1,000 square feet in length, seats up to 34 with 30 plus poker machines lining its three-foot granite bar and 15 70-inch Sharp flat-screen TVs grace the walls behind it. And those are just the numbers; Longbar has what you need where it counts too. A mere four years ago there was nothing but a wall where Longbar now stands. Since then, they’ve managed to make a truly unique experience. Surrounding the bar is a particularly convivial gaming pit. If you swivel your chair around, you’ll find every table game you could want with lively go-go dancers perched all around keeping the party going, if that’s in fact what keeps the party going for you. Bands from Rihanna to Haim blare over the speakers, a very rare casino experience for downtown Las Vegas. Never fear though, if you’re looking for a more quiet and relaxed environment, all you need to do is venture upstairs, and you’ll find a rather old-school gambling hall, filled with slot machines and this writer’s personal favorite gambling game, the vintage Derby Horses game track. But back to the important stuff. Longbar physically stands just a few yards from the Fremont Street Experience. You can literally see the LCD canopy screen from the last few seats at the end of the bar. Everywhere you look something is happening. Don’t see the game you’re looking for playing behind the bar? That’s alright. Simply request it, and the bartenders will change it to whatever game you’re after. Except if, say, a Detroit game is on. Say the Lions, Tigers or Red Wings (oh my!) happen to be playing: expect it to be well-understood chaos. 44 • APR 2015

Many answers are given when one asks what the D in The D stands for. “Downtown” Las Vegas is suggested. So is “Derek” Stevens, the owner and CEO of The D. But the one assumed meaning that stands above the rest is “Detroit.” Which actually happens to be Stevens’ hometown and is what really is behind the reasoning for such raucous and electric viewings of said Detroit games. During those times the bar is guaranteed to be rowdy and full of folks with vested interest in the action. If you don’t find yourself to be a Detroit affiliate, maybe some flare bartending is more your speed. At any given moment, one of the many destination bartenders may just sporadically burst into some of those mystifying flare feats. There are no set times for these guys though, it’s on a when-the-moodstrikes basis, as to avoid a forced and static atmosphere. Not

should be considered a “Choose Your Own Adventure” of the bloody mary variety. With 13 different alcohols between tequila, gin and vodka as well as 32 garnishes ranging from pickles to pepperoni to choose from, the possibilities are endless. Nearly every popular liquor, liqueur and spirit can be found behind Longbar’s bar. On top of that, there are 40 draft beers to pick from, including several craft beers that are also available for player comps! Whoever you are, there is something to bring you to Longbar. I tried our very first Jameson green tea at Longbar, and let’s just say this is my new favorite beverage and that amongst all the other fun it’s going to bring me back for sure.■

Images courtesy of The D

only that, but most of the bartenders have a decade or more of experience under their belt and can make you anything from a cosmo to a mai tai and everything in between. The term “destination bartender” is an accepted moniker for those behind the Longbar and speaks to the impeccable service, fun environment, great entertainment and the way in which they treat their guests. In the same way an attraction or luxury hotel is a destination, the Longbar bartenders are essentially an institution within themselves, and their upbeat customer interaction brings guests back over and over again. Girls, games and flare, what else could you need? A bloody mary? Well, come and visit the Longbar at The D on Sundays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and partake in “Sunday Bloody Sunday.” During Sunday Bloody Sunday you’ll be able to enjoy what

Longbar is located Inside The D Hotel and Casino 301 Fremont St. Las Vegas, NV 89101 For more information 702.388.2400 | They are open 24 hours a day APR 2015 •




Contact 702.719.5100 for information



Residents, Employees, Zappos Employees


46 • APR 2015


events calendar Daily Events

Matilda & Patrick’s Ja-Makin’-Me-Laugh This unique show combines original standup comedy with the ancient arts of ventriloquism and puppetry. Laugh-filled audiences will enjoy the multicultural show highlighting the sexy, sassy and vibrant observations of this hip comedienne. location: The D Las Vegas Showroom time: 2:30 p.m., except Fridays Marriage Can Be Murder Las Vegas’ #1 Murder-Mystery Dinner Show! Be a part of the mystery, be a part of the fun! location: The D Las Vegas Showroom time: 6:15 p.m.

April 1 Wednesday

Bingo and Beers Come drink and play on the first Wednesday of every month. Purchase a drink and get bingo cards for the chance to win a variety of prizes. location: Banger Brewing time: 5 p.m. Norie Sato Seattle artist Norie Sato will discuss the field of public art and her many public projects, four of which have earned the coveted Year in Review Award from Americans for the Arts. She recently received the 2014 Public Art Network Award in recognition of her contributions to the public arts community. location: Historic Fifth Street School time: 6:30 p.m. Geeks Who Drink Test your knowledge and your tolerance at this nerdy and cool, guy-friendly event! location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Karate Karaoke Karaoke and drink specials: $6 beers and shots. location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

April 2 Thursday Preview Thursdays Many galleries and other businesses open their doors so the serious art buyers can beat the crowds and mingle with other art lovers. location: Trifecta Gallery DIY Dinosaur Tail Is your kid obsessed with dinosaurs? Would you like to turn him or her into a Tyrannosaurus Rex with our super cute dino tail? The tail can be attached to the back of pants or even used to decorate chairs for a fun prehistoric birthday party! Admission: $30 location: Stitch Factory time: 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Pub Trivia at Atomic Win bar tabs and prizes every Thursday! location: Atomic Liquors time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m.

Brave Songs, stories and surprises weave a tale of courage, intrepidity and a daring approach to living life. See the show critics have called “nothing short of jawdropping.” location: The Smith Center time: 8 p.m.-10 p.m. Movies in the Park Head to the Downtown Container Park for a FREE feature film presentation! location: Downtown Container Park time: 9 p.m.-11 p.m.

April 3 Friday

First Friday First Friday is celebrated in the Arts District of downtown Las Vegas and celebrates young and established local artists. location: Arts District time: 5 p.m.-11 p.m. more info: Clint Holmes The acclaimed singer named Las Vegas Entertainer of the Year three times, Singer of the Year four times and awarded the Sammy Davis Jr. Foundation award, performs a spell-binding evening of music that’s both live and alive. location: The Smith Center time: 8:30 p.m.

April 4 Saturday

Pink Tutu Ballet Company Portraying the tumultuous and exhilarating adventure that is the career of a professional dancer, “Shinka: The Life Cycle of a Dancer,” pairs original choreography and compositions by renowned composer Grigory Smirnov from Moscow Conservatory and The Julliard School, with spoken word and artworks by the prolific visual artist Cristian Aluas. location: Sammy Davis Jr. Festival Plaza inside Lorenzi Park time: 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Clint Holmes location: The Smith Center time: 8:30 p.m. Nickel Beer Night Come out for drinks and music. Admission: $5 location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 10 p.m.-12 a.m.

April 5 Sunday

Clint Holmes location: The Smith Center time: 2 p.m.

April 6 monday

Boyfrndz Future Death Admission: $5 location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 8 p.m.–12 a.m.

Industry Night No cover, drink specials with TAM card and a night of pure entertainment! location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

April 7 tuesday

Downtown Music Series - How to get your music into T.V, Film and Advertising Ever wondered how to get your catchy jingle or hook into movies, TV shows and commercials? Join us for another panel-style chat with some great industry folks that can provide some answers. location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 6 p.m.-9 p.m. Nickel Beer Night Cheap beer and great people make for the perfect night out! location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-2:30 a.m.

April 8 Wednesday

Geeks Who Drink Test your knowledge and your tolerance at this nerdy and cool, guy-friendly event! location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Karate Karaoke location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

April 9 Thursday

Preview Thursdays Many galleries and other businesses open their doors so the serious art buyers can beat the crowds and mingle with other art lovers. location: Trifecta Gallery Las Vegas Youth Orchestras & Symphonic Band “New Horizons” The Las Vegas Youth Orchestras & Symphonic Band “New Horizons” season finale concert, featuring students from across the Las Vegas Valley. Our Concerto Competition winner will perform a solo piece highlighted in the philharmonic group. All graduating seniors will be recognized for their participation in LVYO. location: The Smith Center time: 6:30 p.m. Battle Born Poetry Slam Two-round slam with $50 cash prize. Admission: $5 location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Pub Trivia at Atomic Win bar tabs and prizes every Thursday! location: Atomic Liquors time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m.

April 10 Friday

Pirate Fest Beers, boats and, of course, everything pirate! Admission: $8-$30 location: Lorenzi Park time: 12 p.m.-7 p.m. APR 2015 •


Panda Bear Tickets: $20 location: Bunkhouse Saloon time: 9 p.m.-1 a.m.

April 11 saturday ROX IN SOX Children’s Music Festival A day of rocking family fun with award-winning children’s music performers, activities and refreshments from food truck vendors. Bring socks, shoes, or a book to donate to kids in need. location: Sammy Davis Jr. Festival Plaza in Lorenzi Park time: 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Pirate Fest location: Lorenzi Park 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Great Vegas Festival of Beer Discover beer like you’ve never done before. Live music, tastings and pairings. 100+ breweries, 300+ craft beers and celebrity chefs! Admission: $40-$50 more info: time: 3 p.m.-7 p.m. Dengue Fever Tickets from $10 to $12 location: Bunkhouse Saloon time: 9 p.m.-2 a.m. Movies in the Park Head to the Downtown Container Park for a FREE feature film presentation! location: Downtown Container Park time: 9 p.m.-11 p.m.

April 12 Sunday

Nickel Beer Night Cheap beer and great people make for the perfect night out! location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-2:30 a.m.

April 20 Monday

April 15 Wednesday

Industry Night No cover, drink specials with TAM card and a night of pure entertainment! location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

Geeks Who Drink Test your knowledge and your tolerance at this nerdy and cool, guy-friendly event! location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Karate Karaoke location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

April 16 Thursday

Preview Thursdays Many galleries and other businesses open their doors so the serious art buyers can beat the crowds and mingle with other art lovers. location: Trifecta Gallery Dan Corson Dan Corson’s artwork straddles the disciplines of art, theatrical design, architecture and landscape architecture. He is particularly interested in green design and new technologies and how these tools can help frame and amplify the natural world and our shifting relationship to it. location: Historic Fifth Street School time: 6:30 p.m. Pub Trivia at Atomic Win bar tabs and prizes every Thursday! location: Atomic Liquors time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m.

Pirate Fest First Friday is celebrated in the Arts District of downtown Las Vegas and celebrates young and established local artists. location: Lorenzi Park time: 10 a.m.-6 p.m.

Benjamin Booker Tickets: $12 location: Bunkhouse Saloon time: 9 p.m.-12 a.m

The Downtown Fiction Come out for music and drinks! Admission: $10-$12. location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 9 p.m.-11:30 p.m.

“Howard Hughes: Footprints in the Desert Sand” – A Chautauqua Presentation by Brian Kral For many Nevadans, the puzzle of Howard Hughes begins with a late-night arrival on a stretcher at the Desert Inn Hotel in 1966, and ends just as mysteriously four years later with his secret departure. Hughes is credited with having legitimized corporate investment in the casino industry. The Humanities on the Road presentation is produced through a partnership between the city of Las Vegas and Nevada Humanities, and supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities. location: Lloyd George Federal Courthouse time: 12 p.m.-1 p.m.

April 13 Monday

Industry Night No cover, drink specials with TAM card and a night of pure entertainment! location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

April 14 Tuesday

Frankie Moreno: Under The Influence Named Las Vegas Headliner of the Year two times running, Frankie Moreno has been wowing audiences from coast to coast with his mix of rat pack glamour, original and classic hits and vintage funk-infused sounds. location: The Smith Center time: 8 p.m.-10 p.m.

48 • APR 2015


April 17 Friday

April 19 Sunday

Psychostick Tickets from $10 to $12 location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 8 p.m.-12:30 a.m.

Built to Spill Tickets from $15 to $20 location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 9 p.m.-11:30 p.m.

april 21 Tuesday

Nickel Beer Night Cheap beer and great people make for the perfect night out! location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-2:30 a.m. WHIRR Come out for music and drinks! Admission: $12. location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 9:30 p.m.-12:30 p.m.

APRIL 22 Wednesday

Geeks Who Drink Test your knowledge and your tolerance at this nerdy and cool, guy-friendly event! location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Karate Karaoke location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

April 23 Thursday

Preview Thursdays Many galleries and other businesses open their doors so the serious art buyers can beat the crowds and mingle with other art lovers. location: Trifecta Gallery Pub Trivia at Atomic Win bar tabs and prizes every Thursday! location: Atomic Liquors time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m.

April 27 Monday

Buck 65 & Astronautalis Tickets from $10 to $15 location: Bunkhouse Saloon time: 9 p.m.-12 a.m. Industry Night No cover, drink specials with TAM card and a night of pure entertainment! location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

April 28 Tuesday

Nickel Beer Night Cheap beer and great people make for the perfect night out! location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-2:30 a.m.

April 29 Wednesday

may 7 Thursday

Karate Karaoke location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

Preview Thursdays Many galleries and other businesses open their doors so the serious art buyers can beat the crowds and mingle with other art lovers. location: Trifecta Gallery

Geeks Who Drink Test your knowledge and your tolerance at this nerdy and cool, guy-friendly event! location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m.

Peach Kelli Pop Tickets from $5 to $7 location: Bunkhouse Saloon time: 9:30 p.m.-11:30 p.m.

Pub Trivia at Atomic Win bar tabs and prizes every Thursday! location: Atomic Liquors time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m.

April 30 Thursday

Pub Trivia at Atomic Win bar tabs and prizes every Thursday! location: Atomic Liquors time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Preview Thursdays Many galleries and other businesses open their doors so the serious art buyers can beat the crowds and mingle with other art lovers. location: Trifecta Gallery

MAY may 1 Friday

First Friday First Friday is celebrated in the Arts District of downtown Las Vegas and celebrates young and established local artists. location: The Art’s District time: 5 p.m. – 11 p.m. more info:

may 4 Monday

ndustry Night No cover, drink specials with TAM card and a night of pure entertainment! location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

may 5 Tuesday

Nickel Beer Night Come out for drinks and music. Admission: $5 location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 10 p.m.-12 a.m.

may 6 Wednesday

Bingo and Beers Come drink and play on the 1st Wednesday of every month. Purchase a drink and get bingo cards and the chance to win a variety of prizes. location: Banger Brewing time: 5 p.m. Geeks Who Drink Test your knowledge and your tolerance at this nerdy and cool, guy-friendly event! location: The Bunkhouse Saloon time: 7 p.m.-9 p.m. Karate Karaoke location: Beauty Bar time: 9 p.m.-3 a.m.



A RESTAURANTS 100 The Beat Coffeehouse G5 520 Fremont St. 702.385.2328 101 Le Thai G5 523 Fremont St. 702.778.0888 102 Triple George Grill F4 201 N. Third St. 702.384.2761

103 Tacos El Gordo J8 1724 E. Charleston Blvd. 702.251.8226

104 Chicago Joe’s E7 820 S. Fourth St.


105 Bar+Bistro D8 107 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite #155 702.202.6060

106 Mundo – A Culinary Haute Spot C5 495 S. Grand Central Pkwy. 702.270-4400 107 Courthouse Bar & Grill E5 330 S. Third St. 702.388-8222 108 City Centre Café F6 375 Lewis Ave. 702.383.4055

110 Viva Las Arepas D10 1616 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Suite #120 702.336.9696

111 Subway G5 600 Fremont St. 702.302.5020 113 Jason’s Deli D3 100 City Pkwy. 702.366.0130

115 Luv It Frozen Custard D10 505 E. Oakey Blvd. 702.384.6452

116 Lola’s: B8 A Louisiana Kitchen

117 C8

241 W. Charleston Blvd. #101 702.227.5652 Casa Don Juan Restaurant 1204 S. Main St. 702.384.8070

118 eat. G5 707 Carson Ave.


119 Du-Par’s F5 Restaurant & Bakery 1 Fremont St. (Inside Golden Gate) 702.385.1906

120 E5

200 Lewis Ave. 702.631.1112

121 El Sombrero Café D7 807 S. Main St. 702.382.9234

124 Big Ern’s BBQ G5 707 Fremont St. (Container Park) 702.834.7845

125 Pop Up Pizza E4 1 Main St. (PLAZA HOTEL) 702.366.0049

126 Denny’s F4 450 Fremont St. (Inside Neonopolis) 702.471.0056

127 Rachel’s Kitchen G5 150 N. Las Vegas Blvd.

(Inside Retail Space at Ogden)

128 Radio City Pizza G5 508 Fremont St.


129 Park on Fremont G5 506 Fremont St.


130 Anthony’s Pizza & Deli E5 321 S. Casino Center Blvd., Suite #125 702.896.0353

131 La Comida G5 100 Sixth St.


1132 Doña Maria's Tamales D8 910 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.382.6538

133 Mingo Kitchen and Lounge 1C8 1017 First St., Suite #180 702.685.0328

134 Bronze Café inside The Center H7 401 S Maryland Pkwy 702.202.3100

207 Hogs & Heifers Saloon F4 201 N. 3rd St., Suite #130


208 Insert Coin(s) G5 512 Fremont St.


209 Vanguard Lounge G5 516 Fremont St.


210 Commonwealth G5 525 Fremont St.


211 Backstage Bar & Billiards G5 601 Fremont St.


136 Nacho Daddy C10 113 N. 4th St.

212 Bunkhouse H6 124 S. 11th St.

138 Vickie’s Diner G4 1700 S. Las Vegas Blvd

213 Don’t Tell Mama G5 517 Fremont St.



140 MTO Café D5 500 S. Main St.


141 O Face Doughnuts G5 124 S. Sixth St. Suite 140

702.476.3223 Search “O Face Doughnuts”

142 Rock ‘N’oodles C8 1108 S. Third St.



702.207.0788 214 Atomic Liquors H5 917 Fremont St. 702.349.2283

215 Velveteen Rabbit C9 1218 S. Main St. (702) 685-9645

216 Gold Spike G5 217 N. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.384.8444

217 Aruba Lounge D9 1215 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 218 Scullery F4 150 N. Las Vegas Blvd.

144 Carson Kitchen F5 124 S. Sixth St.

219 Mingo Kitchen & Lounge C8 1017 S. First St., Suite #180


145 Zaba’s Mexican Grill E4 1 Main St. (PLAZA HOTEL) 702.207.0777

146 VegeNation G5 616 East Carson Ave., Suite #120 702.550.4998

147 Glutton G5 616 East Carson Ave., Suite #110

BARS, LOUNGES & NIGHTCLUBS 200 Downtown Cocktail Room (DCR) G5 111 S. Las Vegas Blvd.

702.880.3696 201 Bar+Bistro D8 107 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite #155 702.202.6060

202 D8 1025 S. First St. 702.489.6339

203 Beauty Bar G5 517 Fremont St., Suite #A


204 Dino’s Lounge D10 1516 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.382.3894

205 Banger Brewing F4 450 Fremont St. Suite 135 702.456.2739

206 The Griffin G5 511 Fremont St. 702.382.0577

702.910.2396 Search “Scullery”


220 Inspire Theater F4 501 Fremont St.

702.910.2388 221 Hop Nuts Brewing C8 1120 S. Main St., Suite #150 702.816.5371

RETAIL SHOPS, BOUTIQUES & SALONS 400 Coterie G5 515 Fremont St.

702.685.7741 Search “Coterie Downtown”

401 Globe Salon E7 900 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Suite #130 702.938.4247

414 Hillary Salon C8 107 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite #250 702.525.1053

415 Inside Style C8 1119 S. Main St.

702.399.1100 416 Nature’s Element D7 817 S. Main St. 702.521.0725

417 Photo Bang Bang C10 224 E. Imperial Ave. 702.518.7427

419 Williams Costume Co. D9 1226 S. Third St. 702.384.1384


422 Rogue Toys E7 616 Las Vegas Blvd S.

702.330.3945 423 Don Vicente Cigars Intl. E7 624 Las Vegas Blvd S. 702.526.3922

424 E7 1106 Fremont St. 702.541.8282

425 D8 1114 S. Casino Center Blvd. Suite 1 426 Savers Thrift Stores G8 1100 E. Charleston Blvd. 702.474.4773


1201 S. Commerce St. 702.331.3172

701 24hr Fitness E3

100 City Pkwy., Suite #160 702.824.9614

702 FreeStyle CrossFit D6

727 S. Main St. 702.685.5070

HOTEL & CASINOS 800 El Cortez G5

600 Fremont St. 800.634.6703

802 The D Las Vegas F4

301 Fremont St. 702.388.2400

803 Golden Nugget F4

129 Fremont St. 702.385.7111

805 Downtown Grand Las Vegas


409 C10 1421 S. Commerce St. 702.439.3923

410 Freddie Ramon C10 220 E. Charleston Blvd.




J 1


1504 1505




1 S. Main St. 800.634.6575 206 N. Third St. 855.384.7263

806 Oasis at the Gold Spike G4




129 220 128


207 102 805



125 145


HIGH-RISE LIVING 1000 The Ogden G4 150 N. Las Vegas Blvd.








203 101

100 213


111 127 200 141 800 604 144 146 222 147 124 220




108 132





223 602

422 518 517







501 521 523 503 515

426 901





412 133



406 414 1215 1401 1201105 112 425 500 1212 221 415





1216 1214 1211 1203







509 510






520 522









417 1206



110 138

217 Las Vegas Blvd. 888.734.8503




11 A




1102 Nevada School of the Arts F6 401 S. Fourth St., Suite #125



6th Street Workspace 317 S. Sixth St. 702.534.3804


The Las Vegas HackerSpace 117 N. Fourth St.

103 Fremont East Studios G4

104 G4

221 N. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.463.9029

300 N. Las Vegas Blvd. Suite 120 702.476.5552

105 Writers Block H5

1020 Fremont St. #100 702.550.6399

ART STUDIOS 520 Fremont St. 702.385.328 1201 Arts Factory C7 107 E. Charleston Blvd. 702.383.3133 G5




100 Emergency Arts


508 1209 504 502 505

SCHOOLS 1100 Las Vegas Academy G6 315 S. 7th St.







G5 1002

219 404 1213 1204 413


101 Work In Progress -




1002 E7 353 E. Bonneville Ave.





1101 9th Bridge Early Development I5 310 S. Ninth St.







107 120


1001 E7 900 S. Las Vegas Blvd.

1003 D7 200 Hoover Ave.


216 102 126 205 127 136 119 218 1000

303 304




103 806 803 802





412 Gaia Flowers C8 6 E. Charleston Blvd.

495 S. Main St. 702.229.6011 901 Veteran’s Village D5 1150 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.624.5792











HUMAN SERVICES 900 Las Vegas City Hall D5

700 Real Results Gym

406 Josephine Skaught Hairdressing D8 1025 S. First St. Suite 165 407 Cowtown Guitars D7 1009 S. Main St.




804 Plaza Hotel & Casino



421 Let Me Nail You F7 514 Bonneville Ave.

404 Vexed By Design C8 1017 First St., Suite #185 702.275.7141




143 The Goodwich G5 1516 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Suite A 702.910.8681

413 Happy Panda Toys C8 107 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite #105A


1202 Amanda Harris Gallery 900 S. Las Vegas Blvd., Suite #150 E7


1203 Art Square C7 1025 S. First St.

Las Vegas, NV 89101 1204 Gainsburg Studio, Inc. C7 1039 S. Main St. 702.249.3200 1206 Blackbird Studios C10 1551 S. Commerce St., Suite #A


1207 Selah (an art studio) G7 509 S. Seventh St.


1209 City of the World C9 1229 S. Casino Center Blvd.


1211 Downtown Contemporary Gallery C8 at artSquare

1025 First St., Suite #145 702.358.7022 1212 Pinup Pointe Art Gallery C8 4 E. Charleston Blvd. 702.302.7878 1213 RTZ Vegas C8 1017 S. First St., Suite #195 702.592.2164 1214 Ryan Williams Art Gallery C8 1025 S. First St.


1215 Sin City Gallery C8 107 E. Charleston Blvd., Suite #100

702.608.2461 1216 Jana's Red Room C8 135 E. Charleston Blvd. 1217 Desert Art Supply 2003 E. Charleston J8


RECURRING EVENTS 1300 First Friday Main Hub C9 Casino Center Boulevard

Between Colorado Street & California Street 1301 Downtown3rd Farmers Market 300 Block of North Main Street F4 Directly Next To The Mob Museum

ENTERTAINMENT 1400 The Smith Center 361 Symphony Park Ave. C5


1401 Art Square Theater 1025 S. First St. C8

702.308.8087 220 Inspire News Cafe 501 Fremont St. F4 702.910.2388

MUSEUMS & ATTRACTIONS 1501 The Mob Museum 300 Stewart Ave. F4


1502 Old Las Vegas Fort H1 500 E. Washington Ave. 702.486.3511 1503 Discovery Children’s B7 Museum

360 Promenade Pl. 702.382.3445

1504 Natural History Museum H2 900 N. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.384.3466 1505 The Neon Museum H2 770 N. Las Vegas Blvd.


ANTIQUE ALLEY 500 Retro Vegas C8 1131 S. Main St. 702.384.2700 501 Amberjoy's Vintage Closet C8 1225 S. Main Street 702.825.2020 502 C8


1310 S. Main St. 702.384.8463 508 The Funk House D9 1228 S. Casino Center Blvd. 702.678.6278 509 Glam Factory Vintage D9 211 E. Colorado Ave. 702.443.0131 C9

510 Gypsy Den D9 213 E. Colorado Ave. 702.684.1628 511 Western Gypsy in the D9 Kangaroo Court 1306 S. Third St. 702.868.3302 513 C8

1300 S. Main St., Suite #110 702.331.4660

505 Desert Buddha C9 1300 S. Main St., Suite #120 702.383.1008

1112 S. Commerce St. 702.366.7030

514 Sin City Pickers C10 10 W. Wyoming Ave. 702.366.9166 515 C9

516 D9

517 F7

518 F7

1227 S. Main St. 702.539.0799 1304 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.300.2476 625 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.382-1882 630 S. Las Vegas Blvd. 702.464.3299


1422 Western Ave. 702.384.4922 520 Main Street America 1400 S. Main St. C9 702.476.1400 B9

521 B9

1216 S. Main St. 702.877.3000

522 Laura’s Treasures C9 1411 S. Main St. 702.772.1744 523 Buffalo Exchange C8 1209 S. Main St. 702.791.3960

LEGAL SERVICES 1600 Craig P. Kenny & Associates G7 501 S. Eight St.


HEALTH & WELLNESS 1700 Dr. Azimi DDS E8 820 S. Seventh St.


1701 Turntable Health G5 701 Bridger Ave., Suite #150


COFFEE SPOTS 100 The Beat Coffeehouse 520 Fremont St. G5 702.385.2328 500 Starbucks F5

1300 S. Main St.. 702.776.6222

503 Armstrong’s Emporium C9 1228 S. Main St. 702.366.1995 504


300 S. Fourth St. #7 702.759.3426

220 Inspire News Cafe

501 Fremont St. 702.910.2388 221 Makers & Finders Coffee C8 1120 South Main St., Suite #110 702.586.8255 . Black Cup 222 The G5 707 Fremont St., Suite #1050 702.527.7599 223 PublicUs H6 1126 Fremont Street 702.331.5500 F4

602 Cake World Bakery I5

220 N. Maryland Pkwy. 702.471.7111 603 White Cross Market C10 1700 S. Las Vegas Blvd. (702) 382.3382

604 The MARKET G5

611 Fremont St. 702.586.3401

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