Putting In - Summer Issue #9

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Editor: Paula Savage

Summer - Issue # 9

Editorial, by Paula Savage….. The temperatures are soaring, summer is well and truly here and so we come to the end of another successful and fabulous golf season here at Dubai Creek. As you will see from our golf round up, these past couple of months have been very busy competition wise and despite the heat, all competitions have boasted full fields of competitors. Often this is due to the wonderful sponsorship Stephen Hubner and his team are able to attract. Our sponsors are too numerous to mention by name here, but each round up does mention them and I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of them for their generous support of our events. Another major factor of the competitions success, I feel, is the great camaraderie we have here at Dubai Creek amongst the members. What better way is there to spend a weekend than on our gorgeous Creek course, followed by a couple of social hours in LakeView reliving what might have been if only you hadn’t hooked/ shanked/topped (delete as appropriate) your tee shot on the 18th hole?! Speaking of LakeView, great changes are planned as we speak. A major refurbishment is being carried out this summer to enhance our experience at our favourite 19th hole. The Club will keep you posted of developments. I’m sure you will agree that the Creek course was truly magnificent over the whole of the winter months. Obviously now that the hotter weather has arrived, the course has gone into transition again and quite aggressively in some areas. But, I’ll leave our Head Green Keeper Matt Perry to explain exactly what is happening and what we can expect over the next couple of months. Matt and his team deserve huge congratulations for maintaining the course all year round, so please don’t be giving him a hard time! Although competition season has quietened down, there is still plenty happening here at the Creek both on and off the course. Now may be a good time to discover the gym and get fit for the new season? Perhaps a few lessons in the swing room with our team of top professionals? Or maybe just sit back and sample some of the wonderful food and beverage promotions that are on offer. So all that remains from me for this issue is to wish you all a pleasant summer, wherever your travels may take you, and I look forward to seeing you back in the swing come September.

Dubai Golf Summer Series

Open to all golfers with a valid handicap, the competition is an individual stableford with full course handicap allowance. Participants are able to enter just one event or all four, however to compete for the overall prize a minimum of three scores must be recorded, individual prizes supplied by Titleist will also be awarded at each event. The player with the highest points tally over their best three rounds wins the series. Entries close a week before each corresponding fixture date, entries will only be confirmed as accepted after the closing date of each event.


Majlis Course, Emirates Golf Club Saturday 11th July 1.30pm shotgun



Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club Saturday 27th June 2pm shotgun



To register for the 2015 Dubai Golf Summer Series please contact cgolfoffice@dubaigolf.com or visit www.dubaigolf.com to download an entry form.


Tournament fee per event: Visitor

AED 375


AED 275

Dubai Golf Summer Golf Pass Holder

AED 275

Dubai Golf Member

AED 175

Member / Junior

AED 125

Tournament fee also includes post tournament snacks or on course BBQ

Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club Saturday 15th August 2pm shotgun


Registrations for the 2015 Dubai Golf Summer Series are now open. Challenge yourself in what is guaranteed to be an exciting competition over four exciting fixtures on the championship courses at Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club and Emirates Golf Club.


Faldo Course, Emirates Golf Club Saturday 29th August 2pm shotgun

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