SLICES Photography and design by Dušan Zidar
All photographs in this book were created on a trip around the Greek mainland and coastline, as a part of “GREECE Monochrome” project.
Special thanks to: Assistant - Tanja Štefanič, Contributors: Aleš Pirc, Boštjan Uran
Front cover: Megara, Tri-x 800iso, caffenol CL
More on project at my BLOG 2015 All rights lie with the artist. No part of the material published in “SLICES” may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any other information storage, without prior permission from the artist.
Back cover: Patras, Tri-x 800iso, caffenol CL
"Photograph is like a slice of space-time continuum. From different point of view in present time every slice is unique."
Dušan Zidar
Patras, Tri-x 800iso, caffenol CL
Patras, Tri-x 800iso, caffenol CL