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Captain’s Message

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Golf & Tournaments

Golf & Tournaments



Dear Members,

I hope you have enjoyed a restful summer and welcome back to those who have been travelling.

The UAE golf season is almost upon us and there are a number of golfing events to look forward to through to the end of the year with a few special events in the making. We will also be running a ‘CaptainPro Challenge’ for those who wish to take on myself or Beatrice and Mike Major (or one of the professionals). Details of the format and how to challenge us will be released soon. As you may have seen, the golf course maintenance team has had a busy summer and have made big strides in tackling the paspalum and crab grass growth, alongside various other works and tree planting. The heavy summer maintenance works are now paying off and there are different challenges to master with the extension of several green side fringes and runoff areas, which has received positive feedback.

Some may have also noticed a marked reduction in the grain on the greens, which will likely make for friendlier putting statistics. Here’s to low scoring this season!

The coming months will also see the commencement of this seasons UAE Scratch League, where our mens team will be looking to rekindle form of past years after narrowly missing out on the knock-out stages of the event last year. Best of luck to the team.

Best Wishes,

Max Burrow

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